'April 5, 1941 PAGE TEN . HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON mmm HEAD TO TALK FOR HOTAR AM Tha publio ii Invited to an Inspirational and informational talk to be given at a Willard hotel luncheon Wednesday noon by E. C. . Sam' mons, chairman of the Oregon victory fund committee and one of P o r t land's leading business men and civic work ers. Res ervatlons by calling SIQS,!'. jtti in order to pro-fafiil juSmMH tect the hotel In Sammons planning the luncheon, it was announced by the chamber of commerce, sponsor of the forum event. There will be no bond sale or solicitation at the luncheon. Sammons is lust back from Washington, D. C, and will dis cuss the treasury department's bond sale program, including the second victory loan drive to open April 12. Klamath county's victory fund drive will be coordinated with the war savings committee's work, which is being handled this month by union labor. U. C. Blohm is chairman of the victory fund committee. Sammons, -Wednesday noon's speaker, is vice president of the Iron Fireman company. E WASHINGTON, April S (JP Reciprocity trade agreements between the United States and Latin-American countries were held by Representative Magnu- son (D-Wash.) to be partially re sponsible for the success of the United States North African campaign. "The insurance of Secretary of State Hull's far sighted policy of reciprocal treaty agreements, Magnuson told reporters, "was vividly demonstrated when we were attacked by the axis. Every South American country, with two exceptions, immediately jumped on our side. If we bad had trade barriers there we would have been in a tough spot because of the ill-will such sit uations might have created." Without such ' cooperation, Magnuson contended, the Amer ican campaign in North Africa could not have been undertaken. British bakers were restricted to three shapes of loaves in 1918, closing year of World War I. What we call a "tip" is "pour boire" in France. Literally, it means "for drink." Napoleon died on St. Helena, May 5, 1B21. 7j Youll Wear y Constantly! TO ;f i f 5S9 J ; iy , SIZES 12 TO 20 Carefully talloteJ flannsti . . . twills , , , ipun royoni. Slim high walilt , , , om or two pockiti. Navy, brown, Ian. Vary dun bit I CRAIG'S 617 MAIN Nazi Tank Put Out of Action by Allies fv., ..twv. V. , fcrMjf. ;-,. - i-3 .1 -;.;:&k$ : fNKA Teltnhoto) This German Mart in tans ana a memoer or us craw, snown sprawiea aiong me sine oi us gun turret, were both put out of action by Allied anti-tank fire as Rommel's forces attacked between Kosserlne and inln I- T.tnlcin M-10's Roll Off the Assembly Line if jn.r i 8 i f I ,-,,,, - - ,,rl Out of the factory and onto the battle line roll U. S. M-10 tank destroyers- in this picture symbolic of our rapid war production. "'' .. It was taken at a Detroit Ford plant. - " U5SrGroWnSil! r if t ; ti , rv - James V. Loong, Chinese seri culturist, spins spools of sill; from silkworm cocoons raisct near Los Angelc3. Evergreen mulberry in the area make: three crops a year possible. INDISPENSABLE BUHLER. Kan. (VPlParl n Heidebrecht was set to enter the navy. A delegation rnllpH nn him promising a $50-month raise if he'd stay home and continue as marshal, waterworks superinten dent, acting mayor, fire chief, street sunerintendent nnr! ppmp- tery caretaker. In his leisure limp TTpMp. brecht is OCD