Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 03, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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    April 8. 1943
Program for Year
Announced at Meet
Womon of Reamos Gather at Clubhouse Friday
For Lunchoon, Golf and Cards
Women of Kennies Golf and Country club gathered at the
clubhouse Friday to opni the 1 043 season with golf, luncheon
mid curds. Mrs. Wilfred E. Lumiu, president, presided nud an
nounced thn program for the your.
A number worn out to piny golf In the morning, taking
advaiilugo uf one of thn loveliest dnyii of spring. Mn. Eurl
Welinur won tho nine-hole handicap touinumcnt und received
two golf mills, mid Mm. II. H.
Couliim wua glvon tho guest
nwnrd of spring flower.
Thn polluck luncheon wua
arranged by tho entertain
innnt uominlltoo headed hy
Mm. Leslie lingers. Five ta
blrn of bridge were plnycd
In thn nfli'iiioon. Some thir
ty niemhera mid guoala were
Hi tho luncheon, Gunda In
cluded Mr. Goorge Watt of
Sun Frnnclaco and Mra. Ed
ward II. Pike.
It was minounced that tho
Lu in in spring huudlcup tour
' nument will tiiko tho place
of tho Weatlirrly tournament,
tho cup donated by Mra. Wll
' fred E, Lamm. I'lnyrra will
qualify Muy twenty eighth.
Following- la tho yeur'a pro
gram: April 3
Reception, lunch. Fun tour
nament. April t
Blind bogey. Dmw purl
nera, pout pnlrlnga. Hoatoasci,
Mra. H. N. Moo, Mra. P. A.
Albertaun and Mra. Frank
April 19
Tin Whlatlo tournnment.
llor.tc.MCl, Mra, C. V. Rugh,
Mra. H. D. Rnkcatraw,
April 30
Ullnd partner tournnment.
HoaloMca, Mra. Oacnr Peyton,
. Mra. II. F. Murdoch, Mra. C.
t E. Dennia.
May 7
Victory tournament of 54
holea. Pluy 18 holea, pout
acorea. Hostesses, Mra. W. E.
Lunim, Mra. Hurry Land.
May 14
Victory tournament, play
18 holea. Hostesses, Mra.
Krnnk Jenkins, Mra. G. C.
May as
Qualify for Lamm tourna
ment. Hoaleaaea," Mra. J. H.
Houston. Mra. Robert A.
Thompson, Mra. T. M. Med
ford. Juna 4
Annual Lamm tournament,
Firat elimination. Hoateaaea,
Mra. Earl Weimar, Mra. R.
E. Hooker, Mra. Percy Mur
. my.
June 11
Second elimination tourna
ment. Clasa B. tournament.
Hoateaaea, Mra. W. O. Smith,
Mra. R. It. Mucartney, Mra.
Charles I. Roberta.
June 18
Scml'flnnla Lamm tourna
ment. Clasa B. tournament.
Hoateaaea, Mra. Harold D.
Mortenaon, Mra. Carl Huaon
and Mra. Guy Harmon.
June 25
Finals Lamm tournament.
All classca. Hoateaaea. Mra.
11. E. Haydon, Mra. H. C. Ger
ber. July and August
Five beat acorea. Must be
checked and sinned.
September 3
Guest day, luncheon and
cards. Swecpalakca tourna
monl. Best nlno out of eight
een. Hostesses, Mra. E. P.
Brostcrhous, Mra. L. D. Sto
phena, Mra. John Ktrby.
September 10
Two ball fouraomo. High
and low handicaps. Hoatotsea,
Mra. Oscar Shlvo, Mra. F. Ce
cil Adams, Mra. E. D. Ham
achor. September 17
Qualify for championship
tatii'numt'iit. Draw for part
ners. Post drawinga. Host
esses, Mra. J. A. Shaw, Mra.
J. C. Johnston.
September 24
Annual championship tour
nament. First elimination
matches. Hostesses, Mrs. G.
