PAGE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' March' 18. 1948. OF - The GrcateM Mother in the World RATIONING LEADERS STILL FLOUNDEfi WITH FEW CHANGES By VICTOR EUBANK NEW YORK, March 18 (JP) Specialized recovery elements were present in today's stock market although many leaders : continued to flounder in minus territory. Transfers of around : 700,000 shares were among the smallest for a full session this year. Better performing stocks in cluded Bethlehem, Douglas Air craft, Seaboard Airline, New Haven, N. Y. Central, Great Northern, American S u g a American Airlines, United Air Lines and Du Pont. On the los ing side most of the time were General Motors, Chrysler, Amer ican Telephone, Southern Pact fic, Pullman, Anaconda, Texas Co,, Westinghouse, Philip Mor ris, Goodrich and Western Un ion. Bonds were as spotty as stocks Closing quotations: American Can 771 Am Car & Fdy 32 i Am Tel & Tel 140 Anaconda 27 3 Calif Packing 241 Cat Tractor 451 Comm'nw'lth & Sou 1116 General Electric .. . 351 General Motors 471 Gt Nor Ry pfd .. 28. Illinois Central .. , 11 Int Harvester 64 Kennecott 321 Lockheed 22 J Long-Bell "A" 81 Montgomery Ward 321 Nash-Kelv 83 N Y Central 13 Northern Pacific 11 Pac Gas & El Packard Motdr Penna R R Republic Steel Richfield Oil . 1 Safeway Stores , Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific Standard Brands Sunshine Mining Trans-America ... Union Oil Calif U S Steel Warner Pictures 261 3i 29 16! 81 37 645 201 5i 51 8 181 531 101 LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., March 18 CAP-USDA) CATTLE: Salable and total 100; calves salable and total 25; market uneven, few steers and heifers steady; dairy type cows weak to 25 cents and more lower; new medium steers $14.50; good fed steers quotable to $16.00; common light steers down to $10.00; fairly good heif ers $14.50, common grades $10.00-75; canner and cutter cows $7.00-9.00; shelly cows $6.00-75, fat dairy type cows $9.50-10.00; medium-good bulls $12.50-13.75; common grades $11.50; good-choice vealers $15.50-16.50; odd head $17.00. HOGS: Salable 100, total 500; market active, 10-15 cents high er; good-choice 185-227 lbs. largely $15.50; few $15.60; 235- 275 lbs. $15.00; light-lights scarce; good 420-575 lb. sows $15.00-25; good 113 lb. feeder pigs $15.50; choice lightweights quoiame to 516.50 and above. SHEEP: Salable and total 100; market strong; few good-choice shorn lambs with No. 2 pelts $15.00; wooled lambs quotable to $15.50 or above; odd yearlings CIA nn. i; . piu.uv, iiieaium-gooa ewes $6.00 iu ?o.o; common down to $4.00. CHICAGO, March 18 (AP. USDA) Salable hogs 14,000; total 26,000; fairly active; most ly 10-20 lower than Wednes day s averages; practical top $15.65; short load $15.70; bulk good and choice 180-330 lbs. $15.50-65; most good and choice 160-180 lbs. $14.75-$15.50; good 860-550 lbs. sows $15.15-45. .' Salable cattle 6000; ' salable calves 1000; general, market healthy, firm; fed steers and yearlings 10-15 cents higher in ome instances; very few cows and shippers here; bull market strong to 25 higher, vealers firm at $16.00-$17.50; no strict ly choice steers here; bulk medium to good steers active at $14.50-$16.75; top $17.00 paid for two loads 1330 and 1375 lbs. averages; next high est price $rt,85; best yearlings $16.75; heifer yearlings $15.50; part load $16.25; cutter cows $10.25 down; most medium to GRAY HAIR? GET GRAYVITA! This mirarie antl-eray hair vitamin. Calcium Paotot he Rate, has won wide popu larity aa the mutt of testa ahown in I leading national raon mae-aKine, This rej veaien i nat