April fl, 1D4S HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIVE BLOCK LEADER PLAN GETlb UN 1 CI l lrorm service corps block loader plkn, which wan organ Uedt two weeks ago to assist cillxons In solving any war problems Hint miKht arise, win rupldly uniting under way lint week. Tho block lender council met lor tho second time ilnca lis or ganization r'rlday, April 2, with Karl Kcynolds, coordinator of tho local defonsa council, und l.ynn Itoycroft, director of U. S, citizens service corps. Mil. Wlnnlfrecl Clllvn and J. H. McCambrldgo advised tho council on organization proced ure) gained from tholr experi ence in tho neighborhood plun which u organized and working very successfully In inoit of thu rural district. Mn. Joint I'uckell, chairman of tha block leader council said Unit by tha end of thli week bo hoped that tho council would bu fully orgunlzed and rcucly fur work. Another meeting will bo held Friday noon ol thli week at tho chamber of com more o. All ureu leaden arc unked to uttend. Tho block ylcm Is a plun of organization to assuro total cov erage of all households for civil ian war (ervicei. Thli plan hu been in operation in most of tha counties of Oregon for some lime, and In Klamuth Falls and suhurbun area tho plun will be set up according to precincts. I'urpoto of the block plan Is to secure community under standing and support of all pro grams and activities designed by the civilian defense to help in tho war effort. To summarize briefly. It Is: 1. To carry forward civilian war activity quickly and effec tively. 2. To got vital war Informa tion Into ovcry homo rapidly and accurately. 3. To collect information which muy bo needed for com munity war planning; and to bring back to tho homes an swers to questions which have been raised. 4. To promoto a spirit of co operation In neighborhood en terprises, such as block discus sion meotluga, rallies, car-sharing plans, tho sharing of scarce mechanical and household equipment, and ony other ac tivity of the community's war services. Courthouse Records Complaints FlUd R, M. Ferguson versus R. B. Ferguson. Suit for dlvorco, charge dosortlon. Couple mar ried In Falls City, Ore., on De cember 3, 1010- W, Lamar Townsond, attorney for plain tiff. Lorottn Howcr versus James J. Howcr. Suit for divorce, charge cruel and Inhuman treat ment. Couplo married In Chil oquln, Ore., November 7, 1036. J. C, O'Neill, attorney for plain tiff. Robert Peters versus Alma Peters. Suit for dlvorco, charge -m desertion. Couplo married in Columbia, Mississippi, on De cember 24, 1031. J. C. O'Neill. Alma L, McLean versus Char les E. McLean, Suit for divorce, chargo dosortlon. Couple mar riod In Asotin, Wash., on Octob er 31, 1032. J. C, O'Nolll, at torney for plaintiff, Justlca Court Wlllard Edgar Turner. Operat ic lng a motor vehicle and trailer as a private carrier without permit. Fined $10. Charles Volnndingham Pratt. No llconso tags on troilor. Fined $5.50. Robert Mclvln Kcffcr. No warning device. Fined $5.50. Harry Potter Joslln. No oper ator's license. Fined $5.50. CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to thank our many friends for their acts of kindness and boaullful floral offerings ex tended during tho loss of our beloved husband and father and grandfather, Mrs. William Lloyd and family. ' DANCE Broadway Hall, MAUN, Saturday. April 10th Music by Pappy Gordon and His Oregon Hlllbllllts Danclna 10 to 3 Visits Here Mrs. Hubert Tot ton (Mury Totton) Is spending fnw duys hero visiting her sinter, Miss Illiincha Harmon of Merrill road, and friends, before Joining her husbund, Sgt, Totton, In Fresno, Cullf, Sgt. Totton was transferred a month ago from tho service commuiid unit at Ft. Lewis, Wash,, to tho headquar ters squadron, air corps, at Hum mer field near Fresno. Sgt, Tot ton Is the son of Mr, and Mrs. J, T, Totton, 1438. Crescent ave nue, of this city. Royal Neighbors The Royal Neighbors of America will have their regular meeting Wednes day evening at tho lOOF hall. There will bo Initiation, All of ficers aro asked to wear forniBls, Visiting members arc Invited to attend. . MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effect! Feb. IS. 1843) Train 19 Southbound! 6 p. m. Train 20 Northbound! 11 a. m. Train 17 Southbound! 