Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 10, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    Sammy in the Navy Now
He Was Tired
Who Bought the Phils?
Baseball's Latest Quiz
National League Buys Up Stock to
Resell; Gerry Nugent Steps Down
j Sports
f"- -
feV Briefs
Fullorlon. Jr.
NBW YOltK, Fob. 10 (IP)
Wonder If Ford I'Tlik's effort In
got the Phils buck cm thi'lr fuel
will bo lis inii'cctuifiil n his first
blii Job s Nutloiiiil league presl
dent . . . Hack In HKIfl, If yon re
member, Frlck stepped Into John
iloydlcr'n shoes Just In time to
drill with a lilmlliir situation ul
Boston . . . He (or the Nutloiiiil
league) wasn't no gentle that
tlmo ii n yesterday's dealings with
Gerry Nugent . , . Gerry, lit least,
got sumo tlnugh out of II but ill!
JikIko Emll I'lirhs not when tlmy
took tint Hravcs iiwuy from him
tVinn the bounce.
Bill Neddy, Syracuse (N. Y.)
Pout Standard: "Tim manpower
shortage already I urn brought ii
change In plans for Ihn three
metropolitan major league clubs.
They've discovered Hint ushers
won't bo available, no they're
figuring on usherettes , , , (iood
Ideu. If tho usherette lire ituffi
rlcnlly good-looking, they may
distract the fans from what's go
Inn on out on tho field."
A Kentucky hliih school group
has put thut basketball "penalty
box" Idea up to tho rule com
mittee nd It's mild to bu colling
serious consideration . , . Niftiest
niunt) for u raco boss reported
this scuson Is "Samo In Summer"
for a nag whoso dam was "Helen
a JikIko Lnudls reports that the
ujor leugtics arc working on a
plan to broadcust Uielr hull
names to all American troops
ovorseus "beginning tho first day
of the season" . . . I. lout Woodie
Adams, former TCU football
pluyer, writes homo from his
South Pacific, post that he's "us
safe iui I'd bu In bed at homo In
Midland" . , , That Midland must
be some town . . . When Dob
Sullivan, who used to be quite
a boxer at Georgetown, was
turned down by tliu murines, ho
literally fought his way in . , .
He Joined an ambulunce unit
thut wound up at Tobruk and
when tho New Zealand detach
ment to which it was nttached
lost heavily, Bob grabbed u gun
and went on front-line duty.
Eventually ho Hot home for a
rost and tho murines decided
anybody who could do tniit was
Speculation on 'w nut would
happen if tho Phils' deal full
through, Prexy Ford Frlck re
marked: "Then wo'd have a bull
club on our hands" , , , Who
culled it a ball club?
Wildcats Win,
Rooks Lose in
Bonanza Games
BONANZA A close game
was played by Bonanza and
Klamath Falls Hooks on Friday,
at the high school gymnasium at
Bonanza. The scoro was Bonan
za Ii string 21-, Klamath Rooks,
In tho second game, the score
Oas Bonanza, 24, Klamath Wild
its 21).
Merrlll-Laktvlew Junction
ov open:
DINNERS 4 P. M. to 11:30 P. M.
MUSIC 8 to 12
We Will Be Closed Every Tuesday
ytfffi ctJwpmSed fell
84.8 Proof.
Ll.B.H. P..
or noia eld.
1 :
11 !
nuTit.UNO .9
13. i
tr; X
v: "
t '
I V tAif t
Sam Chapman, formtr University of California All-America
lootball star who , played ctnttrl ield for two seasons for the
Philadelphia Athletics, Is winning his navy wings at Corpus
Christi. Tex. Chapman, who served as a chief specialist In ath
letics at the Norfolk, Vs., training station, applied for flight
training and received his preliminary instruction at the Anacostla
reserve avlntlon base. He Is receiving advanced instruction as a
torpedo bomber, He played for the Athletics In 1S40 and 194 1.
This is a navy photo.
Willie Joyce
Steams in for
Thomas Decision
A little negro from Gary, Ind.,
has ended tho 30-bout record of
victories established in two
years by John Thomas, taller
but no tougher Los Angeles ne
gro lightweight.
Tho Gary boy,. Willie Joyce,
13S, steamed through 12 rounds
to a decision at Olympic audi
torium last night before a crowd
of 0000. Thomas, 134 Vt, was
tho 2 to 1 favorite on tho ring
side before the battle, but after
ward many spectators thought
it was a draw.
O.l'iinl.li M. Ilnrvaitl 43.
Cttitlt Trfh 4f. Alli-ulivnj T,
VMI 49. Vlriiifil Tern 99.
fluke 71, Valiltiil'n ami Ia9 41.
ltiro M. Tvbi 3U.
luu T-li 4u, limim 8 1 m mom St.
Uot. of 8n KrinrUt-Q 39, flUnfortl U.
