Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 08, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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Briefs H
Fullerton. Jr. 'if
t i Arf"""
NEW YORK, April 8 (A3)
Perhaps It' too early In the sea
ion to be bringing up the sub
ject, but there may be enough
college sports activity, especially
baseball, next summer to make
up for the shortened spring
schedules . . Asa Bushnell, who
keeps his fingers in a whole wag
onload of college pics, points out
that a lot more eastern schools
will be having summer sessions
this year and he figures that
most of them will try to organ
izc; teams with the same sort of
pickup schedules that some oper
ated successfully last summer,
When some 3000 Lakewood,
N. J., school kids were given
time off the other day to watch
the Giants practice, they also
were given a lecture on good be
havior . . . For about a half
hour they acted like perfect la-
dies and gentlemen, then the
strain was too much for them . . ,
A voice in the deep silence sud-
denly rang out: "Hey, Horse
face, back to the underbrush for
you. . . . And from there on the
kids behaved like themselves.
Yale, which could schedule
only two games with major
league ball teams in 10 years be
fore Red Rolfe became coach,
has, two in three days this spring
Brooklyn yesterday and the
Braves tomorrow . . . Rose Co
hen, who handles press tickets
for Mike Jacobs and has dealt
out about 40,000 in the past year,
forgot to reserve one for herself
last Friday and had to crash the
gate for the Armstrong-Beau
Jack scrap.
Les Goates, Salt - Lake City
Deseret' News: "The cockiest
freshman athlete in one of our
colleges was assigned a part-time
job- washing the gymnasium
floor. Same old floor flusher, as
it were!" , . .
Lieut. Jim Burchard, former
New. York. World - Telegram
sports scribe now a correspon
dent, for. 'Stars and Stripes and
a member of the Algerian box
ing commission, has been wound
ed but reports it isn't serious . . .
Camp Croft, S. C, plans to oper
ate -two baseball leagues and one
Softball circuit this summer .
IJesibrtlia tonle nut otcr i by weight.
Qt&Ms Baseball J
Scores j
PfomK ifSLiSLtLiUI B "c'ted Press
Clertland (A) 4, Pittsburgh (S) S.
m r J 4 Chicago (A) 13, Chicago (X) I.
' - Cincinnati (N) J, Indianapolis (AA) .
liim""rr" "" I Brookljrn (X) I, Vale 1.
. ... rcrDCT OF I Washington (A) 10, TJ. 8. Kara!' Academy
"THE 5-VKs-l V I s (8 innings).
.. rnnD E Philadelphia (X) 5. Kew Cumberland (Pa.)
1 MAKING GOVJW b Army Team S ( Innincs).
rVrvi 1,1 Philadelphia (A) 0, Toronto (Int.) 0 (tie,
..- . IICIrJG nine Innings).
DFER 15 U'1"" ff-i New York (N) 11, Ellis Island Coast
, fe',-1 Guard
... 11 t II i LL I Boston (A) 11. Baltimore (Int.) 0.
B UK"'U f liew yrk - Snuk (Int.) 0.
A i s a j
wTZfMAov 1 fr 1 nJJ 1
Beer from tsNJ X3
war I '"inits' Heavy sturdy weight. Reln-
"? forced at points of strain.
IfcJIf !'.i'J ft.'ii1,1 i 1 1 M Jf Good dnrk pattern3 thnt loK ;
W. ULI 1 V' iMliifmltiit' good enough for dress and
1 1 11 . 1 1 1 . 10 ... ni WMy - you can use thcm for work
.MitilmmMuMSSMm. too! Sizcs 28 10 46-
umm End
Work, Hiss
Swing Tilts
Intrasquad Contests Fail
To Produce Toughened Men
As Did Exhibition Games
CAIRO, 111., April 8 W) The
world champion St. Louis Card
inals w ound up their spring
training today with indications
the club has seriously missed
the long string of 25 or 30 ex
hibition games played down
south in previous yours.
Intrasquad contests, while
valuable as a break in training
routine, failed to produce tough
ening pressure of former corn-
petition with Major league
teams in the good old days in
Manager Billy Southworth
was hopeful, however, that a
seven-game spring series with
the Browns in St. Louis, start
ing Saturday, would put the
final edge on the Cardinals con
dition for the pennant race.
