Glidat Ght By OREN ARNOLD ILOUNDtRING . : CHAPTER XXVn TVTTJMBER ONE all light, Cap- ' ' X loin!" ' "Number two all right, Cap talnl" "Plane number three all right, ; Captain!" 1 Crisp reports like that flowed to Jimmy Carr at Intervals from II 10 of the sailplanes he towed. ' "What about you, Patl" Jimmy . radioed that personal question. He couldn't remember to call her loraine, for the real Loraine snt beside him, pouting. Anyway, this was no longer a time for any sort pf masquerade. Realistic facts confronted them. Directly ahead and around them was a snorting . Rocky Mountain storm. It had arisen like a great black genii from the earth itself just beyond Four Peaks. It swept across the crags of Superstition Mountain. It began with a sand blow, characteristically, then it added pebbles, hailstones, and slashing rain. It was a fury ' beyond anything Capt Jimmy Carr had ever known. Up and down his '"kite tail," ships were bobbing and dipping like so many corks on a pond. Number three plane snatched at the tow line so as to send a whip like wave. Simultaneously, every .body radioed their fears back at Pat Friday. "Hold it. Number 101 .. . Look out! . . . Careful!" Pat's tail end plane, the cracker of this sky whip, took the snap ot it! But the plane held on. Next minute the blow was even Stronger. It came not steadily but in jerks and snorts that were al most cyclonic. In the tow ship, the real Loraine Stuart had screamed twice in terror and Jimmy himself was deeply con cerned. On him of course rested the responsibility for all. But Jimmy, trained on the eastern sea board, knew nothing of Rocky mountain storms. This one had trapped him before he realized its power and wraui. "Can't turn back yet!" he ra dioed to his trailing pilots. "Don't want to give it a full sweep at us from the side. We're all hooked together, remember!" . "Any visibility?" somebody asked. "Zero!" Jimmy answered. "Fly pig entirely by instruments but .'. (staying fairly well on the course. Listen, men." "Yes, Jimmy," Pat checked in, loo. ' "Matter of technical interest. This being hooked onto one tow line seems to function somewhat like a real kite. You get me? , . . My power plane has a real tail, and the tail steadies it in ' ithe storm! Or tends to. Maybe (we discovered something!" That significant idea gripped all f them. , i "This may or may not be lm jportant," Jimmy told them. "We jean break our necks, men, or we ean see it through. What's your iwish?" i "See It throughl ... See it through, Captain see it (through" j That came as a quick: chorus. IA chorus of courage, in all truth. The radio sets were crackling land spitting noisily now. Jimmy feared they might go out entirely. i"Okay, then!" he said, hurriedly. fYou men stand by for orders. If the radio breaks, use your heads! We'll take care of the lady Ifirst, then" r "Jimmy! '. , . Captain Carr? L . . Number 10 calling Captain parr!" . "What is it, Pat? Do you hear Rie?" "Yes! Jimmy, I'm going to cut Joose!" "Hey!" -JTER announcement held the rest r- of the train spellbound, in Icluding even the real Loraine leowering in the towing plane. "Check your instruments, Jim Imy. We ought to be nearing iGlobe!" i "What of it?" He verily yelled It "This is one hell of a storm, Pat!" "We're close to Globe!" "I'm watching for a chance to turn around! First lull we get, ll'll swing. I'll take you back to OPhoenix and then the rest of us will