CByAWK CALI8E r Wb have tilvon our opinion tlmo and time imoln on the All Stale pickings lit tlio unnuiil basketball tomuiiirfont hold In Sulom. But prowling around oilier sport pugcs wu Unci Hint Fred i - if .liiiiiiiirimin, the Journal, itlvvi liln "I'liiolng tlio I, auicciiona on mu : tiiireiinii, i no fc.TL ' filho proceed I una l.' Tt i f.l . - ... . I . i hi y w- m ll'li' ''' -V K rnckut," with ii group of chiaclers r'Ww' ' Jvno proceedings und casting ii bu Kjf Ti,.,. ' Unreal of a ruvorllo ton. Tliny plugged Q ff '" when nonu of thono participating In I Jlut wan Dcniiltli'il to loam tlio result. CAUSE of a group which would Include, disinterested couoliui from tho stuto und Independent colleges und unlvorsltlei nilfetlit llu a long way towurd tuklng the all-star program out of Jim realm of polttlca." J Dick Strlto, the sports editor brings buck to mind tho lypa of bullotlug u few ycura bock. "In the old days oi tha 32-taam tournamenta hare, tha all county 'B' teams (5 mombori each, glrla and boya) ware aalactad aflar tha semlllnol contaat Tha ayatom added to tha show manship of tha tournament, providing a dramatic finale tha presentation of the all-star awarda along with the various trc phlea following the championship gamea. . . But a couple of yeara ago the ayatam was changed and now tha eight-player all tars are not named until after the tournament." And so goon the iirgunieiita iikiiIiihI tho All-Slate selections. ,. FAREWELL Ono thing wo don't see very oflon on the atrccta of Klamath rails, and that's a college letterman sweater. Out for onco we saw ono walking on tho person of Ray Crane, a ono time top I'ellcan letterman. Hay played gun Btuto college und this lust vara ty sciuud. and ho made tho Ray measures, on. the wall, live foot eleven and tlpa tha acalea at 105. With thla build, one would think that Ray la In the backfleld. But he'a not. Ray Is a guard, and a good one, tool Only a sophomore, Ray made all of the trips and oven went buck cast to Michigan with tho another trip very aoon como "uln'l" no footfall trip. Yea, aport fnna, you guessed It. Ira. the army. Ruy will. Icuvo Corvullls Thursday at 3:40 a. m. Ray doesn't mind going, but It's tho Idea of getting up ao curly In the morning to cutch that triiln. 1 Ho we bid farewell to another athlete. ... "ALMOST" FAREWELL Oregon's haad coach, Howard "Hobby" Hobson, bid farewell to hla "almost" crop of 1943 basketeers at tha conclusion of tha casaba season and now looks to the diamond aport with crying towel in one hand and prayer book In the other, ilia batkotecra, baa 1 cully sophomores and Juniors, would bo a team to watch next season but, low and behold, Undo Sum has first cell and It la doubtful If a handful of thla year's squad members will return for an other season of play.. Last year's championship Duck baseball nine was picked by many pre-eeason dopestera to tepeat on tha baala of return ing vetarana. But what the new ERC call will do to the team Ovlua the army air corps' recant calling up of many of their re serve is still a question mark. . Some oi tha more youthful frosh men who probably would hove made a placo on tho var sity have already bid farewell to their current collcgo days. Long John Day, considered by hlf home town, Sllvcrton, followers as ono of tho greatest frosh hurling prospects to hit any northwest college campus in tho last ton ycurs. will bo in tho army within two months and has quit school at tlio end of winter term. Tho Dolroit Tigers were reportedly dicker ing with Mr. Duy during his high school und Junior legion days. That's how good ho is. ' Robert "Bones"..' Hamilton, on of tha mora flashy Infield Q prospects to migrate to tha lair oi th Wobfeet, is back in Boat tie watting his army call. Llttlo Bones was mor than goodi hit hi last three years of high school back in Iowa way ovor .300, and best ol all was a "clutch" bnll player who liked nothing belter than to come througn when the chips were down, i These aro but two cxomples of whol might hnvo aided in building u better Duck line. Many veterans will undoubted ' ly bo bock ond some more youthful aspirants will come through Just us thuy did In the boskutuoll campaign. 