'April 7, 1048 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE i Boat Brolhtr Mrs. C. E. Nowcuni, 31120 Altnmunt drive, returned on Suncliiy cvohIiik, Murch 27, from Portland whore Kilo vlnltel lur husband, ttniiUiy cd In tho war IiicIiihIiIos tlicrii. On Tiit'ntluy iilio rucclvod u JonK illntiineu cull from lur brother, UiMin French, a nntlvo of Klum nth Knl I mid now In tlm niivy imklnii her lo como to Sun Kriin elsco iih In) Intel n few clays U'livn, mid alia w iiljln to upend four days with him, tholr first meet ing In five and half ycnn. He In nn electrician nnd a chief pot ty officer on a U. S, destroyer, mid nliico last AnKtint bus been In tho rnclflc In ninny innjor buttles. Before 1 1 in t ha was on the oust count with sea duty ii round Iceland nnd Orcenlnnd. 1 1 In wlfo in living In Sun Francisco. Vlilli Klamath Visitor In Kliminth Fid I on Tuesday In cluded George W. Schoeffel of I'orlliind, nnd V. II. Wiilbrldgo of Eugene. Kchoeffel is superin tendent of iigencles for Oregon Mutuul Ufo lnsurnnco company, while Wnlbrldgo Is gcncrul ngant for southern Oregon nnd northern Cnllfornln. They wore guests of Lynn Hoycroft, district supervisor for Oregon Mutuul In Klumnlh nnd Lnke counties. Evangelist Speaks Evangel 1st James II. Curter will speuk tonight lit the First Covenant church, 823 Wnlnul, on "Tho Good Sumnrltnn," nnd ho& pic tures on "Gospel Dyniimlto." Thursday he will talk on "Tho Wny of Cnlvnry" nnd show pic tures, "Fishers of Men." Frl duy's sermon will bo "I-nw nnd Grace," nnd pictures, "Tho Best Skiers In tho World." Meetings ore open to tho public. Able to Be Out Roy Glvens. operator of tho Sunset Horse stables, wns nhlc to ba out ngaln Wednesday after being confined to his homo nt East Main nnd Garden streets for the pnst sev eral days recovering from an In Jury received Sunday when R homo knocked him against the corner of a parked trailer house in the stablo yard. Sponsoring bole The Fre mont PTA will sponsor another rummngo salo on Friday, one cluy only, in tho samo locution ns Inst week's, next door to tho Unique grocery on South Ninth street, according to nn announce ment this week by Mrs. J. C. Hunt. Banking Official Here El- wnln H. Greenwood, secretary of tho Oregon Bankers associa tion, was In Klnmnth Falls Tucs dny nnd Wednesday. Ho came hero in connection with tho visit of E. C. Summons, head of the Oregon Victory loan drive. do East Mrs. W, A. Lcvlngs, (123 Eust Muln street, urn! her sister, Mrs. Mnymo Hoiightulllng, left on Monday evening for I'orl liind, whero they will spend a few duys then contlnuo to Min neapolis nnd Diiluth, Minn to visit relatives, From Ihoro they will go to Boston, Mass. They plan to bo gono for about a your, Accopts Position Hetty Urn liner has accepted a position In the office of tho Columbian Op tical compuny. From Hospital Mrs. Stella DcBol nnd smnll duughtcr, re turned homo Monday from tho Klumnlh Valley hospital. Home Again Carl Lindbergh returned homo Wednesday from the. Klumnlh Valley hospital, whero ha underwent nn opera lion 10 days ugo. 8lck Little Hog Inn Hnnnon, 7, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wal ter Hnnnon, has been 111 for several duys at her home, Return Home Mrs, Luther Roberts and baby son, Ronald, returned to their home this week from Hillside hospital. Three Calls Tho Women's Ambulunco corps hud three emorgency calls Tuesday. HI Mrs. Hurry Bolvln has been confined to her homo with an attack of Influenza for the past threa or four days. In Hospital Mrs. James Mil ton has been III nt a local hospi tal for tho past few duys. !!!jiHi! 'I! our wmiK.'m "ilium, anon IT'!."'!''1 nrorm MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective Feb. IS. 1943) Train IB Southboundi B p. m. Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. m. Train 17 8outhboundi 7 a. m. Train IB Northboundi 10 p. m. Medford Stage, Westbound, 3i30 p. m., Evening Airmail. Stagos to Alturat, Ashland, Lake- view and Rocky Point, 7 a. m. Suburban Dance Tho Subur ban league dnnco this Saturday night will bo hold at tho Altn mont elementary school instead of Shasta school as formerly. Visits Family Victor M. Pnl mcr, who is working In Port land, wns in Klamath Falls over tho weekend visiting his family hero. In Police Court Only two drunks nnd ono vng appeared Q in pollco court Tuesdny morn ing, according to city police. Returns M. L. Gudcrlnn re turned Mondny after a weekend visit with his brother, Clurcncc Guderlnn, In Salem, Oro, No Service Due to the rec tor's Illness Ihero will bo no sorv ico in St. Paul's Episcopal church tonight (Wednesday). However, thore is to bo a com munion service Friday evonlng, nnd Sundny services will be as usual. Regular Meeting The ladies auxiliary to tho Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen will hold Its regular meeting Thursdny, April 8, at B p. m. in tho KC hall. No initiation will bo held, but nil officers and drill team aro to at tend. Home Ee Meeting The Alts- mont Homo Economics club will moot nt tho homo of Mrs. Mario DuBols on Summers lane, Wed ncsdny evening, April 7. There is to bo n politick dinner. Club Meets The Merry Mix ers will meet on Thursdny, April 8, nt 8 p. m. at tho homo of Eleanor Curtis, 1335 Crescent avenue, Margaret La Fosse is tho hostess for tho evening. Thimble Club The Thimble club of the Neighbors of Wood craft meet Wednesday evening, April 7, nt tho homo of Mrs. Roy Bock, 137 High street with Ida Mochottaz the hostess. London Is Still Taking It Tho Gorman rnldors arc coming over moro Infrequently, but their bombs aro still causing death, and dnmugo In London. Hore flre rnon search through thostlll-smoldorlng ruins of a bombed house oatho outskirts of the British capital after a daylight raid. .... New FDR Aide 'Mtf- " ' Jonnthon Daniels, former editor of tho Raleigh Nows nnd Ob server and former OCD assist ant dlroctor, has been appoint ed a fuct-llndlng ndmlnlslrntlve assistant to President Roosevelt, REPUBLICANS QUERY WASHINGTON, April 7 (VP) Republicans raised the question in tho house todny whether the war department's ban against soldiers seeking or accepting political offlco was a violation of the constitution, a move to bur Gen. Douglus MacArthur as a presidential candidate, and a contribution toward a fourth term for President Roosevelt. Tho order, disclosed yester day, was Issued at tho direction of Secretary Stlmson. Rep. Kearney (R-N.Y.) told the houso this "disfranchised" Amer ican men and women who are fighting to save America, and Rep, Bennett (R-Mo.) commented that It "eliminates MucArthur," while, ho said, the offlco of war Information is seeking lo build up the prestige of Mr. Roosevelt, HIT, RUN BOMBINGS LONDON, April 7 fP) Ger man hit-and-run fighter-bombers attacked two towns on the British southeast coast shortly after dawn today, causing some casualties and damaging a num ber of business establishments. In spirit, desire and fulfill ment, British officials have como up to our expectations in tho lend-lcnse agreement. Lend Lcnso Reprcsentnlivo W, Avcr cll Harrlmun. Hans Norland Insurance. G I IN SUPPORT 0 TITLEDECIS1 PORTLAND, April 7 P) Oregon's new highway commis sioners today supported a recent decision of the old commission against turning over to a south ern Oregon county title to ground on which tho CAA plans an $880,000 airport. The county sought ownership of tho state-owned property so it might gain control of the air port for commercial use after the war. The old highway board de cided to maintain possession of tho site although it agreed the county could bo a co-sponsor of the CAA project. Lane W. Wil cox, Seattle, regional director of airports for the CAA, subse quently advised J. M. Devcrs, highway commission attorney, that this arrangement could not bo worked out because of a le gal technicality. He .urged the commission to deed the land to tho county. But toauy, acting upon the advice of Dcvers that there is no real barrier to the joint sponsorship, the board stayed by the former decision and ask ed Devcrs to try and work out an agreement. The commission's interest in aviation has been accentuated by the development of flight strips near state primary high ways wliich are expected to como Into heavy use by private and commercial flyers after the wor. Double Tragedy in Corvallis Shooting CORVALLIS, April 7 (P) In a double tragedy here Tues dny