f v Coovricht. 1943 By OREN ARNOLD NEA Service. Inc. VESCCE ATTEMPT CHAPTER XXIX yHL'N Captain Carr saw Pat leave the sky train and real ized that the was alone In the ttorm, he went mildly crazy. "Pat! ... Pat Friday! . . . Plane Number 10 . . . FAT!" He yelled at his radio which no longer was working. "She cut loose!" he shrieked at Loraine, over their head phones. "Pat did! ... She dived right into this storm." "Jimmy, what are you doing?" Loraine shrieked back. He dldnt answer. But he put over the controls of the towing ship that he piloted, so that the sky train, swung out in a long, spectacular arc. In a matter of seconds the nine sailplanes be hind him were jerking crazily at the tow line. ITiump-thumpety-thump! The power ship bucked like an Army tank In a forest Up-and-down waves traveled over the long tow line. Loraine screamed out at Jimmy again, and again he ig nored her. He had a terrific fight with the elements here, and only man ot infinite daring could have done what he did. And a man with excellent equipment' In about six minutes the train was flying smoothly again. Like some fantastic, imaginative dragon it streamed out of the dark bulk of the storm over Superstition Mountain as Jimmy swung back toward its Sky Harbor home. "Jimmy, where are we going?" Loraine demanded. "Stop yelping, and look!" "Look where? For what?" "Look down! See if you see any trace of Pat" , "But but what could you do if you did see her again?" He waited several seconds be fore answering. "I don't know," he confessed, then. He was straightening the train out now, heading west Contrarily,. tauntingly, the sun began to filter, through and illuminate them. He gunned his great ship with all the ower possible, and hopefully once more he Jiggled the radio dials. ! "Captain Carr! . . . Calling Cap tain Carr. ... Number Seven lane calling Captain Carr. . . Number Four reporting." ! "Hey!" Jimmy shouted ft. fYou're through again. I get you now fellows!" j He was elated that the static tnd storm had been left behind lem. He tried frantically to con tact Fat's ship but without success. (Then he began Issuing crisp orders. He was at 2100 feet when they Beared Sky Harbor. The air was windy but clear here. He told Number Nine to let go. Then, each of the others, in turn. Their landing made a beautiful show and it was an extra attraction for those of the spectators who had remained at the field. When the entire "tall" of his power plane had left him, Jimmy iieaded east once more. "Oh!" Lorain protested. "Aren't rou going to land? Jimmy!" "I'm going back to Supersti tion Mountain." "JJUT no . . . No, no!" "Stop yelping, Loraine! The worst of that storm has blown past there. We saw that much as we keft it" . Fury as well as fear gripped her. "If you take me back toward that storm, Jim Carr, I'll hate you tthe rest of my life! I'll never marry you!" I "Is that a promise?" I "You're going to kill us! You're being a complete fool!" All at once Jimmy grinned wild ly. "What about the engagement? lYou say you don't wanta marry tne?" ' "No! I hate you! Take me down, I tell you!" She shouted Insanely, but Jlm tny only gunned the ship for more speed. In a few minutes the eerie bulk of Superstition was under them again and the ship began roaring down into every