; SFRIAL STORY THE TERRIBLE EYE BY EDWIN RUTT COPYRIGHT, 143, NKA SCRVICK, INC. Jiraaa, Loa-an baa Inrpnted MTk fVrrlbl Mr, a dvlc which .will Bocarmelr 1elvlae aeenca of tha paat. When be and hla r ' alatant, Mahonrr, acalo a. will In n effort to obtain nn Inlrrvlevr - with Jlenrr I.. Chnnnlna;, the ' camera ktnftr. (hr are dlicovrrrd hr a, vlrl, she reveala her Idrn- 411 lllldr. Channtnar'a dAuah- trr, and promlara to help Silica Mr, Channlnar la nutorratlo and la ftUtrffle fo photocrnphra In iny form, l "III be dilBcBlt to r. , i range a meennir, OATS FOR BUCEPHALUS CHAPTER rV 4 'CURE," agreed Jonah affably. V "Think what would happen If I put the thing on the market!! Murder, divorce, blackmail and and all sorts of things would be rampant Scandals would bo un covered by the minute. There'd bo upset conditions compared to .which this war would look silly." There certainly would be." "Furthermore, the whole con ception of history would probably have to be revised. You know Good King Wenceslaus?" "Oh, Intimately." "Don't jest," said Jonah darkly. The records have it that Wences laus was a pious man. But don't kid yourself. I could tell you things about that guy that would make your hair curL" "How did you happen to make this discovery?" Hildy asked. There was still a dash of humor-the-lunatic in her voice. "By chance," Jonah said som berly. The depravity of Good King Wenceslaus had rendered him somber. "Quite by accident, during some photographic re searches." . "But what do you want Father to do about it?" "I want him," said Jonah, "to buy the Terrible Eye." "Why sell it? If it wiU do all you say, you could make your everlasting fortune." - " "True," Jonah said. "But right now, I've no chance to exploit it 'To begin with, the Navy is going to get the, undersigned in about a month. Beyond that rm not in terested in revising history. I'm no more interested in unearthing a lot of forgotten scandals. And I certainly don't want all that di vorce and blackmail traced to my door." . "I see. You want it traced to father's?" . "Well," said Jonah, '"your father is a tycoon. Tycoons can take such things. I cant I'm sensi tive." "So IVe noticed. I suppose youH ask father a good price, wont you? About a million dol lars?" . I Jonah . considered. - "I don't fwant to be too hard on your fa ith er," he said at length. "Actual ly, I'd set a figure a trifle under that I think my iny nuisance value ought to be worth a life an nuity of 60 bucks a week." "Well, I still think you're let ting father off too cheaply," Hildy said. "But what if he won't buy It?" -.IK-, :-. "In mat case," said Jonah, "I'll be reluctantly compelled to market the Terrible ye myself, in my off-hours .. from the Navy, and; break the Channing Camera Em pire." :. : wy. .. . . ... Suddenly" Hildy snapped her Angers. "Jonah, I believe you've got something, unless you're the world's biggest liar. It would. break father, wouldn't it?" I "In two," said Jonah. I "Then what are we waiting lor?" Hildy cried. "Come on. I'll! introduce you right away. And' father will kick you out on youri tin ear because you're a photog-i rapher and then you'll have tol ruin him. If s a natural." ' . "Okay," said Jonah, fired by her enthusiasm. "I'd rather have the SO bucks a week than go to any trouble. But I'm prepared to ruin your governor if he wants it that way. In fact I'd get a kick out of it I've suffered va rious indignities at his hands. I've ' ' . . . Oweeel" . .1 And, as though he were a pup ,pet worked by unseen strings, Mr. Jonah Logan rose three feet in the air. .