13ut gunts like Duy and Hamilton Just don't grow on trees and, per haps one can understand Mr. Iiobson'a lament to the fates a who have thus treated him so cruelly. 15 Football MeiVi Now on Way to Fighting Fronts GREAT LAKES, March 20 (IP) Rudy Muchu, University of Washington; Herman Schnoid man, Iowa, and Paul Anderson, I'lirduo, hnvo boon transferred from Groat Lakes to other bases for advanced training, bringing to IB the number of football men now on their way to tho lighting fronts, navy offlclajs said today. The lutoBt transfor complotes tho breakup of tho ontlra start ing Bluojnckot backfleld of Schncldman, Bruce Smith, An derson nnd Bob Swelgcr, Varsfty football man now at asea or at advanced training Posses Include Bill Radovich, Southern California, nnd Larry Lance, Oregon. frn ANTON, Ps.-rkorglt Korhan, His. Costs flmrH sad Nil", Ohio, iloppad tunoj Moora, IS), w Tot (A), sjporla writer for tlio Uipltui Idea Willi a political muni. rcnnonniblllty of muklng the coucnca 11 u step in ine riim oii-Niur program nuu annual rcuclii'd tliu point where It could be termed a liornlnii in on und casting u bullot In tho in- . ... inn learn, tlio bol Numlug of the Kuguna Register Guard, a dash of Rook football at Ore year decided to try out for the lineups. Benvers. Hay la going to make next Thursday, but this time It Cubs Grab For Infield Chicago Club Satisfied To Hove Pipe-Puffing Martin Before Training CHICAGO, March 20 OP) Tha Chicago Cubs have grabbed up pipe-puffing Stu Martin and now feel somewhat satisfied they have consolidated their In field before opening spring training at French Lick Mon day. They should know one thing for sure that tho veteran sec ond baseman has a lot of hits loft in his bat, simply because ho never got them out. Stu was obtained from Min neapolis of the American As sociation where ho was shipped lato last season by the Pirates in a deal for Shortstop Huck Geary. The Cubs sent tho Mil lers 34-year-old Ival Goodman, one-time star Cincinnati out fielder who was picked up for the waiver prico last fall, and Pitcher Vallie Eaves, whose mis conduct penalties worried the club no end. "Silent man" Martin, 20 and 3-A In tho 'draft, spent five "Slent man" Martin, 20, and 3-A In tho draft, spent five ycurs with the Cardinals back in the rollicking days of the Gas House gang and notched a .208 in 1030, his first season, for his best big league batting murk, lie will help weld an in field which includes Stun Hack at ti.. .., iddto Stanky, Milkau kec rookie, at short and either Phil Cavcrretta, Heinz Becker or Glenn Russell at first. Huskie Cage Coach Believes 1943 Hoop Team Best of All SEATTLE, March 20 (IP) Coach Hoc Edmundson thinks tho 1043 University of Washing ton basketball team, Pacific Coast conference champions, would bo recognized as tho best at tho university in his 23-year coaching reign wero it not for tho stress of wartlmo playing. In four rospects ability to rlso to tremendous heights un der pressure, scoring skill of the guards, strength of tho re serves and in physical power to hold a terrific pace Edmund son said "I consider this tho best of all Washington teams." DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ARMORY Muslo by Baldy's Band Dancing 9 Till 1 Regular Admission Oilers Meet Legion in AAU Finals Donver Quintet Defeated - Unbeatable Wyoming In Semi-final ta Sat Oilori DENVER, March 20 (AP) Surprise flnallats of the Nation al AAU basketball tournamept tonight are the question-mark Donver American Lcgionnuirea and tho toascd-togcther Okla homa Phillips 06 oilers. A Legion team met an oiler team for tho title last year and tho Legion won 45-32, but this years tillo-game line-ups are almost unrecognlzablo from the pluyer-IlaU In tho 1042 cham pionship game. Spearhead Bob (Ace) Gruenlg and his Legion crew performed a teat the experts said couldn't be dona They dofeatcd Wyom ing's hard-riding Cowboys 41 33 with a brickwall defense in a semi-final last night. It was the second loss In 28 games fur Wyoming this season. The Oilers ringed 18 points from the free throw line to beat Denver university, 40-36, in the other soml-windup. Wyoming had been the upper bracket lavorlto. Hollywood's Twentieth Century-Fox team was the favorlto In tha lower bracket, but dropped out of the raco In the