April 8, 1048 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, 0 BEG ON PAGE FTVTS wmm , wfyfrhafm!;fr A I ,n I I L.III IIL.UUUII mm MFN SWELL RED To Return Her Mm. Rich ard M. Uiowu (Gladys i'nrk), in uxpuctod hero Moiiduy to return to II m liomu of her parents, Mr. mid Mm. Harvey D. 1'urk. Mm. Uruwn linn spout tho past 10 weeks with Iter husband who In urvlnu in Ilia 715lh railroad oporutors buttullon lit Cump Kholhy, Miss. On liar way homo Mrs. Brown visited her ulster und lirdtlior-ln ltiw, Mr. unci Mm. II. 1.. lloutz of Sim Francisco. Mm. llotilz, tho former Diilsle Park, owns u dress (hop hi tho Marlnu dintrlct und her husband Is unit control inniitiiiur of Grnnnt broth nrji. Jewelry firm of Sun Francis co nnd Oakland. In Arkansas Or. Peter H. Rozundul, Klamath county health officer, left by train Wednesday inornliiK for Hot .Sprlniis, Ark. J la wait vent there by tho Oregon iitutu board of health to attend a four-week course In venereal disease at tho United States Public Health Hervlco hospital located at Hot Springs. Tho courao begins April VI und termlnutea May H, Itoz endul will return to Klumnth Fulls tho mlddlo of May. Dr. l.huliiron, Lano county hcnlth officer, la also attending tho courao. Unity Center No change will be muda In the mcotlnK pluco of Unity Center aorvlcea oa an nounced Sunday evening. The nwuliir Sunday evening lecture will bo given ua usual In tho ban quet room of tho Elk hotel ut 8 J o clock. All are welcome Rotary Club Mcmbom of Rotary club will meet for lunch con Friday at 12 o'clock ut which time Stato Senator Marshall E Cornett and Representatives Henry Semon and L. H. Craver will have charge of the program. Returns North Clnrk . Wea ver, who haa apent aeverol duya hero vlaltlng hla parents, Mr and Mrs. F. L. Weaver of Au burn atrecl, left for Portland tills week. Accepts Position Mrs. Car dula Eella has accepted a posl' Hon as bookkeeper with the Klamath county public welfare commission, Naur Job Rnttv Lombard Is now employed by the Klamath county welfare commission as lunlor stenographer Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry Kit. talk, Uuih. nt nM without Ut rf littrur fill UHli itrrpinf. tlipplni r ftahMlrif. PAHTK l:TII Mlt pUUi firmer rt'l r eomforuMy. Tlili plint rw tirr hi no gmnmjr. puty UiU or (clni, Doein't riuu nu. Tt't alkaline (non-fteM). Chwki "plate or" (iknture hr-atM. 0t FAHTRETH at any )ni tint. Men,Women!01d? Get New Pep, Vim Feel Years Younger TVsn't ttlame ihnriiM. wnrnAUt. runnwn fMtlni on ymir Tniirwu amaita Ml hi a HUM PI'IHC up wnn win i isiiam rDiw rm niirn nonini vr Vril"m in-in iiianun I'lt u t atrium pbopnif . U "irei Tonln Tblrt. Intilrsi oft en riontrd by bmtl laralft vitamin 1 i, rnn. ralrlum btHwnhat. (If I iTiirti Tonln Tahlrttf. Ti al ) sJ lU MAVF. M DN Y miliar ll.alte (4 lirnm aa many lawi-ia) tmy wne. auo uk Rtxxit the titi uumri'-aavin ''Kfonnoir III. lon'i bo om. mm i(ini piipy, youtuer. toar fur mIi nt nil nooil ilrna Inrt-ir nvrrywltfrt .in Kin inn mi mm, i wiiiimnn linn. Kidneys Bring Tired Often Sleepless Nights T)Mtnri eay your IcHneya ennuln in mil ff liny tut or filler whlrh help to purify th IiIomI niirl kftn you healthy, Wlion thy efc ilml nil ilon't work rlicbt In ths dnytim. tiitnv pfpio Imvo to rnt up nlahla. Vfwiuni or ir.inly ).Mn(u villi martins ind burnlnc xirr.ttlnvij ohotva Uiera In NODiftblnc wrong INU 1 1n vm iny abo rati, nicains bicVHcbs, rhaumli ltb ymr kldnoi or blulHrr. Uon't orlteet i rijouiuon nu ioa rami!,!, rmuul tli lotion nern your hlood, jk tbb rt Whan disorder of kldoey fuaotlon r irourannuB miner 10 remiun 11 ftln, irs nittni, Iom or rp ana tnMty, wrlllnK. mifllnMt unilu tho hwliaEM nd dlikinMii. Don t nltl An your drui Don t nitl Aik your drussut for uoftni j'liu, tuoti iiuoncMiuuy by million lor or ykni. Tlioy slvo hftppy relitl nnd will holt ibt 1A mllM of kidnoy tuboi fttuh out poUnn ous will froto your blood. Qtt Vonb t i'Uk Back From Trip Mrs. Chcl LuiiKahit r o t li r n o d Thuradny lioin a week a trip to