! SERIAL STORY DARK JUNGLES BY JOHN C. FLEMING & LOIS EBY COPYRIGHT, 1 043. NEA SERVICE, INC. CHAPTER I ' "WIGHT sailing" murmured Ula. The tall, dark girl to the fur coat dug her gloved hand deeper through the curve of her i fiance's arm and strained her ' eyes toward the blurry outlines of the freighter at the dock. "I used to love the words. It meant crowds, music, confetti, chanv pagne . . Barry Fielding tightened his arm against her hand as he paused to let same ship's officers by. "Now It means," he answered as they moved on toward the gangplank, "stealth, silence, dark ness, fog the kind of log tney once canceled sailings for. Thai's what war does turns the world upside down." The girl was pulling a letter from her smart h ndbag. She . gave It to the officer blocking her - way. When he had read it, he stepped aside with grudging re spect and she went aboard with Barry. They found their way along the dark, wet deck to his small stateroom, carefully shut ting the door and pulling down the blinds before turning on the lights. Barry was grinning with amusement "You went to a lot of trouble, Lila, for five minutes on board." , "I just wanted to make sure you were going to be comfortable. I've beard some rather sordid sto ries aoout wartime travel and I thougnt I might be able to do some adjusting." She moved cioser to him and added softly, "You will be careful, darling?" Barry's grin widened as his arms went about her. "About being uncomfortable?" he said. "Of course not Please this Isn't any time for joking." ... "You're telling me." "I wish I had time to do your unpacking for you." -."I've been doing It for years. One mora trip probably won't hurt me." . "You'll write every day?" "No. As often as I can.", "If you need me, wire. Ill be down on the next plane." . "With the New York police force and the State Militia, eh?" "Darling, I wish you'd be seri ous." "fpHEY walked back on deck, - drawn by a sudden commotion at the foot of the gangplank. Of ficers and plain-clothes men were dispersing a noisy farewell party on the dock. White shirts and eve ning gowns glimmered through the fog. A girl was running up the gangplank, laughter, shouts, and the blare of toy horns pur suing her. . Out of breath and laughing, she whirled to stand beside Barry at the rail. Suddenly cupping her hands, she called back, . "Where's my aloha?" A piping horn belligerently started a chorus. It was silenced. The girl at the rail shrieked with laughter. A White shirt front leaned precariously over the wa ter dividing boat from wharf. ' "Come on back and finish the party!" "Come and get me!" the girl taunted. Lila moved back from the rafl. "Of all the disgusting . . ." she murmured.- She started off with Barry. But as they passed the "girl,, an official was holding a flashlight on her papers. The beam cut past her hair honey gold hair, beautifully kept Lila stopped short and took another look. The features below the hair were molded delicate as a cameo ... and the slender white line of throat rose from a collar of sa ble! "I beg your pardon." Lila moved regally up to the girl as the offi cer left "I'm Lila Harrison. This Is my fiance, Barry Fielding, who's sailing. Are you making the trip?" Barry could see the blonde In specting the talL smart silhouette of his