Mnrch 18, IMS PAGE FOURTEEN rtERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON collector whn sold tlnrtrk (lit enr July 7, 1013 sold him hit ll..n,tM POLICE GUARD Pearl Harbor at the time of the bombing there and has since seen action in the Solomons. Always read the classified ads. THREE LITTLE TROUBLES LOS ANGELES, Ml Mrs. Virginia Washburn hns the sym pathy of 75 landlords but still no home. "All I've done is bear trip- lots," she sighed; "you'd think I'd committed some horrible crime." Typical landlord reactions to the six-months-old trio: "Oil, how wondcrfull But of course we don't tuke children." "You poor glrll I'm to sorry." "Graclouil How perfectly hor rid." Always rend the classified ads. TWO-DURATION MODEL TEMPLE, Tox .(!') For the 30th time, John niutek, 78, of Mocks, Tox registered his 1913 nutomotillo. F. J. Mm'ck, deputy county tin I. - ''. i Mnrllmnn It derived from llPMip. MONTGOMERY WARD AFTER THREATS OUR HEY MONEY f7 HOLLYWOOD, MBrch 18 IP) Police said they were guarding Mickey Rooney at an undisclosed place early today, after his fath er told detectives he had re ceived, by telephone, a threat against the 21-year-old actor's life. But Mickey's mother, Mrs. Nell Fankey, and a studio spokesman said they were in clined to believe the calls came from a crank or a prankster, and were of no consequence. . Joe Yule, Rooney's father, re ported a youthful voice, perhaps that of a boy, called Yule's . North Hollywood home last night and asked for Rooney, said Det. Lt. William Ellinson. Yule said he Impersonated Mickey when second call came shortly afterward, and that the voice said: "We 11 murder you at 12 tonight." Nothing happened at mid' night, police declared, but El linson and Det. Lt E. J; Long were assigned to guard Rooney, JEFFEHS RELEASES WASHINGTON, March 18 (AP) Price Administrator Prentiss Brown has liberalized tire rationing for the second time and expressed belief all motorists will be able "to keep their cars on the road" as the result of the release of addi tional tires by rubber Admin istrator William Jeffers. .- Effective April 1, Brown made grade II tires available to drivers . with gasoline mileage allowances exceeding 240 miles month most B, C and T card holders. These tires, - which in clude new tires made before 1938, other new but slightly damaged tires, and victory tires made of reclaimed rubber, were available previously only to passenger cars driven more than 560 miles monthly. At the same time, Brown an nounced that motorists eligible for 660 or more miles will be allowed to buy a limited num . ber of grade I tires, the highest grade casings. These tires pre viously were reserved for driv ers with a ration exceeding 1000 miles a month. All of these types of tires, however, still have to be ob tained with certificates Issued by local ration boards. PAID IN FULL RENO, Nev., March 18 m Among other taxpayers who turned la the full amount Mon day, said Collector R. L. Doug lass: The fellow whose return show ed he owed the government one cent. - If you want to sell it phone The Herald and News "want ads," 8124. . Bob Ray, seaman first class, Is stationed at Treasure Island, San Francisco, Calif., and Is swim ming Instructor at the Island's new million-dollar swimming pool. Ray served as life guard and swimming instructor at But ler's natatorium in Klamath Falls for two years during 1940 and 1941. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ray of Richmond, Calif., formerly of Klamath Falls. Ray enlisted in the navy, December 16, 1942. His wife, the former Rubye Haack of San Leandro, Calif., is residing with his parents for the duration. GRADUATES It's Lieutenant Raymond Eugene Bellant, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Bel lant, 2507 Gettle street, follow ing his graduation at the ad vanced flying fX?8 tcnooi, u. s.s army, at Mather, field, Sacramen-v to. Young Bel-is lant was dubbed S the "baby of the class" and was one of 40 men chosen to re main . as flying instructors. He has not yet been assigned his new post. Lt. Bel lant's parents attended gradua tion exercises March 1, in Sacra mento. He was graduated from Klamath Union high school and spent two years at the aeronauti cal school, Sacramento Junior college. IN QUARTERMASTER SCHOOL Ralph B. Seely, sea man 2c USCG, son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Seely of 1928 Etna street, is now in New York complet ing his course in quartermas ters school. He and his wife re Icently visited his sister, Mrs. T. R. Clark, 2323 Garden street. Seely at tended Washing ton high school LaHtjaMsCa -'JV in Portland. NEW PINE CREEK Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardisty of the ..West Side that PFC Harold