I t Washington's Crewmen Hold First Practice HatiostoILespeCiis Promise Aid to Phils Phillies to Be Helped With Players If and When They Get New Owners y.i.u mi m-.ll I'll yj Sports v Briefs c ;?' , , fV ' Hugh JSV Fullerton, Jr, NEW YORK, Feb. 11 (IP) If that Phil deal goes through and we're beginning to be a bit doubtful those amateur pro moters who are dickering to buy the club will find they'll need a lot more dough than the $29,000 apiece they're said to be putting up . . . They'll still have to get hold of a lot of pro ball players somewhere, and that's expensive. HE HAD HIS PHIL Most pointed wise-crack on the Phils' sale was Tim (World Telly) Cohane's suggestion that, by relinquishing his majority stock in the club, Gerry Nugent automatically qualified for the 1943 writers' plaque for meri torious service to the game. SCRAP COLLECTION George Strickler, National football league tub-thumper, has started a series of V-mail letters to former pro footballers in the armed forces overseas, giving them the sports news from home . . . And Harry Markson, who recently busted into verse to extol the virtues of a couple of beak-busters, now is quoting Shakespeare "Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity" to prove that Ray Robinson's de feat by Jake LaMotta in Detroit wasn't so bad after all . . . Ore gon State's Don TJurdan is out of basketball for the season be cause of an eye infection. He just recovered from chicken pox . . , Mike Brady, veteran golf pro, picked the four-to-midnight shift for his job in a De troit war plant so hell have some time on the links next summer. TODAY'S GUEST STAR Frank B. Ward, Youngstown (O.) Vindicator: "Big league baseball will be about 40 per cent weaker, but why holler? . . . Coffee is' weaker, too, but we're glad to pay for it." . POINTLESS STORY At Union City, Tenn., recent ly two negro girls' high school basketball teams found the score tied at the end of the regular nlavlne time . . . Thev olaved through three overtime periods without breaking the deadlock and then decided to call it quits ... The final score was Dunbar of Union City, 0; Mayfield, Ky, 0. . , i .1'. . V SERVICE DEPT. Sergt. Hugh Mulcahy, who used to p 1 1 c n for tile Pnas, writes a sports column for the Fort Bragg, N. C, camp news paper . bull tne "iosng ' pitcher" . . . The Corpus Chris ti, Tex., naval air station claims the unofficial basketball cham pionship of the Southwest con ference because it has cleaned up its schedule of conference rivals without a loss. Sgt. Joe Louis Goes on Stage In Army Play NEW YORK, Feb. 11 JP) Sergeant Joe Louis is going on the stage. John ; Roxborough, co-commander, informed Mike Jacobs' office that the heavyweight champion.- had telephoned him that he had been ordered to re port to the cast of "This is the Army," on the west coast, Feb ruary 22. Louis consequently will be un able to appear at the New York Boxing Writers' dinner, Febru ary 17, as he wants to spend a little time with his wife and new baby daughter, in Chicago, be fore going west. He now is sta tioned at Fort Riley, Kas. Eastern Washington Drops Gonzaga for Eighteenth Win SPOKANE, Feb. 11 (IP) Eastern Washington college reg istered its 18th basketball vic tory in 10 games Tuesday by defeating Gonzaga university 60 to 44. Irvin Liefer of EWC led the scoring parade with 18 points, pressed by Roger Brice of Gon Mga, with 15, and a teammate, John Lothspcich, with 14. The Cheney five led at halftlme, 23 20. Chalfant Sparks Nazarenes to Win Over Pendleton PENDLETON, Ore., Feb. 11 (IP) A wild, 34-polnt scoring spree by Forward Chalfant sparked Northwest Nazarene college of Nampa, Idaho, to a 66-46 basketball victory over tho Pendleton Air Base team Here Tuesday. Tho Nazarenes took tho lead at the outset and were never seriously challenged. They move to Lewlston tonight and Thursday nights for games against Lewlston Normal. PAGE TEN Civil War Strikes Two Northern Hoop Sections Washington Meets WSC Hoopsters Over .Weekend, Oregon Fights Oregon State By The Associated tress Two doublohcader "civil war' conflicts will feature the big gest