1 o March 18, 104S HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACK THRRR Striking Crano Men Return to Work in O Bethlehem Yards UALTIMOIIK, Mitrch 18 (I') Striking moil crane oiwruluri In Did big UollilolumvlfairvhtM Hhlpymcis' (ulirlvuttntf shop wont buck to work a second time flt the bobcat of tbwir union, pontl liiK an iittmit to settle by nco tlntloo illffurenceii urlslnw itom llto employment o( women oper ators. The coinpanjr produces Liberty ships. OMc)) of local 43, Induairln) Union of Marino and ShliibuiM Inii Worker ot America (CIO), wlio said the walkouts yesterday and loduy woro not sanctioned, added they hoped to keep the) at their Jobs. , Always T6ad the classified nus. Japanese-American Approved by Army As Combat Team WASHINGTON, March tT 0P) A number pi Japanese-Ameri can Iroro She ten relocation cen ters already have been approved by the war department a volun icert lor the army combat team to be composed entirety of Amer ican citizens oJ Japanese ances try, oHicialj disclosed today. Induction t these men Into the army may have started, they jald, bul there are no reports yet that any of them actually ace in uniionn. However, large num bers have- applied ior service with the combat tsm, d Vn applications are befog reviewed, as rapidly u possibly Always read lbs classified a&r. EE PAY! (( 7ft )) ffiZf I Pink, v-iri y JTOlKfSi - I V BOYS' SLACK SOX-R- I J'" oVs" ' f --' Jar J5c sellers.. . t1e f . Choic , ,jr JT J W&if' VtX, ' f Stock up! Pair ............ ' 'T Vty r f?"'W Eesrulariy sold at 35r each . . . bui sow Secularly woiYb tort, Mb. -VaAM I .V1? tailored arlM- Hurry A"C iWng rayon knitl , P. iV'1' I -p3?n2?sWQti' 69 ip i. Vte 7 111 e 886 - f '' SLIPS fC" Nf- j l- aonsaiional selling chbDiier quail- I I v ty slips... Exquisitely made of im- jtr:t, ' , J v 'l proved rayon latin, Vigti in been, tAslt""" m ; Wide choice of fceaucifuUy fitting iff ; ; s: ; i f W 1 V styles,, esch a supeib -value: classic .l-.-;;'."?-'..'..'::.'' 7 f I V. 1 ).,- 4-gore with double tabrlc top; Per- R i s ' : I feet-Fit . . . straight cut Kith bias i.jt tik'S, Lyf 1 I jff t : back panel! 4-gore lacs irimnsed; f M V l fi. - sweetheart modei, elaborately trim- ii- R : v - ; i W i tnei with lace, hemstiichino and rib- s m -v :i. I f f VVL J I li ion; or midriff ftyie with ioreiy lace ''' I 1 It i i l at top ana bottom, veaiose, ot -wmte. IV- w ' ' a V if II tSem BUY WAR BONDS W S&- - II U AND. STAMPS!-.-' kk J? Lwwr) Wortb 3Se 'Woitb 9o SfctV . Bath Towffli iSSSi 1 Cotton Bait tmm , !PVW IS? I... i tf"ui!v.tfa cm : rTRSSS tMtut-'., ; iC4 ;;' 29C 'TSlJ :7ft-. Bedspread feSS P4 f mi-it-) n woaay. F 1,, rP'l rtiMfti . t.t.'.VViM Worth tt,a li .11- ,il -full. "7Sc ; ff.?T.- .-Jfta'' w 1, rlii jSiviia "OTA, BoiiiB cord, f CTf , VtS, f ' - "Tak i 30 . v Use Seois Eov . - ; , ' -It- SK52- l y5t SATURDAY LAST Buy to. Bonds and Stamps Better Quait 11 W LAID Wiih New Patented Felt Base mm WW ft 4: sq. yd. Coiling price 98c! Smooth demo surface ... no high spots that invito wo or , . . no tow spots that collect dirt. Colors go through to back. Paste direct to floor, Sea How Beautiful! You Con Make a Kitchen or Bedroom With This Fine Quality Inlaid! BLACK Hl-CUTS firm, healthful support for vouno (e(. Block. Ltatfwr soIm. In 1iom 8Vi to 3, STITCHED OXFORDS Stltehtd vamp oxhrdt have comfartabts moccasin to ... Rubbsr hsslv Block. 8 'A-J. 1 &etiUmm- n 9 - fflc. jsl. - -M'Vi:V-'. 5 V - jn 'rM PERCALE APBONS A big shipment ' of goad quality aprons bought especially ior this sale. -Ofl ek7W FLOUR SACK TOWELS Regular ISc quality ... Q So buy planiy. Each C WALLPAPER SALE One group of discontinued 1342 patterns) High quality J papers Priced ' 2 GLASS BOWL SETS Worth at least 48el Handy T-J EMBASSY RAYOK CREPE New spring prints) 39 inches wide . . . E"7 washable) Yard 3f W CH3NKLE BEDSPREADS Easy to wash need no iron ing. Full bed fiD WATER TUMBLERS Plain villi sty 1 or highball glasses, 3 sizes, 5 f J ,! P - - CHILDREN S BILTWELLS 239 PRE - FLEXED STYLES Already 1 broken in or your extra wolking com fort! Rich full bodied leathers 'in ontique tons, browns, block. Rough ot smooth groin )eorher5 Sizes 6 to 1 2. MEN S BRIARCATES DISTINCTIVE NEW STYLES' Eosy on . . . your feet and your pocketbook! Good looking Briar gates in popular wing-tip .. . . straight tip, military strap or moccosin stylos. biacK, Drowt and antique. Worth 4.501 SANDY NEVIN JR. BLACK WING TIP BROGUES X-RAY FITTING to assure correct fit! Easy to see ot o gionco just haw shoe fits! Es pecially helpful in fit ting shoes for kiddies. BUY WAR BONDS AND $45 Sturdy block leather upper onrl ritnned leather soles. booclyeor welt, sizes to 7 j&5? 3 BROGUES Rich on I lam wind STAMPS Mm L to II