tackle this storm to see what we ean learn." ."Jimmy, no! Why must you in teult me?" ! "I'm not insulting anybody! I'm Itrying to save your skin!" "1,'m one of the pilots. We've ireached the place where I'm to icut loose and land! Right near IGlobe!" "You're crazy! The last earthi Iwe saw was Superstition Moun tain. And even if we were over!. Globe you couldn't see a spot to land, Pat! I'm taking you home." "Do you want to go back to Phoenix and admit the sky train failed?" j "No. But I want to save your life more!" Jimmy barked. ' "So what, Jimmy Carr? I won't jdo it!" I The others were listening, en thralled. Plane Number 7 spoke (up. That was big Ed Bryan. "Miss Pat, you take and listen to the captain, please, ma'am." "Attention, Pat," Jimmy or dered. "I'm going to turn the first chance I get. Can't risk a heavy sldo sweep all along the train, so I'll wait for a lull. When it comes, I'll swing fasti" "No!" "You heard me, Private Fri day! Do you want to be court taarllaled?" : He could have been joking, in deed he must havo been. It was a way he had teased her before. JAnd yet, she was literally under ibis effect Copyright, 1943 ' NEA Service, Inc. a private under his captaincy and command. Certainly no male pilot in this strange kite tail would have dared act like pretty Pat was acting! TlUT, then, a man is a man, and a girl is a girl; the armies of the world will always hava to take the difference into consideration. Especially, no doubt, if the indi viduals are in love. "Jimmy, I won't go back!" Pat declared. "We have got to prove things to the crowd back in Phoe nix!" "You've got to saw your lifel And theso Superstition crags are" "I'm not afraid! I've been checking my instruments. We are up 12.200 feet, and I'll bet I know exactly where we are. Jimmy." "That's not the point. Patsy! Your life must " Click! The radio was dead! Lightning, thunder, all the mysterious phe nomena of a mountain storm had engulfed them. Communication was impossible now. The men on that flying kite tail strained to look back. Would the spunky girl in Number 10 actually cut loose? She would I Even as they looked, Pat dipped her plane. It was her last signal. Next moment she dropped the tow line! Appalled now, every man stared back and down at her ship. For a few seconds it was a tumbling, floundering bit of white, a sheet, a handkerchief, tossed in the blackness. Then, as if in an ocean of water, it faded into the roaring storm. (To Be Continued) A good place for folks who burn up the road is in the cooler. Always read the classified ads. THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson m&d- I CORNARO, Li-V. "CvJ I VENETIAN NOBLEMAN, i MllA. I ILL. AND FEEBLE , eSshM- V I REGAINED HIS HEALTH V 3JL I ON A DAILV WW . . W SjJ &-0&MCT . HP 11 k. OF SOLID FOOD... ' 9 ll . PLUS- WINE... AND 9 II- ft ZVD7or t " AGJS Q "ann" I, '"SjVsjjl T' 11 PAT" ofr' j COW. tM BY MCA SCRVKC IN& I 'fl " i' A BEE USUALLY GATHERS POLLEN FROM ONLY ONE KIND OF FLOWER ; IN A SINGLE DAY. 4i . NEXT: la Ilchtninr MOVIE : HORIZONTAL ; 1,5 Pictured j .film star 12 Poker stake' j 13 Not (preax) 1 14 Weird 15 Measure o j area 16 Tendencies 19 Sea eagle 21 Floor with ! brick 22 Earth 25 Long fish 26 Peel 27 Upper part 29TIU forbidden (abbr.) SO 2000 pounds 31 Sins ;33 Redacts :36 Properly 39 House pet , 40 Atmosphere 141 Laughter Answer to THIOMASIJErFEnSOlN HloT 5 PiA;R: : T E A M ?!R 0 Ttv A ETFm efc; tAR