April 1, 1943 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVB From Georgia Corp, Dorothy Kosturaun, cliiuKlitar of Mr. mid Mr. W. I. Kostorson nf Portliincl street, arrived hero Wednesday from I'd i' I OKlt'tliorpn, Gn where sho Ims been work Ink us iicllnM pliiUion noi'KiMinl, Iniliiiiiu nuw WAAC meruit in tholr bii slo work, Corp, Koslorson lion n 15-tltiy furloiiKli, nix cltiyn of which II ro bcliiu spoilt with her piiii'iits hero. Returns Mm. Leslie Honors returned homo Wednesday nlKht from i'nrtliind where nha was culled hy Iho serious Illness of hor sister, Mm. Curl Cofnr of Ihnt city. mm. nuKi'i'M wits nr coinpimicd north hy her ulster, Mm. Gcomo Ducklcy of tho Ap iilciiiite district, Mcclford. Mm, Cnfer wuk (iroiitly Improved this week. Kho In a former Kliimutli .Knlls resident. mi In Klamath Mrn. Rnlnh Me- Cnlloch, who In now with her mother, Mrs. S, K. Murtln of Piedmont, Cnllf., In vlsltlim In Kliimiith l-'i'lls with friends and relatives, planning to roturn south this wockond. Mrs, Mc culloch In the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Stiles, B25 Mesa street. Visits Hera rtnymon Craves, who spent several years milking business calls In Khimath Falls and Is well known In this city, stopped hero briefly Wednesday en route- from Stockton to his homo In Tho Dulles, Ho is with the U, S. army, ordnaiico de partment, and expects ovorscas duty Immediately. Moat Cancelled The Thurs kduy "parish night" program 'planned for tonight at St. Paul's Kplscopnl church has been can celled, duo to tho Illness of tho ltcv, Frederick C Wlsscnbnch who Is confined to his homo on High street with an attack of In fluenza. Tho Frldny morning Lenten services hove also been cancelled. It was announced. AUTO RELAY MISSOULA, Mont. (P) Aub rey Knowlcs, driving south, found a landslide blocking the highway. On the other side a north-bound motorist sat fum ing. They traded oars and away they went. Several days later they mot In Missoula and re-swapped. Always read the classified ads. IS YOUR CHILD A NOSE PICKER? II mar l a aln er bowal worn, I- And thaa roundworm rim un ttal Imublal Other warning! aral unaar itomarh. Iter voun.a. Itching parta. If rou avert auipact roundworm, sat Jaroa'a Varolii una today I JAYNK'H la Amarlra'a laaillnit proprietary worm madlrllia I tlal ly mllllona for ovar ranlurjr. Arta ganllr. yl drlvaaout round Worm. Domalul JAVNK'a VEIIMIKUUS. flummtgi Bale Tho Klamath Lutheran Ladies Aid will hold u rtimtnogo sula at 1051 Main street, Saturday, April 3. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Elloctive Feb. IS, 1943) Train 19 Soulhboundi 6 p. m. Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. m. Train 17 Southbound! 7 a. m. Train 18 Northbound! 10 p, m. Medford BU(j, Westbound, 3i30 p. m.. Evening Airmail, Stages to Alturss, Ashland, Lake. view and Rocky Point, 7 a, m. Rummage Bale Members of Circle B of tho Methodist church will sponsor a rumniiiga sale Sat urday, April 3, In the building next to the I'cllcun hotel. There will bo aprons and farm produco offorcd for salo. For further In formation, those interested may call 4000. PTA Rummage Sale Tho Fre mont l'TA Is holding a two-day rummago sale, Friday and Sat urday, in tho building next to tho Unlquo grocery on South Ninth street, Students of tho school were cooperating Thurs day by bringing in rummago. VFW Auxiliary Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary will sponsor a meeting tonight, Thursday, at 8 o'clock, In the library club rooms. There will bo election of officers ond all members ore urged to attend BOMBS ON THE RANGE Cattle and sheep of western stales havo been sharing their homos on tho range with Uncle Sam's bombers and with soldiers being trained for war. More than 3,500,000 acres of public lands In federal grazing districts In 10 western states were with drawn for military use last year. Two Michigan men were ar- rested for stealing bacon. That ought to bo a lesson against tak ing sides. N O W rOWDII T H ST H010S llil 1IIIH lull w Joft ' n wWw. Ma, aWal awM. Oram fait, at. Ntttof mat k, am, taaaa) Ot mm Hal, tataa, team c,moM PI fed TODAY CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS 9th ond Main smm , 1 ffo Only Tn , b"" m strife UGf IPs? - w i r o jTheie premiums will not ba tent by mall RIDIEM YOUR SEOO MILK COUPONS AT UHLIG'S ELECTRIC