PAGI? HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREfl Sim Four-H News Oregon News Notes NEW TRAINING ANNOUNCED E Arnold Griilnpp, hood of civil Inn deft-nso tnilnlnii, lodny an nounced n now coumo for civil Inn di'fiMiHO workers which will tint on April 10. Speeches, movies, and demonstrations will bo Included In tlio protirnm. This in tho outllno on an nounced by Gnilupp: First mcuthiK, April 1(1, 1043. Subject: General Coumo. 1. TnrKut for TonlKlit film. 2. Tho Klumiith Kails Defense Council Gum Kriuiso. 3. Tlio Klmniitli Fill In Control Center Orth Slncmoro, Hnrold Kruncy, 4. Tho Work of tin Rcsctio Unit film, 5. Summary Gus Krause. Second meeting, April 30, 10-1 3. Subject: General Courao, 1. Air Patrol Bob Fulton. 2. T h o Medical Service! George Mycm. 3. Tho 1'ollco Reserves Har old Frnnoy. 4. Hexlstratlon. 5. Tho Air Hold Wnrden film. An Air Raid Warden's Re port film. 6. Discussion Coleman O'Louuhlln. 7. Summary Gin Krauso. Third meeting, May 14, 1043. 1. Gn Defonso (ii) Gas Musk and Giui Pro tections; (b) Adjustment of the Trained Gas Mask film; () Gases Kinds and Characteristics Coleman O'LouKhlln. 2. Dnmblui: (ii) lliftli Explosives Enrl Reynolds, county coordina tor. (b) The Unoxploded Bomb Hnrold Krnncy. (c) Summery Giu Krause. Fourth meollna, May 28, 1043, 1. Klro Defense Keith Am brose. 2. The Now Fire Bomb film. 3. Identification of Aircraft film. 4. Alrplnne Identification Orth Slscmoro. 8. Summary Gus Krause. "Incentive Pay" Considered for Munitions Plants "WASHINGTON, April 8 W) Amid strong Indications that President Roosovelt hns dropped his opposition to "Incentive' liny, tho war production board is scheduled to confer with In bor end Industry today In an effort to work some such scheme for boosting munitions output. A subcommittee of WPB's new managcmcnt-lnbor council arranged to meet with Charles K. Wilson, WPB executive vice chnirmnn, to start work on de tails of nn Jnccntivo plan for tho nlrcrnft Industry. CIVl NS lift WHACK IT CLUB OF MERRILL On Murch 31, there . wus a birthday party held for Culenc lliirrkk, although her birthday was April 2, Tho refreshments woro furnished by our leader, Mrs. Mary L, Fox. They consist ed of caKo, ico cream unci candy. Wo played games then until our tlmu was up. Kathryn Wilson, News Reporter. 4 H SEWING CLUB, MERRILL The 411 Sewing club had pnrly on St. Patrick'! day, The party wus given for tho winners of tho scrap drive, Sldo two won becnuso It brought tho most silk, aluminum, paper, and books for tho armed forces to read. At tho party wo hud Ice cream, cuko and nuts, The cukes wore made by Ruby Iccnblco and Burbura Iccnblco. To our parly on St. Patrick's day wo Invited Mr. and Mrs. Ochllrlch. They are fifth and sixth grado teachers. Before the party we pluycd a game. Tho gunio wo played was "Crazy Questions and Silly Answers." Our last meeting wus a business mooting. Wo bundled our books and the scrap so Mr. Lopcr could gather It up easier. Wo are going to sell our scrap. Our secretary, Rosulco Hen derson, hns moved away, so wo elected a now ono. Tho honor was glvon to Glorln Mason. Two members woro absent. They were Gcroldlno McKcndrce and Barbara Iccnblco. Tho money we get from our crap will go Into the club treasury Mrs. Lopcr said wo could uko It to decorate the booths at tho fair. We will also use It to buy refreshments for the parties wo have. At our next business meeting Betty Mne Hammond and Vir glnlo Brllcy will demonstrate on how to outline. Virginia Brlloy, News Reporter. Mrs. J. J. Astor Readies for Reno Divorce Action NEW YORK, April 8 (ZD Mrs. John Jncob Astor 3rd, the former Ellen Tuck French, estab lished residence In Reno, Nov., today preparatory to obtaining a divorce, Astor'! New York office announced. CARD OF THANKS To tho people of Bly, Mrs, Nix on, Jack Londcll, Mrs. Clydo Ly brnnd, Mrs. - Dnhms, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bclicr, tho young pcoplo's organization, thanks for your beautiful flowers and your kindness. MRS. CLYDE LEE Hillside Hospital. Suburban League DANCE Altamont Elementary School SATURDAY. April 10th More thnn likely you're living in a suit ... add spice and sparkle with beautifully tailored Queen Qualitys. TICKETS FOR BENEFIT MIL Moro than 700 tickets have been sold fur tho benefit dunce to bo given Saturday, May 1, for tho Shrlno hospital for crippled children in Portland, It was an nounced at tho April meeting of tho Klumoth Falls Shrine, club held In tho Wlllard hotel Wed nesday night. Cecil L, Jlmcrson of Algomu, Is general chairman of tho diineo to bo given in the urmory. Tho goul Is $2000, It was announced. Attending the Shrine club crab feed lust night was Paul 13, ltynning of Medford, Illustrious Potcntulo of Hlllah temple, and