Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 22, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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March' 22, 1943
Expectod Here Jiietuclliic
' Shillings, former Kliimiilli Fulls
uirl who went to Washington
' Just ii year ago to work for the
! government, In expected horn the
: flint of tho week to visit with
Mrs. Ivy Nord of 1107 IllKh street,
"Miss Stalling was liaimferred
to Chicago hi November, Just
" now sliii In visiting her piu-oiilK
, In I'orthiiKl.. She lum been given
furlough from hor Job mid In
ono of tho first Oregon women
to Join tho marines. Miss Shill
ings, graduate of Sucrnd Henri
academy, will Iimivo shortly for
Hunter college, Now York, for
' ''preliminary triilnlnK.
To Bun Dlcgo Mm. Ilulh Tur
ner left Saturday night for Sun
at i Ulcgo whero she will visit with
her nun, Tvt. l.nrry liny of the
U. S. murine, who In In tho nnvy
, hospital thero after service In
tho south l'lielfie biilllo vtono.
Lurry l expected hero within
two or three weeks followhiK his
release from the hospital where
ho l.i being treateil for miihirln.
llo Is Improving rnpldly mid wns
llowel a brief leave nfter his
nrrivul In this country.
Brother Dies Mrs. George
Clymii of Shlpplngton has re
ceived word of tho ticnm ot ner
brother, Cilis Setzer, 7, of St.
I'huI, Minn., who passed iiwiiy
March 20, Mr. Seiner suffered
Injuries soma tlma ago In nil in
cident, llo hud been III for sev
eral months, Mr, Scizcr wns tho
brother of Curl nnd I'nul Seizor
mill the Into It. K. Sel.er of Sue
nimeiilo, nil well known here,
nnd mi uncle of Mrs. fclwln Swlu
ney of tho Keno route
Truth and Unity Studonts
Maude T. Chirk from the Sun
Ulcgo Truth Center, nnd mem
ber of INTA, will speak on the
topic, "Truth Shull Muko You
Free," at 7:80 p. m. Tuosdny,
- Mnrch 23, at 312 Michigan nvo
imn. Tho public is cordially In
cited. "i Returns Ted Mnrhlo, former
ly of th Herald and News com
posing rooms, rtlurned last
weekend from New Orleans
whero ho bus been slntloned with
tho US uriny. Mnrblo wns (lis-
churned following the new age
ruling, nnd will leave shortly for
Richmond, Cnllf., where ho will
bo employed in tho shipyards.
Visiting Mnrlhn Roblson, for
mer Klamath Kails resident nnd
stenographer in the offices of
Dnvld R. Vnndenbcrg and .Wll
linm Cnnong, Is visiting with her
pnrcnts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnltcr
Roblson of Merrill. Miss Robl
son makes her horns in Snn Fran
cisco nnd hns recently returned
from a visit In Florida.
To Dunjmulr Mnry Stownrt
left Sunday nfternoon for Duns
muir to spend several dnys vis
iting Mr. nnd Mrs. Timothy Mur
phy. Shu nccompnnlcd Mrs.
Murphy home.
In North Mrs. Lloyd Froom
(Margaret West), is on vncnllon
from her duties with tho Cali
fornia Oregon Power compnny
nnd Is visiting this week nl Don
ald, nenr Snlcm, with her bus
band's parents.
Pulley Found City pollco
picked up nn 18-lnch belt pulley
Friday night nnd brought tho
equipment to tho police station
where tho owner mny Identify
tho pulley. Chief Enrl llouvel
said the pulley wns found on
Klnmnth avenue.
Rooms Entered C. A, Lundy,
proprietor of tho Pcllcnn hotel,
reported to city pollco Hint
prowlerH entered threo rooms of
tho hostelry nnd somo money
wns taken.
Hoporti Thoft Virgl Knight,
018 Willow nvcnuo, filed n re
port with city polico ndvlslng
them ot tho theft of his bicycle,
Rondmnstcr mnko.
i From School Ucn Hastings,
student at Rood, is homo for
spring vucntlon from Portland
visiting his pnrcnts, Mr. nnd Mrs.
R, C. Hastings of Lnkcshorc
In Idaho Mrs. S, B. Hopkins
nc va Hillside nvcnuo, Is spend
ing this week in Twin Fnlls,
Idn,, with her dnughlor, Mrs,
John H. Pnrklnson,
Pollco Court Four drunks
nnd two vugs appeared in pollco
court Saturday morning, Frank
Schuster, rallwny cmployo, post
ed $10 ball following n chnrgo of
violation of tho basic rule and
no operator's license!.
Schoolmates Members of tho
School mates club will meet Frl
riay,..March 28, nt 2 p. in, lit the
homo ot Mrs, Len Roycc, 840
California nvcnuo.