7 a. m. Train 16 Northboundi 10 p. m. Medford Btngo, Wostbound, 3i30 p. m., Evening Airmail. Stages to Alturas, Ashland, Lake- vlew and Rocky Point 7 a. m. Methodist Circles The circles of the Methodist Womun's Soci ety of Christian Service will meet on Thursday, April 8, as follows: circle ono with Mrs. Cal vin Hunt, 70 Pino street, for dessert luncheon at 1:30 p. m., Mrs. Momycr co-hostess; circle two with Mrs. Victor Phillips, 1005 High street, dessert lunch eon at 1:30 p. m.; circle three with Mrs. Bruce Blnkley, 11)15 Huron street, dosscrt luncheon at 1:30 p. in., Mrs. Howrcy, co hostess; circle four with Mrs. C. A. Poole, 2215 Vine avenue, des sert luncheon at 1:30 p. m.j circle five with Mrs. H. D. Schroeder, 2435 Reclamation avenue, at 11 a. m., with a pay luncheon at noon, Mrs. E. G. Matthews, as sisting hontcss. Pinochle Club The Lucky Thursday Pinochle club will meet with Agnace Lowe on Thursday, April 8, at her home, 700 North Third, street, for luncheon nt 1:30 p. m. Sergeants Meet Sergeants of tho Police Reserves from all dis tricts will meet at tho city hall at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Rose Club The Rose club of tho First Presbyterian church will hold an all-day sewing bco for tho Red Cross on Thursday, April 8, beginning at 10 a. m. There Is to bo a covered dish luncheon. Women's Council The Wom en's council of the First Chris tian church will meet Thursday at 1 p. m. sharp for a business session, Guests will tirrlvo at 1:30 p. m. for tho program which will be followed by a des sert luncheon. All members are urged to bo present. r liiBail THAT PEPEHDAELE COLUMBIAN SERVICE POOR VISION RETARDS PRODUCTION Better Vision Means Better Production Better Vision Means Better Health Better Vision Means Better School Work Have Your Eyes Examined by Columbian's Registered Optometrist REGISTERED OPTOMETRISTS EXAMINATION NO COST OR OBLIGATION ONE PRICE CASH OR CREDIT 165,000 SATISFIED PATIENTS OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT THAT DEPENDABLE COLUMBIAN SERVICE Evangelist f n Mhu. J. ! . ' "0f . J. It i ; mamtl.-Atk - Rev. John Dean Lewen, na tionally known evangelist, will speak nightly in the revival meetings starting Wednesday, April 7, and continuing to Bun day, April 25, at the Pentecostal Assembly of God, 746 Oak street. Rev. Lewen, who was formerly a Franciscan friar, has held successful revival services throughout the United States and Canada. E Volunteer fire fighters are urgently needed in this commun ity, It was announced Tuesday by Earl C. Reynolds, coordinator of the local defense council. "We need about 200 fire fighters, and wo need them very badly," Rey nolds said. Those who are Interested should sign up as soon as pos sible as training will begin in about a week. Registration places are Klamath county de fense council offices In the chamber of commerce building, Klamath Forest Protective as sociation at 240 Conger avenue, National Park Service office, room 302, in the Federal .build ing or Rogue River National forest office, room 217, In the Federal building. Interested parties can sign up at any of thesa places. Also, volunteer help In all other branches of local defense work Is needed. Anyone who can help a few hours a day or even a few hours a week should come In and register whether or not you have registered before. Sign up at the Klamath county defenso council offices In the chamber of commerce building any time between 8:30 a. m. and 5 p. m. Always read tho classified ads. Women who suffer SIMPLE If feck of blrxxMron BialtM you pule, weak, "dniffBwt out" try Lydlft Pink hum 'a TA.rra ono of the beat and qutckfBt hom wjr to help build up red blood to not more trennth and promote a more vlgoroua bloodstream In inch cash, rink ham' Tableta are one of the frenteot blood-Iron tonic you can buyl Follow label direction. HIGH SCHOOL n;'ii'!!'!ii: nniai .liir ::"ii"'i"j:!i,i;!!!a;tatt III! hi AUirl ' tftt IMS ft 1 1 ' 1 1 1 -i 1 1 1I a.1 M i"..,i!.;ii,N,,'',i,',"al iRWr.I5,ii,ffB I JMU r 1 I ' - ' I By ANITA GWYN Captain Jack Is coming. In case you don't remember, he is tho handsome rooster who has been responsible for tho sale of $300,000 worth V . of bonds. Crip ltain Jack will bo In the main corridor of KU1IS Thurs day noon. If o will not be auc tioned but will bo there Just to be seen. The four com petitors for tho title of "Swect hcurt of Klamath H 1 g h" ore planning campaigns. The follow ing are tho girls, their managers and assistants: Bcttie Hopkins, Anita Owyn, Joanne Hamilton, Dean Hamilton, Jim Noel; Betty McKinncy, Lottie Llnman, Jean Aubrey, Helen McAnulty; Viv ian Dirschl, f'red Floetkc, Eileen Bocchl, Pat Brown; Sally Muel ler, Charlotte Carter, Ruth Mer rill. The goal for KUHS is $20,000 but we'ro going to try to hit a higher mark. Just because a goal Is reached or one girl ap pears to be sure to win is no