Sum Stlncbuugh of Grants Puss, usslstunt Rabban, Six attended from Tulclukc. Plans woro made for a spring ceremonial to bo held In this city, Saturday, May 22, and for a sec ond ceremonial, Mny 20 In Eu gene. Naming of tho two meet ings makes It possible to con serve on transportation, It wus pointed out. If It's a "frozen" articlo you need, advertlso for a used ono In the classified. JISSESSSXS IJ'?'IS. mi m By The Associated Press A Washington county tax or ganizing committee authorized application for federal funds for construction of a flux processing plant .... An explosion In a service tunnel at the Swan Island shipyurd ut Portland injured two workers who were repairing en oxygen lino and hulled opera tions on ull ways for several hours .... The U. S. forest serv ice at Portland announced that 1,10 men have agreed to spend their summer vacations In fire protection Jobs. . . , Leo Anderson, negro employe of Oregon Shipbuilding corpora tion at Portland, filed a suit in circuit court against tho AFL linilermukeri'tinlon, charging It with racial discrimination and refusing to clear him as a welder because ho docs not belong to the union .... At Tillamook the appointment of Jack Cuuficld us Tillamook county war bond chairman to succeed C. II. Smith, resigned, was announced. . , . Willlum H. Bnkcr, Lakcvicw public school superintendent, an nounced that he has been culled 611 3. 6th Phone 6669 Refrigeration Service Ward Arnold, Sorvlceman MERIT WASHING MACHINE SERVICE Just unpacked Drfittinst hats in joy yours for Easter wear it with4 everything from now on. Twenty-four beautifully detailed styles. Fifteen popular colors. Dressy bonnets I Big brimsl Casuals in a dozen new versions,' For junipr misses, misses and matrons. I ItOEBIICR 111 Ct. from the naval reserve to servo with the construction battalion (Scubccs) .... The OP,A at Port land was Informed that the reg ulation requiring 80-pound pur chases of seed potatoes had been lifted, making any quantity le gal , , . At Redmond, Mrs. John Bradctich and Mrs. George Brad otlch converted a milk bottle full of dimes into war bonds bottle's value was $225, UNHORSED, HE HOPES LOS ANGELES, (Pj Because he's tired of being called Sea-i biscuit, Whlrlowoy and names of other turf greats, Charles Ross Horsey Jr., 17, Is asking superior ; court to change his surname to Collins. I NOW A rOWSII THAI' HOLDS IA1SC IlttH ' nk Uu, dUh. pw4v M imd pbM. Cmhi Mil, P' IHtl.f mfcl.1 fa wfi, tafcr MOT nwi lfhf mmm vtfUft wern m WtwibmI. GIT mod TODAY CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS 9th ond Main . .-. thft'hewest and manv n Snrinn Fn. OCEAN BREEZE Seat Covers "Coo os the Spray of the Sea" Smart Plaid Twill Fiber and Heavy Cloth Doublv Rinforl Leatherette Panels and Bindings Keep your car spic and span" for the duration. YonH be surprised how mnoh new seat covers will add to its appearance. These Ocean Breexe are beautifully tailored for coupe, coach and sedan. . COACH and SEDAN 10.95 & 12.95 COVERS ANY SURFACE WITH JUST 1 COAT Easy to apply RtaJily ynlhabl No obiKthnabh odor Economical No primtr mdid Here's the modem, easy way to brighten your home. Wall-Tono covers an? interior surface Trallpaser, trick, cement, fresco, tile and painted walls giving a soft pastel, pleasing surface that is washable. Nine smart colors available. Remember yon don't have to be a master painter to use Wall-Tone. COME IN FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION HVTERIOIl ULOSS Gtan-frm wathabl Easy flowing Nine bright, smart colors. Ideal for walls that re Quire frequent washing kitchen, bath, breakfast noolt, etc l'niiit ltcmovot rv Doing a little refinishingT Firestone Faint and Tarnish Bemovor will shorten your work. For longesf Maag and Guaranteed Qualify INSIST UPON finston FACTORY-CONTROLLED RECAPPING FACTORY TRAINED IXPERTS EXCLUSIVE- FIRESTONE RUIIER FORMULA APPLICATION AND CURJNft CONTROLLED it RIGID INSPECTION HOLSTffiy Floor and Trim Varnish For general inside me on furniture, woodwork and floors. Flows smsothly and sets dust-free In 3 to 1 hours. Water-resistant, iMirrmr" GARDEN BOOKLET mud R(. 25e Package t , URPEE S SUPER OIANT ' ZINNIA SEEDS' Ifcimn VUforyt Plant War Oawh COUP! 4.95 7.45 ffTh Wan Sfreef GABARDINE COAT For Rain or Snne It's Fully Lined Swagger style, it's smart, practical and good looking. The cotton twill gabardine is "Sainfoe" treated to make It wind resistant and water repellent. Has raglan shoulders and is exceptionally well tailored. Ply front with two slash pockets and an inside pocket. . ' Holler Painter The easy way to apply ' WaU-Ton simply roU the roller In the paint, then roll the roller on the wait. fl 133 So. 8th MODEL S Dial 5168 717 MAIN 527 Main . I- Phone 3234 ,MIVI,1,WM RESTORE -.-STORE