-VOII Ulnuru uinn iMirrrn ,hmi
' numtn nnuourrtK fKUMv
If you sultnr from hot flnshns, ritsinU
iiran, illnti-mn of "IrraKiilarlUrs", aro
woak, norvous tuo to thof tmatlannl
"mliltllo-nito" porlott In n womnn's
life try Lyctln IB, iMnkhnnVs Vrao
tcibln Compound. It's hoipnrl thou-
HElll(ln linnn fhniinn.wla n -
EP'!fv m,cn annoying symptoms.
Follow Inhol cllmollonn. Plnkliam's
Compound ts worm trylnel
H. J. McGllvroy, commander of Polican post, Votorans of Foreign wars, presents a chock
to Doretha Millar, prosidont ol Girl Scout Troop No. 9, made up of Altamont sixth graders. The
money Is to be used for awards earned by the troop. Members of VFW have sponsored (he troop
lor the last two years. Left to right, front row, Doretha Mlllor, Commander McGilvray, Morijo
Ogle, Evelyn King, Aletha McCool, all officers, and Emma Carter, leador. Back row, Frank Sub
ject, J. N. Brochtrup and J. A. Souther. VFW members.
Training Course On Tues
day and Thursday evenings of
this week in tho chamber of
commerce rom, n general train
ing course for Ctrl Scout lend
ers will be conducted by Mrs.
Dent Suvugo lit 7:30 p.m. All
leuders ntending arc asked to
bring their handbooks. This will
bo tho hist course given for flvo
weeks, nnd in view of the rising
lldu of Juvenile delinquency It
is Important to find mure lead
ers for tho troops, All persons
Interested In attending these
meetings nro nsked to cull Mrs.
Traflic Check Stale police
spent Saturday on tho outskirts
of Lnkovlew conducting a traffic
check In which 353 cars were In
volved. Of tills amount, Sgt. E.
W. Tlchonor slnted, only ono
motorist wns found without n
fcdcrnl tux stump nnd ha nmde
Hint purchnso Immediately. Nine
ty two warnings wcro Issued. 21
arrest wcro mndo Including 15
for no operator's license, two
for no warning device, one for
no vehicle license, nnd three for
no tail light.
Joins Stale Earl Kenncrly,
member of tho city police force,
will leave this week to Join the
Oregon stnta police, llo has
served with tho merchant police
in this city for ono year, and for
two years with the local depart
ment. Ilia duties will take him to
Rosnburit but Kenncrly will re-
ceivo two weeks' Instruction el-
thor hero or In Medford. His
fnmllv. lncludlnu Mrs. Kenncrly
nnd two children, will loin him i
us soon as he finds a suitable
homo. Kcnnerly Is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Orllo Kenncrly of Dnr
row nvonue.
To Fort Lewis Leo Molntorc,
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Tony Mola
loro of Eldorado street, will
leuvo Tuesday morning for Fort
Lowis, Wash., where ho will bo
Inducted into tho US army. Mola-
"tore Is a former University of
Oregon student.
Homo tor Woekend Pearl
Jean Wilson, duughlcr of Mr.
and Mrs. AXhurd Wilson, 130
Washington street, came homo
Friday to Bpend n couple of days
with her parents. She is secre
tary to the president of Lewis
nnd Clark collcgo nl Portland.
Visits Klamath Mrs. Knthcr
ine Snllerlec, for many years n
resident of Klnmnth Falls, now
living In Medford, wns In town
for tho weekend. Sho wns tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Hnrnstnble, 123 High street, nnd
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Cofcr, 1017
High street,
Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Green Brown of Dulton, Ga.,
arrived hero Inst Fridny to spend
six. weeks visiting with their son-ln-luw
nnd daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Wnrrcn Whltlock ot U07
Rosoway drivo,
Pollco Court Three drunks,
ono drunk and disorderly, ono
t'ed light runner nnd 15 traffic
tickets paid made up the Mon
day morning polico court re
SALEM, March 22 (P) Three
Salem women have given birth
to victory babies in tho pnst few
weeks, and nil threo babies were
delivered by tho snmo doctor,
Each baby has n "V" birth
mark on its forehead. The birth
marks, each about two inches
high, are red, nnd nro permanent,
Yfar-Time Conservation Makes It
Necessary To Install Skip-Stop
Bussoa will stop only at the atop signs Watch for tho signs.
Begins Monday, Mnrch 22nd.
Plonse cooporato What we lavo may holp somo soldier on
tho bnttloflold.
Klamath Bus Company
Hero's to the Scouts!
i! Hi:
III! ill!
(Eifoctlve Fob. IS, 1943)
Train 19 Southbound: 6 p. m.
Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. m.
Train 17 Southboundi 7 a. m.
Train 16 Northboundi 10 p. m.