third round. And nobody thought Denver would bo playing In the semi-finals of this dope-disturbing tourna ment, Gruenig. all-America AAU center with tick-tock regularity slnco 1037, whipped up his Le gion team out of a crystal ball. It includus Gruenig as player coach, and Bob Doll, all-big seven conference from Colo rado university last year. Legionnaires Gruenig and Doll kept such a tight guard on tho usually high-scoring Wyom ing offense that the Cowboys could wrangle only one point in the third period. They check ed Wyoming's giant center, Milo Komcnich, so closely that ho scored only two field goals in the game. Wyoming and Denver also meet tonight for third and fourth places In the tourney. Gobrlelaon Sold SEATTLE, March 20 (IP) The business office of the Se attle Ralniers last night an nounced the purchase of First Baseman Len Gabrlelion from the Hollywood club of the Pa cific Coast Baseball league. Gabrlelson, who batted .310 for Seattle In 1938, was a season-long' holdout for Hollywood last year. Tho signing of Rookie Catchor Joe McNamce also was announced. Training Camp Briefs ASB URY PARK, N. J., March 20 (AP) With the weatherman something less than cooperative' the battery mon of tho New York Yankees have played virtually every sport except baseball their first week here. Latest addition is basketball in which Hank Borowy, once an all-New Jersey prep star, stood out. Manager Joe McCarthy per mitted basket shooting and run ning but refused to permit his athletes to participate in a full game. FRENCH LICK, Ind. The weather handicapped the Chi cago White Sox but couldn't stop them. The infielders and outfielders played catch In the ballroom of their hotel while the battery men worked out in an adjoin ing room with mattresses propped against the walls as backstops. CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. Manager Luke Sewell is so pleased with the accommoda tions here that he is attempting to schedule a practice game with the Detroit Tigers, 110 miles away, to- be played here as a "thank you." Twonty-four Brownies are now In camp. MUNCIE, Ind. The Pitts burgh Pirates reported for an outdoor drill today in contrast to their basketball workout yes terday in which Pitcher Bill Brandt suffered a wrenched left NOTICE TO BUS PATRONS War-Time Conservation Makes It Necessary To Install Ship-Stop System Buaaas will stop only at the atop signs Watch for the signs. Begins Monday, March 22nd. Please cooperate What we save may help soma soldier en the battlefield. . , Klamath Bus Company March 20, 1943 Better Than Sonja! I Goos ... the I I 1 completion of I J . V , ','' ' I . the figure. Jt, rie. sMMMlsMssailrtimrf I fn'f't ' ' -"-"KmilXiM-'n rr i r . , , - ' .'.J.? Dorothy Claimed Better Than Henie at Same Age Fourteen Year Old Girl Called Champion of the Ice at Early Age By ROBERT MELLACE NEA Staff Correspondent NEW YORK, March 20 Dorotiiy Goos at 14 is a greater figure skater than was Sonja Henio at the soma stage of de velopment, according to Willy Boeckl, four-time world champ ton, European titleholder for six years, former world champion judge and leading authority and author on the sport. La Henie was champion of tho world at 14. It was Miss Henie, responsible for the boom in figure skating, who started the smiling, blue eyed Miss Goos on her climb to a position where she now Is spoken of in the same breath as tho Queen of the Ice. It was in December, 1037, that the young ster saw Sonja In her firBt pic ture, and began talking skating to her parents. Boeckl is the only one who has watched both ballerinas through each period of their skating lives. Boeckl believes Dorothy's achievements are more remark able in that she is skating In events unheard of in Miss Henio's time as a competitor. HAS HER PROBLEMS Because the sport has no stop watch or other criteria, he is knee. He will be side-lined four or five days. Johnny Wyrostek of St. Lou Is, holdout outfielder, is expect ed over the weekend to discuss terms. ' BEAR MOUNTAIN, N. Y. Billy Herman, after being un able to touch Pitcher Ed Head's offerings la the Brooklyn bat ting drill complained to Man ager Leo Durother that the big hurler "had spent the winter throwing rocks across the Mis sissippi river" near