March 80, 1043 PAGE SEVEN Manhetl and fymcitutiaL PROFITEERS BATTLE WTTH FAVOR TES By VICTOR EUBANK NEW YORK, Murch 30 VP) Stocks wrestled with profit tiikors In loduy's murkot but cas ualties were minor In moat citaes nd wldo assortment of fuvor Jtea manured to pout top flguroi ('or tho year ur limner, Ulddlng revived for ituula mid other early slider naur thu close nd uulna of fructlom to u point or 10 predominated at the lout. DeullnKi ulso picked up In thu fi nal hour uud transfers wure round 2,000,000 ahuvea. Transfers wore around 1,800, 000 shares. " Exceptionally encouraging war news, Invo-itmunt demand and in flation Idc s atlll woro trend propa but inuny customers In clined to slnnd uaida because of the fee II UK thut the lengthy ud vunco win duo for a technlcul correction. Stocks ahead moat of tho day Included Consolidated Edison, Public Service of N. J., North American, Bethlehem, N. Y, Cen tral, Goodyear, Kennocott and Standard Oil (N. J.) Santa fa logged In tho fnco of a $1.80 divi dend dcclnrutlon. Intermittent dccllnea woro Chrysler, South ern Pacific, United Aircraft, U, S. fKtubbcr, Anucondii, Lockheed nd American Smelling. Secondary railway bonds egnln were up selectively, Closing quotations: American Can 811 Am Car & Fdy 34 J Am Tel St Tel H2 Anaconda 201 Calif Packing 201 Cat Tractor 47 Comrn'nw'lth St Sou I General Electric 37 General Motors 80 Gt Nor Ry pfd 201 Illinois Central 131 Int Harvester 001 Kennecott 34 i Lockheed 24s Long-Bell "A" 8 Montgomery Ward 40 Nash-Kelv 10k N Y Control 171 Northern Pacific 13 J Pac Gas St El 20 -Packard Motor 4 (O'enna R R 30J Ttepubllc Steel IB, Richfield Oil . u. Safeway Stores 37i Sears Roebuck 601 Southern Pacific 22 i Standard Brands 61 Sunshino Mining 7 Trans-America 8 Union Oil Calif 10a Union Pacific 02 U S Steel 87 Warner Plcturej 13 LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OUKGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY ELZA V. McCOUHRY, Plolntlff 'QviLMA McCOURRY, Dofcndunt To Wllma McCourry, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, GREETINS: You ara hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit and court on or be fore Wednesday, the 21st day of April, 1043, and If you full to so appear and answer, for want .thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief prayed for In the complaint, to-wll: a decree of absolute divorce, on the ground of wilful desertion for tho period of one ycor. This summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Honorable David R. Vandonborg, judge of the above-entitled court, datod larch 22, 1043, and by publico on hereof once a week for four successive wccks, me cimo oi me first publication being March 23, 1943, and tho last publica tion being on the 20th day of April, 1043. FRED O SMALL, Attorney for Plaintiff 325 Main street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. M. 23, 30; A. 6, 13 No. 203 LIVESTOCK SOUTH BAN FRANCISCO, March 30 (AI'-USIM) CAT TLB: 80. Htoura nominally steady, mostly nearby she-stock run, few weighty cows $11.00 11.23, bulk common $10.00-30; medium sausage bulls $12.00 to $13.00, Calves: none; nominal. Good to choice venlors quoted $14.00-13.80. HOGS: 230. Around 25 high er; one load 210 lb. Oregons, $10,00, new extreme high, most good barrows and gilts, $10.03 $16.75; odd good sows $15.80, around 23 cents hlghor, SHEEP: 23. Steady; package good and medium spring lambs $13.75; modlum to choice wooled ewes quoted $8.00-0.00, PORTLAND, March 30 (AP USDA) Cattle: salable 80, to tal 250; calves 23 and 35; mar ket active on kinds availablo; cows strong to 25c higher; steers and heifers scarce, salable steady with Monday's advance; Hood-choice fed steers quotable to $16.40; fed heifers solablo $13.00; canner-cutter cows S7.00 0.00; shelly cows down to $6.00; fat