Ort-Nun 41. I'ilio 40.
Nanta liar u. t.'allforriU t9.
ttlillinaii ja. Mnnln iw.
Kill'-fift 40, CottjE" irvtj U,
Junction City 64, M. Mar)' dviiicftfl 31.
Sftiftlitl'-lil M, I'ltltmlty (Koki-ik) 31.
t.n main!' M, Milloii-hrttrwuhr HA.
Hrnet'ti M. CommeKtj 31 (hold lnf ttninl).
I, l nr. In hv, tKrvrlt 14 (tmlli r.rt1tni.
franklin M, Jr(frrn M (ltti I'nrtfafnh.
Witililtifllnn .M, Hultili It (tmlh rortlatifl).
Th ilraloht whltklti In IMi produtt art llv.n
35 llroluM whlikl 65 train ntulrat
. 'is
V '-.' , ...i
.l'kS'aiKT ', -J
Set Basket
Meet Date
Fifth Annuol Basketball
Tournoy Set for Madison '
Squore Gordon March 30
COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 10 VP)
Tho National Collegiate Athletic
association today set March 30
for playing of Its Ilfth annual
basketball championship in Mad
ison Square Garden, Now York,
und appointed committeemen to
select teams to compete in pre
liminary playoffs.
Tho western playoffs will be
held in Municipal auditorium,
Kansas City, March 26 and 27
with Reaves E. Peters of Kan
sas City in charge and the east
ern at tho Garden March 24 and
25 under management of -Al
Nixon of New York university.
Cage Coach Harold G. Olscn
of Ohio Stale university, tour
nument chairman, said eastern
und western runnors-up would
meet at New York in the
NCAA's first consolation final
to decide the winner of third
Committees from eight dis
tricts, four cast of the Missis
sippi and far west, will select
the outstanding team In their
area to play in tho preliminar
Districts, tho states they in.
elude and committeemen in-
cludo: , ,
District 8 (California, Ore
gun, Washington, Idaho, Nova
da): C. S. Gdmundson, Univer
sity of Washington; Morris H.
Gross, San Diego State college;
Everett S. Dean, Stanford uni
NEW HAVEN Although
Yale dropped track this winter,
LoRoy Scharzkopf, 4:13.8 Is
training on his own and Is
eager for a chance in the mile.
He competes In the MiUrose
ytart C-
February 10, 1943
Oregon Threatens Top
Spot Washington Cagers
Webfeet Half Game Behind Leaders
After Defeating Idaho 44-40 Tuesday
EUGENE, Ore, Feb. 10 (!')
Oregon added nothing to the
pcuco of mind of 4110 northern
division leaders, Washington
State and Washington, by a
hard-won 44-40 victory last night
over tho University of Idaho bas
ketball team.
Coupled with the Wchfoots'
Monday night 68-41 victory over
tho Vandals, this left them but a
half game behind the league
loading Cougars although they
were nominally In third place,
with a few percentage points
separating them from the Wash
ington Huskies.
Friday and Saturday nights.
Washington and Washington
Northern Division
Basket Standings
W L For Agts.
...5 2 310 331
Washington . 5
Oregon 6
3 305 312
4 432 388
4 360 370
Idaho I 8 367 442
Friday-Saturday Wash-Ington-WSC
at Pullman. Fri-duy-i-Orcgon-OSC
at Corval
lis; Saturday Oregon-OSC at
Stato meet at Pullman and Ore
gon and Oregon State play at
Corvallis and Eugene. Potential
ly these games can send one of
the top three teams definitely on
the victory road in the division
race or further befog the ulti
mate decision.
In winning their fourth game
with the Vandals last night, the
Oregon, club found itself extend
ed to the limit to turn back re
peated challenges.
Midway in the first half Ore
gon established a seemingly safe
nine point lead only to have Ida
ho fight back to even terms.
Two field goals In the closing
minutes of the half gave the win
ners a 26-22 lead at the inter
mission. After 1 1 minutes of the
second half, Idaho lost Guards
Bob Ryan and Cliff Nelson and
Forward Norm Fredekind on
fouls and Oregon pulled ahead,
At this point Fred Quinn and
John Ryan went to work for the
Vandals and pulled their team to
within three points of a tie. Ore
gon managed to hang onto the
ball and drop in a free throw in
the last 21 minutes of play, al
though losing Roger Wiley and
Warren Taylor via fouls in last
minute scrambles. With 12
points, Quinn of Idaho lifted his
Save Baseball
For Soldiers
Says Joe Cronin
VP) Soldiers want baseball
to continue in the United States,
and hope to keep track of what
their favorite major league team
docs, Manager. Joe Cronin of
the Boston Red Sox believes.