H. ol nri teoted ahnn-ed nnaith,.. vl. dence of a return of naif color. GRAYVITA la Calcium Pantothenate PLUSI A GRAYVITA tahlet la 10 mam. of CaMura Pantothenate PLUS 450 U.S.P. unlta of Vita min "land the other useful B Comnlei Vila. . , imemany. uKArviiA frequently Kur mota na this vitami good beef cows $12.00-$13.00: strictly good kind to $14.50; heavy sausage bulls reached $14.75; with western fed bulls in load lots at $14.50. Salable sheep 6000; total 9500; late Wednesday fat lambs and sheep active, steady to 10 higher; bulk good to choice 91,105 lbs. wooled lambs $16.40-50; top $16,60 on two loads 100 lbs. Colorado-Nebras ka fed offerings: part deck just good around 80 lb. clipped iambs with No. 2 skins $15.00: two doubles choice around 110 lbs. fed western ewes $9.60; few other native ewes $9.00; today's trade-fat lambs slow; early bids fully steady on good to choice lambs held for slight ly higher prices; upward to $16.40 bid on near choice wool ed offerings; best fed westerns held above $16.60; nothing done on cupped lambs; year lings scarce; few odd lots sheep about steady; $9.25 paid early for strictly good native ewes. HOG PACKERS DISAGREE ON PRICE L II MEATMARKETRIDTS SEATTLE, March 18 (P) Meat market riots were fore cast today by J. S. Hofmann. president '. the Washington tate Federation of Butchers. who Is protesting the current meat shortage in this area. Hofmann, in an interview in the Times, said "it's almost a riot in some shops right now. People are snatcmng meat and throwing money on the counters. They curse meat cutters for not having meat in the shops. Meat cutters are quitting or threatening to quit. "It will be worse when the public begins using retail meat rationing coupons March 29. There won't be any more meat tnan there is now. "The shops won't have anv- thing- to sell, at least no more than they have now, so they won i lane in we coupons. WHEAT PORTLAND; Ore., March 18 (AP; No wheat futures quot ed. . Cash grain: Oats No. 238 lb. white $41.00. Barley No. 45 lb. B.W. $32.00. No. 1 flax $2.96. Cash1 wheat (bid): Soft White $1.25 V; Soft White excluding Rex $1.27H; White Club'$1.27 ; western Red $1.27. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 5-.-0.; iu per cent $1.29 il per cent $1.31 H; 12 per cent Hard White Bart: 10 per cent $1.46; 11 per cent $1.48; 12 per cent Today's car receipts: , Wheat ll; barley 2, flour 10; oats 2; mm leea 3. CHICAGO, March 18 (AP) Grains marked time today as traders awaited Washington de velopments. With activity at a low level, early gains in all pits were erased when weakness de veloped in rye on small but persistent selling from houses with eastern connections. Wheat closed M- lower. May Sl.45., July $1.45? 11.46, corn was unchanged to ceilings, May $1.01, oats were unchanged to hi lower and rye dropped cent. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON,' March 18 (AP USDA) Midwestern-fed lambs wools were sold in the Boston wool market today at a wide range of prices. Thirty-two cents grease basis was paid for Jot containing mud tags and as high as 461 cents for a very light shrinking lot of fine and medium wool. Some purchas ing of mohair was reported from Texas of prices of 53 cents for adult and 75 cents for kid. Snell Declares State Cannot Pay. - Shipyard Wages SALEM, March 18 OP) The state of Oregon cannot hope to compete with shipyards in' its salary scales, Governor Earl Snell declared to the board of control today as that body stud led salary increase requests from institutions. Final approv al was given to rises totaling $215 a month as of January-1, this year, for six doctors, one dentist and two bookkeepers at the state hospital here for the insane. ICELESS ALASKA So rare is ice in some parts of Alaska that when Swan lake, near Sitka, froze over in Janu ary, 1940, school was dismissed so the children could skate. aunpiiea a natural color piament throuKh lha Iviir mota IM I ilia vitamin Or-lirienrv In tu lwt ?. rrtenislml. Order GRAYVITA nol Only HHor:ayiiipply. 