April 2, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE CLASSIFIED ADS 1 Mooting Notices Klamath Uiilm X. 7!, A.F. A.M. Spai-lal wuimtin leallim, Hrl.lajr ynltitf. April I, l 6N i. m. NVnih In M. M. it'll"). All liirllilMI luilM. dm, II. A'H'i. W, Mmlir. Lost and Found LOST "A" gasoline rntlon book. E, G. Lewis, 1405 Wor (!, 42 LOST No. 2 ration book. David Honlhorno. Cull UIIIIO. 4-3 LOST Lady's brown purn con taining valuable papers and "T" gas rnllon book nnd mile age record, Mario Dubois, 3129 Summers Inno. Phone 8205. 4-3 LOST Sugar rntlon book be- rtnnrlnU KIR IlillfflllK liMII.... UUI.BI, " " Pino. 4-3 LOST Small bny ilnlllon with saddle on. Four whlto font nnd while spot on forehead. Plcaso notify Sunset Hiding Stables or wrlto L, J. SUluy, ' - Rt. 3, Box 1143. 4-5 THE PARTIES holding Ginger, tun mid white Fox Terrier dog, thnt strayed from 1102 Califor nia twomio on March 22, ore now known. If alio ) returned no' qucitloni will bo asked, otherwise wo will proxecuto to the full extent of the law. 4-5 LOST Gnu ration books A nnd B bolonglng to Howard Hoff man, Itt. 2, Garden Avenue, Marysvllle, Cnllf 4-5 Personals MONUMENTS Klamath Falls Mnrblo and Granite Works, US So. 11th. Phone B3B1. 51 10 Services BLACKSMITHINO and wotdlng. Tractor, truck and farm mach inery repair. Special built elevators, stackers and buck rakes. BROWN EQUIPMENT CO 8040 So. 0th St. Phono 8247 423 I WILL OBTAIN your dclnyed birth certificate for you. Chan. -Hathaway, 120 No. 10th St., Klamnth Falls, Ore. - - 4-1 ELECTROLUX Authorized Serv ice. L. C. Carr, 021 Mitchell. Phono 7107. 4-8mtf ALL MAKES refrigerators, wash ers, lroners, vacuum cleaners serviced and repnlrcd. Also small appliances, . Victory Service Co., 1005 Prospect. Dial 0173 or 8446. 4 0m CARE OF CHILDREN 7512, Phone 4-11 DRESSMAKING BY MARGO Formats, alterations, sewing of all kinds. Phono 5401. 2311 Whlto avenue. 1871U CHIMNEYS - FURNACES -STOVES OIL BURNERS donned, repaired. J. A. Tufts, 1442 Oregon, rhono 7140. 415 PICTURE FRAMING Goellcr's, 230 Main. 4-14m bURNACES VACUUM CLEAN ED, complcto repair service. Phone 7141). 4-4 HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons nnd Buckles covered. Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs. 11. M. Allendor, 731 Main, Room 210. Phono 7203. 4-10m PAINTING KALSOMINING . II. L. Brown. Phono 4220. 4-10m LAWNMOWERS Sharpened Bodenhnmer Repair Shop, 351 , E, Main. 4-23 TLUMBINQ. HEATING, sheet metal work. P. L. Johnson, ,: 1430 Snrgent St. Phono 5320. 4-25 ROOFING Sco us first for an estimntn nn nil Ivnns nf roof ing. Scaloy Bros. Contractors. Phono 5385. , 4-3 WOMEN relievo that nagging bnckacho with a Spencer Sup port. Mrs. Jnmcs Sullivan, registered Spencer corsetlere, Phono 0002, 4-25 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS Frank Lciblcln, 2010 Blsbee. 4-10 BAGS MACHINE CLEANED and pntched. People's Ware house Bag Co. 214011 PICTURE FRAMING Van's Camera Shop, 727 Main. 4-30m FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- lug. Clifford Golden. Phono i 3022. 4-30in BELTS for all makes refriger ators, washers, vacuum clean ers, or general use. Merit Washing Machine Service, 011 South Sixth. 4-30m I WILL OBTAIN your delayed birth certificate for you. Clias. Hathaway, 120 No, 10th St., , Klamath Falls, Oro. 4-30 13 Health DR. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic clinic, colon and rectal dis eases. 832 Main. Dilil 7215. 