and most important north' crn division basketball weekend of the season. Two Washington schools, the University and the State college, will lock horns at Pullman to morrow and Saturday nights, while Oregon State and Oregon meet the same nights at Cor vallis and Eugene respectively. Both series will have an im portant bcarington the future of the conference race. Washington State currently is on top, and the Huskies, only a notch be low, will be struggling to take Profit or Loss, Winn Wants Derby Col. Matt Winn Wants to Run 1943 Kentucky Derby Despite Possible Loss By CHARLES DUNKLEY CHICAGO, Feb. 11 tip) Col. Matt Winn, guiding genius be hind the Kentucky derby for the last 41 years, figures that staging the derby at Louisville, Ky., May 1, may result in a $100,000 loss. But that doesn't bother Winn. His burning desire is to keep its record string of 69 unbroken. The derby, America's premier race for 3-year-olds, has been run without interruption since 1875. Winn has seen all of them. He witnessed the first from the back seat of his fath er's wagon parked in the infield of Churchill Downs, home of the derby at Louisville. "We have no hope of show ing a profit this year," Col; Winn said today. "But that will be all right. We've had a couple of good years before and can take a loss without crying. "The derby will be run as scheduled even if only two spectators show up." The 81-year-old president of Churchill Downs, looking no older than a ruddy, full-faced man of 60, said spectators would be discouraged irom coming to the derby from outside the Louisville area, in order to co operate fully with the wishes of Joseph B. Eastman, defense transportation director. Winn said Churchill Downs would not honor further requests for box or reserved seats from anyone not a resident of the Louisville area. Southern Cal Cagers Held For No Gain SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 11 (IP) The 1943 basketball fortunes of California and Stanford found no uplift Tuesday when the Bears and the Indians, sharers of the last spot in the southern division Coast conference stand ings, came up against two inde pendent terjns. The University of San Fran cisco Dons won from the Indians, 39-33, holding a lead throughout the game. Santa Clara took California, 39-29, in the second half of the double-header at Civic auditor ium. BRADLEY RESIGNS LOS ANGELES, Feb. 11 (IP) Bernie Bradley, football and bas ketball coach at Loyola univer sity, has announced he will re sign April 1, return to Philadel phia, his home town; and seek a coaching job in the cast. Bradley succeeded Marty Brill as football coach last season, FROSH BEATS ARMY , EUGENE, Ore., Feb. 11 (IP) The 96th division, Camp Adair basketball team dropped a 51 39 decision to the University of Oregon freshmen team here last night. Simmons, frosh guard, led the winners with 13 points, and Boltd was high for the soldiers with 11. FluHTS By Tha Aeaoclated Prete KI.IZAHKTII, N. J.-lull Omul, l(74, Oranar. N. J., knnckrrl out Warrrn Petit. won, irn, Jnmrtlrn. N. V. tA. When in Modiord Stay st HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joe and Anne Earley Proprietors February 11, 1943 over the league lead they held earlier in the season. Oregon is only a few percent age points below Washington in a dark horse role the Webloots can strengthen immeasurably if they can brush past the Beavers. Coach Hcc Edmundson's boys split their last series with the Cougars, looking like champions in one game and representatives of a collegiate rest home in the other. The Huskies left for Pull man this morning and Edmund son said he was pleased with final workouts. At Pullman Coach Jack Frlel conceded that the Huskies had an off night when his Cougars trounced them in the first game of a series at Seattle, only to be overwhelmed in the return con test, 72-34. "Washington has a lot of power and it was too much for us the second night," Friel said. "The Huskies were off the first night and our boys were too tired the next night to successfully stand up under the strong checking. Oregon State by now has re gained confidence, shaken