00 for lOTHlayewr ply. (Formerly B rio and $5.00 ) Phot (1 GUrfRIN'. FOR BRUM. WARNING! BEWARE OP 0017EL WORMS Roundworm Inalde you or your child can cnuae real trouble. And you may not know nat la wronir. Warning alma an I "picky1" appetite, nervouaneaa, uniaay atomach. Itching parte. Get Jayne'a Vermifuge right way I JAVNES la America' leading pro prietary worm medicine t uaed by Acta genfly yet expela roundworme. Be aura you set JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE! WASHINGTON. March 18 OP) Indications that packers are not In complete agreement on pro posal to place ceilings on pro ducer prices of live hogs as means to aid in stabilizing meat prices arose today at a hearing on ine subject. The office of price admlnlstra tion, which yesterday heard pro ducer representatives voice op position to ceilings, invited pack ers to appear today to give their views. The American Meat Institute, an organization - representing many of the larger packers, fail ed to send representatives a fact that led John Finn, of the OPA legal staff, to remark that "the industry does not appear to be in agreement on ceilings. Attending today's session were representatives of the National Independent Meat Packers assoc iation, an organization composed of many smaller packers throughout the country. Its spokesman, Wilbur La roe, Wash ington attorney, urged imposi tion of ceilings immediately, say ing many packers were suffering heavy financial losses because of a squeeze between uncontrolled hog prices and OPA ceilings on meat. F HOOD GETS Cradle-to-Grave Author Prescribes Recipe for Wife LONDON, March 18 OP) The recipe for an ideal wife as pre scribed by Sir William H. Bev eridge, author of England's pro posed cradle-to-grave social se curity plan: She should be intelligent without being intellectual, keen without being earnest, silent without being stupid. , Sir William is 64 and last De cember married his former sec retary, Mrs. Jerry Mair. He gave his definition In an answer on a radio quiz program last night. . Board of Control Moves to Rid State Of "White Elephant' SALEM, March 18 OP) Ore gon will not long pay $500 per month storage for yard goods and clothing assertedly valued at $75,000 "willed" to it when WPA discontinued - activities here, state board of control members indicated today as they asked the state purchasing agent and the budget director to investigate at once the needs of state mstitu- ions and the possibility of work ing the material into useable ar ticles. Civilian Defense Coordinators Meet START BY OPA PORTLAND, Ore., March 18 (P The first firewood control program in the nation's history got under way today In Oregon, Washington and Idaho panhandle as the OPA mailed registration certificates to 4500 wood dealers, me onice or war information an nounced today. ' No rationing of firewood is In effect yet, the OWI pointed out The dealer registration covers all wood, including kindling, sawdust, shavings, hogged fuel, slabwood, forest cordwood, mill vims, catlings ana presio-iogs. i Any person who delivers four or more cords of wood a month in the northwest area must tcb- ister with