II. Hancock, Mra. Martin
Swanaon, Mrs. H. R. Coulam,
October 1
Socond elimination match
l ea, First matches for B flight.
Hostesses, Mrs. W. G. Hagcl
sloln, Mrs, Hurry Panning,
Mrs. Robert Sproat,
October I
Annual championship tour
nament. Semi-finals In all
classes. Hostesses, Mra, R. W.
Oldenburg, Mrs. J. Hardin
October It
Championship finals. All
classes. Hostesses, Mrs. H. E.
Hanger, Mrs. B.L. Harden
brook, Mra. Leslie Rogers.
' October 22
Myatory tournament. Must
bo disguised. Challenge soma
ono unknown. Any kind of
costume. Hostesses, Mrs.
Mitchell Tlllotson, Mrs. Paul
Lnndry and Mrs. W. C. Dal
,ton, f October 29
Annual election of officers.
Miss Helen Mooro, senior
student at tho University of
Oregon, spent tho weekend in
Portland as guests of Mr. and
Mra. Charles E. Draper.
Council of Church
Womon Meet on
The Klamath Falls Council
of Church Women met In the
First Methodist church Tues
day, March tho thirtieth. The
board of directors hold a meet
ing at half puit one. o'clock,
followed by tho general aea
slon at half past two o'clock,
with Mra. John Yadcn, presi
dent, presiding. Roporta wore
given by tho committee on the
World Day of Prayer, and the
committee on social acrvlco re
ported that two rndloa had
been sent to the hospital at
Nowell, and that two more
were to bo aent. Tho Reader's
Digest and other mogazinca
havo also been sent to tho hos
pital, It was unnounccd.
Mrs. Ralph Hopkins, chair
man of tho May lunchoon com
mittee told of tho plana for
this. It will be a dessert lun
cheon, to bo held In the First
Christian church on Thursday,
May tho sixth.
Mrs. John Yadcn and Miss
Hazel Morrison, delegates to
tho atato conference at Eugene,
Februory the twenty-fifth and
twenty-sixth, gove most Inter
esting and complete reports of
the conference. A devotional
service closed the afternoon,
with Dorothy Laurenson play
ing a soft accompaniment on
her marimba.
At tho last meeting of tho
Happy Hour club on March
the twenty-third, members
were entertained at the home
of Mra. J. J. Keller on Jef
ferson street.
Those In attendance were
Mra. H. J. Savldgo, Mrs.
Frank Evans, Mrs. Anna
Funk, Mrs. Gcorgo Blchn,
Mrs. Albert Longer, Mrs.
Carl Sandcll, Mrs. E. H.
Jones, Mra. Frank Frankford,
Mra. Dayton Barnhart, Mra.
Jennie Hum, Mrs. J. H. Ham
ilton, Mrs. George Humphrey,
Mrs. Sydney Evans, Mrs. R.
G. Motschcnbachcr and the
Tho club's next meeting
will be at the home of Mrs.
Albert Langcr on North
Seventh street, Tuesday after
noon, April tho thirteenth,
Five tables were In play
Friday afternoon at tho meet
ing of the Eastern Star So
cial club at tho Masonic hall.
Acting as hostesses were Mrs.
Harold M. Brown, Mrs. O.
D. Matthews, Mrs. Laura Wil
llts and Mrs. J. H. Carnahan.
Spring colors were used In
the decorations, and those re
ceiving the awards were Mrs.
Calvin Hunt, high and Mrs.
J. I. Beard, low. Mrs. Sam
Roberts received the special
1 ns'5i$vi
Judith Ann, Just three on
March twenty-fifth, Is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.