4-30m 14 Htlp Wanted Female A Permanent Position With Real Opportunity For Advancement To tlio ambitious woman looking for a position of more Interest with unlimited oppor tunity for personal dovolopincnt and higher Income. A nationwide, successful cor poration expanding Its activities Is establishing a local sales of fice. Immediate opening for an iiltnictlvn woman, ago 25 to 40 with Intelligence and personali ty. Applicant chosen will ba fully trained at the company's ex pense and paid a substantial in come from tlio start. Excellent working conditions Willi a real opportunity for ad vancement and Incomo above the usual, For personal confi dential Interview phono Mr. Davenport Monday only from noon until 8 p. m. at Klamath 5108. 4-6 WANTED Experienced slip cover woman. Diul 05U8. 4-5 BEAUTY OPERATOR Excel lent opportunity. Call 8515. 4-2 HOUSEKEEPER Girl or wo man. Phone 5203 between 1 and 4 o'clock. 4-2 WANTED Experienced drapery woman. Call 65UH. EXP. SALESWOMAN Steady position. Good salary. Apply In person at Craig's. No phone calls please 4-2 WANTED Girl or boy for foun tain work. Phil's Candylnnd. 4-3 WANTED Housekeeper, take full charge. Good salary. Ph. 5806. 4-2 WANTED Good stenographer and teller. Pay good salary. All Inquiries strictly confiden tial. See Mr. Robertson or write First Federal Savings and Lonn Association, 6th and Main. 4-3 LADY for light housekeeping and cooking for two adults. Rt. 2, Box 721, or phono 7040. 4-3 WOMAN FOR MAID WORK 5 hours a day, $50 per month. Apply at Lake Hotel. 4-3 IB Help Wanted, Male MALE LABORERS WANTED 75c per hr. Time and V4 for over 8 hrs., and lime nnd 'ft on Saturday and Sunday. Ap ply U. S. Employment Office, Main and Third St., Klamath Falls. 2185tf MAN WANTED Mnttross and upholstery apprentice. Call 6508. WANTED AT ONCE Lumber grader, especially fir, steady work, $1.10 per hour. Advise at once if Interested. Barton Lumber Company, P. O. Box 70, Grants Pass, Oregon. 4-3 MAN WANTED for steady work Inspecting refrigerator cars and making reports. Apply Western Fruit Express, care G. N. Depot. 4-3 WANTED High school boy for after school work and Satur days. Apply 718 Mnln. 4-2 WANTED Mechnnlc or me- chnnlc's helper. Apply nt Col yenr Motor Sales Co., 506 So. 6th. 4-5 WANTED Night watchman. Phono 5852. Metier Brothers. 2488tf WANTED Young mnrrled man to work on farm. House fur nished. Sam Mackcy, Malin, Ore, Phone 353. 4-5 18 Situations Wanted HOUR WORK Phono 8043. 4-8 BABYLAND Caro of babies and children, Hour, dny or week. 1104 Crescent. Phono 8341. 4-4m 20 Room and Board ROOM - BOARD FOR GIRL Closo in. Thone 4785. 1028 Jefferson. 1480tf BOARD AND ROOM Private shower, Steam heat. 723 Klam ath. 4-18 22 Rooms For Rent NICE WARM ROOM 134 No. 3rd. 4-2 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory. Steam healed rooms $3.00 week up. Trans lent $1. 4-3mtf ROOMS 1034 High. 4-5m CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. . All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All Willi now innersprlng mattresses. Free parking. 4 -30m 24 Apartments For Ront R1VERVIEW One and two-bod. room apartments, furnished, garage. Phono 6452, 1358U GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Two nnd 3-room modem fur nished apartments. $27.50 nnd up. Wcyorhaeusor district. Phone 5084. 4-8 24 Apartment! For Kent THREE-ROOM furnished apart- mont. Couple. No pets. Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. 1503tf VACANCY Rex Arms Apart men Is, 224 Broad. Phone 8760. Now management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 4-Bm APARTMENT Pine and Cedar. 4-8 APARTMENT-COTTAGE, close In, North Eleventh, szo. oar age. Also one closo In on Oak, $18. One $10. No more than two persons. Phone 4272 of fice hours. 1867tf ESPLANADE COURT Apart ments, furnished, walking dis tance. 4-10 CASCADE Apartment Hotol Apartment accommodations with hotel service. Complete kitchen and dinette. Day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. 