his Louis iana home MEDFORD, Mass. The mo ment Manager Joe Cronin of the Boston Red Sox was told that Bobby Doerr had agreed to terms he promptly resumed his own easy-going reducing meth ods. Now that Doerr, second baseman, is in the fold Cronin plans only a pinch-hitting role for himself. BASKETBALL Alptnn Dairy, (Seattle) 80, Royal CuitJIan Army xi. Klrrrcit Dutry (Bclllofham) 14, Fort Lw it), Vancouver Rarablrrs 41, BphraU Air Bass W (coniDlatlcm). Lohrer's (Boattle) 48, Bremerton M (coo ola t Ion). FIGHT! By Tha Attoclatatf Pratt NEW YOKK-8mmy Ansott, IS4H, Warti In s ton, I' a., outpointed Willi Tep, 130V,. llnrtford, Conn. (10). PKTHOIT-Jaka Lrtruotta, Now York, knookod out Jimmy Ream, lAti Clavtland (o). PAGE NINE reticent In comparing the two, but when you ask him what is the most difficult trick on ice for Dorothy, he looks askance and shoots back: "What could be difficult for Dorothy Goos?" Dorothy is a little more rrac tlcal and assures that she has her problems, particularly with a maneuver known to the trades as a double flip, in which she leaps in the air and pirouettes twice. Five years ago Dorothy Goos father, an electrical engineer, bought a pair of skates for his daughter as a Christmas gift. inree years later she was Na. tional Novice and Eastern Jun ior champion. Last year she stepped into the National Jun ior race and won 'going away, finishing her year's work by acquiring the National Junior Paris title. Boekl believes little Miss uoos is ready for the Seniors. and she will make her bid for that championship in the Na tionals, the finals of which are scheduled for Madison Square garaen, Marco 8. Boeckl believes she win have no trouble cutting her name on the winner's ice. ANOTHER LITTLE GIRL There will never be a fair method of comparison because Miss Henie is through as a competitor, content now to cash in on her reputation with the easier and more entertaining style. Miss Goos, a high school sophomore, is Just another little American girl at the giggle stage. She has her problems with French, English, Algebra, and history at Professional Chil dren's high school on Broadway. Hers is the problem of Suzy Hockett of Des Moines of Mary Murphy of Wichita, "wonder what I'll study in college?" But get Dorothy Goos of the Bronx on the ice, where she practices six hours a day, and the janitors, fellow skaters, and uninitiated take one look and say, "There's the champ." Chief of Police's Sale of Real Property for Special City Assessment Liens NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 22nd day of April, 1943, beginning at the hour of 10:00 A. M. of said day, at th front door of the City- Hall in Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, I will sell at public sale for cash on band all of the following described properties, to-wit: ....... PURPOSE OF LOT ADDITION BLOCK TO WHOM ASSESSED DATE LEVIED KLAMATH Stt of 9 . 74 Lottie Lambert September 14, 1925 SH of 1C 74 Lottie Lambert September 14, 1925 3 105 James E. Swansen June 30, 1928 SE48' of 2 B . Allen Sloan November 15, 1926 Pt. of 1 (Lot 1, less DV 71, pg. 554) DV101, pg. 294 1 V. Verna Anderson November 15, 1926 NE9' of 7 6 C. L. Bigelow August 26, 1927 NE50' of 1 & 2 26 M. L. & Alice Johnson May 4, 1927 Balance of 1 & 2 26 M. L. & Alice Johnson May 4, 1927 RIVERSIDE 4 18 Dr. E. D. Lamb May 4, 1927 INDUSTRIAL 25 14 G. W. Chapman May 13, 1927 S. 9' of 28 14 G. W. Chapman May 13, 1927 SE 6' of 35 18 Earl F. & Zella R. Blankenship December 6, 1927 NW 12.5' of 8'. 18 Earl F. & Zella R. Blankenship December 6, 1927 BUENA VISTA , 5 86 C. C. Cltne June 13, 1927 MILLS 325 111 G. & Katharine Neubert September 10, 1927 CANAL . . 3 .7 David W. Johnson et al June 30, 1928 This sale is made under and by virtue of a warrant or list In tabular form for the collection of special assessment Mens; which have been delinquent for more than one year prior to March 18, 1943. on real estate within the corporate limlti of tn City of Klamath Falls. Klamath County. Oregon, which warrant or list is in my hands. Each of the lots, parcels or tract aboy described is located within the City of Klamath Falls, Klnmath County, Oregon, and Is being sold under Section! 