Hardisty was reported missing in action since February 14 somewhere in the African area. He is a broth er of Mrs. Francis Mulkey and was working for Leo Mulkey little over a year ago when he was drafted into the army. It Is- believed that he may have been taken prisoner as a fairly large number of Americans were captured in the action of that date. CASCADE SUMMIT A re cent visitor here was Russell Hills, U. S. marine, who visit ed his brother and sister-in-law. Hills has seen action, having received seven stars. He was at AS ADVERTISED IN THIS WEEK'S "LIFE" Wiinoal make. Gentlemen, l toed like to . With th Fa TT ffpllQPTl A,7 ' Uii ix v u u un OJllflo The finer fabrics ol Van Heusen While Shim ate laundry-letted and San latitat. Coma in for fours, todayl 2.25 up Smoo-oolftf Collar can't pucker be cause It's woven as a tingle piece in stead of the usual three lay ers. Looks starched, is soft! like Mogfd Always folds exactly right, irons Der- fectly,. for the fold-line is woven in. Keeps a true curve around your neck. fl&njin) y? -s )th and Main 1 m Gallon In 5-Gallon lots PRICE REDUCED THIS WEEK ONLYI SUPER PROVES BEST IN ACTUAL TESTS WITH 6 "TOP" HOUSE PAINTS In impartial laboratory tests with the 6 most famous nationally advertised house paints, SUPER proved best: in coverage (up to 500 sq. ft., 2 coats), in white ness (more titanium dioxide), and in long life! Since the paint is the smallest part of the cost of any house paint job, the fcesf and longest lasting paint will tn the long run cost the least.' Protect your home Kith SUPER! SINGLE GALLON 3.10 r if 74 BTtfi SBMBJB I A Prices ore cut four days only I 90-LB. ROLL ROOFING Heavy, tough, fire-resistant . . . tempered asphalt surfaced with colorful ceramic granules! Roll cov en 100 square feet with two-Inch lap. Nails and cement included. HEXAGON SHINGLES A pleasing design to bring fresh beauty to your home! The same heavy construction as the roofing above insures years of protection! (To cover 100 square feet) ' 4 per roll 98 sale price I, fu j V mmmkmmiLkmmmkmLmmm ANYONE WW PAINT WITH miNTONE the amazing new WASHABLE WALL PAINT! You yourself can "do over" any room in the house, quickly and easily, without fuss or muss or "Wet Paint" signs! Be cause Resintone dries in only 40 minutes with almost no odor, you can start a room in the morning and entertain guests in the same room that evening! So simple to use a 10-year old child can roll it on ! Try Resintone and Resin tone's gay-colored borders on that room that needs re-doing, and make your home more beautiful! Your friends will , never guess It wasn't a professional job! GALLON Quart. ....... 79f Roller Applicator.... 89 Gallon covert an average raaml ROLLER OR BRUSHI Applies easily and quickly with handy roller applica tor. Or use a wide brush I no brush-mar k COVERS ANYTHING! With only ona coat you can easily and quickly cover metal, plaster, wall board oven wllpoperl DRIES PAST! Dries In 40 minutes with out paint smell I Paint la the morninf and use the. am room that tvenlnil COSTS YOU LESSI Thins with water! (No olt . or turpentine I) I gal. Res intone plus H tnl. water fives Ui tll. ptlntt WASHES S WAYSI Rinses off Immediately with water, from btnda and bruih. Yet after week "o "set" wall can be washed. LOOK for Reslniona advertisement In leading national "home" magazine 03TTT1 f:'i . u r -It i"' fca Mtr barn paint LIGHTING FIXTURE SALE! Kitchen Fluorescent. Bulbs inc. Solely 7.97 Fluorescent Bath Bracket. With bulb 6.85 Kitchen Light, Snow-white glati shade 79c Dining Room Drop. Rote or crystal 4.89 Living Room Ceiling Fixture to match 4.39 Porch Globe with a copper-finish holder 1.29 GLOSS OR SEMI GLOSS WAIL PAINT Use the Bes Give Added Life to Your Barnl WARDS SUPER BARN PAINT The finest you can buy! Producet a long tatting waterproof finish. Won't chip or peel! War leaves little time for repairs to form buildings, so keep them in tip-top shape with a long-wearing paint. Gal. covers 400 sq. ft., 2 coati I 1 89 Red, hi ( gal. loll Qvorf 94 USE YOUR CREDIT .... Any purchase totaling HO or more will open a monthly payment account; SEE OUR CATALOGS .... Come to our catalog department for thousands of values not In store stocks. You can't buy better! Both thsie famous Super-quality flniihei dry hard In 6 to 8 hours! Both are washable, long-wearing, dlrt-re tilling! Reducedl 4 dayt only! l-coal Flat Wall Paint. Qt. 74s tx BUT WAR 3TAMP5I ON SALE AT . g jm Sift MASTER PAINTERS HOUSE PAINT Oo'.ai 5oal.fofl 2.85 Thli flrsl-quallty paint proved equal by test to 6 famous top grade house paints! It goes a far, hides at welt,' toils at tongl Gal. covert up to 450 tq. fU 2 coats. Paint for less now! ' I Ninth Street. Carrier Pin Phone 3188