March 81, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE (CLASSIFIED ADS Lost and Found LOST T una ration book. IIollls WrlKht, 720 Lowell. 4-1 LOST Obi ration book brimm ing to Mm. John Wolfoid, 1400 Elm. 3 31 LOST Sugar ration books, Lon nle Powoll end Cnrrlo Powoll, Wlllown, Oregon. Return Peli can Bay Cnmp. 3-31 LOST No. 1 ration war book. Please return to ownor, Cliot Qardlopy, Worclon, Ore. 3-31 LOST Gas ration book belong ing to Mm, Hurry E. Larson, 1801 Ivory. 3-31 LOST C and A ration books be longing to Rom Johnson, Box 4, Bonanza, Ore. 4-1 LOST "A" gasoline ration book. E, G. Lowln, 1408 Wor den. 4-2 LOST Gold locket. Howard. B21 Owens. 4-1 Gonaral Notices BUFFALO LUNCH will close every Wcclnesdiiy. 3-31 AFTER, THIS DATE I will bo re sponsible for debts contractt'd by myself only. Signed, Paul Jones. Dorrls, Calif. 4-1 10 BorvlcM BLACKSM1T111NG and welding. Tractor, truck nnd furm mncli lnery repair. Spcclul built elevators, stackers and buck rake. k BROWN EQUIPMENT CO J 049 So. Oth St. Phone 8247 423 BELTS for ill mokei refrlgcr . ator, washers, vacuum clean en or general use. Merit Washing Machine Service, 611 South Sixth. 3-3 lm I WILL OBTAIN your delayed birth certificate for you. Chai. Hathaway, 120 No. 10th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 4-1 FLOOR SANDINQ and refinlsh lng. Clifford Golden. Phono 3022. 3-31m ILECTROLUX Authorized Serv ice. L. C. Carr, 021 Mitchell. Phone 7197. 4-Bmlf ALL MAKES refrigerators, wash ers, Ironers, vacuum cleaners ervlced and repaired. Alio I ma 11 appliance. Victory - Service Co., 100S Prospect. 1' Dial 8173 or 8448. 4-8m CARE Or CHILDREN Phone 7812. 4-11 DRESSMAKING BY MARGO Formilt, alterations, sewing of all kinds. Phone 8401. 2311 White avenue. 1871tf CHIMNEYS FURNACES -STOVES OIL BURNERS cleaned, repaired. J, A. Tufts, 1442 Oregon. Phono 7149. 415 PICTURE FRAMING Gocller's, 230 Main. 4-1 4m FURNACES VACUUM CLEAN ED, complete repair service. Phono 7140. 4-4 HEMSTITCHING .DRESSMAKING, Buttons and 1 Buckles covered. Alterations ' on new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allender, 731 Main, Room 218. Phono 7203. 4-lHm STATE or Delinquent Federal Income Tax Returns Prepared. W, B. Bownc, Room 4, Mel haso Bldg., 329 Main St. Phone 8876. 3-31 PAINTING . KALSOMINING H, L. Brown. Phono 4220. 4-10m LAWNMOWERS Sharpened Bodcnhamor Rcpnlr Shop, 391 E. Main. 4-23 DOREMUS RUG CLEANERS tho only rug, furniture clean ing specialists in Southern Oregon, phono 9879. .. 3-31 WE'LL DO your spring cleaning . rugs, furniture. Doremus I Rug Cleaners, Phono 8878, . 3-31 PLUMBING HEATING, sheet motnl work, P. L, Johnson, 1436 Snrgont St. Phone 9320. 4-29 ROOFING Sco us first for an estimate on nil types of roof ing, Sen ley Bros. Contractors. Phone 9389. 4-3 WOMEN relieve that nagging bncknclio with a Spencer Sup port. Mrs. James Sullivan, registered Spencer corsctierc. . Phone 8002. 4-29 PICTURE FRAMING Van's Camera Shop, 727 Main, 3-31m RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS Frank Lcibloin, 2016 Bisbcc. 4-16 BAGS MACHINE CLEANED and patched. People's Ware : house Bag Co. 2140lf 13 Health DR. M, C, CASSEL, chiropractic clinic, colon and rectal dis eases. 932 Main. Dial .7218 t. 8-3 lm 14 Help Wnntod Female WANTED Man and wlfo for choro work on ranch. Must be good milker, llouso furnish ed. Cloud wages. Cull 7014. 4-1 WE'LL CLEAN YOUR nUGS, furnituro, In your homo or our plant, Doremus Hug Cluuners, phono 9(179. 3-31 WOMAN for pnrt-tlinn work at Hot Springs Nututorlutu. 3-31 WANTED Fry cook for night shift. Inquire Tlk-Tok after 0:30. 