Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 09, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    April 9, 1043
Former IUildonia H-Mn.
llulnlo HurtoKvr o( Prospect
mid Mm, llmiKim of Anil liind,
formerly of Kliiinulli KiiIIh, worn
In town thla wi'ck on lliuir wuy
to San Francisco, wlioro Mrs.
llorloger will vlnll liur cliiiiuh
tor Elalu, welder In tho wur
liuUiHt rli'ii. Bho oxpccta to bo
nwuy from homo until Miiy, but
Mrs. Hcnsoii will return to Ash
land In n fcW (liiys.
8quar Dane There will be
n "Cowboy" aciuiiro dunce ut the
Klka club thla Hiiturcliiy nlKht for
Klka unci thulr Indies. Munition
ti rid their wlvoa uro naked to
come In upproprlnto coaliima if
po.tNiblo, und Instruction in tho
"awInK your partner" routlnoa
will tm Klven from 0 until 10.
with diinchiic to continue until
Unit . Mooti Tho Uonunzii
LiiiikcII Valley extension unit
will meet Tucaday, April 13, for
an all day meotluu at tho homo of
Mrs. Kind Huei'k. The lunch
eon will bo politick. Mia. Wlnnl
find Cillon will dlacuaa "Care of
Klectrlcal Kqulpmcnt In the
Homo." All Indies In tho com
munity nro Invited,
Viilli Briefly Mitchell
(Mike) Johnaon, one of Klnm
nth'a hoya In service, paaacd
throuKh thla city thla week and
Mopped off over nlijlit to visit
frleuda und rolatlvca. Ho baa ro
eelved hla whins, and waa on
hla way from San Antonio, Tex.,
to Son DIcko, Calif.
Ill Mr. Kathleen Hepburn
of Cnl-Oro underwent a minor
surRlcnl operation on Friday,
and will go to tho home of Mr.
and Mra. W. L. Heifer, 1033
Molroao atreot, for her conva
leacencc. Family Reunion Mr, aiid
Mra. John Peck of Klamath
Folia are spending the winter at
712 North Santa Anita avenue,
In Arcadia, Calif. They recent
ly enjoyed a family reunion with
members of Peck'a family.
Final Card Party Tho , last
card party of tho scries spon
sored by Thota Rho will be held
Saturday, April 10, at 7:30 p. m.,
in tho IOOF hall. The public la
cordially Invited to attend.
Judgements Given
In Taxi Accident
MARTINEZ, Collf., April 9
(IP) Two Corvallla, Ore., young
women held Judgments totalling
$22,000 today as a result of In
juries Incurred when a taxi and
a Santa Fe freight train collid
ed in nearby Richmond laat Oc
tober 3.
Mrs. Esther Trenholm, 17,
and Mrs. Ellen Jeffrey, 18, wore
awarded $7000 and $15,000 re
spectively, by a superior court
Jury of six men and six women
last night.
Dynamite Cargo
Washes Ashore
(P) Tho navy announced today
that a small schooner had brok
en up out.sldo the entrance, to
San Francisco harbor, and that
soma boxes of dynamite, part of
Its cargo, wcra drifting ashore
on tho beach along the great
highway. Tho schooner' sank
several days ago. There was no
loss of ltfo.
Courthouse Records
I. Simpson, 30, construction
work. Native of Elliott, Ia resi
dent of Klamath Falls. Lcla
Maurlno Vollicr, 31, waitress.
Native of Nebraska, resident of
Klamuth Falls.
Benton, 64, lumbering. Native
of Monton, Calif,, resident of Mt.
Shu.stu, Calif, Rona Dart Virtue,
no, registered nurso, Native of
California, resident of San Fran
cisco. Justice Court .
Rudolph Bawer. Overloading
truck. Fined $7.00,
Miilhlas Plntzor, Exceeding
the PUC combined weight rating.
Fined $5.50.
Look Folks!
New Hall
8th and Walnut
Good Muslo and Good ' '
Eagles and Friends
' Let's Qol
Council Moots Tho Block
Louder council met Frlduy noon
ut the defense council headquar
ters at tho chumbnr of commerce
for a luncheon und to complete
pinna of organization,
(Effective Feb. 15, 1843)
Train 18 Bouthboundi 8 p. m.
Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. m.
Train 17 Bouthboundi 7 a, m.
Train 18 Northboundi 10 p. m.
Modford Stage, Westbound, 3i30
p. m Evening Airmail.
Stages to Alturas, Ashland, Lake-
rliw and Rocky Point, 7 a. m.
