March 18. 1048 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 9r 1 ai nooirirn CbLHdOiriLU ADS Loil and found LOST Gas rutlon bonk, Ed Jlrondonlnirg, 8(13 California. ', Phono 3B02. 8-18 11 LUDT was ration pciuiikuib v If , Ralph K. Sohouboe, Jr., 240 East Main, Apt. a. e-io LOST Ration book 1 belonging to Louli Doldek, Malln, Ore. 318 11000 HEWAIID Will pay $1000 rtward (or Information loud- ', Ing to tha arrest and convic tion of tha party or partial, ! who stole, on or about Janu ary 14th to 28, 1043, (rom our , J -. .1.. n. D.nnh xiem ei in ' u" "vii 1 w nurebred heifers about 12 . montha old, no ear mark or ! brand. Llskey Drothen, 1040 Auburn Street, pnone 478, Klamath Fall, Oregon. 3-20 LOST Sugar ration book be longing to Lucllla McCluer, 1130k Adami. S-io "LOST Brown leather billfold containing gai ration book i drlvor'a license, $28 currency f Reward 110. Milton Dalton. I Return Fluhrer'i Bakery, 8-10 tort Sur ration book be ' lnnalna to A, O, Jackson, Rt. 2. Box 888. 3-20 ! nr Wnllrl containing ration book No. 1 and other papers. rrank Vochatzer, iiwa main. Phone 8822. 3-20 LOST Sugar ration book . be- longing to W. J. Kaake and Lea Kaake. 808 Plum. 3-20 I 'f.riRT fiuanr and nolnt ration n book .belonging to Marjorle c r mmiimin Jnlvnn z.lmmrr- man. 028 Donald. 3-20 insT No. 1 ration book. War- ' ran Freeburg, Pelican Bay rimn. Chllonilln. 3-20 Otnaral Notices ACCORDION LESSONS. Phone 3408. 3 24 10 Services BLACKSM1TMINQ and welding Tractor, truck and farm modi Inery repair. Special built elevatora, atackera and buck rakai. BROWN EQUIPMENT CO 1040 So. Bth St. Phona 8247 4-23 OAS ENGINES, electric equip ment and all (moll mnchlnei repaired. Bodenhnmor Snw Shop. 3-za AOS MACHINE CLEANED and Ditched. People a Ware home Bag Co. 1318tf BELTS for all makea refriger ators, washers, vacuum clean er or general use. Merit Wmhlnff Machine Service. 811 South Sixth. 3-3 lm t WILL OBTAIN vour delayed birth certificate for you. Chai. Hathaway, 120 No. 10th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 4-1 FLOOR SANDING and rofinlsh Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3922. 3-3 lm PAINTING, Kalsomlnlng H. - L. Brown. Phona 4228. 3 10m ELECTROLUX Authorized Serv. lea. L. C. Carr. 821 Mitchell J Phona 7187. 4-8mtf ALL MAKES refrigerators, wash- an, Ironers, vocuum cleaners serviced and repaired. Also J small appliances. Victory m Service Co., 1005 Prospect. Dial 8173 or 6448. 4-B CARE OF CHILDREN Phone ' 7812. 4-11 DRESSMAKING BY MARGO Formats, altorotloai, sewing of - all kinds. Phone 8401. 2311 .. Whlto avenuo. 1871t( CHIMNEYS FURNACES ., STOVES - OIL BURNERS ., cleaned, repaired. J. A. Tufts, - 1442 Oregon. Phona 714D. 4-19 PICTURE FRAMING Goollcr's, ; 230 Main. 4-14m JURNACES VACUUM CLEAN ED, complete repair service. Phone 7149. 4-4 PIANO TUNING Morgan, Em : plre Hotel. 3-22 HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and i Buckles covered. Alterations ; on new and old clothing. Mrs. ! H. M. Allcndor, 731 Main, 1 Room 218. Phone 7283. 4-lCm RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS v Frank Loiblcln, 2016 Blsbco. . 4-16 STATE or Delinquent Federal Incomo Tax Returns Prepared. W, B. Bownc, Room 4, Mol haso Bltlg., 325 Main St. Phona 6678. 3-31 13 Health DR. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic clinic, onion and rectal dls eases. 832 Main. Dial 7218. 3-31m 14 Help Wanted Femala WANTED Woman for gencrol housework; two small chil dren, Phona 283, Malln, Ore. 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Girl for drug atora work, Must be nonesi, win ing, nont and officiant. Do not apply unless stating aga and references. News-Herald Box 1038. 