HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON April 6, 1048 PAGE TEN BOY SCOUTS TO TRAIN IN 1343 P 1 PROGRAM The Modoc area council, Boy Scouts ot America, has made pre liminary announcement of its plans for the 1043 camping sea son in a bulletin reieasea mis week to the scout leaders throughout the six counties cov ered by the council. According to Arnold Gralapp, chairman of the camping com mittee, the emphasis this year will be on the training for sums Incident to serving the country, whether at home, on the farm, or in the armed forces. The tradi tional skills taught by the scout movement such as signaling, compass and map making, first aid, pioneering, and physical de velopment will be intensified. Special attention will be given to swimming and life-saving in struction for scouts who show aptitude for such work. The council's camp site is on Crescent lake In the Deschutes forest; The camp will open July IS, and will run for four periods of one week each. Reservations for camp attendance will be made by each troop on a "first come, first served" basis. Troops are urged to make reservations early so that food rationing de tails can be worked out well in advance. Scout Executive Robert H. Lamott will act. as camp, direc tor, ably assisted by a group of trained men and older scouts, in cluding Rev. Eugene W Haynes, Joseph Wolf inbarger, and others. In addition to the week's training for each scout who at tends camp this summer, scouts will work on Victory gardens and will fit into the farm pro duction program wherever their services may be desired. Sever al local reforestation projects are being planned and will be announced in the near future.. OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE Ellsworth Acts on Food Committee WASHINGTON, April S VP) At the 'request of Minority Lead er Martin (R-Mass.), Rep. Ells worth (R-Ore.) yesterday agreed to act as secretary of a newly formed republican group which will seek a solution to the food problem. Rep. Jenkins (R-Ohio) is chair man and other members are Chenoweth of Colorado, Stock man of Oregon, Holmes and Nor man of Washington, and Barrett of Wyoming. . r7n J.LJ Arnold IIJ.JJI,!' WIH " r-r'i "sssVfl Arvll THREE IN SERVICE The three sons of Mrs. W. L. Meador who are now in the Unit ed States armed fL forces are weu Kn.own Aimam men. Corp. Ethel J. C. Meador is some where in Alas ka. He is a form er iwauna A-s-!.... camp employe. Ethel PFC Arnold Meador was shipped overseas in January' with the United States Marine corps. No word has been received from him since that time. Arnold is a former employe on the Camp bell ranch near Ely. PFC Arvil Meador, 18,. is stationed at Camp Kearney, near San Diego, with the Marines. He enlisted last summer. : He worked at Weyer haeuser camp 6 before joining UP. ; , '"- - . BOLLING FIELD, D. C Assistant personnel officer at Boiling-field army air base is second .Lieut. James A. Blck ers, son of Mr. and- .Mrs. Wil liam B. Bickers of Modoc Point. Lieut Bickers is married to the former Renata D. Sari, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sari of Klamath Falls. A grad uate of Chilo quin ' high school, he was a lumberman before :.- entering military service. He was an ac tive contestant in Oregon rodeos. He has been at Boiling field since November, 1942. . We have a big selection of new odd-pieces of furniture that will add loads of comfort and beauty to your home. Pick out that extra chair or table nowl COFFEE TABLES New, modernistic design. Rounded ' ends, . double deck, plate glass top. Two trays for cigarettes, etc. Ia walnut , . END TABLES Favorite three-leg style la walnut finish.. .. $1.50 SWING ROCKERS i Another big shipment! In tapestries and velours, and In a Very comfortable.... '816.25 to $46.50 CARD TABLES Famous Sampson! Strong enough to stand on. Color fast tops; washable, not harmed by any CO ft liquids .. ....; JJ.eJW With detachable ash or drink trays.. $3.50 OCCASIONAL CHAIR OR ROCKER Tapestry covered In wine, blue or green. Your yr rtfif choice of either chair or rocker .......... ..v...!? FOLDING CLOTHES DRYERS Buy now for April showers! Ideal for basement or spare .p.!!:1....:l;.