Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 02, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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    April 2. 1048
KlamaiU Glutsiclt
Tlio public lii cordlully Invited
to licur tho series uf pro-Easter
messages to bu given nt tha lilblo
Baptist church, Wlard street lit
South Sixth, by Pnstor Whent
loy ouch Sunday morning lit 10
o'clock cUirlnu tha month of Ap
ril. Unlnil tho general theme of "At
Culvury" tho pastor pruncnt tho
first message Uiincltiy ut 10 u. m.,
tho subject, "Wlml Happened
Botwcon 12 O'clock mid Throe?"
Other subjects to follow will
bo, "What liiipponucl to tho Tom
pie Curltiln?"; "What Happen
ed Whoit Christ Died?"; "Wlmt
kluppened After Christ Himself
rind Risen?"
Easter will huvo a now Joy to
all who licur these messages, es
pecially thoso whoso lives huvo
ulreudy been touched In some
mcuiiuro by tha present world
conflict, according to the pnstor,
the Rev. O. W. Whcntley.
Sunday evening lit 8 o'clock,
First Lieut. Juines A. Vaus will
bo tho specliil speuker, his mcs
iuiie to bo "Tho Cundltlou of tho
Jew Today, mid Ills Future." LI.
Vaus, beforo entering tho serv
ice, was nssoclutcd with bis dith
er, who Is president of tho He
brew Mission of Los Angeles. A
special invitation Is extended to
our Jewish friends of tho city to
hear this fino Christian soldier
Bible Baptist
(Northern Division)
J "The Southend Community
Church with tho Chimes," Wl
ard stroet at South Sixth. City
bus to Idclla a corner.
Goorgo W. Wheutley is the
pastor, and may bo reached nt
all times by those needing
spiritual help and guidance, by
calling 7210.
Morning hour of worship Is
10 o'clock, with Nadino Dinning
In charge of music. Tho first of
a series of messages on "Cal
vary" will be presented by the
pastor, the subject, "Whol Hap.
pened Between Twelve o'clock
and Three?"
Communion will be observed
at tha morning service. Expert
need adult euro Is given your
little one during this service,
Bible i school at 11 o'clock
jL'lth. classes for oil ago groups
Wnder tho supervision of Fran
cesj Smith and her staff of Bible
trained teachars. The pnstor Is
the! teacher of tho auditorium
adult Bible class.
High School Young People's
Bible Fellowship, 0:30 p. m
with Mrs. Whcntley tho teacher.
Frances and Rose Smith ' in
charge of music.
Old Fashioned Gospel Hour,
8 o'clock, with congregational
singing. Lt. Jnmos A. Vnus will
be the speaker, speaking on the
subject, "Tho Condition of tho
Jew Today and His Future"
Formerly associated with Ho
brew Mission of Los Angeles.
Community ladles Blblo class,
Wednesday, 2 p. m., followed
by children's cluss at 4 o'clock
in the church room.
Wednesduy evening we will
loin with the Covennnt church
A their special tlmo of mcOt
ThgS. Save your tires walk over
to your community church.
Worm Christian fellowship, liv
ing Bible messages, Bible study
with opportunity of service.
The Community
"Religion nnd tho World of
Tomorrow," a book review, will
be given by Rev. Eugene V.
Haynes as he speaks at tho 11
a. m. service of worship next
Sunday. Mrs. G. W. mills will
sing at this service tho solo by
Holmer, "Sheep ond Lambs."
Tho choir, under tho direction
of Mrs. H. W. Moore, will sing
as tho offertory number the
familiar hymn, "When I Sur-
Jkty tho Wondrous Cross."
O Church school meets at 0:49
a. m.
An oyster dinner open to the
public Is to bo served on Sun
day, April 4, from 12:30 to 3
p. m. In the community hall at
2180 Garden avenue.
Comrades of tho Way will
meet at 8 p. m.
The church Is located on Gar
den nvonuo between Enst Main
and 'Martin streets,
Church of tha Nasarana
Located nt corner of Gnrdon
avenue and Martin streot. Rev.
