April 6, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALIJ3. OREGON PAGE THREB JACOBS HANGS FDR KILLING OF POLICE CHIEF WALLA WALLA, April 0 (!) Clnlinlng ho wus Innocent of tlio murder Hourly nluht yours hko uf Polleo Chief Flunk Clmclwh'k of Piiynlhip, Kuy W, Jacobs went l his clciilh oil tlio kiiIIowk of tlio WimhiuKlon Mills prison shurlly oflor inldniKht lodiiy. Culm o lho lust, Jacobs slwok limicl with Supt. Holt O. Wuhh ond mild: "I hopo you will llvo to son Ilia duy Unit my liuiuu will bo exon erated." Jucubii wua convlclod In Ta- comu lint October, Ho first win nrrcatud soon lifter thu July 18, HUM robbery of lho OitliiK, wash., Ntulo bunk, when Child' wick mill Hurry Storuin, a I'uyiil hip police officer, wcro killed. Ho presumed im nllbl to exonar nlo him from a murder chnriio mid wus Kent to McNeil Inland on pleading ifiillty to a Mnnn act vlolutiou, in July lust your, John C. BJorkhind, thon Plercs county hvriff, nctcd on a tip and nr rontcd Jacobs, then living nenr Scnttlo, to reopen tlio case. District OPA Men Warn Butchers to Lower Prices PORTLAND, April 6 (!') Prices o( men In and fats must ba lowered If butchers reduce point values, tlio district OPA wiirncd todiiy. Rutionlng restitutions provide that a cut In point viiluo must be accompnnicd by a price reduc tion to at leant 25 per cent bo low the established celllnK nutchcrs who lower point values below 25 per cent must sell pro portionately below the ceiling but In no case Is tho retailer re quired to cut prices to more than 50 per cent below tho ceiling. OBITUARIES DANIEL J. BEDORD Daniel J. Bedord, a resident of Klumulh Falls for the past five years, passed awny at his Into residence at 200 Lugunft street, on Tuesday morning, April fl, 1943. Tho deceased was ft nutivo of Ontario, Canada and was aged 61 years, 7 months and 25 days when called. Besides his wife, Stellu, ho Is survived by two sons, Charles D. of Klnm ath Falls mid Frank, U. S. navy, Norfolk, Va.; two daughters, Dora Bedord of Scnttlo and Mary Horizon of Quartz Mountain, Ore.; one. sister, Mrs. Julia I3nb cock of Alcot, N. Y.; four broth' ers, Charles and James of Alcott, N. Y., Frank of Trail Creek, Mont., and John of Wostwood, Calif., ond two grandchildren' Tho remains rest ot Wards Klnm' ath Funeral Home, U25 High street, where friends may call after 8 p, m. Wednesday. FU' nerol arrangements will be on' nounced later, . FUNERALS VALENTINE SANCHEZ Grovesldo sorvlces for tlio late Valentino Sanches of Wordcn, Ore., who passed away on Satr urcluy, April 3, will take place ot tho Mt. Calvary Memorial Pork Thursday afternoon at 2 o clock with tlio Rev. T. P, Casoy of tho Sacred Heart Catlv ollc church officiating. Friends ore respectfully 'Invited to At tend.' Words Funorol Homo in chargo of tho nrrangemcnts. FOUND AND LOST SALT LAKE CITY, (P) B. F. Lyman of Chicago found a pockotbook In tho depot, and took it to the special agent's office. He left his own suitcase out side the door. It was gone when he enme out, Few State Income Taxes Paid on Quarterly Plan SALEM, April 6 (IP) The stuto tux commission suid today that of 150,000 persons who have paid their sluta lucoino tuxes this your, only 1222 took odvnntngo of the now Inw permitting quar terly payments. A totul of 21, U33 persons paid hulf their taxes. Tho deudlino for filing returns und paying the first instullmant Is April 18. E Tlio special committee op. pointed at u mooting of commit tees of tho Klamath Potato Growers association and Tulo luko Growers