$15 and $1.70 BUY NOW! BUY HERE! SAVE! FURNITURE IBS E. Mala WITH THE TANKS 1st Sgt Felix Harold Bryson, 23, Is with the United States army, tank division. He is p$aM8j the son of Al bert Bryson and the brother of Mrs. V. W. Pat terson of Wey erhaeuser Camp 6. Right now young Bryson is I at Camp Hood, Texas. He was employed at Kesterson's log- 1? glng camp prior to his enlist ment and was first at Fort Sill, Okla. Later he went to Fort Lewis where he got his first rating. Bryson spent Christmas here with his family. .. . IN ALABAMA Staff Sgt. Jack P. Hugo, 31, is the son of Mrs. Hazel B. Hodg s o n of Langell valley. Jack en listed in July, 1939, in Santa Barbara, Calif., spent three h years at ton Lewis, Wash., and for the past year has been station ed at Ala. He serves fft-feaiijuiwil as gunner with the heavy field artillery. Jack went to Hilde brand school for five years and one year at Riverside. I. SEES AFRICA Marvin R. ShulUt, 18, fireman ac with the United States navy, has just re- tlirnAft flYim hi ftrt trln to Af.TUL rlca according to word received by his mother, Mrs. J. H. Hunt er, Wiard street. Marvin is a (raduate of Hen ley high school, receiving his di ploma May 22, 1S42, and-leav-l mg the next day to report at the Portland re cruiting office, v He lived at the home of his un-1 cle Gus J. Hil-sV yard, while . attending Henley high. Marvin took his boot training at San Diego and spent four months training at the Uni versity of Kansas, Lawrence. ' - COMPLETES PRIMARY Avi ation : Cadet William Richard Nash Is on his way to Corpus Christi, Texas,, today for ad vanced fight training after suc cessfully com pleting his pri mary training at the naval air station at Pasco, yesterday. He will receive his n a v y "wings", in about three months as well as a commission as ensign in the naval reserve or second lieuten ant in the marine corps reserve. Cadet Nash is 24 years, of age and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nash, 2550 Reclamation street, Klamath Falls. Ho has a brother, John W. Nash, who is an army aviation cadet. Cadet Nash was graduated from Klamath Union high (WW school In 1837 and attended Ore gon State college, where he re ceived a bachelor of slcence de gree in agriculture in 1942. He was a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. . RETURNS SOUTH Corp. P. E. Whetstone, 30, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Whetstone of 247 Martin street, has returned to Turner air field at Albany, Ga., after a furlough spent visiting here with his parents. Whot stone has been stationed In Al bany for 'the past year. He rcoorted that on his return trip he was caught in a blizzard and his train delayed more than eight hours into Chi cago. Klamath Falls "sure look ed good to me," wrote Whet stone, who likes Georgia except for the fact It Is so for from homo, : . ''..., FLYING Kenneth' Cameron "Kenney" Wilson, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron S. Wil son of 1510 Corlylo street, has successfully completed his course m pn- 1 ' Ik 1 t A L V. mary flight , f jJj : training at Pas- f 'CkV co, Wash., and is now receiving I v advanced train- ; ' 1 ; ins at Corpus i- J Christi with tho Vnited States navy air corps. "Kenney" was a n outstanding Klamath Union hign school ath lete in his school days here and was active in student affairs. Maurice Percy,, flrcmnn 1c, USN. arrived here Saturday to spend a 16-day leave from his ship in San Francisco, with his J- y 4 rrsri - v.j u-uam"' ' 1111 ' p .y lj ' " tji jf-' '? j J M.m "J1" 1 ",u"',m ...... IFOR INSIDI CASINO rVood Slats! Deluxe Features! VENETIAN BLINDS CUSTOM-MADE TO RT WINDOWS OF ANY SIZE;. 71 . YouH want bunds NOW more than evert They'll add luxurious modem beauty to your windows that will last years! Make your entire home look like NEW! And give wonderful ' 'dim-out " protection I For qual- -ity blinds made with finest warp-resisting, lH-lnch Western Cedar enameled slats and DELUXE auto matic mechanism . . . come to Wards I No finer blinds ' made for lest . . . anywhere I Special cornice top even has concealed rod on which to hang your draperies! And you get your choice of slat and tape colors at Wards! Order for ALL your windows NOWI ' FKEE ESTlMATEl . MONO YOUR WINDOW MEASUREMENTS' . TO WARDS TODAY! HOW TO MEASURI FOR BLINDS (Us a yardtHck or mtol pM . WIDTH A i i s Mtawre exact' width between points where brackets are to be placed: LINOTH S Meamre the exact distance front top of liulde eating to tHI. ' TO HANg i wiuin c MHuri