PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON April 8, 1948 Midland 1 CtttfUte LAKE COUNTY TOP PIES LAKEVIEW Hogs from Lakeview and Alturat area gain brought the top price at the Stockton union stock yards, when the Modoc Livestock Ship ping association made a ship ment of cattle and hogs this week. The butcher hogs In the shipment brought $16.10 per hundredweight. The shipment Included 134 hogs and 11 cows and 2 calves, Shippers were William Pfrang, M. G. Dunham, J. P. Chandler and Carl Day of Lake- view; Clifford J. Partin, New Pine Creek; D. D. Klnkade, Fred Fulton. Ales Ash, W. T. Morris, M. O. Wells, Clark Bros., Altu ras; J. W. Stelner, W. H. Dollar- hide, Cedarvllle; Mike Caplk, Davis Creek; R. C. Shere, Canby, all hog shippers; Capik, C. J, Kirby, A. W. Hantaan, J. C, Stevenson, D. W. Turnbaugh, Tulelake; Ed Connolly, Cedar vllle; A. Naffer, Alturas, all cat tle shippers. Olene Mr. and Mrs. O. L, Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Basil Brown had dinner at "Sari's" Wednesday evening on the occasion of the 36th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brown. Mrs. Curtis Gebhardt and Mrs. Marion Barnes returned early last week from Portland where they spent several days visiting friends. Mrs. Gebhardt was a house guest of Mrs. Henry Laux, formerly of Klamath Falls. They accompanied Mrs. Vera Real as far as Corvallis where she spent the week visiting her son, Pri vate LeRoy Real. . Three communities were rep resented at a shower held in Lost River Grange hall on Wednes day afternoon in honor of Mrs. Jerry Johnson (Frances Sulli van), married at Reno, Nev., Sunday, March 28. There were between fifty and sixty guests present. .The communities rep resented were Poe Valley, Olene and Henley. Mrs. Johnson was the recipient of many beautiful as well as useful gifts. She re turned on "Friday, April 2, to Reno where she will remain with her husband. Mr. Johnson is in the navy air corps with head quarters in Reno. Miss Sullivan Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan of Poe Valley. The many friends of Lieut. and Mrs. Roland Sturman (Helen Marshall) will be glad to hear of the recovery of Lieut Sturman from an attack of pneumonia which kept him in the base hos pital at Camp Lewis. Mrs. George Stevenson is re cuperating nicely at Richardson Springs, Calif, after a serious Illness of several weeks dura tion. Mrs. "Cap" Calkins, Mrs. Stevenson's mother, is staying at LAST DAYI "BILLY THI KID AND THE IMOKIHQ OUNI" "POROOTTEN OIRU" LATEST WAR NEWS JOAN LESLIE COMING SOON TO LAMAIM FALLS MO ADVANDI lu nmil I CATTLE Bib ;K1 Starts I Sunday rindeoosVT 2 Smash HitsTnT r"S IHE WANTED f"""' I fSM MC1ET.Y...U I AS fewwrimrl 'Jc 'J ' MM ' sii : CAGNEYtll ll.M V V 1 sV W1IMII the Stevenson home at the pres. ent time. Private Jimmy Barnes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Barnes, re turned to quartz mountain last weekend, having completed the primary course in CPT at the Summer's Lane barracks. He will remain there with his wlfa and little son until called for the secondary course. Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Porter, former residents of Klamath Falls, now residing at Corvallis, were guests at the Marion Barnes home on Friday of this week. They are returning north to Corvallis Sunday morning, where Mr. Porter is engaged in defense work. The Porter boys, Louis, Jr., and Warren, are both in the service. Sprague River Mr. and Mrs. Guy Busbee and family have moved to Susanville, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. O. Hammons have sold their home to Mrs, Hagen. The Hammons will make their home in PrinevlUe, Ore. Mrs. Neva Parrlsh was called to Albany, Ore., due to the serl ous illness of Leon Parrish. Leon is in the army and had to under go a major operation. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Tompkins and son Sidney, are visiting Sec ond Lieutenant and Mrs. J. D. Lewis in Yuba City. Lt. Lewis is stationed at Camp Beal. Eddie Shepherd is recovering from his tonsilectomy operation, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ough have moved to Klamath Falls. Sprague river is over its banks. Consequently the mill had to shut down. Part of the mill buildings are under water. The highway on both sides of the bridge is under water; also the buildings and home belonging to Chris Christensen. - Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Kircher were business visitors in Klam ath Falls, Tuesday. Hager Mr. and Mrs. Biederman are getting their farm arranged for chickens and hogs. They pur chased their farm from Mr. and Mrs. Creed Green. The Hess brothers are busy hauling hay these days. Raymond Overson of Shasta way, was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. . Ray Overson were looking for feeder pigs in this locality Sunday. Peggy Kohler of Klamath Falls, visited , relatives here Monday. Troy Cook was moving his hired, man to Bonanza Tuesday. George Murphy helped Troy Cook do his own moving Mon day. It is reported that the Jess Richerson family left for lower California last week. Always read the classified ads. N O IV I 3RD SMASHING DAYI " w' wt ' Continuous Shows From 1:00 P. M. mZZl WALTER