night Clarence Tabor, 42, is believed to have shot and killed his brother, Frank Tabor, 39, and then turned the gun on himself. He died in a hospital two hours later. CLAIM DISMISSED SEATTLE, April 7 () An order dismissing Canada's claim to $38,000 of gold bullion which Leo E. Morland was convicted of smuggling Into the United States from Canada two years ago was filed in Federal Judge I John C. Bowen s court today. Matinee Ends Tin Can Drive Saturday Ending the tin can salvage drive on Saturday, April 10, (here will be a 10 o'clock mati nee on Saturday at the Esquire theatre, the price of admission being 20 tin cans prepared ac cording to the Instructions given by the salvage committee, that Is, eoch can washed, both ends cut out, the paper removed, the can flattened and the ends tucked Insldo the flattened can. The matinee will be for all children in Klamath Falls and vicinity. Girl Scouts and Camp Fire girls will serve s ushers for the matinee and Boy Scouts will have on hand cardboard cur tons and burlap sacks In which the cans will be placed, loaded on a truck and taken to the salvage depot. This matinee Is being given by the courtesy of the Esquire theatre. NATS HAVE RARE PAIR COLLEGE PARK, Md With Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio gone, Washington has the two outfielders remaining In the American league who hit better than .300 last year. They are Stan Spence. 323 and George Case .318. Always read the classified ads. Closing Date for Klamath Schools Told by Gralapp All public city schools will close for summer vacation May 21, it was announced Wednesday by Arnold Gralapp, city super intendent of schools. High school seniors will com plete their work by May 14. Baccalaureate exercises are to be May IS and commencement May 19. There will be no Easter vaca tion this year, Gralapp announced. LAST FIGHT-TO-FINISH j RENO Henry Armstrong, triple-crown winner now doing a comeback, participated in the last scheduled flght-to-a-flnlsh against Alton Black here, April 17, 1036. Armstrong knocked out Black In the eighth round. : Suburban League DANCE Altamont Elementary School SATURDAY. April 10th If it's a "frozen" article you need, advertise for a used one in the classified. X s) For more than half a century, grass-fed cattle and feeders from the Northwest's vast range country have helped maintain the nadon'i meat supply. During all these years, Great Northern Rail wny, which taps the heart of the nation's live stock producing nrea, has been transporting; "sirloin on-thc-hoof to packers and feeders of Amcricih Hand In hand, the Northwest's livestock industry, Uncle Sam and the Great Northern , have worked on major projects Improved breeding, range conservation, expansion of feeding operations within the range country Thnt same teamwork now Is being applied to the job of keeping our armed forces, allies and ' civilians the best fed in the world, Thin Ktnri ot thn orthtntl Importance In tht nation' tear aTart ha htttn preMtntaa lo finimnnrfii of Amtrlcan InHuitrtat xtcu(ta throuan 1KAFFIC WORLD magatln: GREAT NORTHERN H. I. Wayne, General Agent. Q. N. Station Klamath Falls, Ore, " SEARS ' ' ' 1 " !lak J ;1 '-NSaggg Use Sears Easy Payment Plan for Your Spring Wardrobe Needs! PRETTY SHOES MAKE PRETTY FEET The perkiest, gayest shoes we've seen In many a Spring . . . sparkling patents, gabar dines, calfskins. Platform types, open heel pumps, san dals . . black, brown and blue Sizes 4 to 9 . . . AAA to D. TIME TO GIVE YOUR FEET A HOLIDAY Carefree, saucy styles . . . as comfortable as your bare feet. Gaily designed in the bright est, giddiest colors that ever enlivened a leisure moment Sizes from .4 to 9. 29 WALKING CAN BE FUN FOR YOUR FEET, This Jaunty little moccasin wins in a walk every time. Can be worn with or without the 'detachable kiltie tongue. Smooth leather uppers, sturdy leather sole. 3V2-8 SMARTLY STYLED FOR GROWING FEET! Trim oxford with' moccasin effect vamp or T-strap dress sandal In black leather. Both styles have sturdy leather soles . . . and are Goodyear stitched. Sizes 814 to 3, narrow widths. BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS 9 133 So. 8th Dial 518.1 Expertly Fitted by