IT. L. Russell, pastor. Phone,
4870, Residence, 020 Martin
street. Sorvlccs for Sunday:
Sunday school nt 0:4B n! m.
with Mrs, Emll Honrlh In
charge, Morning worship, 11
o'clock. Young people's service,
Q!0 P- Evangelistic at 7:1)0
(Tclock. The pastor will bo tho
speaker nt both services. Wed
nesday, 7:30 p, m,, mldwock
prayer service,
Altamont Community
Meeting In tho Junior High
school building, South Sixth
and Mummers luno, Rev. Hugh
T. Mltclivlmoro, pastor.
Ulblo school, 0:45 a. in. A
school graded In ull depart
ments with Bible Christ cen
tered lessons for ull from be
ginners to adult, A, C, Olson,
general superintendent. If you
huvo no other church homo,
bring tho childron and leurn
what God bus to say to each of
us, Our sons and daughters who
have entered the nutlon's serv
ice are attending divine serv
ice. Aro you?
Worship service, 11 o'clock.
Only two moro Sundays before
Passion week. The pustor will
spcuk. Subject, "Tho Necessity
of tho Cross." Tho nursery is
conducted by Mrs. Cruwford
thut purents may be In tho
service. At the sumo tlmo tho
Junior church Is led by Mrs.
A. C. Olson. The pustor will
give the Junior sermon on "The
Helmet of Salvation." Special
music, Mrs. Kenton Knight, di
rector. - Junlor-Intermcdlute Christian
Endeavor at tho munse, 4431
South Sixth street, 4:30 p. m.
Mrs. Hugh T. Mitchclmorc,
superintendent. Dorothy June
Pcugh, leader.
Sigma PI Young People's so
ciety for all of high school and
older ago, 0:30 p. m. Meets ut
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Olson, sponsors. Joyco Land
rum,' leuder,
Friday, 10:30 u. in. An all
clay meeting of the Kathcrlne
Mculllo Missionary society will
be held at the home of Mrs.
George Mlsfcldt, 3332 Board
man street. Special speakers
will bo Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mo
Nnughton, for 20 ycors mission
aries to Japan. A paper sack
lunch will be held nt noon.
Immsnuel Baptist
The church Is located nt the
corner of North Eleventh and
Ugh streets. Pnstor, Rev. Wil
liam I). Rice. Residence, 720
Jefferson street, Phone 7400.
Director of music, C. E. Logcr
wcll. Sunday school, 9:45 a. in.
Classes for oil ages and a fine
group of Bible teachers who
uro interested in your children.
Bring your children to Sunday
school. Mrs. J. D. O'Neal is
Morning worship, 11a. m. If
ou do not huvo tha habit of
going to church on Sunday
morning, you'll find it a real
blessing and spiritual uplift if
you Just mnke a llttlo effort
and enter Into God's houso
this Sunday, Tho morning ser
mon Is "A Scriptural Revival."
Evening Gospel hour, 7:30
o'clock. Thirty minutes of sing'
ing and special music, then s
short message from the Word
of God. This Sunday night the
pastor will begin a scries of
messages from the Book of
Ruth. Many are coming and en
Joying this fine Sunday eve-
uilng hour and we are sure you
will like it, too.
Orchestra practice Sunday
evening, 8:45 to 7:15 o clock
Bring your Instrument and be
on time. You need not be a
member of our church to play
in the orchestra.
Annual church meeting
Wednesday evening at the
church. This meeting will be
gin promptly at 7:30 o clock.
All church members are urged
to bo there. Annual reports,
election of officers for tho new
year and all church business
will be taken core of then.
Young people's meeting Sat
urday evening at the parsonage,
If you desire transportation,
phono 7400. Chorus singing, Bi
ble study, games and refresh
ments Is the order of this serv
ice. Bring a friend.
Yes, this Is the friendly, Bl-
blc-lovlng church and you are
always welcome. Make this your
church home If you aro a stran
ger in tho city.
Mt. Lakl Prasbyterlan
Rev. Hugh T. Mltchclmore,
pastor, 0:45 a. m., worship serv
ice. The pastor will speak upon
tho thomc, "Is the Cross Neces
sary In the World Today?" The
junior sermon subject is "The
Helmet of Salvation."
Bible school, 10:45 a. m. The
Sunday school Is growing. All
who live In the neighborhood
oro urged to attend these serv
ices. If gas rationing Is keep
ing you from going to the city
church, do not lose out. Come
out and help as well as be
Spragua River
Friends Church
Evert J. -Tuning, pastor.