the OPA firewood ra tion branch, whose national of fice has been moved from Wash ington, D. C. to Seattle. rip It's YOUR j W Shasta View SALEM, March 18 VP) Ore- gons county civilian defense co ordinators t6day were called to capitol conference slated Tues day, March 30. Provisions of the state's new civilian defense act, April's v-nome campaign, suggestions for streamlining county defense councils and operations of new western defense command and OCD uniform blackout traffic regulations are to be discussed Procedure in obtaining compen sation ior civilian defense work ers injured In line of duties is to be outlined, Jerrold Owen, state, coordinator, said. Courthouse Records Complaints Filed Elwood W. Roberts versus Hazel G. Roberts. Suit for di vorce, charge. cruel and Inhuman treatment. . Couple married in Lakeview, May 8, 1934. Merry man and Napier, attorney for plaintiff. George Garst versus Bonnie Garst. Suit for divorce, charge cruel and inhuman treatment. Couple married in Boulder. Colo., on September 6, 1028. Plaintiff asks custody of two minor children. Merryman and Napier, attorney for plaintiff. ' Justice- Court Neil William Mayfield. On- crating motor vehicle without clearance lamps. Fined $7.00, If it's a "frozen" article you need, advertise for a used one in the classified. QUICK WELCOME RELIEF FOR UPSET STOMACH to 3 Kiulu or DmiUi Ym Mmty Bitk Tamona STUART TABLETS contain the vary ugieoienii eo ones, uaea oy aocioro to Drteoj aicit welcome leiie, iroa aciu'inaigeaiion iatreee earned b. auhi itomaah aeldttw after eating or driaklag. Deliofoiia terflngf Ttoteke. No bottle; nonlslne. Porwon- nuiDifiiao renei iron, eeceii acia iimer sa. Ire linem STUART TABLETS without delay. At ell drug etorei 28e, AOs and $1.30 uaei aaaxere soaue-.oeee. eniejeaiea. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilloolv and son, James, of Vancouver were Klamath Falls visitors over the week-end. Mrs. Rol and Warren and Rosalin accom panied them home for an in definite visit. Jeanctte Rusteen was hon ored by her mother with a sur prise birthday party Saturday. ine afternoon was spent play ing "amateur hour" and a two- course luncheon was served Guests bidden to the affair were Dolores Shell, ' Sharon Strand, Bonnie Dell Wesley and ijoris ana Joan Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Swind ler and children are moving to Sutherland. They plan to live there if the climate improves Mrs. bwindlers health. Mrs. Alice Grlmmett enter tained a group of neighbor children to celebrate her grand son s, Teddy McMullen, birth day. Those honoring Teddy were Patty Rae Ellis, Joyce ana lommy narris, rtaipn ana Orvil Swindler, Donnle and Charles Shell and Jerry, Perry and Larry- Williams. Out of town guests sharing honors with Teddy were his cousins, Dick and Bobbie McMahan, of Fresno. ' Mrs. . Louis Christianson en tertained at a raviola lunch eon ' Thursday. Guests ' were Mrs. Harold Hornseth, Mrs. John Rusteen and Mrs.- Jack Mattos and Jill and Gary. Shasta FT A observed "Founders Day" at Shasta school with; a candle lighting ceremony, "Burn, . Candles Burn. . Seven mothers and six teachers assisted with the pres- e n t a t i o n. Jeanette Rusteen played a violin solo. Mrs. Rol lin Thompson sang "Songs My Mother Taught Me" and closed ! the. ranrilp lirhtirttf tinnlni. - - O ...... B . ... with 'The Lord's Prayer." She was accompanied by Mrs. Ken ton Knight. A well child's clinic was held at Shasta school Wednesday. Dr. Rozendal and Mrs. Myrtle Caldwell, county health nurse, were in charge. Any pre-school child is eligible to