7 PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'April B, 194$ Green, Murray at Senate Hearing US. Ain " J, ' L s t; v X , frv '-r: , , i - ' vxX "N s ! ilNwiHumiiMr " W'niiimriHi VT It-'iffrrt ' )i1ifwi Umiinm-nairnrnivii r'Y i BOMB GERMAN PLANE PLANTS (Continued From Page One) off German fighter opposition ahead of the formation, Individual Attack The Germans attacked Indiv idually instead of in packs, as they did yesterday in tho raid near Paris. Fliers said the anti aircraft fire they entered was "not too bad." A communique announced that four bombers and one allied fighter were missing while two German planes were destroyed by the fighter escort and a num ber of others were shot down by the bombers; The fighter opposition was of ficially described as heavy. Wliuam Green, nghc, AFL president, has his say during a heated discussion with CIO head Philip Murray, left, at the hearing before the Senate Truman Committee, which is investigating progress of the war effort. Green ' proposed that both their labor organizations agree for the duration to make no attempt to enter a plant la wiusu a resogiujuiuojB, juaeaoyjicBs s cpuecuve. pargainuig agent xor employes. c Mareth Line Blasted By Britain's Eighth Army If?- ti ki y s - - x . . x x x 8f - x x T , 1 t ' "IKEA RaiiirfTelrnhMtt) A "Bangalore" torpedo Is shown exploding on the Mareth Line In Tunisia, forcing a gap In the barbed wire aurroundlng a German mine field as the line was assaulted by. the British Tommies. 'Bangalore" torpedoes are pieces oi expiosive-iiuea pipe planted Dy sappers oi an attacking force who then retire to a safe distance as the blast opens the barbed wire. Photo radioed Cairo-New York. M-4 Tank in Tunisia! ; id 'j v, - ii inn iihiii nimi im in Kim imwrr t-?Ht i1 L.'.UiM.. , fx.) lr - "mi: 1 1 lilrflrnhi rr American M-4 medium tank stands Teady to go into action on the Tunisian front now under command; 1 - of Gen. Geocge Fatton. Note censor's blot at rear. 4.!an& Red Cross Aid Y "Oi, . tone of the many Red Cross ac-i ilvltlcs is providing aid tor pris' oners of war. Typical package lent to American prisoners of the axis Includes powdered milk, cheese, margarine, meat, flsh, prunes, sugar, coffee, choc. - Dlote.end cisoreta.' rYanTMove In On Axis in Tunisia - . ., . ,T,f-- iMmmiiiiT,"ll'l"''''l T,i rire,,;av;?'pu5 wa,ted no time in tX?'2& the Nazis out of Maknassy, Tunisia, and seised control of this railroad tation, Radlopboto from OWI. Govtrnment Takes Local Wool Clip I On Consignment (Continued From Page One) clips to the wool-handling con cern of their choice. The wool handlers must be approved by the CCC but Marshall says they will probably include nearly all the present wool-dealer concerns and cooperatives. "After the growers' clips reach the warehouses used by the ap proved handlers," Marshall stat ed, "they will be examined and appraised by committees of ex perts selected from the wool trade industry. These committees will place values upon the clips in accordance with the OPA prices. The handlers then will obtain payment from the CCC and settle accounts with the growers, after making certain deductions approved by the CCC." Lee S. McMulIen. secretary of the Klamath Production Credit association, estimated the sheep population of Klamath county around 61,000 head, and Lake county's around 75,000. The Klamath bands have been re duced approximately 50 per cent in the past 10 years. This is due to financial difficulties of sheen- men, and lade of suitable grazing land. A few buyers are exDected here to look for consignments to their houses. There will ba no outright buying. Baby Decapitated NIPPONS LOSE twelve i s Recipes for Better Use of War Time Food Supplies Mrs. Rosnry Snsuo, aoove, wile oi a Los Angeles defense worker, alta tunned in the police station where she was booked cn suspicion ot man slaughter after her two-weeks-old son was found nearly decixpltatod with a butcher knife. Irish Jap? I" 1 i its' i 5 V E M Worden Gravel Pit Claims Life of Eleven-Year Old (Continued From Page One) attempt to fence that section of the pit which children could reach and to warn the neigh- oornood against playing in that I vicinity. xne Sanchez family came to Worden lust three days ago The father is employed as sec tion laborer with the Southern Pacific. Valentine Sanchez was born in Calexico, Calif., and is survived by his parents, three brothers, Thomas, Victor and John. Ex, 4S. trnU -J Little Georcle SoskI is an Amer ican of Japanese ancestry, but in honor of old St. Patrick he holds a green flag while watching new xork Irish parade. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Chamber To Elect New Directors Annual election of chamber of commerce officers is to take place this month. Terms of the following directors will expire April 30: G. C. Blohm, A. M. Col lier, Don R. Drury, William Ga- none, Fred Heilbronner, Henry Semon and Mitchell Tillotson. The directors to be elected will serve from May 1, 1943, to April 30, 1045. We cannot possibly win this war by bombing and blockade alone. It can only be won when soldiers have got in and taken physical possession. When axis forces are cleared from Tunisia there will be nowhere else for us to fight unless soldiers are taken by a seaborne expedition. Commando Chief Lord Louis Mountbatten. I know In my heart that so many others are more deserving of tribute and glory than I am. Barney Ross. FOR THE BETTER grades of fuel oils, accurate, metered de liveries, try Fred H. Heilbron ner, 821 Spring street, tele phone 4153. Distributor Shell Heating Oils. 4-30 OIL TO BURN For Union heat ing oils phone 8404, Klamath Oil Co., 615 Klamath Ave. 4-30m FURNACES vacuum Phone 7149. cleaned, 4-10 CHIMNEY SWEEP 7149. Phone 4-10 OIL BURNER Phone 7149. SERVICE ' 4-10 NEARLY NEW 8-Inch bench saw and motor with dado blades, 2910 Homedale road. 4-7 WANTED Wool liable Cleaners, presscr. 121 So. Re 9th 4-7 5-ROOM MODERN HOME, lawn, shade trees, fruit trees, rasp berries, garden spot. Equity cash or terms to suit 4668 Crosby Ave. 4-10 FOR SALE Saddle horses, hr eluding Shetland pony. How ard at Fair Grounds. 4-10 41 PLYMOUTH Special DeLuxe Tudor, 8500 miles. Radio, heater, seat covers. $1150 cash. See Manager Wool worth s between 5 and 6. 4-7 LOST "A" gas book. W. L. Bruce, Linda Vista Apts. 4-7 I think that government should plan to withdraw quick ly after the war from the opera tion of all non-utility projects. Sen. Harold Burton of Ohio. Raw materials must become common assets in the world If there is to be peace. William Y. Elliott of the WPB. Kites have been flown as high las four miles. YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROMv HOT HASHES V Tou tuffw from hot fluhn, dual BeM. aUtrMft of "lrrA.nlMH,lM . 7"' nrvoudue to the functional mlddla-asa" period In a womin'a I'ffT'Jr' ltfdl E. Plnkhm' Vege table Compound. It's helped thou- Hndl UDOn thoUUnrf Af wnmn n rellere such annoying symptoms. Follow label direction!. Finkham's im worm trymgi MlnlmlM Witts -of Urns, fertlllw, leed.hard-to-get bbor try (reitlng tnd Potatoes with Scmeikn Bel Econom leal. Easy just dip, Oiln, dry. Usually rwlutai Kid pleca decay, taed-bornt scab and RMnctonla, and generilFy I Intfuiii yftldt. All duliri. Trait qowJ -S - ri3inilhl;l;iNfj:iM lillili f Wrilt roo taf, WMigton, Oaf. ht V Im ftfth aW. J IN Am ATTACK (Continued from Page One) MacArthur's hcadquurters suld: "Tho Jnimiu'so naval concen tration at Knvlong now has been destroyed or dispersed." Each of the thrco blows, the first with 10 Fortresses and the last two with only eight, In volved flights of 1100 miles, the communique said. Destroyer Hit ' A destroyer was struck fairly in the bow by one bomb in last nlght'a - attack, a 6000-ton mer chant ship exploded amidships when hit, a light cruiser or de stroyer was hit on the forward deck by a 500-pound bomb which caused an explosion and clouds ot black smoke, and another bomb "possibly hit an 8000-ton cargo ship," the communique said. Allied medium bombers and long-rango fighters also attacked enemy bases In the Sulamaua Lae area on the northeast coast of New Guinea, dropping nearly zu tons or bombs in the Mark ham valley near Lae and repeat edly strafing it "with heavy dam age." Heavy bombers dropped explosives on Salamaua and tho nearby Kitchen crook area was strnfed by fighters. The Kavleng success was the high point of sweeps by MacAr thur's men which hit in tho last 38 hours nearly every important Japancso base In