February 11, 1048 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FTVB Bible Conference Intercut In (ho Evangelistic , Illblo confer ence bellia conducted by Hoy L llrown at the Uiblo Hupllst church, lin led to npi'cltil after noon niootliiK to bu livid down town lit tlio Covenant church, Walnut street, nt 2 p, in, Tlio subject lor tho 8 o clock moullnu thin ovonluil (Thursdny) will bo "Tho BtriiloKy of Hnliin." Tho mibjiicl Friday will ho "Why Wo llnvo Four uonniil Hucords.' Thin conference will continue throuiili tho week with orvlco Suturdny ovcnliiK, Sunday ut 10 B. in. and 7:110 p, m,, with u mass moolhiK nt 3 p, in, Tho public In invited. Visitors Mr, K. C. Post of 218 Main itract, him hud lis tier lluest thin piutt weekend, Mm. Kverotl Doniihuo of Hond mid lior slstor-ln-liiw, Mm, Athol llo- vl iind hor dmiiililer, Mm, Tom Million of McUod, Albortii, Can. Mm. Mullen' husband lit member of tho Hoy nl Cnnudlun air forco. Tlio thrco left hero for Medford to visit for u brief time beforo roIiik north. Mr. Donu- huo and Mm, Jloviii woro born end roared in tho Silver Luko country and linvo many friends in southern Oregon, Mr. Notion Visits Mrs. Kutli erlne Nelson, former Klmnath ralla renldont and active In civic ffaln here, li spending sovcrol day In this city on a combined business nnd ploasuro trip. Sho l a uueal ot tho Wlllurd. Mm. Nolaon hu been locutod In Port land i WPA area supervisor nnd 15 en route north after a vlalt In Sun Francisco and other bny points. Calltd North Mr. and Mm. Itnlph R. Macartney Sr., were in Hillsboro, Ore., Monday to at tend the funeral service for Dr. W. H. Pauley, for 64 yearn a resi dent of that community. Ho was the father of Mr. Ralph R. Macartney Jr., who, with Stnff bRt. Macartney of Camp Canon, Colo., wns able to attend final rite for her father. Commlttt to Moot Every , church In Klamath Falls and tho suburban area is urged to send a representative to tho World Prayer committee meeting to be . held in tho First Christian church nurlor at 2 n. m. Vrlrinv Fnh. mnry 13. Final plans for tho worm day of Prayer will bo made, Gunlock Enlist William Cunlock, former assemblyman for tlio nearby northern Cali fornia district, ha enlisted In the navy. He served In tho navy In the lost war. Gunlock gavo up a lucrative railroad Job to go Into the scrvico. His home 1 at Ounsmulr. Improving J, H. Schnccbcr gcr, Klamath rancher who suf fered a fractured arm when truck by a bull, also received several broken rib and othor hurt In the accident, it wa learned. Hj 1 a patient at Klamath Valley hospital, where bo continue to Improve. Child Improves Jodell Goss, tnughtcr of Lloyd Gosa of 1821 Lancaster street, wa reported ) iuproved Thursday follow Inff major surgery nt Klamath Val ley hospital. Benefit Tho public is Invited to ultond tho Hhusta PTA boneIt to bo given Saturday night In tho schoolhnuso, Urldgn, pi nochle nnd Chlnoso checker will bo pluycd und refreshment served. neaurno Position W, I. Ting Iny of tho US bureau of reclama tion offices, Im resumed hi po sition following tin illness of sev eral day. Ill at Home L. E. Luce is 111 nt his home on Willow avenue, whero ho litis been confined to his bed for tho post three week, EDITORIALS ON NEWS (Continued From Pago One) . plug uvullublo than u year ago. That is the approxlmiito equal of 12ft Liberty freighters, such as Kaiser I building. Losses from nibs In tho past two months aro at tho lowest figure in over a yem, and our present rnto of SUBMARINE SINKINGS Is tho best so far In tho war, yllE destructive power of the A individual submarine, Chur chill toll us, Is steadily DECLIN ING. In the first year of the war, ho says, cuch U-boat In operation accounted for an average of 10 of our ships, In tho second year 12 and In tho third year only 7i. ... , AS to thut, hero is tho sober second thought: Tho Ger man now have to havo 2i times as many submarines to accom plish tho samo destruction os In tho first year of the war, but they've been building fast and MAY HAVE THEM. Dot we've been building cargo ship fustcr than tho Germans can sink them. ... rHURCHlLL says: 'The dominating aim which wo (ho and FDR) sot beforo our selves at Casablanca was to ENGAGE tho enemy's force on land, sea and In the air on the LARGEST