G I N RETS TIE AG E Rp RISE DfR o opHsio stelS I L 0 S 'Ts m o oJtThk tTrTeT p an 3 T gEEE 101 L JEIT HlEfRISl PjAl I N E 51 P1GRES NF E R ML birjed TUQMASfcTS p a rie E E SMS . iQlsTsfTA Mill JEfMElPlEp ETstop isTt An1pis 54 Remain 56 Religious 58 Editor (abbr.J 59 Signs 62 Tantalum . (symbol) 63 Soothsayer 65 Servant' 66 Ages VERTICAL 1 Container 2 Half an em 3 Perfume 4 Tendon 5 Barbarian 6 Completes sound 43 Egyptian 'sun god 44 Chatter 47 Perform 49 20 quires 52 Flower mm It Is the duty of every citizen to examine into his own life and his own community and sea whether production In Industry and on the farm cannot be in creased enormously, whether ab senteeism, threatened strikes, general complacency, insistence on "business as usuul," or even insistence on liopcd-for stand ards of living are not going a long way to prevent what could be accomplished by an all-out war effort. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson. Cement is made with coral rock mixed with water, rock salt, and brown sugar, in Tahiti. Malaoaka was the real name of Pocahontas. PURCHASE COUPONS S25 TO SPEND WITH ONLY $5 DOWN So your kMdlei nttd shoos and ytm don't hT th money? Vm Purchase Coupon. Oft f3 worth tod.r fcnd use them, whfo It'i most con Tpn lent, for purchasing any number of ar ticles costing 96 ach or lew. Don't miss ft buy or a bargain; keep coupons on hand. Usual carrying charge. GET YOURS TODAY AT Your SEARS CREDIT Office SAFE ROBBERY IS DANGEROUS "Sgff BUDDY WALKER,, juaid for atrpiuws? ACTOR Previous Funis (prefix) 30 Tellurium (symbol) 32 Condition 34 Sailor 35 Heavenly body 37 Untruth 38 Year (abbr.) 41 Possesses 42 He is a fa mous charaCJ ter ' 44 For -the af firmative side 45 Wake up- 46 Genus of plants 48 Domesticate 50 Paid notice 51 Apportion . j 53 South Dakota (abbr.)' '55 Still 67 Variety (abbr.) 88 Bitter vetcll 60 Symbol for sodium 7 Selenium (symbol) 8 Him 9 Mineral rock 10 Turkish coins 11 Belief 1 5 Near J7 Early English' (abbr.) 1 8 Therefore 20 Sprite 21 Fright 23 Detail . 24 Learning 26 Seed container 28 Before 61 Yes (Sp.) 64 Babylonian deity lOill 7T m mm 7m Out Our Way fl HELLO, J BY CRACKY, WHAT KINO Y THAT NO JOK.B" " ' BOUNCE.. TH' DAVS OP A JOKE THE SHOP HAS " WOT'KE MUST SO IS HE FULLIN" 6R0WN SO THAT - NOU POtM' FAST FOR OFF WITH ONE END IS IN TH' . I II 8 A WAV VOU CITY TH' STEEL BUSINESS DISTRICT " ? UP IN FELLER'S SHAVING AN' TH' OTHER IS IN Z THIS END RIGHT HERE 1 WHISKERS A FARMIN' DISTRICT,' ' If 8 n V OF TH' IN TH' HEART T Z VOU CAN TELL EM JL. k JOINTf I OR TH' BlJSlNSSS--vf I ONE SEX "THOITV-TH0ID - 'r f'y !rr2JVTlON' . VSTREET"AN'TH'0THER. 141 Y Nik MI.KI. UK. THE HOLD EVERYTHING! "Do a good job and 1'llgive you ail llljr uuai.KN. CHARMING NOTE FOR LITTLE GIRL'S ROOM by Alice Brooks Your small daughter will love making her own bed with this charming embroidery on the spread. It's a dainty old-fashioned doll, complete with pantalettes, hoop skirt and bonnet. Use gay colors. Pattern 7480 contains a transfer pattern of a 131 by 16J inch motif and 12 smaller motifs; stitches; color schemes: list of materials needed. To obtain this pattern send 11 cents in coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No. , to followed by your name and address. , I was warned that I would find a strong spirit of Isolation ism throughout the country. I only found that people were an xious to learn about the Brit ish war effort. Sure they