chairman. Reluctantly, he cave nn flip nn. val career. WHO'S AFRAID? SANTA BARBARA. Calif. B This is war, and club women are going to help by conducting a drive for the eradication of rats. Health Officer C. Tarn Rnomo said the project has his hearty approval but he wondered what might happen should a mouse ap pear at a club meeting. SHERMAN SAID IT TELL CITY, Ind. (Epi thets of some Perry countians in venting personal feelings In the local war rationing board office has prompted the board chair man to post a warning that un less applicants for rationed tires and food foreswear cursing pros ecution would result. "Clerks only ask the questions that are necessary," the warn ing says, "and they follow the rules that are set out by the gov ernment. The ration board clerks did not make these rules, be they ever so distasteful." Meat shortages, the chairman explained, seems to-elicit the choicer epithets. The Spanish gourd has been crossed with a cucumber to pro duce a new vegetable. Stephen C. Foster was born In Pennsylvania. Largest of all bats is the flying fox, which has a wingspread of nearly five feet. 1 COW KILLINGS NOT CAUSE OF E PORTLAND, April S ffl The office of war information said today any incipient milk shortage In Oregon cannot be blamed on the number of dairy cows slaughtered in the past year. The OWI said department of agriculture statistics showed dairy cattle increased 4 per cent in Oregon in 1942. Demand for dairy cows far exceeds the sup ply, a prepared statement said. The farm security admlnistra tion with orders from farmers for 1500 head of good dairy cows, has been able since Feb ruary 1 to buy a mere score of cows. What cows it can buy are sent into regions where farmers can feed readily and want to increase their herds, the statement said. The OWI said stockyard re ports showed a heavy run of dairy cattle for slaughtering last fall in the culling season, but light receipts now. Any good cow can be sold for more as a milk animal than as a. beef animal, the statement said. Dairymen evidently fear the post-war future, the OWI said, since they are not keeping heif ers and calves. The FSA, which could buy only 20 milk cows in two months, was able- to buy 800 calves in the same period. Linkenbach Named New President of Police Association Jack Linkenbach was named president of the Police Benefi ciary association at a meeting held in officers' quarters at the city hall Saturday. Linkenbach replaces Sgt. Paul Robertson who has re-enlisted in the US navy. Frank Blackmcr was named vice president; Odell Olson, sec retary, and Orville Hamilton, treasurer. Plans for the year were discussed by the members. An eruption of Mount Pelee destroyed St. Pierre, on the is land of Martinique, May 8, 1902. HOARDING ARMY STARTS SENATE PROBE WASHINGTON, April 8 (P) An inquiry Into what Chairman Truman (D-Mo.) described as "army hoarding" of foodstuffs and supplies that othenvlso would have been available to civilians was projected today by the senate war investigating com mittee. The group called officials of the army quurtormastcr corps for testimony behind closed doors as other senate committees ar ranged to hear witnesses on a half dozen controversial ques tions ranging from post war monetary problems to a proposal to require senate confirmation of all federal employes paid more than $4500 yearly. Truman told reporters his