dairy typo cows $0.50-11.00; medium beef cows $12.50; medium-good bulls $12.80 14.28; good-choice vealers $18.80 10.80; few $17.00. Hogs: salable 250; total 600; market active, fully steady; good-choice 100-225 lb. mostly $10.25; negligible lot $16.35; 230-300 lb. $15.30-75; good sows M4.B0-73; cholco feeder pigs salable $17.00-18.00. Sheep: ratable 50, total 300; market active, atrong; medium good lambs $13.00-14.80; good choice quotablo $15.73 and above; medium yearlings $10.00. Good ewes $0.00; culls to medi um ewes $3.00-7.00. CHICAGO, March 30 (AP USDA) Salablo hogs 11,000; totol 20.000; slow, generally steady to 10 lower than Monday's average; top $18.88; bulk good and choice 180-330 lb. $18.85-80; strictly good and cholco 150-180 lb. $14.78-15.65; sows around 3 10c lower; bulk good 360-550 lb. sows $18.25-60. Saloble cattle 8500; soluble calves 1000; fed steers and yeor ling closed active, strong at 15c higher; good end cholco grades up moat; etrlctly choice offerings absent; best $17.33; several loads $17.00-25; bulk $14.50-16.90; heif ers stcody: strictly choice mixed offerings $17.00; best heifers in load lots $10.15; cows scarce and ateady. but slow; bulls weak; practical top weighty sausage bulls $14.50; extreme outside $14.75; vealers steady on meager supply; choice offerings at $17.50; all others 25-S0c lower at $17.00 down; stock cattle very scarce. Salablo sheep 6000; total 8000; lato Monday fat lambs slow 15c to mostly 25c under Friday; good and choice fed wooled lambs $15.85-10.28; top $16.35 on choice load to shippers and small kill ers; good to choice 101 lb. fed clipped lambs with No, 2 and 3 skins $18.00; other scaling downward to 74 lb. and carrying No. 1 and 2 skins $15.25; sheep steady; two doubles 111 lb. ewes $9.25; two doubles 83 lb. shear Ing lambs $15.15; today's trade fat lamb market not established; gonarally refusing early bids 28 and more lower and asking fully ateady prices; Initial bids around $15.75 to $16.00 on good to choice wooled lambs now hold $16.25 and metter; undertone ateady on sheep; choice native ewes held above $9.50. No navy will be sufficient which permits leas than the most ships and planes, equipped with tho hardest hitting weapons and mannod by the beat trained offi cers and men, In any area throughout tho world where en emy forces may be mot. Navy Secretary Frank Knox. Always read the classified ads. Aching, Stiff Muscles? Two or thra. applications of Moena't tmerakJ Oil attar opanlnt up rha pores with a aood Hot towel and tn ftttaan mln. XtM tho pain and aoranan la taaad. A iw mora applications at ntfular lntanla and tha aoranaat om you (at real rallaf. It't a wondarful formula tnta com bination of aaaantlal oil! wtrh camphor and other antliaptlca ao food that tttouaands of bottlaa ara told annually. Moona'i EmataW CHI a) fuaranfaed ta (tva raal utUfactlon or money back. April 1st RAYMOND DAIRY v Will Commute DtltvorUi In th Retail Trad of Grade A Milk RAW or PASTEURIZED Your Requirements Will Receive the Customary Courteous and Compotent Attention ' Raymond Dairy Service hon. 3179 487 So, Spring St. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, March 30 (AP USDA) Contracting of some 12 months wools was reported In Texas at a greuso prlco of 48 conts today. Puiitus 56s scoured wools were sold at an out-of- bond prlco range of $1.08-1.07. Scoured South American second clip 48s to 80s sold at an out-of-bond price of 00 cents, Requests for bids on 21 million yards of wool cloth wore received from the quartermaster corps. WHEAT CHICAGO, March 30 ti'i Grain futures trading held with in a restricted rango today al though the undcrtono of tho mar ket was firm, Most trading In. torcats focused attention on do vclopmcnts in Washington and seemed reluctant to take a posi tion on elthor