HERALD AND. NEWS, KLAMATH FALIS, OREGON April 8, 1!MS tags srr In Paraguay President To Visit Roosevelt ASUNCION, Paraguay, April g (P) President Higinlo Morin- igo has accepted an invitation from President Roosevelt to visit the United States the mid dle of June, It was announced officially today. BUY WAR BONDS BUY WAR BOND1 BUY WAR BONDpg BUY WAR BONr3$1 BUY WAR BO BUY WAR BO BUY WAR B BUY WAR B BUY WAR Bq BUY WAR B BUY WAR BO BUY WAR BCi BUY WAR B BUY WAR. B qu inu, CJ M I if i i I . m I W TOMATO II CATSUP II lit rr wrcI I,t1 i BUY WAR BONDS Y WAR BONDS Y WAR BONDS Y WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS WAR BONDS aways have a second of this VEGETABLt SPECtAL!" VEGETABLE SPECIAL 1 dov garflralnctdtortlmlloromovnt onion) 1 tbip. cooking oil i 1 tbip, butttr or mar gar In ' 2 cups cooked, chopptd spinach or cHor 1 or 2 tggt, boatoit K hp. salt J tbip. C-H-ft Tomato Catsup METHOD: Saute garlic or onion In oil and butler until goTdeiC Remove all but a tiny bit. Stir In mixture of spinach, egg, salt and C'H'B Tomato Catsup. Stir well while cooking. When all is hot and egg Is set, serve at once.' heping Jifferena Davis Guarantees Farmers of High Prices for Crops WASHINGTON, April 8 OP) A guarantee of higher grower prices for five vital protein crops, together with incentive payments for potatoes and truck crops, has been given American farmers by Chester C. Davis, new food administrator, in an ef fort to encourage greatest pos sible production. Replacing a $100,000,000 in centive payment program previ ously proposed by Agriculture Secretary Wickard but blocked by congressional farm bloc op position, the support prices for dry beans, dry peas, peanuts, soybeans and flaxseeds will be established through purchase and loan operations of the com modity credit corporation. In addition, funds already available will be used for incen tive payments at rates previous ly announced by Wickard on po tatoes, carrots, snap beans, lima beans, beets, tomatoes, cabbage, onions and green peas. Five Vital Crops The five crops for which high er prices have been pledged are regarded as vital to the war food program because they yield veg etable food oils and livestock protein feed. In the case of dry beans and peas and soybeans the support prices are higher than present OPA ceilings, but Davis in an nouncing the program yesterday did not say whether an increase In ceiling prices was contem plated. Commodity credit cor poration officials say an alterna tive might be government sale, at a loss, of these products to consumer outlets at prices that DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ARMORY ' i Musio by Baldy's Band Dancing S Till 1 Regular Admission would enable them to comply with ceilings. The new support price for smooth, dry edible peas grown in the northwest was set at $3.63 per 100 pounds for U. S. No. 1 and $5.40 for U. S. No. 2. for carrier at country shipping points. These prices compared with $5.50 for U. S. No. 1 and $5.25 for U. S. No. 2 previously announced. On potatoes, the incentive pay ment will be 50 cents per bush el on the normal yield of that part of the farmer's production between 90 and 110 per cent of his goal. PAUL T. JACKSON TAKES PORT JOB SALEM, Apuil 8 (P) Paul T. Jackson, superintendent of the Chcmawa Federal Indian school since 1936, announced today he has been granted a leave of ab sence to become supervisor of training for the Seattle port of embarkation. Both positions are under fed eral civil service. Before coming here, Jackson was Klamath Falls high school principal for 10 years and for a short time was head of the national youth ad ministration program in Oregon. Courthouse Records Complaints Filed lone Ohles versus Lawrence Ohles. Suit for divorce, charge cruel and inhuman treatment. Couple married in Klamath Falls, November 16, 1935. Ed ward B. Ashurst, attorney for plaintiff. Justice Court Clyde Norman Pentin. Over loading truck and trailer. Fined $20. Jay Newsom. Larceny by bailee. Case dismissed. SALVAGE WEEK PRODUCES TIN C ill Klamath county householders were reminded by the tin can salvage committee today that this is tin can salvage week and they are urtied to turn In col lected cans in the period. There will bo no community wide am collection. Citizens are counted upon to tako their own cans to tho sulvngo depot at Broad and Elm streets. Cans should be prepared be fore they are turned In. They should be clean, tho ends cut out and placed inside, and the cans crushed by stopping on them with tho full weight. A "tin can matinee" will be held at the Esqulro theatre on Saturday morning. Twenty