Rummage Bale The Shasta
PTA will hold a rummage sale
Suturday In tho former location
of Tim's delicatessen on North
Ninth street.
Rummage Sale The Metho
dist Ladlea circle, No. 3, will
sponsor a rummaga salo Satur
day, April 10, ut tho Pelican
hotel building, 1010 Main street.
Police Reserves The Police
Reserves will drill Sunday at
11 a. m, at the city hull.
: 1
Community Congregational
"Ho Unllrcs My Heart," o
sermon based on the 23 rd
Psalm, Is tho theme of Rov. Eu
gene V. Huyncs as ho speaks ut
tho 11a. m. service of worship
Sunday. Guest soloist at this
sorvlco will bo Mrs. Francis
Dolyea as she sings "My
Prayer," by Hathaway. The
choir under tho direction of
Mrs. H. W. Mooro will sing aa
the offertory, "In the Hour o(
Trial," by Montgomery.
Church school meets at 0:45
a. m.
Comrades of the Way meet
at 8 p. m.
Tho Young Adult fellowship
meets at 6:45 p. m. In the com
munity hall for a potluck sup
per and evening of fellowship.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schcndel
aro In charge of tho program
and dinner. Young adults of the
community are cordially Invited
to attend.
Tho church Is located on Gar
den avenue between East Main
and Martin streets.
Sprague River
Friends Church
Evert J. Tuning, pastor
Sunday services Sunday
school, 10 a, m.; worship scrv
Ice, 11 a. m.; evangelistic scrv
Ice, 7:30 p m.
Wednesday, prayer and pralso
service, 8 p. m.
If you havo no- church homo
wo welcome you to worship
with us. Located In Sprague
First Church of Christ,
Tenth and Washington streets.
This church, a brunch of The
Mother church tho First Church
of Christ, Scientist in Boston,
Mass., holds services each Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock.
"Are Sin, Disease, and Death
Real?" will bo tho subject of
tho Lesson -Sermon In all
Churches of Christ, Scientist, on
Sunday, April 11. Tho Golden
AUf Bl BuilFiiTAiirr
n n n w ii r h n v ii in i n i y n e j
The finest Easter finery
you could find!
. llilrt, 11.11
Til $1
IhntU ;io
Hmokirohl.l It
Drew's Manstore
Text will bo "God bo merciful
unto us, und bless us; und cause
hla faco to shlno upon ua; thut
thy wuy may bo known upon
earth, thy auvlng heulth among
all nations" (Ps. 07:1,2).
Among the cltutiona which
will comprise tho Lcason-Her-mon
Is tho following from the
Ulblo: "1, even I, um ho thut
blottoth out thy trunsgrcsslons
for mliio own suke, and will not
remember thy sins. Ha thut Is
our God Is tho God of salva
tion; and unto God tho Lord
belong tho Issues from death"
(Isa. 43:25, Ps. 00:20).
Tho Lesson-Sermon also will
Include tho following correla
tive piiKHUges from the Chris-tluii-Sclcni'o
textbook, "Science
and Heulth with Key to the
Scriptures" by Mary Buker Ed
dy: "All renllty Is In God and
Hla creation, harmonious and
eternal. Thut which Ho creates
Is good, and Ho makes all thut
is made. Therefore tho only
reality of sin, sickness, or death
la tho awful fuct thut unrealities
seem reul to human erring be
lief, until God strips off their
disguise, They ore not true, be
ciiuso they uro not of God" (p.
Sunday school at 0:30 a. m.
A meeting which includes tes
timonies of Christian Science
healing Is held every Wednes
day evening ut 8 o'clock.
A frco Chrlstlun Science read
ing room is located at 1023
Main street, where tho Bible,
writings by Mory Buker Eddy,
and authorized Christian Science
literature may bo read, borrow
ed or purchased.
All ore cordially Invited to at
tend tho services and use the
reading room.
Radio program KFJI, 2 to 2:15
p. m. each Monduy under the
direction of committee on pub
lication for Oregon.
The Salvation Army
400 Klamath avenue.
Mujor and Mrs. Curry will be
In churgo of tho rcgulur serv
ices this coming Sunday, and
they Invito you to any or all of
tho following:
Sunday, 10 a. m. Sunday
school and Biblo classes.
11 a. m. Holiness.
6:30 p. m. Young people's
7:30 p. m. Evangelistic serv
ice. Sulurduys, Tuesdays, Thurs
days, public services, 8 p. m.