exoa wiam Drwen BLINDS ON DracKii or 10 d piacva. CASINO ( fcBnw,,? " '""we iwixsa alliance 1 1 win tvy w, ytiiiwvw mjihi iv Mib (B m to mark whfcA mowmimI It wWti, nlcA t one bring to Yfan$ TODAY) . BUY WAR STAMPS! ON SALE AT NINTH STREET, Corner Pin Telephone 3 188 Former President Of French Republic Dies at Versailles LONDON, April 0 (VP) The Berlin radio, In a broadcast rec orded by The Associated Press, reported that Alexandre Miller and. presldont of the French re public, from 1020-1924, died to day at Versailles, at the ago of 04. Mlllorand lived In compar ative obscurity In his later yours but he was one of the first of the French elder stutosmen to sound a warninii against the urowinii miulit of Germany after Adolf Hitler came to power. ; Training School . Parolee Dies One Week After Release ELLENSBURQ, April 8 (P) Paroled only last week from the state training school at Chehalls, Charles Eugene Delay, 16, route 6, Spokane, died this morning in a farm building whore he lived with two other workmen. Coroner Henry Wager said the cause of the death was presum ably natural but that further In vestigation will be made when tho boy's parents arrive. TWELVE MISSINO ST. JOSEPH, Mo., (iV) Ben son C. Plnger Is tho only re maining member of the 13 club, organized to defy superstition in 1888. Members could lose tholr standing only by dying or marry ing and Plnger to date has done neither. He'll be 75 on April 13. parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Per cy, 303 South Fifth street. Maur ice was a graduate of the .1841 class of Chlloquln high school. VFW to Provide Recreation Room For Air Students Pol lean post No, 1383, Voter ans of Foreign Wars, has dooldod to prepare a recreation room at the airport whore there are 100 boys undergoing training for tho air forces ot the U, S. army, navy or murine corps. "At present there is no place where those boys may sit down and study In quiet, or where they may play games or read a story when it is stormy outside," said Jim Southor, hoad ot VFW. , "It Is because ot this that we, the veterans of the last war are trying to make things a little more ploasant for these boys to day." "We find that we are In need of the following articles: One radio, small table model preferred; one table, small and solid; one coffoe maker, sllex profcrred; ono electric plato; three or four cord tables; several chairs, both easy and straight; checker and chess boards and men; other small games, such as dart boards, cards games, etc.; four floor lamps; books and mag azines. "Anyone having these articles, or who know where they may be secured, and who is willing to donate them for the use of these boys here at our own home, may phono during the day to 7183, or evenings to 8084, giving tho names of the articles you have, and your . address where they may be called for. "This community sent a largo amount of this kind of motoriul to Camp Whlto when they asked for It, now lot's gut together and give for the use of these boys who are close home, and whom we may soe on the streets of our fulr city nearly ovory day." Milk Committee In Second Day of , Price, Supply Query PORTLAND, April 8 (iT) Tho governor's commltleo Invest igating prices and supply of Ore gon milk opened lis second day, of meetings here today, The committee, authorized by (he recont legislature and ap pointed by Oovornor Snail, is to release findings within two weeks, ' Chairman Harry B. Plnnlnger, " Roscburg, said these would In cludo figures on minimum prices necessary to maintain the milk supply. Otters and sea Hons, among the finest of all divers a n 1 swimmors, have to toach the art to their young, TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save X -Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main MONTOOMIRY WARD he right II fiijll V H f '."J slip for - -yC V V MM BICHT, FEELS vm ui , m 129 to RIGHT BECAUSE IT'S PERFECTLY PROPORTIONED! AT WARDS ONLY Body length i ! i burt, htpt and wall! measuremenli il S thsie i .. . . i F decide your size In a slip, and our famous 3-lengthi lake , Ihem all Into eomlderatlonl There beautifully tailored 4-gorei you ifavor In multlnlomenl rayon satin or rayon crepe. ''Short'' (39 Inches)) 'Medlum'!J4ainhsOi'Ung"(4Slnchei),lnlxei31i,to44 , ' JN CKErl BACK RATun SAiiN.;r.,.;.i.y9 NINTH STREET, Corner Pine Telephone 3188 o o to- i