As it is, the team's pitchers
are so far ahead of the hitters
that Southworth called off two
intrasquad games here to con
centrate on intensive batting
Lack of boom-boom boys
showed up early in the train
ing period. Cairo's playing field
is spacious, and Southworth be
lieves the 1943 ball is dead, but
nevertheless none of the players
was able to belt a drive over
the fence until Stan Musial fi
nally did it twice in a row last
The 1942 Cardinals hit only
60 home runs, sixth in National
league, although they were first
in botn triples and .doubles,
chiefly through their fleet-footed
ability to stretch their hits.
Acorns to Meet
Cal Baseball
Men Today
NAPA, Calif., April 8 VP)-
On the tail end of a disastrous
spring exhibition series, Oak-
lands Coast league ball club
meets the University of Califor
nia at Berkeley today. The
Acorns will break camp tomor
row and finish training at their
home park-
Oakland lost its fifth game In
six encounters yesterday, drop
ping an 8-5 decision to the Ala
meda Coast Guard Sea Lions.
Four Sea Lion runs crossed the
plate in the ninth on four hits
off Vince de Biasi coupled with
two errors and three stolen bases.
i! ; Jl
Joe Di Maggies, But Not the Clipper
d& hltTjl, feNfc3
fc",.i: mwrT'-iyr' tv r( 'Tfc-Vlr v " 1
At bat with mop Is Joseph Frank DiMagglo of Pittsburg,
Calif., and catching GI soap in bucket is his cousin, Joseph Frank
DiMaggio oi San Francisco, both second cousins of Jo DiMagglo
of baseball fame. They caused quite a furor upon their arrival at
Camp White, Ore., where soldier fans thought they had tho
Yankee Clipper in their midst.
By The Associated Press
New York Giants seem to have
cleared up two problems that
troubled them during the early
part of the training season
whether Carl Hubbell's left arm
would be in good shape for the
season and the team's failure to
hit in intra-camp games. Hub
bell, making his seasonal debut
against the Ellis Island coast
guard team yesterday, gave only
one hit In three innings and
fanned five men in a row. In
three exhibitions so far the
Giants have poled out 43 hits
for 51 runs.
BROOKLYN The Dodgers
turned to Kirby Higbe's pitch
ing for consolation for their nar
row escape from defeat in yes
terday's exhibition against Yale
at New Haven. Higbe allowed
only two hits and fanned nine
during a four-inning stint.
Brooklyn won, 2-1.
no game on schedule, the Wash
ington Senators looked for a
big order of batting practice
irom Manager Ossie Bluege. De
spite their 10-8 victory over the
Naval academy at Annapolis
yesterday, the Nats made only
six hits. Eight of their runs
came In the first inning when
John Williams, Navy starting
hurler, walked six men.
MUNCEE, Ind. Jimmy Was-
dell, Pittsburgh Pirates out
fielder, has received a notice
from his draft board to be ready
for his first physical examina
tion within a few days.
the New York Yankees broke
camp and headed for their home
grounds today, with their lineup
still uncertain, Manager Joe Mc
Carthy pronounced George
Snuffy Stirnweiss and Johnny
Lindell the standouts of the
You Drive Move Yourself
Save H Long and
Short Trips
Phone 83D4 12D1 East Main
You wouldn't walk down the street
with the seat out of your trousers, a
coat sleeve hanging loose and your
hat battered up! GIVE YOUR CAR A
BREAK . . . keep it up like other per
sonal effects. Let us give you an esti
mate on your body and fender work.
Phone 4149
April S, 1943
rvw. IT
9 ir"
- 1
blustery spring sessions. Lin
dell, he indicated, will be car
ried as an outfielder and spare
first baseman and will pitch
only in case of a shortage of
Garrison, who played a full
game against Baltimore yester
day, was back in the fight with
Tom McBride for the Boston
Red Sox centerficld job on the
basis of his showing. He con
tributed a homer to the Sox
11-0 triumph over the Orioles.
Edwards revived hope for a
touch of power in the Cleveland
Indians' lineup by his hitting
in. yesterday's exhibition with
the Pirates. Edwards slammed
a homer far over the right field
wall to give the Tribe a 4-3 vic
ger Connie Mack of the Phila
delphia Athletics wants to cor
rect reports that Washington
has squared the Bob Johnson
Bobby Eslalella deal with a
cash settlement. Connie says he
will claim a player on waiver
at his first opportunity and
Owner Clark Griffith of the
Senators will pay the bill to
make up for the failure of Jim
my Pofanl to report to tne Ain
letics. New York Starts
180-Day Racing
Session Today
NEW YORK, April 8 (P)
Racing opens in the north with
a southern accent today.