attend these clinics and parents of Shasta district are invited to register either at the school or at the county health untj if they wish to-take advantage of this sDlen- did opportunity to have a thor ough check-up of their child. Mrs. John Rusteen was. guest of honor at a chop suey lunch eon given by her neighbors on Homedale road. The afternoon was spent informally. Those present were Mesdamcs Harold Hornseth, Jack Andersen. U. G. Simpson, Joe Swindler, Roland warren and Rosalin and Mrs. J. C. Grove and Barbara Gayle. Several residents of this sec tion have had unpleasant visits from stray dogs and cats' ma rauding on rabbits and chick ens. Patty Rae Ellis lost ten nice hens and many others have had similar losses.. Surely these killers should be classed as predatory animals. ; . Grants Pass Golf Club Sold for Home GRANTS PASS. March 18 (AP) Property of the Grants Pass country club was sold this week to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Williams of Huntington Park, Calif. Williams, wealthy con tractor and president of Floyd E. Williams Pipeline Construc tion company, expects to make this his home. HOUDINI IN REVERSE BALTIMORE, (Pi William Bracford, 16. was found lied to a tree in a woods, secured by two belts and rones so tight y bound it was difficult for him to move. When he told Police Sereent Roland Johnson he had tied himself, the skeptical sergeant took him back to the tree and told the youth to demonstrate, He did to Johnson's satis faction, then told the sergeant he had seen the trick nerformed at a wild west show, ' i? Red Cross Join these people who are making Red Cross work possible for another war year. The following contributions are gratefully acknowledged: Died Brown oh Johncen - T. I. Siek Henry time Alma Leonard HiHh Bathlany Donation . . Charlee Poeter A. p. McQuteton 4. H. Chaea A Friend A friend Owtan Smith Kva Hooper A Friend , , A Friend ., H. L. laatman A frland w. 4. urhlna A Friend a. F. Loielady rnena ther Dillon ten Hunt .. Cordon Cappo dacA Keatlns . Hal Shade Bll Crimea J. A. Klneald Ceo. Klneald Ceo. tpracue Mr.. S. O. Clark . Mra. MeQIeaaon M l. J. L. Mendel , Mra. L. Qranae Mra. John Lalne W. A. Oarlelen Brown 1.U I.N tea .it 1.04 I.M Lea I.M t.ea Ml H III t.M 1.11 I.M 1.11 1.M l.ll I.M I.M I.M Mra, lohmor . Mra. Qeo. B. Anderaon Nellie InocomlM , M. L. Thomaa Mra. n. w. Beeltehey Mra. Brahon . F. h. Mlraney Mra. Batly B. A. Hardlni Mra. S. B. Conplen Mra. Blaneh Baker nr. A. toule . Mra. Fred Tllean Mra. Bonnie Howard Mra. Lota Iharral Mra. lloyd Porter Mre. Ira Idwarda Mra. Virginia Currln Mra. H. B. Hauter Mra. Beatrice Orr Mre. 0. J. Harm) J. 8. Ceppaae Mra. Ralph Howard Mre. Oreer Drew Mre. Adler . B. P. I rotter ho ue D. Clark I.M H I.M I.M I.M I.M 1 M I.M I.M I.M 1.M ia I.M I.M I.M 1.M t.M 1t.M I.M I.M I.M 1I.M I.M Mra. H. Reed Mra. l. H. Oarter . V. White Brown . Mra. Co Mr. and Mra. HuDi OampMII It.M Bunloe noyum . J. M. Jeneen . lima Lewln ... I.M 1.M I.M Mre. Frank Mocue Oordon Qulmhy Mra. Lola Thro , Mra. F. M. Hogue W. B. Qranl Prancfe Lapham m. j. Brown . H. I. Roekamat and Family Mr. and Mm. Retlert Vea(tly Mr. and Mra. A. 0. Muck Mra. Joe Foeter . Mra. Andrew Loney Mra. A. B. Maeertney Mra. Fred Snulhwell . Mra. R. A. Bailey Mra. K. A. Moore . Berbara RakMtraar Mra. Fred Blehm , , Mre, H. Reeder Mra, Dan Farrla , Mre, J, 0. Crouch . , Mra. H. Phllllna Mra. Ceorxe Davie Mre. Oure Mra. R. Oaka . Mra. Aubrey Smith Mra. Irvine Mre. Q, Rlohm Mra, 0. Adame . Mra. M. R, Jaeobe) A Friend Mre. Oldenberir Mre. J. Meflrew Mre. J. MoAndrewl M-e, A. neuter . M'e R. Jurntr