giida giti By OREN ARNOLD bRV HARBOR WEDDING CHAPTER XXIV TORAINE STUART law Ed Bry an and Pat leave the luncheon table, but ihe made no protest. She shifted her lovely, sultry eyes back to Captain Cam "You must understand that I think of you constantly," Jimmy was laying, and his voice had a desperate tone. "Lorry, you and I why, good grief, Lorry girl, we're like that!" He held two fingers up, side by aide. Loralne said nothing. Food on the table went untouched, but the opened her bag for a cigsret Jim Carr, who didn't smoke but who usually held a match for her, apparently didn't see the cigaret t all now. He was that intent. "Little girl, I'm as serious about this as possible. I won't have you or anybody else Imply that I two time youl I'm not that kind of a heel. Don't you understand?" Lorry squirted smoke out the side. The motion screwed up her pretty lips unprettily, and her eyes were narrowed, watching his. "You believe me, dont you. Lorry girl?" Jim begged, low tone. "We we had everything under stood. Didn't we? . . . Didn't we? . . She finally deigned to speak. "What about this Friday person?" Jimmy was struggling harder than ever. "I wont belittle Pat Not In the slightest. Matter of fact, she's swell, but well, look, Lorry. I" "Then you still want to marry me." "Lorry! ' Of course!" "All right Will you? And If to when?" "Why why well, look look, you say it!" Jimmy swallowed, and his eyes were wide now. "You came the date yourself You're the one, not me! When ever and wherever you say!" He was like a soldier going to do a duty if it killed him, and shrewd Loraine Stuart did not miss that fact ; . She tamped her cigaret out and aid, "Tomorrow at noon. Bight here." ' "H-Here?" She nodded. "There's a cute outdoor chapel right here at the Phoenix Sky Harbor. Where a great many movie stars are mar ried after flying over from Holly wood. A Spanish arch, under palm trees and a climbing rose. Okay, Jimmee?" This had be come business-like now. A strictly business contract arranged by the party of the first part while the second party was willing. "Absolutely!" said Jimmy. "Ab solutely, Loraine!" JJAT'S breakdown of sobbing passed in a very few minutes. She wiped her eyes on a huge ker chief, gave it back to its owner and stammered, 'T-thanks, Ed. You are so kind." "Do you good, crying a little," aid he. "All right now?" j "All right Only I'm ashamed." ! "Forget that part Nobody saw fou. Not even me." j "Thanks, Ed." "You wanta eat anything else? Or you wanta go back to that of fice? You better eat! You got to fly in a sky train at 4 o'clock. That ain't but a few hours." Til get a malted milk later. And a sandwich. Everything is so horrible now and oh!" He turned to follow her gaze. Jimmy and Loraine were coming out on the terrace, toward them. "It's all right," Ed comforted. "Just don't try to talk for a little while." Loraine, surprisingly to Ed, had all her old verve and sparkle back. She strode toward the can vas swing like a conqueror, like an imperious dress model on a stage, like a woman of absolute purpose and poise. Jim Carr'a . face was set "Well," Ed Bryan began, rising, "Well, uh it's not 1 o'clock yet but maybe we" "Sit down! Do sit down!" Loraine directed them, brirhtly. There may be something" you two people want to know!" "Yes'm," Ed agreed, nervously. Neither