POSSIBLE SCALE and at the EARLIEST POS SIBLE MOMENT. Wo havo to make tho enemy burn and bleed , . . as ho ia being made to burn and bleed on the vast Russian front." That Is spoken directly to Stalin and is Intended to tell him that wo'ro with him with everything wo'vo got end will do It quick. It helps to explain why Stalin wasn't represented ot Casa blanca. Ho Isn't going to play with us until we play with him ON THE SAME SCALE. Always road the classified ads. QUICK WELCOME RELIEF FOR UPSET STOMACH ti 3 Minutes or Doubli Your Homy Back Fimtrat STUART TABUTS oooUla ttw ry InattxiUntt o olUn uad by doctor to brtna Sulok woloosBO tolut liom eidlndlgiHoa litioM etuatxl by mwott tomaoh oialty thai tin a or drinking. Dolloioui ttatlng rtoUko. NobottUi aonlilno;. rot won datlul blonad liom oicm told lUiUr- Ino, try lamoaa STUART TABUT8 without dly. Al all drug aloraa 2Se, OOo and $1.30 udu nWa oajrbaok guaianto. Sweetheart Cake The tender and light layers are fla vored with the juice from fresh oranges and iced with a home type boiled icing sprinkled with little red candy hearts. 79c Valentine Specials Heart-shaped cookies iced in red or white. 30c Doz. Valentine Cakes $1.25 and $1.50 Place Youn Orders Today FARMERS GET HE TIME TO REGISTER Due to bad roud conditions, tho Klumath county USOA war bourd extended the tlmo for signing up In tho Food-For-Frco-dom program to Saturday, Feb ruary 20. Tho county bourd realizes thut road in muny sec tions uro bad and a largo num ber of lottom huvo been received from farmers, particularly In tho southeastern and northern part of tho county, stating that bud road havo muclo It I Minos slblo for them to get out of their furma, During this period to Fobruury 20, osslstunco will bo glvon in tho county office on tho second floor of tho Fed' oral building in completing the noccasury ilgn-up papers. A tolul of 1330 furms ha been I g n e d up to date, or slightly over 80 per cent of all farms in tho county. Tho sign up In tho area south of Klum- uth Full Is nearly com pit-to and In this district, including Klunv alh Falls, Henley, Merrill, Ma tin, I'oo valley, and Bonunza approximately 00 per cent of tho potato grower have signed up showing an Intention of In creating potato ' acreage 10 per cent over 1042 acreage. Most of this Increase, however, Is de pendent upon securing enough commercial fertilizer to muko till increase possible. The coun ty ACA committee will meet next week In order to determine individual potato goals. 18 Days Remain To File Personal Property Reports Only 18 day remain in which to file personal property report, according to N, B. Nelson, coun ty assessor. After the March 1 deadline, a $10 per day penalty for each de linquent report will bo assessed. Blank forms were mailed to those who must flic, In the latter part of December. Any question concerning the forms, or assistance in filling them out will be taken care of by the assessor's office, cither by telephone or personal calls. ilBiiSilllSiiM MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective June 16, 1942) Train IB Southbound 8:15 p, m. Train 20 Northbound! 10 a. m. Train 17 Southbound! 6:30 a. m. Train 16 Northboundi 9 p. m. Medford Stag, Westbound, 3i30 p. m Evening Airmail. Degree Work Klamath lodge. No. 137, IOOF will have degree work Friday night. The third degree will bo conferred on five candidate who will be brought In by tho member of Merrill lodge, No. 187. All member of the lodge are asked to attend this meeting, and visiting brothers aro welcome. Closed The city hall, court house and local banks will bo closed Friday, . February 12, In observance of Lincoln's birthday. Police Court Four drunks, one yag and four traffic ticket made up the Thursday morning police court report. Births Almost Triple Deaths in January Here Births almost tripled the num ber of deaths In Klamath county during the month of January, ac cording to the month-end report from tho public health depart ment here. There were 03 birth as compared to 29 death, Dr. Peter 11. Rozcndal stated. There wa a decided Increase In the birth rate of January, 1043, as compared to January, 1042, although deaths were vir tually the same. There wore 66 new arrivals last year, 30 deaths. Buy It througn the want-ads