-. 4 A TERRIBLE screaming sound, . the kind made by a banshee from whom someone has just snatched an ice cream cone, had made Jonah whirl and jump. He came down to confront a small individual in a brown herring bone sports coat who had evident ly materialized from the pine grove. The individual had a queer so ber face that peeped shyly from behind a luxuriant sorrel-colored mustache. He looked like the Little-Man-Who-Wasn't-There. i"Here," said Jonah, irritated. The little man addressed Hildy. "Ah, Hildegarde," he said. Hildy seized his arm. "Unclei Cal," she cried, shaking the arml vigorously, "what were you doing' just now?" "Why, listening," said the little! man. Jonah thought he'd better get into this. "Not only that," he said sternly. "You were screech ing. Like an owL Like a . . ." Ho stopped suddenly and pointed. Twenty feet down the grass path stood a horse. It waB a large bay horse, with a flowing tawny mane, tawny fetlocks and a magnificent tawny tail. But mane, fetlocks and tall, in fact the entire horse, wore sadly in need of clipping, j Uncle Cal followed Cal's finger "I did not screech," he stated. "That was my horse, Bwchephalus. Ho whinnied." - "Never mind the horse, Uncle Cal," Hildy said, "Were you eaves dropping?" V TNCLE CAL made a deprecatory w gesture. "I dislike that word, my dear. Couldn't you put it that I was strolling through this peaceful pine grove when I chanced, reluctantly, to overhear most extraordinary conversa tlon?" , t. A wary look cams Into Hildx'a Jark-blue eyes. "Oh, you did? So what now?" Uncle Cal rubbed his hands. "I shall have to have ten dollars." "Ten dollars?" Hildy stamped tier foot "Things have got to a pretty pass when I can't entertain i a guest without you popping up and demanding money. But tve won't argue before strangers. '11 give you five dollars and not a penny more." "Now, Hildegarde," said Uncle Cal dreamily. "Gentlewomen nev er haggle." "Sometimes, Uncle Cal," Hildy said, "I could wring your wretch ed neck." She looked at Jonnh. 'Lend me ten dollars for a little while, will you, Jonah?" Wonderingly, Jonah produced a ten-spot Uncle Cat took it po litely, but with a gleam in his ?ale eyes. "That is quite satisfactory, roung man," he said. "We may now consider the transaction closed." He looked down the path toward the horse, who was sur ruptitiously poaching oft a honey nicklo vine. "Come along, sweet Heart," he called. Bucephalus ambled forward, snagged another sprig of honey suckle on the fly and halted be side the trio, breathing softly down Jonah's neck. "Well, Hildegarde," Uncle Cal beamed upon her. "This is capi tal. It means oats for Bucepha lus." "Oats to you," said Hildy. "This generation," Uncle Cal observed vaguely, "seems singu larly devoid of respect But no matter. Come, Bucephalus!" And humming a tuneless tune, Uncle Cal moved away. Bucepha lus bestowed a parting breath upon Jonah's neck and followed. - Jonah, a touch dazed, looked after