Jimmy nor Pat spoke. But Loraine now said, "You're both going to be a little surprised, I'm sure. But the truth is, the romantic old southwest has got ten into our bones, in a measure, Jimmy's and mine." "Ma'am?" Ed looked at her. ! "Capt James Carr, U. S. Army, and Miss Loraine Stuart of New York City and Elmlra, wish to announce plans for their wedding, to be held tomorrow at high noon!" "IVTOBODY else spoke.' Ed and 111 Pat both looked frozen. "Wo really can't stop and visit Just now, children," Loraine went on, triumphantly. "So much to do, you know. But you'll both be there? Tomorrow at noon, right here at Sky Harbor, at that darling little marriage shrine! We'll want Mr. Bryan and Miss Friday by all means, won't we, Jimmy dear?" "Yep," said Jimmy, lips still light. "Sure." Ed tried to catch his eye, but IJImmy looked past him. Then Loraine led her man away. They really made a. fine-looking couple Copyright, 1943 NEA Service, inc. going Jo-n the terrace here; the distinguished young Army avia tor and soaring expert and the statuesque, blond girl. When they were out of sight, Ed exhaled again. He turned to Pat Friday. "I I better get back to work," she said, nervously. He took her to Mnjor Hnle's of fice without another word. Peo ple were waiting to see her. Ed went on away, a whipped, angry man. Pat did not go at once to the desk she had borrowed. Rather hastily she went on through to a small anteroom. She just had to have a moment alone! She didn't cry any more. Not now. Control had to be forced at any cost because of the after noon's task before her. ... But for an ageless minute or so she did think. The old hope within her of course lay completely dead. She had tried everything. Everything! Kindly Ed Bryan had sought to help her; it just simply hadn't worked. She had tried slaving for Jimmy. She had tried being honest sweet girlish. She had tried once back in El mira being sophisticated, and that had been terrible. Today, she had tried a cooing, purring technique which Loraine herself used so effectively on Jimmy Carr. Nothing had worked. Pat whispered a quick little prayer. "Please take care of Jimmy! Please take care of him, God. Always!" Then she hastened back to her assigned job. (To Be Continued) ANSWER: 5L . HEXT: What color FAMOUS HORIZONTAL ; 1,8 Pictured fa mous lawyer 13 Most facile 14 Slight teste ,15 Goddess of infatuation 16 Falls in drops 17 Precipitous 19 Annamese weight 20 Taro root 21 System of re ligious belief 23 Constantly 25 Reveres 27 Ventilates 28 Symbol for 1 alabamine ; 30 Gateway 1 31 Scorch 1 33 Meadow 135 Writing tool 136 Dressed pelt '37 Termination 40 Fail to hit .41 Succinct 43 Babylonian deity 44 Feel through a sense Answer to I taer Kesulrs l 'COlft l ; Always read the classified ads. j bKiiHaK vvT y f fii$r THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Fergus ! Q I NORTHERN , ! -ML ff l,J-A 1 " R uhts id j Jjfj J; L, , ,.