com mittee had received Information indicating that tho army hud overbought heavily in canned goods and various other com modities, pinching the commer cial markets. Ho said he was interested in getting soma of these supplies turned loose. Tl WASHINGTON, April 5 (IF) The supreme court agreed to day to review litigation to test the constitutionality of a cur few imposed on west coast en emy aliens by Lieut. Gen. John L. Dcwitt, commanding general of the western defense command. A ruling by the high tribunal was requested by the ninth fed eral circuit court, to which two Japanese had appealed their convictions on a charge of vio lating the curfew. The Japa nese were Gordon Klyoshi of Seattle and Minoru Yasui of Portland, Oregon. Instead of passing on the con stitutionality of the curfew reg ulation itself, the circuit court certified tho question to the su preme court and asked for a de cision. "It is ordered," the supreme court said in its action, "that the entire record in each of these cases be sent up to this court for its consideration of the whole matter in controversy." Eagles Initiate Three Candidates The local Aerie of the Fratern al Order of Eagles met in regular session Friday night in the new Eagle home. Three candidates were initiated, making a total of 291 new members joining the Eagles this year. Frank Jenkins, representing the Red Cross, gave a very Interesting talk to the members, telling of the program carried on by that organization and urging all people on the home front to cooperate. He said the Red Cross intends to make sure that when our- boys come home after the war that they will be given back the Jobs they left to win this war. FOE members have given 100 per cent to the Red Cross drive this year, it was announced. GRANTS PASS, April 5 (V) President F. I. Bristol of the Sis kiyou Minerals association an nounced today speakers for a senate sub-committee hearing here Saturday to consider plans for increased production of strat egic metals. A I ALWAYS ' 'H '$ z PK rRML wm J J,W COT WHAT IT iJ '-A TASTS ANO JS jJL Vj i21yeARS . IN THE TANK FORCES they say 1 "IRON HORSES" for tanks "GEAR HAPPy" for shifting gears too often "THIN SKINS" for unarmorcd trucks "CAMEL" tot the service man's favorite cigarette FIRST IN THE SERVICE With men In the Army, Navy, Marino ff Corps, and Cout Guard, the favorite 4r cigarette ll Camel. (Based on actual saics records la rost Ex changes and Canteens,) Mme. Chiang III After Exhausting Tour of Country LOS ANGELES, April 5 (P) So exhausted by her trunscontl nentul tour that physician wus callod In for consultation, Mine. Chiang Kai-Shek was advised to remain secluded tn her hotel suite today, resting for her sched uled trip to San Diego tomorrow. Thirty thousand enthusiastic spectators filled Hollywood Bowl yesterday to heur tho Im passioned address in which tho wife of China's generalissimo do clarcd that China, "Like you and tho other United Nations, will see to it that the four free doms will not assume the flaccid status of ethical postulates, no matter how belated may bo the final victory." A white leghorn owned by Dr. Peter Simpson, Hooper, Neb., laid 628 eggs in two years. 