March 19, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINB p Klamatlt Gkwick E The Bible Auditorium on Muln ind Elovonth street wn puckod to Its capacity Sumluy nllllil to hear Evungollst A. L. Beazley expound the prophe cies concerning the Downfull mi Turkey Tim evungolliit sulci, 'Man uro weary nnd nations aro perplexod over thn stupen duua Kuroprun , cataclysm." Said Winston Churchill: "Wo rem to bu movlnif, drifting steadily a I n t our will, against the will of every raco and every peoplo and ovory Cluns, toward 101119 hideous cu tiiatroplie. Everyone wishes to tup It, but they do not know how." Tlit apoaker declared that the fall of the Ottoman empire will be the slgnul (or tho clono of human probation and the second coming of Jesus. Ma based his chapter on the eleventh chapter of tho book of Daniel. The Ottoman empire Is presented under the symbol of the King of tho North; who will finally be driven from Asia Minor, and will muko his final itand at Jerusalem, When this Ink os place, Jesui will close the door of mercy, and tho Spirit tfl God will no longer plead for the guilty Inhabitants of tho vurth. At that time the spirits of devils will have complete control, and will usher In a time of trouble such as never km since there was a nation. "And I saw three uuclcun spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of tho mouth of the false prophet; for they ure the spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth unto tho kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of Cod Almighty. And he gathered them together Into a place called In the Hebrew tongue Armageddon," Rev. 10: 1316. No man can toll tho doy or tho hour, or tho exact course of Jtvents In detail. Idle spocula V.on or appeals merely to ex cite aro deplorable in thesa nutters of eternal moment. But every outline of prophecy of Holy Scilpturcs crlrs to men now, echoing the Soviour's warning, 'Be yo also ready, for In such an hour as ye think not the Son of man comethj A beoutiful duet was ren dered by Mrs. MncLuffcrty ond Miss Jean Wells; also a solo by Miss Dorothy Bcuzlcv, daughter of tho evangollst. Tho electric Solovox W8 enjoyed by all. First Presbyterian - Tho First Prcsbytorion church, located on North Sixth nnd Pine streets. Pastor, tho Rov. Theo dora Smith; choir director, Millie E. Darby, and organist, "lrs. A. H. Dcnlson. Morning worship opens with the organ preludo, "Jubllato," by Domnrest. Tho offortory Is "Memories," by Pecle, and tho postludo, "March," by Park. There will bo two special num bers by tho choir, tho anthem, "Love Divine," by Prlchurd Jones and a solo by Mrs. E, J. Schnoobeck, "Hold Thou My Hand," by Currnn. Tho pastor will speak. Tho evening worship Is t 7:30 o'clock ond opens with tho preludo, "In His Name," by Montgomery, Tho offortory - Is "Devotion," by Martin, and tho postludo Is "Postludo," by Murks. Tho pastor will deliver tho sermon. ' The Bible school is held at 8:45 a. m. and is Immediately preceded by a prnyer mooting Ol the pastor's study at 0:30 a.;m. 'whon tho leochors unlto In prayer of a blessing on tho school nnd the services of tho doy. The three Christian Endeavor societies meet at 6:30 p. m. Thero is the Intermediate group or those of uppor-grado school ago, the high school group, and the young people proper. All young peoplo are made wel come Latter-Day Saints Latter-Day Sulnta meetings ire hold in tho city library club rooms on the corner of Fifth street and KlHinath avenue. E. E. Burrows, branch president, phone 8293 or 6721. Sunday school meetings aro held at 10 a. m with separa tion at 11:30 for priesthood, re lief society and primary elfins. U. Sacrament service is hold Qch Sunday evening at 6 0 clock. Eldors working in the Klnm ith district may bo reached nt '03 North Ninth street. Phone 1426, or 4809 Hllyard street. ' BIBLE 11 ETING HERBS BEAZLEY DOWNFALL Immanufl Baptist The church Is located at tho corner of North Eleventh und High streets. Rov. W. B. Rice, pastor, Kcnldunco, 720 Jefferson street; telephone, 7400. Direc tor of music, C, 15, Lngnrwoll. .Sunday school, 0:45 o. m, If you have not been to Sunday school for the past' two weeks, hu surn and bo present this week. You uro not too late to enter our military contest. Your runk Is advanced according to tho number of scripture verses lourned. There aro also medals fur service, Mrs. J. D. O'Neal Is superintendent. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Our doors are open to all peo ple und we would urge you to spend an hour at tho Houso of God this Sunday. Tho pastor's topic Is, "Man of Metal." Evening gospel hour, 7:30 p. in. We are looking forward to a fino servlco this week. Tho folks of Bible Baptist church aro uniting with us for tho eve ning hour. Tho Ruv. G. W. Whoutlcy will bo tho speaker and a bupllsmal service will fol low tho evening massugo. if you have not yet been baptised, ploaso contact us so arrange ments can be mada if you dcWe this ordinance which was com manded by our Lord. Wcdnosdny evening, 7:30 o'clock, prayer and Blblo study at tho church. This service is fur all peoplo. We expect to bo studying In ltomuns IX. We ex pect to begin revival services in tho near futuro. Let's come out to prayer meeting to bo pre pared long before the evungollst conies. Young people's meeting Sat urday, 7:1(0 p. m., at tho home of tho pastor. Singing, Blblo study, games and refreshments. This is the order of our Satur day evening meeting. Bring a friend with you. Yes, this is tho friendly, Bible-loving church you've heard about and we invito you to be with us in any and all Of the services. 1 Bible Baptist (Northern Convention) "The Southend Community Church with the Chimes," Wi ard street nt South Sixth. City bus to Idelln's corner. Gcorgo W. Whcatley Is the pastor, and muy bo reached at all times by culling 7210. Na dlue Dinning is in charge of music. Morning hour of worship is 10 o'clock. The pastor speaks on tho subject: "Will a Just and Loving God Send a Man to Hell for Eternity?" Many peoplo ask this question. There is but one place where tho answer Is found, and that Is tho Biblo. Wo will care for your llttlo ono during this service by experi enced adult caro. Biblo school at 11 o'clock with classes for all ngo groups under the supervision of Fran ces Smith and her staff of Bible trained teachers. Tho pastor is the teacher of the adult Blblo class which meets In the audi torium. "High school Young People's Blblo Fellowship," 6:30 p. m. with Mrs. Whcatley tho toucher. Francos and Hose Smith aro In chargo of music. Thcro will be no evening scrvico nt tho church, as wo Join with Immanuel Baptist church in a special baptismal service. There will be a num ber baptized from both the churches. This is always an im pressive service. Tho song scrv ico begins promptly at 7:30 p. m. Pastor Whcatley will bring the message, speaking on tho themo, "Embarrassed About Religion." Wednesday, 2 p. m., commun ity ladles' Bible class to which all ladles are invited. This is a now class that is just starting for those who desire Bible study. Following this at 4 o'clock is tho popular children's Bible class in tho church room. Wednesday, 7:48 p. m., praise and prayer fellowship at homo of Mrs. Poarl Smith, Homcdale road, to which all aro Invited. Come, tho door to tho "Upper Room" Is open. This church serves your every need In these days of curtailed travel. Wnrm Christian fellow ship, living Blblo messages. . Assembly of God 740 Oak street. Rev. A. Harold Pcrslng, pas tor. Residence, 844 Eldorado street, Phone 5738. Como nnd hear Evangelist Howard S. M n y of Southern California Biblo college. Serv ices tonight, Saturday and Sun day. If meetings continue next week they will be announced. Services for Sunday: Sunday school nt 0:45 a. m., with Mrs. Al Kenncrly In charge, You have a standing invitation to attend our school. Morning worship beginning nt 11 a. m. Tho pastor will bo speaking nt this service, Young peoplo 8 meeting at 6:30 p. m., under the leadership of Jim Kcnncrly, Evnngnllslic service at 7:30 p. m. Evangelist May preaching.. Neutl BIBLE BAPTISTS TO The Blblo Baptist church will hold Joint services with Immnn uol Baptist church, Sunday eve ning at 7:30, at which time a largo number from both churches will be baptized. This Is alwuys u very impressive serv lco, to which the public Is cordi ally Invited to attend. Services will be held at Immanuel Bap tist, Eleventh and High streets. Thero will be special vocal und musical numbers, as well as congrogutlonal singing. Pastor George W. Wheotley will bring the message, speuklng on the subject: "Embarrassed About Religion." At the morning service at the Blblo church, the pastor speaks on tho question, "Will a Just and Loving God Send a Man to I toll for Eternity?" Many are seeking the answer to this question. There is but one place where the unswor is found, and that is tho Bible. The public is asked to keep In mind that 10 o'clock Is the hour of public worship, and Bible school follows at 11 a. m., with classes for all ages. Zlon