tin cans, properly prepared, will be accepted as admission. No More Smoking On Oregon Busses SALEM, April 8 (?) Smok ing on buses no longer will be permitted, Public Utilities Com missioner Ormond R. Bean said today. lie said ventilating systems on buses were not adequate to handle tobacco smoke during present over-crowded conditions. Wonderful for Skin and Scalp Irritations Effective Home Treatment Promptly Relieves Torture! To quickly boo tho tho Itching, burning of eczema, psoriasis, skin and icalp ir ritations due to external cauo apply odorless liquid Zemo a Doctor for inula backed by 30 years' success. Zemo ALSO aids healing. Being stainless, in visible you can apply Zemo anytime U won't show on skin. Ovor 26,000,000 packages sold! 85, ZEMO mm .. MWMWM SYUP, -,. w. .ant FNV til L. room MAancrs, euiCATittiN real. .OHO, ' "'lllllllll"' - -tin whi Read the Classified Ads DEPEND ON EMU'S Meat For Better Variety. Economical and Nutritious Meat Cuts ... Get the Best for Your Precious Ration Stamps! WE ARE NOW ABLE TO OFFER YOU BETTER QUALITY MEATS AGAIN! Pork Steakshoulder Lb 35c Fancy No. 1 ATf Veal Roast Beef Roast Side Pork Lb. 32c Lb.29c Fresh Lb. 35c POINT FREE VALUES PEANUT BUTTER, Skippy. 1- Lb. Jar 39J PRESERVES, Royal Club. 2- Lb. Jar 63(5 CREAMED HONEY. 12-0. Ctn 29 C PIMENTOS. Frlendi Wood Pickled 6 0. Jar 22 1 FISHER'S BISKIT MIX, Large Pkg 32t SNOWFLAKE CRACKERS. 2-Lb. Box 31 t SHREDDED WHEAT, Kellogg's. Package jjj WHITE ROSE BLEACH, M Cal 195 I HI ncya Half or Whole .... Sirloin Steak BEST Lb. Lb. FOOD POINT VALUES 39c 35c Tuna Whit stsr' 13 Points Noodle Soup Mix "SSL (2 PU. per Pkg.)-Contains Chicken Fat 3 Pkgi. p.... Lane County Taity Cut Green 1 1 ell5 Strinolau. (14 Point.l 19). Tin 136 Stringletf, (14 Pointi) CL.w. Tea Garden In Iti wi UJC guivc (8 Pointi) 32-Oz. Git Grapefruit Juice (? Blended Juice (,kw P!nl CmImmm Withworih Brand. rinK daimon (7 p.jib.. Tin Swift Prem VoTll CliimM Royal Club We jnnmp l3 Pointi) 33c Natural Form. Glut Royal Club PU.). No. 2'i Tin 35C . 25c Wat Pack 0. Tin 35c 29c Wesson Oil SJU'tSL.Mc FRUITS ft VEGETABLES Rhubarb Rogue Riyer Straw- or berry Variety 2Lb.3C Grapefruit Texai Pink, Lge. O0 Siie 3 for'C Oranges Fancy Sunkiit, CO Large Siie Doi, 9lQ Asparagus St Lbi. for ....... 25c Potatoes No. 2'i ...... 10 tbi. 37c CHMWle.:M Pointi) mwnui 3.Lb. Jar 70c Pointi Pricei ( 3 ) Veal Loef. Swlft'i .... '7-Oi. Tin 19 ( 5 ) Mor, WUion'f 12-Ox. Tin 35 (7) Sardines, Booth lS-Ox. Tin 16 ( 6 ). Chicken ft Noodle, Campbell'! lOM-Ox. Tin 14 (6) Chicken Gumbo, Campbell'! lOH-Oi. Tin 14 (24) Tomatoei, Silverdale No. 2 hi Tin 14 ( 5 ) Parkay Oleomargarine Lb. 25 ( 1 ) Swift DeWled Meat, No. U Tin 4 or 23 (14) Corn, Day by Day Brand No. 2 Tin 11 (13) Peai, Meco No. 303 Tin 13 ( 1 ) Clapp'a Baby Food, Strained Tin 7 Sunbrite Cleanier, an All Purpose Cleanser .... 3 Cant 14 Coffee. Golden West 1-Lb. Jar 32 Pancake 8t Waffle Flour. Sperry's S.B-Lb. Bag' 59 Flour. Swansdown, 49-Lb. Bag $2.09; 24M-Lb. Bag $1.05 Milk, Swift's, Oregon and Nestles Case 48 Tall $4.19 Flour, Drifted Bnow 49-Lb. Bag $2.30 -7 The Tan.antswerealreetlv rvtrV minuie removfnff Stntt, rnincdf. t Tri America TheJap.antswereaTreaJy crawling toward him as the paratrooper landed. He turned tohis talkative friend,the"Tommy"gun. "Start talking, Tommy," he said, "anil talk FASTI" Tommy guns can "talk" as fast as 800 rounds of ammunition per minute! When war began, It was serious prob lem whether America could make car tridges faster than the "Tommies" and the machine guns and the Garands could blast them out. Industrial ingenuity and electric power provided the answer! Today, power driven machines turn out 60 cartridge everf minute - removfng etm, imped ing, rejecting keeping pace with the rat-a-tats that are shooting our way to .Victory I Power panes the ammunition! But electric power is doing far, far morel It's helping to produce those Tommy guns, too and tanks, ships, planes t That take a lot of power-end America's got itl Five time more than in the last war mora than all the Axis countries combined have nowl And about seven eighths of all this power is supplied by lh elettric companies under experienced business management. How come we're so much more power u thaiiaU the Axil slave states? Because Ife fri America have been free to do ou obi and do them rtahtl It s matter of pride I American know that freedom in tpirea a man to invent and invest, to devise ind develop! So -when "Tommy" talks -he talks tf freedom! The California Oregon Power Company 0) WAR BONDS TAIK MIT TOO! RATION NOTES Stamp No, 12 S Lbs. Sugar Stamp No. 261 Lb. Coffee