Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 05, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    April 5, 1048
ncriiicllons In point values of
inuiitii unci rationed fata mint be
iicconipiinlrd by lower rotnll
pi'lcfn, Iho OPA ruled toduy.
In niiiioiincliig till amend
ment to rationing regulations,
OPA sulci It wna deiilred "to put
ii bruko on retailer who during
the eiirly stnifvii of tha new
menu unci nt riitluninu program
huvo leuded to iibuNa tha point
lowering device provided In the
lleratoforo, b u t c h e r hove
been ullowed to reduce point
vutuea without reducing prices
upon it allowing tluit there wu
dunuur of upolluga,
Now, howovor, a retailor who
lower the point vnluo of ra
aiimeri Item iiitixt lower the price
item ul leant 23 per cent below
H c'Ktiibllnhi!d celling prlco.
If the relnller lower the point
vnluo mora than 20 per cent, tho
nulling prlco muiit bo reduced In
proportion, except thut In no
ciine I tha retailer required to
cut tho Kvlllng prlco mora than
80 per cent.
Kolnttcr "acting In good
faith," will not suffer from the
regulation, said OPA, since it is
normal practice to cut price
when Item must bo moved
quickly to prevent spoilage,
Prlco Administrator Prentiss
M. lirown today Issued specific
conui-pcr pound retail celling on
beef, voal, lamb and mutton, to
go into effect April 18, provld
ing uniform maximum prices in
II stores of tha sama type In
each of 12 pricing zones Into
which tho country 1 divided.
Pork already I under similar
retail controls, lluis, tho latest
move sot price ceilings readily
Identifiable to shopper In each
city, town and hnmlet on every
Important meat reaching the
American dinner table.
Kffcctlva April IS, no rotailer
can charge more for tho 102 cut
of beef, veal, lamb and mutton
In five officially established
grades of beef and veal, four
grades of lamb and three grades
of mutton than the celling prices
named by OPA. Jloweyer, the re
taller nt any time may charge
less than these new celling.-
(Continued From Pago One)
tho African side, from the fort
ress of Gibraltar. It would be tht
bridgehead for any German
drive into Africa by way of
Spain that Hitler might talk
Franco Into permitting.
It sounds like thero might be
a new hen on in Spain, but we'll
have to wait for more new be-
fore drawing any conclusion. -
TAK, heading a TURK mil
itary delegation in North Africa,
comes out squarely today with
an opinion (personal, of course)
that the allies will WIN THE
WAR, and wishing them luck.
That' going pretty strong for
a Turk general, who would hard
ly risk such a statement with
out permission from home.
fN the home front, wool bobs
Into tho nows today following
conference between tho Nation
al Wool Grower association and
representatives of the govern
ment. " Most Interesting I the state
ment that 800 million pound of
foreign wool nro now stored In
tho United States under govern
ment ownership. Tho. wool
growers are worried over what
this might do to mnrkots aftor
tho war.
Bettor not rush In to buy wool
clothe YOU' DON'T NEED Just
to hnvo them In case, If those
figures are accurate, the chances
nro there'll be wool enough to
go around.
It Is transcendent thinking and
tho translating ot these thought
Into deed worthy of tho name of
human progress which differen
tiates man from benst. Tho
mentally lnckndnlslcnl have had
mora than their gharo In nur
turing the evils of our day.
Modnmo Chiang Kal-shck.
. 1
Wholesome Milk and Cream
Now Being Dtllvarad on Our Riiall Routes
Quality Milk . ' Courteous Service
- Raymond Dairy Products Co.
Phone 917. -
How to Shop for Meats and Fats
with Red Stamps
Shopping wllli jroiir nJ point stamps will I easy ir ton iww mne r t rc
simple rulei.
You alreiJy lisvc War Ration Boole Two; you neeil not remitter sain or
declare how much of Ihctc foods you have on hand, But when rationing begins
remember thai:
1. Red Stamps may be uted for Mf of the foods rationed In the Meals and.
Fats Program. The umt Damps aie valid for meal, cheese, butter,
canned full, margarine, etc.
2. The point value of each item Is set on i pound basis. But the amount
of any food your points can buy will depend on whether die item you
choose has a high or low point value.