STORE 102S Main St.,. Klamath Falls, Ore, TO Mrs, Wlnnlfrcd Glllcn, Kliim nth county homo demonstration agent, has been named one of 21 county chairwomen In the state who will aid In Oregon's salvago committee work, pro moting tho collection of kitchen fats, silk stockings, tin cans and other scrap, Mrs. Klhel Keck, stulo chair woman of women's activities of tho state salvage committee, made the appointments. Mrs. Keck Is woll known here, having hold Important offices In the Veterans of Foreign Worn. She visited here at the state conven tion last year. INDUSTRIAL OUTPUT GAINB Industrial production of the United States In January doub led the average from 1039 to 1030. Iron and steel rose tho same month to the November level, but remained under the October peak. Japan and Russia havo signed a fishing pact. Russia should be warned that there's probably a catch In it. Oregon News Notes By The Associated Press Oregon's 1042 tuberculosis mortality rate was only 24.0 deaths for each 100,000 of popu lation, an all-time low, tho state board of health reported at Port land . . . State War Bond Chair man Palmer Uoyt announced at Portland that Oregon's quota In a new 17-day sales drive to start April 12 will be $107,000,000 , , . Schotky Logging company's new sawmill about six miles above Molalla is ncaring com pletion. . Chairman Stanley Anderson at Eugene reported Lane county was $3300 above Its $41,400 Red Cross quota .... A Redmond bridge, recently con demned, has been repaired and reopened to traffic . . . Two Portland Traction com pany buses collided at an inter section, injuring eight persons; a driver and two passengers re quired hospitalization .... Ar thur Rader, 36, Injured In a fall at the Swan Island shipyard, February 21, died In a Portland hospital .... Enrollment at East ern Oregon College of Education at LaGrando reached 184 for spring term, a decrease of 28.1 per cent from last year .... Verl J. Hlllyard, Gresham, petitioned In a Portland circuit court for an Injunction against the AFL Boilermakers union lo cal, charged with refusing him clearance for reemployment at a shipyard . . . Emma J. Smith, 87-year-old Portlander whose hip was fractured In a fall at her home March 13, died In a hospi tal ... H. P. Mayes, 30, Tilla mook, was brought to a Portland hospital for treatment of Injuries suffered In a bulldozer accident on a road project near Seaside. I say It will take 18,000,000 Americans in uniform to do the Job that needs to be done, for we have the only manpower loft.. Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker. ATTENTION! All Flying Students We now have the offi cial leather flying jacket. Rudy . MEN'S SHOP 6th ond Main TsiniE7:oisiiisnsiiii:i:PEiiiiET!SJisQnr iIVESSAEi 4. . mwtfmmr . FOR FORTY-ONE YEARS WE'VE TALKED THRIFT- To our co-workers, urging tho Importance of laving on littlo things a a a a To our customer! ... In calling attention to the roasoni for our value-packed merch andise. We've done more than TALK thrift . . , . We've lived it in our stores, missing no chance to save, whether a minute of time, or a pioco of twine that can be used again. And now that war makes this fine old Ameri can virtuo a must for u all, we shall con tinue to practice ft with even greater vigor. THE PENNEY WAY IS THE THRIFTY WAY ... THE THRIFTY WAY IS THE AMERI CAN WAY .... HBt icsnan JT WtlT Mrawnaai 11' Pi if n IV -fin fl Printed Crepes Sport Dresses 498 Clererly eut but simple In spirit theie frocks will take you gully through spring! Many lorely prints. Make your selection today 1 Sites 9 to S3. I00ND FLOOR Smart Spring FashlonsI a Budget-Saving Prices! COATS 1975 Fitted Reefers Casual Coats You'll want a smart coat or suit this spring without budging your budget I Mo sure to are this grand collection of sttractlve new styles! All-wool Shetland or fleece sport and casual eonls for daily wear! Slrrk filled types of rayon - and - wool twill that wilt he Just right for over dressy frocks! A wonderful choice of mannish mid dressmaker suits tool Bright spring colors I Slues 13 to 20. SECONO FLOOR Cotton Mesh Hose For Spring 25 All-American hosiery cot ton mesh that will wear and wear. You'll find It. exactly right' with sports wear and active duties I Full fashioned, Imported Lisle Hose 1 19 Imported English lisle hose knit to fit tho trimmest ankle Soft fine weave that wears end looks remarkably well I Full fashioned, spring shades. MAIN FLOOR Anniversary Feature! deduced! Better Dresses 5 00 Out they go I Here's your chance to pick up dress or two at a real laving I Dressy crepes, carefully styled cas uals that will go stylishly through sprlngl Hurry In these values will "walk out I" Broken sizes style range Shop nowl Ladles' Cotton Frocks 29 Prtttjr and practical for 4 he Home Front! Cay cot ton print to keep you looking fresh and crisp for all your household chores I All easy to look at, easy to wear, easy to launder! pretty enough for "com pany r 12-52. 