Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 07, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    April 7, 19
SKATTI.H, April 7 (!') Con
tending the OI'A In falling to
slop alleged continued luereiirics
In living costs, li niiliin lender
hero hint night threat! il to
tlnnw n picket lino around tliu
OI'A office.
Speaking nt n mans meeting
spo cd by Mm labor consum
er's league, Ward Colcy of llio
Ilulldhuf Service Employes' un
ion (AFL) declared:
"If tlio OPA will not change
tliPHU thing" (1'ImIiiK living costs)
wo must ink its official to re
sign. If the OI'A doesn't con
trol the prices of foods mid rent
Hip wuy It should, we've got to
put n picket line on their office
mid hold It there 12 hour a
Jliirolil Gibson, prcsitieiit m
the iieronmillciil nicchiinlcii lodge
(AKI.) churned that "wages lire
being held lit n nilniimini nnd
' prion permitted to rise their
maximum clue to governmental
political hlunderliiK."
SALEM, April 7 (1)Famlllc
which receive V-homo flickers
thin month will huvo to iihow
that they "are doing their very
bent In the war effort," Stale
Defense Administrator Jerrold
Owen said today, adding that nlr
raid and block wardens who dis
tribute the stickers would not
be too severe,
April is V-home month
throughout the nation and du
fenso officials hope every family
will take precautions against nir
iittack by having materials to
fiKhl Incendiary bombs and by
denning out their attics.
Owen wild some stales allow
"Indiscriminate distribution of
tho slickers," giving them to any
family which has n home and a
-window in which to put n stick
er. This, Owen said, robs the
ticker of Its slKiiiflcance.
Soviets Colonizo
Half-Russian, Jap
Sakhalin Island
MOSCOW, April 7 (TP) It was
disclosed today that tho Rus
sians havo furthor colonized
Sakhalin Island, tho northern
half of which Is Russian nnd
llio southern half Japanese.
(Tho boundary between the
Russian part and the Japanese
part, which Is known as Knrn
futo, is 1000 miles north of
A dispatch from Okha, Sakha
lin, said that the soviet lit Nl
provo, the most northern popul
ated point on tho Island, hud es
tablished the first livestock stale
Josephine County
Chooses Successor
To Representative
SALEM, April 7 (!') The
stale department was ndvlsed to
day by the Josephine county
court that it has chosen Orvillc
II. School, Grants Pass, as slate
representative from Josephine
county, succeeding Kenneth S.
Martin, Grants Pass, who re
signed to become a state game
commissioner. Both arc repub
Gennnny'H only outlying pos
session Is Heligoland, n small
rock pluteau, n quarter of n
milo square in area, situated in
tho North Sen, 31 miles from
the mainland.
To Cleveland
Erich Lclnmlorf, 81, Wngnerlun
conductor with tho Metropolitan
Opera, hns been named new
director of tho Clovelnnd Or
chestra. Ho succeeds Dr. Artur
Hoclzlnskl, who goes to New
York lo conduct the Phllluir-
monlo Orchestra,
1'i 21. '
Film Star Socks
V Wax
1 i.
. -' t . A-. 'f, . I "I'll "'til
., fjV " i
I "V -J,
Actroii Dorothy Lomour and Copt. William Ron Howard III,
of tho army air forces, applied lor a marrlaga liconio in Los An
goloi. She said thoy were to bo marrlad whon Capt. Howard got
hit noxt leave. She gave her ego as 28 and Capt. Howard gavo
his as 35.
Ship Losses Increased
During March, Says Knox
Secretary Knox said today allied
ship losses in the Atlantic were
considerably worse in March
than in February, due to intensi
fied operations of German sub
marines. February was one of the best
months of the war to date, and
Knox's comment was not regard
ed as Indicating a new peak in
sinkings had been reached, but
simply that tho battle of the At
lantic had taken a turn for the
Asked whether the navy Is
holding back good news about
the war In the Pacific, Knox said
that was "somebody's pipe
dream." Questioned specifically
about developments In tho North
Pacifiche said the situation was
"about Iri' status quo."
Offensive Soon
A reporter suggested that tho
much heavier bombing offensive
against the Japanese baso on
Kiska Island beginning in March
seemed to indicate that our posi
tions In the Andrcanof island
had been extended or advanced
toward Kiska. Asked whether
that was true, Knox replied:
"That we aren't telling any
body." Ho said the Japanese on
"Hair of Dog" Treatment
Used to Treat Shell-Shock
SEATTLE, April 7 (T) A.
