PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH rALXS, OREGON 'April T, 1848 T Chile Shaken by Noon Earthquake SANTIAGO, Chile, April 7 (IP) More than half the coastal area of Chile was shaken shortly after noon yesterday by nn earth quake which caused sonio de struction ot properly but no loss of life, according to early re ports. Santiago and Valparaiso, the nation's two main cities, folt the shock, Gormnny gets relief from the RAF pounding only during the months having a "z" in them, LARGEST OOLD NUQQET Largest gold miKKot ever re corded wolghod between 2200 and 2500 Troy ouncos. It was named "Welcome Stranger" by its discoverer, who found It In shallow rut nenr Mollgul, Victoria, Auslrnliu, on February 5, 1807. V Flanked Nazis ' Jl J J II HIGH SCHOOL The climate of a plnce It Its avorago wonthcr. LIST MEN TO DRAF BOARDS r ""V J In BE illCTED A group of telectees from Klamath Falls local board No. 1 left here last night, and a larger group from the county board No. 2, will leave tonight (Wednes day), it was reported by the se lective service board head quarters. Herewith is the list of draftees from board No. 1: Coy, Vernon, Denver, Colorado. Hyatt, Walter H., Wichita. Kan. Vanderburgh, Douglaa 1, Kev Orleans, La. niirgesi, Wavoe B., tSM Kadcllffe. Harrla, Barvej L Loa Anselee, Calll. Brownlee, Van Elton, Box 6M. Tretethen. Harold E., Kerbj. Oultln. Robert T., Box 45). Haklerup, John B., J2S Klamath aw. Dull, horj P., Stoclcton, Callt. Ooertten, Harry Molalla. Barr, Bird M., Portland, Ore. Wellmnn, Robert B., 44S Market, ShrNleld. Sam O., 1SS8 Oak 8t. Bi llon, On ilia W.. Tortland. Ore, Naalv, Robert L. .Rt. , Box WS. Hnrdv, I'tnli Z.. Manilla, Monl. Thomaa, Willie R.. 1MI tlamanlta SU Gray. Oil! W WO X. th St. Brooke, Lane, 1211 Crescent Are. Becker, Clovde D., Woodburn. Ore. Carney, Bud. Eandpolnt, Idaho. flarnelc, John, rornana. ure. Oeheltree, Petmer I., 90S XeUonal Are., Cli'lla Vl.ta, Calif. Fricun, Robert C Klamath Telle. Cllson, Jamra H., 619 N. fith. ' llutcrtcnt. John A., lPle Waotlane. . Powell, Marshall A.. 827 Mitchell St. Cat a. Theodora B.. IJ Washington 81. niwn. Kdwerd. tSS 8. 8th. Wooilnitl, Lewis H., care Lamm'a Camp, Ohilonuto. Patterson, Harold M., 1342 Worden Are. Hancock, Donald P., Klamath Fall. Mar la tha lint from board No. xt Maiton, Bcrtrand Alverdo, Falla City. Ore. Aahby, Chester Conrad, in Lacuna St. William. Ellison L., Tortland. Ore, JVeJo, Ramon, Bosevllle, Calif. . Ttnmea. Leslie Dee. 1416 Da?ton St. Ryan, Robert MacOretor, Loa Angelei, Calif. Hansen, Edmund Martin. Portland. Ore. Bromley. Harditon Jooee. Bend, Ore, xtinnl. Waller Rvert. Blv. Ore. South. Rayburn McKinley. i N. 10th St, Wakeman, Qninn Jamee, Bemidjl. Nina. Herburgcr, Cedric Harry, Canyon City, Ore. McLellan. Arthur, Fairbanka, Alaska. Ponce, Paul Jill, Oakland. Calif. Peterman, Alvln Lane, Conco. Calif. Andrieu, Regie Victor, Midland. CllnkenbeanI, Joy Kathan, Loa Angeles, Calif. Warren, John Mansmm, Ollchrllt, Ore, Kdbuh, Norman Merth, Seattle. Waah. Lenaen. William Emll. 603 Roseway Drtte. : Olson. John Barney. 5242 Delaware St. Blackwell. Berry. Merrill. Ore. Cuetin, Donald P.. Box 6M. -Chiloquln. Eeeland, Chiloquln, Leistlkow, Warren Ellsworth, rn Blibee St. Nardi. Celestlno. Pelican City. Hart. Glen Howard. Salt Lake City, Utah. Bailey, Robert L, Salt Lake City. TJtah. Smith. Drakeford Lee, Bines. Ore. Jsltt, Alton Lawerence. Portland, Ore, Icenblee. Loo Calvin, Merrill. Calise, Frank Louis, Merrill. Krvln. Daniel Frederick, Box lit Bve, Rolland Parker. Pasadena, Calif. Clinton, Kenneth William. 1828 Home Are. Bieg, Arnold William, 6648 8. 