The 180-day New York sea
son - - a season Commissioner
Herbert Bayard Swope believes
may be as big as last year's
$175,000,000 campaign in spite
of war-time problems gets un
derway at Jamaica. But with 13
Kentucky derby eligibles in the
field of 18 entered for the fea
tured experimental handicap the
opening day program has a defi
nite blue grass flavor.
By The Associated Press
OAKLAND, Calir. Paul Il. 114, 0k
land, knocked out Bemle Cardrnai, 162,
Mralco Cltjr (S).
522 S. 6th
Pro Football
Men Finish
Draft Meet
Doubt Remains Whethar
Any of Drafted Men Will
Bo Available to Compote
CHIOAGO. April 8 (rP) Na
tional Football lenguo club own
ers and coaches stuffed their
briefcases today with long lists
of soon-to-gradunto college grid
dors to whom they hoped to draw
title nt tho draft session, closing
task of their three-day meeting.
However, there was consider
able doubt whether many or any
of these young players would be
available next season, all this
uncertainty . adding an ominous
tone to hints still more teams
may drop out of the league bo
fore fall. .
With the "duration" exit of
the Cleveland Rams, the mag
nates appeared for awhilo to be
lieve nine clubs would go this
year, but as any special plan
for alleviating the manpower
shortage failed to materialize,
me atmosphere again became
This feeling was apparent last
night when a hastily-revised 45-
game schedule failed to please
-tne delegates. Connnissioncr El
mer Laydcn then was asked to
prepare another chart for sub
mission to a mail vote later.
The Head pin
We haven't many more weeks
of bowling left, but, If some of
our new girls keep up the good
scores they are making, they
will put some of we older ones
to shame.
K. Cherry and Mary Bellottl
picked up some good splits.
"Cherry" the 5-7 and "Hot Shot
Bellotti" the 4-7-9.
Cummings Fur shop had high
team series of 2430. Lorcnz
company in second place with
2336. Doris Cheyne of the Town
Club team had high games scries
of 498 and Norling of the Mod
ernistic college 478. Mary How
ard, Daggett Insurance, rolled
high gamo of tho evening 180.
Norling was second with 178.
Wonder who will win the de
fense stamp "kitty" this wcck7
Kitty Hanvllle was the lucky
winner last week.
Fluhrir' Dakary
Katon IM m 170 4.'A
fexlrritrom IU 104 lit 4?
(ireen IS IE1 1W 40
Inaolt! no 119 110 Mil
I'ojip.v , J70 IS.S 117 4fiS
Uantllcap ' K K Vt 74
,a ;;i aa
Town Club
17 174 157
St 1M 1M
110 M 109
I III 19 113
in m Lis
110 110 110 MO
..7U (03 767 1304
Modernlatio Beauty Shop
Vorlln , , IM 17s III
Vnrkland 1(9 13.1 I.V
Htnrra , III IM
Kills ! 104 M
llnupert II 100 154
uaotllcap w no so
-7WI 7 74J HM
Ble and White
rirlgu "" m 134
Tyler 114 HI
Alisentee no
m 120
Hlllmnn ; 01
M 131
Alisentee 143 H3 143
Handicap 08
ou m 725 mil
Haiel Beauty Shop
135 111
Hanvllle .
111 IM
.119 05 151
I3H 104 14!
E9 63 tO
Handicap .
..710 7W 733 1309
Cummlnaa Fur Shop
llrllottl .
151 ICS IM
143 110 IJ3
130 Hfl 170
13! Ill 111
00 00 99
...620 787 ell SIM
naHall Inauranea
Weathcrford 141 111 131
llnxU-r 130 131 123
llnwnrd 133 HO 167
mpiitlt.ri 101
Kllsnrs -133
131 111
Handicap , '
07 07
...707 707 711 rm
Lorenl company
Kirnk 121 H7 Il "
IKitlilniiy -. "'
Williams Ml I"'
Aha-ntro 12 12 I
.McColliim 141 HI IH '
Handicap W
..734 804 77S 133
Broadway Hall,
April 10th
Music by
Pappy Gordon
and His Oregon Hillbillies "
Dancing 10 to 3
Adm. Men $1.00 Tax Inc.
Servicomsn SO Tax Inc.
Ladies ;... .10
Elks to See
Preview of
KUHS Smoker
A taste of the high school
smoker sports menu will bo
offorcd members of tho Elks
lodgo tonight (Thursday) when
several boxing and wrestling
bouts will bo presented lis nn
entertainment feature of the
regular Elks meeting.
