February 9, 1943 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE Or CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Index u..".,'jM'u,'irwMMi"ii"i" - - " - ' Apartment! for Kant .........,.... 34 Autottmtlr wmnmwwxi 81 BuiliuM Opportunltlri .................. Ktlui-allonal 13 Flimnrlnl - .................. 4" For Hutu or Trade Furl Heating .................................. S Cieiteral Solicit i Health . 1 Help Wanted, Kamal 14 Help Wanted, Malt 11 Houiat For Kent 21 Mveltock an'l Poiillrjr .... 44 Loll anil Found i Mlicellaneoiu for Kent W Mlncallintout for Halt M Mlictllaneout Wanted ..,.. 43 JPtrtonalt , A 3tl E.tita for flale SO Ileal Eitatt Wanted S3 Room and naril , 30 Rooms for Ktnt ................,.. 31 Sarrlce 10 Situation! Wanted ........ . It To Exchange .......................... 40 Trananortatlon ................ . SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Ritei Payuble In Advance By Mull in Klamath, Lake, Modoc and Sltklyou CounUei Thret Monthi 2.25 Six Montha ...... 3.25 One Year 0.00 Delivered by Carrier In City One. Month t .76 Throe Montha 2.29 One Year ... "750 1 Lott and Found LOST Black and white female Sorlnser spaniel, 5 monthi old D Reward. 2201 Garden. Phone 8272. 2-10 LOST Brown leather wallet. Reward. A. J. Lambert, S31 No. 8lh. 3-9 LOST Sugar ration book be longing to Lou Elton Finley, 1404 Klamath. 3-15 LOST Two augar ration bookt , tor Charlea Ivan Snyder and Lto Foran. 807 High. 211 FOUND Buckle lira chain. Newt-Herald. 2-10 LOST Three augar ration booki. - Melvln, Emmellne Carol Fitzpatrlck. Phone 4435 2-8 BaBBBBBBBaBBBBBBMaBBBnBeBBaBBBBBBaBBBBfl 4 Oeneral Notices I WILL NOT be reipoiulble for - any bills contracted by anyone "' other than myself after Feb' ruary 8, 1043. Edward A. Robert. 21 0 Pertonala MONUMENTS Klamath Fall! Marble and Granite Works, ,118. So. 11th. Phone 6381. 2-9 10 Services INCOME TAX RETURNS ex- pertly prepared reasonable -', charges. We have all forms. ' ' Bring last year's returns. Ap pointmenta evenings and Sun day!. Suite 4, 323 Main, across from courthouse: Phone B07B, Evenings phone 6370 or 4430. W. B. Bowne, P. F. McLaren, 2-10 WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN Phone 8488. 2-13 LACKSMITHINQ and welding. Tractor, truck and farm mach inery repair. Special built ' elevators, stackers and buck ' rakes. s BROWN EQUIPMENT CO. 8049 So. 6th St. Phone 8247 4-23 CHIMNEY SWEEP. Oil burner . service. Furnaces cleaned. - J. A, Tufts. Phone 7140. 2-22 PICTURE FRAMING Gocller'a, 230 Main. 2-14m HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allendor, 731 Main, i Room 218. Phone 7263. 2-16m PAINTING, KALSOMININO w. T. Rrnwn. Phnnn 422R. O ' 2-10m HOUSE CLEANING Art Bono- diet, 6848. 2-0m CROSS CUT AND CIRCULAR SAWS should bo repaired now. Bodcnhnmor Saw and Repair Shop. 361 E. Main. 2-20 PAPERH ANGERS PAINTERS available. Gocller's, 230 Main. Phono 6704. 2-24 DRESSMAKING, formals and alterations, all kinds. Mnrgo, , Whytal'a balcony. 2-28 BRING those crippled household appliances to us for first aid. v. Washers, Ironers, refrigerators . . and oil heaters serviced and repaired, . . VICTORY SERVICE CO. Kaipn, Fuller, now Manager 1008 Prospect ' Phones 6448 or 0173 3-1 REFRIGERATOR, washing ma- china, vAcuum cleaner parts and service, all makes. Merit Washing Mnchlno Service, 611 ' South Sixth. 