March 10, 1048 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALES, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN CLASSIFIED ADS Loit and Found LOST Sukit rntlon book. Floyd Uarnoi, Clllchrlit, Oro. 3-10 LOST Ladles imnll Elgin wrlt watch, black cord bund, whllo gold tuco. Valued lo owner as keepsake. Liberal reward. Finder please call 7228. 3-10 LOST Ration Cnrd No, 1 be longing to Anno Do Long, 1 17 So. 7th. 3'n LOST Ration book No. 1 be longing to Mavln Barton, Spra guo Rlvor, 3-11 IOST White gold wrist watch O' ivlth narrow leallior band. He ward, rhono Veda, 8373. 3-12 LOST Lady'i brown oxford. Phone 3800. 3-10 LOST Sugar and point rutlon books. M. J. Kendall. Phone rinva. 3505 nlKhts. 3-12 Otnaral Notices TRAPPERS Top prices paid for fun. By L. H. Noonchester, 323 E. Main, Apt. 6B. 3-10 ACCORDION LESSONS. Phone 341)8. 3-2-t 10 Sgrvlcta INCOME TAX RETURNS pre piircd. Phono 6070. W. B. Uowne and It. F. McLaren. Open evenings and Sundays. 3-15 BLACKSMITHINQ and woldlng. Tractor, truck and farm mach- Olnory repair. Special built tlnvntnra. ilnckcri and buck rakes. BROWN EQUIPMENT CO. 8040 So. 6th SU Phon 8247 4-23 SHEETMETAL PLUMBING Furnace vacuum cleaned. P L. Johnson, 1436 Sargent Phono 8320. 3-15 GAS ENGINES, electric equip ment and all small machines repaired. Bodenhamer Saw Shop. 3-23 OIL BURNER SERVICE. Fur nacei, chlmneyi, stoves clean ed and repaired. J. A. Tufts, 1442 Oregon Ave. Phone 7140. 312 PICTURE FRAMING Goeller's, 230 Main. 3-14m HEMSTITCHING Dressmaking, Buttons and ' Bucklei covered. Alteration! on new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allender, 731, Main, Room 216. Phone 7263. 3-16m BAGS MACHINE CLEANED mnit rmtchnri Feonlo's Ware house Bag Co. 1318U BELTS for all makes refriger ators, washers, vacuum clean er! or general use. Merit Washing Machine Service, 611 South Sixth. 3-31m I WILL OBTAIN your delayed birth certificate for you. Chai. Hathaway. 120 No. 10th St.. Klamath Falls, Ore. 41 FLOOR SANDING and refinlsh lng. Clifford Golden. Phone 3022. 3-3 lm INTINO, Kalsomlnlng H. L. Brown. Phono 4226. 3-lOm FURNACES vacuum cleaned, complete repair service. Phone J149. 4-4 ELECTROLUX Authorized Serv ice. L. C. Carr, 621 Mitchell. Phone 7167. 4-8mtf ALL MAKES rofrlgcrntors. wash ers, ironors, vacuum cleaners ' serviced and repaired. - Also small appliances. Victory Service Co., 1005 Prospect Dial 6173 or 8448. 4-fl 12 Educational IF VOU LIKE TO DRAW, sketch or paint Write for Tal ent Test (no Ice). Give age and occupation. Box 1303 Herald-News. 3-13 Health 'R. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic clinic, colon and rectal dis eases. 632 Main. Dial 7215. S-31m 14 Help Wanted Female' WANTED Woman to take care of semi-Invalid and some housework. Sundays and holi days off. Call after 7:15 p. m. . Hermosa Apartment 6, 1837tf WANTED Two young Indies, 18 to 21. Pleasant work, good pay. Apply 4720 So, 8th St. WANTED Woman or girl for housework, earn of children Good wages. Howard Miller, route 3. box 387. 3-10 WANTED Lady for extra work In store. 24 Main. 3-11 WANTED Experienced egg grader. Swift and Co. 312 I' ANTED Experienced foun tain girl for full time, perma nent position. Some evening work. Inquire for Marlon Lee Hendricks Drug. No ap plications by telephone ac cepted, 3-12 34 Automotive 34 --'"' - - Turn to Turner For CASH rz USED CAR Or Equity Turner Chevrolet Co. 410 8. Bth Bt. 16 Help Wanted, Male WANTED Man or woman with furniture experience to sell and work in store. -Palmer's Bargain Homo, 2401 So. 6th St. .. 