A. Honkelman of 1841 Derby
street. On her birlhdny ten
little friends woro invited to
a party.
r&V 'f'
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Foreign Policy
Group Plans Meet
League of Women Voters To 'Meet Monday
Afternoon in Library Club Rooms
Foreign policy atudy group of the Klamath County League
of Women Voters, under the leadership of Mrs. E. A. Geary,
will present an Interesting program Monday afternoon, April
fifth, at two o'clock in the small club room of the city library,
when the league will hold its regular meeting.
The lcaguo foreign policy group Is one of the largest and
moat Interesting of the study groups, and has been active in its
work during tho paat months.
Mra. E. K. Loosley will
open Monday aftcrnoon'a pro
gram with a dlacussion and
resume of the United States'
relationship with Great Brit
ain during the past decade
and up to the prcaent time.
Mra. J. A Schubert will car
ry on the dlacussion with a
study of colonial problems at
present and Into the post-war
Mrs. Roland E. Wright Is
to continue the program
through the transitional pe
riod and Mrs. Geary will fol
low with a brief summary
and conclusion.
Tho National League of
Women Voters la atrong In its
campaign against Isolation
ism, and keeps its members
alive to its dangers through a
program of atudy and the pub
lication of Broadaldca, leaf
lets issued regularly through
the national organization.
"United States nationalism,
1943 model of isolationism,
grows with every gain made
on the military front," de
clarea ono of the lateat League
"Just as In 1910 a demand
developed to pull away from
the rest of the world and re
turn to "normalcy," so now
the same tide of reaction is
setting in. It shows itself
through those who give lip
service to the idea of a world
froe from war, but who pro- s
mote efforts to bring about
a United States independent
of the rest of the world and
armed to the teeth. Such nationalist-isolationist
spirit can
defeat any attempt to solve
international problems
through mutual concessions
and agreements," the league
publication continues.
"The groundwork for a
lasting peace is being laid
now. The United Nations
have made agreements estab
lishing principles of post-war
settlement Including free ac
cess to raw materials and re
moval of excessive trade bar
riers. Congressional action
that violates such principles
will undermine the confidence
of the United Nations in our
good faith."
The course of United States
action advocated by the Na
tional League of Women Vol- ,
crs calls for the use of our
power and prestige to encour
age cooperation among all
countries. Concessions will
have to be made by us as well
as by others. Sometimes the
interests of groups of United
States citizens will conflict
with tho long term interest
of tho wholo country and ad
justments will have to be
made It recognizes that the
action of each nation has an
effect on every other nation,
and is based on tho principle
of preventing situations that
load to war.
"Nationalist p r o p a ganda
confuses tho real lssuo today
just as Isolationist propa
ganda confused it 23 years
ago," the Broadside concludes.
Mrs. Carey M. Ramsby will
bo hostess to members of the
Art Needle Work club, Wcd-)
ncsday afternoon, at two'
o'clock, at her home nt 521
North Fifth street. This will
be tho regular bi-monthly
gathering of the club. The
date it April the seventh.
7 . ' rtf'
Bntty Buchannn, left, and Jo Lust are among the students
homo from school. Both are graduates of Armstrong's in
Berkeley and will return thla weekend to accept positiona
in the Bay area. Miss Buchanan la the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. T. P. Buchanan, and Miss Lust is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. L. F. Lust.
Kathleen Livingston.
Misa Estelle Bolton, daugh
ter of Mra. Marie Bolton of
Wiard atreet, became, the
bride of Frivatc Stanley Spar
lin, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Sparlin of Henley, in a
ceremony read in the First
Baptist church of Bakersficld,
California, the evening of
March the first.
The bride wore a navy blue
juit with matching accessories
and a corsage of spring flow
ers. Men of Private Sparlin's
company attended the couple.
Present' at the ceremony
was Mrs. Sparlin, mother of
the groom.
The young couple, well
known here, will reside in
Bakersficld where Private
Sparlin is stationed with the
United States army air corps.
Mrs. Sparlin is a graduate of
Klamath Union high school,
he of Henley high school.
