Mrch 18. 1048 PAGE NIN Sitdown Strike Against Cl JkJf 4 m m j, fae mmm ' DALLAS, Tx., Mitrch 18 fl'j Private Homer Lru Andrews may miss out un u military court frsrtlal on churiicn of mutiny nl Pandlaton (laid, Ore., by receiv ing sentence of two years In El Rano reformatory yesterday (or Violation of the law prohibiting traruportatlon across state line of a stolen car. , Andrews plondad guilty. When asktd to explain the army's ro port to the FBI that he won to hove been tried on tha chiirga of mutiny at Poiullolon flnlil If lie lind not Ikh'ii released to gov oil ii nun t outhorltlcii, Andrews told Fodoiiil Judgo T. W. Duvld on: That he had gone AWOL from I ho field to coi mi to Dalian to lire Ills wild iilxmt liar request for a dlvorca and whim he returned ho was put In the guard house whern ho and 11 others hud gone on a alt-down iitrlko from work ngnlimt the qmillty of food served them by a new provoit tn ii r 1 1 ii 1 . . "Whut food did you have?" tho Judgo imkod. Andrew aald It consisted mostly of black coffee, oatmeal, potatoes and beam at varloui meuls, The Judge observed that some famous moil had done with leas and assessed Andrew the two yean. - PHONE BOOK ORANDPOP The first telephone directory In New York City wa Issued In 1878 and wai so small that It barely filled one aide of an or dlnury sheet of paper. ' DELICIOUS COLA DRINKS good for the whole family and guests! made at home. I U III I I J how INOUOH SYRUP in Juf A each bottle to make ySAj It LARGE GLASSES A YOO UKI IT'' Ck (ss Add water and serve AT 111 Mini NM MlWin, MUMTWIM TM. . Old Favorites To Round Out Ration Meals Man la a creature of habit when It comes to food as well aa In most other everyday ac tivities, says Wlnnlfred K. Gil len, chairman of the Klamath county nutrition committee for dofense, In discussing menu change needed to fit rapidly changing market supplies. Those who have studied the matter say that most men who occasionally cat at hotel or restaurant will be more likely to order some familiar food than to take a chance on something new. In wartime, however, food habits re bound to be Jarred and the question la how to make these necessary change as pleasant as possible. The experienced homemaker recognizes that the family en Joy meal that do not vary too greatly from the accustomed type, say Mr. Gillen. In find ing way to make meat go far ther, he will probably look first to old favorite family reci pe such a that of baked beans, split pea soup, or lima bean chowder. However, If your recipes are not at hand, try these which have been suggested at recent home extension unit demonstra tions: Split Pea Soup 1 cup split pea 1 mall onion, diced. 2 tablespoon flour Salt and pepper to taste 3 quart brown stock 1 pint tomato Juice or trained tomatoes. Clean peas and soak In water to cover over night. Add the peas, the water in which soaked, and the sliced onion to stock and simmer until peas are ten der. If preferred, the meat bone may be cooked at same time as peas, starting In cold water. Add more water as necessary. Press peas through a sieve and re turn to broth. Add tomato Juice. Make thickening from flour and cold water and add to soup. Stir until It thickens. Cook for S minutes, (about). Taste and add salt and pepper if needed. Serve hot with croutons. (Serves 5-8). Lima Bean Chowder 1 cup dry lima beans 2 strips bacon or salt pork 2 tablespoons minced onion 4 cup diced carrots H cup diced celery or dried celery leaves (may omit). 1 tablespoon chopped green pepper (may omit) 2 teaspoons salt ltt cups milk 1 tablespoon flour ' ' 2 cups canned tomatoes U teaspoon pepper. Clean beans and soak over night in water to cover. Cook in same water with 1 teaspoon salt. Add water as needed. Dice bacon and cook until delicately browned. Remove bacon and add onion, popper, carrots and celery to fat, Cook until deli cately browned. Add to beans. Cook until tondor. Add bacon and milk and thicken with paste made from the flour and 2 tablespoons of cold water. Stir until thickened. Strain tomatoes and heat them. Add tomatoes to the chowder Just before serving. Combine below the boiling point. Taste and add seasoning if needed.' (8-10 servings;. Chinese Puff 1 cup rice, brown or white - 1 cup cold white sauce . tablespoon dry mustard 6 eggs, separated 1 teaspoon salt tt tablespoon paprika Vi cup melted butter 1 cup (or less) of grated cheese. Cook rice In large quantity of salted water until tender. Wash In cold water. Place mustard. salt, paprika, butter and beaten egg yolk in white sauce and mix. Combine rice with white sauce mixture. Beat egg whites and fold into mixture. Taste and add seasoning if needed. Pour Into pan, surround pan with, hot water and bake about 30 min utes at 3S0 degrees F. or until set when tested with knife in center. (8-10 servings). New Pine Creek Boy Says Mosquitoes Bad in Guinea Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mulkcy re cently received word from their youngest son PFC Ben (Budge) Mulkey who was inducted into the army two years ago March 28. On February 24 he wrote as follows: "We are In New Guinea at the present time; the mosqultos are terrible, bite right through your clothes. We sure arc In the Jun gle, heavy underbrush, tall trees with wide leaves, with climbing vines over them, "Have seen the natives they wear hardly any clothes. Just a blanket or piece of cloth around their midsection; really some hard looking specimens but guess they get along and are friendly as far as I know. They have grass houses, covered with wide leaves from the trees; the frames are tied together with grass or climbing vines or some thing of that sort. "Have looked at Jap equip ment, think all of ours lots bet ter. Have ridden In air trans ports, was quite a thrill for me. "Mike O'Connor was left be hind in Australia with a broken hand, don't know whether or not he will Join us later but sure hope I get to see him again. Bob Koskcla was here looking for me a fow days ago but couldn't find me at that time; would have iiked to talk with him for awhile as i hadn't heard from him for sometime. 'This place is quite warm, no breeze coming through the dense woods at all. Was in an air raid but didn't amount to much; seen lots of "ack-ack" shells burst in the air was quite a sight at I night really made you have a queer feeling at that. Don t think too much of New Guinea, some rough country in parts but seems to be lots of water which is a good thing. "This Is all the paper we were Issued at the present time so you can tell the rest of the folks why I'm not writing. "Well don't worry too much about me, we are doing all right haven't worked too hard as , yet, but the heat is pretty darn warm. Your son, Budge. Roosevelt Gets Model of Carrier WASHINGTON, March 18 W) Henry J. Kaiser, west coast ship builder, gave President Roose velt today a model of new air craft carrier to be launched at Vancouver, Wash. . Although fish live in water and breathe it, they never drink it, getting enough moisture in their food. HORSE BEATS MAN BLANDING, Utah, (P) In land S h n m w a y, 27-year-old miner, raced 10 hours against a riderless, unsaddled horse then surrendered. The raco was arranged to set tle the community argument over whether a horse could travel twice as far a a man In a 24-hour period. The miner had walked 68 miles in 19 hours, but quit when he learned the horse had made 135. The horse wa pretty tired, too. Relief for Mistria cf HEAD COLDS Put S-purpM V-tro-nol op eaea nostril. It (1) shrinks swollen mem- branes, (2) soothes irritation, and (3) helps clear eold-olog. Bed nasal passages. vif arc P Follow complete dl "J reetlons In folder. VA'TtO'NOl Thjs Is TOSS Good Buys for a Few Points Points (I) GRAPEFRUIT. Royal Club, HMi.Oi. Tin (10) BEETS, Royal Club Sliced, 20-Os. Tin (14) CARROTS, Royal Club Shoestring, No. 2 Tin .. (14) BEANS. Lane County, No. 2 Tin .. (II) SPINACH. Royal Club, No. 2 Tin ( 8 ) riOB, Royal Club, No. 1 Tall Tin ..... (13) PEAS, Rosadale, 17-Os. Tin (14) PEAS and CARROTS, Royal Club, No. 2 Tin .. ( 8 ) RED BEANS, Frash Flavo, 18-Os. Tin ( 6 ) BLENDED JUICE, Royal Club, No. 300 Tin (16) PINEAPPLE JUICE, Dole, No. 2 Tin (16) PEAS, Llbby's, No. 2 Tin Pries 12 15 13 15 IS 17 12 17 9 11 16 IS Qi&iU fyiuitl and VeeicMel Onion Plants SEK. Apples KoiT...Y..., Spinach fZ?. Oranges Flnl?!... Grapefruit Er'..Ld:Tu9.r Grapefruit MS.. ....... 2Bu.45c 40-Lb. Box $2.75 2LbI.25c do.. 59c 4 ,or28c .5 for25c Points (16) Price 18c (14) (I) Panc HYal Club rcHJ ao.os. Tin Bwaet, tender, delicious garden frash peasl Diamond A Whola Kernel, 1 "T Com 20,0s.- Tin ic Cream Style Try its extra flavorl ' CatSUp u!o.' Bottle Rich red sauce for spicing a variety of tasty foods! 15c Points Price ?n Spinach KtT. 17c- Oreen broedlaaf, testy nutritious A quality you'll llkel ,ai) Peaches $h .29c (,) Cocktail JftEoTft" 2 f 25c POINT SAVINGS NONRATIONED KRAUT, Quart Glass Jar 19 COrrEE STRETCHER, Boyd's, Lb. Pkg. .... 19 SILL PICKLES, C.H.B., 84-Os. Jar 35 HI-HO BUTTER CRACKERS, Large Pkg. 21 RAVIOLI, Riviera, 18-Os. Jar 15 OLIVES, La MIrada, Pint Tin ...... 29 8 fc W CRANBERRY SAUCE, No. 2 Tin . PARKAY Margarine . NUCOA Margarine ....,.....,.., SWAN SOAP, Large Bar RIN80, Large Pkg EGGS, GRADE X LARGE, DOZ. 29 , 2 Lbs. 49 2 Lbs. 51 10 23 38a 2ualityAfeaU Jones Colored Fryers Beef Roast Lb. 28c Pork Roast ....:;..;M...1.....:.;... Lb. 32c Rib Boil Lb. 23c Veal Roast Lb. 30c Pork Steak Lb. 32c Cheese ' Broektleld, American i : $1.90 Mild Cheese 35c Full Cream, Lb. FLOUR Swansdown 24M-Lb. Bag $1.05 49-Lb. Bag $2.09 - ' There is only ONE WAY to be sure your eyes ore giving you the constant, tireless vision" to which you are entitled and that i to have them com-' pletely examined. NOW during Better Vision Week Is a good time. See any registered optome- . trist, or the registered optometrist here but DO IT NOW! You'll be told frankly if glasses are not needed. Created by Craftsmen Factory to You! VVV The West's Laraest 7 The West's Laraest ' .; Manufacturing and Dispensing Opticians OREGON - WASHINGTON - UTAH - IDAHO .. in KLAMATH FALLS - 7 15 MAIN St. Dr. William B. SiddW - Registered Optometrist in Charge.