2-28m (FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3822. 2-28m 34 Automotive 84 Automotive BALSIGER'S Low Priced Cars Down Sal Pay't Prlca '28 Ford Tudor Sedan 137.80 I 75 '31 Chevrolet Coupe 47.80 05 '34 Bulck Sedan 82.60 185 '82 Ford Coup 82.60 168 '33 Chovrolet Tudor ; 78.00 175 38 Ford Sedan 82.80 165 '36 Ford Coup 86.00 195 '34 Chevrolet Tudor 06.00 195 35 Plymouth Sedan 100.00 225 '34 Chevrolet Pickup 116.00 265 '38 Ford Tudor 148.00 . 295 '36 Chevrolet Tudor ................165.00 865 '37 Plym. Deluxe Sedan . 195.00 445 '37 DcSoto 6 Sedan 200.00 495 '38 Ford Coup 250.00 865 38 Bulck Sedan ; 278.00 895 The above cars are In good running condition with exceptionally good tires. Balsiger Motor Cc?. Main and 10 Services BAGS MACHINE CLEANED and patched. People's Ware house Bag Co. 4082U I WILL OBTAIN your delayed birth certificate for you. Chas. . Hathaway, 120 No. 10th St Klamath Falls, Ore. 2-28 BELTS for all makes refriger ators, washers, vacuum clean ers, or general use. .Merit Washing Machine Service, Oil Smith Sixth. 13 Health DR. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic clinic, colon and rectal dis eases. 832 Main. Dial 7218. 2-28m 14 Halp Wanted Femal WANTED First-class steno grapher for business firm on Main street. Permanent posi tion, excellent salary. This is not (he ad of your present employer. Write Herald-News Box 8. 2-10 WANTED Girl or woman for housework in fine home, three blocks from Main. Your own private quarters with radio, etc. Steady Job, good salary, room and board. Phone 4719 2-10 WANTED Housekeeper, Phone 4014. 4985tf 18 Help Wanted. Male MAN OR WOMAN to handle ' good paying Watkins Products route in nearby rural section, customers established, the J. R. Watkins Company, 4812 Hollis St., Oakland, Calif. 2-10 WANTED Barber. Steady work, good wages, near air base. Joe s Barber Shop, Red mond. Ore. 2-11 IB Situations Wanted SEWING Any form shirt col lars, cuffs turned. 821 N. 9th Phone 6240. 2-16 BABYLAND Car of babies and children. Hour, day, or week. 1104 Crescent. Phone 8341. 8-4m HOim WORK Phone 8043. 8-8 20 Room and Board GENTLEMAN NIc horn. 607 High. , 3-14 ROOM -BOARD Gentleman. 604 No. 10th. 2-13 ROOM -BOARD 1841 Main. 2-26 22 Rooma For Rent MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory. Steam heated rooms $3.50 week up. Tran sient $1. 2-21 NICE ROOMS 134 N. 3rd. 2-11 ROOM 920 Lincoln. 4810U CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. $4.00 week. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new Innersprlng mat tresses. Free parking. 2-28m CLEAN, steam heated room. 310 So. fith. 3-1 ROOM FOR RENT 514 No. 10th. 2-12 ROOMS 1034 High. 3-6m 24 Apartmanti For Rent ONE-ROOM APT. with kitchen ette and shower, electrically furnished, Corner Pine and Cedar. 2-10 LARGE 3-room apartment. Part ly furnished. 6686. 221 9 So. 6th. 2-12 ESPLANADE COURT apart ments. Furnished. Walking distance 2-10 FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment. Gas equipment .Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. 117U Esplanad 34 Automotive Shoes Rationed Save Leather by Riding NEW HUDSONS and 1942 BUICK SEDAN can be Delivered Immed iately With Certificate Used Cars 1840 Bulck Sedan, low mileage and mechan ically perfect, $1045 1938 Zephyr Sedan ....$675 1937 Zephyr Sedan ....