6th St, Brers. Vernon Howard, Box 61. Crescent. Preslar. Oarrin Orent, Bt. S, Box 229. - BlrJr. Dalton, Anchor hotel. Bnt. Lvle Jennings, Aleoma. Thorpe, Blaine Karl, Chemult, Covington. Norman Owen. Crescent. Ore. Bruton, Thomas Joseph, Vancouver, Wash. Barter, Lester Marvin, Merrill. ' McDanlel, Vlrirtl F.. Kirk, Ore. DeLamater, Howard Vernon, Klamath Falls. Hughes. Lonele, Beatty. Ore. Poole, Gary Dean, LaPine, Ore, - . 'A i,'' i i t& Qi-V 'J British Gen. Bernard Freyberg, a New Zealander whom Ger mans reported killed in the 1941 battle of Crete, proved himself very much alive by leading the flanking attack on 1 Hamma, Tunisia, that was responsible for rout of Rommel at Gabes. PELICANATO GIVE In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of provisional government in the Oregon country, PELICAN A, the weekly radio program of Klamath Union high school, will present a special program to night, Wednesday, 8:15 p. m. The script, written by Nor ma Ridgley, Mertrice Anderson, Doris Churchill, and Shirley Cornell, is based on authentic data from the history of the Old Oregon Trail. Those taking part in the pre sentation are Roberta Tucker, Shirley Cornell, Doris Church ill, and Duane Corzatt. OUT OF REACH BUTLER, Pa., JP) A thief who sneaked into St. Paul's Catholic church and attempted to rob the poor box left empty- nanded. The pastor, the Rev. P. K.Col lins, told police a chute now car ried the contributions into the basement. -MEN AND- WOMEN IN SERVICED AIRMEN Garland and Virgil Kinkade, sons of Mrs. Ethel Kin kade, 101 South Ninth street, are serving in the United States K 'N army air corps. f Garland, pic-V-'-fJtured, is 29 years ot age ana ' v n o w stationed I '-ir-l. fcr-at Drew field i-'i'?5jnear Tampa, ; v 1 1 p Fla. He was iyr vlhome on fur l (Jl lough in late UJanuary- Gar" " l VI land serves as ? Zp. ' mechanic and vJ- waa inducted -muHUt October. 1941. He is a former employe of Ewau- na planing mill. VirgU, 20, is also an air corps mechanic and enlisted three years ago this next July, He is a former Klamath Union high school student and right, now is somewhere in Alas ka. By ANITA GWYN The members ot the senior class are and will be plenty busy; also, the small matter of money keeps edging its way into the pic ture. Calling cards and an nouncements have been ordered and must soon be paid for. They are scheduled to arrive the last of this month. The measure ments for caps and gowns will Iroe xaKen in tne Inear fiitnr Th rental fee will be $1.85. e e A meeting of the Girls' League was held Tues day morning. It was stated that there will be very simple decor ations for the dance. Orchids were banned but the boys may give any other corsage they wish. Girls, don't forget to get your man for the formal dance, Fri day evening at 8:30. Ml tVi Bettie Hopkins 288,850 Betty McKinney 64,750 Vivian Dirschl 48,045 Sally Mueller 51,015 Don't let these figures fool you. There are plans to make these totals shoot up. Buy your bonds and stamps at KUHS and vote for the girl you wish to be Sweetheart! At 10:45 Friday morning, the contestants for the junior ama teur show will appear and strut their stuff. i f- ft i Looking down across the wing tip of an American dive bomber you can see the runway of the' much-bombed Jap airfield on Munda Point, New Georgia, in the Solomons. - r . Sidney" Roy of Baton Rouee. La., who has been at sea with uon .nunsaicer, is spending his leave here with Don at the Hun- saker home while his ship is in San Francisco. Don's twin brother. Dale, has recently been placed on active duty overseas. Ensign E. L. Payne has gradu ated in an instructor refresher course at Corpus Christi, Tex. He is now stationed at Pasco, Wash., as flight instructor. En sign Payne spent two days in Klamath Falls last week visiting at the home of