3-31 WANTED Experienced foun tain girl. Good pay and ad vancement for right girl. No phono calls, Inquire for Mar lon, Lea ilcndrlck Drugs, So. Oth. 3-31 WOMAN . to work In homo and euro for children, 1021 No. Oth. 3-31 WANTED Girls for theatre work, 17 years or over, Ap ply Esquire Theatre Tuesday 2 p. m. 3-31 WANTED Girl for housework, 10 a. m.'to 9 p. m. Phone 9490. 41 WANTED Experienced slip cover woman. Dial 05U8. 4-9 WANTED Experienced drapery woman. Call 03(18. HOUSEKEEPER Girl or wo man. Phono 5203 between 1 and 4 o'clock, 4-2 BEAUTY OPERATOR Excel lent opportunity. Call 9519. 4-2 18 Holp Wanted, Male FURNITURE SALESMAN Wanted! by well-known local retail store. 9 commission against drawing account. Good opportunity for right man to make some real money. Please write Box 2130, News-Herald. All replies held In strictest confidence. 8-31 MALE LABORERS WANTED 73c per hr. Time and H for over B hrs., and time and on Saturday ond Sunday. Ap ply U. S. Employment Office, Main and Third St., Klamath Falls. 2185tf HELP WANTED for garden work. Man nnd wlfo or man. Crystal, Merrill Lnkcvlew Junction. 8-31 MAN WANTED Mattress nnd upholstery apprentice. Call (15(18. ESSENTIAL business hns open ing for man 18-40 anxious to lenrn business. Advancement to good worker. Slnrt 75c hour, 40 hours. Apply Herald News Box 21B4. 41 18 Sltuntiom Wanted HOUR WORK Phone 8043. 4-8 BABYLAND Cnro of babies ond children. Hour, day or week. 1104 Crescent. Phone 8341, 4-4m WANTED Plowing and other tractor work. Ncws-Hcrnld Box 2447. 3-31 WILL DO TYPING mornings at home or office. Phono 6353. 4-1 20 Room and Board ROOM BOARD FOR GIRL Closo In. Phone 4763. 1028 Jefferson. 1409tf BOARD AND ROOM Prlvoto shower, steam heat. 723 Klam nth. 3-31 22 Rooms For Rant CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with now Inncrsprlng mattresses. Free parking. 3-31m NICE WARM ROOM 134 No. 3rd. 4-2 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by tho armory. Steam heated rooms $3.50 week up. Trans ient $1. 4-3mtf ROOMS 1034 High. 4-8m VACANCY Rooms nnd garage. Court View Hotol, 3rd nnd Main. 3-31 NICE LARGE ROOM Washington St. 1010 3-31 FURNISHED ROOM with gnr nge, $15 per month. Call Mary Warren, 0175 or (WHO. 3-31 24 Apartments For Rent RIVERVIEW One nnd two-bedroom apartments, furnisjiod, garngo. Phone 9492. 1356lf KANDY APARTMENTS, 410 So. 8th, Sleeping rooms $2 week. Housekeeping rooms also. Ph. 6B30. 4-8 GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Two nnd 3-room modern fur nished apartments, $27.50 and up. Weyorhnousor district. Phono 6084. 4-5 24 Apartments For Bent 34 ulomP? THREE-ROOM furnished apart- A C L J incnt. Couple. No pots. Villa VAjll Marquise, 1320 Oak. lB03tf for Your VACANCY Rox Arms Apart monts, 224 Broad. Phone 9760. i I j New management, Mr. and USSCI vxQP Mrs. Lovolace. 4-8m APARTMENT Pine and Cedar. Pickup or Truck 4-8 APARTMENT-COTTAGE, close Se Vorn Moore In, North Eleventh, $25. Gar- ;K:&".ffi.S. BaIsi9er Motor Co; two persons. Phone 4272 of- , , , , J flee hours, 1887tf 28 Homes For Rent ESPLANADE COURT Aport- DUPLEX 212 Lewis. Inquire mcnts, furnished, walking dls- 313 Main. 3-31 tance. 4-10 '. HOUSE FOR RENT 247 Rogers. CASCADE Apartment Hotel Tnqure 313 Main. 3-31 Apurtmont accommodations , with hotol service. Complete HOUSE FOR RENT 216 Lewis, kitchen and dlnotto. Day, week Inquire 313 Main. 3-31 crty"" """"Vum NEWLY DECORATED, unfur- cuy ccmor, lim pished five-room house. Rongo. THREE-ROOM furnished apart- Call oftor 5 p. m. or Sunday, mont. 2043 White. 