Here for a week is Miss Jac
queline Stallings, who has
joined the Marines and is
awaiting orders. Miss Stal
lings has been the house guest
of Mrs. Ivy Nord. She has
been with the navy deport
ment for the past year, ten
months in Washington D. C,
and. two months in Chicago.
She enlisted In the Marines in
Chicago and was sworn in in
Portland. ,
Miss Stallings will leave for
Hunter college In New York
within several weeks and will
be at tho recruiting office In
Portland until she is called.
Miss Stallings is the daughter
of Mrs. B. C. Stadin of Fort
land. 4
Of Interest to friends In
Klamath Falls is the wedding
of Miss Irene Kennedy of
Globe, Arizona, and Mr. Ray
Billings, formerly of this city,
which took place at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Les Davis in
Phoenix, the evening of Mon
day, March the twenty-second.
Tho Rev. D. M. Peterson,
pastor of the First Church of
Christ, read the ceremony.
The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ken
nedy and is a graduato of the
Houston, Texas, high school.
Mr. Billings is an official of
the W. A. Beehtcl company of
Miami and made his home in
thla city for fivo years.
Spending the weekend here
Is Mrs. Noel Becar of Eugene,
formerly of this city, tho house
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henri
Conradl of Jefferson street.
Friends of Noel Becar will be
interested to learn that he has
been sent by Western Eleetrio
to AlaskR In the Interests of
tho Alcan highway. Mrs. Be
car has accepted a position in
Mrs. Paul Bcrnadou was the
guest of honor at a handker
chief shower given for her Fri
day evening, March the
twenty-sixth, at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Mahoncy of 737 North
Ninth street. Mrs. Don Dru
liner and Mrs. James Cavan
augh were the hostesses.
Bridge was played during
the evening and refreshments
served by the hostesses at a
late hour.
Invited guests were Mrs.
James Sullivan, Mrs. J. A.
Mahoncy, Mrs. Norman Moty,
Mrs. Clay Combcst, Mrs. Virgil
Smith, Mrs. Dick Miller, Jr.,
Mrs. James Cronin, Mrs. Lyle
Durrell, Mrs. Ernie Bishop,
Mrs. Bob Howard, Miss Betty
Drulincr, Miss Mildred Craw
ford, Miss Madge McClcllan,
the hostesses, Mrs. Don Dru
lincr and Mrs. James Cavan
augh, and the honor guest,
Mrs. Paul Bcrnadou.
Mrs. Bcrnadou is leaving
for Brooklyn, New York,
where she will join her hus
band, who is in the service,
for an Indefinite visit.
Miss Margaret Lavln enter-,
tained Thursday evening at
her home, 426 North Fifth
street, when she asked a
group of friends in to greet
her sister, Lorna Katherine
Lavln of Spokane, Washing
ton. Bridge was played and cof
fee served later to Miss La
vin, Miss Virginia Tyrrell,
Miss Ruth Lombard, Miss
Jean Focht, Mrs. C. A. Zim
ncy and Mrs. W. R. Cabiness.
Mrs. Leslie Rogers returned
this week from Portland
where she was called by the
illness of her sister, Mrs. Carl
Cofer of that city and for
merly of Klamath Falls.
While in Portland Mrs.
Rogers' four sisters were at
the Cofer home, the first
time all five have been to
gether in ten years. The five
are Mrs. Carl Cofer of Port
land, Mrs. C. H. Cofer of La
Center, Washington, Mrs. Earl
Wayne Hopkins Sr. of Port
land, Mrs. George Buckley of
the Applegate district near
Medford, and Mrs. Rogers.
Mrs. Buckley accompanied
Mrs. Rogers home.
Every Wednesday and Saturday
(Sorry No Dining Room Service)
Monday, April t
Regular meeting of the
Klamath League of Women
Voters in the small clubroom,
city library, 2 p. m. Foreign
policy group, Mrs. E. A. Geary,
leader, in charge.