3-16 WANTED Lady to take care of fl-ycur-old girl from 8 a, m, to 5 p, in. Also do housework. No cooking. May take girl homo with her part time If tlMlred. 334 Upham street. Telephone 6085 after 5 p. m. 3-18 WANTED Help at Empire Hotel, 3-10 WANTED Woman for house work and caro of child from 8 lo 8, 81 days week. Phono 8071. 616 Spring. 8-20 WOMAN DRIVER One who knows city. Man's wages. Ap ply 130 Martin between 8 p. m. and 8 p. m. 3-19 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, typ ist to take charge of office Machine experience preforred but not essential. Good salary. Essential Industry. See Mr. Isenseo, Cascade Laundry. 3-24 18 Halp Wanted, Mala WANTED Retail clerks for lo cal store, Salary $50 week and up, Herald-Nows Box 1008, 14B7tf IB Situations Wint.d HOUR WORK Phono 8043. 4-8 HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants work after school and Satur- days. Phone 6525. 1201tf BABYLAND Cnro of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 1104 Crescont. Phone 8341. 4-4m MARRIED COUPLE want Job on ranch. Both experienced. Wife will cook for small crew. Box 1873. Uorald-Ncws. 3-20 20 Room and Board ROOM - BOARD FOR GIRL Close In. Phone 4765. 1028 Jefferson. I400tf BOARD AND ROOM Private shower, steam heat. 723 Klam ath Ave. 3-23 22 Rooms For Rent CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new Innersprlng mattresses. Free parking. 3-3 lm NICE WARM ROOM 134 No 3rd. 4-2 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory. Steam heated rooms $3,80 week up. Trans ient $1. 4-3mtf ROOMS 1034 High. 4-Bm ROOMS 514 N. 10th, 3-24 24 Apartments For Rant SMALL APARTMENT Fur nished. Phona 5452. 248 Broad. 1355tf TWO ROOM furnished apart ment, 1805 Main. 887tf RIVERVIEW One and two-bed room apartments, furnished, garage. Phona 5452. 1356U FURNISHED close in apt., $23. Adults, no pets. 825 Lincoln. 1830tf FOR RENT Furnished apart ment. 318 N. 10th. 1077U LIGHT housekeeping room, $20. 421 Oak. 3-21 FURNISHED APT. 433 No. 10th. 1770U GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Two and 3-room modern fur nished apartments. $27.80 and up. Weyerhaeuser district. Phone 8084. 4-5 THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment Couple. No pets. Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. 1503tf FURNISHED APARTMENT 001 Market. 3-22 KANDY APARTMENTS, 410 So 5th. Sleeping rooms $2 week. Housekeeping rooms also. Ph. 6836. 4-8 VACANCY Rex Arms Apart mcnts, 224 Broad. Phone 6769. New management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 4-8m APARTMENT Pine and Cedar. 4-8 APARTMENT-COTTAGE, close In, North Eleventh, $25, Gar age. Also one close In on Oak, $18. One $10. No more than two porsons. Phone 4272 of fice hours. - 1867tf 3-ROOM furnished apartment, Including electricity. Phone 7731 or 6383, 3-19 ESPLANADE COURT Apart ments, furnished, walking dis tance. 4-10 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Apartment accommodations with hotol service, Complete kitchen and dinette. Day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. 4-llm THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. 2043 White. 1523U VACANCY Couple only, no pots. Ideal Apartments, 323 Commercial. 1620tf VACANCY Everything fur- niched, $3.60 week and up. 1404 Klamath avenuo. 3-18 24 Apartmanta for Rant VACANCY One and two-room furnished apartments, $4 and up par weak. 133 N. 10th. 124 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities furnished. 419 No. 10th. 4-16 ATTRACTIVE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $4 and up. 216 Main. Fairfield Apartment. 3-23 2-ROOM Apt., electrically equip ped, couple only, No pets. Close In. 803 Lincoln. 