4-llm THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. 2043 White. 1523tf FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities furnished. 419 No. 10th. 4-16 SMALL two-room and one-room apis. 612 Oak. Inquire 806 Onk. 1179tf NICELY furnished 2-room Apt., electrically equipped. Adults only. No pats. 835 No. 11th. 1727tf VACANCY Leo Apartments. Phono 0047. 1585U SMALL furnished apartment. Prlvoto shower, electric range. 325 Commercial. 2383tf PONDOSA APARTMENTS Phone 5827. 4-23 FURNISHED cozy modern 3 room apartment. 811 N. 8th. 4-2 FURNISHED APTS. $4 and up per week. 133 No. 10th. 4-25 VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.50 and up week. 1404 Klamath. 4-24 CLEAN, furnished two-room ca bin. Shower. Also desirable housekeeping rooms with kitchenette. 248 Broad. Phone 5452. 2071tf FURNISHED 3-room apt. Wun dcr Motel. 121 So. 2nd. 1746tf TWO ROOMS AND BATH Electric range and refriger ator. 020 Lincoln. 2446tf FURNISHED bachelor apart ment. 319 East Main. Phone 4805. , 2441U FURNISHED APT., 221 Spring. 4-3 FOR RENT Unfurnished apart ment. 1985 Auburn. 4-8 2-ROOM furnished apartment Electric range and refrlger ator. $22.50 month. Close in 1118 Walnut. 2471tf CLEAN TWO-ROOM apartment. Dishes, linen, utilities, steam heat Included. 1411 Main. 5-6 FURNISHED 3-room modern In duplex. Electric range, Frlgldalro, washer, Newly decorated. Close in. Phone 4253. 914 Lincoln. 2469tt FOR RENT Apt. Phone 8385. 4-2 VACANCY Walnut Apts. Fur nished. Phone 7193. 4-3 FOR RENT at Stansble Apt. House, 1143 Pine, apartments, 8 cabins. Under new manage ment. Phono 4448. 4-3 VACANCY 900 Owens. 4-7 2-ROOM DUPLEX 421 Oak. 4-8 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, also sleeping rooms, $2.00 week. . Kandy Apartments, 410 So. 5th. Phone 6836. 4-8 26 Housos For Rent TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save H. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304.. 4-7m BACHELORS' CABINS Close In. $10 mo. 810 So. 5th. 4-10 HOUSES furnished. 3 and 4 rooms. Clean. 1682 Manzan ita. 4-2 NEWLY DECORATED, unfur- . nlshcd five-room house. Range. Call after 6 p. m, or Sunday, 320 Iowa. 2135U SMALL, MODERN, furnished house. Everything furnished. 2123 BIchn. 2139tt TWO - BEDROOM unfurnished house, Hardwood floors, $20. Call 705 Uorllngs. 4-3 FOR RENT 3-room furnished house. Nico lawn, garden spot. Inquire 2237 California. $17.50. No dogs, In walking distance Pelican and Shippington mills. 4-3 MODERN 4-room house. Some furniture. Closo in. Inquire 707 Washington. 2474tf FOR RENT Small furnished house. Lights and water fur nished. $18 month. Inquire 1414 E. Main. 4-3 FOR RENT Nearly new 4-room furnished homo. Automatic oil heat, garden plot. Sunny- sldo Addition, $40,00. Drew's Mnnstore. . 4-3 34 Automotive KEEP YOUR TIRES CHECKED BUT DON'T NEGLECT YOUR CAR. Get our prices on any mechanical, body or fender work. GOOD WORKMANSHIP PROMPT SERVICE H. E. HAUGER 1330 Main I Houses For Rent 26 FOR RENT 3 rooms and bath. Hot water heater, electric stove. 422 Mt. Whitney. Phone 3236. 4-7 28 Miscellaneous For Rent For Rent OFFICES in newly decorated building. Will remodel suite to suit ten ant on long time lease. Ida M. Odell 116 N. 8th. 4-3 DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY Safety and protection. Cars are not moved or molested 231 So. 11th. 4-llm FOR LEASE 60 acres spud , land. A. B. Cripps, Tulelakc, Calif. 4-2 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bed with Bcautyrest mattress, floor waxcrs. . Phone 8353. Klam ath Furniture. 