1 AIRMEN BELIEVED SAFE AFTER CRASH CHALL1S, Idaho, April 8 VP) The bullof nine army airmen may have purachuted to tho ground an hour or more before thvlr plana crashed and burned near hero was expressed last night by Ponn Slohr, votoran Cascade, Idaho, backwoods civil ian filer. "It sounds to me as though the bomber whs flying In circles on Its uutomutlo pilot for soino time before It crushed," suld Stohr, who hns been taking a leading part In the search for the men. The plana Is bcllovod to be one missing from tho Wulla Walla army air base, and when no bod ies were found In the wreckage a widespread search immediately was launched. "Those flyers may be out any-1 Roseburg High Wins A Debate Contest; Klamath Second EUGENE, April B (P) The Roseburg high school debut team of Jack Horn and Harney linker won tho annual Oregon high school dabute contest ipoiv sored here Saturday night by the Unlvorslty of Oregon, Novllt Smith, Sulom, won the after-dinner speaking contest. Tulbort Sehorn, Klamath Falls, wan second, and Thomas Brand, Ralum, third. whore In central Idaho," Stohr suld. 811 3, 6th Phone OSes Refrigeration Service Ward Arnold, Btrvteemin MERIT WASHING MACHINE SERVICE Tlic Grcatetil Mother X in the World A? & Tho following contribution! oro gratefully acknowledged: tttabith mid , Mainint Rifd 0n Qreear Kay and Oonuld Tllllt , R Illy McDonald Tom MoLaln Darwin I! tart ..:..: Jatqualyn and Itarbara Danltlt Prank tin Oanlalt J tan ami Ltonartf Smith Bonntloa HravolM , Ctatit Johnson , , ,,,, Andraw Lot lit Pal Fit (Tim Id . Pal Duimtn 1.M . .10 .11 .so - .Tl . I.M - tM . I.M : :s . t.M . t.M . I.M . I.M . .It . t.M . I.M . t.M . IK . .tl . tt . I.M . H.M . t.M . t.M . t.M . IM . t.M . t.M . 1.M . I.M , t M , t.M . tM , 1.M , t.M , 1 " . I.M . t.M 1 M t.M t.M t.M t.M t.M S.M t.M tl. M. Wlrtflllt t M Mr. .tvt Mr). A. I. Hlrtlty 11 M Pllhw Smith t M Wnlt.r .1. Miirr-tw t.M Mr. .m a.orM Cory M frills H-llh t.M .r a-nllh I.M Mvlftr) .lnnlr M .M Mr. in-f Mrs. Pat MeAullf't t JMn ftr,l.i, M Mr. nrt Mrs. llm llil ' M Mr. .n-t Mr,. . I, Nleholien " Jfth" M.hlil ... , IB M Prl Ptlrr."n . I M Mr. .nrl Mr". H. P. Pltf . IS M Pstt Pood Btors t.tlt I. B.hhlnl t.M Mr. M. l McOlimll . t.M K Mvnr .. PrinJi 0. Olefcfy Prsnh Piehott . till Wsrt. Dsvt MoAiiHlla Jr,hn ArMtinon Mirtln Jnhmnrl Alhlrt Mlrtllh Grsnt Itlntlnfl Piul l.nthn 01. nitien Mill. Sclotkh ll.n Vuh. i.w.. tout t-m Arthur OlMn . Willlim MiCortr WorH. MoCorl, O. P, Wirrtn M. 0. tttnlnetr Hirri Hlnlnffir Willlim tmrniy M Tnm Ktllv . .Irhrt nnvlrfovlteh Louis Ilivls Tnm Mor.liln . Prlo Drtnilrfior Prsnlt Olinn ... Andy Andirson Pir. Pntirion Altrirt .Intnrini J'.Hrl Tsrwrhlll Jfihn Riritman ilnhn flo. Pit. Sw.mo A. A. llrllM Jim Pull:. M. . Wlmir Ployit Ihlpmin nohtrt Ihlpmin .... Hirold Dirton P. 0. Pool lilt Pink Loyal Lust rltl Lin. Ml, Prsnh Willlim. O-nivs Oirlind Lorills Brvsnt Mlns ftrooh. . Kirlmi lehuhirt Aillll amsnir Mlvb.ll. Plrylmtd , Anlti Bsnnlltir M Jun Low Rnv Putir . Mrs. ttSymOrhf w. m. m.hi P. M. Wlnll.H Diyl MiAulllts Birl Wlrls Joi Melnturft O. P. Wsrrsfl Art Olton P.ll twin. . t.M . I.M . t.M . I.M . I.M . t.M . I.M . t.M . I.M . tM . t.M . t.M . t.M . t.M . I.M . t.M . t.M . t.M . . . t.M . t.M . t.M . t.M . t.M . 1.M . t.M . t.M . t.M . tfl.M Lloyd, I. B. Vsn In. W. Wlndltmin, Pinn tvHuttin, M. 0. QrsvM, T. R. LodMnu, M. eorlll, A. B. Nlnoirrow, N. M. LswU. QlMt Olrmtlrskos. M.llln Wood. Oilil imllh. D, A. Killlr, a. B. ailnnwuo., Alsi Alvlrif, B. Rontild, O. Bintlo, Vli nitisrito, A. O. Morssn. 0. finntln. 