Mra. Thoe. A. Sandoe Mr. and Mra. O. L. Holbrooke Lnwell Kaup Rrla Adameon - Hlltl Crak , Jerald Adameon Patricia Talbot ., IHa Bdaall Marguerite Mnrfan Mre. Irma Badger Mra: Bdna Ruaeell , , Mra. Arnee Bryan Freneaa Fitraerald , . Raalrloa Kldd Mre, . Flllott ,. , Mra. F. Rrvant Mra. Ruth Llnfaafy Mra. Mayme Jnhnaen Mre, Irene Foatar Fmllla Haldemann ' rterald Olemna Delta Reoorda A. W. Hemmel Mr. and Mre. T. M, Mortti Mrt. (larol R. Mills Mra, Heme Dalrymple - M-. and Mra. A. L. Oralapp Mra. 4. A. Klneald Br. and Mra. Wm. tlddona Mr,. 0. H. Mary Bowman Mra. Sevan Mra. Henry Holt Salome Foffar Al Mark Jiirfaon Smith Mre. Ray Halharl . W. B, 0, Harrington . Ptrev Kvane . ,..i.... ftellahle Rlaanara , laahal Malthewa Fiinlee Langlola Coney talent! Metropolitan Holal , Bulla Turner , Lela Crouea Jack MePanlal Mr, and Mre. M. Bvana nohert Hfltilngworlh , R. Hatfield nebarte Hwralh . Rov King Z Marlllna Landherg , , Margaret Haufiil I.M 1.M 1.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M 1I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M 1.M I.M I.M t.M . I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M II I.M I.M 1 M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M l.aa i.en I.M 1.e l.aa I.M I.M 1.M I.M f M . I.M I.M I.M I.M .11 t.ea I.M I.M 1.M f . I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M IM II.M i.aa l.aa I.M l.aa I.M 1.M Anna Brown ... Laura Baldwin . Atta Lareen Ceell LawMn . D. Lamb Ann Bradford , O. Wallere . Cora BurieM Flovd Meilera O. Nleholaen Ann Turlen Alma Raliton Ray Halbert . . . Crimen Radio then , Pelilerlum Oleanera , Peyiy Zlaaoa J. D. Baard Lmiu Battle . B. J. Haupirl . Nadlne llwrelh Joeephlne Foyla Qerry Wnt L. Lallnere Lole Cur I 'a . . Reee Merlin . ... Proiveeo Brankham . Bdna Roberoon Alice Mini Bertha Loue 1.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M i.ia I.M .ia Leo I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M 1.M I.M I.M 1.M I.M I.M I.M Ruby MeLMd A. Reder .. Pearl Webler A. lulquearty Donation Mra. J. Lawrence Anna Rood u ... Mr. and Mra. B. Jehneen . I.M "r. and Mra. Malhert t.M M. Valentine . .la B. L. MeAdama . I M Bulah Hyatt i.m Mra. Bradberry t.M A. Italfoed .. Lillian Morrll Mra. Oarl lawMn . Liura Wllllta . !, Tulelake . Mre. I. Lehle Bill leuthar Alice Hamilton Prenh lepteroy B. Ileem . L. I. Orlm Qriee Smith M-i. 0. Roelle Mre. R. liler , Mre. H. Shearer Mre. W. Been Dome Hale J. H. JoelM John Renfeldt Mre. L. Vaughn H. Whitney Mra. Menu 4. . OebM Decile Martin Mr. Ad. Dennla 'I Qibelileon Oeea Pareon .... Mra. Sam Muehon Mrt. loney tele Sweaey Don Bardty B. K. Wright Mra. B. Ryen H, I. fiummlnn tuolnaka .. Vlrall OrOM Mre. M. Hemlnglan Donation r. 0. Dale Mrt. Cramblett Mre. dee. Lewie flherlM Orillllh Friend I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M t.M t.M t.M I.M t.M 1.M 4.M t.M I.M I.M 1.M I.M 1.11 ta.M I.M I.M t.M II.M 1.M I.M la Cecil Vandale Women'e Library Club A. W. Haneen Harry Glemena In Clemlnge Jee Baltheror Wllllrd Meeilek , .,. Charlee Miilone Oarl Tombln R. 0. Sues . I.M I.M t.M ta.M I.M I.M t. Jamie W. Weever Hit'l Aieoc. Pen Olllee rllerka 1I.M Cretir Lake Branch ef Hal'l Aiocletlon ef Letter Oarrlera e. 0. Whltmora CI en Bvana AIIm talberg Oertrudc Folic Ftta Raimireeen Jiennle Fcehl Mercla Lewie Iner Bdwarrta .. Dr. M. P. Cooper , Alice Mlllir Verde Heldland Deorga M. Miller . Klamath Madleal Cllnlt , Hereld Render .., Jimee Leverly Otic Oray . .