4-30m 30 Real Estate For Sale SIX ACRES, extra well im proved, four miles out, paved road,' location 3823 Anderson avenue,1 Klamath Falls. Owner can be contacted at Route 2, Box 110, Tillamook, Ore. E. T. Roberts. 4-9 SEE EVERETT DENNIS for real estate. 121 N. 8th. Phone 8491. 4-2 3-ROOM modern house, base ment. Fulton and Wordon. Phone 7897. 2121U LOT AND 3-ROOM HOUSE $750. Two blocks from South 6th St; Right on bus line. 2440 Shasta way. Phone 7620. 2132tf 2-ROOM furnished house with shower, $18. Lights and water Included. Inquire at 827 No. 2nd. 4-5 A COUPLE of one -bedroom homes In nice lnentlnnn AUn 'one 2-bedroom home, nice snape, for lease, rent $30. One 3-room furnished apartment near Mills school, for couple, not over three. E. Gray Real Estate, corner 7th and Pine. Sunday phone 4080. 4-3 FOR RENT 2-room house, bath, close In. Dial 4533. . 4-5 TWO-ROOM furnished cabin, $15 month. Wood, water, lights. Phone 8075. 2549U BEAUTIFUL, modern 2-bedroom home for rent, completely fur nished. Garage and garden space. 1623 Arthur St. 4-3 FOR RENT Two modern fur nished houses. One with elec tric range and refrigerator. Phone 3756. 4.2 FOR RENT Furnished house. Close in. No pets- Adults only. Inquire 215 Eldorado, near new underpass. 4-2 30 Real Estate For Sale Near Mills School . Nearly new and quite modern home with full concrete base ment, automatic oil furnace with air conditioning unit, fireplace, oak floors throughout, wardrobe closets and many other desir able features. Sale price $5000; down payment $1000 and bal ance liko rent. Bogue Dale 120 S. 9th Street Dial 6972 4-3 4 ACRES good soil Lost River district. Level, fenced, Irri gated. $575.00 cash or $700.00 on terms. Phone 8711, 4-3 FOR SALE OR TRADE 4 acres, new house, buildings, fruit trees, pressure system, 3 miles north highway. Rt. 3, Box 1042. 4.3 FOR SALE An excellent farm at a more than reasonable price. 106 acres, 6 miles from town. Irrigated, fenced, cross fenced. 33 A. good pasture, 39 A. alfalfa, whole farm good potato land. Over $5000 worth of good buildings. Priced $14,000, some terms. Roland Wright 118 No. 8th Phone 3822 4-3 FOR SALE Furnished four room modern, plastered house. Electric stove, refrigerator. $1600. 906 N. 4th. Call after 6:30 p. m., or Sunday morning. 4-2 FOR SALE Building lots. Re stricted district. 1621 Arthur. Phone 3405. 4-2 34 Automotive .1" TOP PRICE for your USED CAR gee JACK ELIE Mobil Service 0th and Walnut 30 Real Estate For Sale SUBURBAN HOME on Ashland highway, between city limits and Weed Junction. This home is nearly new. Large living room, 2 bedrooms, very nice kitchen, utilities room and bath. This house is completely furnished with nice living room set, 9x18 rug, circulator, tables, floor lamp, combination electric range, 2 bedroom sets, washing machine. All ready to move In to. Rear yard all In lawn, fenced, with plenty of garden space adjoining. Watch for our sign on house. E. GRAY, Real Estate Corner 7th and Pine. Sunday Phone 4680. 4-3 HOME - GARDEN We have a three-room house with shower, chicken pen, rab bit hutches, 2 lots Inside city limits. Room for small garden. Only-$1250 Not less than $375 cash. Ida M. Odell 116 N. 8th. 4-3 SACRIFICE Completely fur nished 4-room modern house. Lawn, laree garden. Terms or $1000 cash. O. G. Wagner, Stewart addition. Inquire Lien's Store. 2435U FOR SALE New five-room hnm rnmpr Eldorado and Painter. Full basement, oil furnace. FHA approves loan, mnnthlv Davments less than rent. Phone 3301. 2133tf FOR SALE H acre; 4-room, partly furnished house. Out buildings. Paved road. 2205 Wiard St. 4-2 FURNISHED 2-bedroom house, Rivcrview addition. Ph. 7892 4-2 UNFINISHED, but livable house on acre. Berries, root cellar Phone 6084 between 8 and 6 p. m. or call 680 California Ave. 4-7 FOR RALE 4-room house. $950 $200 down, $15 month. Phone 6101. 