$483 1937 Bulck Coupe ...;..S550 1938 Chev. Sedan $365 1937 Ford Coupe $433 And 30 Others to Choose From. H. E. Hauger 1330 Main 24 Apartments For Rent LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, 421 Oak. J-12 FURNISHED 3-room apartment. Abundance heat. Garage. Ala meda Apt., 1800 Esp. . 3-9 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Apartment accom modations with hotel service. Complete kitchen and dinett. Day, week or month. Three blocks from city canter. 2-1 lm FURNISHED, HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 133 N. 10th. 2-13 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Utilities furnished. 410 No. 10th. 2-16 VACANCY Jacobs Apartments, Pine and Cedar. lOStf THREE-ROOM furnished duplex apartment. 121 So. 2nd. HOtf VACANCY Hot Springs Court, 221 Spring. 2-11 FURNISHE") four-room modern apartment Two bedrooms. But line. Convenient to rail roads. Phone 7226. 136tf TWO-ROOM APARTMENT Electrically equipped. Adult. No pets. 588 N. 11th. 411tf VACANCY Lee Apartments, 303 So. 5th. Phone 9047. 2-13 VACANCY Winter rat es. Everything furnished. $3.50 week up. 1404 Klamath Ave. 2-12 3-ROOM FURNISHED APT. Close to S. P. station. Inquire 117 No. 8th. 8tf TWO ROOMS Electric range, refrigerator. 020 Lincoln, lltf TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment. Electric range and re frigerator, 1118 Walnut. 420U NICELY FURNISHED one-room apartment. Steam heat, elec tric range and Frlgldaire. . Everything included. $8 week. 1411 Main. 2-15 LIGHT housekeeping room, close In. 405 N. 3rd. 2-15 KANDY APT. $3.50 up. $4.50 utilities furnished. Phone 8836. 410 So. 6th. 3-8 FOUR-ROOM apartment with two bedrooms. Electric range, refrigerator, garage. Also small apartment, elosa In. Ph. 6452. . 426tf VACANCY Rex Arms Apart ments, 224 Broad. Phone 5769. . New management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 8 -8m 34 Automotive 94 Wholesale Cash Prices For Export Cars Wanted -'15 Late Model Cars - Mostly 6-Cyl. Sedans - Must Be In Good Condi tion With Good Rubber . Thet Cart Will Go to Essential War Workers In the Bay Districts. So If You Have Two and Don't Need But One, See Jim Douglas, Purchasing Agent, to Get Cash for Your Car Right Nowl Douglas Motor Co. 734 Klamath Ave. Packard, Hudson, Willy Dealer All Chrysler Product Service 3 Houses For Rent TWO-ROOM partly furnished cabin, $10. Inquire 8440 Board man, Cabin 5. 2-10 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save V4 . Stiles Beacon Service, 1ZUI East Main. Phone 8304. 3-7m GOOD, clean five-room house. hardwood floors, tun rock basement, wood rang and furnace. Close in. Adults. Mrs. R. P. Breitenstein, Rt. 3, Box 250, Xeno Road. 2-12 4-ROOM house, unfurnished ex cept range. 1548 Martin St. 2-9 SMALL MODERN furnished house. Everything furnished. 2123 Btehn. 4192U FOR RENT Partly furnished house. Close in. Inquire 814 Lincoln. 4465U CLEAN 3-ROOM HOUSE Util - ties furnished. 2000 Biehn. 2-27 5-ROOM DUPLEX New, large, unfurnished or with electric stove, refrigerator, furnace. 1133 California. Phone 5658. 344tf BACHELOR CABINS Close in. $10 month. 810 So. 5th 3-4 TWO-ROOM house, partly fur nished. Garage. $12.50. Adults. 1035 Dolores St., Hot Springs. 2-9 WALKING DISTANCE Four rooms, furnished. Lights, wood, water. $25. 138 Mor timer. 2-13 4-ROOM unfurnished house with aun porch. 