by the loss of Sparkplug Don Durban, and is expected to put up a stub born fight against Oregon. Montana Cagers Gain Close Win Over Whitman WALLA WALLA, Feb. 11 (IP) Greater accuracy from the foul line gave the University of Mon tana basketball team a ' 54-53 victory over Whitman here last night, and earned the Grizzlies a split in a two-game series. Harry Hesser, Montana guard who had done little other scor ing in the contest, plunked in two last-minute field goals to as sure the victory. Whitman outshot the Grizzlies from the floor, but the Grizzlies were more accurate and had more chances from the foul line. McKenzie and Burgess led Mon tana scoring with 17 and 13 re spectively, while Miller, little Whitman guard, scored 16. Dick Durrance Enters Benefit Ski Tourney WENATCHEE, Feb 11 (IP) Dick Durrance, national downhill- and slalom champion, will be among entrants in a ski tour nament to be staged at Leaven worth. Dates for the meet have not been announced, Wilmmcr (CQ) Hampton, chairman for the event, said vesterdav. The tournament will be a bene fit for the Camp Little Norway associations in Canada where young Norwegians are taking flight training. Skiers will pay their own transportation to the event, Hampton said. Class A, B and C events are planned. Other entrants Durance and Hampton, a class a jumper, include Helge Sather, Spokane; Ermond Bakkc, Leav enworth; Fritz Pederson, who escaped the nazis in Germany, and Alav Ulland, Seattle. CENTRALIA'S SIXTH CENTRALIA, Feb. 11 (IP) Centralia routed Chchalis 41 to 17 here Tuesday in its sixth straight southwest high school basketball victory. IT WAS LIKE THIS KANSAS CITY, (IP) Investi gator R. W. Eldridge was telling the court whv Emamial CJlnsa was charged with carrying a policy book used in gambling rackets. "His overcoat flapped In the wind, judge. It turned back like this " he erasned tho emit "and there was tho book!" Ho paused. There In the same Docket was another book. Glass was fined $50. GOOD RECORD CHICAGO. (IP) Executives nt a large magnesium foundry are praising the example of a sand mauler for his generous purchase oi war bonds out of his $35 weekly salary. . When the treasury asknrl fnr notable examples of self denials, the executives found that Mack McCland, 37-year-old negro, had been buying $25 worth of Ootids each week. TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself ; Save H Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main I A . i i With an unuiually mall turnout of men due to war lobi the University of Washington Huskies had leu then 100 men reporting for the first workout. Here eight eight-man helli moved across Lake Washington. Fitness Institute To Be Held A Victory corps physical fit ness institute will be held at the Klamath Union high school, Fri day, February 12, from 9:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m., according to an announcement by Joe Peak, director of physical education for city schools. The institute will be conduct ed by the state department of education and the University of Oregon school of physical edu cation, to aid the principals and physical education teachers of Klamath and Lake counties. The purpose is to aid them in initiat ing their fitness programs for youth training under the Victory corps organization for high schools as directed by the Unit ed States office of education. Representatives of school boards, PTA members and others inter ested are invited to attend. Conducting the meeting will be Donald R. Emerson, assistant superintendent of public instruc tion; R. W. Leighton, dean of physical education school at Ore gon; Loye E. McGee, assistant professor of physical education; Dr. Adolph Weinzirl, Oregon medical school; Dorothea Moore, physical education director from Eugene. These people will be assisted by the high school phy sical education staff. Joe Peak, who will direct the local institute, urges all Klam- ain ana Jake county principals, coaches, and instructors to at tend the meeting, for it is highly important for ay schools to put forth their best efforts to adjust the health and physical educa