I! robrunry 11. 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN pisi to MO PROBE ON I PACIFIC BASES I WASHINGTON, Kcli. 11 (!') jfo 3)l yi'iii -nkl Hup. Wiirrcii MaK niiMiin (DWiisli.), u lliuitonuiit etminiiuulor In lliii iuiviiI I'uKorve, (til Uxluy Ilia tusk of rilractliiK COiiki'i'hkIiiiiiiI Invi'stliiullon Into prrniiini'iit iiciiII11iiii of Amor iljiiii "MuppliiH uliimi" iicrlnl u iitl tilt vii 1 lumen iicroMM the I'licKlo. !';) Cliiilrniiui VIiihiiii (U Uh.) o( tii huimo mi vii I committed up-JK.,tlli-tl Mukiiiisoii cliiilrmiin of i mihcuiiiinltti'n to conduct un Omliy Into uhtiilnlnii tho Pa ic uiitpii.itH, u ti') ri'i'oininond od by Siicri'tiiiy of Niivy Knnx "n luvp Jiipmi dlMirmud on the hii nflcr tho war." Many Developed i. ' MiiuiiUiioii, u vi'ti-nin of Pa cific wiirfnrti, mild Hie subrnin , mittc would tliirt Its study tin , liicdlntcly. ','Mmiy of llii'de lumps wo liuve developed durliiK this war," lie : Mild. "Some wc hud liefore It ; Marled. And we'll ucqulro more ;. im wo push iilonu towurd Japan. ,".; H In vital that wo retain those, fjwc need-for our national de- fense." Miijimisoii will takp over It la new u.islKnmeiil with buck Ki'ound of first hand knowlcduc of the navy needs. On active duly for tlx months lust year, no served with a l'aclflc tusk force which look him to many of tho inland buses. Bodies Recovered Oom Navy Bomber Crash in Bay . SAN niANClSCO, Feb. 11 (P) Bodies of all but one of Ihe five-man crew killed when nnvy twin-cnulno bomber crushed In Sun Francisco buy huve been recovorcd. Tim nnvy announced that vic tims of tho accident, which oc curred Tuesday as tho piano ap proached t h e Alameda naval base, were: EiisIkiis Thomas F. EwinR, Anucortcs, Wash., and George J. Schulto, St. Louis county Mis souri; Aviation Motulnmlth, 3rd Class, John Welch Jr., Sparta, 111.; Aviation Radioman, 2nd Class, Edward Summers, Ruck, Tex., and Milton 11. Weeks, Oakland, Calif., civilian radio engineer. J Ewlng'i body ' has not been Qnd. wigwag LUKE FIELD, Aril. (IP) "It you wish to receive mo, shake your wings," tho signal tower radioed n pilot In a recent train ing flight. Tho pilot responded promptly: "If you a ro receiving me, shako tho tower." WHY BE FAT ? It's Easy To Reduce You rao in ugly pmindj ttrwl htva mv ilemler, fftlul fltuf No Utilise Ni. Atutt Nil fi-niitnf Wllh thU A YDS Man ynu Han i rut Mil iny mule, lUrfhM, pout, mfii nr liut!r. i-ou imilr cut Ihciu tlin It a miv when m rn Joy ttrllrtott ulUtnlfi kHinll AVIIM (w(..fo racli tn-al AI..liiU ly Kaj.nl re- IM ClHtOHl LOkt ll itlft. TO tl.trli in It DAVt. uaiDg AY OH uri'ltr the iltrrx-tloa of lir C fc Vim ooit. Awurn lo le flM AVOrV Sfvrti imnly onT fy Mooty Wk it ru doa'i set result. FImm Currln'i lor Drugs, WasKonir' Ptity Wil li sin's. cANftYAtrnmMr iCRO'P&PtNTHi nmMEAL FORM.' Awatdtd 5m ot Aftprmut hy Animal tltupltil Auoclttlon oro-pup, a dog food experts Indorse, now comos In moat form, too, tho way many clogs profor It, Mods from the samo famous formula that mnkos ribbon form cmo pup a fnvorlto In thousands of homos, It contains every vitnmln nnd mineral neces sary for a dog's growth and vigor. Right for dogs of all ngosl Thoy lovo Itl Econom ical, also. Two boxes, fod as directod, Is all you have to buy to feed an average lS-lb. dog for ono full weok. Get oro-pup at your grocer's In elthor rnoal or ribbon form. Mt by Xdlou'i III lotto Cretk mi fei 1 1 fe. fe. 1 OUR MEN IN SERVICE 1 1 k 1 ) C) Hi: y .i;. -i v , ff'''i COMMISSIONED Charles Hormon Bremer, Herald and News printer now In the service, has Just been commissioned a second lieutenant following grad uation from the anti-aircraft artillery officer candidate school at Camp Davis. North Carolina. His previous rank was technic ian, Bth grade. Muynard E. Clcgg, 2420 Or chard avenue, Klamath Falls, Is now a graduate of the primary flying school at Fort Stockton Tex., and will be sent to a boslc flying school to continuo his training. Ho la tho son of Mr, and Mrs. T. S. Clcgg. Lt. John W. Blake of Chllo- quin spent two days with his mother, .Mrs. Jean Blake and his brother Stewart whilo en route to Camp Davis, North Carolina. Lt. Blake has been stationed at Ft. Bliss, Texas, with the coast artillery antl aircraft Since the first of tho year ho has been executive officer for the battory commander. He Is being sent to Camp Davis for a refresher course In automatic weapons. Lt. Blako enlisted In Sep tember of 10-11. Ho graduated from Chilbquln high school In 1037 and from OSC In Juno of 1041; attended officers' candi date school at Cump Davis and graduated as second lieutenant In August, 1042; on December 22 he was promote to first