SOCIETY By Lois Bynon Stewart Saturday, Marcli 20, 1943 Botty Hopkini ? ? if C J' ' If Dorothy Davli J) IV: Joanne Hamilton Winifred Towne Wanda Shaw Lottie Llnman Roberta Tucker v Alyco Weill 6' J ' i 6 Loit Cada Vivian Dirschl Betty Larvick Klamatk Union Hign Scnool "Sweetkearts" Pictured on this page are fifteen pretties from Klamath Union high school. From this group will be chosen one girl, the "Sweetheart of Klamath High." ThiS is the story. Klamath Knights, KUHS organ ization, is sponsoring a war bond and stamp drive un der the direction of Martin Butz, president. For each stamp or bond sold, votes at the rate of one for each cent, are given to the purchaser's favorite candidate. The initial drive ends March 31, and the highest can didate from each of the four groups, senior, junior, sophomore, freshman, goes into the finals. Each girl retains .the total number of votes.; For 23 days the campaign will continue and on that day in April the "Sweetheart of Klamath High" will be crowned. But the most exciting moment for the winner comes when she is sent to Portland to be a member of a christening party at the Kaiser shipyards. The "Sweetheart" will also be feted by the state war bond committee in Portland. The trip is financed by 'organized labor in Klamath county. Coal of Klamath high students Is the purchase of a $20,000 gun for the sub-chaser. Senior candidates are Betty Hopkins, Dorothy Davis, Joanne Hamilton, Wanda Shaw; juniors, Lettie Linman,. Betty McKinney and Roberta Tucker; sopho mores, Shirley Martin, Betty Larvick and Vivian Dirschl; freshmen, Winifred Towne, Alyce Wells, Lois Cada, Sally Mueller and Virginia Granger. 4 - J v X k s Sally Mueller Virginia Granger All Photos by Kennell-Ellls