"halr-of the-dog" treatment for
the after-effects of heavy war
explosions is being used in the
Pacific, an army officer re
turned from Guadalcanal re
ported yesterday.
Lieut. Jim Moore, a Seattle
high school athlete, said he
spent several months in Guadal
canal until a Jap bomb struck
near him.
"I don't remember a thing
about it," he said in a Post-In-lelligenccr
interview. "It knock
ed me out. 1 Just woke up in a
lent five minutes later and won
dered what happened. I felt
good. Four days Inter I got the
He was hospitalized in New
"They had n trench dug," ho
Ashland Normal to
Open Museum Soon
aro being formulated for tho
opening of tho Southern Oregon
College of Education museum,
which Is slated to occur in May,
according to Professor A. C.
Strange, curator, Tho exhibits
will be housed in tho administra
tion building, A largo number
of historical nnd biological ac
quisitions nro already catelogcd.
Miss Uorthlel Nelson of Klam
ath Falls hns been acting as
museum secretary for the past
year, A faculty committee di
rects policies of the museum: Dr.
Arthur S. Toylor, Dr. Wayne W.
Wells, nnd Miss Myrtle Funk
hnuscr. It's still a good idea to lay
everything you can nwny for a
rainy day except work.
611 3. 6th
Phono 56B9
Ward Arnold, Sorvicoman
License to Wed
-It' a
t i
Kiska ore being hammered
pretty regularly, but whether
they lire in bad shape was some
thing he did not know.
The secretary gave no estimate
of tha total number of U-boats
the nazis have thrown into their
spring offensive, but he said that
"Just as we expected and as I
said it would be, there arc more
German subs out there."
Changod Tactics
"They've changed their tactics
more or less," he added, without
disclosing what new tactics had
been observed. "The situation
Is serious and a tough one. No
body is a bit complacent about
The U-boats are concentrating
In the middle Atlantic, the sec
retary said, along the shipping
routes from the United States to
England and to the Mediter
ranean, i To counter tho U-boat offen
slve the United States is rushing
construction of fleet of destroyer
I escort ships, and Knox was asked
whether- there had been any im
' provemcnt in the program.
! He replied that the rate of
! lauuchings now is very good and
that a lack of engines to put into
the hulls is being overcome.
explained, "and worked on tho
theory that the cure for the
after effects of noise or explo
sions was in renewing noiso and
explosions under safo condi
tions. "They mado il just like a pic
nic. We'd go out and sit around
and talk and boil up a billy of
lea. Then somebody would get
into the trench and they'd firo
off TNT and shoot machine gun
bullets into the parapet above
his head. I was absolutely o. k.
after one time in the trench, al
though I actually think I was
in pretty good shape when 1
got to New Zealand."
In one hand-to-hand battle on
Guadalcanal, Lieut. Moore said,
lie disarmed his adversary and
found he was a former Univer
sity of Washington student.
HOUSTON, Tex., (!') The
young man asked the draft board
staff how soon ho might bo in
ducted. Ho blushed whon ho saw all
tho clerks staring tit the baby in
his arms.
"I'm not trying to arouse sym
pathy," ho protested.
"My wife is working and I
couldn't find anyone to stay with
the boy"
1,'. ... . 1 -i-
Broadway Hall,
April 10th
Music by
Pappy Gordon
and Hit Oregon HillblUloi
Dancing 10 to 3
Adm, Mon ....-..$1.00 Tax Inc.
Sorvicomon.... 50 Tax Inc.
Ladios .10
s .
A protest niiuinst offlco of price
udinlnlstrutlon milk ccillnKs was
voiced hero yesterday by Ore
gon dairymen in a mass median.
A resolution declared, "the
fluid milk industry, which la
closely connected with the public
health Is and for some time past
has been opcrutini; at a loss in a
period of rapidly increasing
costs . . , Producers huvo nought
to malntuin production at a loss
out of a sense of obligation , , ,
Hut they cannot under present
conditions carry on much
ioiiKcr," ,
Spokesmen said 1000 dairy
men pussed the resolution, which
also asked the governor's com
mittee investigating milk prices
to attempt to get price increases.
The committee, which con
tinued in session today, attend
ed the meeting.
PORTLAND, April 7 (At
Vernon R. Churchill, newspaper
advertising and promotion man,
todoy was appointed assistant
publisher of the Portland Ore
gon Journal, Publisher Phil L.
Jackson disclosed.
First colonial governor of
North Carolina was commission
cd In 1712.
aaweaaajaaHMiigeMiMMrTw) nw twaeaiiaaiiiujy,-,,!,,! uiu ,i igiMMiiainMet
I Buy Anything" Totalling $10' " 'i"""' -
or More on Sears Easy . '.