Sunday services Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; worship serv
ice, 11 a. m.; evangelistic serv
ice, 7:30 p m.
Wednesday, prayer and praise
service, 8 p. m.
If you hnve no church home
wo welcome you to worship
with us. Located In Sprnguo
A new electric cross, mude pos
sible by one of tho members of
the church, Is to bo dedicated
next Sunday morning at tho 11
o'clock service at tho First Meth
odist church, according to an
nouncement made by tho Rev,
Victor Phillips, minister.
The themo of the minister's
sermon will bo "Tho Light From
The Cross," and Mrs. S. Meude
Badger, sopruno, will sing the
hymn, "Beneath the Cross of
Jcbus," during tha dedlcutory
service. The public Is cordlully
Invited to attend this impressive
und beautiful service,
First Covenant
823 Wulnul avenue. Pastor,
H. E. Johnson. Phono 8517
Evangelist Juines 11. Carter
lias Just started a scries of meet
ings and comes to us as a for
mer baseball league player, and
motion picture technician. He
speaks tonight, Frlduy, at 7:45
o'clock on the subject, "Seeing
Jesus," and shows pictures the
first half hour on, "Backyard
Exploltutlons." O n Suturday
night, "Ho Is nt tho Door," and
pictures will bo shown on, "The
On Sunday services will be
us follows: Sunday school, 10
a. m. There will be a spcciul
program for the boys and girls.
At 11 a. m., Rev. Curtcr speaks
on, "Thu Vacant Scut." Sun
day, 7:45 p. m. Rev. Curler tells
his own experience as his life
was saved nt the point of a
gun, and he uses us his subject,
"My Story of the Prodigal Son,
Saved nt tho Point of a Gun."
Pictures will be shown on "The
Prodlgul Son." The public is
Monday, 7:45 p. m., Admit
tance, bring your looking glass.
Pictures on, "Heavens Open
Door." Tuesday night, "The
Good Samoriton." Pictures on,
"Palestine, Gospel Dynamite."
Wednesday night the Bible Cen
ter group will be with us, and
special numbers will bo ren
dered in song by them.
First Christian
"The Downtown Church,"
Pino street at Ninth. Arthur
Churlcs Bales, minister. Pastors
study can bo reached from tho
Ninth street entrance. Phone
Bible school meets at the
hour of 0:45 a. m. Stanley Ken
dall Is the superintendent.
There is a class for every age
Morning worship begins ot 11
o'clock with the prelude by the
organist, Mrs. Mary Haydon
Mrs. Vera Howard direct the
choir. The services open with
"Gloria Petri" and tho Invoca
tion followed by the choir re
sponsc, "Hear Our Prayer."
Morning hymn Is "Crown
Him With Many Crowns." The
Communion meditation will be
"More Love to Thee." Observ
ance of tho Lord's Supper.
Choir special number, "Hallelu
jah, Praise Jehovah." Sermon,
"Divine Hates," by the minister.
Invitation hymn, "Jesus Calls
Us." Benediction and response.
Evening services: Christian
Endeavor, Junior and high
school. Class In Now Testament
evangelism. The time, 6:30 p. m
Worship begins at 7:30 p. m.
The pastor will speak on the
topic, "Characteristics of the
Millennium." This will be the
second sermon on the events
associated with the thousand
years of peace, propheclcd In
tho Book of Revelation.
A most cordial Invitation Is
extended to all.
First Church
Of God
Located at the corner of Al
tamont drive and Delaware
street. Sunday school convenes
at 0:45 a. m., Mrs. J. D. Ker
nutt, superintendent. Morning
devotions, 11 o'clock. Pre-serv-
Ice prayer meeting, at 7 p. m.
Preaching service, 7:30 p. m.
Prayer and praise service,
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
A cordial Invitation is ex
tended to the public to attend
all of these services. Rev. J. D.
Kcrnutt, pastor. ;
Unity Canter
The Rev. Nora S. Elliott,
ordained pastor from Unity
Center, will speak on "Out of
Bondage Into Freedom" at tho
regular Sunday evening lecture
at 8 o'clock in the banquet
room of the hotel Elk.
Class In "Lessons In Truth,"
under the leadership of Rev.
Elliott, will be held Monday at
2:30 p. m. at 628 Pacific Ter
To all desiring to understand
dlvino law and its correct appli
cation In manifesting health,
prosperity nnd happiness, a
cordial invitation is extended to
attend tho lecture and class.