them. "Who was that?" he inquired faintly. (To Be Continued) BARBER CONVALESCING GREAT LAKES Chief Spec inlist Jim Bnrber is recovering from an operation performed in the Naval hospital here, A grad uate of tho University of Son Francisco and a member of tho Washington Redskins, Compuny Commander Barber played tackle for the sailors Inst fall. We have met. We have talked. We have registered our entire agreement on the end to be achieved, which is the liberation of France and the triumph of human liberties by the total de feat of the enemy. General De Gaulle and General Giraud. At SEARS . . . IT'S NOT THE IDLE RICH WHO CLIP THE COUPONS No indeedl It's the regular folks who sometimes run short of money and like the convenience of Purchase Cou pons in their purse. Get a bookful today and spend them like cash when you need them. Small down pay ment usual carrying charge. GET YOURS TODAY AT Your SEARS CREDIT Office Out Our Way By J. R, Williams Our Boarding Houio With Major Hoopla THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson 1 WAS THE TAULST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES '. . . 6 FET, AKWS JAMES MADISON, THE WAS ONLY GOT ITS NAME FROM ONE OF ITS ORIGINAL. VARIETIES, A SMALL., WHITE, GG -SHAPED SPECIES. ' COPR. 1H1 SY MCA atAVKC UN. luT fQl A -10 -NEST: He never rave upt- 5lNK YOUR MONEY INTO WAR , BONDS AND KEEP A SHIP AFLOAT," SaifS- 1 1-YEAR-OLD NORTH AFRICAN COUNTRY 1 HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted North African country. 7 Its capital is 13 Wander.. 14 Perform. 15 Beside, 16 Avoid. 17 Weep. 18 Path of electrical current 20 Matrix. 21 Him. 22 Horn blast! 23 Vulgar upstart. 25 Mother. 26 Play. 27 Heron. N 29 Braid. 31 Coat with tin alloy. 34 Over (poet.). 35 Bird. 36 It was over by the allies. 39 Polish highly. 41 Truly. 42 Not in. Answer to Previous Puzzle R 5B eTrTF ISENCHLEV A R I 5 gS C" I RROSE lSSlEARsgPAl3TA CWERg STAMMERERS. NARESA1ASS SILQTf R j-IS N S 0 AlcjeTjR SASTERgRR I D mm !ppnipR ItNtHLLi EE. D LA DEM 43 Either. 45 Small bugs, 48 Measure of ' land. 50 3.1418. 52 Edge. 54 Worthy o' love. 55 Cot. 56 Jewish month. 58 Mills (abbr.). 59 Beholdl 60 Minor mde (music). 61 Pertaining to nephew. 62 Instruct. VERTICAL 1 Chief. 2 Learning. 3 Merry. 4 Type measure 5 Peculiar expression. 6 Artery. 7 Insult. 8 Reclining, 9 Whether. 10 Tree. 11 480 sheets. 12 Bristle. 18 Outer garment. 19 Wrongful act (law). 22 Three (prefix) 24 Honey makej.l 26 Something dark. 28 Characteristic. 29 Cooking utensil. 30 Meadow. 32 Convent worker. 33 Piece out. 37 Long fish. 38 Metal peg. 39 Painful. 40 Color. 43 One of Its principal cities is ' 44 Drive. 46 Stupor. 47 Wicked. 48 Qualified.' 49 Lump of eartl 50 Raw hide. 51 Unoccupied .53 Cartograph. 55 Serpent. 57 International language. 60 Master of ceremonies (abbr.). 