98 Intriguing Styles! Novelty Trimmings! Glamorous Spring Hats Buy a gay hat . . and lift --.. your spirits I Smart pad raj sailors, pompadour styles, and fetching baby bonnets to frame your curls I Soft, spring colors you'll like! Entrancing Spring Styles! WOMEN'S HANDBAGS Casual Types I 4k)8 Dressy Models! Pouches, envelopes, top han dles, in a choice of materials! Colors to match your spring ! ensembles I Good-looking Rayon Fabric! WOMEN'S GLOVES Smartly Stitched! AOe) Strictly Tailored! jfO The perfect complement for your new spring dresses! In the popular casual slip-oa style! Carefree Styles for Work or Play! Rayon Slack Suits 398 Fitted Jackets! Full-cut Slacks! This will be an active spring and you'll want a smartly cut slack suit for all your new activities 1 ' Sleek . rayon faille in overblouse type with button-closed slacks I Slies 12-48, Soft Rayon Crepe BLOUSES J 98 Crisp, tailored styles to comple ment your spring suit! Long or short sleeves. White or pastel shades. S3 to 40. Women's Classle SWEATERS 1 98 Smartly styled cardigans and fav orite pull overs with all the de tails of more ex pensive sweaters! Sites 3 M0. SECOND FLOOR 8 I1 if 990 COLOR For a Bright ' Outlook! Men's Sport Coats Bold Plaldsl Rich Checks! Fine all wool soft weaves "get the play" with fashion-wise men this season! Full-fitting, easy-on-the-shoulders models rich in color and perfect in comfort! Gabardine for Smart Service! Men's Trousers Clear Patterns! Perfect Fits! Right from every angle! Smooth weave for Immaculate drape and rich coloring . . . hard finish for SERVICE! First for dress and first for an active life! 590 Smart Heads Pick 398 Marathon Hats All of IBIS'S best style details portrayed In fine fur felt! New stitched crowns, medsllhms, trlple , stitched edges are fewl - Men's Shirts, Shorts & Briefs Fine shorts to smart stripes, full eut for com fort, Swiss rib shirts. Double panel brief. Reg. U. S. Pat Off. 39 Sturdy Whipcord Work Pants Pepperell Fabric Fully Sanforized Heavyweight green whipcord. Ideal for rough lumber and arm work! Hade to fit sod priced rlghjtl All slses 7 to U. M9 La Heayy Work Sox 2 p. 25 Grey, er black color. Sturdy weaves that really wear. S3 1-3 Wool Work Sox 29' Fart wool for - warmth end cotton for extra wear. - Nat ural and grey colors. 100 Wooi Work Sweater Double Elbows Heary All Wool Xnlti . Heavy knit sweaters of eB wool! Grey and navy blue colors. Reinforced elbow patch. Best for. work. 3 98 Warm Sweat : Shirts I05 Warm fleeced sweaters h light grey color. Sites SS to 44. Work Gloves 2p.25V Quality canvas gloves priced low! Fleeced., lining. Top 'n Bottom Work Shirts XhakI Color Long Wearing Ideal for work or leisure wear. Fully sanforized shirts In Top and Bottom quality 1 1 29 Long Sleeved SPORT SHIRTS Rich ColorsI Comfort! Serviceable, comfortable rayon sport shirts. Carefully finish ed, long sleeves, popular colors. Small, Medium, Large. main noon 225 THE YOUNGER SET'S ANNIVERSARY FEATURES (TTI Springtime Plaids or Tweeds! GIRLS' SPRING COATS Snug Fitted Styles 90 With Casual Tie Belt! Nicely tailored In wool and rayon a warm and rich looking fabric. Rayon lined. 7-14. Of Cotton or Rayonl NEW FROCKS j 98 Princess, basque waist or tailored " styles in charming cotton prints or ray ons In pastels, S-6X, 7-lfi. iioono FLOOR , 7 Washable They're Sanforlsedtl BOYS' SPORT SETS 169 Togs he'll, LIVF. In all summer thrifty to buy,' and thrifty on the laundry- bills 1 Hardy cottons I - Boys' Handsome Slacks Tough fabrics that will stand wear and tear ... Diagonals, stripes, tweeds, and plain fin ishes that are plenty smart for dress and play I Pleated and Vic tory styles. B.'ues, browns, tans or test. 4)98 Shier 8-18. ' ' ' ' ' sf nnwwavaiaa m Ml