canyon. Ho flew around a hat-shaped rock, then weaved In and out of more rugged canyons, heading steadily eastward all the while. He spotted Four Peaks, whence the storm had tome. Remembering, he swerved i bit to the right, in direct line lor Globe. ! "Jimmy, this U madness!" Lot-nine tried again. Still he paid no attention, but two minutes later he suddenly houtcd. "LOOK! . . . LOOK! . . . LOOK (THERE!" They gazed down. There on a Steep slope was a sailplane, the white birdlike shape of It distinct against tlio reddish hue of the mountain. What's more, when Jimmy zoomed near they saw Pat Friday on the ground frantically waving. "Pat! . . . Pat! ... Oh Pat!" I He shrieked it wildly as If he actually expected her to hear. But lie also .waved, and dipped the plane, and Jnadaher know they j I ' had seen her. Then, Because a rock cliff confronted him, he threw Ills plane into a straight-up climb as if about to loop. That cleared the rocks but it lso jerked Loraine Stuart roughly around the co-pilot's seat there. "Jim Carr, you're trying to kill me!" "She's safe! She's not hurt! She's dawn there running around and waving. I've got to get her put of there!" "You can't land on all those rocks. You'll kill us both!" "It'll soon be night! And she's alone on top of that mountain!" "Don't you dare try to land! Jimmy!" "Stop yelping!" He had roared his plane in H climb and a circle to gain a better position in the wind. Loraina covered her face and tried to brace herself. When they were up 800 feet or so he yelled at her again. "Take over! Take this tiling and fly it!" He was climbing out of his pilot's seat "JIMMY! No, no! Are you?" "Take over, I said! You know how to fly an airplane!" She saw his purpose, then. "No! No! I won't do it! No!" But he was strapping a para chute on, and he was opening a latch. "You can take over or you can crash!" he shouted. Then he re moved his head phones. He paused just one moment Fierce in anger, frantic with fear, Loraine took the controls as or dered. When he saw that, Jimmy Carr leaped. (To Be Concluded) 1942 passenger traffic on Clip per ships, virtually all of which bore government priority, ex ceeded that of the previous year by 140 per cent. Always read the classified ads. At one aircraft plant, it is necessary to make 1000 Inter departmental phono calls and more than 1200 hours must bo spent on paperwork in order to follow through on a single order for aircraft engines. In ona of the nation's largest aircraft engine plants thero are handled daily about 1500 dif ferent sizes mid kinds of steel bar stock and about SOO differ ent sizes and kinds ot other metal materials. Indicative of the expanding interest in aviation in the Unit ed Stales is the fact that a Chi cago mail order catalogue con tains, for tile first time, four pages devoted to aviation supplies. f j ( Purlhlli f f I Coupon! t m 17 J Vl X "S Da $25 CREDIT ONLY $5 DOWN $5 A MONTH Don't wilt Mill you have thf money to buy tho thlnta you Tiwd. Gtt Its buying powtr In Purduie Coupon Boofci today and spend It when you need It for any number ot article! which don't coat mora than M each. Or pay a littla mora down and sat coupon! that buy higher priced merthandlia. Usual car rying charla. Ou Our Way By J. R. Williams Our Boarding Houco With Major Hoopla jWZ t) W u&vp r YY SL S8IY E6AD,3AK&.' AFTEH. SUCH ) SOFTEST SNftP N'EMBR M ALJ i X IKVM ppX? efo )V JvaIt 7 L0NS IDLENESS IT'6 J6BEN ALL WHITE. ) utA WA-M Uv'Al WBOWINJ MUP L I TH FLA6' W BSOU BECP-MB ' GLOVE STUFF, STAN-DIM' 4 SlWfVlN) AT TH1 ' FLA& AAsT ' ML 6E&SICK NOUR. FIRST I 'ROUND POSisi' LIKE AM N . J T ttiN OrtTOKTWSW- .) 