SOCIETY By Lois Stewart J7 k j 7' '.I'll , ,4 rf1 i' "... 5 if' t '"A 1 ' a W s. -if 1 ' ' V , A ' 1 !' , '?. ".';r. ' d p t 1 41 PAULINE SUTY. WAAC. r ( ' 1 ? DORIS McCHORD, WAAC. 1 - v .1 1 X. I 4 Jah " 'a 1 13 1 i MNinmnmiwuii'iiw JESSIE JOHNSON, WAAC. TODAY'S PAGE IS DEVOTED to o group of Klamath Foils women who are giving time, energy and devotion to their country for the duration of the wor. These eight women are but a few who have gone from this city into the newly created corp5. They represent the WAACS, the WAVES, the Marines and tho Nursing corps. Letters reaching friends ond families de scribe their life In these various branches and there is a unanimous opinion "that the life is swell," a good old American expression which means that everything is very fine Indeed! At this writing all remain In the United States with the exception of Pauline Suty who is with the-WAACS in North Africa. (Pictures of Shermon, Johnson, McChord, Cassc.l, Suty, l by Kennell-Ellis. Stallings from Bell. Kesterson by Kathleen Livingston), 1 " r. 4 r -'A -n. . :-:ttrr - 4 -A7 - vV -:, K If , . 1 if i fx t V GRACE RHOADES, WAAC. "... kK:c ' '-v ' fa o ' - n r i ill ii mil ii iTiir-"'"V-'iii'iirnm iiiiniiiiii LOIS CASSEL, WAVES. ' W ''V V ' o MARY ALICE SHERMAN, Navy Nurse. pas. TT JACQUELINE STALLINGS, Marines. Bar -i-p n "JUKI M" iHMPiwimn.W ill fx,. El DOROTHY KESTERSON. WAAC. t .An"