Regular dinner meeting of
BPW, Wiilard hotel.
Oregon Mothers, Red Cross
rooms with luncheon at Pell
can at 1 p, m.
DAR to meet at home of
Mrs. Louis R. Mann, 1437
Pacific Terrace, 8 p. m.
Tuesday, April 8
Afternoon book section of
AAUW with Mrs. Nelson
Reed at 2 p. m. Mra, Walter
Kaudcr to review.
April meeting of Klamath
Falls Nile club to be held at
Pelican party room. Luncheon
at 1 o'clock sharp.
Wednesday, April 7
ANW club with Mra. C. M.
Ramsby, 521 North Fifth
atreet, 2 p. m.
Thursday, April 8
Chiloquin high achool
nual spring concert, 8 p.
m.. high school gymnasium.
Six-thirty potluck dinner
and meeting of Canton Cra
ter to be held at IOOF hall.
Monday, April 12
Executive board, BPW club,
with Jane Eyerly, 7:30 p. m.
Annual musicale presented
by Klamath Falla Woman's
Library club with Mrs. D. J.
Zumwalt in charge. Main
auditorium public library, 2
p. m.
Tuesday, April 13
Arts and Crafts at parish
house sponsored by St. Paul's
auxiliary, 1 p. m. through
Meeting of Happy Hour
club at home of Mrs. Albert
Langer on North Seventh
Wednesday, April 14
Sojourners at Wiilard hotel
with Mrs. K. M. Moty and
Mrs. D. W. Rice, hostesses.
Saturday, April 17
Elks inaugural ball, Elks
AAUW luncheon, 12:45
p. m., Pelican party room.
Monday, April 19
Garden club plant sale and
exhibit, 1:30 p. m., small li
brary club rooms.
Monday, Asril 28
Annual Easter Monday
bridge tea by Guild of St.
Paul's at Wiilard hotel.
Saturday, May 1
Annual Shrine benefit
dance for Crippled Children's
hospital, Portland, at Klam
ath Falls armory.
Saturday, May 15
AAUW senior girls tea to
be given at home of Mrs. Nel
son Reed, Del Moro street.
Mrs. O. K. Puckctt. chairman.
Mrs. Lorraine Shell was
guest of honor at a recent
gathering at her home. Neigh
bors came to celebrate her
birthday anniversary and
complimented Mrs. Shell with
a towel shower. The after
noon was spent informally.
Mrs. Shell is retiring presi
dent of the Shasta PTA.
Those present were Alice
Grimmett, Rilla Stout, Edith
Hawkins, Orpha Swindler,
Myrtle Harris, Lucille Keehr,
Clara Strand, Jeanie Dean
Ellis, Leala Thompson, Ann
Basey, Lena Aubrey, Elvie
Crouse, Clara Rusteen, Lucile
Baker, Letha Landis and
Helen Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. George Metz
are enjoying a few days visit
with their son, Lee, who is
home on furlough from Chi
cago where he recently gradu
ated from an air corps school.
After leaving here he will be
stationed at the Sand Point
air base.
i TAVfRII 15
Spring Concert on
Chiloquin Program
Annual Musicale of Interest to Residents of Com.
munity on April Eighth
The annual apring concert given by the music and dramatic
departmenta of the Chiloquin high achool will be held at eight
o'clock Thursday evening, April eighth, at the high school
gymnaalum. The following program under the supervialon e
Esther Boughter, director of muaic, and Margaret Molltor,
director of dramatica, will be presented:
"The Star-Spangled Banner"
BPW Club
Plans Meet
Dinner Program An
nounced for Monday
Klamath Falls members of
the Business and Professional
Women's club will meet for
dinner Monday evening at
half past six o'clock in the
Wiilard hotel at which time
Mrs. Frederick C. Wissenbach
will speak on "German Life
Through American Eyes."