Cronin passed through here
yesterday en route from Hono
lulu to Washington, D. C, where
he hopes to sell his idea. He
has been in Hawaii as a repre
sentative of the athletic depart
ment of the Red Cross.
The trip has convinced him
more than aver, he said, of the
importance of baseball as a mo
rale builder among the armed
forces. He talked to thousands
of soldiers, answered their ques
tions, and carried with him
thousand of requests, ha de
clared, that baseball go on as
in normal times.
Whitman Wins
Montana Game
Whitman college won free
scoring contest with the Univer
sity of Montana basketball team
here Inst night, winning 73-66
after bagging 15 points In an
overtime period.
Tho score was tied 58-58 at the
end of the regulation ploying
time, and at 62 and 64-nll dur
ing tho overtime. At that point
the Gritzlics wilted and Whit
man got nine more points while
holding their opponents to a lone
field goal. Montana led 34-27 at
the half, and the Missionaries
were not able to catch up, at 53
all, until near the end of the
game. Coot. Chuck Buraesa of
Montana led scorers with 25
When in Medford
Stay t
Thoroughly Modern
Joe and Anne Earlsy
season's total to 118, still above
the average set by Ray Turner of
Idaho in setting a division scor
ing record of 102 points last
Oregon FG FT PF TP
Secborg, K 3
Taylor, K 1
Wiley, C 2
Kirsch, G 3
Williamson, G .. 1
Dick, F 0
Fihrman, F-C .... 2
Crowd!, G 0
TotaU 12 20 ,13
Idaho FG FT PF
J. Ryan, F 5
Fredekind, F 1
Quinn, C 4
B. Ryan, G 0
Benson, G 3
Collins, F 1
Evans, F 0
Hooving, G 1
Hopkins, G 0
Totals 15 10 21 40
Halftime score: Oregon 26,
Idaho 22.
Missed free throws: Oregon,
Dick, Wiley Kirsch 3, William
son 2; Idaho, J. Ryan, Quinn 4,
B. Ryan 3.
Officials: Hell Lee and Emll
Baptist, SP
Win Victory
League Tilts
The Baptists dropped the LDS
hoopmen 28-24, and the South
ern Pacific whipped the Acad
emy, 38-28 in Victory league
basketball play at the high
school last night.
Frank Michaelson paced the
Baptists to their win with twelve
counters to his credit despite the
hard work of Bob Peterson of
the LDS hoopmen, who trailed
with 10 tallies. In the Academy-
Southern Pacific tilt, Wisner was
nign man with 14 points, fol
lowed closely by his teammate.
Stivers, who rang up 10 tallies.
Smith took top honors for the
Academy with eight points.
Two-thirds of the Guerrillas
are leaving for Portland Thurs
day night to take physical exam
inations for induction into the
army. In view of this, the
games scheduled for Thursday
will be alternated to allow the
Guerrillas to play the Great
Northern hoopsters in the first
game and the Buzzards will play
the Tik Tol- in the second game.
This will allow the Guerrillas
ample time to make train con
nections. Summaries:
Baptist (28) (24) LDS
Floetke, 2 3, Johnson
Proctor, 6 1, Petersteiner
Robinson, 5 10, Peterson
Michaelson, 12 6, Smith
McGehcy, 3 4, Mayhow
Academy (28) (38) So. Pacific
Pickett, 2 3, Misfeldt
Mahoney, 2 10, Stivers
Smith, 8 14. Wisner
Crawford, 3 2, Tutor
uerrah, 6 6, Smith
Hyde, 7 3, Wakeman
PORTLAND, Feb. 10 (P)
The undefeated Franklin- high
school basketball team downed
Jefferson, 53-33, yesterday to
cinch -' least a tie for the Port
land city championship. It was
the 12th victory for Franklin.
. . . getting his molars into
delicious meal. We have
"pull" with people who
enjoy good food!
I .A, LEGE n. I
Alan Ford (above), Yale swim
ming sensation, was tired when
he set a new world's record of
50.7 seconds for the century,
all of which prompted Coach
Bob Kiohuth to predict Ford
soon will smash hit own mark
by swimming the distance in 50
seconds or less.
Keno Beats
Wildcats in
Close Game
Keno hoopsters defeated the
heretofore undefeated Wildcats
by a score of 37-36 in a fast tough
game on the Keno floor Tues
day night after leading by one
point at the half.
Pritchard and Eastman high
pointed for Keno and the Wild
cats respectively with 13 count
ers each. Halftime score was 20
to 10 for the Keno squad. '
Keno (37) (36) WUdcats
Pritchard, 13 F 6. Ellis
Zarosinski, 10 .J 13, Eastman
Grimes, 9 C 2, Silva
Ramsey, 4 G 9, Perkins
R. Zarosinski, 1..G....6, Ringstead
By Tht AModatad Piw
PITTSBIROH-Mtxle Brirr, MS. Vfw
xorx. ompoiBKti uannQ Aotch, 150. Fltu
burnh. (10).