1523tf 320 Iowa. 2135tf FURNISHED APARTMENTS SMALL, MODERN, furnished Utilities furnished. 410 No. house. Everything furnished. 10th. 4-18 2125 Bichn. 2130tf SMALL two-room and one-room FOR SALE OR RENT Four- apis. 812 Oak. Inquire 806 room modern house, garage Oak. 117Btf and chicken house. Fenced, lawn, garden spot. Stewart ad- NICELY furnished 2-room Apt., ditlon. Phone 8233. 3-31 electrically equipped. Adults 1 only. No pits. 535 No. 11th. 28 Miscellaneous For Rent 1727tf WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bed VACANCY Lee Apartments. wth Bcautyrest mattress, floor Phono 0047. 1969tf waxcrs. Phone 5353. Klamath SMALL furnished apartment. Furniture- 3-31m Private shower, electric range. DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY 323 Commercial. 2383tf Safety and protection. Cars PONDOSA APARTMENTS "t11mVed or molf,td Phone 5627. 4-23 231 So' llth- tlllH ntnii vv e..rni.hA n ni, FR LEASE 60 acres spud DUPLEX- urnlshcd. 421 Oak ,an(, A B Cr,ppJ( Tulclkc ZZ Calif. 4-2 FURNISHED APTS.-$4 and up 30 R... E.t.t. For Sal. per week. 133 No. 10th. 4-25 wvwnswwww FURNISHED cozy modern 3- St. Francis Park room apartment. 811 N. 8th. home, full cement bement, furnace, fireplace, VACANCY Everything fur- hardwood floors, etc. Nice cor- nlshed. $3.80 and up week, ner lot, lawn, shrubs, fruit and 1404 Klamath. "SiSS Ju prlce $4000. $1000 will handle. CLEAN, furnished two-room ca- 1 r WCL:-,- bin. Shower. Also desirable J- c housekeeping rooms with Ma'n phne 3211 kitchenette 248 Broad. Phone 3-31 5452. 2071tf -X TT7 Good Value FURNISHED 3-room apt. Wun- home two biock,from der Motel. 121 So. Jnd- Main bath, furnace, etc., locat- 1746U ed on large corner lot, good dis- MODERN, steam heated, com- trict. Full price $1750. Terms, plctely furnished apartment. J HoskinQ Newly decorated, linens, bed- ' ph 32U ding and utilities furnished. , 3.31 Greer Aportmcnta, 710 Main. 2448tf SIX ACRES, extra well lm- TWO ROOMS AND BATH - E.1CClrioV?1Ba .nd ntlli, "venue, Klamath Falls. Owner ator. 920 Lincoln. 2446tf m conUctcd at Route 2, BEAUTIFULLY furnished four- Box 110, Tillamook, Ore. E. T. room aportmcnt. Electrically Roberts. 4-9 equipped, oriental rugs, baby SEE EVERETT DENNIS for real grand plono. Adults only. ejtate m N 8thi phone References required. Inquire ggj 4.2 1909 Auburn street, evenings. ! 1 3-31 FOR SALE: 4-room house, $950. -J..,........, T T $200 down, $15 month. Phone FURNISHED bachelor apart- g239 ' 4.3 ment. 319 East Main. Phone ! 4B03. 2441U FOR SALE or rent to responsible ,,.,.,,, . . ... ; party, 5-room modern house, FURNISHED APT., 221 Spring Klamath. Garden spot, extra lot for chickens. Ideal FURNISHED DUPLEX 1332 for Weyerhaeuser employes. Sargent. Phone 5559. 3-31 Phone 7919. 3-31 FURNISHED APARTMENT 3-ROOM modern house, base Adults. 434 N. 5th. Phone ment. Fulton and Worden. 3450. 3-31 Phone 7897. 2121tf APARTMENT FOR RENT F0R QUIpK SALE Electrically equipped. Adults, 4M.??? in ",ce P"1 f no pets. Laundry facilities. Mills Addition. Stucco finish, 802 Lincoln, 4-1 lar8e livin8 room wa" bed and other features. Price FOR RENT Unfurnished apart- $3300. $500 down. ment. 1085 Auburn. 4-5 J. E. HOSKING . 817 Main Phone 3211 FURNISHED 3-room upstairs 3.31 apartment, Crescent street Phone 8679. 4-1 FOR SALE Furnished four - ; room modern, plastered house. 2-ROOM furnished apartment. Electric stove, refrigerator. Electric range and refriger- $1600. 905 N. 4th. Call after ator. $22.80 month. Close in. 8.30 p, m or Sunday morning. 1118 Walnut. 2471U 4.2 CLEAN TWO-ROOM apartment. 