( " ' Copyright. 1943 By OREN ARNOLD NEA Service, Inc. CHALLENGE , CHAPTER XIX rpHE free barbecue dinner held the crowd at Sky Harbor until t p. m., also held Jimmy Carr and hli passenger there. But the reception committee had thought fully arranged no night program. This would give the flyers a chance to rest ( As soon as he could manage it, Jimmy slipped away from the bigwigs and celebrities and went to speak with Loraine. Ed Bryan had stayed near her, on guard. "I can tell you are furious, Lo ralne," Jimmy began, earnestly. "But I want to talk to you. I can explain everything." "Somebody'd betterl" she grit ted out. "I wouldn't say much without thinking, Miss Stuart," Ed Bryan said, In definite warning again. "Now or any other time. There's plumb strict laws about flashing around guns and fake Army or ders. So long, Captain. I'll be seeing you at the hotel tonight" When he had gone, Jimmy drove straight to the point . "This had to happen," he told the girt "You must see It In the right way, Loraine. You simply must!" . "Thatr-Jthat Bryan he pulled me out of the sailplane, and 1" "I know he did. And I know he brought Patricia Friday out here. In fact I ordered him to. Loraine, I wanted Pat put back as the passenger. You remember how I kept you hidden at the take-off in Chicago? Wouldn't let news photographers on the field? That was done on purpose." ) "But why?" i "Because It had to be! There's too much at stake. Colonel Fu redy, the Army they're banking on this sailplane trip! Coast to coast. Mountains of publicity. It's a real chance to sell soaring to the U. S. A. And we can't afford to' let any kind of mixup spoil "We want it to go off smoothly. And by George it Willi Do you .understand?" - . .: j She didn't answer him. Her lips were taut "Loraine, I know you got a dirty break. But if you couldn't be ready at the start there in Elmira, then I Just had-to run in a substitute. It'll only be a few days more. Now you're mad, and I -understand it so I'll let you alone. But you go to that hotel and meet us for breakfast all sugar and smiles. Okay, sweetie?" - Sweetie - still didn't answer. Jimmy squeezed her elbow in genuine feeling, said, "Please, Lo raine," and went away again. . : Whatever surged in .Loraine's mind that night only she knew. But she took no drastic action. Perhaps Ed Bryan's warning and Jimmy's plea both helped her to control herself. She was already in the hotel dining room next morning when Jimmy and Pat and Ed came in. , "Good morning, Loraine," Pat said, as cordially as she could. Both men spoke heartily, too. They all drew up chairs to her table, uninvited. And the waiters began to serve them there. Loraine was cooler now. "Hello," she managed, flat tone. Pat said, "Loraine, 'we we shan't do any bluffing. Not among us four. I can tell you that I was a9 astonished as you were, but " "Right" Ed Bryan nodded. : "but I understand why Ed and Jimmy felt they had to do what they did. You must believe lis when we say this is not per sonal. . You were not treated shab bily. At least no more than than" . . Practical Ed Bryan stepped in again. "No more than you was treated in Chicago, Miss Friday. -Not as much, in fact You're the goat in all this, if anybody asks me!" . "Yes " Jimmy nodded. "It's re grettable, all around. But let's all forget it Please, kids! All of Us. Intentions everywhere were good, I'm sure. Certainly