3-10 MAN or woman with car for purt time collections on bona flde monthly puymcnt ac count, Experience not re quired, and you will not better than $1.00 per hour for time spent. Box 1306, Herald Nows. 3-10 WANTED For single band mill, a good millwright able to han dle crew, Write P. O. Drawer 1B2, Medford, or phone 2123 during day or 4578 evenings. 3-16 18 Situations Wanted HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants work after school and Satur days. Phone 6525. 1201tf BABYLAND Care of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 1104 Crescent. Phone 8341. 4-4m HOUR WORK Phono 8043. 4-8 MARRIED COUPLE wishes place on ranch. Wife cook, man can oprrato any kind farm equipment. Write Jess Williams. Dairy. Ore. 3-12 22 Rooms For Rent CLAREMONT, 228 North 4lh. All outside, newly decoratod modern rooms. All with now innorsprlng mattresses. Free parking. 3-31m ROOMS. 825 High. 3-12 ROOM 134 N. 3rd. 314 ROOM 020 Lincoln. 3-12 NICE WARM ROOM 134 No. 3rd. 4-2 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory. Stoam heated rooms $3.50 week up. Trans- lent $1. 4-3mtf ROOMS 1034 High. 4-5m NICE FRONT ROOM for two girls. Kitchen privileges. 1405 Upham. Phone 5340. 3-15 24 Apartments For Rent 3-ROOM FURNISHED APT. Close In. Inquire 117 No. 8th U80U SMALL APARTMENT Fur nished. Phone, 6452. 248 Broad. 1355U PONDOSA APARTMENTS Phone 5627. 3-15 ESPLANADE COURT Apart mcnts, furnished. Walking distance. 3-10 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities furnished. 418 N, 10th. 3-16 TWO ROOM furnished apart mcnt, 1805 Main. 887tf CASCADE Apartment Hotel Apartmont accomodations with hotel service. Complete kitch en and dinette. Day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. ' 3-1 lm RIVERVIEW One and two-bed room apartments, furnished garage. Phone 5452. 1356tf LARGE, ONE-ROOM Private shower. Elcctrlo range, Adults 325 Commercial. 62 Hf FURNISHED close In apt., $25. Adults, no pels. 825 Lincoln 1839U FOR RENT Furnished apart ment. 319 N. 10th. 1077tf LIGHT housekeeping room, $20 421 Oak. 3-21 FURNISHED ,APT., 433 No, 10th. 1770tf FURNISHED, clean, comfort able 3 -room Apt. $25.00 nibnth. 754 No. Tenth. 3-12 GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Two and 3-room modern fur nished apartments. $27.50 and up. Wcycrhaeiifior district. Phono 5084. 4-5 3-ROOM partly furnished Apt. No pots. Phono 3508. 860tf THREE-ROOM furnished apart mont. 400 Oak. 3-15 THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. Couple. No pets.- Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. 1503U DUPLEX APT. Furnished. 212 Lewis, Inquire 313 Main, 3-11 FURNISHED APARTMENT 501 Market. 3-22 MODERN, furnished duplex, 011 North Bth. 3-11 KANDY APARTMENTS, 410 So. Bth.' Sleeping rooms $2 week. Housekeeping rooms also. Ph 6836. 4-8 Automotive r - ..r - - p- -- n - J-Ln Phone 4113 24 Apartments For Rent VACANCY Rex Arm! Apart ments, 224 Broad. Phone 5760. New management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 4-8m APARTMENT- Pine and Cedar 4-8 ROYAL ARMS APARTMENT Vacancy. 524 High. 1513tf 26 Hout a For Rent NEWLY DECORATED, unfur nished five-room house, Range Call after S p. m. or Sunday. 320 Iowa. 762tf 5-ROOM DUPLEX New, large, unfurnished or with electric stove, refrigerator, furnace. 1133 California. Phone 8658. 13l7tf UNFURNISHED two -bedroom . house. Phone 3600. 803tf SMALL, MODERN furnished house. Everything furnished. 2125 Blchn. 1315tf FOR RENT 5-room furnished house, almost new, Pacific Ter race. Phone 131, Malln, Ore, 311 HOUSE Four rooms furnished. Newly decorated. 