First Methodist
"In tho Heart of the City,"
at North Tenth und High
streets, Rev. Victor Phillips,
minister. Residence, 1005 High
street, telephone 30118. Director
of music, Andrew Loney Jr.,
accompanist, Mrs, Ucorgo W.
Morning worship, 11 o'clock.
Prelude, "Andante" by Mendel
hsoIiii. Processional, "Holy, Holy,
Holy, Lord God Almighty." Mrs.
Winnlfred Glllen will sing a
selected solo. Tho offertory
will bo "Nocturne," by Schu
mann. Tho choir will slug the
anthem "Gloriu Nin Excelsis,"
by Mozurt. The minister will
prcueh on tho subject, "The
Light From tho Cross." A light
ed cross will bo dedicuted ut
this service ond Mrs. S. Meade
Badger will sing, "Beneath the
Cross of Jckus."
Evening Lenten service ut
7:30 o'clock. The minister will
speuk on "Herod." This will be
unothcr talk on tho scries, "The
Drumu of Christ's Passion."
Church Sunday school will
meet ut 0:45 u. m. Don R.
Drury Is the general superin
tendent; Dr. Peter II. Rozcndul,
ucting superintendent. Classes
for ull uge group with graded
lessons and trained touchers.
New pupils welcome- at uny
time during the school year.
Methodist Youth fellowship
meets ut 0:30 p. m. The high
school group meets in tho lea
gue room und the older young
people m.'et in the ladies' par
lors. All young people are cord
lully Invited to attend these
meetings of worship, study and
Zion Lutheran
1025 High street, Victor A.
Schultzc, pastor. Telephone;
Divine worship at 11 a. m.,
with the third of a spcciul bio
graphical series of Lenten ser
mons based on the leading char
acters from the Passion history
of Jesus. Sunday's sermon will
present, "Pilate, an Easy Way of
Quieting One's Conscience."
Holy communion will be cele
brated In connection with the
Sunday morning worship.
The Siniday school meets at
0:45 a. m., featuring filmslides on
the Bible stories of the New
The children's confirmation
class meets on Saturday morn
ings, 0:30 o'clock, at the parson
age. This cluss welcomes any
children desiring a basic Instruc
tion in the fundamentals of the
Christian religion as set forth by
tho Lutheran church
The Fellowship club will meet
Sunday evening, April 4, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. R, Buser,
225 Doty street. Tho hostess
will serve at 5:30 p. m. ,
The Lutheran Hour, with a
stirring Gospel mcssago by Dr,
Walter A. Maier and featuring
music by tho students' chorus
of Concordia seminary, St. Lou
is, mo., may do ncard every
Sunday at 1 o'clock over our lo
cal station, KFJI.
First Baptist
Eighth street at Washington
"The Church with a Message.'
Rev. Cecil C. Brown, pastor.
Residence, 414 North Eighth
street. Phone 7439.
Bible school begins at 9:45
a. m. George O. Welch, super
intendent. Morning worship
service, 11 o'clock. The subject
lor tne message by the pastor
will be "Tho Church Exalted,"
the second In a series of mes
sages on the Book of Ephesians.
The Baptist Training union
meets at 6:30 p. m. with unions
for all age groups. C. R. Lar
son is general director. The
song service conducted by H. G,
Shircy at 7:30 p. m. will be
followed with a message by the
pastor on "The World at the
Midweek prayer service Wed
nesday at 7:30 p. m. followed
by choir rehearsal at 8:30
o'clock. Radio services each
Sunday morning over KFJI
from 8:15 to 8:45.
Klamath Tempi
At 1007 Pine street, Daniel B.
Anderson, pastor. Phone, 4874.
Sunday school, 0:45 a. m. Mrs.
Helen Mount, superintendent.
Morning worship, 11 o'clock.
Overcomers young people's
service, 8:30 p. m. Evangelistic
service, 7:45 p. m. Evangelist
Hoover will preach.
Rev. Roy Southard, former
pastor of Klamath Temple, now
district divisional superintend
ent of tho Pociflc coast, brought
us a timely message Friday
night. The ministers of the
Open Blblo Standard will be at
tending conferences at Eugene
April 8, 9 and 10.