4-3 SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE 3-bedroom home, full base ment and wood furnace, extra lot for Victory garden. Close to school. Phone 7031. 4-7 FOR SALE 4-room house, nice lawn and garden spot, garage, $1800. Phone 8177. 2786tf 34 Automotive GET YOUR AUTO GLASS In- stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Ph. 7378. 4-6m PRIVATE PARTY wants to pur chase for cash, 1940 or 1941 car. Phone 7013 days, 4210 nights. 4-5 PRIVATE PARTY will pay more cash for your late model car. Call Kern Hotel, ask for Mr, Clark. 4-3 FOR SALE 1937 Studebaker pickup. 5147-Cottage. 4-5 FOR SALE '31 Chevrolet. Good rubber. 1621 Arthur. 4-2 WANTED Ford or Chevrolet li-ton truck. Must be in good condition ana reasonaDie. Ralph Lutz. Mt. Hebron, Calif, 4-3 FOR SALE 1941 Buick Special sedan, 13,000 miles. Heater, defrosters. Just like new. ' Terms but no trade. Box 2757, News-Herald. 4-3 '38 CHEVROLET SEDAN, heat er, radio; also 20 ft. trailer house. 3818 Cannon. 4-3 DOLL UP Your Car for Spring Quick service on body and fender work. Painting - Wash Polish - Simonizo - Porcelain' ize. Goodworkmanshlp, Prompt service. Buick Garage, 1330 Main St. 4-15 PAY CASH FOR MODEL A PICK-UP What have you? Write Box 2798, Herald-News, 4-8 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1941 6-passengcr DcSoto coupe. Good condition. Prefer to trade for smaller car. Phone 6469 after 7 p. m. 4-5 1832 V-8 SEDAN Good rubber, hcator, good running condition $200 cash, 2053 Lawrence, 4-3 Automotive GOOD USED CARS 1940 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Radio, heater. Like new throughout $1065 1940 BUICK SUPER COUPE Radio, heater $1095 1938 ZEPHYR SEDAN Radio, heater $675 1937 LA SALLE 8-PASS. CPE. Radio, heater. Good tires, overhauled $550 1937 ZEPHYR SEDAN In perfect condition. ...$495 1937 BUICK COUPE SPECIAL $550 1938 DODGE COUPE $345 1938 BUICK 60 SEDAN A good car at special price $195 1937 BUICK 80 SEDAN Radio, heater, fender wells. A big, beautiful car $595 1936 PONTIAC SEDAN Mechanically OK. Appear ance very clean $435 1937 TERRAPLANE SEDAN An economical car. Me chanically and appearance OK $495 MODEL "A" FORD ROADST'R With exchange motor. New $35 top, oversize tires $115 1934 CHEV. COUPE $195 And Many Others. H. E. Hauger 1330 Main 35 Fuel Heating UNION BURNER OILS We keep your storage tank full. Call Klamath Oil Co., 6404. 4-30m 36 Miscellaneous For Sale 24-INCH GREEN SLABS PINE double loads, $4.75; pine and fir mixed, dm. loads, $5.25. Special 30 day run for furnaces and fireplaces. If you like 24 inch wood, now is the time to buy for next win ter. Wood not rationed yet. Peyton Se Co. Dial 5149, 4-15 COMPOSITION ROOFING and cedar shingles. Call us for all your roofing needs. Payments as low as $5.00 per month, Klamath Valley Lumber Co. Phone 4816. 4-3 FOR SALE Kelvinator, fine condition. Mrs. Doremus, Ear ly Hotel. , 4-3 SLIGHTLY USED 71 H. P. three phase electric motor complete with starting box. Southern Oregon Hardware. 628 Main St. 4-2 AVON PRODUCTS Phone 6691. 4-18 LANDSCAPING Shade and flowering trees, evergreens, shrubs, large size fruit trees, strawberries and raspberries, roses, blooming size red and white peonies. We trim and spray trees and shrubs. Lake shore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4082. 4-19 AVON PRODUCTS. Anna Funk. Phone 3450. 4-19 POULTRYMEN: Don't experi ment. Use Hodgen-Brewster CHICK STARTER. Always for sale at People's Warehouse, H-B dealers since 1929. 2042U ROCKWOOL insulation, only 6c square foot. Insulate now while materials are available. Nothing down, payments as low as $5.00 per month. Klam ath Valley Lumber Co. Phone 4816. 