lieutenant. LANGELL VALLEY Staff Sorgeant Lakue House and his bride, the former Kay Griffith, arrived Thursday from Phoenix, Arli., to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott House. Lakue Is stationed at Williams field in Arizona. Prlvata James Romtvodt ar rived lost weekend from Camp Chaffee, Ark., to spend a short ' HERE'S WEEK-END WORK that will help win the war! Business and Professional Men! Clerks! College Students! Farmers! All able bodied men in Klamath Falls, Oregon You are urgently needed to work on S.P. track on week-ends in this vicinity. There it a aerioua shortage of track workers. We must keep our track in first class shape to move vital war traffio. Help win the war, get healthy outdoor exercise and be paid for it. At other points on the line, many business and professional, men have been doing week-end work for us. They have been very help ful and have gotten a lot of personal satisfaction out of this patriotic contribution to the war effort. For full details, please see, as soon as possible . J. E. BICK - Phone 311) vacation with his purentn, Mr, and Mrs. Sundro iiomtvedt. Corporal Clnuilo Murray left! Friday morning for his station ut ! DoughiH, Ariz., after vialtingj with his wlfo for two weeks. PFC David House, who Is training at Baltimore, Md., would appreciate xoinu letters from his friends, ho says. His uddrcss is i .ll Prov, Co., Hola bird Oidnimco Buso, Bultlmoro, Md. WILLIAMS FIKLD, Chandler Ariz. M. K, McAuloy, son of W, C. McAulcy, 715 California ave nue, Klamath Fulls, Ore., has Just been promoted to tho rank of first lieutenant. First Lt. McAuloy, 23 ycurs old, was made a 2nd lieutenant In March, 1042, at Luke Field, Ariz. In civilian life ho was a student ut Klamath Union high school and attended Oregon State college. Privato Jerry L. Slusscr, who enlisted In the army air corps early in December, hos recently been transferred from the basic training center at Fresno, Calif., to tho army air corps radio school at Sioux Falls, S. D. Jerry's two brothers are also in the service. J. A. (Jim) Slusscr, SK 1c, Is first class petty officer In the US navy, and W. M. (Morris) Slusscr is a radio officer on a l'an-Amcrlcan clipper. Art Hammond of Dorrls, Calif., who is now un armed guard in the U. S. navy, was married on Jnnuary 7 to Noda Shcpardson of Seattle. Ho is a brother of Ted Hammond of Klamath Falls Mrs. Karl Frlcdrich and Mrs Harold Gilmoro arc sisters. He has written that he has again been assigned to sea duty. Private Hulph J. Crawford, radio operator for a bomb squadron, has now been in Aus tralia for nine months. Private Crawford is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford, 1142 Crescent avenue. Before enter ing tho service ho was a stu dent at tho University of Ore gon. Hero ho attended Sacred Heart academy. Private Charles H. Zlcglcr, ago 38, of this city has just been gruduatcd with high hon ors from Aero Tech In Los Angeles, lt has Just been an nounced by the Army Air Forces Technical Training Com mand which assigned him to the school for the study of aircraft mechanics. He has since been ordered to duty with an active air forces unit. Private Zlcglcr specialized In aircraft engine overhaul at Aero Tech and received a dis tinction diploma, signed by Major General John F. Curry, commanding general of the 8-1? The Friendly Southern Pacific GfliGE TO MEET To discuss and take action on tiic various pronicms confront ing farmers of tho Klumulh basin and to outliho a program for tho future, the Klamath Pomona grunge, consisting of the mem bership of tho subordinate grunge of Klamath county, will incut the regular quarterly ses sion Saturday, February 13, at 10 a, m. at Shasta school, where the Pomona session will be guest of Simula View grange. Pomona Master Lewis Botcns will pre side. Among mutters to be acted up on will be some of tho proposed acts of the Oregon legislature, such as the proposed repeal and amendments to tho state income tax laws, diversion of state road funds for the maintenance of city streets, and also proposed amend ments affecting the general tux structure. It Is understood that some ac tion is to be proposed on the recent establishment of the 48-hour-weck as affecting farm labor, and probably on other acts of the administration affect ing lubor on the furms. Botcns urges that there be a large rep resentation of farmers from every section of the county present. There will be a business ses sion In the morning with lunch eon in charge of the home eco nomics clubs of the grange at noon, lecturers' program at 1:30 p. m., followed by actions on resolutions and giving obliga tions to new members. It is urged