HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON A pril 8, tm Wine Council to Attempt Referendum PORTLAND, April 8 P) Tlio Oregon wine council will attempt to rclcr to the people a legislature-approved bill limiting after January 1, 1944, the sale of wine containing more than 14 per cent alcohol to state liquor stores. Ralph Staley, secretary-manager, said he would apply for a petition title. The names of 9408 registered voters will bo re quired to refer the bill on elec tion ballot. A train of thought arrives no place if it runs only local. Officers Probe Double Shooting McMINNVILLE, April 8 (IP) Yamhill county officers today In vestigated two shootings, 18 hours apart, which ended lit death for Roscoe Lynn Obye, 33-year-old Plko district logger, and his wife, Douluh, SO. Sheriff G. W. Munnlnff suld Obye telephoned him Monday night to come to his homo near Yamhill. Manning said he found Mrs. Obye dead and quoted Obye as saying she was dead when he nrrlvud home. Manning said there was evidence of a struggle. Stimson Reports on LaGuardia Army Job WASHINGTON, April 8 (fl) Secretary of War Stimson said today that Mayor LaGuardia of New York had offered hie (Wf)) Ices to the armed fore tnit thai "It would be very dlfftoult to find any place In the army" where he could be as helpful as In his present Job. Always read the classified ads. PAGE TWELVE WARDS CELEBRATE EASTER .vWITH WONDERFUL NEW CLOTHES FOR boys. jl mx and g irl s ! 'Qi' I'lS' ' RA,W so good-iookihg; : - iGl tttfSl' ' 50 WEU-MADE' AMD tfl PRICED TO SAVE YOU ff5'! iff! P 'L L A PRETTY PENNY! A NEW SHIRT FOR BOYS-KIT COTTON, gMO CHmOK mhW f "-. '-00 -: 45c m mmsmn &Mn fR Stripes! Neat figured Plain colors! Good-looking! Sturdy! And so easy W Wl' Imif C?X tTX ? - jfCl'A 5-sk. M O " K t " ' I ' J'-vVa Good-looking Thomewood shirts to launder! He'll enjoy wearing AMjf ' ? ' f J dpP l ' f 'C'--, ' , ' &Slkk V will dress up any suit! In roomy sizes! them.. Bastic rib knit to hold shape; wVv-.... 'pNj VVgi' ji-2" VQtes i ' i Boys' colorful Rayon Ties. Boy,' New Sport Shirts .98c " flWyvJKw jC WlrWNjf) - ' (JCvfll ' VSttfCrfuV 1 jilt Mi w teJi.. dL&gm hSau m&m. rsjfiMS'-'-' '-fill I . . .w v. tfffffiTfiri i iv a . r'' t a . wmis r s r I LVSM' ' U) .VO Y.YB YC BOYS' LONGIES FOR SPRING 1.98 COLORFUL SLACK . SOCKS GIRLS' EASTER DRESSES SIZES 1 TO 14 Chesterfields! Boycoats! Reefersl Wraparounds! Most of them are all wool, others wool and rayon wif rayon twill linings 7-1 4, 1 1 -1 6. Sizu 4 to 7. Worm, well-tailored mixtures of wool and rayon In gay Spring colors or regulation navy. Beautifully lined with rayon. FINE RAYON SATIN SLIPS Sizes 2 lo 14. Soft, glowing slips to wear under Easter dressetl Sturdy, aiy-to-waihl Firmly slilched seams. Tearose, white. 25c Here are eoHon worsteds 99 shrinkproof. Here are cotton and wool blends. All In good, roomy sizes; Patterns and colors he'll like Get several pair of the striped multi-colors he likes so much! Or make up .an assortment with some corf servativo solids! Cotton 8 to 10. 2 98 SKI f 8 1 lt-U.J,tlal,,,,,,,,,.,u..,,,...,,,,, A I. J Beifer spun rayons with tacei embro?dery op-' pliques. Superb, tubfast eoffon chambrays, '. piques h huge prints, beautifully-designed. percales! Even dainty cotton sheersl ' Also a fine selection of dresses In spun ray , on and cotton, sizes 1 to. 14.- ' DRESS HIM UP IN A NEW EASTER SUIT! 9.95 LITTLE BOYS' EASTER QUALITY OYFORDS 2.29, OXFORDS Rationed Coupon No. 17 needed Popular wing tip oxford In quality brown leathers. Sturdy enough for good hard wear and dressy enough for basil Get ttiefn now at Wards! 2.49 AT ONLY Rationed Coupon No. 17 needed Handsome blucher wing tip oxford In brown or black for big boys. They're just like Dad's so he'll like them for Easier, Come In today! He'll do the family proud In a good-looking Dreadnaut suitl Boys like the smart patterns herringbones, overplaids, tweed effects; And mothers like the rugged tailoring that makes for longer, better wear! Sturdy fab;, rics new wool and rayon blends; GIRLS' HATS FOR EASTER 00 Saucy lillle slraw bonnets 'i i i" and felt orT-the-face styles with flowers and ribbon trim, Red, Navy, . Paitelil BRIGHT ANKLETS 0HlY 25c Sturdy mercerized yarns, fine ray. ons In smart ribs, plain classic and novelty knits. Genuine Dupont ny lon, reinforced toe and heel. 6(4. ! 0; LITTLE GIRLS' PARTY 1.98 SHOES Rationed Coupon No. 17 needed Pretty little dress-up party pump In patent leather with a T strap and a shiny buckle at the side. Girls while pump, open toe. ,1-98 BUY WAR STAMPS! ON SALI AT I WAR I STAMPS ) BUY NOW ; : PAY LATER Use our monthly payment plan to buy from our store stocks or our catalogs; Ninrn at., Corner Pine ' Telophone 3188