3-18 3-ROOM fur Ished opartmants. f 18 month. Zlgler Apts. Block south of Pelican City school. 3-18 SMALL two-room and one-room apU. 812 Oak. Inquire 806 Oak. U70U COMPLETELY clean and under management of owners 3 room furnished Apts. $18.00. Zigler Apts., block south Pell can city school. 3-18 TWO-ROOM APARTMENT, fur. nlshed. Water paid. No gar age or parking. $28. 716 N 9th. Call afternoons. 1931tf TWO-ROOM FURNISHED APT. $85. White Pine Apts. 3-24 THREE ROOMS Furnished. Two blocks oast S. P. depot 117 N. 8th. 3-19 FOR RENT Four-room furnish ed apartment. Newly deco rated. Close In. Inquire 2222 Orchard after 8 p. m. 1917tf TWO AND 3-ROOM APTS. for rent. Also small house. 39 Main.. 3-20 APARTMENT with bath. Sleep ing room. 813 Pine. 3-20 FURNISHED APARTMENT Private bath. Two blocks off Main. 512i High. Phone 4668. 3-20 28 Houses For Rent SMALL, completely furnished apartment, close to bus, $25. VERY NICE completely furnish ed flat on Crescent avenue. One bedroom. HOUSE A couple of one-bedroom homes for rent, with stoves. E. GRAY Esquire Bldg. Corner 7th and Pino 3-19 5-ROOM DUPLEX New. large, unfurnished or with electric stove, refrigerator, furnace, 1133 California. Phone 8658. I 1317U NEWLY DECORATED, unfur nlshed five-room house. Range Call after 6 p. m. or Sunday. 320 Iowa. 762tf TRUCKS FOR RENT Yob drive; move yourself, save V4. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 4-7m SMALL, MODERN furnished house. Everything furnished. 2125 Blehn. 1316U BACHELORS' CABINS Close In. $10 mo. 610 So. 8th. 4-10 HOUSE 4 rooms, furnished, newly decorated. 1662 Man zanlta. 3-19 FURNISHED house, close in. Adults only. " No pets. News Herald, Box 1971. Give phone number. 3-19 FURNISHED small house and cabin. Inquire 221 Spring. 3-19 CLEAN FURNISHED HOUSE Utilities furnished. Inquire 2000 Blehn. 3-20 FOR RENT Completely fur nished five-room house. No objection to one small child. 1845 Crescent after 5 p. m. 3-19 2-ROOM MODERN Close in. Garden, Phono 4333. 3-18 COMFORTABLY furnished two- room house near business dis t r 1 c t. Utilities furnished. $18.50. 1125 East, evenings. 3-18 FOR RENT Modern 2-room partly furnished house, $16. Phone 6505., 3-19 THREE-ROOM modern, furnish ed House. Phone 7674. 3-20 FOR RENT 50 acres spud ground. Cash or crop. Harry Hundley, Malln, Ore. 3-19 FOUR-ROOM furnished house, garage. 1532 Lakevlew. Call ' 3808. . 3-20 FIVE-ROOM unfurnished house. Hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, insulated. Phono 4285. 3-20 FOR RENT Cuto amail house, furnished, Newly decorated. Two blocks from new under pass. Inquire 215 Eldorado. 3-19 FOR RENT Small modern. partly furnished home. Close In. Inquire BIS Upham. 3-20 7-ROOM unfurnished house. 5195 between 9 a, m. and 5 p. m. 3-19 wmasmaaamamgKmmmmmtmmamaaasn 28 Miscellaneous For Rant. FOR RENT Small irrigated ranch near Malln. Will share crop. Suitable for potatoes. P. O. Box 86, Malin, Phone 140, Malln. 318 31 Miscellaneous For Rant DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY Safety and protection. Cars ara not moved or molested 281 So. Uth. 4-llm FOR RENT 160 acres. All un der irrigation. Some In alfalfa, some in ulilke clover. Balance sultublo for potatoes and grain. Must have reference. 3535 Homedalo Rd., Klamath Foils. 3-19 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bed with Beautyrest mattress, floor waxers. Phone 5353. Klamath Furniture. 3-31m FOR RENT 48 acres of potato land It miles north of Tula lake. John Yanlks, Tulelake. 