1662 Man- zanita. 3-12 THREE-ROOM modern, furnish ed house. 715 Upham. 3-11 FOR RENT Two-room house on - acre. Inquire 2508 S. Kane. 3-10 4-ROOM furnished house, $40. 1840 Oregon Ave. Phone 8235 evenings. 3-10 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save V4. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 4-7m THREE ROOM furnished house. Bath, close in, $20. Chris Muck, 1320 Pleasant. Phone 6470. 3-13 4-ROOM HOUSE with ,2-room apt. in renr. 4-room house, electric water heater, fireplace, garage. 3-room house, stoves, basement garage. All on pave-, mcnt, close in. Phone 3758. 3-11 3-ROOM HOUSE, partly furnish ed, $20. 247 Rogers. Inquire 313 Main. 3-11 3-ROOM HOUSE, partly furnish ed, 216 Lewis. Inquire 313 Main. 3-11 THREE-ROOM HOUSE, nice yard and trees. Rent $23. Some furniture. 118 N. 7th. 3-11 FURNISHED 3-room house, $20. Also 2-room furnished house, $10. 2424 So. 6th. 3-15 2-ROOM HOUSE and bath, part ly furnished., 1045 Dolores and Fremont streets. .3-15 FURNISHED Two -bedroom home In Hot Springs, Fire place, hardwood floors. Phone 6847. 3-11 MODERN furnished house, one bedroom, oil heater. Inquire 305 Lincoln. 1436U FOR RENT 3-room furnished house. Working couple pre ferred. Wood, water furnish ed, Inquire 2057 Applegate. 3-11 THREE ROOMS, furnished, bath, garage. Water paid, 2424 So. 6th. 3-16 28 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY- Safety and protection, Cars are not moved or molested 231 So. 11th. 3-llm WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bed with Beautyrest mattress, floor waxcrs. Phone 5353. Klamath Furniture.' 3-31m RESIDENCE and business room, formerly Dutch Mill, $30 mo. Call at 1414 East Main. 3-10 FOR RENT 70 acres good soil for cash, one year. No build ings. ' Emma Otoy, D o r r 1 s, Calif. 3-16 30 Real Estate For Sale LOT and three room house, $750; two blocks from South 6th St. Right on bus line. 2440 Shasta Way. Phone 7620. . HOltf SEE EVERETT DENNIS for real estate. 121 N. 8th. Phone 8481. . 4-2 FOR SALE New flvo-room home, corner Eldorado and Painter. Full basement, oil furnace. FHA approved loan, , monthly payment, less than rent. , Phone 3301. 422tf LOT 8A, BLOCK 6, R.A. addi tion for sale for cash. Please make offer to owner, Ynez M. Ryan, ' 825 Junlperro Serra Blvd., San Francisco. 3-11 34 Automotive WANTED 20 More Late Model 6-Cyl. Sedans Within 10 Days, at Wholesale Cash Prices. Must Be in Good Condition With Good Rubber. These Cars Will Go to Essential War Workers In the Bay Districts. So If You Have Two and Don't Need But One, See Jim Douglas, Purchasing Agent, to Get Cash for Your Car Right Nowl Douglas Motor Co. 734 Klamath Ave. ' Packard, Hudson, Willys Dealer All Chrysler Product Service 3-13 30 Real Estate For Sale MILLS ADDITION Nearly new home on Eberlcln street. Extra large lot, floor fur nace, hardwood floors, drain boards covered, lots of built Ins. On paved street. Call at, office for appointment 118 N. 7th UNION AVENUE A very nice home. Has all the modern conveniences. Can be bought on reasonable terms. E. GRAY REAL ESTATE 118 N. 7th 3-11 FOURTEEN ACRES adjoining the Brimming Cup Auto Camp, Kcno, $250. Martin H. Gluck, 201 Santa Rosa Ave., Oakland, Calif. 3-15 MODERN 2 - bedroom home. Small down payment, balance like rent. Call John McFee, 4521. 3-10 100 ACRES of best land in north ern California. Farm build ings and dwelling. Priced only $4000. John McFee. Phone 4521. - 3-10 SIX ACRES, extra well im proved, four miles out, paved road, location 3623 Anderson avenue, Klamath Falls. Owner can be contacted at Route 2, Box 110, Tillamook, Ore. E. T. Roberts.