with Wcllcr Noble, member of lho national fertilizer advisory board, met on tho night of April 2, to complcto plans for rationing to growers the 500 tons of additional ammonium phosphuto (HJ-20-0) fcrtlllzor se cured for this district. All growers needing addition al fertilizer In tho Klamath dis trict had been requested to place orders by April 1. Thcso re quests resulted us follows: acres of potntocs for which additional fcrtlllzor was required: 17,274. Additional fertilizer required: 2,251 tons. Bused on this request, the com mittee divided tlio 500 tons in proportion to tho requests made. Khiinnth county receives 204.25 tons. Modoc county receives 07.05 tons, and Siskiyou county 107.80 tons. Knrm machinery rationing committees met to puss on nil applications of their re spective counties uud allocate tins material allotcd to each county to growers of thot county. It wus observed on tho applica tions that many growers did not yet havo any commercial fertili zer, whllo others havo a fairly good supply but not enough to meet their additional acrcngc, and still others have ample fer tilizer lor this years needs and did not apply. This inntoriol will start arriving soon and will ba distributed by the Pacific Guano company, according to the committee's allotments to indiv idual growers. Historic Goldfield Destroyed by Fire , GOLDFIELD, Nev., April 6 (l'l This historic mining town today swept up tho ashes from a destructive fire which roared through the northern section yes terday, destroying the Sacred Heart Catholic church, a ma china shop Bnd 15 houses before being controlled. During the lust 11 months ot 1942, American combat planes In action shot down approxi mately three axis planes for each loss of one by themselves. CONSTIPATION WORRIES GONE! Yep-my trouble Is gone una to are tlio linrnli purga tives I used to tnko. It's Ilka this. I founrl my constipation was due simply to a Inck of "bulk" In my diet. Medicinal laxatives vers giving me only tempo rary relief. Bo I tried eating XCIXOGG'S ALL-BRAN regu larly. Thst did lho trlek. dot at tho cause ot my comtlnnt Ion and corrected it. I cat It reg ularly now, drink plenty of wnter and stay regular. If that's your trouble try all-bran. It's a swell-tnstlng breakfast cereal, and ynu can get It ot your RTOcer'sl Mado by Kellngg's In Buttle Creek, Michigan. vm . i wmi'mwrni mm QliaJOIiaaLID Qt33fcE 5133 Cfc GEE CfiBLt3 Liquor Appointee GOP So Governor Gets Democrat SALEM, April 8 (I') Gover nor Earl Siiell hud himself a new stnto liquor commissioner today after Mathlns Wllhclm, Eugene, whom ho appointed to the com mission Saturday as the demo cratic member; turned out to be a republican. The new member Is Hugh Kirkpatrick, Lebanon democrat. The governor'i office was thrown into an uproar lata yes terday when staff members saw a dispatch from Eugene saying that Wllhclm had changed his registration to democratic yes terday, two days alter his ap pointment. The governor's sec retaries contacted Snell In Port land, where he was attending a ship launching, and the gover nor, holding that Wilhclm's ap pointment was illegal because he was a republican when appoint ed, announced the new appoint ment. The slate liquor law requires that both major parties be rep resented on the commission. The governor issued state ment asserting that he thought Wilhelm had been a democrat all the time. Klricpatrlck has been in the automobile business in Lebanon for 25 years, and was mayor of the town or six years. Aiways