This was announced by Roy
Rakcstraw, Elks entertain
ment chairman, who said that
Frank Ramsey, high school
athletic couch, will bo In
charge of tho sports events at
the Elks.
Several of the participants
in the high school smoker of
April 13 will bo on tho Elks
Seals Take on
Mather Field
(ff) Victorious In three straight
exhibition games, the San Fran
cisco Seals take on tho Mather
field army nine from Sacramon
to today. Tony Froitas, long a
pain in the batting averages for
the Seals when ho pitched for
Sacramento, is slated to hurl for
the Mather club.
The Seals knocked over the
Coast Guard Surfrlders, 4-1,
with three-run blast in tho
sixth off Rip Russell, Coast
Guard hurler who allowed only
thrco hits but walked eight men
at unopportuno moments.
Idaho Wins First
Game of Double
With Whitman
MOSCOW, Ida., April 8 (P)
The University of Idaho won the
first game of a doublchcadcr 1-0
from Whitman college here yes
terday behind the one-hit pitch
ing of Vic Berllus. but dropped
the nightcap 3 to 2.
The opener was the Vandals'
first baseball victory over Whit
man in fivo games.
Spencer Harris
Accepts Portland
Beaver Contract
SEATTLE, April 8 (P) Spen
cer Harris, former major league
outfielder who was sold by Seat
tle to Portland recently, will
leave for Portland's San- Jose
training camp today. Harris who
has been working In a war plant
here, said last night he had ac
cepted tho Portland contract
Metro-Goldwyn-Maycr is filming
"Whistling in Brooklyn," star
ring Red Skelton, at the Brook
lyn Dodgers' camp here and Eb
bets Field.
On furlough from the army
this week is Paul Crapo, for
mer Pelican baseball star, also
on ace basketball player locally
for several years, and at Lin-
field college. Paul is stationed
at Bakcrsfield, Calif,, where ho
played basketball all winter for
his outfit. He averaged nearly
17 points per game. He also re
lates that he has played In sev
en baseball games this year al
ready, and has never been in
better physical condition in his
life. Paul's return is warmly
welcomed by relations and
friends alike.
Word has been received from
Clyde Carlstrom, former Peli
can pitcher, and Klamath Red
Sox hurler and ho is slated for
a visit to Klamath Falls on or
near April 8. Clyde returns
from Arkansas on furlough
from the army. He expects to
be here a few days before go
ing on to Oakland and a visit
with close relations.
Paul Gchrman, also a former
Klamath pitcher, ' has signed
with Los Angeles again for this
Red Wings Rest on
Bruins for Honors
BOSTON, April 8 (VP) The
Detroit Red Wings today arc
resting three gomes up on hord
fighting but futile Boston Bruins
for Stanley Cup honors after
blanking the Bruins last night,
4 to 0.
nlttt.t I sin -i.i
V i in UKIUS.rlillUJ'tf, CO. ftUUA. IU. .
Chosen for
Track Team
Foster, Vollloncour Named
To Hood High School Squad
For Rogue River Roloys
Co-captains for the 1043
KUHS track team wero chosan
tho otlmr day by Coach Paul
Heller from tlui two men who
tinlxhcd with the most points
In Ilia rticoiit iutiu-cliins meet
They wero Dick Valllimcour
aim "HiiUly" Foster.
Foster was high point man of
tlui meet unci will thcrrfuio be
awarded a special medal from
Coach Uiller.
Bocchl wuii tho most firsts of
tho meet.
The track team leaves Friday
for Mctlford where they will
participate in tho Rogue river
relays. This meet will officially
open tho regular track season
Uellcr says tho boys nre In fine
shape unit predicts a fair open
ing meet In the vullcy.
Paul Lewis Hits
Bernie Cardenas
For Knockout
OAKLAND, Calif., April 8
(P) Paul Lewis, Oakland mid
dleweight, battered uernlo Car
denas of Mexico City all around
the ring before knocking him
out In tho second round of their
10-rouiKl main event fight last
night. Lowls weighed 194 and
Cardenas, 162.
Lewis, younger brother of for
mer' world light-heavy weight
champion, John Henry Lewis,
floored the Mexican with a right
to tho Jaw.
Bobby Bcrger, 147, Chicago,
won an unpopiilur decision over
Al Walker, 142, Oakland, In an
other 10-roundcr.