How to Shop
I, Viral iludr It "point values" of Iht
foods you bujr most oflen. To help you,
you'll find a ' Point Valu. Tsble" liunf up
in your food sloit. Or, belter el. ru on,
dip a meats and fals 'Total Table" iom
your newspaper and keep ll handr,
J. Tikt War Ration Book Two with you
when you shop for meals, eheese, or any of
tha other Items, usl as you do now when
you buy canned, fioien ot dtled fruits, and
vegetables, Tesr the Red Stamps out In the
presence of your sloielcepcr or his delivery
I, If you find you do not have die tuct
amount of valid Red stamps to live for a
purchase, your storekeeper can i you your
change in "I polnl" sumps. For eiample,
if you must fin him a ' point stamp to pay
for a 4'polnt purchase, be an five you a
I -polo! stamp as chant. Bui he cannot us
he 2; i; or ( point stamps as change.
Malta aute, however, that the "l-poini"
sump haa a letter on it which Is valid ai the
time you receive (I.
4. Your atorekceper cannot always cut
meat oe cheese to the exact pound weight
you wish. Thai means you must know how
many points you should pay for ounces, loo.
A special table his been provided oo the
te-esne-t a. mnwif smmim mut
What Foods are Rationed
In the Meats and Fats Rationing Program
IWjtliuiJ'nf Mauch 29, ihoppm will w
tht rid tumpi in Wir Rjiion Book Two
to buy mtiu, edible fill, md oils (IrxluJlrif
butttr), (hat, tnd canned rub.
Hffr U tht official OPA Hit of food.
Thst Foods
WIAHWlrxIudini ill frnV frown,
moktd, ud cured beef, veil, Umb, nd
fork; ill bvm md uxtt product la
conuincfi of tin orftUu; ill dnrd meirt;
viiiety meiu, indwlinj: Tonuri, briini,
heiiti, liver, tripe, tweetbreidi, kidneys;
bout 11 ton cube, beef ritncu, md similar
conctntntea; ill dry, Kmtdry, and fresh,
srnoked, and cooked uuuft, Includini
Salami, pork Mutate, baked loaves, wein
en, Knpple, louac, .head cheete, md
when; met, cod, aod other fau.
Tkt Fodi Ar
POULTty Md AMI AH poultry md
tame, whether fresh, froien, or in cam or
Hf M. Fresh fiih, froaeo fiih, imoked, Salt,
pickled rtih, &sh in containers that are not
hermetically sealed.
PAT1 d OIlA-OIJvt oil when cot
blended with other ingredients salad
dmiinats and miyooruist.
Uu your
Your red stamps art In the same ration
book at tht blue stamps you ate already
uiinj for processed foods.
The uumbtr on each stamp shows you
how many points it is worth. There art
, ) 2, and t -point stamp.
Tht Ittitr shows you when to use the
Here Is the way your Red Stamps become good during the month of April;
March 20 A (6
Aoril 4
April 11
April 18
April 2
Wallen Free, Spot-
Light Now Centers
On Titus Trial
(Continued From Pngo One)
Bowmnn from a piirty nt the Wll-
lard hotel to tho Bowmnn home
on Shasta way, and thnt the two
men fought nftcr Mr. Bowmnn
hnd loft the cnr.
At tho conclusion ot tho stntc's
case, Circuit Judge vandenborg
granted a motion withdrawing
second degrco murder from con-
sidcrntlon by tho jury. Tho flnnl
decision before tho jury was ac
quittal or conviction on a man
slaughter charge.
Wallan'i story was that Bow
man first attacked him without
Mora Comfort Woarlng
Tien la a ntfiaianfc wov in rtvirmma Inmn
plat tiUromforU KASTKKTH. an Improvnl
pnwtler, aprlnttlnl nn uppor anil tower pint en
linlila thfrtl (Irmrr an tliitl tlirv trrl nutro
com tort n Wo, No Riimnty, nniy, pnaty tnstfl
nr frrllrtit. lt'i alhallnt (nnh arld), l)of
not aonr. riipcka "pinto oilor" (ilrnlurtt
hrrath). Oct VAHTKKTH to.ty at any
rlruit atore.
Official Table of Cnniumcr Point Values for
just such cases. This tabic bleaks the point
values per pound down Into ounces. Jf one
of your purchases has an ounce value of less
than half a point you tin not have to pay an
additional point, but if ll Is one-)talf point
or mote, your retailer can collect a full point.
5. BuJttt )or polnli. Spend Red
Stamps carefully. Make them last for the
entire ration period. When you receive
"1-point" Red Stamps as change, use them
Ihe next lime you shop, If possible, and be
aure that they don't expire unused.
6. Remember, you slill im. the Blue
Stamps for processed foods and stamps from
War Ration llook One for sugar and coffee,
No. change can be made in blue Stamps.
f romr Kmmnt j
ibowiost whit ' md vfut wilt not be
iwluded In this raltoainft pfojtrtm. Kp
It htndjr to look it before you ihop. Urn it
In plsuuilnjt nuiriiioui mli for foifr firmly
nd yntiftelf.