4-3 GLASS Mirrors, resilverlng plate, window and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 4-6m FULLER BRUSHES Call R. V. Morgan, 3348. 532 South Riverside. 4-8m DRIVEWAY CINDERS -6817. - Phone 1485U FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool In sulation, blown in with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments as low as $5 per month. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 8301 2138tf GASCO BRIQUETS FOR BROODER use only. The best fuel for coal brooders. The WPB has permitted us to buy one car for our farmer ' customers to use for brooding purposes. Sack lots 95c. Ton lots $16. Bring your own sack, please. Peyton Se Co. 4-15 WATKINS PRODUCTS. Phone 6623 or 2318 Home. 4-26 GLASS All sizes. We fix broken windows. Klamath Valley Lumber Co. Phone 4816. 4-3 RUBBER STAMPS, printed signs, made-to-ordcr, commer cial printing. Most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4th. Phone 6632. 4-10m FOR SALE Two good Flamo gas Stoves. Phona 4533. 4-8 38 Miscellaneous For Sale BOLTS, NAILS, hardware. Klamath Valley Lumber Co. Phone 4816. 4-3 UNCLE SAM SAYS: No re strictions on repairs and main tenance. Let us help you with your painting, roof and re modeling. Nothing down. Pay ments low as $5.00 per month. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 3301. 2134tf FOR SALE New John Deere 4-wheel trailer. Good rubber. Address 4549 Homedale road. Phone 3078. 4-2 FOR SALE Complete house hold furnishings. All new. In cluding living room, bedroom, kitchen sets, electric refriger ator, stove, washer, tables and lamps. Phone 6885 between 10 and 6 for appointment. 4-2 ROUGH REDWOOD 2x12 flume lumber. Klamath Valley Lum ber Co. Phone 4816. 4-3 RAKES, SHOVELS, HOES, forks. Klamath Valley Lunv ber Co. Phone 4816. 4-3 SEED SPUDS Clean Gems, Zblnden Bros., Adams Point, phone 1321 Merrill. 4-2 KEM-TONE, Glldden paints, var nishes, enamels, kalsomine only 9c lb. Complete stock. Klamath Valley Lumber Co, Phone 4816. 4-3 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 4-30m FOR SALE One 200 lb. anvil, one 2-ton chain hoist, one power hacksaw, i h.p. electric motor. Parker's Blacksmith and Welding Works, phone 7244, 2933 So. 6th. 4-3 DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. feet, $5.25 delivered. Phone 5852. 2487U FOR SALE Mastodon straw. berry plants. Phone 3375. 4-6 38 For Sale or Trade RADIO Sell or trade. First house past Frankford'i Wood Yard, Bend highway. . 4-8 FOR SALE OR TRADE Five acres pasture land in Altamont Small Farms. Will take a . tractor or truck in on trade. Phone 5793. ' 4-2 40 To Exchange FOR SALE or will trade for good milk cow 30 cal. Rem ington automatic, new last 'year, 115 rounds of " ammunl- tion, belt and case. Phone 3778. - 4-3 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WE PAY CASH for used ma chines. A few late model Sing ers for sale. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 1213 Main. Phone 6771. 4-11 COUPLE wish to rent apartment with be room, unfurnished. Preferred before April 15th. Phone 6831. 4-3 EXPERIENCED potato grower will do all work growing and harvesting 40 or 80 acres po tatoes on share rental basis. News-Herald Box 2510. 4-2 WANTED Wool. At nnee. Ad- Vise J. J. Osenbrugge, Med- ford, Ore. 4-Z WANTED TO RENT Well, fur nished two-bedroom house. Will pay good rent. Refer ences. Phone 4629. 4-3 WANTED TO BUY Cows and heifers. Any amount. R. C. Prudhomme, 5102 So. 6th St Phone 4943. 4-3tf WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE 2 or 3-bedroom house, pre ferably Hot Springs section by reliable government em ploye. News-Herald Box 2551 4-3 WANTED Bungalow or studio piano. Good condition, rea sonable. Box 2793, Herald News. 4-2 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Pro duce. Phone 3372. 