April 5, 1043 PAGE FIVB Matting This Kaglci auxll Inry held u regular mrotlutt T'liiii.stliiy evening t tliu ISuglus hull wllli 50 inuiiibora present, A class of nlno candidates was glv (in tho full Inlllutory ceremony. Silent SUtoi received gifts. The drill toum will drill every Tuca iluy nt B p. in. nt tho hull, The next rc'iiiilur meeting will be Thursday, Am It H. Thcro will be vn Bailor pnrty after the moot liifl April 22. Tim Lady Eugloa club met ill the homo of Urscl Illation Friday evening with Mimdlo Larson aa hostess. From Portland Mrs, Grunt llosi uud daughter, Murcell, or rived horn Sunday nnd will re turn to thi'lr liunio in Portland Thumduy. Thny mo guests nt tho home of Mm. James Johnston Mm. Hons' ion, Paul, spent the weekend hare und ! leaving to . tilifhl for Dorrli where he at. lonclj school. From Loi Angelaa Waller west Sr., long time resident of Klnnuilli Fall. hui returned hnre after spending the pa it i year In Lot Angeles. Mm, Wot und son, Tommy, will rolurn at the clone of school. T h e Weats roalde on South River lido. Fire Alarm The city fire truck win culled out Saturday afternoon at 2242 Home avenue when a car owned by E. T. rirltt wna reported burning Firemen mid thcro wua slight damngo to tho machine, cuuicd by a abort. To Eaat Const Mm. John W Green left Sunday evening to Join her huabnnd, Pvt. Green, at jWeatovcr Field, Mas. Sho la 'the daughter of Mr. nnd Mra, It. H. Sowed, 120 North Second atrect, and the former Marie Sewell. From Bllver Lake Mra, Earl Rmnll of Silver Luke vialted her parents lust week, Rev. and Mra F. E. Milam and her brother. Warren Milam, and family of thla city. Sho returned home on Saturday, Improving Friends of "Dud" llroeile will be Interested to learn he la improving In a Klamnth Fnlla hoapltnl follow lng an lllnesa of tho past aev. ernl weeka. Called North Everett Dcnnla of 1056 Huron atrcet left Sunday . for Portland where he was called I by tho acrloua illness of hla brother, Hurry, who la Buffering from pneumonia. fet "J, Advertising Messages By EARL WHITLOCK I don't know whether you realize it or not but aomo of the advcrtlalng which la being print- . ed thcao days, bclonga In any one'a anthology of great easnya. One a u c h re- ccntly appeared over the algna ture of the N o r t hwcalem Natlonnl Life Inaur a n c e Co You'll apprccl ii lo it, aa I do. A Civilian'! Prayer Help mo, almighty God, to be the only kind of a hero 1 can ovor bo. Holp mo to aeo how Impor tant It la that I go gladly and energetically about the hum drum business of aavlng my tiros, and my fuel, of spending "less and saving more, of eat ing less and working harder, of asking less and giving more. Help me to ico that while tho war may be won, no matter what I do, the light wo fight to keep nllvo may go out be cause of what I'provo myself to bo. Holp mo to realize that Aiot to cronta freedom nnd op hot to crcnt freedom and op portunity for tho ruthless nnd tho greedy, but to mnko it pos sible for kind men, men of in tegrity, responsible men, to work In ponco and to work (or the common good. Holp me real ize that these fighting men indeed, tho good men and wom en of tho whole world arc waiting now for ono small but oll-lmportnnt sign from me, Thoy know I can't Join them in the blood nnd the dirt, But they wnnt to co If I will seek responsibility. They wait now to soo If I noed morcly to bo led to do my pnrt, or If I must bo driven. For that will tell them if their spirit la alRO my spirit nnd their purpose mine, Holp mo not lo fall them. Amen. QNext Monday Mr. Whltlock r tho Enrl Whltlock Funeral Home will comment on "Tho Shut Mouth." On Furlough Maurlca Percy, flicmun second cluna In 1 1 in U. H. nuvy, la home on a 17-duy fur lough viaitlng r e 1 a 1 1 v e i and friends here, Maurice