reason to stop buying war bonds and stamps. Tho sulc has been Bcttie Hopkins 270,475 Betty McKinncy 62,250 Vivian Dirschl 40,545 Sally Mueller 41,640 very good but the success of the drive depends on tho remaining two and a half weeks. Approximately one-third of the senior class had the T. B. teat Monday morning. "Did you have tho test?" and "Gee, look at the bump," were common re marks. Dr, Peter Rozendal "shot" the students. Sophomore and junior girls have until Friday of this week to put In their applications with 1 tmr , f Mrs. Napier for membership In the Pep Peppers' organization, Do you huva 15 cents? That's the admission price for the junior amateur show, so be sure to have that amount. There will be no show in the Little .Theatre April 8, as previ ously announced. The first plays will be April 14 and 16. "Soft Boiled Kgg," with an all-freshmen cast and "The Ring and the Look," with all new tal ent, will be presented for study hall students during the lunch hour each day. E. C. Sammons, head of the victory loan campaign in Ore gon, will arrive Wednesday to address a forum meeting to be held at noon at the Wlllard hotel. The public is invited, but reservations should be made by calling 5183. Tho meeting Is for all Inter ested persons. A headline in yes terday's paper erroneously indi cated It was for Rotarians only. VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS BROWN Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., on April 15, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Brown, Gary street, a son. Weight, 8 pounds 4 ounces. Some men who tako up golf to improve their health should follow by taking up something to improve their morals. Thousands Praise Simple PILE RELIEF This Quick, Easy Wayl BlmiUi pile. ni n ' with iilnlii nth. burti ins IrriU lion. 8turt' PrrH Sppotlllt krln quick, w.koro. r.llf. Ttilr J-wnr mllc Unit mtn rl comfort, fiat Urln. help tujnun rtUd mmnrn. n7 hibrktU. and olwiu. PtoUUIvj n mil fhSn. to tur U u". ! wonderful to M fr of olio tortoro airmln. Oft tnulM l.rt't fmmU Boppwllorlw M your dru loro without dcliv oc nd II.W makor'a monor-bftdi KUrnU. For Easter Florals . . . Figured Prints . . . Navies Lovely S-Piece Print Combinations Butcher Linens . . . 95 CHARMING BRAND NEW ARRIVALS! J Clever 15 April IS and the Wlllard hotel aro the date and place for the dinner to be held in honor of the Klamath high school basketball team, winner of the state cham pionship. The dinner will be held at 6:30 p. m. AH wishing to attend should call the Wlllard for res ervations, according to Lee Smith, head of the Quarterback club. The Kiwanis club will be SDon- sor of the public dinner and no noon meeting of the Kiwanis I will be held that day. A New York judge ruled a man may be Inoffensively drunk. Meaning good and drunk? Switzerland still usese the an cient crossbow as a weapon. Paul O. Landry this question: "If any home should be damaged by fire from In cendiary bombs dropped during an air raid, would the loss be covered by my standard fire policy or must I protect myself with War Damage Insurance?" Fer information on any insurance problem, consult : the Landry Co., 313 Main St. Phone 5612. "The court house is just across Main s t r t from our office." and After Crepes . . . Jersey Prints Costly details found only on dresses at higher pricesl bows, belts, buttons, pockets all so llatterinql SEAH'S 617 Main , EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY MODES to add sparkle to your to MF 15.00 mt seen In Vapte i Step into our hosiery department and watch your Belle-Shstmeer saleswoman chart your legs-tt the counter. She'U explain that out exclusive Belle-Sharmeet Rayons are leg tizeJ in width and length for strain-free, wrinkle-free fit (the best conservation meas ure ever) ! And she'll fit you perfectly in Brtv if your legs are small, MoJite if they're mid dling, Duchess if they're tall and full. Furthermore, she'll send you out vowing to suds them gently, allow them at Uast 36 hours to dry. Belle -Sharmeer Rayons in all leg sizes 1.00 1.15 1.50 mGCS See our big selection of fashion-hit hats for Easter. All excitingly new picture pretty, they'll moke you look your bright-eyed love liest. We've hats for every costume face-flattery for every hair-do. Choose yours from pert little sailors, big brimmed beauties, beloved berets, sleek little skull caps, cloches, derbies. Lott of flower-blooming pretties, too, with exquisite veil trims. Come see the whole heavenly chorus. THE WOMAN'S STODE.imcV Adm. Men $1.00 Tax Inc. Servicemen 50 Tax Inc. Ladles 10