PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON March' U, 1948 LUMBER TOTALS ANNOUNCED BY WPB FDR 1843 Lumber requirements for new construction In the United States will total approximately 11,000,- 000,000 board feet in 1943, ac cording to an estimate made to day by the war production board, said the Portland office of war information today. The estimate includes lumber required in major alterations and additions, but does not in clude lumber requirements for maintenance and repairs, lor ma chinery and equipment, or for boxing and crating for war and civilian supplies. The forecast for construction In 1042 was in 21,211,000,000 board feet. This estimate was so close to actual shipments for the year that it was found unneces sary to revise the figure. The forecast represents the to tal quantity of lumber needed for construction in each of the building categories and includes all types of construction lumber such as soft and hard woods and finish and rough lumber. City Orders Third Street Graveled Graveling of Third street from Grant to California, was ordered by the city council Monday night after residents of that section had contributed their share to ward the improvement of the thoroughfare which links the two sections of the city. The order oalls for a four-inch layer of gravel laid on a stretch 910 feet long and 20 feet wide. This equals 222 cubic yards at $1.27 per yard, making a total of $281.94. The city will pay the usual one-fourth of the project's cost. Gravel is obtained from the county pit . HOME, SWEET HOME FORT MYERS, Fla. () A mother mocking bird hovered overhead as City Superintendent. Fred M. Loudermilk and a crew of workmen moved a large palm tree from the yacht Basin Park. She followed the truck a mile and a half to the tree's new lo cation. After it was re-set, the bird settled on' a nest in the top. The tree had been moved so carefully that not an egg fell out Largest sea bird Is the alba tross, with a wing spread of ap proximately 12 feet - - !irri cpiihni I THIRD ANNUAL DAIRY iillilp; WESTAiOUiCED IliBHi iSiEliiiililii 111! By PAT MORGAN Members of the Girls' League cabinet have begun plans for the annual spring formal which will be slven some time in April. The KUHS retail selling classes have managed to bring three movies to the high school to be given tonight at 7 o clock. The public and all those students interested in the selling of cloth ing are invited. The movies are: "The Manufacture of Men's Clothing," "The Manufacture of Felt Hats," and "Salesmanship." Classes for training restaurant salespeople are being offered by the vocational department be ginning March 29 and meeting each evening for two hours for the entire week. There will be one hour of theory each night at the high school and the last hour will be given to actual practice in waiting tables at the coffee shop of the Elk hotel. All classes are free for students over 16 years of age. . Forty girls and three boys visited The Herald and News yesterday with the consent of Malcolm Epley, managing edi tor. They watched the printing press and the linotypes in opera tion and other machines in the building. . Have you bought' any . war stamps and votes for your "Sweetheart of KUHS?" You still have time to help your fa vorite win. So do your part and help a girl win a trip to Port land and. also to keep that light burning bright in "Miss Liber ty's" hand. Restaurant Sales . Classes Announced For Men, Women '. Evening classes for restau rant sales persons will be held from March 29 until April 2 from 7 o'clock to 9 o'clock, the vocational department of the Klamath Union high school an nounced today. Through the courtesy of the Elk hotel Coffee Shop, practice period will be held there each evening from 8 o'clock to 9 o'clock. From 7 o'clock to 8 o'clock unit- study will be con ducted on subjects to be an nounced later. These classes will be open to both men and women, and high school students over 16 years of age.-All classes are free. By writing a story on "Why I Want to Be a Dairy Club Member," a few lucky Klam ath boys and girls will be the possessors of a purebred dairy cow in the third annual dairy contest sponsored by the local Sears Roebuck and Company store in conjunction with the county agent's office and the Four H clubs. Judging the papers, which must be turned in by April 1 along with the signed agree ment to exhibit keep cost rec ords, and grow the purebred cow on recommended systems, will be the chairman of the Junior Livestock show, the county agent the Four H club agent and the Sears manager. To date the Sears store has given away 28 cows in this contest - However, from now on the project will be revolving with the winners of the ani mals of one year supplying the calves for another year. An army program similar to the navy V-12 has been an nounced locally by D w i g h t French of the high school for youths between the ages of 17 and 22 who will be trained as doctors, engineers, pharmacists, etc. This program, like the . navy program, is open to high school seniors, graduates and college students who pass the qualify ing examination which will be held in room 324 of the high school April 2 between 9:30 a. m. and 11:30 a- m. All men interested are asked to contact French immediately either