3-18 30 Real Estate For Sale Close In! VU Acres Two Acres in ALFALFA. . Modern home, sun porch, lots of bullt-lns, city water. Barn and chicken house, $3700 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY John McFee Phone 4521 3-18 FOR SALE 5 acres irrigated land, near bus line. 4 room modern plastered house, concrete foundation, fireplace. Price $3550.00. Terms. 4W acres, 4 room modern house, basement, floor furnace, electric water heater, some fur niture, garage with concrete floor, chicken house and work shop. Price $3750.00. Terms. BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 S. 8th St. Phone 4195 3-18 ATTENTION Weyerhaeuser and Kesterson mill employes. Bar gain. Furnished 4-room modern house. Lawn. $1250 cash, u G. Wagner, Lien's Store, Stew art Addn. 1909tf SIX ACRES, extra well lm proved, four miles out, paved road, location 3623 Anderson avenue, Klamath Falls. Owner can be contacted at Route 2, Box 110, Tillamook, Ore. E. T. Roberts. 4-9 LOT and three -room house, $750; two blocks from South 6th St. Right on bus line. 2440 Shasta Way. Phone 7820. "" llOltf FOR SALE New five-room home, corner Eldorado and Painter. Full basement, oil furnace. FHA approved loan, monthly payment!: less than rent. Phono 3301. 422tf FOR SALE 720-acre ranch northwest Sprague River. 115 acres In cultivation, balance meadow and pasture. Emile Egert, HUdebrand. 3-20 HALF ACRE, two houses,, com plete outbuildings. Good soil irrigation, fenced, good road. 2 blocks from bus. Both houses modern, four and five rooms. Forced to sell, ill health. Ph. 7897. 4-16 FOR SALE Beautiful five-room home. Hardwood floors, large lawn. Inquire 4677 Crosby. 3-23 3-ROOM HOUSE near Pelican Bay. Good buy. Owner leav. ing town. News-Herald Box 1474. 3-18 SEE EVERETT DENNIS for real estate. 121 N. 8th. Phone 8491. 4-2 ATTRACTIVE 2-bedroom home on Altamont Drive. Like new, Has nice yard and outdoor fireplace. Price $3100. Phone 8007. 3-20 32 Real Estate Wanted WANTED 2-bedroom, furnish ed house with chicken house. Suburban, near bus line and school. Permanent tenants. 821 N. 10th. 3-18 WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE Acreage with house and out buildings. Phone 8331. 3-20 WANTED Four-room modern house with utility room, stone or concrete foundation, garage nd woodshed, Prefer Mills addition. Call 8027. 3-20 WANTED Acreage with two bedroom modern house. Must be In excellent condition, Ph. 3958. 3-18 94 Automotive GET YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 627 Walnut. Ph. 7378. 4-6m PRIVATE PARTY Pay cosh for '41 0-passenger coupe. Day 7013. . Night 4210. 1905U 194U PLYMOUTH pickup prac tically new, low mileage, 6-ply . heavy duty rubber with very little wear. Phono 4272 or 8130 evenings. 1880tf FOR SALE 1936 LaSalle Sdn.. good tires, reasonable. Phone 8898, 3-19 FOR SALE 1940 Chevrolet panel, fine condition, $700. Phone 3184 between 8 a. m. nd 6 p. m. .1-22 Automotive Cy Wallan Needs Used Cars Right Nowl And will pay top prices for all makes, all models, '29 to '42! Remember the address, CyWallan's Used Car Lot On the Corner at 531 So. 6th St. Phone 5310 Office In Rear of Lot. Be Sure and Ask for Cy Wallan . .. The Independent Dealer. Lombard'! Lot la Next to Mo. FOR SALE 1936 Ford aedan. Radio and heater, excellent rubber. Call evenings and all day Thursday, 8147 Cottage. 3-18 FOR SALE Sleeping trailer. Ideal for camping or hunting. Practically new, good rubber. 133 N. 10th. Phona 4828, ask for Shaffer. 3-18 FOR SALE '37 V-8 11-ton truck. Corner Monteliua and Gage road. - 3-18 38 Fuel Heating UNION BURNER OILS We keep your storage tank full. CaU Klamath Oil Co., 8404. 36 Miscellaneous For Sale COAL SPECIAL JUST RECEIVED! A car of "Is land Creek" Kentucky hard coal. This is the first . and maybe the last opportunity to use this superior coal in Klam ath Falls. Peyton & Co. Dial S149. 