Payment Plan! T
133 So. 8th . Dial 5188 B
. i i Mm ' ' ' I 'mi ' ' ! . t "I
Motive Power Big Problem
In Making "Flying Wings"
NEW, YORK, April 7 UP)
Giant "flying wing" airplanes,
shuttling between world capi
tals in hours, where days arc
needed now, were visualized to
day by Glenn D. Angle, con
sulting engineer and editor of
"Acrosphcre," the international
aviation yearbook.
Tho chief problem In making
this global air servico a post
war reality, as Angle sees it,
is the development of the neces
sary motive power for tho big
Along with other aviation
authorities, Anglo foresees air
craft carrying 150 lo 250 pas
sengers, as well as mail and
perishable freight.
His projected time-table from
New York would put London
ten hours away; Moscow, 14;
Cairo, 16, and Rio do Janeiro
only 15; while San Francisco
would be only 20 hours from
Chungking and Sydney; 21 from
Manila and 24 from Calcutta.
The army air transport and
the commercial lines already
have laid the groundwork for
global flying on a large scale.
Airports have sprung up in
jungles, forests, plains, in Arctic
regions and the tropics, an'd the
international oir is filled with
talk of future control of flying.
"There is no reason why U.
S. engineers can't eventually de
micED" t fIS?rti nl fxiz . -2J ;
sign a 5000 horsepower airplane
engine, Anglo said. ;
"However, I think that the j
5000 horsepower engine will not
come in one jump. I expect we
will raise tho horsepower gradu-:
ally so as to ullow for the neces
sary research, and operating ex
perience. "From tho structural, eco
nomical and manufacturing
standpoints, it is better to have
fewer, larger engines, than
many smaller types. Acro
dynamically, It Is more advan
tageous to Install four large
engines than six of considerably
lower horsepower; and the air
craft manufacturers arc already
thinking about where to get
Victory Gardeners
Can Buy Potatoes
In Small Lots
Victory gardeners won't have to
buy seed potatoes in 50-pound
lots after all.
To aid persons with small gar
dens, the office of price adminis
tration today removed its 50
pound regulation, originally es
tablished to curb sales of seed
potatoes for human consumption
in order to escape price ceilings.
Purchases for planting pur
poses now may be made in any
Trade News
Interesting Notes of Herald
ond News Advertisers, Their
Product! and Activities
Free packets of super giant
Zinnia seeds are being distri
buted by the Firestone Tire and
Rubber company through its
dealers and stores. People in
this vicinity who are interested
in growing Zinnias may get their
free packets from the local Fire
stone store located at 527 Main.
Firestone's new garden guide
booklet is also free to all who
are interested In planting a gar
den. "While we are urging war
gardeners to devote the major
portion of their time and space
to the production of vegetables,"
says C. R. Klngan, head of the
local Firestone organization,
"there are always places for
flowers. For instance, borders
of flowers add much to the at
tractiveness of the main veget
able garden."
careful consideration, 10 friends
and relatives have decided to
give a birthday gift to Pvt. Lar
ry Mooncy of Indianapolis, who
now fs stationed in Africa.
Saturday, on Pvt. Mooney's
birthday, the 10 are going down
to the Red Cross blood donor
center in a body and each will
donate a pint of blood.
Mort Describes
Bureaucrats as
"Crackpot Group"
SAN DIEGO, Calif., April T
(IV) In dealing with Washing'
ton bureaucrats you aro "deal
ing with an outstanding group
of crackpots," Rep. James W,
Mott (R-Ore.) said yestcrduy at
a house naval affairs subcom
mittee hearing on housing and
Mott was told by City Man.
agcr Walter Cooper that the war
production board was the "chief
stumbling block," adding that
the agency repeatedly had
"stalled and reenginecrcd and
tried to' find everything but tha
right way."
According to the estimates of
the U. S. biological society, 32,
000 wild house cats are roaming
over the United States today ,
as predatory animals.
Brenda Will
You Step Out
With Me Tonight?
1 know I'm hwt an awfal grouch not tak
ing you nr place lately. But arwr Handing
all "lay at my new iob. my feet darn Mar
killed me with callouaea and burning. Mow
I'M reformed - or rather my feet have
thanka to the Ice-Mint you advUed. Ner
tried anything that eeemed to draw the
pain and fira right out ao faat and tha
way It helpa aoften eallouiea la nobody a
buiineail Been able to get aomo extra over
time money - ao what do you aay, let a go
dancing tonight. You can atep on my Ic.
Mint eet all you wank