1704 Johnson. Call 1511 Carlyle, off Crescent ave nue. 2-11 4-ROOM HOUSE, near Mills school, one bedroom. Rent $25. E. Gray Real Estate, 118 No. 7th. 3-11 28 - Miscellaneous For Rant FOR RENT 40 acres good po tato land. Rt. 2, Box 678X, Bradbury Ranch, Henley dis trict 2-9 FOR LEASE Mike Motschen bacher ranch in Lower Klam ath. 880 acres irrigated. Priced low for cash. Crop share to re liable party. Arnold Mots chenbacher, 710 No. 11th. 2-12 DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY. Safety and protection. Cars are not moved or molested. 231 So. 11th. 2-1 lm 30 Real Estate For Sal FOR SALE Restaurant-rooming house with living quarters. Reasonabl. Phone 8205. 2-10 FOR SALE Concrete til build ing, 60x100. In Medford. Good Income. If interested write C. G. Peebler, Medford, Ore. 2-11 EQUITY in modern four-room house. Venetian blinds. Good location, 1321 Wilford. 2-13 TWO-ROOM HOUSE, 1-3 acre ground, garage, woodshed and chicken house. 2010 Hope. 371tf SEE EVERETT DENNIS for real state. 121 N. 8th. Phone 8491. 3-2 SIX ACRES good level irrigated land on Lawevlew hiway with small house. Price $2500. $500 down. FIFTY ACRES good Irrigated land, four miles from town on . old Weed highway. No bulld- ingt. i $7500. Terms. H. E. Hauger, owner, 1330 Main. 2-10 $900 DOWN $35 per month. New unfurnished 5-room and utility, hardwood floors, Ven etian blinds, fireplace, auto matic heat, electric water heat er, large lot. Phone 6405. 2-15 TWO HOUSES In Mills addition. Will accept very low price on either one tor quick sale. Terms can bo arranged. One 1-bedroom, one 2. E. Cray Real Estate, 118 North 7th, phone 4521. 2-11 34 Automotive WANTED TO BUY lH-ton ..late model, truck. Lost River Dairy, . , 351U Automotive 34 Automotive SPOT CASH For Your Car or Equity Cy Wallan's Used Car Lot 531 So. 6th Phone 6310 2-12 NEW CARS are still available for immediate delivery. For the .largest selection of good used cars and pickups see H. E. Hauger, Bulck Garage, 1330 Main. . 2-10 GET YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378.. 3-8m '35 PLYMOUTH COUPE Ex cellent rubber, good mechan ical condition. Call at 915 Jef ferson. 2-11 FOR SALE 1935 four-door se dan.. Good condition. Excel lent tires. Phone 3733. 2-9 FOR SALE 1937 Chevrolet pickup, 5 good tires, $375. C. W. O'Connell, P. O. Box 123, Tulelake. .2-11 WE PAY WHOLESALE PRICES for good clean cars, pickups, trucks. See Vern Moore at Balsiger's. 807tf 35 Fuel Heating UNION BURNER OILS We keep your storage tank full. Call Klamath Oil Co., 8404. 2-26m 36 Miscellaneous For Sal Auction Sale - Saturday Feb. 13, 1943, at 033 Upham street. Watch for complete list Thursday issue this paper.. FOR THE BEST BUY IN TOWN in High-Grade Used Furniture, Stoves and Appliances try PALME R'S BARGAIN HOUSE, 2401 South 6th St., Klamath's Bargain Center. To day's hot special: 5 dandy ra dios. 5 fine davenport suites, with steel spring construction. 10 fine bedroom suites. 20 nice wood ranges. 5 dandy electric ranges. 10 nice dinette sets. 10 wood heaters and cir culators. 5 nice dressers. 5 oc casional chairs. 20 fine floor lamps. 20 fine mirrors. 20 nice hassocks. 100 radio and coffee tables. 100 nice fteel beds. 50 nice steel' springs. 100 good mattresses. 2 large 011 storage tanks. 200 odd tools and shovels. 300 odd dishes and pans. We buy Used Merchandise.. We trade We Giv Terms. Remember the place PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE, 2401 South 6th St., phone 8469. 