fiancee. Her voice was heavier than Lila's and seemed rough in contrast. "You sound a little scared," she said surprisingly. Abruptly she turned a small flashlight up and down Barry's tail figure, holding it a moment on his face. She gave a gay whistle. "You do have reason plenty. Thanks for the introduction, Miss Harrison. I'm Allison Topping. Be seeing you Barryl" Then she turned back to continue her laughing good byes to the persistently faithful crowd on the wharf. ' T3ARRY was thankful the dark- ness hid his grin. So this was Allison Topping! He'd seen her pictures, of course. Debutante. Darling of cafe society. Spoiled brat But quick on the uptake. He could feel Lila's rising fury. He was surprised she didn't leave. Instead she moved back up to the . rail. 1 "Are you going to Cuba, Miss Topping?" The girl finished a shouted In vitation to the white shirt front swaying over the water's edge, then turned back to Lila. "Great Godfrey, no!" she cried. "I'm broke. I'm going to Guatemala and raise chewing gum!" This was too much. Lila stiff med and turned away. But Bar ry pulled back, troubled. He said, "You don't mean that do you?" He could feel the Topping girl smiling at him. She said in a purring voice, deliberately goading Lila, "Sure, I do, Handsome. My papa left me a chicle plantation." Lila was pulling his arm im patiently but Berry held his ground. He said with sharp urgen cy, "Have you ever been to Gua temala, Miss Topping?" "No," said , the blond girl lightly. "Take my advice, please," Bar ry said curtly. "Don't go!" Lila's pull on his arm relaxed. Bh movedbai. wj.UijuddenJui- Aaaaaaah ! Out Our Way By J. R. Williams Our Boarding Homo With Major Hoopla iwiijijuiiijiiii iuhjhu J' ',- 'l-'i ' "N, f..V.:' ..'.-4- JHrSf L 1 W iT?f0M? MOUrRE 64rXRPf SOU OUGHT TO PoS&Kf fi'l V 'Sif. pIacCA MIIF 1 5V TODM-NE6,TOI6LUNCU-F0R. W PAPfcRo M)Td MHT ";" jSw. 3 ZrS---r-:Z ERTOO FWCThVr BO WORWKG-THW DIMMER PMU yf- OlX " iJi-:-L'r---ZJi from TH' j -V HfcR-RUMPM.'-HlW 60VRr4-MT'6 PA&E Oils iCURMUD- t 1 A -. t HE'S TRIN' MO MENr 01-T-ICIAtS INVJH&D Me V SDW " ASSURE GEOW ) ?1 tfX" S frih. v READv- -J tO ASSDnVETUE RESPONSIBLE j FIRE AS SHOT . " IV ' .. "S POST OP FERRVeoAT OP 60ERAU3 FAST-Y "VIAE J; .1 v - f rsrL- T ( purser ?wouRfeTiO; I insinon&of- M cw "WJ X- A J V-vQ. M.T1''' '' - -7A HONOR. -BESTOWED 3aSHeTS f-" A veteran of four major Pacific ' ' l nTnrTO!- battles, this sailor at Lubbock. I " ' Wll-f(i,, fijr ,, lli'TSW' f WiWrW' 'MWv .-i.. Tex., still makes a face at taking f ttWAWUf V t5?L '.r'-H 11 If iIs- medicine. Coxswain Noah Riba klsh' MW$i l-VH LW' J H ' W WW ?L says he'd rauier fight JaP, SM !A U-W WTC- ll P 1 ST . HOLD EVERYTHING! . PM j - j Rd Ryder iFr7dHarmon k .... 3" SrU ' f RED-HENB'SUFfef PlW Uf! AMD I'll, 1 I RM& IACU LOi; I f COt.lV-N.--OML y'WJll -.AV yaf VB23k .chief r-iT L rSfei KSRa V ASAit. VvRtuufe i.ef ( ew-oMieiRtw.R HAJIS. 1 me snare uie rat siuu uv n ' t ---w ' - i v t ----.m- ...iaty . ,:Twr.'