Lutharan 1025 High street, Victor A. Schulzo, pustor. Telephone 07113. Divine worship at 11 a. m. with the first of a special bio graphical scries of Lenten ser mons bused on tho lending char acters from the Passion history of Jesus. Sunday's sermon will present, "Judas the Apostle Turned Traitor." The Sunday school meets at 0:45, featuring fllmslidcs on the Blblo stories of the New Testa ment. The Ladles Aid society will meet on 'Thursday afternoon, March 25, at 2 o'clock. This meeting will be held at the church, Mrs. II. Braatz serving as hostess . The children's confirmation class meets on Suturday after noons, 2 o'clock, at the parson age. This class will welcome any children desiring a basic instruction in tho fundamentals of the Christian religion as set forth by tho Lutheran church. Tho Lutheran Hour with a stirring gospel message by Dr. Waller A. Maler and featuring music by the Students' Chorus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo., may be heard every Sunday at 1 o'clock over our local station, KFJI. Altamont Community Presbyterian Meeting In the Junior high school. South Sixth and Sum mers lane. Rev. Hugh T. Mitch clmore, minister. 0:45 a. m Bible school. Graded lessons from the Bible for all ages. A. C. Olson, gen eral superintendent, with a complete corps of teachers. If you have no other church home wo welcomo you to bring the children and study God's word with us.' 11 o'clock, worship service. The pastor will speak on the subject, "The Heart of Christ's Prayer." Special music with Mrs. Kenton Knight, director. The nursery is conducted for mothers who desire to be In the service. The Junior church it for older children. The pastor will have as a subject for the Junior sermon, "The Sandals" of Ephcslans, 6:15. 4:30 o'clock, Junior-Intermediate Christian Endeavor at the manse. Mrs. Hugh T. Mltchel more, superintendent. Bruce Crawford, leader. 6:30 o'clock, Sigma PI Chris tian Endeavor meeta with Mr. and Mrs. Olson, sponsors. For all young people of high school age and older, First Covanant Church 823 Walnut avenue. Phone 8517. Pastor, R. E. Johnson Our Sunday services are as follows: Sunday school for all ages at 10 a. m, Pctor Eastman, superintendent. Morning wor ship nt 11 o'clock, the pastor bringing the morning message. At 7:45 p. m tho Gideons of Klnmnth Falls will be with us in special songs and message. We invite tho friends of Klamath Falls to attend this service. On Wednesday at 7:45 p. m., midweek fellowship. , Mt. Lak! Presbyterian 0:48 o'clock, worship service. Tho pastor, Rev. ' Hugh T. Mltchclmore will speak upon tho theme, "Christ's Great Commission," Junior sermon, "Tho Snndnls." 10:45 o'clock, Bible study. There was a fine nttpnrinnrn last Sunday at both services. May there be as many this week, V First Methodist "In thn Hfnrt nf thn C'ltv " at North - Tenth and High sireen, kov, victor t'niinps, minister, Residence, 1005 High .trnt. tnlriilifinn MflflR. Dlmr-lnr of music, Andrey Loney, Jr., accompanist, wrs. z.. . veatcn. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. The preludo will be "Dondonderry Air," by Colo inun. The processional will he the hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty." Mrs, Sal- lv I.nuiM will iiinu ll fU'lnelnrl solo. The ' offertory will be "Theme," by Weber. The choir will sing tho anthem, "O Morn i.f Henutv." bv Sibelius. The minister will preach on the subject, "The Startling uospol." The evening service will be at 7:30 o'clock when the min uter will elve the second in a scries on "The Drama of Christ's Passion." ' Phureh Rundav school meets at 11:45 a. m, Don R. Drury is the general superintendent and Dr. Peter H. Rozendul is the acting superintendent. Classes for all age groups with compe tent teachers and graded ma terial. Thi Methodist Youth fcllow- uliln mnnta nt H30 n. m. when all young people arc invited to meet for devotion, study "ana fellowship m St. Paul's Episcopal Rov. F. C. Wissenbach, rec tor. Second Sunday In Lent. 8 a. m celebration of the Holy Communion. 0:45 a. m., church school for all grades. 11 a. m., morning prayer, Confirmation service and ser mon. At this service tho Rt. Rev. William P. Remington, Bishop of Eastern Oregon, will be the preacher ond administer tho rile of confirmation. 