this whole deal was impersonal. A part of our Army task. And, hang it all, it's been scads of fun! Aside from this this little back-stage mis understanding." THAT was the vein of talk In which Loraine was held down, then. She said almost . nothing. But the other three assumed her j agreement, and they made extra I effort to be courteous and kind. If she was astute enough to sense that this was by prearrangement, it couldn't be helped. . ' At 9 o'clock this second day in 'Phoenix, distinguished Army fly iing officials were to meet local civic leaders in the hotel conven tion hall. They asked Jimmy and "your fiancee" to attend. That meant Pat, of course, due to the original mistake which h"l b allowed to stand. The public still thought cute little Pat Friday was named Loraine. i Jimmy had agreed to meet flight . technicians for an engineering powwow, but Pat went to the con vention hall. The committee had arranged a radio forum, with 12 microphones. "Tliis three-day glider and sail plane exhibition," the master of ceremonies told the radio audi ence and the people here in the hall, "has already proved to be a much bigger event than any of us anticipated. This, we know, is because Phoenix is tho center of a vast irrigated farming em pire. Soaring, my friends, is a means of transportation, and if we .cm fiojpsbojYLKfijk. SSlbJ&.'XSX. to deliver fresh form produce to urban markets " He had an excellent speech and he impressed his audience. And then it was Pat's turn to "say ; something." i So many times, Pat realized, public talks of this sort are the sheerest drivel, pointless, bore some to all. She had resolved on this trip to be a little more than just gracious, and so she set in now to tell these people how im portant soaring could really be. She talked barely 10 minutes, and then, concluding "Therefore, gentlemen of Arizona, if you and all other farming communities will only prepare for it your strawberries, your lettuce, your tomatoes, all your perishables as well as your mail and your ex press and a good deal of your other freight can soon be shipped across the nation in glider trains. One big motor plane could tow 10 gliders loaded heavily with vegetables, dropping one glider off at each city passed. It could make money for everybody concerned!" The applause ended when an indignant farmer challenged Pat from the end microphone. "What she says is crazy!" he declared. "Talking about a train of these kites she flew here in! We need common sense. I resent this whole proposition. It's just a crazy publicity stunt" Pat was first astonished; and then suddenly she was mad. "Mr. Chairman!" she called. "He this is not a stunt at all! He hasn't offered any sort of ar gument He has merely thrown cold water on a grand idea!" Tho farmer laughed disdain fully. "You and this Captain Carr figure you can prow what you have to say?" "You betcha!" Pat Friday snapped, fire in her eyes. (To E3 Cor"-"-'-) THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson T. . no. o. s. mt. err. " liVVi'wa . tOPK. 194J BY HEA SERVICE. !. V-MAIL STATIONERY IS NOT STATIONARY, " Sayr FLORENCE FOX, 1 NEXT: Grasshoppers for pets. PESKY HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured insect 9 A British is named after it 15 Slaughter house 16 Come out 17 Fish snare 18 Half an em 19 Negative reply 21 Period of time 22 Symbol for glucinum 23 Like 24 