- Ilia Oarother T. L. Lawrence. .,, , Wlllerd Turner Loat River Dairy Killh Oordon . Bdward JohnMd ftl'M Olhon Clarice Bltger Jearvtatte DaBal . P. L. White L. 0. Tucker Verla Sweetman .., , . , Kathrvn Sruner Ray Warden JoyM Nalaen 0. L. Tlmmom) .. Auitln Lewie Rimlee Pimelll Vlrell Smith Fred Keehr Raymond M. MlglllMla . Reyal T. Lender Luther Ounnlngham Flovd PlerM Herbert Dei .. Allen A. Shirley , ., nov . ncHer Robert fltephene QMrga Barthman , Jotmaon Tallora Phll'a Randylond , Melt Flnnegan The Qun Store Mr, and Mr., s, I, Wright . D. 0, Wllllama A via Mnflonnall A. F, olovar 0. 4. Olrak OKarlM Sehaal , Howard Barnhlael Alice Hill Q, 0. Blohm : Oecar Shiva . LMtar otllild . . R. 4. n'liitllvan John Merrill Ruth fireen , rlela Durkea . J-inne Hum Lillian Lynum . I.M I.M t.M . I.M I M I.M . t.M . I.M . f.M . I.M . t.aa . I.M . 1.M . la.M . I.M . I.M . I.M . I.M t.M 1.M . 1M.M . I.M 1.M I.M I.M . I.M . I.M , 1.M 1.M , t.M t.M t.M 1.M I.M I.M t.M , 1.M t.M t.aa t.M t.M t.M I.M t.Afl t.M t.M t.M I. aa I.M I.M t. II. no 1.M t.M t.M K.M t.M I.M I.M I.M t.aa t.ia I.M t.M , t.M t.M M, I. Nleodemut Bllon Smith Leona Rebertaon Pearl Dunlap alio Qllllnie . .. Oerdelle Oantrall Aanee Celimen . , Agnie Vaaak Qwendolvn olubrecht Louiie SiHlbury r'WI ueillH , Nine QombMt . U. S. Niltonal Rink Com.rl studle Oini'e Uptown Olienira Wllllim kurkendell Arthur Rlikbell flene Ware Frank Wright Mra, Rouahfner Marlon McDonald Mre. Bveretl Dennla Jam Andereon .. Maaina Andereon Mre. M. P. Orowder Mre. Herbert Lybe Mre. Robert Rcm Sva Meee . Ruth lehetfer lavlnla L. (hellhom , Alio T. Prulll , Margaret Lavln Arehle Vaughn , June Reuahmen Ollllord Hogue . Kugine Larain Mildred KlMllr BlirlM Burrow Mary Beth Hammond ' Oorte May . Bdward Oitindort Charlee Balrd John B. Abell , Lee Jicoba Ray Warner Vlrglnle Biter Thomaa Thorn Oeorge Salt Bdwerd CembM Devld Alien Vlralnle Terrell Rhrtitlnl aeble Alice Trlplill Ruth Lombard ,. Webb Kinnilt Oner Heme Mervln Htten Rulue Qulllen Rlianer llmney Dinlel Rohrer , Lillian Davie lale Brebe I.M t.M t.M t.M t.M l.oa l.aa I.M . I.M I.M t.M . I.M . tM.aa , I.M III t.ia , ta.M , I.M I.M , t.M t.M t.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M 1.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M t.M t.M t.M Ohrretat Conrwr K. O. Flahir Laure Langilt Ovinia Slarlaue) M. Oilrom Peullne Kelly Dolly Wclker Jamee R. JenM M d. Herdeely Rill Sawehuek Piggy Ortllln . William Halrrell AgnM Art a me Charlee Idwerde M, Chamberlain . Ciell Finney M. Menme T. Beny . A. Meaner B. Blaekmen D. Wright A. Brown M. Oligg John Hawklna . kaulah Wllin , Bthil Harmon . H. Q. Ih'rer Velma Oepuy Sarah Chutehill S. Marguerite Amdt Mre. Dorothy Hoover .. Mr. end Mra. H. Klmplan H. Cat , M. Hector Carol O. Mlllir Brme Cirr . Dorothy Vowell . Vera Londherg - Pay Falar Shirley Summon R. P. Oevenport B, A. Kaubfa O, Berthman M, Arihene . t.M I.M .M .11 .ia .M .11 . ill I.M .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 ta.M I.M t.M .11 t.M .l .11 .11 .11 I.M ,M Jim Laverleh Mildred Myera Ida Olavennlnl Remlee Coolly , . Bdllh Tiylor ., U, ContM P. loot I W. Huneiker ... .. Pile Cclley .. R. C. Roil i F. M. Vlilory Mitchell TlllcIMn R. D. RekMtrcw Lloyd L. Porter Mre. Ray Whltlaloh Bam Muihen Mayme During Audrey Smith , Dorothy Hamilton Batty lac Smith Lola B. Bathun Jean AetMen ... Rithil Hutehlneon Charlee W. Roblrll - 0. B, Soiaruree Albert Oonferll Irme Marahall lien Upfl Qereldlne Knuth Burge Maaon Jr. Stewart Patty rr.ll Bllhep . O. VanRlpir Owrga W. Mclntyrt 0, p. Mill B. Wr ahl Jeckla Raltcrier Joan Tot ton Bdllh Qoodwln Barbara Jaeoba thai A. Btihreldor (llihilh Hetharlngltm Martha Keller ........... Marjorla Oo Batty Parklna , , n-- Mary flhrlallna Smith Mayhille fldwarda Ola Larton Kinnilh Bdan Wm. Bremen ... W. A. Carpenter Mr. and Mra. n. Inrlgga W. D. Sholer lloyd Klnler fi. H, Ooppilt ., , firm Hirtman fleo, RoblnMn t Mra, Ghirbrougtt -. 