qiidat (fill By OREN ARNOLD WELL-ROUNDED FIN1SU CHAPTER XXX TTHEN the glider train had first W left Sky Harbor In Phoenix, two Individual planes had taken eft 'Immediately following. They carried gentlemen of the news reels and gentlemen of the press. They were turned back by the Superstition Mountain storm, later, though, the sky train came spectacularly out of that storm gain, but with only nine of its original 10 gliders! "Something's happened!" The sews men began to shout about . "That 10th plane It had the girl pilot. Captain Carr's fiancee!" They got good photos of the nine ships cutting loose, and when Jimmy Carr's motor plane headed back to look for Number 10, the photographers' ships followed him. Half an hour later, one of the greatest aviation films on record was being made. It showed Jimmy's ship dipping dangerously Into the canyons of a storied mountain. It showed him spotting a white sailplane on a high and narrow slope. It showed him climb up for safety in jump ing, then leap out in a parachute. When Jimmy leaped, his 'chute billowed quickly. Then he began to rock and tug. Thump! When he struck the slope he scrambled and rolled in loose rocks. "Jimmy! . . , Jimmy!" Pat was 40 yards or so away. Jim unbuckled from his 'chute and ran toward the girl. "Pat, are you all right? Are you hurt?" He was shouting fran tically. "Yes! I mean, no! I mean I'm all right! Are you?" They spoke no more, for a time. Partly because Pat Friday quite lost control of herself. She was cobbing in Jimmy Carr's arms. Sobbing, and hugging him, and pressing her cheek to his shoulder. "Little girl . . . little girl," he was saying, ever so gently. But the crying didn't last long. Re kissed her twice on top of her bead. Then he lifted her chin, blotted tears with a handkerchief, and leaned to kiss her full on the lips. "Pat darling," he said, then. She just clung to him, while the world swung around and around. "TJ7ERE you hurt at all, little " girl?" he asked, finally. f No, Jim. But I I guess I was very foolish." "You're the bravest kid in the country." "No." "Yes! Chucking off into that storm lordy, Pat!" "I thought I was near Globe. But I was scared silly. Jim, I I got up to 16,000! And when I was forced down I couldn't see a thing until around 5000 feet And the first solid earth I saw was there!" She pointed to a sheer rock wall as big as a skyscraper. "Mmmm, Pat!" "My ship was headed right into it And and I did what you taught me to do. I put her over, quickly, hard. . Then pancaked right down. I knew I must be in a canyon, or at least around more cliffs, jimmy, that sailplane is a dream! I don't believe it's damaged at alii" He lifted her for a kiss once more. This time she returned it, with a wild surge of ecstasy and abandon. It was midnight before the two young adventurers were rescued from Superstition Mountain. Planes flew over the best ground route from time to time, dropping flares, to guide cowboy Bill Barker and others on horseback, with spare animals for Fat and Jimmy to ride. There was no place for an airplane to land within six miles of the mountain. But there was a paved highway, and auto mobiles took the adventurers back to town. In Phoenix, apparently nobody had gone to bed. Even at the big hotel on Central avenue where Pat and Jimmy and the other soaring carnival guests had rooms, a throng of people was milling. They had to be told everything, over and over again. It was 2 o'clock in the morning when Pat got to bed, exhausted. But at 8 she was up again, and Jimmy Carr was in the lobby waiting. So was their loyal friend, big Ed Bryan. . "They loaned me a car to drive lus out to Sky Harbor," Ed said. "They want us there for tl big icelebration this morning. Last day of the soaring carnival. And say, you two! You stole this show, and i ooni mean maybe!" pAT and Jimmy were strangely quiet Once, driving out Pat did speak. "Ed, is is Loraine Stuart" "Oh, that dame! She headed iback east Took a 6 o'clock train back to New York City. Brought four plane in safely last night, but ihe Wouldn't talk for sour apples! What do you suppose come over her?" Jimmy Carr grinned, "No tell ing! A lot of things, I imagine." There was a session, then, at