that members desiring to Join In tho 5th degree place their applications not later than noon. Miss Mary McComb, lecturer of Shasta View grange, will take charge of the lecturer's program In absence of Pomona Lecturer Harry Boyd. Fire Department Plans Benefit Ball TULELAKE The sixth an nual honpfit hnll tn be sDonsored by the Tulclake volunteer fire department is planned for faatur day night, February 27, in the Legion hall. Pappy Gordon and his Hillbillies are on the pro gram for music. Men In uniform with special Invitations are to be admitted for half price. Ladles will be admitted without charge. fourth district. Army Air Forces Technical Training Command. In addition, ho received a scholarship award from Ralph Hemphill, Aero Tech president, which will permit him to con tinuo his study of aircraft me chanics following the war. Before entering Hhe service, Privato Zicgler resided at Klam ath Falls. WARNING! BEWARI OP DOWEL WORMS Houndwonni In aid you or your child can mum rcnl trouble. And you may not know what I wronff. Warning alini arl"plcky" appetite, narvouaneta. unaaiy itotoacht, Itching parts. Get Jayne'l Vermifuge rlffht away t JAYNE'S If America' leading pro prietary worm medleln i ued by million. Act tntly yet expel roundworm!. B ur you gut JAYNE'S VERM1FUGKI HIGH SCHOOL! vi Notes and ll'fnMtMiM 'I v ' ' "I 1 ! I ''IjlljMtlllllillllliiijil'i !j:!i'!!!i:'iiii!iiiJi:i'il:;l!l By ANITA GWYN Tho Hi-Y drive for the Barbed Wire Legion turned out very successfully, Altogether, $87.43 wus contributed to the cause. As yet, it Is not known how Murshficld col lected, but it will be announc ed as soon as the information is received. ; Eight mem bers of the fresh man basketball team arc leaving Friday to play against two teams over the mountains. The boys will be at Mcdford Friday and Ashland Saturday to play at 4 p. m. Paul Dcllcr is the coach, Glassware, china, silverware, and flowers are on display in Retail Selling, room 214. The exhibit may be viewed on Fri day. The girls of the four Retail Selling classes got together at the Pelican grille Wednesday evening for a very informal time. Tho punch bowl, phonograph, and piano were kept busy. Sev eral girls sang or entertained in other ways. Here it was proved that a good time could be had without any of the opposite sex around. Dancing, from the smoothest waltz to very stren uous jitterbugging was in order. The majority of the girls were worn out. Members of the sec ond period class were the hos tesses. Mrs. Louis is the in structor for these classes. Remember, Valentine day is getting nearer and nearer. Weyerhaeuser Kidnapper Denied Set of Law Books SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 11 (IP) Federal Judge A. F. St. Sure yesterday turned down the re quest of William Dainard, alias William Mahan, for a writ to force Warden James Johnston of Alcatraz to permit him to pur chase a set of lawbooks. . The convicted kidnaper of George Weyerhaeuser of Tacoma is seeking to prepare a petition for habeas corpus proceedings. Judge St. Sure ruled it was with in the rights of the warden to lay down his own laws for the regulation of Inmates. Welcome at the first robin . . . these pretty coats In pastel colors or darks, ..Featuring important front fulness . . . intricate stitching . . . pockes. The Best Buy of All U. S. War Bonds and Stamps! PFC James Condrey Likes His Post in the Islands Br HELEN BERKEY HONOLULU (Special) Pri vate First Class James F. Con drey of Klamath Falls, Ore., is stationed In Hawaii. "I like it fine In Hawaii," he says. "On liberty days we go to Honolulu and enjoy ourselves. Honolulu has many clubs for service men, some on the beach at Waikiki where a fellow may swim or play tennis, and others in the. heart of the city, I usu ally go to the USO army and navy Y when I'm on pass. The Y has four dances a week and plenty of entertainment on other days." Like most marines, Private Condrey does a lot of guard duty. "That'i what marines are for," he explains. "If we aren't fighting we do guard. However, I'm in a specialized service, too. I'm a motor and radio repair Arnold Nominated 1 For U. S. Court Of Appeals Post WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 m Thurman W. Arnold, assistant attorney general In charge of anti-trust prosecutions, was nom inated by President Roosevelt today to be an associate justice of the United States court of ap peals for the District of Colum bia. Arnold, on confirmation by the senate, would, take the place vacated by Wiley B. Rutledge, who has just been approved by the senate for membership on the supreme court. In line as a possible successor to Arnold at the justice