Los Anno los where alio went to vlalt her hunbund who Is slulluiied there In a brunch of the armed serv ice. LniiKslct ia former Klumuth county tioiiaurer, the offlco now held by Mrs, Lon(alot, Welfaie Worker Here Mary- carol Junes, child welfare con mi I hint on tho atuff of tho Mute nubile welfare commission, Is In Klamath Falls on business. She will snend three weeks In Klam ath county doing child welfare work. COUNTY TREASURY SAFE SAFE AT LAST Tho truvclina county treasury safe was sufo ut lunt In Its new home on the second floor of tho county court houso Tliuraday, after an eventful two and a half days' journey from the first floor. Though the courthouse now has a crack in tho plaster above the front door, tho result of tho 7000 pound safe's full on the stairs Wednesday, tho strong box Itself escaped with only minor scratches on Us sido. It took three men, exper ienced In houso moving, muny heavy pieces of timber, and sev eral house moving Jacks to get the safe to its destination, W. McDaniels bossed tho Job. ror ii mm CROSS FUNDS WoyerhuoiMcr Timber com pany's local employes have con tributed $1830.52 to the Amer ican Red Cross through a col lection made through the com pany, It was learned Thursday. Tho figure, It was said, docs not represent a total given by all Weyerhaeuser people, bocause somo havo given Independently of the collection made by the company for tho Red Cross ef fort. Here Is the collection, broken down by departments: Mechanical depart ment $ 108.00 Saw mill 176.50 Green, yard, dry kiln group 150.00 Shipping deportment.. 207.50 Planing mill 181.00 Box factory 213.50 Total payroll de duction $ 1,038.50 Collected and cosh turned In: Camp No. 4 $ 100.84 Camp No. 8 143.00 Offlco 100.00 Mechanical dept., First Aid award 81.18 Total 9 404.02 Grand Total $ 1,530.82 YES, BIHI KANSAS CITY, (IP) Tho rookio didn't know right from MAIL CLOSING! TIME (Effective Feb. 15, 1943) Train 19 Southbound! 8 p. m. Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. I Train 17 Southboundi 7 a. m. Train 18 Northboundi 10 p. m. Medford Stage, Westbound, 3:30 p. m.. Evening Airmail. Stages to Alturas, Ashland, Lake- view and Rocky Point, 7 a. m. Pythian Sisters Members of the Pythian Sisters lodge will meet Friday at 7:30 o'clock in the library club rooms. All visit ing Sisters aro Invited. Card Party The Women of the Moose will sponsor a card party Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock in tho Moose hall. This is tho second gnmo of a scries and the public Is Invited. Auxiliary The Eaglet auxili ary will hold a regular meeting tonight at the Eagles hall. Those attending aro asked to bring re freshments for a potluck supper after tho business session. Home Ec Club The Midland Home Economics club will spon sor a card party Saturday eve ning, April 10, at tho home of Mr. ond Mrs. Joo Malani. La dles are asked to bring sand wiches. Nurse Mealing There will be a rcgulnr meeting of district No. 8 of the Graduate Nurses association at tho library club room nt 8 p. m. Thursday. GRAY HAIR TURNING DEEP BLACK says Mrs. J. B., Chicago "After tnlnxGrftyvilii only liort time, I noilcftd my gray hnlr wnt turnlnit to n rrNl rltrp Ulack.oiNCtlyni It tifMHl to t. Wlmt n dlder rnca thli makei In my Np peflrnncc. Mrt. Hnuii1 cirttrtrnca enit mnu tint Un rilfToronL bnrk If not iNldtnctory, Tlili nntl'irny hnlr vttnmln rllKovery whin trattrl by n ToNtllnR mnftnilna nhowMi ftfl of pnreoni trttfd hntl poilitve evidence of Nome reliirn of lialr tilor. . . , A CiHAYVITA UtM li 10 mum. of Citdum Pnntotrwtnntfl PLUS 40O I. 8, l. uniti of "pep vltflmln lli. Get ORAYVITA now I 30 (hy lup ply $1.60, 100 liny utipplv M.00. Phono 4filt . ounniN'i ron onuot QUICK WELCOME l RELIEF FOR UPSET STOMACH In 3 Mlnutis or Doubli Your Monty Back rraoui STUAHT TABLKT8 contain tbTry lnQiNdlNnti no olUnuiNd bydooton to brlnfl 3utok wloom rlll item Notdtndlgitioa lilfcee onuiNd by nionii itomtoh acidity llNt attno or drlnklntj, DaltolouN ttiUngf -asylotak. No bottUi notnlKtoa. Fotwon