graduated from Chlloquin high ichool In 1041 and onlletcd In the navy in June of that anme ycur. He'waa at Pearl Harbor when it win at tacked and haa been In active service In the Paclflo ever ilnce. Father Dl.a Word of the death of tho father of Bertha Dcrtsch, former operator of The Mode ahop hero, win rccelvod by frienda Monday. Hla death occurred Saturday at their home In Parsom, Kani., according to the melange, and final rltea are being held today. Return Mr. and Mn. J. L. Farrow and aon have returned from Tacomu, Wash., where they accompanied Karrow'a mother, Mra, Rohan, and vialted hla brother, who Ii atationcd at the navy barracka there. Mra. Rohan continued to her home In Super ior. Wla aftor visiting here for two montha. DUchargad Carl Nichols, for merly of Klamath Falla and for quite some time employed by the Greyhound bua lines, haa been honorably discharged from the army and will resume his dutlca In Mcdford. He was employed as dlapatcher prior to going Into the aervlce. Malln OES Prosperity chap ter, 160, Order of the Eastern Star, will welcomo all members and viaitlng members at "visit ora" night Thursday, April 8, It waa announced this week by Mra. Hazel Kullnn, worthy ma tron. A cordial Invitation is extended. Vlilt Mr. and Mn. Tommy Juckaon of this city vialted over tho weekend In Aahland end Mcdford. Nam Daughter Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Derby of O.'tO North Ninth itrent, hnvo named their Infant daughter Joumio. Dismissed Mra, George W Anderson and Infant daughter were rtiamlased from Klamath Valley hospital to return to their homo at 1728 Derby street. The little girl waa born March 30, Anderson la employed by Mar tin brolhera. Rations Clifford "Red" -Mil horn, member of the city police department for several years, has resigned and will take over civil Inn police work at Camn Newell Another member of tho force, Fcnton Mahrt, took a similar po sition last week. To Ml. Hebron Mra. A. L, Rarker. 2731 Altnmont drive. left on Sunday for Mount Hebron where sho will make her homo, Mr. Barker, employed by the Southern Pacific railroad, has Deen there lor about a month. VUlta Parenta Don Hunsakcr haa arrived from tho naval train ing aehool at Treasure Island, aan j-ranclsco, to visit hla par ents, Mr, and Mra, Ray Hun sakcr of Summers lane, and otner relatives. Takes Time Frank William Campbell, who was brought In to county court accuacd with ob taining money under false pre tenses, has taken time to plead. Campbell was committed to the county Jail under $300 bail. Surgery HJalmcr Akerstrom, Alturas, la recovering from ma jor surgery at Klamath Valley hospital. Akerstrom la a lum bcr pllcr employed by Big Lakca Box company, In Hospital Thomas Wight man of McChord field, Wash.j waa moved from a train at Klamath Falla and la receiving medical treatment nt Klamath Vnllcy hospital, Buys Ranch Gerhard Kllnk- hammor, local contractor, has purchased the Ray Hicks ranch at Dairy. Delbert Carr, Kllnk hnmmcr'a son-in-law, will oper ate tha ranch. Police Court Five drunks, one drunk nnd disorderly, two vags, nlno traffic tickets and six traffic violations, mado up the .Monday morning pollco court report. Book Gone Fred J. Wobor, routo 3 box 020, told city police ho had lost his "A" ration book and tire Inspection certificate. The book la Issued to Ore. 342-420. Improving Barbara Adams, young daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs. Shirley Adams, of 2100 Gory atrcet, la Improving at Klamnth Vnllcy hospital whoro ho is re covering from surgery. TUmmei Poiltlon Mrs. Wal lace Moss has resumed her posi- llnn ni cleric In the nfflcfl nf the US bureau of reclamation. Mrs. Moss is tho former Helen Strnwn. Enliiti Official enlistment ot Sgt. Taul Robertson, of city po lice, was announced from the Portland navy recruiting office Monday. Diimliied C. B, Morrison, 032 Eldorado street, was dls mlHsed from Klamnth Valley hospital this weekend after re ceiving medical attention. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective Feb. It, 1843) Train 19 Southbound! 8 p. m. Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. m. Train 17 Bouthboundi 7 a. m. Train 16 Northboundi 10 p. m. Medford Stage, Wfitbound, 3:30 p. m Evening Airmail. Stages to Alturai, Aihltnd, Lake view and Rocky Point 7 a, m. Towmend Club Towniend club No. 1 will meet at the home of Mabel McWhltncy, 510 Congor avenue Wcdncaduy, April 7, for a potluck luncheon at 12:30 p. m. Meet Tonight The Scottlih Rite Muaona will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the Masonic tomple. There will bo a program and re freshment. Legion The American Legion and auxiliary will hold a regu lar meeting Tuesday at 8 p. m. In the Legion hall. . Eaglet Drill The Eaglei aux iliary drill team will meet Tuca riuy at 7:30 p. m. In the Eagles hull. All officers and mothers who wish to bo included In the Mother's day drill are aaked to be present. Ladlei' Aid The Klamath Lutheran Ladles' Aid will meet Tuesday, April 8, at 2 p. m. Bt tho Lutheran church on Cross and Crescent streets. A book re view of "In His Steps" will be given by Mra. Victor Joacphaon. Hostesses will be Mrs. Ben Dahl clm and Mrs. Mac Delyea. Social Club The Rebekah Social club will meet In the IOOF hall on Wednesday, April 7, for dessert luncheon at 1:30. 1 Jolly Nelghbora Mrs. Dor othy Abncr will entertain the Jolly Nelghbora at the homo of her mother, Mra. T. R. Skilling ton, 221 North Tenth atrect, on Wednesday, April 7, nt 2 p. m. Thimble Club The Thimble club of the Neighbors of Wood craft will meet on Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. nt the homo of Mra. Roy Bock, 137 High atrect. Idn Mochcttaz will be tho hostess for the evening and Mra, Bock the assisting hostess. Chinese Welder Sky Stowaway 'per , . , 4, 4 J ltf i'ti ?' V 1' t, ' ' t f ; i It i v Marlon Darling, member of the RCAF women's division, be came the Urst ferry plane itow awny when she hopped the At lantic from Newfoundland hid den on a cargo transport to see her husband to Britain. Barefoot Girl .witwiiMhi.Miii i irn.Min firtgl Curol Jean Moses, Santa Monica coed, comes to class sans shoes to save ration coupons for dtnea and party footwear. m-:) r m Jennie Lee, 23, a left-handed Chinese girl with a Brooklyn accent, la one of the two first women to pnsa a rigid welder'i test at Douglua plane plant In California. TO Aimee MacPherson Shocked Unconscious LOS ANGELES, April 5 (JT) Evangelist Aimee Scmplc Mac Phcraon waa rendered uncon scious yesterday while preach ing in Angclua temple by an electric shock which, temple of ficlala snid, was probably caused by a short circuit in the public address system. She recovered sufficiently to deliver her eve ning sermon. Pennsylvania's first stone bridge was built in 1607. warn i hi 12 75 A itnind cholec of levely alylrs for your cnsunl or spurt life . , nnd ninny tlint will do for all 'occasional Bright spring colors In aninrl solid tonrs ami sparkling pin Ills t Slsrs 13 lo 20. Alt-Kool Sliellnml . . . borg eoattt nnd othtr cnmtnl fj;pir. ironl-nnrf-rffion f n b rifi in bright, ipnrti) pfoidt! Sport or rfi-Mj; n(( fn a chalet of fln fabrlctt ieoond noon An additional 1800 acres In the rich Tulclake area north of Stronghold, will be planted In potatoes if lessees agree to cer tain conditions outlined by the U. S. bureau of reclamation which gave leasees the privilege of planting the land In potatoes for the first time this year. Members of Triple A boards of Siskiyou and Modoc counties met with B, E. Huydcn, reclama tion head, to discuss