tho airport. All the bigwigs had to say things to Pat and Jimmy. The , nervy demonstration had proved, perhaps even better than planned, the adaptability of sail planes. And if a train of them could weather a storm like that, it could do anything! The throng right here at Sky Harbor had seen nine planes cut loose and land safely, and as for Pat she had truly demonstrated what a motor less ship oould do and what a girl pilot could dol The press men Copyright, 1943 NEA Service, Inc. were almost worshipful. The pub lic clamored for glimpses of the handsome captain and tho pretty blond girl. A girl who, inciden tally, was still called Loraine Stuart! Fat's strange masquerade in public still held. The session at Sky Harbor was i interrupted shortly after 11a. m. when the Reverend R. C. La Porte arrived. "I was asked to come here for a wedding at noon," he told them. "Oh!" i Pat said that She looked quick- j ly, and self-consciously, and fear fully as well, nt the other men. j Big Ed Bryan was smiling broadly. "Me and the captain," Ed i drawled, "we done some running i around this morning, Miss Fat be- j fore you got up. Down to the ; courthouse, and the florists, and j one little place and another, yes'm. I Me. I get to be a best man!" j Pat said. "Jimmy, is !s Lo- j raine " j "Loraine is headed back for i New York. Private Friday," Jim my said. "But I'm not My part : of that noon wedding is still on. ! You're the other part of it." "Me! Oh Jimmy! No! I I have ! no clothes, or or " j "You want me to court-martial ; you. Private Friday? Don't be in subordinate!" "And anyway, Jimmy you kissed me but you never asked me to marry you at all!" "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you! I'm marrying you at noon, and I'm kissing you again right now." The newsreel men and the paper photographers recorded that for posterity, too. They like to have a well rounded out finish for a news story. The End THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson 7k. UCilijLOCiJl IS KNOWN AS "OSAD SAAVS A&AS&!: . . iN BECAUSE OF res HABIT OF FINDING BODIES tf THE WATER AND ROU.IN& THEM ASHORE. . CO Ph. SOME MUSHROOMS ARE SO DELICATE AND SHORTLIVED THAT THEY ARE TO BE FOUND ONLY BETWEEN OAVSS AND w. ANSWER: Falkland Islands. .)y NECT: Iymin?ejnefflc!eiiey. ONE OF HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted body of water, 10 Bachelor of Art (abbr.) 11 Resident physician in a hospital 12 Music note 14 Obtained 15 Negative word 16 Siamese coin 17 Tavern 19 Bamboolike grass 21 Provide 23 System of Answer to Previous Puiile SA'Ml R A V 3 U RNl gTay opfE) fTroi ffioioULTT t 3 Q A'Ti MIUSTIV.'-IFIELT TiEtDI-jTiHlE:' iBldlAI ' IE TiHE TAIRIMjOiR SAM YE'SI: iS ADl-IS AY ixrri"6r7rif GAYQURil 3A:T; -bIeT W!E I luiSIAIGIE.i-.OIP EIN'S Ibia'nT'-im aiy im aI LAjjpTTf AlBIL El-:. P LQD EltfRnPiAM.l MVIY TRI m a"n1 Isipieiaik'eIpI MeJn 41 Harem room 43 Sharp 44 Severe 46 At sea B0 Auricle 51 Hawaiian wreath 52 Portuguese signals 24 Mistake 26 Fish eggs 27 Indexible 28 Like 29 Vegetables 31 French article 33 Symbol for silver 34 Lower case (abbr.) 36 Paradise 38 Exist territory in India 54 Sea eagle 55 Northwest ern (abbr.) 56 Those who expiate 58 Symbol for 3.9 Fineness nickpl r"1 " Fl m mT:rX. r -ts -a y.i r i j& r r n-xi r?.tr j- sr- J I r-x15 ""'"' ft IT" 5T" m"" Sgs tt fL-,jjr 3i " 40 VT ii' 1 " " ii " " " w 1?" 55 !f 11 ha sis1 tr ss- H r 11 1 1 "1 1 II if Automobile fires are frequent ly caused by accumulation of oil and oily rags In drip pans at the side of the motor. r ATTIC I. CIOIITV ITOIAH, I I I urn mt wu ott TO 10MI ADOLF AND HIS OANOSTUS Herald and News Wanteds Get Results 1W by mi atwT.ii. "t. ua U. S. PAT. Off. FIVE 14 It Is the smallest of the 18 Born 20 Diamond cutter's CUD 22 Artificial language 23 Symbol for cerium 25 Prepared 30 Era . 32 First woman1 35 Spotless 36 Division of geological time 37 Knickknack (colloq.) 38 Bargeman 40 Genus of snow partridges . 42 From 44 Caterpillar . 