8-22 AVON PRODUCTS Anna Funk Phone 3450. 3-18 DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. 1313tf 16" GREEN SLABS $2 cord at the mill, you haul it Ack- ley sawmill, 61 Klamath ave nue. Buy direct from driver at wood bin. Peyton and Co. 3-27 UNCLE SAM SAYS: No re strictions on repairs and main tenance. Let us help you with your painting, roofing and remodeling. N o t h 1 n g down. Payments low as $3.00 per month. Suburban Lum ber Co. Phone 3301. 984tf FULLER BRUSHES Call R. V. Morgan, 3348. 832 South Riverside. 4 -8m FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joyer. 1435 Martin. Phone 5677. 3-31 GLASS . Mirrors, res liver Ing, plate, window and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves; Kim ball's Glass Shop, 627 Walnut Phone 7378. . 4-6m GASCO BRIQUETS FOR BROODER use only. The best fuel for coal brooders. The WPB has permitted us to buy one car for our farmer customers to use for brooding purposes. ' Sack lots 95c. Ton lots $16. Bring your own sack, please. Peyton ti Co. 4-18 FOR SALE Old fashion carpet loom. 2130 Wantland. 3-19 FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool insu lation, blown in with our. spe cial equipment, will solve your heating problem. Nothing down, payments as low as $5 per month. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 1316tf STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath, Phone 6671. . 3-Slm RUBBER STAMPS, printed signs, made-to-order, commer cial printing. Most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunxman, 127 No. 4th. Phone 6632. 4-1 0m VICTORY GARDENERS Protect your gardens. We have all sizes of fence pickets and posts. Also bean poles, flower and tomato 'stakes. See us for your fence and garden needs. Nothing down, pay. ments as low as $5.00 month J. W. Copeland Yards, 66 Main. Phone 8197. 3-19 OFFSET DISC International 10 ft. offset disc for sale. Inquire Standard Service Station, Malln. Phone 173, Malln, Ore. 3-18 FOR SALE Typewriter and baby bassinette. 17 Warring. 3-18 24-INCH GREEN SLABS PINE double loads, $4.75; pine and fir mixed, dbl. loads, $5.25. Special 30 day run for . furnaces and fireplaces. It you like 24 Inch wood, now is the time to buy for next win ter. Wood is not rationed yet. Peyton & Co. Dial 8149. 4-18 FOR SALE 6 cu. ft. Cold-Spot 84 refrigerator. 615 Upham. 3-20 31 MUcoManeoue Fr Sale Auction Sunday, March 28, one o'clock one mile north, 3 miles west Mac's store, 10 miles south Klamath Falls on Airport road. Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Machinery. Watch for list. HARRY YOUNG, Owner. COL. SWIOART, Auctioneer. 3-18 FOR SALE Large baby bed, Maytag washing machine, 3 loads dry block wood. 2567 Kane. 3-18 FOR SALE 1 Jenkins buck rake, 1 hay derrick, 13 new McCormick-Deerlng teeth for spring tooth harrow, register ed young Holsteln bull, young shire stallion. Call 703 N. 9th. Phona 6426. 3-20 AVON PRODUCTS Phone 6691. 4-18 FOR SALE Delaval milking machine, two single units, first class condition; also one gentle work mara. M. J. Ny hart, Malin. Ore. 8-24 42 Miscellaneous Wanted RAW FURS WANTED We are here to buy furs and will be here till April 5. Get in touch with us immediately. It will be to your interest to deal with us, the remainder of the season, and we will do our best to please you at all tunes. L. L. Noonchester and Millie Noonch ester, Cascade Apt Hotel, 230 So. 11th, across from, the Elk Garage. Phone 5115, Apt 114. 3-18 CASH PAID for muskratg, no waiting, no delay. Jack Karp Cummlngs Fur Shop. 1213tf WE PAY CASH for used ma chines. A few late model Sing ers for sale. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 1213 Main. Phone 6771. 4-11 WANTED Johnson one cylin der outboard kicker. Must be in good shape. News- Herald Box 1630. 3-19 WANTED Good Juniper posts. Santford Jones, Bonanza, Ore. 3-18 WANTED Baby buggy. Phone 6907. 3-22 WANTED Teeter-Babe. Phone 7379. 73 High. 3-20 WANTED TO BUY Tricycle for small boy. .1830 Earl. Ph. 7758. ... 3-19 WANTED Party to plant one acre ground back of fair ground. Irrigated and fenced. CaU 7611 or 4632. 3-20 WANTED Pickup or li-ton truck, for cash. Box 1500, Herald-News. 3-20 WANTED Two saddle horses, one about 1100, other one 1200 or better.. Must be absolutely sound,, gentle, young, well broke and free. Send full particulars- to Box 1490, Herald News. 8-24 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Registered Guern sey yearling bull, $100. J. R Ratllff, li miles east of Hat field on state line, Malin, Ore, i 3-16 FOR SALE or. trade for what have, you? One Percheron stallion, 1900 lbs., 9 years, gentle, well .broke, to work Two unbroke 3-year-old draft colts. Two 1-year-old draft colts. Santford Jones, Bonanza; 3-18 WANTED Llvi nnnltrv nf all Kinas. Also eggs. Martin pro duce. Phone 3372. 6-17 WANTED Cash for good used washing machine and Electro- lux cleaner. Write Herald- News, Box 1497 before Satur day. 3-19 WANTED TO BUY Milk cows; also Guernsey heifer calves, weaned. State price. R. C Prudhomme, 5102. So. 6th St Phone 4943. 2-8tf SEE US before selling your live stock to So-Called shippers. We need cattle and hogs here at home and it will pay you to sen direct to us. Pauley Pack ing Co, Phone 5323; nights 3505. Top hogs $1.10 under San Francisco. I358tf FOR SAL!. Yorkshire boar, year and a half old. $50. In quire Stronghold for Hilton's place, Stronghold, Calif. 3-19 BID BASIN LBR. CO. Main at Spring Phone 8144 i Mr 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Saddle horse. 1621 Arthur. Phone 3408. 3-18 41 financial See Lawrence Leochner For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Signers Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. K. A. Moore, Mgr. M-275 8-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3328 3-31m First Federal Has Plenty of Money e e Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Homo e e Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms : Low Rate FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5195 3-31m LOANS Established 8 Years in Klamath County Furniture Loans Signature Loans Livestock Loans $25 to $300 Rogers Finance Co S-189 412 Main Dial 8113 3-3 lm 48 Business Opportunities EXPERIENCED spud farmer with seed and capital wants partnership with person with ground and equipment. Best of references. News-Herald, Box 1631. 3-19 SMALL APT. HOUSE, furnish ed, close in. Ideal for couple working in mill. Phone 4533 3-16 FOR LEASE Going service sta tion. Present owner going into army. Phone 9101. 3-20 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF TIMBER SALE Sealed bids, marked outside Bid for Timber," and addressed to the Chief Forester, O. and C. Administration,. 901 Guardian Bldg., Portland, Oregon, will be received until 10:30 a. m., Pa. cific Time. March 23, 1943, for the purchase of timber upon tracts hereinafter described; each bid must state the amount per M. feet B. M., which will be offered for each species and the total consideration which will be paid for the timber. No bid for less than the appraised val ue will be considered. Each bid must be submitted in duplicate and be accompanied by a de posit in the form ot a certified check in favor of the Treasurer of the United States. The de posit of any successful bidder KLAMATH BASIN . Carload Potato Shipments (Figures from State-Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey) : Day of B ...i . Month Season 1942-43 Season 1941-42 Mar. to Season . Mar. to Season March Daily - Date to Date Daily Date to Date 1 " 19 19 6249 2 2 5301 2 - 31 50 6280 18 18 5517 3 3X 81 6311 W 90 8549 4 25 106 6336 28 78 8577 " 5 28 134 6364 28 106 5605 6 SQ 184 6414 26 132 . 