A hearty welcome awaits you
at all of these gatherings. Come
and sing tho glorious Gospel
songs that refresh and strength
en. Como end meditate and pray
so that you may be ablo to face
tho tremendous problems of Ufa
theso troublous days with faith
and Christian fortitude.
Tho Pelican City lntcrdononv
(national Sunday school, Sun
day 2 p. m.
Church of
Tho loyul congregation of the
Church of Christ meets regu
larly at Shasta school. Bible
classes convene at 10 a. m. The
regular Lord's day service Is at
11 a. m., with tho evening scrv-
lco at 7:30 o'clock. Two hour
bus service is available to the
school on Sundays. This con
gregation should not be con
fused with any other.
Church ol Christ
All members and friends are
extended a special and cordial
invitation to attend tho down
town Church of Christ Sunday
morning services: song service
10 a. m. Bible study, classes,
10:15 a. m.; sermon and wor
ship, 11 a. m.; communion, 11:45
a, m.; evening services, 7:30
o'clock. Located in tho KC hull
over tho Rainbow theatre.'
If It's a "frozen" article you
need, advcrtlso for a used one
In tho classified.
Perhaps you're read about this lea
Hired Easter fashion In The Satur
day throning Post this week. Bui
whether you did or not you should
drop in and see It.
The handsomely tailored ahlrl
combines the season's two most
Important fashion ideas a : parch-,
moot tone's and corded cluster
(tripes. Keyed to It are specially
harmonized Arrow ties, shorts and
handkerchiefs.- A choice of colors
I.. the latest Arrow collar styles;
111 MAIN
Statement of Mayor John
Houston for Opening of
Second War Loan Drive
As mayor of Klamath Falls, I ask my fellow citizens to Join
to the full extent of your financial ability in the treasury de
partment's second war loan campaign which opens April 12.
I feel sure that when the final returns aro in, our commu
nity will stand high among cities and towns of our size and
resources in the country for our accomplishments In this great
patriotic drive.
Tho government Is asking the people of this country to
lend 13 billion dollars to help prosecute this war. All of us
know how vital this money Is In our common cause. We havo
sent our fathers, sons, brothers and friends off to fight. We
must provide the money to put the finest weapons and oilier
munitions In their hands so thut they can end this war as
quickly as possible.
The second war loan campaign Is more than a mere transfer
of our money to the government for a period at good interest
rules. It Is a demonstration of our will to victory ond our
desire to back up our men on the fighting lines. The treasury
department has recognized this basic aspect of the second war
loan campaign by offering a scries of securities designed for
every pocketbook.
There are the familiar war bonds, tax certificates, and
other long term and short term securities. Democracy never
lias given a finer axamplc of Its strength than in this forth
coming second war loan appeal. Workingman and business
man, professional man and industrialist, housewife and war
worker all may send their dollars off to fight alongside our
If there ever was a time when we should as a community
sound a patriotic note in a public undertaking it is in this
campaign. And so I ask everyone homes, businesses, factories,
stores, schools and public buildings to display the flag on
April 12.
Let us all take to our hearts the theme of this campaign:
"They Give Their Lives, You Lend Your Money."
SALEM, April 9 UP) Thirty
one Oregon counties were al
lotted $200,007 by the stato de
partment today, the mon(!y being
25 per cent of the receipts from
forest reserve rentals in those
counties during the year ended
June 30, 1942.
Amounts apportioned to coun
ties: Baker $5257, Benton $228,
Clackamas $5225, Coos $874,
Crook $2064, Curry $6025, De
schutes $5596, Douglas $15,311,
Grant $41.298, Harney $14,591.
suffer mm WAT
Have a
Ideal, too, for bath,
roomt, furniture, garden
tools and lawn furniture.
2324 South Sixth Stretft
Hood River $1990, Jackson
$8485, Jefferson $1060, Jose
phine $4398. .
Klamath $15,007, Lake $15,
722, Lane $18,112, Lincoln
$3562, Linn $9319, Malheur $46,
Marlon $3484, Morrow $497,
Multnomah $625, Polk 100, Tilla
mook 2008, Umatilla $1465, Un
ion $3101, Wallowa $6583, Was
co $1998, Wheeler $758, Yam
hill $602.
Fewer men are tied to the
wife's apron strings these days
because fewer wives have time
to wear aprons.
Since the making of the first
telephone In 1874, about 17,000
improvements have been made
to the instrument.
kitchen you'll
to work in!
Home Lumber
PABCO 'ass.