-... K ; essmf i II 1 1 if it 5 "OVAfeOAK-,N M 'flflfi! CALLING ALL SMART J'ill. -4- 'J 11 M l Tl ! VICTORY GARDENERS THE GKEAT BRITISH SHIP, LYING AT ANCHOR "tfVlFl'', IN SCAPA FLOW, MADE A PERFECT TARGET " Ml : ' FOE IJ-BOAT GUNNERS AS IT STOOD OUTIrJ V H JJf SILHOUETTE AGAINST THE LIGHTED SKY. jl S l ., 1.1 r-l TOrKiiA sm AILIFI LAINDOfNl ID1EIA1R le e J o p ened J I N T 0 0 A , J C E A jj, I 0 P UdTtoIr ALT c r e mJe r ;r ar sie a mieid LANDON upppfr E E N iGO IS J ERA ElU ;. HQG 5 ;. E LIE C T QR 3 0 ::j-.r A J R .', N I VI O te ft Sp: Tfrij A B L UfzlE 1 RjEl' Oj I L f A R I ID lSjCiR 5ameneededb0 0 also ka n sIas ImisIs 46 City in Oklahoma 47 Rodent 50 Girl's name 51 Sat anew 52 Beverage 53 Disease 55 Works De partment (abbr.) 56 Fondles' VERTICAL 1 Give ground 2 Rendered fat 3 To one side 3 P HP !l7 i""-'' . Jziij. . , uiLiM - u JSs u u TT I ,1 l sft" l J mmmmmI m .1 ' ' aw r .' 1 r 44-: k"F1 ... r , ,.. SLZz HE NEEDED A PULL FARMINGTON, Utah (T) Gasoline rationing is prolonging an unidentified sufferer's tooth ache. Stating it was Impossible to get a dental appointment before April 28 in cither nearby Ogden or Suit Lake City, he applied for extra gnsolinc rations for a trip to Denver to get the tooth pulled. The board denied the application. $2 iuys ONE WARM ARMY ILANKET One warm blanket might avoid a fatal case of pneu monia! War Stamps buy warm blankets. Some unused things around the house that you've forgot ten all about will buy extra War Stamps. I'm a Herald and News Want Ad, and I'm enlisted for the duration. Phone me at 3124 and I'll turn YOUR forgotten things into warm blankets for sol diers! . TERM MIKADO IS USED BY FOREIGNERS TO DESIGNATE THE EMPEROR OF JAPAN, BUT NOT BY THE JAPANESE THEMSELVES THEIR. WORD IS com. mi f Nt stnvict. wt 3-30 T. M. E0. U. . 'AT. Off. Augustine, Florida. b an faseefs Woov LAWYER Previous Puale 18 Fruit 21 Roman goddess 22 Bridle strap 24 Creeping plant 26 Summits 28 Morindin dye 29 Exist 31 Synovial sac 32 Bear I 34 Forenoon (abbr.) 36 Moors I 38 Compass polnl 39 Ambary 4 Sharp retort 5 Electrical en gineers(abbr.) 6 Nova Scotia (abbr.) 7 Court (abbr.) 8 He in 1938 9 Mimic 10 Sun god 11 Musteline' mammal 12 Has on 14 Saintes(abbr.) 17. Half 41 Tissue 42 Belonging to Ethel 44 Infallible 45 Alleviate , 46 Related 48 Unique 49 Greek letter (pl.) 50 He practiced 51 Fish eggs 53 Symbol for ' calcium 54 Hour (abbr.) into warm blankets for sol-1 Herald and News mSfl&&a ! Want-Ads fXM&ffl Out Our Way IllSCO AGREED ID WORK Ys-S-sr! V HE W V I 10LD K)U IT 4IM OM IrvAT FARM AFTER, GOSH, BURSTING I TOOK ONE MAN k SCHOOL HCUCS AN C I DON'T WITH A IN THREE HO W1 SOO'RE OOIN3 TO CO SHOW ME DESIRE. TO KEEP THE OTHER ...-A IT.' THIS STUFF OF NOT J LIP LIKE HELP IN) TWO FX1 KIOTIC I S v REELING WELL Iti "TH-XT IN 4 "THE WAR TO PROVE MY t ..JVS v. JUST LAZINE5SV FCOVT OF EFFORT POINT 111. HAVE I 'jrAVT 1 I rii'irrtTH' FELLERS.' J AT FIRST, TO ADMIT MY ) rTW-'ft ri IB. , T BUT HE'S SH CSEP t MvvVH-TnnT a ' 7 starting MEouxioa LWA4U hi ' V- I I TO LOSE , WHEN VOL) .fifV ') iCSkL ! -!) IL- ' J V INTEREST Z STOPPED BV- l)!l. f' ABSEMTEE1SNA HOLD EVERYTHING! P r. .4th by Alice Brooks. Make these accessories to lighten your gardening chores. The kneeling cushion with poc kets for tools and the "pocket" apron for seed packages and markers are of oilcloth. The box with handy oilcloth pockets on each side serves as a tray for seeds, twine, markers. Instruc tions 7523 contain complete di rections for these garden helps. To obtain tms pattern send 11 cents in coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Bo sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No. , to followed by your name and address. ANY TOOTH ACHES? PORTLAND, Ore. (P) Fifty