- 4-8 FOR SALE , Attractive dairy farm, 6 miles cast of Reeds- port, on Umpqua highway. Modern buildings, gravity wa ter, Dclco lights, milking ma - chine, farm equipment and stock (14 cows), will support more, one mile river frontage, excellent hunting and fishing. School bus, mail, truck and telephone, service. Reasonable price and. terms,, no trade. W. G. Hoagland, Reedsport, Ore gon. 3-16 34 Automotive WANTED FENDER AND BODY WORK Have your car dolled up for spring. We assure you first-class work and prompt service. Get an estimate from us on the small est fender dent to a complete smashup. All work guaranteed and immediate service. H. E. HAUGER Buick Garage 1330 Main ' 3-15 '30 FORD SEDAN 1621 Ar- , thur. 3-10 FOR SALE 1836 GMC pickup. 1-ton. 1621 Arthur. 3-10 FOR SALE '38 Chevrolet tudor. Ernies Richfield Service, 8th and Pine. Phone 5726 or 5407. 3-10 35 CHEV. 11-TON TRUCK with flat rack. No trade. Box 1418, Herald-News. 3-10 GET YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Ph. 7378. 4-6m FOR SALE 1836 Dodee nirknn Good paint, rubber and body. 1833 International pickup, new paint and seat covers. 130 Martin St. 3-10 FOR SALE '28 A Model Ford Coupe-, $45. 2501 Vine. 3-12 35 Fuel Heating UNION BURNER OILS We keep your storage tank full. Call Klamath Oil Co., 8404. 3-31m 36 Miscellaneous For Sale 16" GREEN SLABS $2 cord at the mill, you haul It. Ack ley sawmill, 61 Klamath ave nue. Buy direct from driver at wood bin. Peyton and Co. 3-27 FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joyer, 1435 Martin. Phone 5677. , 3-31 FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool insu lation, blown in with our spe cial equipment, will solve your heating problem. Nothing down, payment as low as $3 per month. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 1316U AVON PRODUCTS Anna Funk Phone 3450. 3-18 AVON PRODUCTS Phone 66B1. 3-17 34 Automotive 34 Automotive We Pay Cash for USED CARS ALL MAKES ALL MODELS From '28 to '42 Cy Wallan's Used Car Lot 531 So. 6th 3-13 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE Dry slab wood cut In May and June. Sold in truck load lots at Long Bell Mill, or inquire Tim's Wood Yard, 2841 La Verne avenue Altamont addition. 3-10 DRIVEWAY CINDERS 6817. Phone .1313U WATKINS PRODUCTS. Phone 6623 or 2318 Home. 3-12 FARMERS Cattle," hog and chicken feeders ready built. Hog and chic houses built to save you money. Lumber as low as $18 per thousand. No down payment, three years to pay. J. W. Copcland Yards, 66 Main. Phone 3187. 3-11 VICTORY GARDENS for sale or rented. Water furnished. 1621 Arthur. - 3-10 GENERAL ELECTRIC '42 model electrjc range, Phone 5407. ; . 3-io FOR THE BEST BUY IN TOWN in High-Grade Used Furniture, Stoves and Appliances try Palmer's Bargain House, 2401 So. 6th St. Klamath's Bargain Center. TODAY'S HOT SPECIALS 5 nice studio couches 5 fine bedroom suites 20 nice wood ranges, $15 up 5 dandy electric ranges ' 10 nice dinette sets, $10 up 10 wood heaters and circula tors 100 nice steel beds, $2 up 50 nice steel springs, $3 up 100 good mattresses, $5 up We buy Used Merchandise. We Trade We Give Terms. Remember the place PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE 2401 South 6th St. Phone 8468 3t13 GLASS Mirrors, resilvering, plate, window and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 4-6m PRACTICALLY NEW man's bi cycle, $45. 412 Michigan. Ph. 6744. 