daiful bUnad rail! from akoau aald auffar Ina try lanioua 8TUART TABLKTO Without rt.Uy. At all druat ltori 3So, AOo and 1.29 midai akw'l montj.baok ajuaianta FUNERAL HARRY OTTO HUGHES Funeral services for tho late Harry Otto Hughes, who passed away in this city on Tuesday, April 8, 1043, at 8 a. m fol lowing an Illness of several days, will bo held In the IOOF cemetery at Ccdiirvllle, Collf., on Friday, April 0, 1043, at 2 p. m with tho Rev. Wester veldt of Ccdarvlllo officiating. Commitment services and Inter ment will follow In family plot. Arrangements are under tho di rection of tho Karl Whitlock funeral home of this city. Frlcnda are Invited. House shortage means less moving this season. Which means fewer now neighbors to talk about. WAR BONDS and LIFE INSURANCE Help Prevent Inflation Oregon Mutual Life policyholders are buying bonds Individually s ; t snd they are buying mere bonds through llicir purchase of life limit, snce, because life insurance company dollars sre going to war bonds, hvcry dollar saved, whether in bonds or Ufa insurance helps prevent Infliuionj HomeKeeper nan rf, 1 Auk th.nt X.i I srnts thniil (7 V I f ihecomplna4. B (. I nl tho Homf LXIibJ keeper riea. LynnRoycroft 118 North Seventh Street OREGON MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY .a i V The Easter parade will be ust a little brighter when you oppear in one of these delightful suit frocks! Choose o checked rayon jacket smartly fit ted, with slimly gored rayon skirt! Or you might like tho casual linen-like rayon jacket In solid col or, with its dirndl skirt of brightly printed rayon jersey! A grand selection of the spring's most pop ular shades! Sizes 12-20. Clonic Shirtwaists Smart Suit-Frocki Rayon Joriey Prints Navy-and-White Dresses ' SECOND FLOOR left, said Lieut. Gene Moody' Moore, so he put a stone In the beginner's right hand, "Now when I toll you to turn right, turn in the direction of the hand holding the stone," he or dered. "And don't drop It until I order you to do so." Two days later the hospital culled: "We've got a soldier over here who became 111, He's holding a stone in his hand and says he won't drop it until you give the order " Willis Vincent Held by Japanese MAL1N Willis Vincent, re ported recently by the war de portment to be a prisoner of the Japanese, Is a nephew of Mrs. Charles Hamilton, Malln. The young man was born In Merrill His father, the late Harvey Yin cent, was employed many years ago by the California-Oregon Power company In Klamath Falls and was the first man em ployed by the company to be electrocuted while on duty. Vln cent's mother was Mrs. Nellie Johnson, Merrill. Prior to his enlistment Private Vincent was employed by the Rajnus family of Malln. Anyono born in Oregon or a resident of Oregon who wishes to secure a birth certificate can now obtain one by applying at tho county clerk's office, it was pointed out by County Clerk Mae K. Short. There the applicant may se cure tho necessary blanks for a nominal fee, and late, also, a certified copy. When the blanks have been secured there Is a five-day wait, after which the applicant appears before the cir cuit Judge to give satisfactory proof of citizenship and resi dence. This completes the pro cedure. Always read the classified ads. The threat of the totalltarlans has brought the American peo ple together In unity of pur pose and action. Regardless of church or creed, we will see this contest through together or be destroyed. Beverley D. Tucker, Cleveland, O., Episco pal bishop. Four youths were pinched In Chicago for throwing eggs. It wasn't a rotten trick Just an unpatriotic one. 8 YEAR ITS Suited for Spring! DICKEYS 98c Crispl Dalntyl Fresh Looking! For more versatile suit wardrobe, have several dickeys In different styles! MAIN FLOOR ZZZTtr its usErSr 2; Smart Easter Hats Attractive new styles to suit your fancy and match your new spring coat! Sailor, beret, pompadour, and off - the - face styles. New colors and smart trimmings! SECOND FLOOR Fashions for Young Folks GIRLS' DRESSES 98 Crisp, summertime cot tons In beguiling prints or cool rayons in solid pastels, betching prin cess, basque or tailored styles with the gayest trimmings ever! 3 to 6X and 7-14! For the First Spring Outlngl Coat and Bonnets 449 49c Beautifully styled coots for your little ones with bonnets for sister and caps for brother! Soft, warm fabrics in spring paslels. Daintily trim med. Sizes 1 to 3. Coat Style for Spring) BOYS' SWEATERS Colors In Two Tones! 