180 ACRES near Bonanza. Box Dishes, linen, utilities, steam 093. Merrill. . 3-31 heat included. 1411 Main. 8-6 ' SACRIFICE Completely fur- FURNISHED 3-room modern nlshcc, modcrn house, npartmont. Electric range, Lawn large garden. Terms or Frlgldalre, washer, Newly $i000 cash, D, Gi Wagner, "il'h?105? in' Vh??. Stewart addition. Inquire 4253. 014 Lincoln. 2469U Ljen.g store, 2435tf FOR RENT Apt. Phone 8385. LOT AND 3-ROOM HOUSE , 42, $750. Two blocks from South 26 Housos For Rent 6th st- R18ht on bus line. 2440 Shasta way. PJione 7620. TRUCKS FOR RENT You 2132tf drive; move yourself, save H. . . Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 OR SALE New five-room East Main. Phono 8304. 4-7m home, corner Eldorado and Painter. Full basement, oil BACHELORS' CABINS Close furnace. FHA approved loan, In, $10 mo. 510 So. 5th. 4-10 monthly payments less than .,... : " 7 rent. Phono 3301. 2133U SMALL, clean, modern house. Utilities furnished. Inquire FOR SALE 1 aero good garden 2000 Bichn. 3-31 soil, Sumrhcrs lane. Call at .gi-c . rr : 109 Williams St. 3-31 HOUSES furnished. 3 and 4 rooms. Clean. 1662 Manzan- FOR SALE V4 acre with 4-room Ha. 4-2 modcrn house, nice fruit eel- .,.,,,, , lar, gravel drive, largo garage. FURNISHED two-room cabins. Pholte 305a. 4-1 Light, water. $15. Phone 0876. B & M Service Station. FOR SALE Building lots. Rc- 3-31 strlctcd district. 1621 Arthur. ; , , . ,, Phone 3403. 4-2 CLEAN, furnished, throe-room , duplex. Hot and cold water. FOR SALE M acre, 4-room", M block bus and stores. Adults. partly furnished house. Out- 2028 Reclamation. 3-31 buildings. Paved road. 2205 ,, , Wlard St. , ' 4-2 TWO-ROOM furnished house : ' with shower, $18. Lights and FURNISHED 2-beviroom house, water included. Inquire 827 Rlvervlew addition. Ph.. 7802. No. 2nd. 1 - 4-1 , 4 2 Automotive TOP PRICE for your USED CAR See JACK ELIE Mobil Service 0th and Walnut GET YOUR AUTO GLASS In stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 827 Walnut. Ph. 7378. 4-6m PRIVATE PARTY wants to pur chase for cash, 1940 or 1941 car. Phone 7013 days, 4210 nights. 4-5 PRIVATE PARTY will pay more cash for your late model car. Call Kern Hotel, ask for Mr. Clark. 4-3 FOR SALE 1937 Studebaker pickup, 5147 Cottage. 4-5 FOR SALE '31 Chevrolet. Good rubber. 1821 Arthur. 4-2 WILL PAY CASH for Model A coupe. Phone 4973. Call 2029 Etna. 4-2 35 Fuel Heating UNION BURNER OILS We keep your storage tank full. Call Klamath Oil Co., 8404. 3-31m 36 Miscellaneous For Sale 24-INCH GREEN SLABS PINE double loads, $4.73; pine and fir mixed, dbl. loads, $5.29. Special 30 day run for furnaces and . fireplaces. If you like 24 inch wood, now is the time to buy for next win ter. Wood .'s not rationed yet. Peyton & Co. Dial 5149. 4-15 AVON PRODUCTS 6691. Phone 4-18 LANDSCAPING Shade and flowering trees, evergreens, shrubs, large size fruit trees, ' strawberries and raspberries, roses, blooming size red and white peonies. We trim and spray trees and shrubs. Lake shore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4082. 4-19 AVON PRODUCTS. Anna Funk. Phone 3450. 4-19 FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joyer. 1435 Martin. Phone 5677. 3-31 POULTRYMEN: Don't experi ment. Use Hodgen-Brewster CHICK STARTER. Always for sale at People's Warehouse, H-B dealers since 1929. 