Purpose 25 At no time 27 Prevaricator 29 Point in planet's orbit 31 Still 32 Is (Latin) 33 Aviator 34 Carry (cant) 36 Sailing vessel 38 Mislays 41 Article 43 Possessed 44 Child 45 Peruse 47 Sedate Answer to Previous Puzzle LlElVl I NCIAMPBIELIL fo HI so nF a rTr o y ol Bo g y; i r ?h -:;.yF,v. e Rlsl EM fu" S men VD Z. i Da , grSae .rwiN haT SIERWAJOD j VRIEIE PLEA SIE Dlriuriftri i A S ElD AlLEBSiarULE N C M F.I JH- IL E I SjS A T S AY) I lOj iE;R BAA R A"TT vtTT IA A R I 3 S U E DjFsTFi E E R S ch1 i efo r d nian ce 51 Limb 53 Talent 54 Symbol for tellurium 55 Proceed 56 Conciliatory 59 Redact 61 Electrical energy machine 62 House pets VERTICAL 1 Mutilate 2 Reference mark 49 Log floats 3 Perched ' 3 4 5 4 7 8 IS 7T" IT mT" is ' li " iT" psia" W?. ""iHS 3p 3T" , Vf0 Ski s . H" pfr" n ?"- 3? a?"""""" 3g M?4 " " jo pp sT" "" "I"" 1 37 m W. wTU" I'll. jH?r ttT 1 "pr" ! Yi ! st p"1 55 f T ) j 51 - 1 I ' ' I I I I .-.1 I I I 'Tf ' HONESTY PAYS CHICAGO, (PI -Ten-year-old Hclene Huls espied a purse on tho floor of a shop. Opening It, she found $337 and a ration curd belonging to Mrs. Domenica Mis Jukowepz. When the girl returned it, Mrs. Misjukowcpz was so pleased with Helcne's promptness In bringing the . urse to her that she gave the child $25. Heleno announced she would invest the reward money in war bonds. We've been doing it all our lives, but it's still doggone hard to get out of bed. Mil At SEARS . . . IT'S NOT THE IDLE RICH WHO CLIP THE COUPONS No lndeedl It's the regular folks who sometimes run short of money and like the convenience of Purchase Cou pons in their purse. Get a bookful today and spend them like cash when you need them. Small down pay ment, usual carrying charge. GET YOURS TODAY AT Your SEARS CREDIT Office SOME ELEPHANTS , ARE CLEVER ENOUGH TCA BREAK OFF TREE BRANCHES AND USE THEAA TO SCRATCH PARTS OF THE ANATOMY OTHERWISE OUT OF REACH. INSECT 24 Mimic 26 Organs of sight 28 Dined 29 Pains t 30 Pertaining to the sun 33 Portray on the stage ' 35 Fox -37 Color ' 39 And (Latin) ! 40 Therefore 42 Ditch . 43 Dress edge 45 These insects ' disease 46 Frequently 48 They in swamps 19 Warplanes of this name made a on Berlin 50 Slender 52 Folding beds 55 Carriage 57 North Amer-: ica (abbr.) 58 Symbol for cobalt A Quart (abbr.) 5 Indians 6 Electrified, particle 7 Palm lily 8 Avifauna 9 Exist 10 Sign 11 Myself 12 Short vowel mark 13 Heron 14 Set up 20 Leave out 23 Measure of area 60 Perform ! Our Our Way HE SAID HE'D PWV US KAOKJE A.S WE GOT BETTER AT THE KMUOMG. FEEDIMG ' THE STOCK AMD OTHER CHORES IMTHE wac AFTER SCHOOL- HOURS III THE it.iwc. rit.Mq.afcwr.of. ... . HOLD EVERYTHING! 3-lf ecu, iwiivm tore,, we. T. y. lit u "I have a sweet tooth under the circumstances, you'd better ouU HI" DAINTY EMBROIDERY TO BRIGHTEN LINENS by Alice Brooks Give your linens a gay "spring fling" with these charming motifs. There are birds, baskets and flowers in a variety of con-ven'.iently-sized embroidery de signs that add color to guest towels, bed linens and lea cloths. Pattern 7518 contains a transfer pattern of 12 motifs ranging from 3x11 to Zix3v. inches; stitches; materials need ed. To obtain this pattern send 11 cents in coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envel ope. . Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No , to followed by your name and address. Because of the slowness of the mails, delivery of Herald and News Household Arts patterns may take two weeks to reach you after your order is mailed in. We're sorry. FOLLOWED ORDERS WATERBURY, ' Conn., f) Rep. Talbot (R-Conn.), whose home is in nearby Naugatuck, tells this Rtory of a new employe at the WPB office in Washington who took orders literally. Tho boss told her to send a let ter to u regional WPB office and a carbon to a brass and copper company hero. That explulna how un official of the company got a letter con taining a single piece of carbon paper and nothing else. Why is it that moths never make the mistake of euting n patch? ' By vou must ee OH.VES, THERE NU. EbEOMTHia FARM . AVNFLL Ro,TROTC TO STOOP TO WITH VOU MA.WUM. UASOH- IT KEEPS OME hAAM BLV&V KEEPIM'TVnO REMEKABEC THERE AIMT MO NNVWTE PATRIOTIC COLUAR JOBS EVERY LOAD OF HAY OM A FARM HE CAM COME 'ROUND WITH FOLDERS.. POS TERS AM' AMD HIS THEM WE'RE PATR1 crrir. F.MOINAU FOCS STiCCER - UPPEE Red Ryder Freckles and His Friends Wash Tubbs Boots and Her Buddies Allop Oop IP' BLOOD OM TH' MOON"? ESAH m IF IT LOOKS REP TO MB , IT'S m RED TO EVERYONE ELSE, SO ik WHV SHOULD THAT AFPECT . ME SO ESPECIALLY? Little Orphan Annie AH. DON'T 6ET UP 'LESS YUH WONT RB KNOT OT1 IE AO--OUST SIT RIGHT THERE! ,O.K,"PULLTHBT LEVER, MILDRED- n? THE 1 f VJW.OI" VlHM-un inia f RMLRoD'a time trai Jf course' H PAPER WIW "Kate , LITTLE. ALWAYS f THMVS WHf PRINT LANGUAGE REAMER' tT 6HOWS ONKME 1. IT'S "TPis is your secTiow oi 6ur r dont 1 fli" I mad Bxpeirr V And MOWnAveMr wuv don't tOU plant comb oiM3im ? GBOUHO. SO GET IT RBAoy KNOW ANY- AOVICB , It PUT-i VOO HCARO OP J JOKBS, LARO, AND SPfOALlIB IH i . FOR. PLANTINO TWlMa ABOUT IN GRAPHS 1 DOES TUB GRAP0S Of" RAISING- -J - u t FARWiNa.' wish mr. He I WRATH ? ' CORN ? I ' herb in I a y s?yT tSkhr I a aaf .jrr '"' , ', i I'p flT WO WAIT T I HOPE T V SUH. 7 HUMPHI 1 CAM j f ,7140 HERE, PENNV. IHE 5AV5 ) I HOWSTHAtIS I READ VOUR MIND ! I'LL TALK TO YES 6- FOR A WTA vLIKE A 800K ! r J? JOk ' , THECOLOWEL0Co V BBOKEM S4 --L-, V r an H?TrS FE V " Pl i Nijty WfilCT Mi iajhi ip t wh(t fiK rKMi. I LflL-- I -M J, R. Wllllami Our Boarding AMD ME. AUCH --AOOUT VJnH FOR SPEECHES, OU1TAR - - BUT TO LOAD OF 4?1 HAY.' rKMi't. VOL) WtV? Wc.VV.V.'b'aW - r IX. X. M2 Tn"i Tw'M top ) Z& IBECAUSEVOU Akb J.Llli f BUT THERE'S NOTHING. Vca! u!ciT7vPP.n1T . SAV .1 DIRN'T aWedI aw true- rrsjMowcAugio; lffi k. Z-Lf? I -7 ATIMP WUCU M WfcWKCC M I TUG ATMOCPHCBB J . MM fiA.t . i ' ' ' . M tr t b mm fr4M."jr iw sJ r rasjm."i"u ws i vyni .sr m sw s 'i. sl. " -H-...,. n r Aoio,. pal! "mtai rXm r .ravTZ 1 iisftoSSr WmWwm tooj--mSth; wmi &Tt&T&rcz& 1 ; 'j. r- . f . MSL J.v 7f.S :V . f ' .rjm-i. ,W- u jT'-VOi '. 'V"X-. V';', Houia ITSANSTOMWOE'c. Vst RICH lMVltMvMT"C" EGAD J GRAPES, IP THE eoiL ISMVT FER VlTMiMTS Wt: OUGHTA .TAR.T TVAiS VJICTOR.S SAvROEM TOO 60UR,VOE MI&lAT REfSkP COR.N MOT RESPECTABLE CROP EATING, OM ACCOUNiT X GOT LOQftF PLfXTEft- UMl VJI6M WE HAD A RrC TOR 'TTOnTM LOOKlM' AHEfVD THE COCKTAIL "tMINKiMG 1 hi timci mc 1HE.N DO TVItT PUU-Utt 6ACN& cow orr 1RACKB CVtKI TO Kt.fc.'Un RIGHT n iW& rft; 'C1; With Major Hoopla WW DOES A MER.V - GROOMD HOUR AGO,' i OP MICTORH TOT By Fred Harmon By Blotter By Crana WHAT Y ER-HB 6EEM5 DIDHE 1 TO THINK I'M MORE SAyf VALUABLE HERE IN PEAR' ENGLAND FOR THE - By V. T. Hamlin By Martin By Harold Gray WHAT ARE 5 Vtiic ci nvxl- i I OlMOTlOM UBOVS UP J V,TO MOW H J 3. um; w . mm