Mrs. Wissenbach is an inter
esting speaker and she will
tell of her life in Munich,
Germany, through 1932 and
1935, when Rev. Wissenbach
was rector of the American
church there.
Mrs. Henri Conradl is
chairman of the evening, as
sisted by Miss Olive Wilson
- and Miss Hazel Morrison.
There will be a questions
and answers session following
the talk.
Miss Llllie E. Darby 'will
present the Junior High
school girls chorus and there
will be a group of accordion
solos by Bonnie Sweeney,
student of Mrs. Thelma
Mrs. Raymond Reeves en
tertained the Woman's Aux
iliary of St Paul's at her home
on Lakeshore drive, Thursday
afternoon. Mrs. Frederick C.
Wissenbach spoke on "Wom
an's Life in Germany." The
devotionals were given by
Mrs, Van Evans.
Mrs. Reeves, president of
the auxiliary, was chosen dele
gate to the convocation of the
Episcopal church to be held
this spring in Baker.
Cards have been received
from Auxiliary Bertha Ul
rich, WAAC, who is enjoy
ing life immensely at Fort
Des Moines, Iowa.
Birthday greetings to Diane
Oldenburg who was all of
eight on March twenty-ninth.
She is the daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Ray W. Oldenburg.
Can Help Solve Your Beauty Problems
Do you want to know how you can be fit and fair
able to add war work to your other duties help
attain personal and business success? Then bring
your problems to our beauty consultant from the
Richard Hudnut Salon, Fifth Avenue, New York.
She wul be here in our Toilet Coods Section all thli
week to tell you what this plan has done for hundred
of women in this vicinity . . . what It can do for you.
A Santa I III! far Yas Darlitf
a. Tills Wiik Only, with Your hirchote f
Any Dusgrry liouly Praporation.
sH Wllh ear wvpllHrat. tm will Mdn
I aie Vrkl f DaBfT7 8pMll
IJ a,lil Pr.pMlaa . . Ul I"
muiltai which h IH. frt iWr W
tmUfcilllhlewMnKhtaa. t
r -
Phone 3625 for Appointment
April 5th through the 10th
t won AT
808 Main
"America, the Beautiful,"
Combined Glee Clubs
"O, Entrancing Night"
.. , Madaen
"The Piper From Over the
Way" Brahe
Girls' Glee Club
"When the Banjo Plays"
, Wilson
"My Wild Irish Rose"
Girls' Trio
"Little Bluebird of My
Heart" Grey
"Cradle Song" Brahms
Junior Girls' Glee Club
"Sweet and Low" Barnby
Junior Girls' Triple Trio
"The Old Chest Upstairs"
"The Eskimo" Wing
Barbara Gray
"Songs My Mother- Taught
Me" Dvorak
"Morning" Speaks
Girls' Double Trio
"I Am An American".... Neal
Boys' Quintet -
"Slumber Time" Green
'Music When Soft Voices
Die" Kramer
Girls' Glee Club
"n Baccio" Arditl
"Because" Hardelot
Ellda De Bortoli
"Sign of the Cross," Barrett
-Nina Sue Fernimen
Prayer From "Hansel and
Gretel" Humperdinck
Girls' Trio
"Ave Maria" Schubert
Girls' Glee Club
"America" Carey
Combined Glee Clubs
Accompanists, Miriam Allen,
Norma Lee Gienger and
Dorothy Smith.
"Tickets for the concert
may be secured from stu
dents of the Junior high
school or they may be pur
chased at the door. A cordial -welcome
is extended to all.
Miss Gertrude Tolle enter
tained at the home of Mrs.
Henri Conradl, 1028 Jefferson
street, for members of TNT
bridge club Wednesday eve
ning. Spring flowers were
Ujed about the rooms and dea-'
sert was followed by cards.
Mrs. Conradl will entertain
the club in two weeks.
i'' X) a
Beauty Is Your Duty!
Phone 3625