0ML- BUT "THAT VWEFt fifSJJXvr, M ' -W Bow o'ob-can ,affects me uw a cigar Y SaStr-jVwi I T&Vl S tm, tfrt ( DUTIES TOMOFiRovjf V NOU'O LOME-IT X TELL VA 4 -1 r-W-,v-K 'Vi R i V k V f AJ few L -UM VJHAT IS, ) &IMM6 FNB BUCKS ArV ) tefefe THE POOR SHOTS -E ) U l.IMOfc, PfrmJl MM0R J HOLD EVERYTHING! THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson W3 JOSHUA TREES OF THE SOUTHWEST DESERT COUNTRY ARE NOT 7f?S AT ALL, BUT Li.S.... . ONE OF THEM,WrrH A TRUNK OR STEM 3 FEET IN DIAMETER, WAS CUT DOWN, AND BOTANISTS ESTIMATE n5 AGE AS SOO Amsle worms are rounp- Siys GEORGE M. LIECHTY, HORIZONTAL 1,4 Pictured, leader of U. S. House of Rep resentatives 10 Carefree 13 Poem 14 Backward 15 Also 16 Falsehood 17 Vessel 19 Moldy 21 Touched 22 Nickname for Theodore 24 Article 25 Serpent 26 Anesthetic 28 Steel plating 31 Affirmative 32 Sorrowful 34 Speak 35 Toward 36 Flying mammal 33 Ask alms 40 Not dry 41 Treatment 43 Unfastens 45 Prohibit 47 Fifth month SALT IS FORAVED OF SODIUM, A VERV ACTIVE METAL, AND CHLOBINE, A VERY POISONOUS GAS.' "Hey, don't dig your Victory garden so close to the wall!" GAY REMNANTS MAKE A "VICTORY GARDEN" ISXT: Dead" man's Irlfnd SPEAKER OF U. S. HOUSE Answer to Previous Puzzle , NE WIM E. XIICO ASOIB Orll IE D D O fyg LX A ,-.JBECp M E, TIU N BAlR K ISICIR'A'M! IP ACT uNfrTjLrA IgTcE qtnToTonI ne;v lok-iAiRl uT . . iO N f-l T'4T ERF ATiENl MCXIC0I3 Wa RQlls?IaI IgMilT Q U A B v-M I NDSf?4A N O N M IE SE - PE 1 Nl G R 5MI ElET NjTNilEfFL ElNE 1mR PE TIRIO LIE. U M lM 48 Beverage 49 Slant 51 Piece of , furniture' 53 Drudge 56 Make a mistake 57 Buddy 58 Vine 60 Three (prefix) 61 Male 62 He is of the U. S, Housr 63 Chicken VERTICAL 1 Weep 2 Bustle 3 Beef '4Rapid-fi.. (abbr.) fAJpper limb 6 Young men 7 Pronounces 8 Man's name 9 Negative 10 Sparkles 11 Feel ill 12 Still 18 Symbol for tellurium 20 Her 21 Notwith- . standing , 23 Algerian ruleti 25 Evil I 27 He is from 29 Made of oats 30 East Indian peasants 33 Grow old 36 Sandwich roll 37 Mexican dish 38 Bey's territory 39 Obtained 40 Riches 42 Idle chatter 44 Vigor 45 Farm building 46 Any . 49 Lemuel (abbr.) 50 Age A 51 Touch lightly 52 Night before 54 Mineral rock 55 Loud noise 57 Postscript (abbr.) 59 Year (abbr.) I 1 2 14 15 It 17 18 IS I lio 111 2 i7 18 3g?J II 20 II . .. .. - "''H iJ ST" ' St? ts 7TS nr'M , f. .. Uktfi p p : I J i-i. , 41 - SI H 51 H 6 - . Si it st 0 ---- --- -- - . te ti u a . I ll 1-1 I II I II 111 II il V by Alice Brooks 7516 Salvage for patriotism and make this "Victory Garden" quilt from scrap-bag savings! Each vegetable is but a simple patch and can be appliqucd in a different remnant. Arrange the patches in any desired grouping. The fence is In outline stitch. Pattern 7516 contains Block Chart; pattern pieces; directions for quilt; yardage chart. To obtain this pattern send 11 cents in coin to Tho Herald and News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Bo sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No , to followed by your name and- address. South American communities which were once cut off from Ihe outer world now have rail ways simply because the air plane endowed them with new importance. The popular names for mili tary aircraft have been offi cially recognized by the army and navy. The Japanese have a heavy bomber which can fly about 2, 400 miles without refueling and has a speed of approximately 280 miles an hour. . The incendiary bombs drop ped on T o k y o by Brig.-Gen. James Doolittlc and his raiders were made by a concern which in peacetime makes wallpaper. "French cream" brandy, not cream. in coffee is Red Ryder By Frod Hormow 1 fv Freckles and His Friends By Blotter 0) PAVE A HUNCH OLD MAM SCUTTLE IS COINS TO REGRET HE TbOIC LARD'9 AWAY . FROM Him y y i ' v-r. f -- . . THEPB OHBC" lARETH-HB NOPE.' ' AMD I DEMAMO ) 1 CAMT HELP -AMD TwevtJH HOT AIT HE IS. NATURE'S JANV WORMS EVEN I SEE PROTCCTlOrJ ' VOU, MCt. SCurTLC. 'to OO THAT. LWLSS9 GANG INOet-EMENV IN VOUR V-ORMS ONE.' IT ' -T I r : Hmy 'tMEY CAN FlNOS-" r- saoden. , MAVE MAS A y C'JLmX TOUCH vtoU ' SOME KVJrd he, i3UOyLL rubber mm; -Si s Wash Tubbs By Crane T?HB U-g-'ATS SCATTER UIM THE EARKME65. SOME OF THEM DEPENDIN. UPON SPEEO AMD LOW SILHOUETTE TCJ EiiTAPE ON THE SURFACE.OrHS?. CRASH PIVIWc5 TO SEV ERAL HUNDRED FEET v .. ij .. . 'J- .' T,' J j SHUTENc-WES. I 7" sfv M s - w.' , cl.'- esi crrx rv-i r i-. v .J! ' . .'. i r'uJr--, v3V-- .1 S VI-S MrMK Vi I I. ( ? -v" -0 A l Jl V 20ICNOT5 5 s HUMMEL I THAT WAS CLOSE' 1. ,,: -it IT IS NECESSARY TO MISLEAD TH6M A4 TO OUft POSITION. FIRE SLOW MOVINiS OIL-T0BPED51. Boott and Her Buddies By V. T. Hamlin come in l. ET2Z?3 F "- a.cjc yOU n I ) 1 fXcoo?.t of cw taw's . 1N pfIUaa BOOTS- dot&v I WKD WO WE. WWO -00i -WCtNW OVi , ' ZyiZZ I WW. 1 M H I WtSc. "bVRO ? HtOVOVC-Tl . . 1717 UMWr-ft luXlH-ae-J Lg" --6-m- il 1 1 W- ) i L"" ' ' utunxt. m. t, m .re il e err. Allep Oop By Martin jj RESPOMSIBLE FOB. HIS V-'lWfJiy J J Oue INPOMITABLE ALLEY fi OOP HAS JUST 5UFFEP.tP H A MAJOP. DEFEAT... BUT 141 HIS QUEST DIP WET HIM THE WAME OF IHE GUY RESPOMSIBLE FOB. HIS UMSATISFIEP CKAVIMO FDR A NICE. -THICK STEAK. hl mv.T-,7".").''. :-'..'-!' 'SEVERAL YEARS ASQ A DOCTOR TIME"MACHIWE... AMD PRESTO.' A PREHISTOR IC OEr-nLESAArJ BOWED. WTO THE TVUEMTIETH CEMTUR.Y... j (ill If'' ...TO FAITHFULLY SERVE THE SCIEN TIST AS AkJ EXPLOR.' fc. OF ANCIENJT HI&TORV HOWEVER, SIMCE PEARL nw.t--,K. , tAji- ro, BE COME SOMEWHAT OP A HEADACHE. TO THE INVENTOR ALL NAMES AMD PLACES FICTIONAL... PROBABLE LOCATION! OFTIME-WACHiME LABORA TtCY FIXED SOHEWHRE IVITHIM " CIKCLEi -t.TH------. I I K.H-l l l.LUlUr) J I tv. ,m IIM Tt-A I. -r.UTILI ' I ik.i.c "'""iiiuim.W, I a" '"" ie.-i.M. - Littlo Orphan Annio By Harold Gray ClAS AS MR. MITT W HIS MEM CREPT DOWI. TO SURPRISE THE U-BOOT CREV), THEY V1ERE A!USHED BY HAHS HURT r OH HHl HAMS HURT GOT OLL BUT W: QUICK" LET ME HAVE YOUR Y T 1 i if If V , -A SURE- B-BUT WHfxT FOR? WHERE YOU COIN NOW? TO THE RMWO ROOM IN THE TOWER "AHEAD OF HANS HURT. CM LUCKY I BUT OO YOU FIGGER YOU'LL HWE TIME TO CALL HELTA NOt BUT ON 1 THE TABLE 16 A PACKAGE! A 6AMPLE OF THE EXPLOSIVE, I AM SURE I HEARD HANS T NEVER BRAG HE'D DOPfeD I MINOl OUT THAT FORMULA! AND YOU BUT WHAT CAN J GTAY you DO tsssn? J HERE!