tho southwost Pacific in range of allied planes except bomb-scarred Rabaul, on New Britain island. With butter and moat ration' ed we can all rlio and sing a chorus of "There Are Such Things." Call a spade a spade or shovel or anything you like- Just so you uso one In the gar den mis spring. underground radio rcrmrts xiiiicr is rondy to start gas war fare.. He's been doing that per sonally ever since we- can re member. nouso ways and means com. mlttce voted for no taxes bcinn luitsivi-n. just given! American aviators are con stantly brewing new fight roc- oras with ocean hops. It will be nice when it's warm enough to take off that shirt you lost on March 13. Taking a girl In your arms too often is ono way to get her on your hands. The boy who once took watch apart to see why it work ed, is the man who now takes an auto apart to ace why doesn't. By WINNIFRED K. OILLEN In wartime, food supplies for civilian uso cliungo rapidly. It's part ot patriotism to be ready to shift our cooking and our eating habits on short notice. It's part of patriotism, too, to make tho most of every pound of food we liavo, These choose recipes work two ways. They show how to miiko a little cheese go a long way, and how to mako richer, more tasty cheese dishes when supplies are ubuiuluut. 8calloped Vegetables Pour choose, sauce over fresh- Cooked or left-over vegetables snap beans, carrots, turnips, peas, coin, fin in a shallow baking dish, cover with bread crumbs. bako until crumbs are brown and tho vegetables hented through, Baked Eggs With Cheese Break eggs Into a well ureasod shallow baking dish. Dot with g ruled or shaved clieose and dry oread crumbs. Bake In a mod erate oven until eggs are sot and crumbs aro brown. Cheat Puff 8 slk'os bl'cud 1 pound chveso grated (2 cups) 3 eggs 2 cups milk i teuspoun salt l'eppur, paprika, mustard, If desired. Fit four bread slices Into the bottom of a greased baking dish. Sprinkle with half tho choose; cover with romaliilng broad, Limit eggs; add milk and season lugs; pour over tho brend-and-checso mlxturo and cover with remaining cheese. Set bilking dltfh in a pun of hot water and bnko in n moderate oven for about 40 minutes or until Ilia custurd Is sot and the bread is puffed up. Cheat Pin Wheals Make biscuit dough by any standard rcclpo. Put tho dough out to one-fourth Inch thickness. Spread grated checso over the dough, then roll tho dough up as for a jelly roll. Cut across the roll In hulf-inch slices, link llko biscuits In a g reused pun, And remomuer in using cheese, as any other food In wnr tlmo "Wasto notl Want noil" AT AXIS SEA SUPPLY POUT Careless people find out It cheaper to move than pay park' ing lines. Largest bird Is the ostrich which stands nearly elehl feat tan and weighs about 300 pounds, )fi mmuA TT'SAN Jim ENTERTAINMENT MIRACLE! &m THE BIGGEST OF All. M1 mSSwl NO ADVANCE IN PRICESf (Continued From Pago One) centered about the Wadl El Aka rlt, 20 miles north of Gabes, In northern Tunisia around Medjoz-El-Bab, so-called gateway to the axis brldgohead ot Blzorte and Tunis, British first army ar tillery dueled savagely with en emy guns and Inflicted losses on concentrations of motor trans port and Infantry. British and French patrols also were active in the north. The Eiffel Tower, In was completed In 188D. Paris, Jap-Held Oil Field Bombed by Americans NEW DELHI. April 5 P) Four-motored bombers of the United States lOlli nlr force dropped 13 tons of high explos ives yesterday on a vital Japanese-hold oil refinery thut hud Just been restored to operation." Tho raid was curried out by Liberators. Tho attack, alined at tho Tlill awa oil refinery south of Kan goon, sot flros that were visible 50 miles away, tho air forco suld in a communique Women Physicians Eligible tor Army WASHINGTON. April 5 (ZD- Women physicians and surgeons would bo eligible for commis sions In tho army and navy med ical corps under a bill passed to day by the house and sent to the scnato. Hans Norland. Insurance. Nwi Noy Cartoony IBS NOW DON'T MISS IT.'. 11 f 8 1 WAIT DISNEY'S Deort Opin 1 HO t.ti i l '- Jr. : iv ' i News Musical 'Bambl's" the Cutest, Most Thrilling Fu ture Since , . , "Snow White" Novelty IB "Ssl 11 II nPSw ' In 811 2 ACE BLONDELl f HITS! f LiU o .