The elderly ladies missionary
circle meets every two weeks at
the church, beginning at 10 a.
m, Lunch will bo served. The
midweek preaching and praise
service Wednesday, 7:45 p. m.
Pilgrim Holiness
Located at 2220 Wantland
avenue. Pastor, Rev, Sherman
You will enjoy the friendli
ness of the people, the zest of
the congregational singing nnd
tho inspiration of scriptural
messages that characterize these
Sunday school, 0:45 n, m,;
worship, 1 1 n. m.; Junior league
8:30 p. m.; evangelistic service,
7:45 p. in.; prnycr meeting,
Wednesday, 7:45 p, m.
African Missionary Talks
At Congregational Church
Dr. Mary F, Cushmnn, for 10
years a missionary doctor among
tho Ovlmbundu people of Chil
csso, West Africa, will spcuk in
the Congregational Community
church, Monday, April 5, ut 8
p, rn., It was announced. Dr.
Cushmun has returned to the
United States with a story that
makes the interesting experi
ences of the "horse and buggy
doctor" of our country areas
seem pale by comparison.
Dr. Cushman was born In Bos
ton, the daughter, granddaughter
and great granddaughter of Con
gregational ministers. She grad
uated from Boston university
medical school In 1802, and was
surgical Interne for a year In the
Massachusetts Homeopathic hos
pital. She took graduate work
at the New York post graduate
mcdicul school.
There followed 29 years of pri
vate, hospital and sanitorium
practice in Maine and Massa
chusetts, In 1020 Governor Bax
ter of Maine appointed her to the
state board of registration of
medicine, the first woman to hold
that post in any state, It Is be
lieved. Then, at 52, release from
family responsibilities made it
First Presbyterian
The First Presbyterian church
is located on North Sixth and
Pine streets. The pastor is the
Rev. A. Theodore Smith, resi
dence 435 North Second street
and telephone at the home 5477,
and at the church, 7311. Lillie
E. Darby directs the choir and
Mrs. A. H. Denison is the organ
ist. Morning worship at 11 o'clock
opens with the organ prelude,
"Festal March," by Calkin. The
processional is Wesley's "The
Church's One Foundation." Fol
lowing the pastoral greeting, the
choir response is Clenahan's
"Grace and Peace." After the
f call to worship, all unite in sing-
ing "The Doxology, and after
the invocation and Lord's pray
er, "The Gloria Patri." The
morning prayer is ushered in by
the choir singing "Hear Our
Prayer, O Lord." There is a pe
riod of quiet meditation, when
all unite in prayer for our men
in the service. This is followed
by all singing "Our Fathers' God
to Thee, Author of Liberty." The
choir offertory is Schumann's
"We Give Thee But Thine Own,"
and the organ offertory is "Melo
dic Souvenir," by Frazee. The
anthem Is "Fear Not, O Israel,"
by Spicker. The pastor will
preach "The World's Hope." The
service closes with the benedic
tion, the choir dismissal, "Three
fold Amen," and the organ post
lude, "Postlude," by Ashford.
' The evening worship, 7:30
o'clock, and opens with the or
gan prelude "Meditation," by
Halevy. The offertory is "Invo
cation," by Chopin and the post
lude is "Postlude," by Himmel.
The pastor will speak.
The Bible school is held at 9:45
a. m., and opens promptly. This
is immediately preceded by a
pre-prayer service in the pastor's
study by the teachers. There is
a class lor you in this fine school
The three young people's
groups of Christian Endeavor
meet at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. James W.
Sloat is taking- the superinten-
dency of the intermediate group
First Church of Christ.
Tenth and Washington streets
This church, a branch of The
Mother church tba First Church
of Christ, Scientist in Boston,
Mass., holds services each Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock.
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
A meeting which includes tes
timonies of Christian Science
healing Is held every Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock.
A free Christian Science read
ing room is located at 1023
Main street, where the Bible,
writings by Mary Baker Eddy,
and authorized Christian Science
literature may be read, borrow
ed or purchased.
All are cordially invited to at
tend the services and use the
reading room.
Radio program KFJI, 2 to 2:15
p. m. each Monday under the
uuccuoii oi couiiuuiee on puu-
lication for Oregon.
Tha Salvation Army
400 Klamath avenue.
Major and Mrs. Curry will be
in charge of the regular serv
ices this coming Sunday, and
they invite you to any or all of
the following:
Sunday, 10 a. m. Sunday
school and Bible classes.