depart ment is Hugh Cox, formerly his assistant and now doing a spe cial job for the board of eco nomic warfare. Another possi bility is his present assistant, Tom C. Clark. Offield Market In Merrill to Close March 1 MERRILL Offield'g market, which has been in business for 22 years, is the second business to announce plans for closing here within a week. The busi ness operated by George Offield and Tom Barry, a son-in-law, will close March 1. Stewart's grocery and meat market closed last week. Difficulty, of obtaining meat and canned goods was given by Offield as the reason for closing and he hopes to re-open for busi ness when the war is over. Dale Moore has also been employed in the store. The Japs have found out that a Hornet stings plenty hard. SUCCESS Thtrt's mere than a hint of spring In tht air thtss days! Clothes are get ing perkier . . . gayer . . . more excit ing! And you'll find these bright young fashions In hnge array at Searsl Prleed for war budgets. PENROSE. HATS New spring felts to brighten your spring outfit Swing, brimmed casuals , . . flatter ing bonnet ... In colors to rival a flower garden! Size 21 a to 24 and adjustable sizes. Dressy Details on GOATS man. I like the work because it's diversified." Condrey said he joined the marines right after December 7, 1941. "I had no choice. I had a duty to perform. I was so mad I wanted to fight right away. The marines are essentially a fighting organization and that's why I joined them. I hope to move up closer to the front soon, and Join all thoso fellows who have gone ahead of us." After the war Condrey hopes to return to Klamath Falls and take up radio as a career. "I've been crazy about radio all my life. I've read and studied be sides going to national defense school to learn all I could there." Private Condrey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Condrey of 115 Hillside avenue. He is a graduate of the Klamath Union high school. Loggers Will Be Able to Get Shoes Under New Orders To a lot of Klamath's log gers worrying about their shoes, Ration Board Secre tary Gene Larsen offered, some comforting news today. Larsen said that many log gers, who eat at camp mess halls, did not obtain sugar stamp books and therefore are without sugar stamp No. 17 needed for obtaining shoes under new rationing orders. Such persons, Larsen stated, may register at the war price and rationing board near Fifth and Main streets. Stamps will be issued them so they can buy the necessary shoes. TRUCK BILL SALEM, Feb. 11 (JP) The state department introduced a bill today to eliminate the neces sity of a sworn statement to ob tain a farmers truck license. Buy it tnrougt) me want-ads. The Best Tunes of All Move to Carnegie llall" Tune in Station KPO - NBC - 8:30 to 9:00 P.M.' : FASHOIS 1( 45 Colorful Spring DRESSES Prints abloom with gay flowers . . . aarks frosted with spandy white . . one and two piece styles in rayon crepes. Lots of new frocks in 12 to 20, 38 to 44. ROEBUCK 133 So. 8th PLANS IDE TO CULTIVATE BOO NEWELL ACRES Officials of the WRA are drawing up plans for the culti vation of an additional 600 aorta In the Newell area, bringing the total acreage to be cropped this season to around 3500 acros, it was learned here. Approximate, ly 2000 acres were worked last year. The original plan to farm 8600 acres has been abandoned by WRA, due to lack of equip ment and manpower. 200 Carloads Shipped Hardy vegetables will be cropped, between 800 to 600 area in potatoes will be planted area inpotatoes will be planted this spring. The ground will not be ready to work until some time around April 1. Last year WRA shipped out 200 carloads of vegetables, most going principally to other WRA projects. The 3S00 acres to be cropped lies In the league of nations area in the Tulelake sump section, be tween 300 and 400 acres north of the camp and 60 acres between the camp and the Great North ern railroad. This land was previously leased out by the US bureau of reclamation. Now She Shops "Cash and Cany" wiuiout rainiul Backache Wben disorder of kidney function permit po'unnoua matter to remain in your blood. It may eatue nagging backache, rheumatic pain, leg pains, loos of pep and energy, getting up nighu, swelling, paffinea oncer the eyea . beadachea and dixsineta. Frequent or icanty paasagea with smarting and burning msm time ehows then is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't waitt Alc your druggist for Doan's FfUs, oaed successfully by millions for ora 40 years. They give nappy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes fiush out poison ous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Pills. AND CO. Dial 5188