2-13 ELECTRIC RANGE, bed springs, mattress. Cheap. 3rd house west of Moore Park. 2-9 GLASS Mirrors, resilvering, plate, window and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 627 Walnut. Phone 7378. 3-6m FOR SALE One Postal Tele graph electric clock; one 36 in. Fluorescent light; one com bination desk set, one perfec tion oil heater; one 6-in. elec tric fan; one bassinett crib. Call at 221 Eldorado. 2-0 FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joy , er. 1435 Martin. Phone 5677. 2-28 AVON PRODUCTS Dial 6691. 2-17 FOR SALE Caterpillar '30, 1938 Fordson. Box 115, Spra gue River. ' 2-12 , FARMERS We have lumber as low as $18 per thousand for your brooder house, barn, garage and other farm buildings. No down pay ment, up to three yean to pay. J. W. COPELAND YARDS 66 Main - - Phone 3197 2-11 DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. 4951tf 38 Miscellaneous For Sal RUBBER STAMPS, Printed algnt, made-to-order. Commer cial printing, most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4.h. Phone 6632. 2-9 FOR SALE 100 tons of alfalfa hay in stacks. Inquire J. R. Taylor, Merrill, state line. 2-9 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 2-28m FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool in sulation, blown in with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments as low as $5 per month. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 271tf RIFLE AND SHOTGUN AMMU NITION is now being made available to FARMERS, CAT TLEMEN, and SHEEPMEN for the killing of PREDATORS or RODENTS. This is an OF FICIAL WAR PRODUCTION BOARD set-up and you can place your orders at SOUTH ERN OREGON HARDWARE CO., 528 MAIN ST, KLAM ATH FALLS. FOR SALE 1000 lbs. Michael grass seed, $10.00 per hundred. K. C. Wilson, Malin, Ore. Phone 160.. 2-12 FOR SALE Electric washing machine, used 3 months, six sheet size, nearly new, $35 cash. Electric refrigerator, 6.2 size, used 3 . months, good as new, $150 cash. News-Herald Box 215. 2-11 NEW BALLOON bicycle tires; also used bicycles. Poole's Bicycle Store. 2-15 FULLER BRUSHES CALL 532 So. Riverside. Phone 3348. R. V. MORGAN. 3-8m 38 For Sal or Trad FOR SALE OR TRADE SO-arro improved ranch, on highway 5 miles from center of Klam ath Falls. Address Boxholder 4979, Herald-News. 2-9 WALNUT DINING SET. table. buffet six chairs, excellent condition. Price $45. Phone 3957. . 2-H 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO RENT FivMnnm house in good school district. rranK Ulanton, Pacific Fruit 2-10 WILL PAY CASH for a pressure - cooker, prefer '12 to-18-quart size. Phone 3291. . 2-13 WANTED 8 mm electric pro jector. Phone 6552. 2-10 WANTED Used pianos. Spot cash. Louis ft. Mann, tuner, Derby's, 120 N. 7th. Phone 4519 or 7175. 2-25 TRAPPERS We are paying top Drices for covote. muskrntx lynx cats. Geo. E. Upton, Raw ur ueaier, f orest Grove, Ore. 2-7 CASH FOR USED RIFLES 30-30, 25-35, and 32-20's. Pre ferably carbine models and in any condition. Bring them in for appraisal to SOUTHERN OREGON HARDWARE at 528 Main St. 4977tf WANTED TO RENT Farm- Cash or crop basis. Box 35, Olene. 2.9 WANTED TO RENT irnfnr nished two-bedroom house. Adults. Box 272, city. 2-11 4-ROOM HOUSE, completely fur nished. No wood heat Base' ment preferable, also electric range, refrigerator, washing machine. Phone 8368. 