-, - i Always read the classified ads. Jar!" At SEARS . . . IT'S NOT THIS CURIOUS WORLD iTWilliam Ferguson THE IDLE RICH WHO CLIP Freckles and His Friends By Bloncr yvTO,A x;.'' t SWVftflPIB11W """ COUPONS v r f 1 rv! 1 'WX 'THe SMITH WO MNOCSNTIY V C L6T1MffKI0S TMBY WONT BUT IT TMey PUSH HIM Off J X i v'-immo CxjS&bWm&M&''ifi Ho Indeed! It's the regular Ranted A VICT&ev GARDeH 1 WMAT A HAVE HIM A OOCX.1MBOW HIM A POra - J R I 1 imlVffilla folks who sometimes run 1 ON ScuntE's VacaMTLOT J GUY 1 THtYXLTAKe WHAT BOTH ENDS OF IT I M ''"VJ i" t!tWe!51?F h l h. ano scuTrteTboK itovbr! cant wr care- or himJ ip ..,.iv . , ., i,.!;, V U' 1 ivi "- ' ''mw short of money and like the -ANOTHOSB VEGeTABLia G8TSOMB- THEIR SM VA IA iGr&S, 1 I sCi'iX convenience of Purchase Cou- were intended FOR. TUB TUlMG ON THe WAY' J GET TOO ?''3foi.&-W,9 frVOA 1 I t-VWTOW8Wr pons in their purse. Get a I Children's hospital J Miserly co VTi- ROUOHf PvTOW' I gMflfS bm'1ik.odchawL,pyou 'i"v JHf 'lW0 Mit) zJLZZS&IX l St ""'S ment' u,ual ca"yin9 charge. :' a J I s. i:)'if "' j M j 7A LONG PANGE riA GET YOURS TODAY AT J V iWmxfii ifcT'l 'Jife? 8'W '- super-guns, :mM A Your sears credit office X WmMrh m ' USED BY THE GERMANS TO I '. ' t J t Mf jffittT!1 feVl ' II R'l Ji rL r BOMBARD RARIS IN WORLD , fcL J U .? i'.'JI'-i f APV'fl &$&&k S UmT' I. WAR I, FIRED ( 'VW1 ft , , ', Vs .yj J I'll 'V f t"SiS uffiKTT, H. .fStTTOir.fi 1 -7 J i , 367i5HELIj i . S'VlJW" "pick UP" work for : ; ! MNO KILLED AN AVERAGE OF iLr.--:-. Afl m WOMEN-ON-THE-JOB Wh Tubbf ' By Crono SOfe LBsfo MEAT r ( J SlPlH? SCTSSW' VLL V i 3 Wivf , blt the average civilian yB j S.sfl ''-I'rinnii 11S j i i! TiTiaSJaMseMstsfc3sm B6utiAaaaiLi .?V N4fr"lK' p. PEWzSZM ir? fPl Boots and Her Buddies By V. T. Hamlin T. M. RCO. U. 8. PAT. OFF. 1 I ll Ifl IJ tfiiA&SjXi -SEXX-. Dp yon have a. birdlike. apnetitez ' JsAWilZiCWti j ENEMY COUNTRY f tf . 7532 terest. The blonde's attention, too, was caught "Why not?" she demanded. "You won't be able to stand it," Barry told her. "You're not the type. Whoever advised you to go ought to be horsewhipped." "No one advised me," said the blonde. "What's wrong with a chicle plantation?" "Nothing if you like prostrat ing heat, malaria, scorpions, bush masters ..." "Snakes? Stop!" the blonde screamed. TTiey were ready to lower the gangplank. An officer tapped Lila's arm. "Everyone ashore who's going ashore." Ula said to the girl with urgent warmth, "Barry's right He's been there. I'll help you get your lug gage off the boat" The blonde took a quick breath of decision. Then she laughed. "That's too kind of you," she mur mured, a flick of malicious laugh ter in her voice. "I am an awful scared cat . . . but I think I'll go. Somehow, I feel so protected with Barry on board." There was a minute when Barry was sure his fiancee was about to attempt murder. (To Be Continued) We definitely have air superi ority in Tunisia now. Col. J. S. Allard of 12th army air force in Africa. If I had my choice I would see the British army fighting beside the Russian army. For heaven's sake, if the military have come to the conclusion that they can not take Bizerte by June 1, or whatever it is, then let us draw stumps (call it off) and start somewhere else. Lord Wedg wood of British House of Lords. HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted country' 5 Allied planes 9 Its capital is 13 Toward- 14 Rough lava 15 Genus of plants 16 Footless 17 Era 19 Artificial, language 20 Cubic meter 21 Males 22 Grain 24 Tree fruit 25 Not (prefix) Answer to Previous Puzzle . IlIa K EQnt ABll IO . B AIyiNjrlEJRI 2r eL GIOt'nIOITI . ,A tTil NIN PlF F ngjgRIVE. :COiDE rjpR 51rHr oTe tTeInisie a s pTe, as Qe . . 