PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MroK 81, 1148 OUR MEN AND WOMEN f ,. IN TRAINING Cadet William M, Tavenner Is home visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K, Tavenner, 703 me : North Ninth' - m - street. Tavenner .'j0-w 'iS volunteered for ?'-. ' flight training last August and trained here for six weeks. He was then trans ferred to Santa Ana Armv air base. Upon com- ...3 piuuun ui ma course there he was transferred to Mesa, Ariz., where he is now stationed in training with the British Air school. He has com pleted his first course in ground school and will receive the rank of second lieutenant and his RAF wings when he completes the entire flight program. Tav enner is a graduate of Klamath Union high school. PROMOTED Harold M. Hut chison of this city was promoted to the rating of Ships Cook 2c on March 1, ac cording to word brought back by nis wue, jurs. Mary Hutchison of La Pointe's, who has just re turned from a visit to her hus band. "Hutch" is head of the meat department - i n the galley of his outfit at Camp Peary, Wil liamsburg, Virginia. He was with Klamath Falls creamery and The Klamath Packing com pany before his enlistment in the navy. ferric imj. Imwt tlnv Toucco Co. jv : "J M ISrearihg g::y4WN RECORDS 1 IN SERVICE 7f7 ARRIVES Mr." and Mrs. Jim Young of 2215 Wantland avenue have just ceived w o from their son, Corp. Leonard Young, advising them that he has i- arrived w a y f down under." r Young cross ea the equator and was in the mid dle of the big pond on his hirthrlnv. Janu ary 28. He told "J Q was "in a swell f j; camp" but hav- "., ing a little j V? , fcN, trouble getting accustomed to Uie money. CHI CO FIELD, Calif. Wayne K. Gallaway, 27, 715 South Francis street, Klamath Falls, has com-f pleted basic pl-t lot training in the army air forces at Chico army iiyingr has begun ad- JC vanced training.; 2Ull Ul Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Gallaway, he is a graduate of Grant County high school and attended Colo rado university. At both insti tutions he was an all-around athlete. Before receiving pri mary flight training at Sequoia Field, Visalia, Calif., he had logged 40 hours of CPT flying. 2 v.t r ii X xt i4 f m Chesterfield NAVY MAN First word since last July was received by the Rev. and Mrs. George W. Wheat ley of North Second street, from their son, George W. Wheatley Jr., who serves as aviation ordn a nee man. Young Wheatley holds the rank of petty officer, third class. He has seen consid erable duty In the Atlantic but was unable to tell his parents much concerning his work ex cept that he was well and happy. SONS IN SERVICE Mrs. Sophia Spencer, 4328 Bisbee street, has two sons in the serv ice, PFC Valdemar Brahe, 28, now stationed at the US navy boat bnsin, Occanside, Calif., United States marine corps, and Sgt. Paul Brahe, 23, US army air corps. Valdemar, (left), is a former Southern Pacific em ploye and enlisted August, 1942. Paul, (right), is a mechanic stationed at the Jackson air base, Jackson, Miss. He enlisted December 21, 1941, two weeks after Pearl Harbor, and re ceived his basic training at Sheppard Field, Tex. He was also employed by the SP before enlisting. Both boys attended school in Montana and their three sisters live here, Elsie Brahe, 4U28 Bisbee street, Mrs. S. H. Kirkpatrick, 2223 Patter son street and Mrs. Gene Hall, Copic Bay ranch. 4'- is" M .winning more smokers with their MILDER BETTER TASTE In thousands more pockets EVERY DAY you will find Chesterfield . . the. pigarette that is giving smokers what they want. Chesterfield's Real Mildness and Better Taste could come only from Chesterfield's right combination of the world's best cigarette tobaccos. It's a Com bination that Can 't Be Beaten. PETTY OFFICER Erwln Dale Baker is a petty officer now. He enlisted in the navy in the spring of 1942. Erwln is the son of Mr. and Mrs, I. A. Baker of 327 Grant street. He attended River side grade school, and the .Sacred Heart academy here, and graduated in engineering from Conzaga university In Washington. Petty Officer Ba ker also delivered papers for The Herald-News when he was in grade school. AIR SERVICE PFC Harry T. Galameau, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Galameau of the Mer rill route, iSXr?l j. vji instill, v famous old gold mining town of early days. Ga-g, larneau serves ! with the U. S. army air corps as airplane me-jfW chanic. He was V Merrill hlshfN3 tk : ..hnnl In 1030 enlisted in the air corps and has received training at Santa Mon ica, Texas, and McClcllan field, Calif. IN AUSTRALIA PFC Roy A. Hodges, the son of W. O. Hodges of Merrill, has been sta- t i o n e d some where in north- em Australia from word re ceived from his sister Mrs. Irene Welch, 516 Pine street. Hodges has been In the & army for over one year. In the leuer received , .by his sister he stated that he would like to be home for- Christmas but he wants to do this job up right, and more 3 1 r v h 1 I ? GRADUATES PFC Fred II. Beymer Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beymer of route 1, .box w0ttrtii 880. Klamath r . , Falls, was grad- LSBCC uatcd recently MTf from the para. I.'M; chuta trnlnins f. : iaviit' union, own ,,',.