Washington dental students still are waiting to take their license examinations because there aren't enough available cavities. First the Washington state li cense bureau delayed the exam inations because it couldn't find a suitable place in Seattle, Final ly room for the tests was found in Portland, 200 miles away and out of the state. Now the bureau can't find 100 persons with cavities to serve as patients during the ex aminations. BOTTLENECK BY BEES PHOENIX, Ariz. (P) South ern Pacific trains were snarled for an hour at the railroad yards. Tho reason: Bees. A swarm ganged a switch box, jshprt-circulting electric .wires. IfiEj uso fe mw .cm MP .: ivi. toaa By Red Ryder I 11? A II TUI WILL REPORT IT IN TOIN.' Freckles and His Friondt Wash Tubbs V " RMAIM5 AFLOAT CNLY LONci EN0U6H TO SEND A RADIO MESSAGE ABOUT THE BRITISH convoy, THEM SUBMERGES Boots and Her Buddies &&. WYZ.Z- M a. TO 'B? TO AKTiOOM Allep Oop Little Orphan Annio No, Sir TtHbn how can" V I DIDNT AliONE ELSE PUT UP J ORDER US Of P I thaf rt your lot? V . .... isvt tn i - in.,,.. , , ,. Zm mmTUr I fVOUR. BRIN6ING OqSJmTgk ff MISTUH ALL6V OOP.. HI. Bl& SHOT 1 fSTEW.'H SMELLS LAWSV, MAN, WHAT YOU XLiotVMtlM BACK HERE IS JCTtv, c.M SO V'ALL DOSJE COMQ WOU SAID IT.' GOOD....BUT I WANT ) I 7ALKIN' ABOUT DON'T twaT FPACAi GaN6 TO BE CpJnotbeVL BACK AFTER ALL J WHATCH A MBAT I'M HUNORYy Y0L1 KNOW THEREJ f STILL fiOW' A HEAPACHE rii.wBl, e01 COOKIN HOW'S ABOUT A 1 NT A WAR. ON f okl ppS petc ) TOME ( 6SJjfi2jTO mfo- v NICE. THICK. UT-T-U- iilc 6 l STt r. KT I TOSS 'EM THIS WAY, I to ROUND LIP THIS ) ARE MPEg? I INTO 'THE YOU TWO I I GANG! BUT ITS A I DOWN RATTRAPI MARCH! J FINE START, THANKS BELOW, I J. R. Williams Our Boarding Houto THB 1 After, all. YOU Y Bur This GAVE" US pERMISSOl ISN'T MY TO PLAkJf GAROEtJ3 LOT MY OH VOOR. LOT AMD PROPERTY IB AFTERVJ0OM IS 6PEWT I0LIW3 AL0M6.SAWW6 THE BATTERIES, WITH ONLY A PERISCOPE ABOVE WATER f MOW VAV iOri'S '6 vwnls, viv;vOLit C09 , j f-E. SAD OOHRY, RD ) 1 1 kNON lOU FEEL VkD, II" WWOA , " " ll , I PEOPLE. ROfM)N TRAIN 1 I THE LAW WILL I II I is v V ' s li ik:' 'it li 1 ' .v l' n E-GAD.CJASON X MORE THESE DUDS PACING TtAlr BRIDGE OP MfcM A. GALLANT BARK R0UND1M& HORN IN Ax BLOVO.'--- IT WOUNDS W NAUTICAL PR1D& TO SEE? CSArSE: 6E17.E. THE PLUIW OF- PURSER ON A PERKY WHILE X MAR.lOflM.Ei fs-. - him r3KV, LARD, YOU PtAMTCD 1 WHO OWWS TAKI? A GOOD IOOK AT MB ' YOUR. WHOLE VICIORY J THIS J AND SCB IP ITGIVE3 YOO A mM WMm VJ I I1'!11 w, mi iy m iinyicc. we. T. m. no. v. . rir, -l VVi1? ' 'He SjTV -"3 "iuu mm M' 1. IJM fOSK. THE ELEIEN-iEIEN A6AIN U'BCWTS ARC POINC) THE SAME. THE WOLF PACIf IS dATHERINCr Jl iorE. VE WLrV0,K0iPO ? RIGHT! BUT WE'LL GEE. UNCLE MAKE SURE "THEY STAY BELOW, AT LEA5T FOR A MALCOLM" NOU SURE KNOW A LOT ABOUT LITTLE WHILE. THIS CASTLE- With Major Hoopla WW VAS, MIST AH MA30P..MOL) 16 l.r tuw CHUCK FULL OB ADMIRAL OCEAN SPRAV.' DENWEW -vACBBE NE' DlS&UHoEr 60MNAER VJEr IS 31ST THEr KIN TAKE A VACATION- TICKET , CRUISE: X kin shoplift jake:: MS UNCLE- c'?J'lEUS,T'XCE)1 CANO&f 6U8M.ARIME ASTER.N ,3-30 By Frod Harmon By BloiMr By Crana t) ) - " r!g'"'" - i SURFACE 5, TURW6 OM THE PIISB14, I hi (Jr bia tunnel. vc. 1, tnrr. Uf j FIT, blp By V. T. Hamlin By Martin By Harold Gray HM M-l LEARNED IT THE HA.P.O WAY NOW THEM, FOR A BATH AND SOME CLEAN CLOTHES 0 4 V o