68,201 to 56,2210, Oregon Code 1930 as amended, providing a method of foreclosing special assessment liens. Each of said lots, parcels and of Klamath Falls the full amount Dated this 18th day of March, 1943. First Publication, 3-20-43. ' Final publication, 4-17-43. M. 20-27, A. 8-10-17. Northwest Hoop Race Sees Final Two Dairy Sponsored Hoop Quintets Will Meet for Champs of Northwest, SEATTLE, March 20 (IP) Two dairy sponsored basketball teams, the Fircrest of Belling ham and the Seattle Alpines, de fending champions, will meet to night for the independent cham pionship of the northwest. The two quintets made their way into the finals of the north west tournament last night by stopping the two top army teams of the -area, Bellingham defeat ing the Fort Lewis Warriors, 84 to 26, and the Alpines winning from the Royal Canadian Army team from Victoria, B. C, 30 to 27. ' In two consolation games, the Vancouver Ramblers defeated the Ephrata Air Base five, 41-39, and tha Lohrer's Sport Shop of Seattle, defeated the Bremerton All-Stars, 45-34. The Bellingham-Fort Lewis game was close until the last four minutes when Buss Wise man, former Wlnko league ace from Central Washington col lege put tht Dairymen In front and a pair of baskets by Joe Har vie put it on Ice after Jim Ober brunner, former Notre Dame star, was lost to the Warriors via the foul route. The Fir cr eats led 18-15 at the half. In the Alpine-Canadian game, the Dairy team took a 154 lead at the half nnd then were out scored in the second frame to just coast out by three points as the Army team rallied strongly. Center Bob Mulder of the Ramblers set a tournament scor ing record of 23 points in the Vancouver-Ephrata game. i Huskies Depart With 11 Caqers SEATTLE, March 20 VP Coach Hec Edmundson will take a squad of 11 cagers when the Huskies leave Sunday In quest of national intercollegiate laur els in the western division tour nament at Kansas City. ' Definitely selected are Capt. Wally Leask, Bob Bird, Charlie Sheaffer, Bill Morris, Chuck Gil- mur, Boody Gilbertson, Doug ford, Bill Taylor, Bill Glssberg and Dale Gronsdahl. - The 11th member will be named today after the Huskie's first real workout since .they won the coast championship by defeating Southern California. Edmundson and Trainer Click Clark will complete the party. Bocchi Rated All-Opponent On Bakers Pick BAKER, March 20 JP) Captain Jim Bocchi of Klam ath Falls' state championship basketball team didn't rata on tha official all-state firat team but the Baker high team, de feated by the Pelicans in the finala, gave him first call to day. The Bulldogs roted him a forward berth on their all opponent team along with Ward,- La Grande, at the other forward; Burchar, Ontario, center, and Lee, Astoria, and CatteralL PendUton guards. Catterall won a guard spot on the official all-state. . tracts will be sold seoarately of Its assessment liens plus Interest and the costs of and upon Angott Upsets Willie In Ten-Round Battle Swarthy Sammy, With "Recuperated" Hands, Whipped Wee Willie Pep v.. oytn rrnrn . t i j ' - By SID FEDER NEW YORK, March 20 WV In addition to operating a knife and fork at dinner time, a good pair of hands come in handy for other purposes, as Sammy An gott would be glad to tell you today. But now that Sammy's front and center in the light weight picture again, his chances of getting a crack at clearing up the 135-pound mesa are all cloud ed up in a dollar sign. For, shortly after swarthy Sammy, with "recuperated" hands and looking like two other guys from the methodical Angott 154 Track Stars to Compete CHICAGO, March 20 OP) A field of 154 track stars, including five world record-holders and seven national AAU champions, will compete in the Chicago re lays at Chicago stadium tonight. A crowd of 16,000, largest of the indoor season, was expected to watch the events. The outcome of only three events appeared cut and dried. In the pole vault, Ensign Corne lius Warmerdam of the Chapel Hill, N. C, Cloudbusters, will try to better 15 feet for the 31st time in a take-off down a 140 foot runway. He set a relays rec ord last year at 15 feet 2 inches. Little Greg Rice will be after his 63rd consecutive two-mile triumpl and Herbert Thompson of Jersey City, national AAU sprint king, 'i regarded safe for his