read the classified ads. State Penitentiary Population Drops SALEM, April Wl The pop ulation of the. state penitentiary has dropped from 1100 to less than 800, Prison Warden George Alexander said today. He said there Is less crime now because criminals find it more profitable to work In war indus tries. EJECTION EXPERT WICHITA, Kas WV-"It' is this kind of mischief which might easily lead to serious in Jury for many," frowned Police Judge Dallas M. Potts as he im posed a 80-day suspended sent ence on a 17-year-old youth. The youth had confessed shouting "fire" In a crowded theater so he could obtain I seat. X. ' .v ::,.: .'i.y,'v,;f.i.W' rv buy WAR STAMPS & BONOS Let Safeway be your Guide to Better Values! MM ( 2) (10) (23) f 9) (10) (13) (13) (21) (19) ( 8) ( 8) ( 8) (13) (16) (24) (16) (14) ( 8) ( 1) S) ( 5) ( 5) ( 8) ( 8) ( 1) (.7) ( 2) 25c BLUE STAMP ITEMS Soup Mix lkd? , Continental, 2M-Ox. Pkgs. for Tomato Juice 10c Tomato Juice Llbby,n23c Grapefruit Juice -0 Town House Uniweotenod 46-Oi. Can' Pineapple Juice 15c Fruit Cocktail 7 - Hosloss Delisht .... Ho. 1 Can for 3C Apricots SSZUiS 18c Pears O So Good Can 28c Pineapple bystic.dNc;na 21c Small White Beans M Idoho Red Beans 2-Lb. Pleg."C Green Split Peas 2P& 24c Baby Lima Beans 24c D-.r PlcUweet Ho. 303 1 9-. reaS Tender Can Pone Do1 MonU No-2 2 35e reuS Emly Garden .. Can for'' TA, Garden- No. 2 lA- I UiUUtUCI fid. Sld, Enriched Flour Evaporated Milk Rolled Oats Peanut Butter Iosm' fiuide, A '-(Ml; flh "C" RED STAMPS Vj; ft ''fe? fit Coos' April II to 30 Inch Mh 'm? r-iZZSr B "D" RED STAMPS plffe-. -v.. , tyVftlL I Good April 18 to 30 injj lpr 1 KUchen Craft $A A A I 43-Lfa, Sack , . 5 jg I I Alpine, Pet, Carnation, i A M Borden's .... Tail Cans 1 MQ 14 I I - --- 1 m eonl vou trv eantuns vour arats Heal Roast . I i-Lb. jar iHr I m asWWV I A Few ef Our DOUBLE-VALUES No Point Lew Price! Alber'i, Quick or Regular 3-Lb, Pkg. Sierra Pine TOILET SOAP 3 Calces 20c MORE VALUES NOT RATIONED! Salad Dressing Dueh, 24c Miracle Whip Kr8ft, 27c Graham Crackers Honey Sweet Bnal Julia Lee Bread Wright's 1 Can Tomatoes ..."c."14c .... Can "6 .. Can Country Home WOrtl cream Style ... Del Mail WOrn Nlblets Clapp's Baby Foods 7 Strained - TlnC RED STAMP ITEMS Oleomargarine Dttlewood 1-Lb Citu Oleomargarine Sunny Bank 1-Lb. Cta. Oleomargarine rb.ectn.25c Cheese ctowL'!!.... Lb. 38c Use Your Ration Stamp 26 for1 Edwards COFFEE 24c 19c Cereals E5 Vsti,tT 2-Lb. Pltg. IH-Lb. Loei 27c 13c w, 24c Shredded Wheat 2230 Pancake Flour S40ST 3l 9c A White Satin No. 12 Stamp 5UV7AK 5-lb. bag 32e, 10-lb. 64e MORE VALUES NOT RATIONED! 24H-Lb. I IE 110 Flour Wisconsin WheeSe Cheddar Lb. 39c 2lMllc Deviled Meat Llbby's No. U Can Pink Salmon sPXy NT.u 22c saw MILK Cherub or Swift's 427 Case of 48 Tall Tins , Sack CI-... HaiTost 345-Lb. C rIOUr Blossom . Sack "3C Dried Prunes EST IS : 31c Raisins T5c Sub-Purb .7 Camay Soap Pkg. iS-Os. Pkg. :4-Os. Pkg. 24-Os. 4A. WW Bars 3 JM20C Libby'a No. H Can Spinach Home grown, tender green leaves. ...Lb. GarllC por seasoning Dii4Lii. Locally grown, delicious Sot Kutaoagas boilti dinn, Cabbage SoiiSt er,p heads .. TomatOeS Good eoior firm, for slicing ...Lb. 23C Oranges Sweel( juke-fiued Naeu Lb. 8c Vt. Mia 1 mmmmm 12V2C T Lb. 15c I Bleach Jar Rubbers White Magic . 