11 a. m. Holiness.
6:30 p. m. Young people's
7:30 p. m. Evangelistic serv
Saturdays, Tuesdays, Thurs
days, public services, 8 p. m.
A hearty welcome awaits you
at all ot these gatherings. Come
and sing the glorious Gospel
songs that refresh and strength
en. Como and meditnto and pray
so that you may bo nble to face
tho tremendous problems of life
these troublous days with faith
and Christian fortitude.
Tho Pelican City interdenom
inational Sunday school, Sun
day 2 p. m.
possible for Mary Cushman to go
to Africa. She reached Chllcsso
at 10 o'clock ono night nnd at 7
o'clock the next morning was at
work in tho dispensary. Almost
Immediately she was left alone
without white associates for sev
eral weeks, She has learned to
use the Umbundu language. She
has trained medical and surgical
helpers among the native young
men and women. '
For the first years medical and
surgical work was done in an
adobe, grass-roofed dispensary,
and patients were cared for in
Just grass huts. Now there is a
small but modern hospital build
ing serving an area as large as
Massachusetts and Connecticut
together. In the last three
months before her return, Dr.
Cushman treated over 4000 per
sons, and more than 40,000 pre
scriptions were given out last
Dr. Cushman has not remained
in the hospital all the time. She
has traveled by hammock and on
foot many long days on native
trails through jungle and forest,
over rivers and mountains,
through seas of grass 10 feet
deep, through fire and flood.
Klamath Lutheran
Cross and Crescent street. L.
K. Johnson, pastor, 1175 Cres
cent Ave. Phone 3452.
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Bible class, 9:45 a. m.
Worship "hour, 11 a. m.
Church council, Monday, 8
p. m., April 5.
Ladies Aid Tuesday at 2 p. m.,
April 6. Book review, "In His
Steps," chapters 13, 14 and 15,
by Tlrs. V. Josephson. Vocal
trio, and hostesses, Mrs. F, Del
yea and Mrs. B. Dahleim. .
The Ladies Aid will sponsor a
rummage sale April 3, at 1031
Main street. Leave your rum
mage there or if more conveni
ent leave it at the church.
Lenten services, Wednesday at
7:30 p. m. The general theme is,
"Thorns in the Crown of Jesus."
The sermon for Wednesday is
"Enemies in the House of God."
Choir rehearsal following the
Lenten services.
Men's Brotherhood, April 15.
Hosts are Gus Anderson, Theo
dore Hoff and Oscar Thompson.
Good Friday services from 12
o'clock until 3 o'clock p. m.
There will be seven short serv
ices, on the seven last words of
the cross, supported by anthems
and hymns. - Everyone who at
tends will receive a little mahog
any cross of remembrance. Make
your arrangements now so that
you can attend.
If you are seeking a church
home in the city, we gladly and
sincerely invite you' to worship
with us.
Assembly of God
746 Oak street. The special
meeting with Arnold J. Bush,
the 16-year-old evangelist, will
conclude Sunday night, AprU 4.
Those who have not yet at
tended these meetings have
missed a rare treat. We would
urge you to attend these last
few remaining nights, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday.
Sunday services: Sunday
school, 9:45 a. m.; Mrs. Al
Kennerly, superintendent. Y. P.
meeting, 6:30 p. m. Jim Ken
nerly, Y. P. president. Evange
listic service, 7:30 p. m. Arnold
J. Bush speaking.
Wednesday, 10 a. m., Women's
Missionary meeting; 7:30 p. m.,
Evangelist Lewen begins a
series of meetings with us.
Watch the paper for more defi
nite announcements later.
Free Methodist
Located at South Ninth and
Plum streets. W. H. McCormick,
pastor. A revival is in progress
in this church at the present
time, closing Sunday evening.
Rev. Elmer McKay of Green
ville, 111., evangelist. The pro
gram for Sunday:
Sunday school, 10 a. m.; ser
mon, 11 a. m. Subject, "Soul
Tragedy." At 3 p. m sermon
on the topic "The Bible Under
Fire." In the evening at 7:30
o'clock, "Idol Worship." Satur
day evening a divine healing
service will be held.
Come and hear this man Is
the advice of the local pastor.