1,M ,11 .11 I.M t.M II.M I.M I.M tie t.M I.M t.M I.M I.M 1.11 I.M I.M t.M t.M l.aa t.M t.M I.M I.M I.M t.M I.M 4.M I.M I.M t.M I.M I.M I.M t.M 1.M t.M t.M t.M I.M I.M I.M t.M 1,11 t.M 1 M t.M 1.11 1.11 I.M I.M t.M Rerl loliuhirt Sophie Speniar 0. Thompeen Drllmen W. Oliry .... Vern Spur w, Mcknight Otto a..i - 0. A, Bunnill . Olrdc Oarlly Belhy ... Mre. 0. Pulman Lyman W Illume Jinnla Hum .. i Q. Adama . . ... . Mr, and Mra, H. Regira W. Llhmlar .. n v Leon I,,. , ,. I, Dr. L. QaM Fred Sihrelber Ohaa, Brewn Lloyd Mar-ley Qlirenec Bill A. Middlilon w, Andireon ,, Bert Jinee Lewie Feuber B. Lehmen K. Mirwi .. Mra. Ruinate T. O. Newman . Mr, end Mrl. A. Mvire Mr, end Mil, J. Merrill M,e, P. H. lumnir Mra. One Mac OrlmM ' Mrl, Mery R, Oolimin Mil. H. M. Parka Anionic felanerd L. W, Ahere - Richard Orlllllhe Leenerd W under J. L. Ihortrem Calh .. . (. B. Inberg . 0. Martin , Cecil Hendrlekl ... Q. B. Jemen Anne Mileilt , , Mrl. Mitchell Mary arlltllhe Mrl. arltlllhe Celt, Rlehlrd Oronhleg , II.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M l.oa I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M IM I.M I.M l.aa I.M l.oa 1.M Robert Dewden Mre. R, Dewden Mr. end Mr. Paul Hedge Maria Buill Kim Hem Prenh Nell Jerry O'CcttlghCA, Sugene Die Herman t John Jcnnlng Jae Neweeme Alcde Penler Bdwtn Browe B. Iliughler Mre. B. 0. Smith . J. B. Site . B. C. Dodge B. t. King W. J. Oindy . . Mra, H .". Lueei , H. Blllrelm W. W right B, Oreee . J. P. Weill J. H, aiiieghcr . M. A. Mark Hera Poi . J. p. Orlltln ammo Betvln H. Boewell John Steven Mra A. Imig t.ea t.M I.M I.M t.M t.M I.M I.M I.M A. M. RhoedM - Mr. and Mra. Sillier . L. M. llralM B. o. Poller Q. Ludberg . . Mre. 0. 0. Miller - A. H. Combe .,. Jake Stiller .. friend - Mn. II. Miller Allan While P. Anthony D. 0. Word S. A. Kreln Prenk Peyn Prod Pencil Joen Bueeman , , B. V, Hayrue S. A, Blake A. Mineheel B. Ichnecbeck Anne Oertinoon . H. Ryew R. lecheller 0. t Birgdall Oath Suphan Barry Dr. Olanahan Mra. Wenrel Lm Aebirmin ... Mrl. Ned Smith Minnie Montgomery Florence Alhy D. . Hcekell B. Bellhelder - grneet Wellln A. H. Rulimen Predi Mlllir Vllma Janman Mary Yerkoeleh Frank Hurd Welter Heneen Bleln Ornll Blhel Obrllt .... irlhe Lltlll Carl While p. A. Pahnlander Audrey Waebley Bine Taylor . Mareele Doly .. Howard Horwllla Minnie neney Irme Miller Fred D. Millar Riva M. Mlllir Helmer Oilrom Blanehe MeOllllvary -Pearl Martin . .., Richard Pralnla . Q. M. Lawaan Mrl. W, D, Blgby . Don Tatelw ...-. Vivien Liwion ,,.. M, 4, Oil! I.M , I.M I.M , I.M . I.M I.M t.M .11 t.M t.M I.M t.M ta.M I.M t.M ta.a I.M t.M t.M I.M I.M I.M Ml IM t.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M .11 I.M t.M I.M II.M I.M 1.M t.M III I.M t.ia I.M 1.M too I.M t.M I.M .11 ,10 l.aa . t.M t.M Ore Hrnriinon . fllorga Mann Raymond Jenup Wiltlr Jump . Miry Hindlnwn ,.. Mr. W. A. Rueroft Ludle Werner i Olaudine Jurginoen Prenk Renedlet Mehel neddlng Iiabel Kardon Ann Qahhard Raryl Hourilon ... Anna Llndval .. Irene Boiling ., I.M 11 I.M I.M 1.M 1.M t.M t.M t.M 1JKI t.M t.11 1.M I.M t.M 1.M 1.01 t.M t.M 1.M t.M I.M I.M - t.M t.M I.M t.M II.M t.11 7. -.' ta.M IM f.M . I.M ' TOTAL ri:nD.. 10.022.28 ' Acknowlidgemenii it t!mi may run icrcral dayi afUr your contribution Your Dollars hlp m 4 make possible the AMERICANS RED CROSS These ads published for the Klamath County Chapter of the American Red Cross by the la o WleV