Art Ratfonttff
flSH All fiih, iMIAih. and run products
in hermetically sealed containers.
ATS iJ OILI Butler, mirxiriot, lard,
shortening, cooking and salad oili.
CHIISI Che-oc of most lundi: Cheddir
American), Switi, brick, Munstcr, linv
burger, dehydrated ftrdrtj, club, Couda,
Edam, smoked Italian md Greek (ill hard
varieties), processed cheese, cheese foods;
ill cheese product i containing 30 percent
or more by weight of rationed cheeses.
Not Rationed
CHIISI. Soft or perhharje eheest swh
as: Oeam cheese, Keufchatrl, cotttgt,
pot, baker's, camembert, Hederkranr, Brie,
blue; cheese spreads made with a base of
cheese which is not rationed; cheese
spreads and cheese products contanina;
leu than 50 percent by weight of rationed
lUd Stamp!
During the first 5 weeks g
a new stamp become good EAEi
evtry week.
A stamps L-i,-
..a at " "f "
...... a.. , w. cj
and at. As stamps become
jtood they need not be used
within a single week, but
may be used until the end of
the month.
points) April 50
(16pointi A pin io
(16 point. April BO
(16 points) April 30
(16 points) To b snnountti)
provocation, and he claimed any
blows ho dealt were In self de
fense. Members of the jury In the
Wnllnn ense were R. C. Wood
ruff, Aldred D. Smith, Hnrry
Wilson, Thomas Picnrd, M. E.
Nicodemus, Victor O'Neill, Wil
llnm Kunz, Joe Upton, Elton
Dlsher, George Denton, Jnmcs
Kerns, Jr., and Robert Tenter,
' America Isn't kidding Itself.
Submnrinc wurfnrc still is one of
tho mnjor monnccs wo hnve to
combat. Nnvy Secretary Frank
. lha mcmaqomanl's
which make a visitor renumber
inn stoki si.se iimou is so doiiii
stli slMumuaWMtrsBlsl
McrtkeU and tf-L
NEW YORK, April 8 (P) In
tl 10 fuKlcxt stock market session
since last 1041, leading rails,
steels, coppers, utilities and num
erous Industrial favorites today
climbing f ructions to more thun
2 points to new tops for the past
several years.
Tho war news received the
principal credit for the heavy
buying wlilc It, commission
houses reported, camo from all
parls of the country. Further
inflation hedging and investment
demand also were factors.
Advancing tendencies ap
peared at the start and, despite
profit luklng interludes, prices
generally were at or near the
best in tho flnul hour. Large
blocks of stocks selling under
$13 accounted for much of the
turnover of around 2,500,000
shares, a 15-month record.
Conspicuous on the
swing I
were Santa Fe, N. Y. uentrai,
Canadian Pacific, Southern Pa
cific, Norfolk & Western, U. S.
Steel, Bethlehem, Anaconda,
Chrysler, Public Service of N. J.,
U. S. Rubber, Sears Roebuck,
Radio Corp., Pepsi-Cola, Dis
tillers Corp., Western Union,
Oliver Farm and Du Pont.
Closing quotations:
American Can 81
Am Car Sc Fdy 35
Am Tel & Tel 1421
Anaconda 30 i
Calif Packing 29
Cat Tractor 461
Comm'nw'lth & Sou 1
General Electric 371
General Motors - 50i
Gt Nor Ry pfcT
Illinois Central ......
Int Harvester
Long-Bell "A"
Montgomery Ward
Nosh-Kelv .
N Y Central
Northern Pacific ....
Pac Gas & El
Packard Motor ......
Penna R R
I'ultTLAND. Ore., April 8 (AP) BUT
TKK-AA Rriide prints, Mttc; cartool 62c;
A Rradn print , 61c; cartons 62c; B grade
print,. Me Irt.
lirriKKKAT Plrt quality, inatlmura of
.6 nf 1 pr ctnt aridity. ttelivfrH to Port
In ml. 6M:i.c lb.; premium quality, maxi
mum ot of 1 pr cent acidity, M-W'ic
Il.; vallfjr rout and country prlnla. tc Ifii
limn tint, or 60'ic; rcor.it quality at Port
lain), ;p illiilT MrM, or W-.W-c lb.