Second Airmen
Undergo Tough
Training System
Wash., April 8 (l1) Far-flung
units of the second air force
soon will undergo a training pro
gram designed to equip "person
nel with such physical strength
ond endurance ns will be neces
sary to meet tho demands of
combat conditions tho public re
lations office announced yester
Cant. Red Reese, coach of the
second air force bombers, who
chalked up an undefeated fool-
ball season climaxed by a Sun
Bowl victory, will head the pro
Every station and unit In the
force, which embraces an area
from Mexico to Canada ond from
tho Mississippi to the Pociflc
slope, will be Included In the
progrum, the announcement said.
coming 1043 baseball campaign
in the Coast league,
Earl Toolson, the cx-Sllvcr-ton,
Oregon State league chuck
or nnd form'r Willamctto U stu
dent has signed a professional
baseball contract with the Lou
isville team of the American as
sociation. He is also reported
to have received a fat bonus for
Last year's Pelican catcher,
Dave Dixon, is employed in de
fense work near Portland where
ho intends to manage a bull
club this summer.
Tom Falkenburg
Volunteers for
Army Induction
DALLAS, Tex., April 8 IP)
Tom Falkenburg, 18, of tho ton-nis-movlo
Fnlkcnburgs of Holly
wood, has applied for voluntary
indjclion In the ormy hero "be
cause I like Dallas."
He arrived last week with his
mother, brother Bob, sister Jinx,
ond Paulctto Goddord, to appear
In a Red Cross benefit, A fresh
man In tho University of Arizona
and 1-A in the draft, he'll bo In
ducted April 28 and has nsked to
be assigned to a ferrying group
at Love field.
Pitcher Acquired
By Hollywood Club
Pot McLaughlin, 32-year-old
pitcher, hus been acquired by
tho Hollywood baseball club
from the Toledo club of the
American ossncintlnn, Ho is on
option until Mtiy 1,
Nobotlr In utirt to Qncnpo. Ant) roundworm
enn con no rent trouble innltlo you or ynur
child. Wntrh for tho wnrnlnst nlffnm un
enny Atomnclt, norvnumicnn, Itchy none or
front, f Jot Jnyne'ri Vormlfiifjo right nwnyl
JAVNK'H In Ainorlcn'n liiiullnfr prnnrlnlnry
worm moilklno hiknI by million fnrovor A
eon tit ry, A!t -iHly. yit driven out round
wormi. lUraaiid JAVNU'ti VliHMIFUUi.,
College Try
Bows Rainier9
Men to WSC
LEWISTON, Mil, April 8 (P)
Tho okl "i'oUtffj try" by Wh.
tiiKton Sluto wim too much for
tho Scuttle nnlnlom yofttt'idny,
nnd tho Cun-d Uniuuo club
bowed 74 to ttio colU'tfliuu.
Wnlly K minor ot Into (i.
qunnt trouble In jioIiik tho rnnto
for tho Co iik urn but IiIa nuitivi,
purtlcuhirly tho Inflcltl which
pullod off thrco tloublo plnyn,
bucked him up intntly In tho tljjht
Mnthrson, Itnlnlrr fthorl.stbp,
Kit I tho Con.s t It'iiKueiV only rx-tru-bnjto
hit, n ninth ltinln triple
scoring ono nftrr two wore out,
Cioorgo DuvldMin of WSC
parked a homer over tho ritfht
flold fence In the fifth, ncorinB
ono abend of him, nnd Krmnor
nnd Brannlgnn hit doubles for
tho eollrtfiniiii. Klllott und Mull
tor for Scuttle tfnvo up 12 hitfl.
8VSOWI8 or .ssv.u 8TATi:n:vr
ok mi:
of MlnnMU. In tlm Al, of Minn,..!
on tho IMrfTfif.t dr ..f Hwmtnr, Wl
mad to Hi Ini.if-itM r'.. .!... .. '
HtuXm at Oregon, puranant to tiwi
Annual of tplUI Dork pM
Up . .. I fMOnOno
ntorrit reWcri Iimmm f
IHvMfti rrtire.1 .., , , , ,
MUtrUtiioiit ten rarnrtt t
Nn luaditiB fsrnH . ,
H-r It fri oti Utiullmfnt
I1 '.1
Wl.tM -
IIS. mi it
fiiirrfntter rhargei , ,
To In com ..,M,,
A pirn rlatlont to rrMlfltaU
tent - , . , .