tion program to meet wartime needs. WSC All-Stars Drop Harlemites By Close Margin PULLMAN, Feb. 11 (IP) On a neat basket by Bob Kennedy, better known for his hard-driving play as fullback for the Washington State football team, the WSC all stars last night turned back the Harlem Globe Trotters 37-36. The Trotters led throughout the last half, until Kennedy flip ped in his basket with a minute and 10 seconds to go, giving the all-stars a lead that held. Reese Tatum paced the Trotters with 13 points. Jay Stoves and Ken nedy got 10 and eight respec- xivciy lor tne all-stars. TENNIS MEN DRAFTED NEW YORK, Feb. 11 (IP) Henry Wilfred (Bunny) Austin, former British Davis Cup tennis player and 14 other 'members of the moral rearmament move ment, who lost their appeals from draft classification 1-A on the ground their work aided tho war effort, were ordered today to report for induction February 20. All arc British aliens. By Jhe Atiocliltd Preii EAST Dartmouth 69. Krown M. Princeton 41, Vain 93, Navy 40, Tcmplo If,, Hjrncuso 48, CornHI 4ft, SOUTH UtiVfi fiG, Ttnrw.nnn 41. Alulmrna 47, (JnoTitln, 2-, fntflwlm nt, PfTiliylfrlnn M. Ucorflfl Tech 4.1, i'Ai-mmm 82, MIDWEST Fowl, HUlft Navy 48, Uiipfr low fit. Nnvy Vlr.r 4S, Vu. nt f:hlrngo 33, SOUTHWEST OklnliomA 43, North N'nvnl Haifl 10, WEST Montana ti. Whitman A3. Northwt Nnxarcno flfl, I;Wlnton (Ida.) Normal 64. Harp KranrhiCQ Btato 47, Collrga of Pacific 45 (ovpitiim). Old? Get Pep, Vim with Iron Calcium, Vitamin Bl Men, women ft40-Jjjjj worn-out. exhaiutpd, Tak Oitrei. Con' talna tonic, itfmulnnta often ncvlrd aftT 40 by hodlra lacking Iron, Calcium, Vita mln III, Thoimartds now fr pfpny, yrnrt younger. Oct Ontrcx Tonic Ta1ilit TO DAY. Trial pIm flfio, Or 8AVB MONBV Rft rcRiilar ll alzo (4 tlwa n many tab IHn only 'fcfcv. Mm auk about llm big mony-Bvliiir "Kriioiny" nr,r. For al nt all gnwl dm florca rvr where tn Khm th r!l at Whitman Drug, BASKETBALL tit j. "V Beside The Head pin sr "LAoveuo." By LADYBUQ A meeting was held Inst Tluirs day night and it was decided that all girls must be there at 8:00 o'clock sharp or they will be fined, we start 'cm rolling at 8 and not one minute later. Let's surprise our captains and be there on time. Flo Ann Eaton and "Prcs" (Beth) Griggs sure wore the varnish off the mapleways last week. Whew! Flo Ann rolled high game of "231" and "Prcs" Griggs rolled 224. Flo Ann al so rolled high serifs of 540 and here's Poppy again with second high scries of 511. Mommie Britt seems to be the champion split picker upper. She got the 5-0-7 this week. Black and White Service rolled high game series of 2482 and Daggett Insurance, second with 2379. LADYBUQ HAOUI eiack nd Whit. sIm Oritn S!l HI IS! TJkr M IM 171 lllllmsn Sweaajr Jlrltt llaniJIciip -IU m no n its in -111 1111 III -1M IM 101 TOTAL su tot tn tij D.ggalt ln.ur.nc Weatherford 157 116 lit Buller K w 121 Liter 137 m 170 Htruthen V" in mi llonnl 117 IM U7 Handicap itt itt t& TOTAL -7M 711 837 X7 Hltal'i Baauty M 111 IIS 134 IM 132 Short Innvllla Dalton IS 133 Abirntee . IVrnlaoltl Uantiicap . TOTAL . . n in -HI III 139 IOt 101 IO SIS 7M 7W 7I tm Town Glub 117 117 117 103 I0S 113 , IM l IIS 1IM IIS 131 110 IM 113 III 111 114 Abnt Con.lana llackca Handicap -710 831 732 S303 Modamlatfo Baauly Korllnl 137 III IM Yotkland 131 133 Its Rtorin Ml; lis Abientca 1D7 107 107 Ainrnica 13a m m Handicap M M M TOTAL Prather Itnthlany 7U lit 737 KM Loranf Company lii 147 114 123 110 ISO 123 133 117 I2 1U1 ISS I2 134 176 108 IM 104 upp . Absenta . Mct'ollum . Handicap .733 JJ 7t STJJ Oummini'a Pur Shop ' Slllna l.nl ll.', IM Jlltcham lai m 107 H-IMti w iss 103 AbtentM 127 1S7 IS7 (latr. l.l H7 110 Handicap -102 10s 10s too 7SS- 771 7I Fluhrar'l Bak.ry 231 178 113 Hudfr.troni . Orecn Ab.entca Poppy 139 .110 IM 130 .103 103 103 IHK 101 10S .Jill 711 77 1 33M Central Keeps Winko Lead With Eighth Victory v ELLENSBUUG, Feb. 11 (l) Central Washington kept Its Winko league campaign rolling Tuesday with its eighth straight league victory, over St. Martin's, 54-38. Wiseman of Central was the high scorer with 24. He bagged seven field goals on 10 shots