I fp&L BRENNAN W k SYr MARILYN MAXWEU iVvV A HENRY O'NEILL VJ'I MARTA LINDEN . V; Added Hits f.xU;tf "SUFFERING CATS" H :i (00L0R OARTO0N) ' Jt U. S. NAVY BAND NEWS fieiui SNOW SURVEY SHOWS WATER CONTENT GOOD LAKEVIEW Snow surveys taken during the first week In March by the soil conservation service under the direction of T. A. Work, indicates that there has been a greater depth of snow and consequently a great er water content than for 'sev eral years past. Reservoirs in the county win all be filled, assuring plenty of moisture for crops. At Mill Creek, tributary to the Chewaucan river, the snow contained 8.6 Inches of water compared with 6.4 in 1942, rep resenting an increase of 123 per cent. The Silver Creek snow course, tributary to the Silver Lake Irrigation vicinity, showed an increase of 211 per cent with 7.9 inches of water content against 3.7 per cent last year. On Summer rim which is part of the Sycan marsh branch, the measurements showed 20.7 inches of water compared with 13 inches in 1942, a gain of 160 per cent. Langell Valley Mrs. Stanley Johnson and Mrs. Charlie Johnson of Malin, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Johnson. Mrs. Harry Tickenor of Med- ford, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Paul Monroe. Tickenor'a are here looking after their ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Les Compton of Klamath Falls, spent Sunday with Mrs. Claude Murray and Mrs. Botkins. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Taylor and children of Klamath Falls, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Thomas and children, Mrs. Willard Kellar and sons of Lakeview, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Green of Klamath Falls spent -Sunday with the Lloyd Gift family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bradley and children of Lakeview, spent the weekend at Bonanza with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pepple'and family. They visited Langell valley friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dearborn have sold their ranch to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burnett of Klamath Falls. Bill is well known in the valley, as he drives a cream ery truck, making bi-weekly trips to Langell valley. Mr. and Mrs. Dearborn have bought the Burnett home on Reclamation street, and he will be employed in Klamath Falls. Another property sale com pleted recently was the large ranch belonging to Will and Gene Wilkerson, whtch was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCoy of Malin. The Wilkerson brothers are well known in Klamath county, having spent most of their lives in Langell valley. Florence and Paul Mascotte recently sold their ranch to Jack McAullffe of Malin. A prominent Klamath Falls doctor is really helping save gas and tires. On Sunday, March 28, he visited patient in Lan gell valley riding "the old gray mare." He spent the day visiting his ranch in the valley. Earl Hitson of upper Langell valley spent Tuesday night at the home of Tom House. Charles Hammond is spending this week in San Francisco with his niece and family. Mrs. Charles McBeth and daughter, returned home on Tuesday after spending several weeks at Los Angeles and Oak land. Mr. and Mrs. BUUe Haney and son, have moved to Malin, where he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jackson and children of Yreka, spent last weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. M. Teare. Mrs. Edith Noble and Gloria Mae, and Carol Hartley, visited in Klamath Falls on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ham mond and family. Sy Conley left this week to spend the summer in Portland with his daughter and family. .Private John Haney arrived April 1 on furlough from New Jersey, to visit his wife and oth er relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Moore and Kathleen, of Merrill, visited on Sunday with her aunt and family, the Walter Smiths. Private Earl Gruell has been ill the past two months In the base hospital at El Paso, Tex. His sons, Allen and Rodney are re covering at their home in Klam ath Falls from measles. Mrs. Emery Johnson was a luncheon guest of Mrs. Mary Dearborn and Grace Dearborn on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Johnson and children of Bly, and Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Ruby Brown of Bonanza, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dear born and family. Mrs. Brown returned to Bly with the John sons and will spend several weeks with them. Hal Conley of Medford spent last weekend with his grandson Allan, and family. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Johnson were dinner guests on Wednes- LAST TIME TO DAYI I "Riders of The NORTHWEST MOUNTED" nd TRUCK BUSTERS' It's a Showdown for the East-Side Crown and a load of laughs for youl itirrfnf The EAST SIDE KIDS Leo Gorcey Hunts Hall Bobby Jordan Gabriel Dell i Second Swell Feature I III Continuous Run I m TOMORROW! & ty FIRST h"un I FEATURES Oreqon News Notes By The Associated Press A veteran Coos county logging operator, P, W. Laird, 66, died at Myrtle Point . . . Richard M. Smith, 37, charged in New York with defrauding an elderly woman of 517,000 was held In Portland under $100,000 bond after waiving preliminary hear ing on a removal complaint . . A three-year-old girl, Darlleno Ritzenthaler, was killed in a fall from a truck at Rainier . , . The WAVES recruiting office in Portland announced the enlist ment of Annabel Strait, New berg .... Aline S. McKeen, Now berg, and Wallace Gnlnlcr, Scat tie, applied for a marriage li cense In Portland. . . . An indictment charging Rob ert T. Jacob, Portland attorney, with assisting in preparation of a false income tax return, was ruled out of federal court by Judge Claude McColloch . . . . Ralph E. Dugdale, Portland school superintendent, expelled four students from Lincoln high day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frailer. Edith Gift spent Monday night with Maryanna Helixon. Everyone is cordially invited to a farewell party on April 10, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dearborn who are leaving soon to make their home in Klamath Falls. The affair will be an 8 o'clock potluck supRer and will be held in the parish hall. m WfOUUlIM Ml 41) M 4U) ! STARTS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT W-. L 1 From Chatin' the Blues (MUII0AL) school, because, he said, they were members of an outlawed secret socloty, . , , Portland civic e 1 u b a an nounced that because of food ra tioning they would have several meatless days each week, limit butter, cut down on the number of guests at luncheons and ban meal service to organizations that formerly used tholr facili ties. , E LAKEVIEW County Agent Vic Johnson reported yesterday that up to March 24. 218 Lake county ranchers and farmer who had participated In the AAA program in 1942, had re ceived cash benefit payments totaling $38,709.80. In 1941 there were 317 farmers and ranchers or 63 per cent of all the operators In the county who received $48,996.91 under the AAA program. Wa are determined to prove for ourselves and to the world that the capacity, the spirit and productivity of free labor Is far superior to that of coerced la bor. AFL President William Green. I The Cutest, Most Thrilling Feature That Walt Disney Has Given to the Screen Since ... "SNOW WHITE" Five Years To Moke It! . . . From Best-Seller Loved by Millions . . . Dozens of New Disney Stars In cluding "BAMBI" the Hero of Our Story . . . "THUMPER" the Rabbit With Bad Habits! . . . "FLOWER" the Comedian! . . . Stunning Thrill Scenes . . . Gorge ous Color ... A Great Unforget table Picture! , YOU MUST SEE WALT DISNEY'S MULTIHAHt TECHNICOLOR ftAWU A GREAT LOVE STORY Felix Saffen'i fiooHr-of-'ht-Monfh POPULAR SCIENCE DESIGN, by Fanny (PSRI0NALITV) T GETS DIESEL LAKEVIEW The two big 140 and 360 h p. dlesel units from the California Publlo Ser. vice company plant here are on their way to government defense projects. The last one was ship ped Tuesday evening. The gov ernment took them for Impor tant war work, leaving tho own ers little to say In the matter. Their destination was not made known. The two units were originally Installed In Lakeview In 1830, together with other engines, sup plying power here until October 1938, when connections were made with California-Oregon Power Co. In the last 18 months the engines have been used but 30 minutes, Loading the dlesels on flat cars and other work connected with the shipment was a big Job, as the largest of the two units weighed 78,000 pounds and rep resented the heaviest piece of equipment In Lake county. With a caterpillar used to drag the en gines onto the cars, it required a crew of men 18 days to com plete the. task. LAST TIMES TONIGHTI LIONEL BARRYMORI "DR. GILLESPIE'S NEW ASSISTANT" with Van Johnson Susan Peters itniaMon GOWN I UNITS 1 - n . f V 2nd Hit Adde m Firit-Showlngt a I "ALIBI" J 'flUwvlfa' U with a JTK'S' M"" Lock wood H Hurst Rfd Cross War Fund Increasing In Lakt County LAKEVIEW -Partial return available of fundi raised In Lakevlnw and outlying commu nities rovonl thnt Luke county Is well on Its' way toward going o'ver the top In the Ited Crow war fund drive hvld during March. Complete figures prob ably will not be available until sometime during April, as sev eral organizations' hnvo planned entertainments to bo held dur ing April with proceeds going into the fund, according to Mil ton Fisher, chairman of the drive, Scouts Pass Exams In Outdoor Cooking SPRAGUE RIVER The Olrl Scouts had a picnic and wiener roast on the river bank Sunday. Myrta and Mildred Chandler, Joana Fullar and Daliw Krldor pasted their outdoor cooking tests and received their badges. All girls In the troop are now second class scouts. Those attending were Mrs. Es ther Young, leader of the group, Mrs. Ed Sanlerre. Girl Scouts Joanna Fuller, Boulnh Snntorre, Velma Lee Pool, Sally Zadow, Daisy Krlder, Myrta and Melda Chandler, and one visitor, Joyce Fuller. HURRY! ENDS TONIGHT 2nd Hit IX Hltltl n- loir ihooii Ia left (OlONNl' ?-)Mttlt WKNItOIT fcj WAR WEWg Starrs Sunday IT'S SINGTIMI . . . IT'S SWINGTIMI . . . IT'S SPRINGTIME! . . . THI ROMAMTIO MUII0l THAT WILL WRAP ITtIL AR0UHO YOUR MSAHT 'Qm TECHNICOLOR! .tin i : , rAt or lA' 1 I' j mm iii si Mir (Cm GRABLB Hi JOHM ' .-' PAYNE! 1miranda -V 4 . V HAM JM JAMES WROMERO i , a J 1 .ajjjjj HugnBmcIalrr