2-9 44 Livttcck and Poultry FOR SALE OR TRADE One 2-year-old registered Poland China boar. Also boar pigs, 20 tons 2nd cutting alfalfa hay. Bob Adams, Tulelake Calif. 2-9 FOR SALE OR TRADE Guern sey heifer. Freshen March. Rt. 2, Box 498, So. 6th. 2-9 SEE US BEFORE selling your livestock to so-called shippers. We need cattle and hogs here at home and it will pay you to sell direct to us. Pauley Packing Co. Phone 5323, nights 3505. 4970tf WANTED TO BUY Milk niwi: also Guernsey heifer calves, weaned. State price. R. C. Prudhomme, 5102 So. 6th St. Phone 4943. 1 2-8U A beautiful room costs only flag " Mart THE MIRACLE WALL FINISH BIG BASIN LBR. CO. Main at Spring . Phone 3144 44 Livestock and Poultiv tiaMMai.....VVVyWuwlJ WANTED Cattle, sheep and hogs. J. D. Beckley. Phone 7334 evening!. 4953tf 46 Financial ....... inrir.-nin n.imu Lawrence Leochner For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Slmnld Credit Rmn Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Signers Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. K. A. Moore M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 2-28m CASH LOANS WITHOUT MDORSEBa ! WATS TO OET A CO.V3UMEB CASH LOAN PBOXB . WEITK . COllS IK Ton aacd 00 co-ilgntra or aadomrs to gtt a con.umtr loaa THREE LOAN PLANS NO. 1 INCOME LOANS On jour oota only. Xo wf sulgo- menu. No co-tignert. NO. S FURNITURE LOANS Tour character U mora important than ttaa furnltar. UwJf. NO. ft AUTO LOANS 20 to 1600 catb toani tad reft saadng. CONSUMERS CREDIT COMPANY (MESS 720 Pine St. S-09) Phone 7711 1.28m First Federal Has Plenty of Money , Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms -:- Low Rate FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5195 2-28m LOANS Established 8 Years In Klamath County Furniture Loans Signature Loans Livestock Loans . $25 to $300 Rogers Finance Co S-189 412 Main - ""' Dial 5113 2-28m REFINANCING If you want to refinance your mortgage, ask us about the Equitable Plan Low interest rates Prompt service. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 111 N. 9th Phone 4564 WANTED TO LOAN Private money on farm acreage. Must be well secured. Box 74, News- Herald. 2-10 SEARS, ROEBUCK & Co. LIVE PIG DEMONSTRATION Admission FREE to the Big Pig Show now going on In our store I Here' the plot . . . ' We're feeding two pigs from the same litter, same starting weight, right here where you can watch 'em. Both pigs have an even start, and are getting exactly the same care. Only dif ference it in the way they are fed. One pig gets Purina He Chow plut Grain. The other pig is on a ration of grain alone. "Actiont ipeak louder than words." So we're keeping mum, nd letting the pigt SHUW you the big difference in pork gaint when you supplement your grain with Purina HOG CHOW. See 'em, folks, next time you're in town. VII CREK-I-FIQTABS Don't wane good pl fctd on wormi. Chek.R.Plgtaba are aafe.ttonomleal and eaiYloadminitter. Order abo.' SEARS, ROEBUCK Co. Farm Garden Queen a 1 f J ij" i I ill - -fe. There had to be one, and her she 1 Hollywood's Victory . Garden Queen. Esther Williams, . one-time international .swim champion, isn't fooling when she urges everybody to help ward off food shortages by planting victory gardens. . ., Hedy's Steady? Hedy Lamarr and actor John Loder, rumored romancing, makes eyes at the camera at a Hollywood premier. I V ft .''y rft 'Am lip It ;Ji,-f I V il I 40 In Come in Lnd tee out, Store