and 10 out of 11 free throws. Central took an early lead and set the pace all tho way, winding up the first naif ahead 27-10. EL PADRE Merrlll-Lakavlew Junction NOW OPEN I DINNERS 4 P. M. fo 11:30 P. M. MUSIC 8 to 12 W Will Be Cloiod Every Tuesday DINNERS - DANCING - BAR SERVICE and the call of the armed forcei. Army Teams Invited to Hoop Meet DENVER, Feb. 11 (!) Army sharpshooters will provido a mil itary flavor for tho nation's big gest basketball show next month. But they'll have to keep tho basket's mngo to get nnywhera, because more tluin 30 of tho country's best teams will com pete In tho 1043 annual National A. A. U. tournament which will bo held In Denver for tho eighth successive year March 14-20. Tho Rocky mountain A. A. U. association, which will run the tourney, says efforts will be made to attract teams from army camps to the meet, in addition to college, clubs and independent aggregations. Tho war will, tho association admits, rcduco tho number of competing teams. In other years between 45 and 50 cities wcro represented in the tourney. Opening the competition to service teams is expected to help tako up the slack and association officials aro hopeful that be tween 30 and 35 teams will get their entries in by the deadline March 10 at midnight, Frosh Cagers Make Two-Day Valley Trip Frosh hoopsters of the high school wind up their season Fri day and Saturday with a two day trip to meet Mcdford and Ashland. The Rooks play Mcd ford Frosh Friday afternoon, stay In Mcdford as guests of basket ball enthusiasts, and Saturday return to Ashland for a game with their rooks. Nine pluycrs will compose the traveling squad under Coach Paul Dcllcr. Coach Frank Ramsey's Wild cats whipped tho Henley high school squad at Henley Wednes day night by a score of 3D-24. Eastman was high man for the Wildcats. Sllva and Schortgcn played good ball. The headline on the Frosh basketball story which ran In Wednesday night's paper stated tho Frosh lost to tho Bonanza hoopsters. The story stated the game correctly by saying the Freshmen defeated tho Bonanza squad by a score of 22-21, Willamette Grid Player Instructed For Marine Corps PORTLAND, Feb. 11 (IP) Darrcll Dowain Lewis, Salem, halfback on Willamette's varsity football team last fall, was among Inductees accepted for the marine corps here yesterday, the recruiting office announced to day. Lewis, 18 years old, was a freshman in physical cducution at the Salem school. TRAIN FOR BOUT PORTLAND, Feb. 11 (!) Johnny Taylor, Oakland, Culif., and Jimmy Garrison, Los An geles, middlcwcights, entered heavy workouts todoy for a 10 round boxing match here Fri day night. Both fighters arrived yesterday. Pi L E S SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN - NO HOSPITALIZATION No Loif of Tim. Parmanant flaaulla! DR. E. M. MARSHA Ohlropraotlo Phyalalan I No. 7lh - Eaqulra Thaatra Bids. Phone 7MI By SID FEDER NEW YORK, Feb. 11 (!') If unci when tho I'hilllos gel a new owner and with nil tho fancy funiblliiK Just now. It looks nuii'o Ilka "II" than "whim" virtual ly all National longtiu clubs Imvo promised to pitch In and help the loop's bottom outfit with playing material for llllll. It was learned today that, In making tho promise at tho 'lues dny meeting at which tho league bought tho Phils for rc-salv, all but one of (ho club-owi'ors agreed to lend n hand, oven If tho league Is "stuck" with tho Phils all season, in which case Bill Terry will be niiineil to run tho outfit. This picture of other club owners voluntarily giving up vnluablo plnylng talent to boost a downtrodden brothor, adds up llko one mid ono makes three. Chiloquin Takes Tulelake for Two Cage Tilts The Chlloqulu Panthers drop ped tho strong Tulelako Honk ers, 42-31 Inst Saturday In a hoop battle on the Chlloqulu floor. Halftimo scoro was 23-16 for the Panthers. The Chiloquin team led all tho way except for tho first three minutes. In tho fourth quarter, the Chiloquin reserves ended tho gnmo. Hill RoberLson of tho Panthers was high man with 16 counters. Crawford and Cross each scored 12 points for high honors for tho Tulelake squad. In the