1P i"ZA!Gl v- LAKE. l c eXdIe. n Zpl ONTARIO A L L.pY3.op AL , KE E nTTSTE RNiASEA E A R UE lIIS O ATTERiN N Hi AT ON EPjSHiF A r1range,Ment 44 Explosive sound 47 Belongs to it 49 Auto 26 Paddle a boat 50 Donkey 27 Egypt (abbr.) 53 Vegetable 29 its is 55 Three (comb. 119,000 square form) . miles 32 Earn 36 Full extent 38 Trap 39 Short for opossum 41 Sign 42 Before 43 Father 57 Group of eight 59 Boil slowly 60 Disturbance 61 Therefore 62 Sun god 63 Sled for hauling logs 64 Pillage 65 Anesthetic VERTICAL 1 Article 2 Soup-fin shark 3 Varnish ingredient 4 Lout 5 Lure 6 Aged 7 Satellite 8 Exist 9 Rodent 10 Unfasten' 11 African finch 12 Paradise 18 Onward 20 Stalks 23 Fear 26 Lift up ' 28 One of its . ports is ' 29 High mountain 30 River (Sp.) 31 Type measures 33 Male sheep 34 Anger 35 Nine and one 37 One of its ' industrial cities is 40 Encountered 43 Not in verse 44 Piece of timber .45 On top of 46 Piebald 48 Agitate 49 Vatican is located in this country 50 Near 51 Withered 52 Movie actor ., 54 Be- indebted 56 Fish eggs 58 Folding bed 60 Regius Pro fessor (abbr.) I"1 i. """" S,T3 " "5""" t i a 1 io u ii !; -J J vjw " '''.V rr so 5 r5"vST " 55 P m " SiSW 51 TT" 5S 54 " 51 SB SI to . tl 3 tZ by Alice Brooks Even the busiest woman finds a few minutes to relax each day. And that's where this charming crochet design comes in! Memor ized in no time, the medallions make fine "pickup" work. Smart for chair sets, small items, or even a cloth. Pattern 7532 con tains instructions for medallions; stitches; photo of medallion; list of materials needed. To obtain tms pattern send 11 cents in coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Bo sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No , to followed by your name and address. VitVN. .tf'e I vcfvA ) f OH, 60OO'. H PKAX WiVX"tt PClM i Jthfi in. 0. cLW Mil '.... i i mm p 1$ t; , 11 . r.T nn Allep Oop By Martin DISEASE CARRIERS More than 7S different dis eases may bo transmitted to mankind by animals, including cows, dogs, pigs, cats, horses, sheep, goats, wild rabbits, squirrels, rats, parrots, clams, fish, oysters, and a multitude of insects. SUBMARINE CHAMP Whales dive safely to depths far below those where a sub marine would be crushed flat by the pressure of the water, Kf VES . I HEARD BUT DOES TH E B WHAT HE SAID... FACT THAT NEITHER I THAT He WAS THE ARMV NOR I &OIN& TO GET THE NAVY WILL V ADOLF HAVE HIM STOP THE HIM' SY a) YOU PROPOSE TOM-S lii'itf N5y-rfr I I JF"BUT TVf AM.fj INFLUENCE r FSfe HMI E tv W - I I CflUtA XJV -LOVhS, V , a 1 a 11 111 .jsj.vra 1 r 1 - 1 - 1 v r ' a "Jr4 NOTHING STOR5 , )JVT" V " T T fPffl M M L TfB-rpf,? iTTVlyV V Tk : .: CIJLl r i fovAiw&ti m I iffetfM,:WJi j if(Mi Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray f HANS HURT HAS I GONE-TO GET THE I SAMPLE OF THAT I EXPLOSIVE -THIS I GUARD IS RIGHT- MANY OP BEST COMMANDO TRICKS WERE IH'F.NTCD FOREFATHERS. YOU KHOW- A r '. r ..... W r . . W'vTK!- x . . Iwl I THE EFFICIENT NAZI WAY viikti I EH f tw y Wf YES! W I WILL BE TO SHOOT US WHAT H t t Z I THEN BOARD THB U-BOKV ; . W, IH f ;)V I - 1M ,'' II AND OFF POR GERMANY I JX'WbVtK,rT ,!. P- W BY f HELL BE OUITB A R01' V;: V,', ;r f V H-STiiiln-? iMlli 11 m 11