59 Adaptation v VERTICAL 1 More recent 2 Relative 3 Son of Scth (Bib.) 4 Mustelin ' mammals hair 5 Compass point 45 Model 6 Journey 47 Dispatches 7 Poker stake 48 Silkworm i 8 Soak 49 Any 9 Constellation 51 Gibbon 10 South African 53 Enzyme -, Huguenots 57 Norwegian , 13 Terminates (abbr.) '' X'. till TNIM TMI1I im r till tM CUM . . ... i x. 1 Our Our Way thTs seems so FAR AWAV FROM ANY WAR EFFORT THAT I KIWPA WEAKEN AM LOSt INItKtlI IN TH JOB.' y THE HOLD EVERYTHING! , "Only one cup ol coflee, Iclla ; don't you know there's a war I 1 on?" EASY WAYS TO SALVAGE CANDLES . . - . W7527 i bv Alice Brooka Don't throw away those ends of candles they're "good to the last drop!" Use these directions for simple quick methods of making a variety of attractive new candles from left-over pieces. Your friends will marvel and then do likewise. Here's salvage and fun combined! In structions 7527 give directions for making eight different candles. To obtain this pattern send 11 cents in coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep It and the num ber for reference. Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a looso coin often slips out of the envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No. , to followed by your name and address. A flying Jeep has been start ed in production now. It is a small, highly mancuverablc craft used for observation. It can land in such places as cow pastures and on highways. Airplunc windows made from lumarith, a transparent cellu lose acetate-base plastic, is be ing used in army and navy war r its to protect crews from the burning rays of the sun. The army now has Its version of tho navy's Hclldivcr which is said to possess unusual speed, range and striking power. Steel begins to glow when heated to a temperature of about 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. Always read the classified ads. By Vbut 3UT KEEP IN A IINP THAT WE OCT PCI CACIMi K THE ONLY MINP WITH TH CIVILIAN ASE RELEASING MORALE 1ft THAT WE'LL HAVE ALL TH' SLOGANS AN' EXPERIENCED FARMERS FROKl 1HIS KUUTINb MORALE WORN OUT J FOR THE MORE BEFORE WE IMPORTANT JO& OF RAISING FOOD ANY.' i-KEEP IIP VDUC M?A MORALE AWFUL SACRIFICE Red Ryder RULM.RcOfVlU'fcV! IHEfN KILL lOL) Freckles and His Friends Wash Tubbs WE WILL 60 UP fvR A LOOK SUCCE55. HEftft X SLOW SPEED COMMAN&ER! THE AHEAD! FULL SLOW MWUi TORPEIMARISE ON THE LEAVW6 ATRAIL OF B0W flWS.', OIL, KA6 FOOLED THE ENEMY. THEtRE AT- TAiKINiS IT WITH DEPTH CHAR6ES ZZOO A'.ETERS Boots and Her Buddies Writ OC ?OV? A VONitb ,VQKiO "XWA'c. Allcp Oop fYAMUH. MISTER DOC, HE GOT POWEKI-UL MAD AN SAD Hb WAS GONNA GO GIT HI&&ELF A STEAKI Littlo Orphan Annio Tmosb cxjnfoumdeo kids V vVhat kino r r-sX, -mmj imm ARE PERSECUT1N& ME.' OUR HANDS OP SIGNS )l DONT - ... THEY SAID TWEY'O BLACK- ARE Tteo ARB "TUty ( KNOW.' BUT . ,, fMhAS LIST ME ALL OVER. TOWN L UNLESS 60li3 ) AS SOON Vv(b S WITH SIGNS .' ANO I 7l1WEy O OSe? VAS 1 FINO -' r "" .mf"" i DEMAND POLICE PROTECTION I OESTRO ONS, TIL CS' f'A hi. i. '--' -A.n"v,;r, - a i m iupto? do a a store i "TWENTY VEAPS A TH fIW GOOD' JUCT AS I LEFT rrl . 1 HE GOES BY THE 1 T HOW LONG HERR HURT VILLI iiPY 'IN I GERMANY 1 U'M NOW TO WIPE OUT MITT I MAIN STAIR THE MUST WE STAND MAYBE LET YOU I HAS TAUGHT ME 1 W'M AND THOSE LBSSER FOOLS I SECRET WW IS FASTER- f HERE? WE'RE J E5ST LYINd I MANY THINGS- M AND BE ON MY WAY I WITH I I MyST ARRIVE 1 iGETTING TlREOLI DOWN"'T2rl I rf) ThSF BEFO ffii;.. " '( v J. R. Wllliami Our Boarding TROUBL6 NEED, GET HIM I iX (m-. RENDV FOR SCHOOL' -6 vjnj.uc -prvri A , , a m.'J&ft&L p I . T r ' f 6KP5,MEIN)4EA IS FILLED I ('WV-rV ' . - HERRr J WITH UFE BOATS I J&: . - x.wn . Mm w VHE .COMES AlMi MAiJS UwA Houio SICKNESS 19) A BOON To fvE.'- PICTURE AETAKlN& HIS PLACE: OM TIA& FERPiWBOATt TODAV, , 6IN&IMG AM OLD SEP CHANTEY,' -M4 WlOBD WOWJ DID lAe MM UNI)OFiNA SO DUSTV J IT eM-ELLS LIKE- COAV- DUST- Krc.cwevv, 9 tlilHt t COI-H. 1M IIY MtA MRVKl INC. T, WW Vi-VL tv ow r With Major Hoopla X'M. GLAO I'M NOT A PERKV80AT CAPTAIN! -v- plR.'ST JAKE.IWEM SOU TO PUT UP MTU- BUT IP VOL) FIND SOU HAVE TO MOVE ROSTV MU6CLE ORTVOO.DOM'T COLLAPSe.' MOO'LL BE NO NORE MELCOAG HEFi.&TH A. LA'oT MOTICE By Frod Harmon 00 LOOK UP WMElJE CONE nM INSTEAD Of WHi By Blotter O By Crana By V. T. Hamlin By Martin onr GO ei'vE 60M6 GUV NAMED '.50Mb I KNEW IT! MOW AOOLP HITLER I J03 1H' WOKK TVS GOT TO GO ALL THROUGH THAT A&AIN By Harold Gray i i i x n l .x,jkrwv