19c H Gal. Dos. In A Pkg. 6 A put ap joli for grapefruit With fruits and juices rationed, fti going to be a put up job for grape fruit to be Home Canning Success) Number One. Right now is- the ttm to seal away the delicate flavor of this fruit while it is cheap and good. Why canning your fruit today, following the simple conv piete directions given below. i CANNED GRAPEFRUIT SEGMENTS 12 large firm grapefruit, Vi cups su$of . weighing. oboutM lbs. IVj cups wate a. Peel grapefruit with targe sharp knife, cutting deep enough to rremove the thin skin which separates the fruit flesh from the rind. , ' b. Section grapefruit over large bow!. to retrieve juice, by cutting carefully. between dividing membranes and fruit segments. Lift out sections separately. .Squeeze out as much juke as possible? , , from remaining membranes, saving to . add to segments in jars. -- . , , c Pack grapefruit segment into hot sterilized jars to. within about 1 mcb of top. d. Combine sugar and water in l-O. t.' saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring until sugar is dissolved. . Add about J4 cup of the syrup and 14 cup ef the grapefruit juice to each pint jar of fruit, so that liquid fills jar. f . Seal jars and process in boflins water bath 10 minutes. For looser bath Fill container with water deep enough to cover tops of jars by 1 to 2 inches,) Heat almost to boiling. Carefully lower fact and partially sealed jars into the hot water, placing them so that they do not touch each other. Cover con-. mm ..Lb. 5c ..Lb. 8c Fineir AVOCADOS lb. 29c Nourishing Good Food Point Item ' Prie' Lb 6)Beef Roasts BWto Cuu 30c '"Sirloin Steak ; 37c (4)Rib Boiling Beef L-L."23c (7 5 Pork Steak . 39c (7Bulk Perk Sausage .. 23c (7 Shoulder of Pork Roasts 35c Sliced Salmon gJKT pelnt 39c ... .....P!nt 53C No. Pts. No. Pts. Oysters 1? - tainer, heat to boiling and keep, boil isg vigorously for 10 mimttes, count ing time from minute when water' oegins.fo boil vigorously, : Notes When canning in altitude, in. crease processing time 10 for each 500 feet over 1,000 feet elevation for water bath canning. For half pints and pint jars, increase time only 5. g. Remove from water bath, and place hot jars on folded cloth or paper, out of draft, to cooL Store when cold. Makes about 5 pints. Note: For tin sweetened segments, instead of mak ing and adding syrup in steps d and e, add fruit juice to fill jar. GO AHEAD WITH HOUSE CLEANING No longer does house cleaning from attic to basement need to mean family upheavals or nervous breakdowns. For ideas on how to do it systematically and easily, read Julia Lee Wright' article in this week's Family Circii magazine. A new issue out every Tues day and (ret at Safeway. ' Safeway Homemakers' Buret ; JULIA LEE WRIGHT. Dir. '1 SHOPiiARLy mmMUXmND EARLY it TffC ffSf coFfseesrmv0Vrs)flXA fresh ooay sue! atr a vmrtar mir VI V COffH.MWM! THEMS NOTHING IMiUS n, VjMntltOltt5T(SAJOO0Aftriw KM. COffK SCKJN0 HWT WHtN KMSUT IS CXTKA RUSH. ITtl lOTPT CKSM IN THI WAN NMIlk WAV Of PRESERVING' ALL S 4 mt oeucATC raw, ItlOiNESS ma DOWNIWHT aoowtss of mnt WtU,ITO!0 ONI MAN0 tM$ AND G050IPNT sooo THAIS NOT SUWWStNS-COfttf TASTES WXI.Xmt 11 W CH eraw; OTHf W Ltf A MIU0W tOCK at we VAnery Of whxi-kan comtssARWAy stoocs- AU 0000 MANOS-ANO ONJ OS THESE BRANDS Oft ANO'.TOO. THEfK CWUNB JUST FORXXKAWXOD. AU Item Subject to WerfceJ Change, Supplies oU Of A Reflation 1 iy MMM.TKATS A I I cofmi nowyou VfVV I I I Not oxHONy lr I I I MOM WCNSTVf A, TV I I L tt.uK 1 Edwards, tM rltlt and Airway i Coffee glv you what bean freshness These quality coffees are kept ffS the bean, full strength and navotj protected nature's own way . not ground till the minute yoqj buy. You see them ground! Yo know they're fresht