side of the market. Rye and oats followed wheat and corn was held at ceiling levels. Wheat finished unchanged to i-cent above the previous close, May $1.43, July $1,451; rye gain ed t to I cents, May Bole, July R7i-88c; oats were unchanged to ic ahead and corn was un changed at ceilings. Always read the classified ads. No Certificate Needed to Get Tractor Recaps 'CORVALLIS, T'arch 30 (ID Farmers may now get their tractor and Implement tires re capped with reclaimed rubber without a rationing certificate, R. B. Taylor, chairman of the Oregon USDA war board, said today. At the same time, Taylor an nounced that county quota re strictions on farm tractor and im plement tires have been lifted. Farmers may obtain enough tires for farm use by applying to their local OPA rationing boards, Taylor said. SALT LAKE CITY (P) A golfer on the Fort Douglas course drove his ball into a pond amid several geese. It hit a goose on the head. Jeff Graves saw the bird floating upside down, waded In and dragged It ashore. It revived and swam away. DOWEL 170RMS CAN'T HURT ME I Thai what you think I But ufly round worm mny tx lrtd you rfiiM now, caui In trouble without your knowing It. Warn Ing alirna aret uncaiy utomaeh, nervou nu, Itching part. Gt Jarna'i Verm I fug riant awy 1 JAYNK'H In Amartfa'a Uiutlng proprietary worm mltoln cUntifloall? totted and uH by mil Ho tit, Act gently XI iura you got JAYNE'H VERMIFUGE! W'k We're Ready With Extra Good W' 2s?fe VaIues in flU Rationed Foods. JKJnttSk ' PT Bring Us Your Stamns. . . $ JX -ooo 0x if) BJjcore RED STAMP Item VALUI MCoH5' gSsity loch jal Idaho Rad .....2-Lb. Bag 20c Pkg. 2l0,21c 14c 4 (8) Beans 8)Baby Lima Beans 2.Lb. pkS. 24c 8) Split Peas Grun 2-Lb. Pka. 24c e Gardenilde....- No. a6) Del Monte Tomatoes 1. No , Can 8)Tomato Sauce . ...... 8-o,. c. 5c (l4) Cllt BeanS BrlarBate ..No. Can 2 (0r35C (B)C0m Del Mais Nlblets 120s. Can 13C ( ' AsparOQUS Black Knight All Green. No. 2 Can 30C a4) ApPICOtS Valley Gold Halves No. 2H Can,24C 24) PeadieS Rtd Tag Choice Halves. No. 2H Can 28C l0 CatSUp n,d Hlll ....14-Or. Bottle 14C (1)Baby Foods Gtrb.r , ,. c.. 7c (10)Moneta Chili Sauce 12M.0i. Bottl. 17c 10) Pineapple Juice Llbby i 5c 4 5 Grapefruit Juice GUn R... No. , 13c ( 5 ) Oleomargarine Daltw00d 1Lb. Pkg. 24c 19c 25c 39c 78c 78c 11c Troeo ...1-Lb. Pkg. Wisconsin Cheddar Lb. Shefford's American 2-Lb. ' Oleomargarine Sunny Bank i.Lb. Pkg (5 Oleomargarine 8 Cheese (16) Cheese 16) Cheese Shafford'i Plmlenlo 2-Lb. 11 'Deviled MeatLlbby, No. u . 2f0r 2) Vienna Sausage Llbby, (5,Tang(P i(7)C.I.. . " 9UIIIIVM Sunny point pink ? 1 8) Butter Gr;d.A. ...... , (5)Snowdrift Shortening " Snowdrift Shortening " Wesson Oil (3) Salmon Bumble Bee (Bed) ..No. a Pure Pork). Cudahyi 12-Oi. tJIc ti35c ..No. 1 Tall Tin 22c l-Lb. ...Lb.56c Glass 27C 73c 53c No. H Tin 33C 3-Lb. Glass ,.1-Qt. Glass TYPICAL VALUES OLIVES, Lindsay medium pint glass 23c MACARONI, Cut, in Kraft bag 3 lbs. 23c FLOUR, Kitchen Craft 49-lb. sk. $2.17 FLOUR, Sporry's Drifted Snow 49-lb. sk. $2.30 PANCAKE FLOUR, Sperry'i 4-lb. bag 32e PEANUT BUTTER, Beverly Mb. jar 30e MAYONNAISE, Nu-Made 16-oz. bottle 27c MUSTARD, French's 9-o. Jars, 2 for 25e BLEACH, Whit Magic 1 gal. 33c pkg. pkg. IN NON-RATIONED ITEMS PANCAKE FLOUR, Suionna 20-ox 40-oz. 3'2-lb. pkg. pkg pkg LUX SOAP FLAKES : ...UVi-ot. pkg LUX TOILET SOAP Reg. bars, 3 for 20c SOAP POWDER. Su-Purb 24-ox. pkg. 20e QUAKER OATS, Regular and Quick Lge. Small 9e 15c 19e 24c 12c 23c EVISCERATED POULTRY Colored Fryers Lb. 69c Colored Roasters Lb. 69c Colored Fowl Lb. 62c Leghorn Fowl Lb. 59c ' .. FISH Sliced Salmon . Lb. 39c Salmon By th. Lb. 35c Striped Bass ... Lb. 35c Fillet of Rock Cod Lb. 37c Oysters ....... Pt. 53c COFFEE SAYINGS EDWARDS, Whole Roast NOB HILL, Extra Rich Blend AIRWAY, Mild ond Mellow ' ib. 26c w "ymf lb. 25e jf Ib. 21c ef rami mstt mseet Select ut what you can use today while It's at Its best, pay only for what you 9tfey the pound. Lb.l0C Xb. CarrOtS crisp and fresh , Turnips New crop, sweet end tender........ OniOn SetS ror your victory garden ... .....Lb. 19C CalOVOS por tempting, nutritious salads. Lb. 27C Spic V Span The whole house should gleam with' that spic and span look after the spring cleaning. That means that be sides doing the general cleaning, every littie scratch, discoloration, flaw here and there has been taken care of. Housecleaning isn't what it used to be now that we've a host of modern cleaners of all sorts on the market . . . clecner for windows, cleaner for up holstery, cleaner for walls, cleaner for. just about everything. And take it from me, they do a wonderful job. I . am greatly in favor of anything that makes life easier for thehomemaker. But these new cleaners aren't the only things that star during cleaning time. Common household items like salt and - vinegar, can do all kinds of miracles around cleaning time. SALT- . . . Cleans those brown and grey stain, on the bathtub and basin with utmost efficiency. Pour salt on a slightly dampened cloth and scour. It is espe cially good for hard water stains. , . . . Removes stains and discoloration from china, earthenware and pottery. Moisten salt and rub spot with it. ... Cleans and brightens brass, copper and pewter when used with an equal amount of vinegar. Add a little flour to the mixture to make a paste, rub jt on the article, let it dry, and then rub off. Wash and polish arul watch the sparkle. VINEGAR ... Equal parts of vinegar and lfnseed oil make a very good furniture polish. Mix together, shake well, rub on fur. niture and then polish with the grain of the wood. It brings out hidden beauty. . . . Cuts the grease on stoves, in ovens, and on broilers like magic. Sat urate a rag with vinegar and go over, the greasy portions. Soak stubborn parts in soapy suds that contain vinegar. ... Cleans brick and tile fireplaces quickly and easily. Just wash the sur faces with a cloth saturated with vinegar. ... ... Removes grease smudges on walls, or painted woodwork. Use it full strength on a cloth. . . Hot vinegar removes paint from windows. Apply it with a cloth, then remove quickly with a paint scraper. No long scraping necessary. . . . Brightens faded rugs. About a -half cup of vinegar added to a quart t of water, then swept over a faded rug brings back its forgotten color. REAL WARTIME INSPIRATIONS Julia Lee Wright's article in this week's Family Circle magazine is written especially to help you meet the chal lenging problem of how tq make war time meals different with "Wartime Recipe Creations." The Family Circle is out every Tuesday and free at Safeway. Safe WO) Homemakers' Bureau JULIA LEE WRIGHT. Dinner Grapefruit Potatoes 7c Marsh Seedless Lb. Klamath Falls 1 A A Netted Gems, No. a....80-Lb. Bagi"T SHOP EARLY IN THE WEEK SHOP EARLY IK THE DAY 7We &!fiiy 0?D G7S A GOOD 064L' l ...SAFEWAY A0VOCATIS EARI.Y I Y.f Wt SHOP EARLY, SAFEWAY I Wrr Mania ut 'i'p..fl ,. i 9 vr 1 SHOPPING fOR HOUSEWIVES - EARLY I WONT BE SO CROWDED DURING t 'mm lZKs mmaZl 25 " N0T ?U,T6 1 If WE m-M0 IN I hours that war workers fC3T ' ScSrM w,MleM?;,HTS0WMATlCASTHAT! wSTTIWTOSHOPI5 6trwEENTENfl 00 THEIR SHOPPING. THE GIRLS LJL im wSHSl! S 1 1 FOUN0 ANOTHER AND 1 ANO TWO. IT HELPS THE WAR WORKER IN THE NEWH60RH00D ALLGOP! V,Q3uK Tltw J "TTW'OOMY Ik TW.WCAUSS... tfS. 7. IN ONE CAR ANO DO THEIR VL EVERYONE g, ol EGGS GRADE A LARGE DOZ. 36e Why don't you shop on a week day? Best time to shop is between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. You'll still save money, too, because Safeway's specially low ad vertised prices are now effec tive Tuesday through Satur day, each week. SAFEWAY