the arrange ment. The bureau stresses that the land, put in potatoes this year, must be put In legumes, such as alfalfa, clover or peas, in 1044. Replies are expected with in several days, Haydon said. Let's put everything to work! We are faced with the neces sity of not only winning the war at the least coat of men and ma terial, but also of realizing that other nations arc going to have their Idcaa of what the political and economic foundatloni of the post-war era must be. Alt M. Landon. If this conflict ends without a United Nations program for re ordering the world I believe there will be widespread civil wars and revolution, leading again to International war on colossal scale. Dr. Frederick L. Schuman ot Wllllama college. mi FOPAICtORY wjQaj mitt p jL'S: 'M '?ar! FtI" Bait in tha Easter Paradel Trentwood-Two Suits 1275 All of I943's Best Patternal Snuirt herringbone and over plaid fabrics for service I Styled like dad's, too, for prnud wear all spring 1 10-20. SPORT COATS 7.80 OOWNITAlnl Drossy Patent Sandal Comfortable step - in san dal with smart "thlckle" heel. n Black patent or tVt spring beige leath- 4s9 Navy Gabardine Pump A world of comfort In this trim elasticiccd dressy pump I Open toed illra heeled. Smooth Leather Pump Kent and attractive cnlf shoe. Perfect foil for your suit . . . clas 1 1 c I a e d throat. Turf tan or black. . oowNSTAina 349 mm Decorativel Oven-resiatantl 3-pc. Fire-King Mixing Bowl Set C 49 This attractively decorated glass act serves a three-fold purpose for mixing hatters nnd salads, for linking casser ole dishes, and for serving I The 1)owla lmvo rolled edges for greater strength and dur ability, and arc safe for re frigerator use, tool Hurry to Penney'i todny for your set ! rcnnn main noon Mere fashion Isn't enough. This year our clothes must be more than ust Easier charmers. Their job is lo keep up morale long after the Easter parade is over! That's why it is so important to jet tested, accepted fashions lh ohiy kind' we sell at Penney'sl These typical Penney fashions will give yog not only a smart Easter but plenty of satisfying wear, too. Frivolous or Casual Styles for Your Easterl WOMEN'S RAYON DRESSES On or Two-Place Typail Dark Shaaii or Gay Paitalil 790 . An exceptional group of smart new frocks that are so definitely-new . . .and have all the fresh, intri guing trimming tricks ot the spring season! De lightfully conservative two-piece styles with frilly lingerie touches . . . Brilliantly printed rayon Jer seys and smart suit frocks in rayon faille. Dark sheers, soft pastelsl 12-20. ipf) M?4 rVUA- AND SO IS SIIKEII CKIE ItOMAINE! Budget Priced Faahions With Stylel SMART PASTEL DRESSES New Tunle Styles Sleek Belted Types 4 98 Refreshing little frocks that remem ber your budget . . .and flatter you at the same timet High-nocked tunics, with delightful applique trimmings, for very dressy wear . . . smart two piece belted styles that are always correct! A wide range of soft pastels. Sizes 12 to 20. . A r 1 t second rtoon ffa feet, Oai -fa tfcluSfXf STl Chooi Colorful Plaidi or Miitv Twitdi Never Too Manyl RAYON BLOUSES Dressy Styles! Tailored Typ Smartly designed to match your dressy or tailored nulla. White and pastels. 82-10. . Chooi Colorful Plaidi or Miity Twaads lor Springl WOMEN'S Wool-And-Rayon JACKETS A good Jacket affords you . leveral siniirt spring costumes, combined with your skirt and sweaters I Choose a crisply tailored type In bright broad plaid, or a soft, misty twecd. Lovely spring colors! 12-20. New Lines! Smart Stylesl Bright Colors! NEW SPRING SKIRTS Plaids or Solids! Pleatad Types 398 .Smartly cut wool-and-rayon skirls In a grand choice of blns-plealcd stylesl Mix or match them with your odd Jackets, Spring shades. Sires 21-32. 6M rasa I'm IFCOHD PLOOn