HARTFORD. Conn. lrrr Bolvln. ID'i.
Provtdt nc - tnoctrd out Jose Domlnga
Boto. 12S?i. .r York. 1.
NEW YORK-Jaekle Cooper. HSU. Brook-
rn, ouipoioieo izzy jaaazxo. jmi. urooK
Irn. (10).
LOS ANGELES Willie JoTce. 1JJ. Oarr.
Ind.. outpointed John Thomas, U4. Jos
Aneeles (12).
...You can spot it
every time
EVERY woman knows it's the extra touches
' that make a house a home. Ice-cold
Coca-Cola is something she likes to add ...
to brighten the most important part of a
home, the people in it.
Coca-Cola is served with pride. Everybody
will be pleased. Its quality carries on, never (
losing the freshness of appeal which first
delighted you.
Call for Coca-Cola by Its
, by its friendly abbreviation, Coke.
It's the real thin;
Wartime limits the supply of Coca-Cols.
Those times when you cannot get It,
remember) Coke, being
first. Ask for It each time.
till iiii'i i 1 L '
In these days of wartime shortages, there may
not be as much Coca-Cola as before. But still
enough for many pauses that refresh. It's wise
to buy ahead for the home refrigerator.
665 Spring St.
NEW YORK, Feb. 10 W) The
question In baseball still is "Who
is going to buy the Phils?" But
there is a new meaning today in
the old familiar query.
Acting as a broker, the Nation
al league yesterday bought up
the slock of its Philadelphia
problem child for-rcsalc to f;
syndicate and thus ended a
weary 10-year reign for grey
haired, handsome Gerry Nugent
as president of tho club.
How soon the ownership will
be passed along to a group of
Philadelphia and New York men
no ono could say today, but
there was every likelihood that
the deal would be completed
quickly possibly today.
League President Ford Frick,
Fred Quinn
Leads Cage
Score Race
Idaho Center Strengthens
Hold On Lead; Eyes New
Northern Division Record
Fred Quinn, snapshooting
University of Idaho center, con
tinued to hold a long lead in the
northern division basketball
scoring race after last night's
game and needs only to average
a little better than 10 per game
for the rest of the season to set
a new record.
He got 12 points against Ore
gon to boost his total to 118. Ray
Turner, Idaho center last year,
set the present record, 192.
Gail Bishop of Washington
State was supplanted in second
place by Beck of OSC, who has
83 points to Bishop's 85.
The leaders:
Quinn, Ida. 9 49 22 118
Beck, OSC 8 31 10 88
Bishop, WSC .. 7 37 14 85
Morris, Wash 8 31 25 80
Gilmur, Wash. .. 8 31 24 79
Wiley, Ore 10 29 16 77
R. Ryan, Ida. .. 9 28 25 71
J. Ryan, Ida 9 28 22 67
Taylor, Ore 10 22 24 67
Gilbertson, Wo,.. .8 29 , 22 : 65
Akins, WSC 7 27 19 64
Kirsch, Ore. '. 10 17 12 64
Fuhrman, Ore. ..10 27 12 60
Cecil, OSC 8 25 16 57
Sheridan, WSC. 7 21 14 52
full name or
first choice, sells oat
The best
- Phone 8632
other club owners and Nugent
wrestled with the sale all day
yesterday at tho annual mooting
of tho National league.
They had r bonafldo bid for
the club, and in order to transfor
a clear title to the new owners,
free of the many obligations that
had encumbered Nugent, the
magnates voted to have the
league buy all available stock,
amounting to 4685 shares of the
5000 issued.
Debts of the club have been
estimated at $130,000 to the
league treasury and $60,000 to
others. The league assumed all
of these and paid Nugent a speci
fied rate per share for his 52
per cent Interest. The best guess
on the price was $12 a share.
which would have brought Nu
gent $31,200 for his 2600 shares.
This made the purchase price
pproximately $250,000, but It
was apparent that Nugent was
greatly disappointed by - the
agreement. There were reports
that, until the league proceeded
last November with steps to
force a sale, Nugent wanted this
much money for his stock alone.
The identity of the prospective
buyers could not be learned ex
cept that Furey Ellis, Philadel
phia broker, was mentioned. It
was understood the league had
made some minor changes In the
proposition offered by the syndi
cate bidders and immediate con
clusion of the deal was delayed
because one of the buyers could
not be reached by telephone.
Bremerton took possession of the
Cross-State High School Basket
ball league lead last night by de
feating Everett, 27-21. Frank
Wright, Bremerton center, was
hi eh scorer with 10.
At Tacoma, Stadium High de
feated Seattle Prep, 55-26 In an
other cross state game. Stadium
held command throughout.
is always the better buy I
SI.48PINT a2
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