Church ot
The loyal congregation of the
Church of Christ meets regu
larly nt Shasta school. Bible
classes convene at 10 a. m. The
regular Lord's day service is at
11 a. m with the evening serv
ice at 7:30 o'clock. Two hour
bus service is available to the
school on Sundays. This con
gregation should not be con
fused with any other.
Church of Christ
All members and friends are
extended a special nnd cordinl
lnvitntion to nttend the down
town Church of Christ Sunday
morning services: song service
10 n. m.; Bible study, classes,
10:15 n. m.; sermon nnd wor
ship, 11 n. m.; communion, 11:43
m.j evening services, 7:30
o'clock. Located in the KC hall
over the Rainbow theatre.
Bible Auditorium
Eleventh and Main streets.
Evangelists A. L. Beazlcy and
G. M. MacLaffcrty Invite your
attention to the Important top
ics to bo presented for the com
ing week. Sunday night, "The
Christian Sabbath Is It Satur
day or Sunday?" Tuesda night,
"Did Christ or the Apostles
Ever Observe Sunday?" Thurs
day night, "The Two Covenants
Did the New Covenant Abol
ish the Ten Commandments?"
Friday night, "Who Changed the
Sabbath? Was It Done by Di
vine or Human Authority?"
Special music every night. Seats
Latter-Day Saints
Latter-Day Saints meetings
aro held in the city library club
rooms on the corner of Fifth
street and Klamath avenue. E
E. Burrows, branch president,
phone 8293 or 6721.
Sunday school meetings are
held at 10 a. m., with separa
tion at 11:30 for priesthood, re
lief society and primary class
es. Sacrament service is held
each Sunday evening at 6
Elders working in the Klam
ath district may be reached at
703 North Ninth street. Phone
5426, or 4809 Hilyard street.
Sacred Heart
Catholic Church
Corner of Eighth and High
streets. Rev. T. P. Casey, pas
tor. Sunday masses are at 7 a. m.,
8 a. m. 9:30 a. m., and 11 a. m.
Holy days at 7 a. m., 8 a. m.
and 9:30 a. m.
Confessions every Saturday
and the eves of Holy days and
first Fridays from 3 to 4 p. m.,
and 7:30 to 8:30 p. m.
- Daily mass at 8 a. m.
Religious instruction classes
are held every Saturday at 9:30
a. m. for Catholic children in
public grade schools except dur
ing vacation. High school dis
cussion club meets every Sun
day after 9:30 a. m. Mass ex
cept during vacation.
Apostolic Faith
At 228 North Eighth street
under the electric sign, "Jesus
the Light of the World."
Sunday, 9:30 a. m, Sunday
school with classes and efficient
teachers for all ages and grades.
Morning worship, 11 o'clock.
7:45 p. m., special orchestra se
lections with Evelyn Craig di
recting, also selected vocal num
bers followed by personal tes
timonies. Concluding with a
fundamental gospel sermon by
spirit-filled ministers.
Wednesday and Friday, 8
p.,,m., regular services. Cordial
invitation to all services is ex
tended the public. Collections
are never taken. Come as you
i -
Spring Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Don Grubaugh
are rejoicing over the birth of a
daughter, Charlotte May.
Mrs. Johnie Hooker was a bus
iness visitor in the Spring Lake
district on March 31.
Little Ronald Gress is confined
to his home with a sore throat
and swollen glands.
Jim Bunnell has a new weU.
He found good water at the
depth of 360 feet.
The farmers are starting their
spring plowing and many are
drilling in their early grain.
There was a good turnout at
the auction sale on the Harry
Young ranch, March 28, and
everything sold at a good price.
Mrs. Emma Lamb and Mrs.
June Albert were Klamath Falls
visitors, March 24.
Eddie Young, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Young, enlisted In the
marine corps and is now sta
tioned at San Diego, Calif.
Harry Quimby, well known
rancher, sold his sheep to Jack
O'Connor this week.
Corporal Charles Harold
Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Young, is spending a two weeks'
furlough at his home in Spring
Lake, from Gowen field, Boise,
Mrs. Ward Dolan and two
daughters, Rose Marie and Betty,
were Klamath Falls visitors Sat
urday. Emil Chisel of Klamath Falls,
is building a rock chicken house
for Ed Huffman.