his wife's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W.. Moca- bee. Mrs. E. L. Payne plans to join her husband at Pasco in about two weeks. ...... Robert. F. Anderson, route 1. box 915, Klamath Falls, has re ceived his commission as second lieutenant in 'the army at the tank destroyer officer candidate school at Camp Hood, Tex. Local ROTC Men Leave OSC for Active Army Duty Clyde Dehlinger, La wson Kandra and Jack Kenneth Glynn of Klamath county have been inducted into the service from : the advanced ROTC at Oregon State college, according to selective service headquar ters. The boys returned to Oregon State for more training. Certificates, Gas Cards Not Sold With Vehicles PORTLAND, April 7 VP) The office of defense transpor tation today warned that certi ficates of war necessity and "T" ration gasoline coupons cannot 1 e g a 1 1 y be transferred with titles to trucks or other com mercial vehicles. New operators must file an application for CWN on acquiring the vehicle. Tin Can Salvage Totals Noted in Oregon Shipments. PORTLAND,- April 7 (P) ne state salvage committee said today Oregon shipped out 485 tons of tin cans in the December-March period. This is equal to 824,500 pounds of copper ' and 9700 of tin, the committee said.' News of the Commandos Sergeant Dot Constable is our Commando pictured this week. All the colorful decorations about the room are a part of Dot's original ideas in fulfilling her duties as sergeant in charge of decorations. Dot's husband, who is in the army, has been in England and is now stationed in North Africa. Sergeant Con stable formerly lived in Bend. She has been in Klamath Falls several years and is employed as window trimmer for J. C. Penney Co. At a special meeting Monday night, three new members were initiated into the unit. They were Frances B a 1 i n, Lucille Walz and Evelyn Bishop. The unit welcomes you, girls. Special To the employers of Commando girls! We would like to thank each of you very, very much for your generosity in ex cusing the girls from their work so they may assist in soma of the Commando functions. Thanks to you, Mr. Wallace Reed, for loaning your radio to us for use in the hospitals. The boys who are confined to the hospital really enjoy the di version a radio can bring. Pri vate Wightman, who was moved to one of the hospitals from a troop train, is rapidly improv ing from an infected throat. The girls are working up some new musical skits which they intend to put on at vari ous entertainments. These will include a Gay '90's revue and a Hawaiian number. In order for the girls to get the allot ment of gasoline needed to make these trips to Camp White, they must go as an en tertaining unit. These numbers the girls are working up will enable them to help furnish en tertainment for the service men of Camp White. The following Is the distri bution to date, of the funds re ceived from our dance given February 20, 1943, at the Klam ath Falls armory, which amounted to $1615.42. The to tal transportation costs for the six marines and four sailors amounted to $304.57. Expenses for our dance on February 20 were $131.20. The entertain ment total came to $58.35, leav ing a balance of $1121.30 for future expenditures in bringing wounded men to Klamath Falls. When in Medford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Jo and Anna Earley Proprietors Remember Future generations will r member tha last resting place of your loved on when prop, rly marked when identi fied in keeping with your feeling of reverence with a memorial that will stand for all time. You will find tha designs to suit your taste among our display. Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works 116 S. llih St. Phone 6381 J .U JP YOUR HOf.1E FOR HOP f 'jLJ I OIom or ' W'l TT I Seml-Gleil p 'mm J Inamel SPRING s : III SAVINGS You can't buy better! Both fin, 1 iihea dry herd in 6 to S hre.l Both are washable! Price -cut! Super l-Coat Flat Wall Paint llatuljl Overt 81 Beat by test I Gal. coven 600 q. ft. 1 coat! Dries In 4 to 6 hre.l Washes easily. Keducedlj Wardt Fine Paste Wax t 49c Polishes to bright, wear -resisting luster I Easy to rub ln easy to clean! Save at Wards! 4il Words Certified Kalsomlne .m. 39 Just mis with hot or cold wa ter and apply! Hides any light surface! Dries fait! Cut-price I Wallpaper Prices at Low A n Ret Choose from 400 patterns and save! Nationally advertised pa pers included in Wards teleetioal 050-ft. Cotton Clothes line1 29 Hang your clothes on a strong sash cord cotton line! SO-ft, length! You can save at Wardaw; Wards Scouring Cleanser Make cots and nana ehlno nh leaa effort! Needs no acratchy abrasives! Save at Wards! Dry-foam Upholstery Cleaner ml, eki 49 Ovarii Needa no rinsing! 1 qt. cleans three piece of upholstered furni ture! Non-lrulammable! Save! Cleaner IVI rim Pint cleans four 9xl3-ft. rugs! Easily removes grease, food and . tains! Reduced, this week only. No-Rub Furniture) Polish 22 Cream type polish. Just spread It on, wipe dry! Fine for furnitures woodwork! This week only! Reduced I Corn Broom 89 Full-weight, select quality cornt 5-sewed to hold strands firmly!' Enameled handle ! Save at Wards! Wet-Mop Head, Now Reducedl 39 AT MONTGOMERY WARD TFT Mil ooooo 69 1 I OAUON the amazing washable wall paint ANYONE CAN APPLY! Quart 79c Roller Applicator 89c Now you youtttll can easily "re-do" any room In your home with Resin tone I You can do It without fuss or musi or "Wet Paint" signs . . . without being deprived of the use of the room! You just roll It on with a roller applicator, or brush it on I It "thins" with nothing more expensive than waterl (1 gallon covert an averoge room!) ResJntone drien in 40 minutet, without paint tmellt Washable, with mild soap and waterl It's the tame famous Resintone you see advertised In all leading "home" magazinetl l imu lupaeeeetseBwe!aj1i t II la I ameamaeaaeaBBeaaaaaBBBBi "'W.'-K ; T :., jedaaaaasari gKA .y, i tjm TrX. iSalavi Jaba. eeeaa. FIRST QUALITY HOUSE PAINT Famous Matter Painters House Paint For Lett (Single Gallon 2.98) LZ1 Oallen la f telle lata. In Impartial laboratory tests against the costliest gradct' of the 6 most famous nationally advertised House Paints, Master Painters proved it: does as far (1 gallon covert 400 to 450 tq. ft., 2 coats); hides aa well (equal hiding-pigment content); lasts as long (a 2 coat job lasts up to 6 years I) With Master Painters you can save from $7 to $8 on a 2-coat paint job for the averacre 5 or 6 room house I ooo Four-ply cotton yam I Sewed top, reinforced with tape! Fits all standard-size mop sticks! USE YOUR CREDIT.... Any purchases totaling tlO or mere will eptn a monthly payment account. Buy now, pay later. SEE OUR CATALOGS.... for thousands of valuet not In our store slocks. Order Ihese items In our catalog department. 033303 GGE) ROLL ROOFING REDUCED! Low cost protection! Mica-surfaced, 45 lb. roll roofing at a tale price I Tough . . . weatherretisUnt . . . fire-resistant. It't the Ideal roofing for corn cribt, chicken houses, garaget, and other small build. Inns. Mailt and cement included.., WAVY EDGE SIDING Heaviest, 90-lb. asphalt tiding, surfaced with fire-proof Ceramic Granule. Cy press grain design and grey-white color give the appearance of asbeatot siding. Never needs painting I Make your home attractive, protect It against weather I 1 67 Roll cev.r 100 tq. II. 54 41 To eovaf 100 iq. fli Telephone 3188 NINTH STREET, Corner Pine