fourth successive win in the spring series of the meet. But from there on It's any body's race. Little Ben Hogan Will Be Swinging In tha Army Soon. FORT WORTH, Tex., March 20 UP) Little Ben Hogan, the national open champion, soon will start swinging at the enemy Instead of at golf balls, if the army's willing. He'll be inducted next Thurs day. Hogan, golfs top .money win ner the past three years, retired from active competition last fall. He expects to be sent to the in fantry replacement center at Camp Wolters, Tex. Vandal Cage Team Picks Huskies On 1943 All-Opponent MOSCOW, Idaho, March 20 UP) The University of Idaho basketball team picked three University of Washington Huskies yesterday on its all-op-, ponent team for 1943. The three members of the championship Washington crew were Capt. Wally Leask, Bill Morris and Chuck GUmur. Gail Bishop of Washington State and Lew Beck of Oregon State got the other two places, EVERETT LOSES ' SPOKANE, March 20 () Lewis and Clark took its second straight basketball game from Everett high school last night, winning 27 22 and never losing the lead grabbed on a field goal in the early seconds of play.' and will be struck off to the first EARL HEUVEL, Chief of Police of the City ol Klamath Falls, Oregon. of old. VutliUmA nut an4 1 - - n.w.m, wee Willie Pop In. 10 rounds In Madison Square , garden, last night, Chick (Horcules) Werge lcs, who has turned from football publicity to fight-managing of lato, flatly announced that he and his gladiator, Beau Jack, want quite a bundle as much a 40 per cent to take on the "ab dicated" boss of the 135-pound-ers. Now, this is quite a rhubarb, as the boys in the 49th street set put it. Angott hasn't been beaten by a lightweight In two years; he retired from the ring and abdi cated the lightweight throne be cause his hands were hurt. And he came back, after weeks of dig-' ging ditches and serving as ath letic Instructor to service men at Washington and Jefferson col lege, because he thought his hands were good enough, for something besides pointing out the sports of interest in Wash ington. He. showed his "dukes' were ready for any kind of rough housing last night by belting Pep all over the place for the first' five rounds and hanging on to grab the unanimous decision, thereby not only ending Wee Willie's all-time record string of 62 straight victories, but also en tertaining 16,834 of Gus Fan'a relatives, and chalking up the -biggest beak-busting upset of the year. Grid Mentor Missing in Navy Action PENDLETON, March 20 (P) Ensign Edward F. Schmidt, U. S. naval reserve flier and former assistant football coach at Pen dleton high school. Is missing in action in the Alaskan area, his parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt of this city, were life formed by the navy department; Schmidt volunteered for flight . training in October, 1941, re ceived his preliminary Instruc tion at the naval reserve airbas in Seattle, Wash., and was com missioned September 15, 1942 at Corpus Christi,.-. Tex. He had been stationed In the Alaskan battle zone since October. . i He attended Pendleton high school, later going to Eastern. Oregon College of Education at LaGrande, and then completed his college work at Willamette university where he was a foot ball star. . . , His brother Gene, and sister Reeva, are both students at Wil lamette. KINNEY TO LEAVE SEATTLE, March 20 VP) Paul Kinney, boss of the Seattle Ralniers locker and supply rooms, will leave Monday for Lewlston, Ida., to make advance spring training camp prepara tions. The players are due to report in Lewiston next Wednes day, the club management said, PHILADELPHIA , Cos Doraxio. lMti, Philadelphia, outpointed ' WII1I Thomas, !. Philadelphia (10). HOLLYWOOIW'un Zarlta. 1SJU, MeilM Clt,. outpointed Peralta, 184U, Tamsqns. Pa., O0). TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save H Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main ASSESSMENT AMOUNT Street $ 14.16 Street 98.61 Street 77.14 Sewer . 81.0 Sewer 18.71 Street 94.55 Street and Sewer 516.86 Street and Sewer S58.63 Street 483.58 Sewer 37.88 Sewer 13.83 Street 7.16 Street , 11.43 Street ' 843.88 Street 117.78 Street, .. 330.38 bidder offering to pay the City this sale. Ho. 301