(.fjis ego, Calif. Fred, I ;?V'fs Jr. enlisted in I -MHa tha marlnMiifcDk&l2 corps, November 1, 1942. Ha was graduated from Henley high school that spring. He was sent overseas three weeks ago to an unknown destination, OVERSEAS Word has been received by parents of Corporal Alfred W. Craig fVXJ "H that he Is now , Ai t serving in the fc fj medical corps T-T,.V States army in , m. i ... j, i, j . a an overseas sta t i o n hospital Young Craig is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D Craig of 1305 California avenue. Zed? I ..... i .. v.- 3 COMPARE QUALITY! COMPARE PRICES! SAVE ON ALL YOUR FURNITURE NEEDS AT WARDS I jJ body ... makes this modern sprlngless t I ll , .i ti !l aofa and chair restfull Gracefully shaped j pe J,TP 1 ' r.J:-...t-..I..Ll.u.Jllt.J Sfylel Craftsmanshipl At Ward Prices 3-PIECE MODERN BEDROOM 1 Furnish your modern-bedroom at Wards . pay much less than you'd planned! Here's "American Modern, " with a smart new design in matched limed oak veneers. Vanity has 34x32-in. plate v .. . Vanity Bench 50 USI YOUR CREDIT Any purchases to taling $10 or mora will open a month ly payment account. I CONSTRUCTION MAN Hurry Isonsoo, ship fitter 3c, signed up with the Sen- in hues, navy con- ? ,......!.. .. i r on October 8, TVx and Is now sin- V ), tlonod at Cnmn . . f Peary, Va. lie's1 ft expecting h I a ff vJl second rating! AT any dny now. Isonsoo, long time Klamath tlrtf,nf tt employed In tlio Men's ilnnd laundry hero, prior to his enlistment. Mrs. Isensoe Is rcnmlnlng in Klamath Fulls at their homo, 1019 Erio street. RUMORS ARE GOOD That's what 2nd Lt, Charles Blckncr Jr., nephew of Mrs. Lloyd Hnr- Bin or ucaity, W A v A rhmtiib,, Timber com- F &t pany. Camp 0, writes homo from North 5' Africa. Blckncr roared at Os wego, "near Port. mini, a ii ii. w3 f i-' T' i i graduated from If V Wlllnmctto unl- V 7 ln..l A ..... versity, Snlem. teWftiirfJiti n ak Ho entered tho army over ono T glass mirror. bo Chsit, Vanity ... Fay Only 20 Down 7.45 - LB. MATTRESS V t. ' iW t$J1 iii 1 ty'' 't Compare Others Selling op fo $15 More) I V. . :li MODERN 1943 LIVING ROOM M'5 1 Firmly filled with all new felted cotton I Button tuft ed, cover is strong nnd 1Q45 Heavy, Full or twin Hze. IV Ca. BUY WAR STAMPSI ON 8ALI AT year ago. Ho serves as a bom' bardlor with the American forces, Following li the lot tor to Mrs, Harbin; "Happy Valentine dny, I am In North Africa sitting In the shade of my piano try ing to shoo away the flies and writo at the same time, We h a v a boon horo long enough to sco different types of towns nnd peoples, Every thing you may hnvo honrd about North Africa is true. At home wo pny money to see this stuff In tho movies, "We have not arrived nt our destination as yot. Wo nro living in a hotel but we do not hnve all the accom modations American hotoli have. We have a tot of lang uage difficulties naturally. Chewing gum and clgnrottos will buy more than money hero. I hnvo picked up a few souvenirs and hnve taken sov eral rolls of film. We brought everything we needed with us. "Wo hnve nnmed our plnne 'Wonder Bird' cause wo are always wondering what It is going to do next. It Is a very good plnne however nnd our crew hns kept It In fine shnpo. Our crossing of the ocean wns quite uneventful. Civilization TI RE VALUES This new development in design fits your body . . . makes this modern sprlngless mia .im uiuii ii.a,iuii viuiuiij wiujjvu 2 PC hardwood frame . . . easy Warm, light "toast" finish I sofa and chair in figured Cotton hasn't changed soma things horo. "I don't know much about Q tha future but tha rumors are good." . IN LOUISIANA Tills Is Pri vate Michael J. Murphy, son of Mr, and Mrs, John J, Murphy wj'-Miof Klllairney' S3xV? County, Kerry, . yj? Ireland. Private 1,1 11 i i ,1 7, vvnv owned a f a r m nonr Morrill for' soveral years and is wall known here, his forred to Louis limn. Ha enlist ed May 10, 1042, In the army and was placed n the signal corps, Aftor 12 weeks of prelim luary training at Camp Crowd or, Miss., he was transferred to Camp Barkloy, Texas, where ha A., spout five months. He li nowV in Louisiana. A total roductlon of nearly ; 2i million hus schedule mile monthly has been achieved through the nppllrntlon of Oen ernl Order ODT No. 11 and 34 spcclnl orders, the ODT eitl mntcs. t MONTGOMERY WARD : i to clean) Set Matching 20 Down on Words Tapestry I MonlhlyPaymontflaa OCCASIONAL TABLES 7.95 Your choice of lamp, end or combination lamp and radio tables! Hardwood bases in hand rubbed walnut finish. Diamondmatchedveneertopal Cocktail Tablo; glass top 8.95 BOUDOIR CHAIR BARGAIN PRICED 10.95 Here's colorful extra comfort for your bedroom, priced amis ingly low at Wards ! Good look, ing floral cover I Down-to-tht floor valancel Heavy cotton filled back and seat, button i tufted to hold shape longer! PLATFORM ROCKERS Dcilgned tp allow you to relax In comfort Mew, ' . smooth wood rocker con- 9005 traction. Rich cover. SEI THI CATALOGS In our catalog de partment for thou sands of values not In store stocks 1 4' 1 1