3 p. m evening prayer and sermon at Langcll Valley, St. Barnabas church. Monday, 2 p. m., meeting of tho church council. At 4:30 p, m., Girls' Friendly society meeting. At 7:30 p. m., meeting of the Altar Guild. All three meetings will be held in the parish house. Tuesday, Boy Scout meeting at 7 p. m. . Wednesday, Lenten service and Lenten talk at 7:30. p. m. Choir practice after tho service. Bible Auditorium Corner Main and Eleventh streets. Sunday night Evangelist A. L. Bcazlcy's suoject will be "The Lake of Fire and the Doom of the Ungodly." Tho topics for the week are as follows: Tups day night, "Tho False Hope of the Jews "; Wednesday " night, "The Mother of Adam and His Brothers and Sisters"; Thurs day night, "Did God Create a Bad Devil?"; Friday night, "Death-bed Repentance and the Criminals Confession. -Vocal and Instrumental music Is under the direction of G. M. MacLaffcrty. Song service be gins at 7:30 p. m. Everyone welcome. -. Klamath Revival Center 1625 Mitchell street. Rev. Warren D. Combs, pastor. - Sunday school, 10 a. m. Mrs. Warren D. -Combs, superintend ent. Interesting classes for all ages. A welcome to all. Sunday, 11 a. m. Morning service. Sermon, by the pastor. Sunday, 7:30 p. m., evening evangelistic service. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., mid week service. Saturday, 2 p. m.. Junior church. Mrs. J. L. Wonser, leader. For needed assistance at any time phone 4520. Klamath Lutheran Church Cross and Crescent streets. L. K. Johnson, pastor. 1175 Cres cent street. Phone 3452. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Worship hour, 11 a. m. Ladles Aid, Tuesday, March 23. Book review, "In His Steps." chapters 10, 11 and 12, Mrs. L. Hornby; missionary news, Mrs. Palmer Solie. Hostesses, Mrs. Nora Crossfield and Mrs. R. Carlson. Lenten services, Wednesday nt 7:30 p. m. The theme for the Lenten services are "Thorns in the Crown of Christ." Sermon will be, "The Sleeping Disci ples." Choir rehearsal following Im mediately after the Lenten serv ices. Fireside hour, -March 28, at 5 p. m. You will find a welcome at Klnmnth Lutheran church. If you are seeking n church home in the city, we sincerely Invite you to worship and work with us. First Church Oi God Located at the corner of Al tamont drive and Delaware street. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 a. m., Mrs. J. D. Ker nutt, superintendent. Morning devotions, 11 o'clock, Pre-serv-Ice prnyer meeting at 7 p. in. Preaching service, 7:30 p. in. Prayer and praise service, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to the public to attend all of these services. Rev. J. D. Kernutt, pastor, Britain's Eden in Washington for I V" I v- 111 vuhmgiot) lor war talks with Prewdcm iiooseveli and other Allied chiefs, Anthony butu, lev, xiitua MUtt'iuis ut mim iuc lorcigu uudiro, u miuwu uc bin xunuu rMioivay w,ui uiiu iuuuu, ccutt-i', unnsu am Ouuuuur w uiu u. ., uuu a. a. iuiuuicuubt, ot uus amuntny suul. First Christian "The Downtown Church," Pine street at Ninth.. Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Bible school, with Stanley Kendall, superintendent, meets at the hour of 9:45 a. m. Very special services this Sunday when Mrs. O. J. Coul ter, missionary from China, will bo the speaker at the 11 o clock service. Mrs. Gouller spent nearly 25 years m China. Her husband is still there unable to get away. Mrs. Coulter is an interesting speaker and will bring some very interesting and hclpiul information concerning the situation there. Dean Steph ens will sing a solo. The Lord's Supper is always a part of the service. Evening services begin at 6:30 o'clock with the Christian Endeavor meetings and the adult class in New Testament evangelism. . The evangelistic service is at 7:30 p. m. : The minister speaking on "Prayer Reflection." , First Baptist Eighth , and Washington streets.,.. "Tho.. Church Witli a Message." Rev. Cecil C. Brown, pastor. Residence, . 4 14 ; North Eighth street. Phono. 7439. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. with classes for all ages and competent teachers for all classes. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. The pastor will bring tho message. The Baptist Training union meets at 6:30 p. m. with depart ments for all groups. The song service and evening worship be gins at 7:30 p. m. Sermon by tho pastor. Mid-week prayer service Wed nesday at 7:30 p. m. Choir re hearsal following the prayer servico at 8:30 p. m. The pastor speaks over KFJI each Sunday morning at 8:15 o'clock. ' Klamath Temple Located at 1007 -Pine street. Daniel B. Anderson, pastor. Phone 3874. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Helen Mount, superintendent. Morning wor ship, 11 o clock. Overcomers service, 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m. Good music. A hearty welcome awaits every one. Every Wednesday at 10 a. m. tho Women's Missionary circle meets at the church. Saturday, 6:30 p. m. Broad cast over KFJI, 6:30 p. m. in De Land t V v. i'r . r Vr - Lcnoro Gibbons and Eleanor Setter, University of Arirona coeds have "now" fight in the pile of cotton they helped pick to help " " larmeri in the vicinity of Phoenix.. , . , V ''-. . ; ... ' J Or i Free Methodist Corner of South Ninth street and Plum avenue. W. H. Mc Cormick, pastor. Rev. F. L. Baker of Battle Creek, Mich., and missionary field secretary for the genera) church body will be with us Sunday, March 21. Mrs. Baker will also be with us. Rev. Baker will bring the message Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7:45 o'clock. We cordially in vite you to these services. Sunday school at 10 a. m. YPMS at 7:15 p. m. Sunday. Monday, March 22,. Rev. El mer McKay, noted evangelist, will be with us in the opening service of a revival scheduled for March 22 to April 4. Preach ing every evening at 7:45 o'clock. Services in the morn ing at ' 10 o'clock are antici pated. Further notice will be given. -Apostolic Faith At 228 North Eighth street under the electric sigh, "Jesus the Light of the ' World." Sunday, 9:30 a. m., Sunday school with classes and efficient teachers for all ages and grades. Morning - worship, .11 o'clock. 7:45 p. m., special' orchestra se lections with Evelyn' Craig di recting, also selected vocal num bers followed by personal tes timonies. Concluding with a fundamental gospel sermon by spirit-filled ministers. Wednesday' and Friday, '8 p. m., regular services. Cordial invitation to all services is ex tended the public. Collections are never taken. Come as you are! " . Sprague River Friends Church Evert J. Tuning, pastor. " Sunday services Sunday school, 10 a. m.; worship serv ice, 11 a. m.; evangelistic serv ice, 7:30 p m. Wednesday, prayer and praise service, 8 p. m.- " If you have no church home we welcome you to worship with us. Located in Sprague River. - Church of Christ (Downtown) All members and friends are extended a special and cordial Invitation to attend the down town Church of Christ Sunday morning services: song service 10 a. m.; Bible study, classes, 10:15 a. m.j sermon and wor ship, 11 a. m.; communion, 11:45 a. m.; evening services, 7:30 o'clock. Located in the KC hall over the Rainbow theatre.. Ob Cotton i v-rr,,.ri ' -1 N iT, - ' - w ' i 3 Arnault War Talks1 . 1 Wr ; L J 7 .-,. I 0 f i INLA TeUuhoto) First Church of Christ Scientist Tenth and Washington streets This church, a branch of The Mother church the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Mass., holds services each Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. "Matter" will be the subject of the Lesson Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, March 21. The Golden Text will be, "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing" (John 6: 63.) Among the citations which will comprise the Lesson-Sermon will be the following from the Bible: "Let no man deceive him self. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written. He taketh tho wise in their own craftiness." (I Cor. 3:18, 19.) The Lesson-Sermon also will include the following correlative passages from the Christian Sci ence textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The realm of the real is Spirit. The unlikeness of Spirit is mat ter, and the opposite of the real is not divine, it is a human concept. Matter is an error of statement. This error in the premise leads to errors in the conclusion in every statement in to which it enters" (p. 277.) Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. A meeting which includes tes timonies of Christian Science healing is held every Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. A free Christian Science read ing room is located at 1023 Main street, where the Bible, writings by Mary Baker Eddy, and authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrow ed or purchased. All are cordially invited to at tend the services and use the reading room. Radio program KFJI, 2 to 2:15 p. m. each Monday under the direction of committee on pub lication for Oregon. The Salvation Army 400 Klamath avenue. Major and Mrs. Curry will be in charge of the regular serv ices this coming Sunday, and they invite you to any or all of the following: Sunday, 10 a. m. Sunday school and Bible classes. 11 a. m. Holiness. 6:30 p.. m. Young people's service. 