Mr. and Mrs. Byrum Ash
craft were injured Saturday
night in a headon collision with
the car of Fred Harvey of Ash
land. It occurred near, Keene
creek on the Greensprlngs high
way. Members of both cars received
hospital care In Ashland. Both
To Every
Creed and Purs
Ward's Klamath
Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ward.
Wlllard Ward, Mgr.
925 High Phone 3334
New Pine Creek
There will be a regular meet
ing of the East Sldo grange this
Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The
PTA and the Kelly Creek school
pupils will hnvo charge of tha
program which will follow the
meeting. They will do so as an
expression of approclutlon for
favors extended the school In
the past by the grange and tha
splendid cooperation shown
when the school has nocded to
raise money. A largo turn out
for grango Is expected, By er
ror It was announced last week
that grangers were requested to
bring one hot dish In addition to
the regular lunch. Rather It la
each PTA lady member Is ex
pected to bring ono hot dish
which will be something sort of
extra special.
Mrs. M. E. Chase of Ashland,
Oregon arrived last Sunday for
an indefinite visit with her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Bessie Woods.
Mrs. Chase Is a nurse by pro
Mrs. Lois Howell of Klamath
Falls, has been visiting for a
week with her sister, Mrs.
Johnny Newman, She was to
have returned on Wednesday,
and arrived a week ago last
Mrs. Faye Keller returned last
Wednesday from a weeks' visit
with her daughter Bernice. She
made the trip to Berkeley with
Mr. and Mrs. Eul Elliott of Lake
Mrs. Frank C. Alexander en
tertained the Pinochle club last
Thursday afternoon at the horn
of Mrs. Annie Gallagher. Mrs,
Virginia Hinton made high score
and Mrs. Maude Butler low.
Raspberry short cake with whip
ped cream was served for re
freshments. Mrs. Florence Collen arrived
home last Wednesday ' after
spending the winter at Los An
geles with her sister Edith Max
well. Mr. and Mrs. Heath Stanley
of Cedarville visited in New
Pine Creek last Sunday with
Mrs. Stanley's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Gentry.
Mrs. Vera Powell of Drlggs,
Idaho returned last week. She
is employed at the Antler's
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Steward and
Miss Jeanett McDonald left last
Wednesday evening for Rich
mond, Calif, to meet and visit
with their son, Cliff, who has,
recently joined the marines.
, Mrs. Mary Miller who has
been confined to her home for
well over two months is still not
very well. Mrs. Hazel Barring
ton, her daughter, is staying to
helD her with work. '
- Mrs. Bill Owsley and children
left last Friday morning for The
Dalles, where they win visit for,
some time. This makes BUI a
bachelor, but unlike most men,
he is a good cook and has noth
ing to worry about except the
juggling of ration points. . .
Prof. P. A. Sample itopped la
for a short visit here last Sun
day afternoon. He is now lm
charge of adult classes at Newell,
Calif., which is under the Mo
doc Union high school educa.
tional system. '
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Butler ,
were business visitors at Klam
ath Falls last Monday.
cated at Fort Belvoir, Va., un
dergoing training . in the Engl,
neer corps of the U. S. army with
an opportunity to become an of
ficer. .
PFC Layton Gentry Is now lo
cnted at Oaks Grove station, '
cars were damaged beyond re
pair. - A group of friends and neigh
bors gave Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Hartwell a wedding anni
versary party at their home Sat
urday night.
Barton House visited with hie
father, Frank House, last week.
Cliff Beatty has purchased a
milk cow. Bin Davidson and
Cliff brought her up Monday.
Anella Converse is Ul with
nose and throat trouble.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson
and family from Lakeview were .
visiting witn tne uiarence ji art
wells Sunday
Sgt. and Mrs. Ernie Fieguth
are the proud parents of a baby
girl, Karen Sue. Mrs. Fieguth
was formerly a teacher at the
Nnrth Pinphnrct cphnnl
Mrs. June Aftring has been in
Klamath Falls on business for
several days.
We must avoid destructive,
imperialistic a n d vindictive
peace which will only lay the
foundation for another war.
Alf M. Landon.
v Remember
Future generations will re
member the last resting place
of your loved one when prop,
erly marked when Identi
fied in keeping with your
feeling of reverence with a
memorial that will stand for
all time.
You will find tha designs
to suit your taste among our
1 Klamath Falls Marble '
and Granite Works
118 S. llih St. Phone 6361