at the high school, phone 4814, or at his home, phone 3790. POLITICAL PUZZLE TArTcsnN Mis, fan A let ter frnm State Senator Lucius Somners of Hoagland, Ind., ad dressed to the repuDiican noor leader, Mississippi senate," has Secretary Bob Brown puzzled. He doesn't know to whom to give it since the last republican in democratic Mississippi's legis lature served in 1920-24. Somners suggested that the re publican floor leader introduce a resolution proposing limitation of nresidential terms to two or four years each. 5 Mi 1 o GOOD COMPANIONS A pipe, tasty . and Blitz-Weinhatd. Leisure moment are precious and raw these days. B I , .t .nr occasion ready ror when good companions get together. And, as you sit with friends en)oy. teg the refreshment of Bhtz-Weln, kard, you will realh how jt o, adds companionship. The K(T oaatity of the brew, its 87-yeat raditioa of noKt,somhowcom- ticmetn ".7 . UIHCtl GOOD REIGHHOBS GET TOGETHER IT'S nnrr MirZ-WIttMAItO COMMMt, GENEROSITY COOKSVILLE, 111., (fl?) To their point rationing conscious city cousins, the people of this small farm community offer an example of good nclghborllness. For Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc Keown, whoso home burned re cently, a Methodist church group gave a canned fruit and veget able shower. From the 25 members who at tended came 87 cans of foods as well as a vnrloly of kitchen uten sils. First slate prohibition law was enacted In Mulno In 11)51, We enn produce mora ships than at prcseut If wo con got tin the limit of our niuiiinwor yet, Shipbuilder Henry J. Kalnor, MONTOOMIHY WARD VT? f 32-PIECE SERVICE FOR 6 'jl'U'-U ' -rzfS (This gay "Calico Fruit" pattern will add beauty flVL CVjXoK''- ' W" " jt0 yur table. Semi-porcelain I Set includes fj M f y& ,!A each of dinner 6t butter plates, cups, saucers, t C J VtW '. ' i tauce dishes; 1 vegetable dish, platter. J I f M1 Vi&wfWwg 53p,ec $9tyltt ,0' 8 -7'50 ' I ) II Jfil? Vlif5 AMERICAN-MADE CHINA Y 1 Jlr- ' JSr'N.- Looks like a far more expensive sett Rose-Beige y y Ov XlyMi&y' border and rich Gold laurel-leaf deslgnl 32-pc. fT Jf fcVXV J'yMfSmM1'' uw ' Includes 6 each of dinner fli butter plates, " gHT"-" Jeyf' - Z' cups, saucers, sauce dishes; 1 veg, dish, plnttcr. YSJ yJ 83-Plaa Sarvlca for 8 11.97 Jam m, mSmV ft Wf FINEST CORN BROOM SotS (S"' LJ H L Selected corn. Durable . . . o- Ti sowed to hold strands firmly. X. 'iLsl1 Ai 'Ufes. A" around household cleaner. isS. 1' CtemtrL I hWt I i ifi'IiS. Washes woodwork, glnsswcor, 'Vv .wv Sff5S IKv ' 7 )p?iJ2 A'li removes discoloration and elenns lk)fw 60 v W'-V-v r$$ii I ' JuhklJkli I O-CEDAR WAX 0Sw' f ,' No rubbing necessary. 7) VllliiN XS llf If Pour on and spread! O vilwV V$P rWiTKTT COTTON YARN OIL MOP .aV TCLlU f liMllrVi Oil-treated to gather dust, leaves VSv (Km'sL B-'-frrfk floors shining. Head Qf .1 t PTT?7rn H h removes lor washlngi OO 1 iMumwvwwa - "sski m i ; v m. . 1 operation i-y ! - 1-.- VI Cjmnm Clnt.l. . Extra abiorbtntl Extra soft 1 850 , ii. I iheeta in Uniia rnnrf mil: - I laWMa?JaaW I Lh. ... 11 w... t :rMA'.'M:ll,V If I - Good quality, low priced! ' ;. SeTTTtsTSnq , ' Itr 7k V$& imi? nmmm imm """I" . MM bing nece.ary. Just pour ! ZM XJX I Ideal for syrup, waffle batter . 4r -. fondle i4-ci . LJYtt7r TfrC'.ll nauba, hardest wax known. fcgimraj I, 3 I PoHery IMiQj Mixings ent size, color. Handy for ?iKtA&8l . A..-.-.-- Seaaritga". i.v:ffZ, I serving or storing! i ntto. i ... . .. :. hSntemissfmm 0 in II VWM Cleaner jm is' FURNITURE CREAM POLISH No rubbing necessary) Just spread on, wipe dry, Clcnns and polishes In , m gt I operation. UPHOLSTERY CLEANER 1-qt. Dry-foam typo , . . needs no rinsing. Cleans mohair, va lour, etc. Non- Jt Jit Inflammable WARDS RUG CLEANER Pint size! Will remove grease, food status! No need to take rug from floor, - or rinse! TOILET BOWL CLEANER Mb. 10-oz.l Mokes toilet bowls odorless and sanitary! Use to clean trap or 11 f outlet O-Codor MOTH-AWAY CONI No bother, no unpleasant odor. ' Just brush clothing carefully and place In closet with moth away cone. O CEDAR WOOD PAIL Mndo of durnblo White Ccdarl Bound with clcclrlcol ly welded wire hoops. WHITE CEDAR WASHTUB 11 -gallon capacity. Strongly made of lasting White 4 19 Cedar, Two drop handles. Mm Cleans cajUy quickly I Jiupour on cloth and wipe off! Sprayer Cap I7 USE YOUR CREDIT.... Any purchases totaling NO or mora will open a monthly payment account. Buy now, pay later. SEE OUR CATALOGS .... for thousands of values not In our stor. stocks,' Order theie Items In our catalog department, mgmM SELF-POLISHING WAX REDUCED 79 Equals most famous and cost liest! Shines as it driest No rubbing necessary I Just pour on . . . spread around . Seals floor (or linoleum) with a durable finish. Contains Car nauba, hardest wax known. A matfom-ifailgn homp.r.j, Irsng, douly wovm flb.r WoihobU ananwl ftnlahl Smooth andid Intldo prmnli doth.i iwgi. Sov.l Upright Hamper .... SAVE AT WARDS ON ANY TYPE OF FINE HOUSEHOLD SOAR Soap Chips White Make quick, rich suds. 1M lb. pkg. 20 Soap Granules Contain water softener! VA lb. pk ; ...8 for 87e Soap Flakes For woolens, silks, etc, 12 H oz, pkg. 3 for 51a Whit Laundry Soap Cleans Thoroughly, Largo slzo 6 bars 28i Scouring Cl.ans.r For walls, woodwork, etc. 4 for 18 Pin at Ninth Telophone 3188