Easy-to-lay, thick-butt strips . . 1
Home CAN BE Warmer in Winter-and Cooler in Summer-With
See us now about JM Rockwool or Red Top Insulating Glass Wool
Home Lumber Has NO
Glaii ;
Oak Flooring
Chromium Cupboard Hardware
Tho body of C.A.P. Wallace
Walton Hopkins, naval air squad
ron commander and son of Mr.
and Mrs. S..B. Hopkins, 122 Hill
side avenue, has been located
near the spot in Puget Sound
where his' plane cracked up the
morning of February 8. Mr. and
Mrs. Hopkins and their children
will attend the services to be
held Monday afternoon from the
Homo Funeral parlor In Seattle
with interment in Evergreen
Washclll cemetery with full mili
tary honors.
Details of the crash were
learned here this week. Young
Hopkins was voluntarily assist
ing a crow, not under his com
mand, but in need of a navigator.
He had the reputation for help
fulness and in the emergency of
fered his services to assist the
crew in blind flying training.
It is understood that on this
flight the plane landed with such
force that Hopkins was thrown
from the navigator's seat Into
the water. The aviation me
chanic was also killed instantly.
Six men were aboard the plane,
tho other four rescued by a navy
plane from the home base.
Wallace Hopkins was a mem
ber of the First Presbyterian
church and a gold star in his
memory will be the first to be
placed on the local church flag.
His father is an honored elder
of the church.
The Allamont Community
Presbyterian church held its an
nual meeting Tuesday of this
week. Reports were given for
the church by the pastor, Rev.
Hugh T. Mitchelmore, the Sun
day school, Missionary society,
choir, Sigma Pi Young People's
society. Junior CE trustees, and
building committees. All or
ganizations showed a healthy
condition with bills paid and bal
ances in the treasuries. The
Xou can't buy a new home these days. .. so take good
care of the one you've got. One of the best ways to prevent
that "RUN-DOWN", look is adequate paint protection. Let
us supply you with the paints you need, or put you in touch
with a reliable paint contractor. , .
The All-Purpose paint
for every surface!
It's the "professional"
paint you can use easily
... on wood, concrete,
metal, stone, stucco or
brick . . . Indoors or out I
and Supply Co. Can
Lime v
Garden Toots
Manse Is being completed to pro
vide a study for tho pastor un
til tho church building can pro
vide that room. The church
building U at a standstill until
the emergency Is over as sup
piles cannot be secured.
The church appreciates the op
portunity to continue its Sun
day school and morning worship
in tho Junior high school build
ing. The Sunday school Is run
ning from 125 to 130 in attend
ance. The Katherine Beattle
Missionary society not only met
its apportionments to Presby
ter la 1 but made an additional
thank offering of $25. They
sent 21 packages to men in the
forces and 12 to men overseas at
an average cost of $1.25, besides
gave $115 in cash and 75 pieces
of clothing to the Children's
Farm Home in Corvallla and
furnished 100 dozen cookies to
the Service club, six quilts to
the Red Cross. In all they gave
to 22 projects.
Elders reelected were A. C.
Olson, Fred Meeker and Harry
Beardsley. R. H. Lamott was
elected to fill a vacancy on the
board of trustees. A, C. Olson
was reelected Sunday school sup
erintendent. '
Oil Consumers
May Fill Tanks
During Summer
Representative Holmes (R-Wash.)
has learned that fuel oil con
sumers in the northwest may
have their tanks filled this sum
mer and that plans are being
worked out to that end.
Capitol Journal
Halts Comic Page
SALEM, April 9 (IP) The Sa
lem Capital Journal announced
today it has discontinued its
four-page Saturday colored com
ic section for the duration of the
war because of the shortage of
newsprint. The newspaper, how
ever, has added two new daily
comic strips.
No Lorn of Tlmo
PtmuiMiit Rnvlul
Chlropraella PtiysJeJM
m No. 7th Elqulrt Thootro Bids.
Phow 7MJ
If you
Brilliant, long
lasting colors that
defy rot!
Supply You Also With
PART A Mineral
TADvV Surfaced
Roll -Roofing
Lasting Colon Red or Green
on Building Supplies
To Wear With Suit,
Slacks or Skirt
Wkll.i , . colon , . prion, Silllo
olouu . . (Uwle tallorad rtpo.
Ihoorf, cripoi, sottonl. Ilioi II to M.
1 o 2
.To Blend with Your Outfit
oil ploolo4 itMo of tfurtblo outltty
. . eerod modolf. floldt . tpun
ntom . . prlntt. Slut 24 to 10.
- 817 Main
don't vant to
paint your entire house
protect the
Sash &Trim Colors
- Like
Phone 3146 4
-so- ARROW.