8631 7 T 184 6414 2T 159 . 6658 8 16 200 6430 2 161 5660 ""IS 225 6455 28 189 8688 10 19 . . 244 6474 30" 219 , 8718 U 26 270 6500 31 250 . 8749 12 17 28! 8517 - 29 . 279 8778 13 " 30 3H 6547 35 314 5813 14 T sTT 65 20 334 ; 6833 15 8 325 6555 3 337 6886 16 21 346 8578 24 361 B860 17 " 22 383 . ,8882 18 Ti 407 . 8906 423 5923 rj 450 '' 6949 21 . ' " " 32 482 8981 22 7 489 5988 23 ' 27;' 816 6019 24 26 541 6040 25 ' 27'.'' 568 8087 26 27 595 6094 ' 27 , , T" 622 "'6131 "' 28 - 656' 8168 29 ' 0 656 6166 30 ' 34 690 6180 . 40 '730 " 6239 will be credited on the eenti4 Payment In full at the time w filing the contract Is required in sales amounting to $2500 or less. For copies of the form ot proposal, form of contrast end bond, terms of payment, amount of deposit required with bid, amount ot bond required with contract and other information, application should be made to the address shown above. In Klamath County: T. 39 S., R. 5 E,, Sec. 31, all merchantable timber designated for cutting on the NBS4, NHNWK,. end SEttNWU, estimated tor the purpose of this salo to bo 900 M. feet stamped Ponderosa Pine, 1403 M. feet stamped Sugar Pino. No bid tor leu than $8.60 per M. ft. B.M. for tha Ponde rosa Pine, and $9.60 per M. ft. B.M. for the Sugar Pino, or total purchase price ot $20, 997.50, wiU bo considered. All trees except Ponderosa and Su gar Pine stamped USOC are re served from cutting. To be log ged with caterpillar tractor, Tha right to waive technical defects, and to reject any and all bids is reserved. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 6th day of March, 1943. W. H. Horning, Chief For ester, O. It C. Administration, M. 11-18. No. 198. NOTICE OF LANDOWNERS MEETING . Klamath Drainage District Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting ot the landowners of the Klamath Drainage District ot Klamath County, Oregon will be held at the office of the District, Room 12 Melhase Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon at 1:30 o'clock P. M. on Saturday, March 27, 1943 which meeting is called for the purpose of electing one sup ervisor to serve for a term of three years, and for the trans action of such other business as may come before the meeting. G. L. LANGSLET, Secretary, M. 11, 18, 25 No. 199. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap pointed Executor of the Last Will and Testament of James M. Baker, deceased. Creditors hav ing claims against the Estata of said decedent may file fame with said Executor, duly, veri fied as provided by law, i at Klamath Falls Branch, The First National Bank of Portland, with in six months from February 28, 1943, the date of the first pub lication of this notice. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND Executor ot the Last Will and Testament of .Tames M. Baker, deceased. . -F 25; M 4-11-18-25 No. 198. : Record Demand for Turkeys in Portland PORTLAND, March 18 (Af) Portland meat market operat ors reported today a record de mand for turkeys for this time of year. .. . . They said only a small per cent ot orders for whole tur keys can be filled because growers are keeping hens for their valuable eggs and killer prefer to cut up birds for the market because of the higher price. ......