0. I. Pit Orson. Osvi nilnolitton, 0. N. Hundk.r, U. Riltlnato, Bsrl PiSl, B. I. Tsylor. Piul Krous, nn tlritlon. I. RMtrolli, B. J. totlRlirrt. M. RnrifltiMO, Brt DIHily. 4. H. Imllrt. Ar. rtriv, YoiMir. PrinN Ohinrlltr, W. P. Shltlr. M. 0. f,H.rw1, Bd Alnlimd, Trinv Oil Brnl, N. A. Ooullir, KHth Wllllimo, J. I Slnrtroin, J. L Lopif, 0. D, a'flrltn W. (. MlBrldO W.. Hwry Hntlmsn Tnm Tonirmrn , fliri Bnilrom Pit MeOxIrs ronlrlhntor . LM K. Jrnnlnts M. L. Wnir P'lnti Most - Mr. snd Mrs. Rohirt MoMihon t.M nilhsrrt MeMlhin . v .10 Mr. and Mrs. Rirl O. Mlllsr t M Mr. snd Mrs. W. J. Imllh t.M Mri. H. L. Kiln. .. I.M Mr, ond Mrs. Tl.rllln t M I vnn Bondwrsnt , 1.M Mr. snd Mrs. Prod pianon 1M Mr, snd Mrs. H. W. Tlllls . I.M Mr. ind Mrs. 0. B. Bmsrson I.M Pob McMhon . .M Mr, and Mr.. J. I. mod t.M M. R. MoKMto MB Mr. snd Mrs. R. B. Mil iln . I.M Mr. and Mr.. P. W. MlDonild I" Mr. snd Mrs. 0. O, nurn.iv . S.M Mr, snd Mrs. Out T. BrlekSM S.M Mr, and Mrs. Roy llmmo S.M Mrs. O. Vieom . I.M Mr. snd Mrs. Tad Th -a t M Mr. snd Mrs. nwiM wilklno " Mr. snd Mrs. A. B. Wlliy .. t.M Mr, snd Mrs. M. B. llmmo S,M Mr. and Mrs. Pari Onur in.M Mr. and Mrs. ft. Mil Danllll I.M Mr. and Mra. flharlro Roan t.M John and Lamard Tlirliln .tl Knrn,. snd tllid. Xlorlolrt .1. P. n. nourlrliht M H. R. Mmkrst l.M Mr. and Mrs, Hsrry Pssrson I.M Vlttor lliaon I.M and Mrs. Rnrhitt Lawysr 1 M t.M Mr, and Mr.. P. 0. Ieiul!l te.M Harliy Wrhhir ..,.. t.M Ma-ry llldhim ..-. I.M AIM. 0. ll Nolt M tnsir Prlmin ----, I.M Mary ft-Brlm .M Psllh Mrnry -, I.M Mr. snd Mrs. A. W. O'Prl-n l.M Mr. sn Mrs. P. R. KsllnB l Alloa Hilrlilaln tM P. I., .llmarMn . t.M P. V. vrd.n . IP Mr. and Mra. Ray frv,ln I.M Alanmi Rommunlty Cub . M.M Tm Tota t.M R t. I-Hh ... . t,M Alsoma L-rmhir Do. 11 1' Piranora Hiohbort M Pllln. Proali I" II. R, Puma .. A. 4. Pilar" William Ttdalko . W. .1. n-h.ho T. tl. Mittmiton P. P. limd P W. Hldwln John Rlnonl Wnry MllUr P. B. finally Pa,- P.rlaoal Wnliar RrayM Mra. .I.ka Anaro Mra. la Alaub Aleya Mrlrh P. M. Rldar Mn. OMraro Blelf I wlo .iienho Mn. fWdnn Rohln Mn. Part Ad.ma M.a. Pd Patiba Ratty Patrka Mr. Plmr MrOlnnls . Mrs. n. V. McGas llm Hsyan .. Prano"! Moll tllrk Ka'lalar Martin riarln Jack n'Nlll Pav Bl'hon . Ruth pr-anohaln Pvrlvn Mu-on Oralha Hiytaon P"a Pletinn Mlldrod Thjoiapa - Mr. and Mra, O. . Pyd Mr, and Strs. L. T. Rlehsrdoon .laan Rarnn l.M I.M ,A .l l.M .M . t.M .M t.M t.ao l.M t.M t.M t.M t.ai t.M . A. 1.01 91 t.M S.M I. Ml t.M ..a. t.M l.M l.M t.M 1.l t.M t.M t.M t.M t.sn l.M l.M l.M Mr. and Mrs, Orvtlls Illlott l.M Mr. and Mra. John L. Johnson t.M Mr. and Mra. Albort Pollroa t.M Mlsa wllhalmlna L. Kalian tl.M Mill Lllllis D. Lund . l.M Joisph S. Monko l.M Mrs. Molllo Lowls .. 1,M Mr. and Mrs. Rims W. Taylor t.M . Mrs. Jsmn A. Naih , Mr, QMrK! I. Olrlrl , Allan W. Oilhrallh M. P. Oaywood Gaorxo 8. Kaphirt -fihr'atlno Lawyar Clvdo .Jam-! John R. Hono ThMdoro Raldo J. R. naimlmtoR . M. .Ilmlnar . 1. B. Waolon Rnh RaalnatO .1 m. loh , H, t , AMnwMlr J. w. (hoot Pd nnPoi . M t M M t.M i M t.M t.M l tM I M t.M t M M t.M t.M t.M l.M ,M .11 l.M l.M t.M t M t M r", patonwn R. Pint! A. Allman . . mV. and Mra. Oao. Himlililn I "J n V, Qadild St. tl. V andrimt M. J. PamM J, L. Wmdal flaoralla Caaabsan P. J. Oaaahaar Mr. and Mrs. PoMIn Myar Mr. and Mra. mark Ahhott .. t.M Mr. and Mrs. p. w. Vamum Wilms Pmshitsl Mrs. 0. R. AnRul naora-o Blllotf Wvllo Lybrand Mrs. Harb JohnMn Mra, A. -Irnaaohlat Mra. I. Robin Howard rtramar Oarnld Madison Prad Plrk t l-,mas Rouas Warran Oabom Ann Arrall A. I. Arrall .. Paarl Hllnhaonk Pharlaa Hitchcock Idaat Orocary . Protamans - n.arhaart Osrsrcs Milan Millar Pmls inks .