3-10 JOHNS MANVILLE ROCK WOOL batts are the most effi cient insulation obtainable. And where sufficient head room exists, you may insulate your ceilings for 101c square foot, installed, at the Big Basin Lumber Co., Main and Spring streets. , 3-17 RUBBER STAMPS, printed signs, made-to-order, commer cial printing. Most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4th. Phone 6832. 3-10m UNCLE SAM SAYS: No re strictions on repairs and main tenance. Let us help you with your painting, roofing and remodeling. Nothing down. Payments low as $5.00 per month. Suburban Lum ber Co. Phone 3301. 084U' STOVES REPAIRED All parts . stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. S-31m WALLPAPER SALE ends March 15. Gocller's, 230 Main. 3-13 FOR SALE Caterpillar 30. Box 116, Sprague River. 3-15 MEET fuel oil rationing with Johns Manville Rock Wdol In sulation Cost usually less than $100, installed, for the , average 5-room house. At the Big Basin Lumber Co:, Main and Spring. Phone 3144. 3-15 FOR' SALE Gas stove, perfect condition, $75; glider porch swing, like new, $45. The Glass House, 215 No. 11th. . 3-10 34 Automotive Just Traded In On New 1942 FORDS '38 Ford Deluxe Tudor, Radio and heater '37 Ford Tour. Sedan. Radio and heater '37 Ford Tudor Sedan ... 36 Bulck Sedan '37 Plymouth Sedan '37 DeSoto Sedan BALSIGER Motor Co. Main and Esplanade SPECIAL!!! 1940 Buick Super Sedan Radio,, heater, motor overhauled and guaranteed. & I AQC A perfect used car "r ' JiD HE. HAUGER 1330 MAIN . 36 Miscellaneous For Sale LATE MODEL Burroughs type writer. Elite type. New con dition. $85. Phone 8441. 3-11 6-FOOT CASE COMBINE with Universal pickup reel. H. B. Booth, Star Route, Malin. 3-12 FULLER BRUSHES Call R. V. Morgan, 3348. 532 South Riverside. 4-8m FOR SALE Old style Fordson tractor Fordson plow; team very gentle mules. Spring Lake, Rt. .1, Box 870, Jerry Brandejsky. : 3-12 LANDSCAPING Evergreens, flowering shade trees, shrubs, fruit trees and roses. Trim- . ming and spraying trees and shmbs. Lakeshore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4082. 3-16 FOR SALE Wood or coal , cir culator, oak color. Phone 8547. 3-12 38 For Sale or Trade WILL TRADE Modern 2-bed room home on Vi acre fine soil, for ranch and pay differ ence. Herald-News Box 1850. 3-13 42 - Miscellaneous Wanted RAW FURS WANTED We are here to buy furs and will be here till April 5. Get in touch with us immediately. It will be to your interest, to deal with us, the remainder of the season, and 'we will do our best to please you at all times. L. L. Noonchester and Millie Noonchester, Cascade Apt Hotel, 230 So. 11th, across ; from the Elk Garage. Phone 5115, Apt. 114. .-- 3-18 CASH PAID for muskrats, no waiting, no delay. Jack.Karp, Cummings Fur Shop. 121 jtf WANTED TO BUY Good used typewriter. Prefer Underwood. Call 4748 after 6:30 or 3124 days. - 1056tf WANTED Apartment size ni ano. Will store for its use or will rent. Phone 4384. Roose velt, Apt. 10. 846tf GOOD USED TRUCK, V-8 or Chevrolet preferred. Must be reasonable for cash. Write Ralph Lutz, Mt. Hebron, Calif. 3-12 44 Livestock and Poultry Fa rmers interested in growing garden seed on contract please see Claude Darland. NORTHRUP, KING & CO. at Klamath Basin Seed Co. Small or Large Acreage Acceptable 3-10 BIG BASIN LBR. CO. - Main ac Spring Phon 3144 rm yip Automotive Down Pay't $300 $300 $200 $185 $105 $200 Full Price $693 $685 $415 $385 $445 $485 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED TO BUY Milk cows; also Guernsey heifer calves, weaned. State price. R. C. Prudhomme, 5102 So. 6th St ' Phone 4843. 