Mnrch 11, 10-13 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE THREH Legislature) Has O Eight Committees To Report in 1945 8AU5M, March 11 (I') Tin! li'Kl.'ilnliiru cm t'ulcil iilwlil IiiUh'Iiii committees which will icpiii't lo 1 1 in 11MB legislature on their find- lllKH. Tlii-nn committee will nltitly the slnti) Ijiilird (if health, mliiiln Inlnitlvo procedure of nil state uui'iK'h'H, Ihii i'R(iiliX'inrnl Unit KclfHiiHlnlnliiK "Into activities pity 10 pur cent of their reve nues Id Ilia ki'ihtmI fund, tin.' hiindlliiK of delinquent mlnorii in statu training schools, Im provements In statu Institution hulldhiKs, milk prices, whether I'inployci'it should bo compelled to ho covered y industrial ae- cUltMit insurance, and motor transportation taxes. Undo Sum's treasury In feel ing tha restricted use of motor vehicles In tho reduced Income from excise tuxes on automo biles and motorcycle. Spring Fishing Starts in Sprague, Williamson Rivers With spring "Just around the c o r n o r," Chiloquln residents have resumed their annual mul let und trout fishing of Sprague river. For' the pust two or three weeks many giant mullet and trout have been taken from the waters of Sprague river. Most of tho fishing is done, not with tiicklc, but with a guff hook at tached to a bamboo pole. This sport requires much skill, for the fish are hooked during a brief glance while fighting their way up very swift water. Fishing is done near the Chil oquln mill, about one-quarter of a mile abovo the Sprnguo" Williamson river junction, Veteran of the fleet of Clip-, por ships Is the Yankee Clipper which has flown more than a million miles to cross the At lantlc 235 times. RW7 i-.r.V. v j.r.vw.? w.t ii ij. .1' wi - m m. b. v n mm m m mm . f mm mm m m n mum mm m 9 mm m m m ii 'w mm . -mi ' . I M-fl tflFIWf wmmwm mm mil vf p'otct (h. ... . tha'9of V"Y way. Black 1 , ' bru.h.j ' .7lacK dross no ... . 5 Qi. Cross Country All . . 7 fll ..... rM' -ANGE v ' ri wri "uy am mm wears IRIS Wealr -wo-,, P UVY SWWU " dirt. Colors go Tnrougn 10 uu-r. rw3 J , WmfJHl CH1WGE l i h o leu M $ SM 'AW T2J8r 5 MMV WSk lf& " M LJ Argosy Oil Ii ' ' " us-u ,. K M A I I Ml WA aoor service Smtionf . II "... ..Ill Vn.t I Im I k mW INLAID LINOLEUM WITH PATENTED FELT BACK Marbelle or Tile potterns in clear, lovely col ors that go through to the new patented back- . . i : r... .lAne eiei U "3 49 square yard . JUST 700 PELT BASE L,NO MATS TO fin Am. - . 18x38 floor 'HLy- Ot. Buv Bnnrlt and Stamps i1 Vv 51 i IMMWlMirtW L. i olid Carload of 19 m U nth Springs a Uso SEARS EASY PAYMENT PLAN For All Your Purchases Totaling $10 or More! ri JUST ARRIVED! To Gfon' Sale" Wrow 9 A. M. 5 H SET Cotton Blossom . . . 81x90 .hoe,, that should sol! 0 at lea S 1 1 S H 81X" 0 I. ,hl. flroup . . . 4 'J V cuttomarl " ' ' Cotton Blossom Cases it ic ea. tr , m"V I'll -vt 1TB r These Beautiful Sets Really Represent Pre - War Value v and Quality PRICED FROM S)95 H 50 0 1 09'5 Se. tm. gronc group ol pr.-w.r construct. P.v.nport. ,d Chair. . . . All with springs. T.p.str . .d mohair. In b.autiful color,. Ev.ry ... Honorbllt. WW