preliminary tilt, the Chiloquin B team defeated the Tulelako B sqund In a hard fought game by n scoro of 33-20. llnlftlmo scoro was 15-6 for the Tulelako squad. CAMP ADAIR WINS PORTLAND. Ore., Fob. 11 (IP) With Brown, Cump Adair Timer Wolf center scoring 27 points, tho Army biiskctbullcrs swamped the University of Portland 00 43 here last night. Camp Adair led at tho half, 32-10. SAVE ON CAR NEEDS TILLOTSON CARBURETOR. World fomoirt (or aqueezlng tho Imt milo from evory gollon of fjmoiyia, Flit I929-3I Chevrolet. J (j t. RI0UIIT rult PUMP. Fin 1920.33 CImolr. ThorouQhly rccnndilloncd, oil worn porta re plocecl. Totted for correct mm octlon, f f Q vacuum, and prouuro. LB760.,....tac. pl.l7 i. GASOIINI FILTIR. Pita Ford VS. Strolni and ptiriliei oatotine keep, out water and dirt, taiily removable lor claonlng. mjo - ..,......07C 4. DIAPHRAGM KIT. Repair) fuel pump of 1112. 3J Ford, 30.38 Plymouth. "Aoro-Woovo" Guaranteed for 50.000 mllail f 7 LB8J0 ... I It Diaphrogm Kit far 1 934-40 Ford, L8B40 27a PYROIL "A." A hloh nuolily top cylinder all lor prelection ot valve and eloiely filling r porta. LUi'jS I oi, IJC "KARROUT." A "Sholer" product for uw In Qaiotina. Dinolvea motor fluma ond froet Ff (licking valval. LSI IS . I oa. 3lt IHAIER "RIIIONI." An "Oil Alloy" for mo In erankcaio. Focllllatei "nronk-ln," dlMalvoi Sum ond aludgo, realorel comproulon 1 AA 0301 Quart pl.VU PEPTIZED GRAPHITE, Penetrating colloidal graphite lutild. up a amoolh aurlnco on nil moving porta , . , protecta agolnit nil rrj failure. LUI74 ,.. Pint J7C Aff Mtrthanttlf Subecf fo Sloclr on Hanr. Ve fteierv fh Dlgfif la Umll Ouanllllei or Cfianrja Spocfrlcaffoni Wllhouf Nollce, 1038 Main - But sliicti the Phils' rosier nliuws only about a doon players with any past rxpeilciico In "flint" company of diiublo A calibre or bolter, It's easy In sea Unit bill I playois will havu to romo from somewhere, unless thu boys fig mo the PIiIIh ciiii use a xul of two tiK'd sliiths this niiiiiinei'. What's more, Iho pletuio Im't any funnier Hum tho ulluallon that rinds tho Phils still sitting In tho league's lap today, with tho salo nt Ilia senior circuit's chron ic headnehu to n private enter prixo apparently no nearer tho "signed mid sealed stage" tluin when tho loop bought iiliiui.it II whole outfit from llcrry NugciW and other stockholder 411 hours ago. Although there wore enough bids coming In to (lit n bridge tournament, tho six-man New York Phlliuli'lpli'ii tyndli'iilo originally mentioned still was nut in front. Hut them was sumo cement hi tho motor Ap parently, for ono of tho six, Cii tain O. Herbert Walker Jr., Phlludelphla-New York broker now stationed nt tho Dayton' (Ohio) army air field, said the deal by which each of tho six was to put up $25,000 apiece to buy tho club's stock and pay its Immediate debts excluding the $130,000 tho Phils owe tho league was out of tho question "Ju.it now." Early Training For Big League Ball Players O HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 11 (P) ' Early conditioning of big Ipiikii baseball players who live In Cali fornia has been proposed by Vic tor Ford Collins, president of ' Hollywood Coast league baseball ' club. Collins sent lotters to major , league club officials, suggesting their players could get two I weeks' practice beforo Joining' ' their own outfits by working 1 out with the Hollywood club, whoso spring training starts March 27. Collins said some exhibition " games between them and the . Hollywood team might be ar ranged. Oil SALE! Wax-Free Motor Oil SALE PRICI Por Gallon In Yovr Own Con 47c ffldVof fax ttta. a ldl motort and slower tprfi may otlow motor oi to collect hormtul Impuntiet . . j Guard oqolntt Iho domao'fiQ ellV.ti of Q"m loden oil In your moiort . . Changa i mot often Ihon normally I , , Got comploto) motor i protection ot low Coit . . . uie LONfi.RUN. 100 OnllUer. We. tern Mofnr Oil. It I ei,uof In Quality to 25c per Quart Oilil PENN SUPREME 100 Purl Pnntylvanla MOTOR OIL Equol to 35c per Ql. 01 li Safe Prco Por Oat. In Yotif 77. Container Foderol Tax Included Phone 5514 I-tt-41 An h HP.t nr. mm i. itititw is ii