Medlord Stugo, Wostbound, 3:30
p. m., Evening Airmail.
Stngos to Alturns, Ashland, Lake-
Tiew and Rocky Point, 7 a. m.
Ladles Aid Mombers of tho
Klamath Lutheran Ladies Aid
will meet Tuesday nt 2 p, m. at
Hie church. There will bo a book
review, "In His Steps," chapters
10, 11 and 12, by Mrs. Robort
Larson; Missionary News by
Mrs. Norn Crossficld and Mrs.
Richard Curlson.
Suburban Card Party The
Suburban league auxiliary will
hold a pinochle party Tuesday,
March 23, in tho banquet room
of the KC hall. Luncheon nt 1:30
p. m. nnd curds will bo played
at 2:00 p. m.
Degree Staff The Hobekeh
Degree stuff will meet in tho
;OOF hall Monday, March 22,
nt 7:30 for practice.
Sponsor Ton The Robekah
social club will sponsor a tea on
Wednesday, March 24, at 1:30
P. m. In tho IOOF hall. Each
member is to bring a guest.
Curds and various other games
will bo played during the nfter
noon nnd tea will bo served
from 1:30 to 3:00 p. m.
Card Party Women of the
Mooso will sponsor a card party
Wednesday at 8 p. m. in the
Mooso hall. This is the first game
of n scries and the public is in
vited. Mooting Women of the
Mooso will meet in regular ses
sion Tuesday night in tho Moose
hall. The social service commit
tee of which Mrs. Dorothy Smith
is chairman, will present the
chapter night program. A class
of candidates will bo Initiated.
All officers, escorts and mem
bers lire urged to attend.
Tho Office of Price Adminis
tration today cautioned oil-
rationed householders to save
tho "Identity stub" of their
healing ration.
Tills stub, OPA said, will be
required when next winter's
rations are issued. Tho "Identity
stub" Is what is left of the con
pon sheet after the coupons
have been removed. It contains
tho code number of the ration,
tho date of isstianco nnd expira
tion, tho amount of the ration,
nnd other Information.
Present plnns cnll for the Is-
sunnco of next winter's rntlons
cnrly in tho summer to permit
tho filling ot tanks beforo cold
Wo can nnd we must reach out
a helping hand to those In need
without perpetuating tho cause
of poverty nnd distress nnd with
out encouraging shlftlcssncss
nnd dependency, Gov. John W.
Drlcker of Ohio.
Tillamook Cheese
Has Pre-rationing
Mail Buying Rush
TILLAMOOK, March 22 (Pi
A pre-rationing rush to buy
cheese direct from the Tilla
mook Cheese nssoclatlon was
reported by Secretory Carl Hn
berlnch today.
Hundreds of persons, the ma
jority Californiuns, sent in or
ders accompanied by checks, he
said. About 10,000 pounds of
cheese were mailed out, most
of It five-pound loaves of full
Broke Three Laws
In Five Minutes
Now He's Walking
OREGON CITY, March 22 W)
George Dean Myers, 17, will
ride on someone else's gasoline
coupons for quite a while.
Ho pleaded guilty to breaking
three traffic laws in live min
utes. Justice of the Peace Paul
C. Fischer fined him S20, sus
pended his driver's license for
six months and confiscated his
A nnd C fins coupon books
nlong with another C book is
sued to a brother who recently
entered the ermed' service. '
Frank Wilson Nolnn, the in
fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Nolan of Bonanzn, Ore., passed
nwny inn this city on Sunday,
March 21, 1943, at 7 a. m. Sur
viving, besides his parents, are
three sisters: Lucille Mac, Mar
garet Carol, and Nancy Ann; one
brother: James Clifford Nolan,
all of Bonanza, Ore.; also the
grandfather: Sam Freeman of
Prinevllle, Ore. The remains of
little Frank Wilson rest in the
Earl Whltlock Funeral home
Pine street at Sixth. Notice of
funeral to be nnnounced Tues-
World's lnrgest negro Insur
ance concern is located in Dur
ham, N. C.
Designed for YOU ...
... Factor to YOU!
Lift the load of dulling eyestrain from your lovely eyes)
Today's modern eye-glasses mean now smartness . . , new
comfort for youl See the registered optometrist here for
complete cyo examination NOWI
VK" . The West's Largest
Manufacturing and Dispensing Opticians
715 Main St., Klamath Falls
Rr, Wm, B. Slddoni Registered Optometrist In Charge.
PORTLAND, Ore., March 22
tfl') Will two pounds of meat a
week bo enough for you?
Not if you're a logger, says
L, C. Stoll, chairman of the local
war manpower commission. He
urges that special provision be
made In the meat rationing pro
gram for loggers.
"Certainly no woodsman can
be expected to do the hard man
ual labor that is required in
bucking and falling on a ration
of less than seven or eight
pounds of meat a week," he told
a reporter.