wore critical ot the British and a lot of other things, So much so that I felt I was in Wales. There is no real isolationism in this coun try. It is only an artificial iso lationism Jack Jones, Welsh coal miner who toured U. S. A protective finish for cars which is claimed to prolong the paint life has the purpose of making the finish hard, non-porous, and non-brittle, with a glas sy structure and bringing out increased color and depth of sparkle to the finish. ElrrVit. nnllpptnnn In fln lIlfnntR town are ill with measles, At least they caught something. I l . ' "--r-" -J.VJkti"-t I II I 74800k 1-". 1 By COUNTRY COUSIM Rod Ryder Freckles and His Friends Wash Tubbi Boots and Her Buddies Allep Oop If DIDJUH ( SO 1H1 ) "Tr. HOT REJAfHBERI 1 HWA JO CHIEF f m "'fc HIN, RED RrbtR? I 1 EH.HTTt.E J ZafrT? VJHO t6-UMHIHi 1 MY GARDEN WAS AND MS. GROWINIS SWELL, SCUTTLE PUT MISS CAN6, 1 J VOU Off HS . ano rr PROPERTY i -1 HEARD ABOUT IT, . , ...V. LARD. fat Mm us ibtrmiSAhmu vri mis yummMM m "WSSa VSNbNiT MOdOW IB y.,nr,.J AH.' A MAM AFTER ) 1 ""V "S AH.' A MAM AFTER I MY OWN HEART.' y HEARTHT? MsVm I A MAM OF DIS ANICE.THICk, TASTE UUK-.Y TEAHJ WHO COMT Little Orphan Annie THERE'S ft BIG I WAS A JOB TO BE DONE" hSTdtKatAI MY OWM HEART.' rWr VEZZIU.' vl vP AND A60LTJIER! BUT THERE MAY NOW I AM BE SOME "AH- AMERICAN, CASUALTIES 1 Ann srrii i 1 S 1 fightinqman! Mnltfilir'tml J. R. Williams Our Boarding y-2 That means Lor less VnCTAnt PQ FftB TUB" klOS IN THIS HOSPITAL -OONST VWi'E. "TO tWC KVOK"c. VAiOKJ-V VOO "WOO w " WlllUiJJ.ll.nni II) III iij zft VP77II - YEH? IT!S EVIDENT VOU HAVE AM ARISTOCRATIC RELATE A NICE, 11-tlCK. JUICY bTEAK SERB GOOD! VOU ARC ONE OF UBNOW, MEN" AS WE KNOW, THERE ARE LARGE SECRET AM A CHAMBERS UNDER THIS CASTLE! "ylj" "I anyway , we "!''' n APPRECIATE' I your, spirit, V 1 'V 3 Houta W ANV FLfVolAe4 FROM. SOU LOOK Ao 4 E6AD SOL) ftM THE MARITIME FRONT ? 1 60RBA A "( 6MW3.T-fcl.ECKS fc ' ISN'T TUB 3WE'& RECROIT'6 BUM- OUGHT To ADO ' 7 FIRST DfrN AS FER.R.W- Y IONS, MM'OR,' ) PIE-WROWlNS ;,!( BOW CASHIER?- J WT TELL Ma f TO SOUR k Z I'VE BEEN USTEM-jMOO')E GOT TUkT V HILARIOUS . hTV ING FOR TVt (iAMEL-LlP BECAUSE! ACT CAKE'S ) jiiW POLICE SIREM ALL 3AKE GOT A 30B J EMPLOYMENT f BMTVNf--t-1 OAW .' J AMD SOO'RE STILL o OF NO MORE M f i yZTP -Ls TT A FROZENi , COMCERM TO W Of,1'? .s MCOMMCJITVJ. METUAM, J OH' VJ6. HVK KSEW CHI6.l".'OLn CHIEK m no DIE MMs.-C. VOO LEFT HM BAD COIOIK r vllWi cmt wk rjo 1 No mcs witwin SOMC.1WIMG- HIS RKIMTB Bur IO IMAT OLD ; IMC WHBEL3 Of GOAT? Jy HBTBIouriON VMILL femMA. Catch up tg him , mm - wt 6 Try?. V. ' ft 4 ft r I i i j WELL.WHEM'S ALL THIS PALAVER. WE CAN STOP THIS SOS 1 CAM GET MY PALAVER AMY STEAK T OF A MIND TO-. BUT AS TO THE m olfcAK A GREOT SUBTERRANEAN POOL. WITH AN UNDER WATER PASSAGE OUT TO THE RIVER" A GERMAN TRUE U-BOAT NOW LIE6 IN THAT POOL- IWE ,THE I .! J- : lkl aWvLV. "Ll ij-J - J$hr LI 60CNBL fCm ; J y ' - J..rt. imi Iff wfll'm.r, WL MB. v, , Hrt w- . ir With Major Hoopla Bv Fred Harmon By Blotter By Crana By V. T. Hamlin By Martin By Harold Gray 16 1HM Cuw-iTuO 1 tun I eoo if ioo I VJlilCOMK I i NOT LE.(C I f IS IT OKAY If I GeAS8A TM0M A LITTLE ? . ff?V Mil V I i ra Li Wy ' ITING ME TO Jfee- T Wk ,P IT UP...OR CS JL WILL VOU EAT P 5; IV IT HERE? jJlyft", IL-i FANTASTIC? NO DOUKT-nivT IS I IT MU6T NOT ESCAPE AND NO WARNING MUST BE ALLOWED TO GO OUT- WE TWENTY OF THE CREW I REST ARE DANGEROUS I )