FITZGERALD Born at Klamath Valley hospttol, Klanv ath Falls. Ore., February II, 1043, to Mr. and Mr, Dan Fits gerald, route 2 box 49DN, a boy. Weight: 8 pounds II ounce. TOWN-CLAD Take Tho Load For Spring! Aim . W. I r- 1 fi- ' ! FOMICTORY W'.t.v4'- 5 iaf wa a 1 ' 2975 1 5 Fine All Wool Worsteds! MEN'S SUITS Fashion Highlights For Spring, 19431 Today, more than ever, Town-Clad bring you VALUEI Their quality re mains undiminished in splto of tho times they're still all wooll And their stylo Is timed to tlio split second flno gabardines and hard finish striping in slnglo and doublo breasted model. Reg. U. S. Pnt, Off. Marathon MEN'S HATS Hcndllnea-to-eomo fentura welt edges, stitched ' crowns, con trastlng bunds and Penury's has them all I See them NOW I 3,98 sm IF YOU NEED A COAT, YOU CAN STILL BUY IT Despite the war's drain on every vital material, it is still possible to buy good, serviceable . . yes, smort . . wearing appar el. Right now, with a new season just around the corner, let's be grateful that there are still coats to be had, and good ones, too. To be able to buy what we need is only one of our American privileges. Let the thought of how we would miss those priv ileges inspire us to do everything possible to .word victory. It's OUR WAR . . Let's win it! Favorites for Sportsl Boys' Classic SWEATERS 2.98 Joats, slipovers In two-tones or solid colors! AH practical, warm and sturdy! Boys' Sport SLACKS 3.98 Bright s p r Ing patterns In fine weaves built for service I Values ! A' , ltJiC 1 ,T'S C0TT0N T,ME WHEREVER I pff .' f"f YOU GO FOR EXTRA' FRESH- VW Lf'. ') PNESS WHEREVER YOU ARE fl0Mk I Bi& M? t,VJ Feminine fresh cottons the smartest 2<lhii$H& tt MWWt ot ' "P'. M.rrelcras to wear pMttjSj iB'S&KMfzihZi r'8'1 now oner you coat and K?;S p A V jpf-'SEf these cottons will rinse and shine for outdoor wear later! ' See J p lfp--J'JjB the '"P" smooth chambrays the crispy fresh seersuckers the W I IKSX po5ter 'riBnt checlte- cottons! Expertly tailored, double-eheck W ft -f-l--'-SSl Ule,r attract'Te belts, buttons, pockets! Collect a couple now ' ,I,ey're Pret'y they are practical. ' i : r .; Vl flBHffl l' 'I IP Mjb0W ' D A YrtKI Rl Ol lPC TX iwU Smart for Nowl GIRLS' DRESSES She'll love these pretty little frocks in cotton! Many color and styles. All tubable. Sixes S to U. RAYON SEERSUCKER DRESSES A Beautifully tailored smartly striped shirtwaist favorite la rayon seersucker. Buttons down the front coat style has classic Itnea. ' Vou can't miss on this one I Sites 9 to 44 Junior and half slies. B Two-piece darling In rayon seersucker, copied from a more ' penilve design. Plain smart Jacket trimmed in white with sporty white detachable dlckle makes it a complete outfit, This two-plecer win go everywnere irom now through summer smartlyl Sizes 9 to Junior and half sites. -- JtfcJ&J'? Cr"p N,w Str,e- for Spring Wardrobes! Choose a smart blouse for your new springy suit I See these smooth QO rayon crepes In clever II 0 tailored styles! Tuck- II in, with long sleeves I N Pastels! Slies S3 to 40. Delightful styling In ti. i. j .mi- utuumi rayon -Vii-w blouse with short -O VV .l-r. t. A mmA I e fullness from the shoulder yoke. Sises 32 to 40. HAWAIIAN PRINT BLOUSES Tropical glamour to add to your slacks, suit or extra skirts. Large splashy prints and figures In gay or soft colors. Your choice o f long or short sleeves. Sites 34 to 40. 1 WW H Bright and Smartl BRUNCH COATS 1.98 Comfortable, and Gayly Belaxingl Bright blossoms In gay colors will help you relax beautiful ly! . Choose a wrnp-a rou n d style 1 n crisp s e e r s u c ker I Sites VI to 44. 4 IN THE WAR i 5 Fresh Crisp Style Designed to Wear at Home! SMART SPRING DRESSES 1 98 Practical Seersucker Printsi Clean-Cut Shirting Striped Polka Dot on Soft Rayon Crepel Plain or Printed Spun Rayons! A glorious array of the gnye.it, smartest little frocks you've ever seen for the money I They'll brighten up your home llfo , , , and you'll wear them for shopping, tool Prints galore, neat checks, slimming stripes and flattering plain colors in easy-to-tub cottons or soft rayons I Crisp Colorful Tea APRONS IVAS1 49c Pert new styles In' the popular loop-neck or full coverage styles I Fresh, crisp organdy o r quaint "ft 198 Jm3- vlw I p calicos I ir-s-i