1 1 3 a. si 7 mm" trnpsTTT!?'" TT- m "Wt i" Hp v i jT" - - hj.v.i '.JJ..1.', .....tiri wTHiriiii1 ,g Wi 3S so isi (Vi gsg tf.lgi i 5 TggUlf t i iiii 61 C2 aaialaaaaa mm 0LHDUE0Fx'X KEEP TI?ACI THERE . Tt?S& BEmSd sTcuBSV HOLE"'-NOW WHERE V ThEY RNE.MD KlSlD OF GWGLi) TIN& I Y PR06TRWO OVER fAS t CY GROCERIES? !y t J , IT Or4 ThE VMM ffPK SC BVTMB VJ.V ZL--- D0MM50'6TO fXMM WEEPER WOO CHMajVR. irT.. V l I SWELUW:TIAB V5I6 IT'S 3UST MM EitPERIbMCEr fTiKEbt "Jf$f INtER Mp.N1 -f ANOTVER UfcNG-J COLLECTING DlSNBILITV SiS lfSr THE HOPE CM.ST too') 11 JSM. . a i AT HOLD EVERYTHING! I PL.CB I 2- ( "That's funny everybody laughed when the boss told that Jokel" ... EMBROIDERY NOTES FOR "BEST" LINENS by Alice Brooks Sweetly reminiscent of "grand ma's garden" are these flower motifs that lend enchantment to household linens. Each of the three designs Is a different flow er; a pair of each design is given. A lovely touch for guest towels and pillow cases. Pattern 7465 contains 6 motifs averaging 5 x 14 inches; Illustrations of stitches; list of materials. To obtain this pattern send 11 cents In coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No. , to followed by your name and address. Dealer snortages put new value on used merchandise. Cash In on your "junk" through a classified ad. Phone 3124. Rod Rydor By Frod Hormonj mLL-Utt LlTUS I THE. 666. StlKSG W VjWMi flHtlU 1 f i f-w Eves- ynoLA' yrt-i. i peanek. , can I TAKE TME C CTrMVifxr iJJI I I I SsJ31-1 9s-urt rNOT So FAST, KIP' inc. uiwrti pUNTJ Freckles and His Friends fflS '3nrr TTTwJ Al fes tiflsw By Bloiior A MESSAGS RWiT jusr owe- kir Iwi s IN FOR. If VKCC Xi FRECKLES , iMSGOOSEyJ HERE r feCT-Tv4 "r - x YOU1?e WANTEO AT , HOe IMMEDIATELY lfS NOT SERIOOS BUT IT IS IMPORTANT I Lets gc JUNE,' i j msw ikw rvv y i a- r,f;Wi.l vT' v.'!.' WMATS ISpMEONP PMCl0 TMBM I GUSSS I't Mt" SAIO ax)M', Aid said tubyd Berret sir mowr I Youd ox Die MOM? J PMONB AGAIM.AMO MBRB BY 1MB J&unpRiSrO"' 'rf WANTSO YUU TO Be PHON8 Voa- w I r S. MERC i j - 'I "T-l, ' Wash Tubbt By Crana AHEM'. 1 WA5 just V . ," , fOH. YTHBWAY. " IffTSPCBBtllPJ y PAuTT fW HOTICIWS THE CI6ARET f ' THEN ttO, V YOLTP CMi I 1. 1 fiHAlU.Jy TOOK CAM VOU 6AVB ME. IT 6EEMS HF, ' m . THAT TO STEP INSIDE I 1 7 mVK"fi Of HlM.AlL 1 TO BE AN AMERICAS) it ' t - rmn.J IXPlAWillHAVBAWCKl-pI . RI6HT OR ENQU6H 8RAMP, 1 VtJi I rj 0fi 6LAD TO f ff M. Vi oHo m3 6m Boots and Her Buddies By V. T. Hamlin L VJNtSc TWEKE KWE j i bKZN& W. m.iMi.Nii If II W WH lr?. Ihjm ..i-i , rr ii rr . .."-T t-' -r , - D0 soy.' J T,iTi .Tit. o. Allep Oop By Martin CHIPOFF--WHAT-CHA DOIM' BACK MEREf DID TH LOOKS OF THAT GUY FILL YOU Willi l-EAKf ('0?kKt-SEEITTHI?U? S BY SIZE, ( I GOT TOO SO BACK. TO If SUMPIMTELIi 1 r"4f r-jin i r.n s "-j . - - . , w me has picked.. .I'll START THIS BRAWL, THOUGH WE ALL S GET LICKEP31,, 'V 4k sff'" .. COM. 1MI H HtA imviCI, It!, Ti M, hip, u, , fAT.atr. . .rf?'. i Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray w OH.WEVEGOT 1 TO PUT UP WITH HER--SH&S EKTREMEty VAUJABLE TO I US. AT THWSj IF I DO SAY SO, I PLAY THE PART OF MALCOLM MITT TO PERFECTION' DOKT YOU AGREE f J mi cay k r j w it li 10 5 t: 1 YOURE A HAM! BUTi IF YOU CAN FOOLTHE BRAT. THAT'S ALL THAT'S NECESSARY" BUT I'M PLENTY SICK OF PLAYING BUTLER YES "EVERYONE BELIEVES A CHILD "THAT WAS A GREAT IDEA OF OURS- I TUB IriFA lJOS MINF.-ANtl ITS WORKINq--SHETHINKS YOU'RE MALCOLM MITT SO WE FOOL HER AND SHE FOOLS ALL THE NOSEY BIRDS WHO WERE GETTING 6USPICTOUS- AND WE HAVE WARBUCKS' FORMULA, TOO - ) IF WE COUUfU ONLY FIGURE OUT THE KEY TO THE I CODE-SH-H-H HERE COMES LITTLE BIG-EARS NOW GO INTO YOUR ACT- AH, SALTS TELL HAWKINS I WISH TO SEE HER AT ONCE OH. HELLO, ANNIE, MY DEARf 6IT 5?? ?M 9 J J