6-17 DAIRYMEN: Use Security Calf Food and sell all of your milk People's Warehouse. 2041U POULTRYMEN For Poultry Litter we have: Baled Straw Cedar Shavings Serval Cane Litter Peat Moss PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 2040U BIG BASIN LBR. CO. Mala it Spring Phone 3144 (m&A 44 Livestock and Poultry SEE US before selling your live stock to so-called shippers. We need cattle and hoga here at home and It will pay you to sell direct to us. Pauley Pack ing Co. Phone 8323; nights 3505. Top hogi $1.10 under San Francisco. 2138U FOR SALE Cheap. Three young draft horses, one light mare. Rt. 1, Box 785, A. J. Orr. 4-7 FOR SALE Guernsey and Dur ham cow. Freshen toon. Rt. 2, Box 498, So. 6th. ' 4-2 FOR SALE Good gentle lad die horses and some young saddle stock. Ray Hough, Rt. 2, Box 4981. 4-7 WANTED TO BUY Good milk cow. Fhone 3028, or 3803 Wiard. . , . 4-3 FOR SALE 25 ewes and lambs; one team well broke 8-year-old horses; 19 head feeder and weaner hogs; 14 head cattle, weaners and yearlings; 27 head Durham stock cattle. J. D. Beckley, 7334. 4-2 FOR SALE 21 Canadian bulls, coming Z years, Just arrived. The real good kind. Come and see them. S. P. Stockyards. R. T. Baker. ' - 4-6 48 Financial . . 1 -i-ii-mri ri n.m . See Lawrence Leochner For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirement Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Signers Locally Owned Motor Investment Co.' K. A. Moore, Mgr. M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3328 3-31m CASH LOANS WITHOUT EFDOBSEHS S WAYS TO OET A OONSDUIS CASH LOAN tbonb writs . coui nt Ton and no co-algoert or endontri te . set a coniumtr lota THREE LOAN PLANS NO. i-INC0ftl LOAXt uo your not only. JTd wag MJfeV menti. No eo-ilsneri. NO. FURNITDRB LOANS . soqr coaraeter la mora import! than tba (urn I tort IticU. NO. J AUTO LOANS . ' 920 to two cub loaai astl ran nanclng. CONSUMERS CREDIT COMPANY ' alas 720 Pine St. Phone 77U First Federal Has Plenty of Money . - Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home - - - . - : Pay Less Than Rent - - Long Terms :- Low Rate FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and. LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main , Phone 5199 3-31m 48 Business Opportunities FOR LEASE! Small apartment house, furnished, close in. Ph. 4533. 4-5 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR KLAMATH COUNTY, IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF SARAH ADELINE WALKER, also known as Ad die Walker, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrators of the above entitled estate have filed their final account of the administration of said estate and that the Court has appointed April 24, 1943, at ten o'clock a. m. as the time for hearing objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. ' Luke E. Walker, Earl E. Walker, Administrators of said Mar.. 28. Apr. 2, 9,' 16. No. 204 Krome Company to Start Operations MARSHFIELD, April 2 M5) Krome corporation announced today it would start operations at its plants in the Seven Devils district north of Bandon and on the Oregon coast highway nlnf miles east, Saturday or Sunday. Manager Edward Thornton said the company would turn out between 2500 and 3000 tons of concentrates daily, working 24 hours a day, six days week. OUTDOES VESUVIUS Mount Kllauea, Hawaiian vol cano, pours forth more lava In 1 single year than has Europe' Mount Vesuvius In the last 200 years. Why is it that they put the holes in Swiss cheese when it'l limberger that needs. the ventilation?