"The lumber Industry fell
short by more than 6,000,000
board feet of war requirements
last year. This food situation.
along with many other problems
of the lumbering industry, would
definitely curtail the lumber
production for 1043," Stoll said.
WASHINGTON, March 22 (P)
The senate agriculture commit
tee, in a session lasting only
ten minutes, voted unanimous
approval today of a bill passed
by tho house Friday to require
the inclusion of labor costs In
the farm price parity formula.
Chairman Smith (D-S.C.) said
the report would be filed in
the senate tomorrow and
brought up for action the next
legislative day, probably Fri
day. Under the measure the cost
of farm labor, including that of
the farmer and his family, as
well as hired hands, would
have to be included in comput
ing the parity price below
which the price administration
could not fix ceilings.
Parity Is a level calculated
to give farmers purchasing
power equivalent to that of a
past favorable period usually
Tin Can Salvage
Drive Starts Soon
Klamath residents who have
saved their tin cans for salvage,
are eager to participate in the
nation wide drive but Saturday
the office of the salvage drive
chairman had not found a suit
able reception location.
Those willing to assist In the
salvage campaign are urged to
continue saving their tin cans
and as soon as possible an
nouncement will be made as to
where they will be accepted.
If the put out of cigarets were
as large as the output we'd have
fewer forest fires.
What this country needs right
now is a serious shortage of ser
ious shortages.
Always read the classified ads.
Prize Speaker
h-:v r? H'"
w f K a
l ( It "'"'' I
I 1 !
Vencil Kruml, Malin. holds
the banner signifying the first
prise he won in this year's Fu
ture Farmer public speaking
contest. He talked on food pro
duction In Klamath county In
the contest recently held st
Our planet Is too small, and
our means ot communicating
with each other in thought, voice
or person too quick and too va
ried to permit us to be isolated
and Insulated fretn other think
ers and doers. Dr. Harlow
Shapley of Harvard Observatory.
i X ifil"
-4 1 r ii I
101111.00 uuu
WASHINGTON, March 22 (P)
The census bureau estimated to
day that the national population
had reached 133,604,000 on Jan
uary 1, an Increase of 1,651,000
during 1042 or nearly double
the average yearly gain for the
past decade.
The sharp gain was attributed
principally to the record num
ber of births last year, which
the bureau said "resulted pri
marily from business prosperity
induced by war activity and
from anticipation of conscrip
The January 1 estimate In
cludes members of the armed
forces all over the world in the
continental population. The fig
ure is 3,934,000 greater than the
total counted In April, 1940, cen
No Wonder They
Stole His Car He
Had a Full Tank
Keys in the Ignition and a
full tank of gas make up a com
bination that's hard to beat
these days.
Harry Donahue, 1117 Walnut
avenue, reported to city police
that thieves made off with his
red cab truck, Ford, 1936, while
it was parked in front of his
home sometime between 10:30
p. m. Sunday and 4 a. m. Mon
day. The truck carried a Call
fornia license and PUC 3117.
you join Johnny's
(fer yer rwit and thrt)
.America's Finest Cigarette
Young Submarine
Genius Drowned in
Kackensack River .
HOBOKEN, N, J., March 31
(P) A boy's body recovered
from the Ilackensack river has
been Identified as that of Ray
mond Mierisch Jr., 8, whose
mother speculated he had bro
ken through the Ice when set
ting out for Washington with a
companion to discuss a sub
marine plan with the navy de
Raymond disappeared with
Michael Donohue, 10, on Janu
ary 23. Police Lieut. James La
vezzo, who announced identifi
cation of the body today, said
Mrs. Mierisch told him the
Donohue boy, exceptionally
bright, had submitted the plan
to the navy and proposed to
Raymond that the two go to
Washington after he failed to
receive a reply.
Mrs. Roosevelt To
Visit Pacific Coast
WASHINGTON, March 22 ()
Mrs. Roosevelt told her press
conference today she expects to
be in Seattle March 31 and
will visit hospitals in Vancou
ver and Bremerton, then go to
San Francisco to visit hospitals
anl appear at bond meetings by ,
April 5.
Uie Santlseptlo Lotion, famoue
medicated powder bale, so helpful
to pimpled irritated skin, when dua
to external cauBea. You'll lovo it.
Promotes Sklnbcauty Sklncara.
Threo flattering complellon shade!.
Flesh, Brunette, Cream. 10c, too.
When smokers changed to PHILIP
MORRIS, every case of Irritation
of the nose or throat-due to
smoklng-either cleared ufi com
pletely or definitely Improved I
the findings of a group of .distitt
profession in authoritative medical
journals. So other cigarette can make
I dil BUY
4s I iWJIM iixitan
m I