Awrtlfiifnn of moriai pr-
mhtmt .-,
(ln-ral and adiiitnUtratlva at
n-nir--proportion ,
Mlifllneotji Inlrrfit untnii
I. 15111
IM tn it
it am ni
rnmmliilotta paid ,,
I'M.fit and Ipuaala of hnd
Amount a paid or p?atl- t
tnvMtnra (lyndleat
Morlgai rtir t
tnvilmrnt mine-fnril tttt
(Vrtiriral mllertlnn feai
Other arrtl.M
Totl dtihqrtntnta tu tt t
Ne taenma from orMfatlnni . I tU 111 M
Olher Ineoma ttAUitrt ad
juitmrnt or prior rear tiw
coma and tipaaa ltmi ... . l.lMtt
?fl In coma before protlilon for
tnonrna tatea iff ttl M
Protlilon for (new ma tata H irn.u
.Ka tneoma
,. I ll.4.N
Admlllad Aaatta
Taih In hani and In lro.lt I IM Ht 4
Markrtable Krmrlllca I.IS..M9.0I
Frdrral tlotuing AdmlnUlra.
tlorj Intured Mortfaar , T,l.S?,i4
Olher fir ait morlB(ei or) real
etlala I.Mft.JH
lant on eertiiiratei , , fT.r
on eerttllratei .,.
fnamnriiied premium! on
mnrifaiea ,.,......,.
Tots! admitted aneti ..-.ll,flT,lt.?.1
Irtrludea Itema depo.lled lHi eenlra) d-
potltary purnunt lo I lit InvrHmfiit (nm
paiir Art ir ivin, anu iima qr,Hitii villi
tarlout fdalri or drtwullnrtel tmrtqanl lo
arlutia reqglrementa of. alalutea of, rnllni
t jr. or affrremenli mad llli the ar)iproral
nt anrli ftutea or of nnr regulatory or m
pertdory authoritte thereof,
fVftlfleata rrrM
l.l.ua r
I iaij.ii
la, :a
inilona paralila
Arenuhla pavilil
rit'lUlrlliuUtl f.lt rolltrllani
l.frtrrt Irtrtim rl snl.s
Irtsilltic aiiplirahl In ruttira
nnrrsllona 4I " to
ll'.rri, fnr l .!! H
lle.rrve (or a.lilltlonat rr'4lls , M.OnO rq
Tol.l II.MIIM.. .ir.i.l raiillsl no,i'-.nir.il
rspllsl pall! up . 70,IM
riilus. rai.i in , .m
urplus-Kamsd Ki.m.n
I 1,119 SM.M
Total "in I7,II.JJ
lluflnsM In OrsKon far Ysar
CfrtiriciU rrrlpls during tlia
1'aimrnt tft r.rliriraU lifl.t-rs
rfurlnf tha yrar optional sru
rtiiipon and Inlrrrst pul'l on
rrrtllkatrs nnriiis' s r." y.r
ISA ni, K. ritAnn, rrs.
n A 1.111 KKNNON. flff,
Btalulnry rsl'lnit allnrriy for sitrrlr,
AllrrH A. Haiiipanii. Paul P. Parrns. An.
ilrnr Kosrnrr, not) I'aiilllo Mill-, rolllawl,
"'"" , n 1
Lot and Found
LOST SiiRnr rntlon book.
Jewel I. Rimer, 100 MIclilKitn.
Phono 4202. 4-8
LOST No. 1 nntl No, 2 rntlon
book. Frank P. White. Mull
to Quartz Mountain, earn
Ewauna Camp, 4-8
LOST Gold Identification ,
brnce. Nello Glovnmnl. Phono
4170. Reward. !
LOST Black billfold containing;
Kiis ration book bclonxlnil to
Vclma Chllds, 1745 Monlowny.
Reward. 4-13
LOST Sugar ration book bo-
lonKlng to Mary Palmer, Ph.
4830. 4 0
LOST No, 1 and No, 2 rntlon
books. Josopli Leon Hull, Bo
nanza, Oregon. 3-0
LOST Black billfold contain
ing pnpers nnd kiis ration book
belonging to Ditto Gcphart.
Roword. 1046 Melrose. 4-8
LOST Ration books 1 nnd 2
belonging to Florence Thomp
son and book 1 belonging to
Marshall Coney of Bcnlty, Pro.
LOST Block billfold contain-
Ing papers and gits ration
book belonging to Clovls San
dors. Rt. 3, Box 22SA. 4 0
LOST No. 2 rntlon book bo-
longing to Harold Donald
Christy, 3223 Lavorne. 4-10