2042U GASCO BRIQUETS FOR BROODER use only. The best fuel for coal brooders. The WPB has permitted us to buy one car for our farmer customers to use for brooding purposes. Sack lots 95c. Ton lots $16. Bring your own sack, please. Peyton & Co. 4-15 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 3-31m W ATKINS PRODUCTS. Phone 6623 or 2318 Home. 4-26 RUBBER STAMPS, printed signs, made-to-order, commer cial printing. Most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4th. Phone 6632. 4-10m FOR SALE Table model separ ator; young cow, had first calf. Phone 3938. 3-31 UNCLE SAM SAYS: No re strictions on repairs and main tenance. Let us help you with your painting, roof and re modeling. Nothing down. Pay ments low as $5.00 per month. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 3301. 2134tf GLASS Mirrors, resilvering plate, window and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 627 Walnut. Phone 7378. 4-6m FULLER BRUSHES Call R. V. Morgan, 3348. 532 South Riverside. 4-8m FOR SALE or trade for calf, 30-30 94 carbine. 2738 Wiard. 4-1 DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. 1485U FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U, S. Rockwool In sulation, blown in with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments as low as $5 per month. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 2138tf FOR SALE New John Deere 4-wheel trailer. Good rubber. Address 4549 Homedale road. Phone 3078. 4-2 FOR SALE Complete house hold furnishings. All new. In cluding living room, bedroom. kitchen sets, electric refriger ator, stove, washer, tables and lamps. Phone 6885 between 10 and B for appointment. 4-2 38 For Sale or Trade RADIO Sell or trade. First house past Frankford's Wood Yard, Bend highway. 4-8 FOR SALE OR TRADE Five acres pasture land in Altamont Small Farms. Will take a tractor or truck in on trade. . Phone 6793. 4-2 34 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WE PAY CASH for used ma chines. A few late model Sing ers for sale. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 1213 Main. Phone 8771. 4-11 WE ARE IN MARKET FOR Electric Ranges and Refrigerators Washing Machines Ironers Electric Hot Water Tanks ' Pressure Cookers See Us Before Selling PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 3-31 WANTED Small studio piano. Must be good condition. Herald-News Box 2113. 4-1 WANT TO BUY car In good condition with good rubber. What have you? 3351 Crest. 3-31 COUPLE wish to rent apartment with be 'room, unfurnished. Preferred before April 15th. Phone 6831. . 4-3 WANTED Two-year lease on modern 2-bedroom house with i to i acre. Call at 1403 Wiard. 3-31 WANTED Good used phono graph cabinet.. Orthophonlc Victrola preferred. Phone 6905. 3-31 EXPERIENCED potato grower will do all work growing and harvesting 40 or 80 acres po tatoes on share rental basis. News-Herald Box 2510. 4-2 WANTED Top soil hauled. Phone 6051. 2243 Huron. 3-31 WANTED Wool. At once. Ad vise J. J. Osenbrugge, Med ford. Ore. 4-2 WANT TO RENT a garage near llth and Lincoln. Call at 1116 Lincoln or phone 7342. 4-1 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED Live poultry of aU kinds. Also eggs. Martin Pro duce. Phone 3372. 6-17 DAIRYMEN: Use Security Calf Food and sell all of your milk. People's Warehouse. 204 ltf WILL TRADE 13 head dairy heifers for stock cattle. Lloyd Gift, Bonanza. 4-1 POULTRYMEN For Poultry Litter we have: Baled Straw Cedar Shavings Serval Cane Litter Peat Moss PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 2040tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Three geldings, one 5 years, well broke, two 4 years. Paul Mon roe, Langell Valley. 4-1 SEE US before selling your live stock to so-called shippers. We need cattle and hogs here at home and It will pay you to sell direct to us. Pauley Pack ing Co. Phone 5323; nights 3505. Top hogs $1.10 under San Francisco. 