2-8tf WANTED Cattle, sheep and hogs. J. D. Beckley, Phone 7334 evenings. 1314tf SEE US before selling your live stock to so-called shippers. We need cattle and hogs here at home and it will pay you to sell direct to us. Pauley Pack ing Co. Phone 5323;- nights 3505. Top hogs $1.10 under San Francisco. 1358tf FOR SALE Young Guernsey cow. Freshen in April. Rt. 2 Box 488, So. 6th. 3-10 FOR SALE 25 head dairy cows and equipment and ranch for rent. Box 780, News-Herald 3-13 46 Financial LOANS Established 8 Years in Klamath County Furniture Loans Signature Loans Livestock Loans $25 to $300 Roqers Finance Co. S-188 412 Main Dial 5113 3-31m 34 KLAMATH BASIN Carload Potato Shipments (Figures from State-Federal Inspector, Ross Aubrey) ' li ii i mi gaaa i i i i n i s-ag Day of Month Season 1842-43 Season 1841-42 Mar. to Season Mar. to Season March Daily Date to Date Daily Date to Date 1 18 18 6248 2 2 5501 2 31 50- 6280 16 18 5517 ' 31 31 8l 6311 32 50 5548 ' 4 ii 106 6336 ' 28 78 5577 ' 5 2i 134 6364 28. 106 5605 " T 50 " 184 . 6414 "i? 132 5831 7 0 184 6414 27 158 5658 ' 8 " I 200 . 6430 2 161 5660 9 : 25 ' 225 6455 28 188 5688 4 10 30 .218 5718 U " 31 250 5748 ' 12 28 278 . 5778 , 13 ' ,35 314 8813 " 14 " 20 334 5833 15 ! '. 3 i37 5838 16 " 24 361 5880 17 22 383 5882 " 18 "" " " 24 407- 6806 " IS 16 . 423 8822 20 27 .450 6848 21 --.I-- 32 : 482 6881 , 22 - 7 488 HeaV" 23 27 518 6018"" " 24 25 541 6040 " 25 ' . ' 27 668 6067 26 " 27 585 6004 " 27 " " '. 27 622 6121 ' - - 34 656 6155 ' 28 " . 0 656 6159 '" 30 ' 34 600 6189 " 31 " : 40 730 6229 " 48 Financial CASH LOANS ' without ajfooasms I WAYS TO OBT A CONSUMUt CASH LOAN THOU! WRIT! . COM I IK Tou oMd no eo-iltn.rt or tndonfrt te St a ontiiDr bag THREE LOAN PLANS NO. 1-JNCOMB LOANS on your not only. Fo v iulft menu. No coaltnm. SO. 1-HJRNlTUnE LOANS vour chiricttr ft mnr imporUat than tbt furniture ItieU, NO. -AUTO LOANS 20 tO 9600 CaU& lOlfil tad NlV Dancing, CONSUMERS CREDIT COMPANY (M-1U RUtt Phone 7711 720 Pine St. First Federal Has Plenty of Money ! ... Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home . , Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms -: Low Rat FIRST FEDERAL J SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5181 3-31m See Lawrence Leochner For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirement Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Signers ' Locally Owned - Motor Investment Co. K. A. Moore, Mgr. -M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3323 3-3 lm 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Riverside :Aut Camp, 12 modern cottagei, one block from city limits on South Riverside. - 3-18 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ALLEY .... VACATION To All Whom It May Concern: This is notice that, upon a peti tion filed by Melvin O. Carmich. ael and others, on February 23. 1843, praying for the vacation el the Alley in Block 17, of Hot Springs Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, between Portland street and Crescent avenue. Mo-day, April 5, 1848, has been fixed for hearing any objections or remonstrance to said petition. Any remonstrance or objec tions may be filed In writing with the city recorder, prior to said date, or said alley will be vacated. The first publication hereof is 'on February 24, 1843. H. T. FRANEY, ' - City Recorder. F. 24; M. 3-10-17-No. 183. Let's put everything to world Sell the articles you don't tin through a classified ad.