7:30 p. m; Evangelistic serv ice, Saturdays, ' Tuesdays, Thurs days, public services, 8 p. m. A hearty welcome awaits you at all of these gatherings. Come and sing the glorious Gospel songs that refresh and strength en. Come and meditate and pray so that you may be able to (ace the tremendous problems of life these troublous days with faith and Christian fortitude. The Pelican City Interdenom inational Sunday school, Sun day 2 p. m, All services Saturday and Sundny will be conducted by Lt. Col, James Dee, assisted by Major Paul Bodlne from Port land. Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purse Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ward, Owners Wlllard Ward. Mgr. 925 High Phone 3334 f i- 1 i , Iqr: Y AT Mrs. O. J. Goulter, missionary from China, will be the speaker at the First Christian church, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The Rev, Arthur Charles Bates, minister, ext ds a cordial Invl tation to the public to hear Mrs. Goulter. T'rs. Coulter's husband, Disci, pies of Christ missionary in terned at Shanghai, has sent his wife a radiogram by way of Chungking, the message dated January 30. It stated that ha and two other missionaries were well and awaited expatriation with others who are interned. Mr. Goulter stated that mission work was faring well by "sup port of Chinese Christians." Sacrad Heart Catholic Church Corner of Eighth and High streets. Rev. T. P. Casey, pat tor. . Sunday masses are at 7 a. m 8 a. m. 9:30 a. m., and 11 a. m. Holy days at 7 a. m., 8 a. m; and 9:30 a. m. Confessions every Saturday and the eves of Holy days and first Fridays from 3 to 4 p. m., and 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Dally mass at 8 a. m. Religious instruction classes are held every Saturday at 9:30 a. m. for Catholic children in public grade schools except dur ing vacation. High school dis cussion club meets every Sun day after 9:30 a. m. Mass ex cept during vacation. Unity Canter The Rev. Nora S. Elliott, or dained pastor from Unity Cen ter, will speak on- "Mental Ven tilation" at the regular Sunday evening lecture at 7 o'clock in the banquet room of the. Elk ; hotel. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all who desire the abundance of good made mani fest. : Class" In "Lessons In, Truth" is held each Monday at 2:30 p.. m. at 312 Michigan avenue. You are welcome. Church of Christ The loyal congregation of the Church of Christ meets regu larly at Shasta school. Bible classes convene at 10 a. nt. The regular Lord's day service is at 11 a. m., with the evening serv ice at 7:30 o'clock. Two hour bus service Is available to the school on Sundays. This. con gregation should not be .con fused with any other.. . . M. Lloyd S m i t n of Grants Pass began regular : work with this congregation December ' 6 and will preach each Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and 7:30 p. m. He is a faithful Gospel preacher and you are invited to come hear him at Shasta, school house. . : - - .:; : Tulelake Word of a decided improve--ment in the condition of Private William Wilson, patient In the army hospital at Camp White,. Medford, for a number of weeks, has reached here. The young man, a member of the military guard at Newell and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell,' has been in a, critical condition since a major operation and for some days physicians held little hope for his recovery. His moth er, who flew to his bedside from Texas, plans to return home In the near future. Mr. and Mrs. J. Merton Brown have returned from a visit with their son, Stanley Brown and. Mrs. Brown at Seattle, and with relatives at Yakima. Young Brown Is employed in the ex perimental department of the Boeing factor. . The annual meeting of the' Tulelake Presbyterian church is scheduled for March 31. Officers for all departments will be elect ed and the financial report given. Mr. and Mrs. John Thurman . and family are planning change of residence in the near future, with McCloud to be their future home. Thurman, who for about three years has served as janitor for the elementary school and bus driver, will accept a po sition with a lumber mill. Remember Future generations will re member the last resting place of your loved one whan prop, erly marked when Identi fied In keeping with your feeling of reverence with a memozial that will, stand for all time. You will find the designs to suit your taste among our display. Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Werki 116 S. 11th St. . Phone 1311