2136tf FOR SALE 25 ewes and lambs; one team well broke 5-year-old horses; 19 head feeder and weaner hogs; 14 head cattle, weaners and yearlings. J. D. Beckley, 7334. 4-2 FOR SALE Well marked pinto mare, around 800 lbs., coming 4 years. Girl's horse. Price $100. Can be seen at Carl Jacobson's. Summers lane. 4-1 48 Financial See Lawrence Leochner For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS SimDle Credit P pnitlromanfc Complete Privacy iz Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Signers Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. K. A. Moore, Mgr. M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 3-3 lm LOANS Established 8 Years in Klamath County Furniture Loans Signature Loans Livestock Loans $25 to $300 Rogers Finance Co S-189 412 Main Dial 5113 3-31m BIG BASIN LBR. CO. Main b Bpring b Phone 3144 Financial First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms : Low Rate FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5195 3-3 lm Poe Valley John Nork bought a new bike. Billy Jr. and John Nork were callers in Klamath Fails Tues day. The Benedict family received a shipment of baby chicks this week. Warren Moore is doing some plowing for them. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roberts and daughter Joyce were callers in the valley Saturday. The Roberts boys and John Nork were callers. In Klamath Falls from here Saturday. Francis Freuer is doing some plowing. Joe and Ben Nork motored to Canby, Calif., Friday on busi ness. 1 Congratulations are extended to the Frank Sullivan family on the marriage of their daughter Frances. Some of the folks in the val ley are starting to put in some early gardens. Howard Mark was a caller in the valley from Klamath Falls last week. Frank Kerter was a caller at the Losson Ross home recently. Among those who attended the auction sale from here at Henley were Mr. and Mrs. Los son Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nork and Joe Sullivan and John Lis key. Archie Roberts bought a trac tor. F. I. Rodgers built a new picket fence around his house. Among the tuamaui cans shoppex3 from here Friday were Frank Sullivan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nork and Pauline Roberts, and Mr. Wilbur Reil- uig and son. The Haines Jamily visited at the Clarence Webber home Sun day. Pansy, Pet Deer, Forsakes Summit For Fall Creek CASCADE SUMMIT Pansy, the pet deer raised by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Temple, is no longer an attraction at Cascade Summit. Roy Temple took her to Fall creek Sunday. Pansy had become so tame that if the door was left open she would walk into the house. Last spring when only a day or two old, she was found in Temple's yard, presumably hav ing been chased there by dogs. Mr. and Mrs. Temple raised her on a bottle. Mrs. Temple says she became a nuisance as she grew older, eat ing the shrubs Mrs. Temple had planted, running up on the rail road tracks, and licking the out side of the windows trying to gain access to the house. KLAMATH 48 Carload Potato Shipments (Figures from State-Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey) Day of ' Month Season 1942-43 Season 1941-42 Mar. to Season Mar. to Season March Daily Date to Date Dally Date to Date I- 10 19 6249 2 2 5501 , 2 31 50 6280 16 18 5517 3 31 81 6311 32 50 5549 4 25 106 6336 2fT 78" 5577 8 2B 134 6364 2B 108 8605 6 50 j 184 6414 26 ' 132 5631 7 0 184 6414 27 159 5658 8 lfl 200 6430 2 161 5660 9 25 225 6455 . "2! 