t'HKKSK Sllln pr)p to Portland retatl
m: Otrgnn trlpktt, 29c lb.; loaf, 30c lb.;
tnpMa to wholcaler, 2c lb.; loaf, S7c
KtJUp-Nomlnul price to retallen I A
grade, large 40-4 If ; I), large 39-40e; A. med
ium S3-.Vc; H. medium -37e; A, imall. Sic
dmen. Nominal price to producer: A, larg-
.nr; 11. largo ac; A, medium, 37c; B, med
ium. H3c docen. '
1,1 VK POULTRY Buying prices: TSo. 1
grade, Lrgliorn broiler"., 1'4 to S lbs.. S0c;
colored fryers under S's H'i.. 30c; do 2 to
A Ihi.. 30c; colored roatera over 4 Ibi., 30c;
rgborn hena, under ti lbs., Me; orer
3, Ibi., S5c; colon-d hem, 4 to S lb., Wc;
over ft lbs., Sflc; No. S grade hem 2c lesi;
rrjrptu ine rs; mooter, 16c lb.
.HtKSSKl" Tt'RKKVS- Selling prices:
country dresard hrna. 3t-35c; packer stocks
hen. No. 1, Wjci rwdi-earry; largo tomi,
over SO lbs., 31c, cash-carry.
HA ll HITS Government celling: average
country killed to rctalleri, iio lb.; live
prlct to producer. 5c lb.
(WSTHY MKATS Srlllnjt price to re
lnller: country killed ltoga, best butcher,
120-110 lb., M-Sile; vcnler. fancy. 23c lb.;
good heavy, l(l-20c; rough heavy, Ifl-ISc lb.;
rntmrr-tfiitter cows (new celling), lftlc lb.;
bull (new celling) 170 lb.; lambs. 27c lb.;
ewen, good, 13c lb.; ewe, poor, 100 lb,
WOOL lPtl contract. Oregon ranch,
nominal, M-S7e lb.; crowhred. 40-4c lb.
POT A TO KS-Seed (ock. 60 lb.; Florida.
$S.,'.0 bushel box; old table stock cash and
carry mice: No. 1 (A) Deschutes. $3.35;
No. 1 (A) large, $3.(U; No. S. $1.45-1.50
fiOlh. brig; local. No. 1, I3.S0 cental.
HAY Wlmlennlo prices: Alfalfa, No. 1 or
better, $33.60; No. 2. $31.30 ton; oat-vetch.
$25-30 ton, valley points; timothy (valley)
$25; do Montana, $31-31.50 ton; clover, $25
doalra lo glva plentifully ol Ihoaa Ihlnga
thai... The FAIBMONT has everything.
Itiraia a. leaf a. H...tia aitH
aitaiii a itiiui. i.tti.n Ni.iaia
Portland j
CHICAGO, April 5 fP) Little
interest was shown in grains to
day, traders preferring to remain
on the sidelines until more def
inite information is availablo
about tho possibility of passing
the Bankhcud bill over the presi
dent's veto. The senate is sched
uled to take up the measure to
morrow. Wheat showed comparative
firmness, particularly the May
! future, but rye and outs dragged.
A sharp decline in the visible
corn supply was reported for lost
week, tho total falling 3,402,000
bushels to 38,885,000 bushels. A
year ago the supply amounted
to 50,142,000 bushels.
Wheat closed Jc lower to ic
higher, May $1,451, July $1,451
1, corn was unchanged at ceil
ings, May $1.01, oats finished ic
lower to Ic higher and rye lost
Republic Steel 18J
Richfield Oil 10
Safeway Stores 30
Scars Roebuck 71
Southern Pacific 25?
Standard Brands 6i
Sunshine Mining . 7
Trans-America 71
Union Oil Calif 19J
Union Pacific 83S
U S Steel 574
Warner Pictures 13
w ;
J rnJ
SLIPS Pajamas
I for Complat I
I . a .f Sltep Comfort I
I Sleekly tailored in o. I
I smooth rayon. Designed In Tanored nan-iashlon by
I smouiia ij . . . ,. hlrt house with Dig. I
I tour-gore.. bias., cut. styles, man uMrt 1
I proportioned for perfect fit. n lapels and seams that I
I Lace and embroidery trim- ome through many I
I non-rip scams. 32 to 44. Washings with nonchalance!!
150. Medium to good steers and
heifers absent, steady; half load
medium 1035-lb. grass range
cows $12.50, first of season, com
mon cows mostly $10.00-. 50;
medium bulls 12.00-.50. Calves:
50. Around 30 to $1.00 higher;
half car good 21 1-lta. northern
California range calves $16.50,
package choice 314-lb. $16.50
HOGS: 350. Around 10 lower;
one load 294-lb. Idahos and pack
age Orcgons $16.85, most good
200-240 lb. barrows and gilts
$16.75; odd good sows $13.30.