098 With Two Poeketsl Good-looking herringbone cloth front, knit sleeves, back and front, trim. Comfortable V-neck. Sizes 8 to 16. SECOND FLOOR For Easter and EVERY Day! Boys' Fine Slacks Rugged Fabrics 098 Smartly Cutl Gabardines, rough weaves, smooth finish stripes and overplaids patterns and models for every occasion! DOWNSTAIRS This EasterVclothet must serve 01 refreshers for the wardrobe you have! crisp dickies and bright hats, to give courage to a last year's dress or suit . . .' A fine duration coat, to lend an air to your whole outfit. Extra sweaters, blouses, skirts and slacks, to take the every-day strain off your good clothes I, For this Easter, whatever you buy must be useful .-. . to be smart for War- time, 1943. Tov'-W .stint, Fashioned foi Easter and AH Spring! COATS and SUITS Cay Sport Styles New Casual Types Smart Dressy Models Set your own pace for spring with a really good coat or suit! Fine all wool shetlands in smart sport or casual styles! New, crisp-looking royon-ond-wool twills that are so grand for day or evening all during spring! Lovely suits in wool and royon, cavaliy twill, or all-wool Shetland, irj plain or plaid colors! 12 to 20 Exquisitely Fashioned for Smart Wearl WOMEN'S EASTER COATS Dressy New Styles Smart Spring Colors! These are new, high-hearted styles for the woman who knows just what she wants! Light, bright wool and rayon twill, that is so formally correct. Spring shades. Sizes 12 to 20. Budget Styles That Will Flatter You! Misses' Spring Coats and Suits Sashing Casual Models! Soft Dressmaker Types! If you watch your budget . . . you'll want to watch Penney's fashions! Coats that are smart in line and design . . . suits modeled from expensive types! Casual, sport and dressy styles. Smart new spring colors . . . In sizes 12 to 20. SECOND FLOOR I'79 PICTURESQUE EARLY AMERICAN STYLE HOBNAIL GLASSWARE! 3 PUee luncheon Sell Complete Service For 41 AmojinK Value Only . 4 Luncheon Plates ' 4 Cups and Saucers 4 Sherbets. 4 Goblets 1 Sandwich Plate Sugar and Creamer Your luncheons can't help being suc cesses when served on this charming new but old-fiishioncd glass set! It .' has all the character and beauty of ; handblown ware, at a price you can afford. MAIN FLOOR uJviJ L lf 'fa Men's SPORT COATS 9.90 Wear our comfortable sport coat everywhere week days, Sundays, hol idays. This herringbone weave comes In soft blended colors and Is tops for smort comfort! Styles With a Futurol MEN'S SLACKS 5.90 Fashions for tomorrow service for seasons to come I Fine gabardines and smooth finish weaves for dress-up wear snd sports! Towncraf t 1 98 DRESS SHIRTS Sanforltedt broadcloths, fine patterns woven-Inl New Spring DRESS SOCKS 00 3 pairs 1 Handsome docks, stripes and figures In flue rayon. MEN'S SHIRTS, SHORTS AND BRIEFS ' ea. .Shorts In smart stripes! Cotton knit shirts, briefs 1 ,1943 Two-Ton MEN'S SWEATERS Gay spring colors by Sportclnd for dress and sports ! 298 Right-Mlnded Styles) Perfect Values! Men's Town-Clad Suits 2975 All Wool Worsteds In The Season's Favored Patterns! ' You're not shopping for Easter alone ! You wont clothes that can take It In style I And Town-Clad Is IT! Fine worsteds, packed with beauty and stamina, and tailored perfectly to YOU! Men's Marathon FELT HATS 3?8 MAIN FLOOR Head fashions for Easter In fine fur felt, many of them all-year-round lightweights I Stitched crowns, medallions, bound edges are only a few details! t Fabric shrinkage will not exceed 1 I B l!l I, l W h A M II , h IvJfl A I:) i li IF q w q ia r iv '