189 5688 10 19 244 6474 30 219 5718 U 28 270 65001 31 250 5749 12 17 28l 6517 29 279 5778 13 30 317 6547 35 314 5813 li T in 6547 20 334 5833 15 8 325 6555 3 337 5836 18- 21 341 6576 24 361 5860 17 21 367 6597 22 383 5882 11 10 377 6607 24 407 8906 19 25 402 6632 16 423 5922 20 33 435 6865 27 450 5940 " 21 0 43!S 6665 32 482 5081 22 3 43i 6668 T 489 5088 23 14 452 6682 27 516 6018 2i 2! 474 6704 25 641 6040 25 9 481 6713 27 568 6067 28 13 496! 6726 27 895 6094 27 24 52l 6750 27 622 6121 28 T 520 6750 34 658 6155 29 12 532 6702 T 856 6155 30 ii 541 era 34 eoo 6189 3f " " iT 730 6229 Fort Klamath Mrs. Guss Page returned Tues day night from Portland, where she has spent the last month caring for her mother, Mrs. Nor man Smythe, who has been 111. Mrs. Fred Zumorun, local post master, returned Sunday night after spending a week visiting her sister in Yakima, Wash. Mrs. E. M. Brattain, former Fort Klamath postmaster, substituted In the local postofflce during Mrs. Zumbrun's absence. Friends will be sorry to learn that William A. Page of Fort Klamath has been quite ill In Stockton, Calif., suffering a very serious attack of gallstones. Mr. and Mrs. Page went to Stockton last December, where both were employed. Page was head me chanic In the ordnance depot in Stockton, and Mrs. Pago re sumed her old position in the Southern Pacific railway office which she had held 23 years be fore her marriage. At latest re ports from the Pages, he had not yet sufficiently recovered to go back to work. Mrs. Guy Souther and daugh ter Lucille left Friday for their' home in Portland after spending a few days here visiting her sis ter and brother, Mrs. Harry En gle, Alvin Copeland and their families. Mrs. Souther Is the former Nora Copeland. Emil "Shorty" Zumbrun re turned Friday to Klamath Falls after visiting here for several days at the William Zumbrun home. While taking chiroprac tic treatments, Zumbrun is stay ing in Klamath Falls with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Leever, former well known Wood River valley residents. Orville Schroeder received se vere facial injuries Thursday when struck by a hook while working as hooker in the woods for Bill Raymond, logging con tractor, near Crescent, Ore. Schroeder was taken to a Klam ath Falls hospital immediately following the accident. It was necessary to take ten stitches to close the severe cut. He cams home Friday, and stated that ha will be able to resume work Tuesday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horton of Bonanza, Ore., were business visitors here several days ago. William Zumbrun went t Klamath Marsh Friday to clear snow from the road leading to the Zumbrun ranch there. The following women enjoyed a pleasant time Friday evening as guests of Mrs. Zumbrun at the Zumbrun ranch for an evening of contract bridge: Mrs. . M.' Brattain, Mrs. Joe Taylor and Mrs. 'Harold Wimer. Tea and light refreshments were served by Mrs. Zumbrun to her guest at the close of a very pleasant evening. , Several local people attended the junior prom at Chiloquin on Friday night and reported a good time. On next Saturday night, April 3, an old-time dance will be held in the C. I. clubhouse, with R. O. Varnum and "Coke" Cochran. A good time is prom ised all who attend. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Donnelly and daughter Gwendolyn spent the weekend In Bend visiting Ray mond Ross of the U. S. army tank corps of Camp Campbell, Ky who is visiting relatives in Bend while on furlough. BASIN