SHEEP: 550. Slow, steady to
weak; two decks woolcd lambs
offered, spring lambs absent;
good ewes quoted $7.S0-$8.50.
Salable hogs 12,000; total
20,000; slow, 15-25c lower than
Friday's averages; extreme top
$15.90; good and choice 180-360
lbs. $15.60-85; mostly $25.73
down; strictly good and choice
150-180 lbs. $15.00-85; bulk good
360-550 sows $15.35-60.
Salable cattle 12,000; salable
calves 1,000; good and choice
fed steers 10-15c higher; general
killing quality plainest of sea
son for Monday; bulk $15.00-17;
top $17.85; next highest $17.75;
several loads $17.00-35; choice
Snug fitting knit rayons In
tearose. Step-ins, band leg
brief or panties, bloomers
and vests, bartacked at strain
heifers 10-15c up; strictly choice
946 lbs. averages $17.15; bulk
$14.00-10.35; strictly good cows
weak; all others 10-lSc lower;
cutters $10.23 down; bulls
strong to 13c higher; active;
weighty sausage bulls $14.75
down; vealers closing strong af
ter slow start; withoutside $16
on choice offerings; mostly
$13.50 down; approximately 1,
500 southwest bred stock cat
tle in crop; trade steady.
Salable sheep 6000; total 9,
000; fat Iambs opening fully
steady; good to choice woolcd
lambs $16.00-15; no strictly
choice lambs sold early; held
upwards to $16.33 and above;
choice fat clipped lambs with
No. 2 skins $15.25; sheep scarce;
no early sales; undcrton steady.
PORTLAND, Ore., April 5
900, total 1050; calves salable
and total 100; market slow, un
even, generally steady, but some
unsold under lower bids; bids
and sales of bulls 23 and 50 low
er; medium to good fed heifers
$14.00-$15.50, common grades
down to $11.00; canner and cut
ter cows $8.00-$9.25; medium
good beef cows $11.25-13.23;
medium to good bulls $12.00
$13.30, odd head $13.75, some
held higher; good to choice veal
ers steady at $15.50 to $16.50,
odd head $17.00.
HOGS: Salable 1800, total
2400; carlots sold 40 under week
ago, top $13.85; truckins 25-30
but mostly 25 under Friday;
good to choice 180-225 lbs.
Carefully Chosen
and Dash to Your
Loveliness for ladies who
want beauty on a budget.
Variety of attractive prints
In soft shades in rayon
crepes. 34 to 40.
Appealing, Mew
Adorable styles for your
kindergarten cutiesl Rol
licking ginghams, candy
stripes, quaint little printsl
All carefully designed and
mad .
last an
1 extra-deep hems ,.." iJb7 a.
to leave room for growing.
Honeysuckle Children's
Frocks $1.19
$13.50 to mostly $18.78; 240-300
lbs. $13.00-23; light-lights large
ly $13.00; good sows $14.00-23;
good to choice feeder pigs $16 30
$18.23. SHEEP: Salable 1000; total
3230; market about steady but
rather slow; few good to choice
98 lb. fed woolcd lnmbs $13.80;
load medium to good 90 lbs.
$14.60; medium to good Iambi
$13.50 to $13.00, common down
to $10.00; good ewes steady at
$8.30 to $9.00,
I was and am firmly convinced
that some kind ot European fed
eration Is necessary, that it will
be necessary to learn to think In
greater economic units, and thnt
If we have the courage to cstab
list mutual political and econom
ic agreements, hopes for a dura
ble peace will be strengthened.
Jan Masaryk, Czech minister ot
foreign affairs.
America must return o the
system of Individual enterprise
after tho war. But discussions
should not divide us from our
allies. If we weaken In any way
our unity of military action, we
become our own worst enemies.
Sen, Harold Burton of Ohio,
Uie SantlBeptIc Lot Ion, (amoun
medicated powrior base, no helpful
to pimpled Irritated kin, when due
to external causes. You'll love It.
Promotea Sklnbcauty Sktncare.
Three flattering complexion shade.
Flesh, Brunette, Cream. 10c, fiOo.
to Add Sparkle
Spring Costume
Clever companions for
your Spring ensemble) ...
in pouch . and envelops
styles. Simulated leathers
and fabrics, inside zip poc
kets. .
. with double- Nb I
...m, that will Jk )IJ