- Annla O'Hill Thrlma Harrlsan . Oacr Hrrlan R. n. Plnnall ... J. V. Brsmkln r.M t.M t.ao KM t si t.M . 1.00 f.M l.M 1.00 I.M i.on IM t.M t.M t.M t.M IM l.M t.Ofl 1.00 l.M l.M l.M 1.M l.M 1,00 O. 0. Aetsson J. Williams LIvMsy Plhirt J. Ptoyd Harold R, Winn Olho N. Poolo . ... Mrs. Plorcncs Ools Mrs. Plsya YslH John Duvall Loo Norwaat Mrs. ClarlM LotehM Mrs. Bsrths B. Lolchaa Thais Rho Olrla olub Mra. Bllla nla.1V Harrlat A. Thraahsr Mrs, R, D. TlickM- Mr., Osk Bsrksr J. L. Oummlnas , H. O. Llnsllls Mrs. Bloom t.M 1.00 l.M l.M t.M l.M l.M 1.M 1.M t.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M 1.M 1.00 l.M l.M Mr. and Mrs. Joo L. Hl-kt 100.00 Ruth Barslund . 1.00 Prada Rnhlnaon ..... I.M Alsoma Bmployoa'a fund 1JI.II Ruth O.wraati, O, W. Ilrlinl, H, WJhrlns. Ployd Dick. H. O. Jonos. Al Borrow. J. A. Lsr son. A. T. Hsvm. Jim Wlssan. hack. P. W. Malhawa, W. D, Dshow, Joss Perna, Prank Mul lan. V. J, Osrtsr. O. T. Prss man. 0. B. Rollarhlria, John Moooy, R. RodrlKuM, Asol An. darson. H. A. Rraalr. Boh Wllion, A. R, Pltraarald, R, Oawald. 0. D, Plndlsy, P. M, Klnriall, J, R, Rrown, A, Pookay. 0. I. Rsrnard, n. W. Lovell, Roy 0. Wataon, R. Han. rlonalt, A. T. Polantt) R. losan. Ployd RallMtar, A. Wat kins, H, Andaraon, J. a. na. Vila. H. M. Wlia. A, Ooullar, Dick Oalano. 0, R. Trawarlha, llm Didamna, J. B. JamM, V. il. Bolton, P, W. Allan, J. N. John M. vullian I .la D, Mn-nr.le Viator Vaaah Bdwarif Lawla Mo"rd KoartfO , p. Harsaon , Mlldrad narlwrlht twin flirlwrlvht Mrs. 0. M. Howard Aim lohallhom . .1. Harrlann . Mra. J. Harrison M. M. Ollns Ban Anyua J. 0. Wllllf Vama Aahhoustl . Mra. M. P. Dannlo Mrs, Bd fllnomlnsesmp Mr.. Ladhaltar . Mra, Marlha B, Bakar . Mra. 0. H. Marrvman -Mra, L. Pnlmarton Uahal Waldrln Mr. and Mra. John Prlnct l " H. . Ounnlnaham MB I akaihnra aardan Nuraartf . . 1.00 1 M t.M t.M 1.M 1.M l.M t.M l.M 1.M l.M l.M 1.M t.M l.fll l.M t.M t.M l.M .10 l.M t.M t.M 1.11 l.M l.M 1.M 1.M Maria Connor , l ata Oawald Mrs. H. J. Rowan Mrs. JamM Rtirnsso . Mr, JamM Burnsas t uolls RISKS ... Oral nrlat Paart Madlord Mary Lamr Madna tons lloaa MnPomaolt Harold Hilton l.M 1.M l.M 1.10 t.M 1,00 1.00 t.M 1.00 l.M t.OO t.M AsnM M. Ollvar 1.00 Mr. snd Mrs. O. P. O'LouHillr) l.M Mrs. John -Johnston . 1.00 M, A. florlson . ".'I P. H. Halkan 10.00 7'nn Lutharan Ladlaa Aid 1.00 Mr. and Mta. O. R, MsLans t.M Mr. Robtrt J. Poll l.M Mary Jans Hoston I.M rank Wlaoman. Rarl Rail, JamM Tarry. R. B. Rrownall. Martin Marorllla. Oharlas Bsrkar, Oar rla L. Push Ahnvo Prsnkford Pusl Oo. Bm ploysH donstsd 11,01 TAT A I Of Contribution! COO 099 11 Liitod HorB to Oat y, Acknowladptmenli at llmei may run aovaral dayi aftar your contribution .a -. a 1 your uoiiars'iieip m make possible the AMERICAN RED CROSS Those adt publithod for the Klamath County Chapter of the American Red Crou by the make" possible the I f You Can't Go-GI VE! Only Your Gifts Support tht Red Crou tAt Only the Red Cross acts as an emer gency link between the men in the services and their families, keeping in touch through some 2,780 field work ers and local chapters. Always read the classified ads.