SERIAL STORY THE TERRIBLE EYE BY EDWIN RUTT COPYRIOHT, IC4S. NA aCNVICK. INC. lirasarkabta Indeed la d vl Invented hr Jonah Loitan. Ha rnlla l "The Terrible Kre." Seenea of both the distant and bamrdtate paat ean be re-created and telerlard thronjeh uaa of thla fantaatle Instrument. Jonah I.o aran trlea unaurcesafullr to reach multl - millionaire camera klnr Ilenrr I., rhannlna; nt hla olllce, o ho decldea to call Intormallr at ChannlnK'a raUte. Aa Losan .and hla aaalatant. Mahoaer. climb rer the wall to Ma forblddca atrance. hey are discovered hr a airl who Immcdlatrlr become The Girl la Jonah'a IMa. CHAPTER III "THIS," he said, "will tell you ' everything. Except your (weight." ' "Logan, Logan, Logan, Ma honey and Logan," the girl read from the card. "Historical Pan oramas, Inc. Jonan A. jogan, Pres." She looked up. "My good ness, our stocks of Logans are certainly complete. All colors, all sizes, all prices. But where are 'the rest of them?" Mahoney sounded of! unexpect edly, from the tree. "See?" he said to Jonah. "That name's con iusin'. Now if you'd of took my advice and called the firm plain Logan and Mahoney,' people wouldn't . . "Boys, boys," said the girt. "No fighting." Jonah turned to her apologet ically. "Don't mind, Mahoney. .He's always glooming." "I don't mind Mr. Mahoney at all," the girl said. "But 1 am beginning to mind your not telling me why you're here?" ' Jonah camouflaged a feeling of uncertainty by a bold remark. "I could tell you better if I knew your name," he said. . She considered. At last: "Oh, all right. It's Hildy." "Hildy," Jonah repeated rever ently. "That's perfect. Makes me think of autumn leaves just as they're turning from red to yellow. Or is it yellow to red?" "I wouldn't know," said Hildy. "The autumn leaves were your Idea." "So they were. But, to answer you, I came to see a Mr. Henry L. Channing." "Well," said Hildy, "I don't like to discourage you. But you've got a fat chance of seeing him as long as that thing is in evidence." She pointed suddenly at the model of the Terrible Eye. Jonah blinked. "What's that got to do with it?" ; "Practically everything. It's a -camera. And Mr. Mahoney is carrying photographic equipment Well, Mr. Channing is very aller gic to photographers." "But I dont get it He's the camera king of America, isn't he? I should think he and a couple of photographers would be Brother Silks." "You would think so," Hildy eaid, in a sympathetic voice. "But Mr. Channing 'has had plenty of (trouble with photographers." From on high Mahoney repeat ed a gloomy prediction. "They'll run you out by the seat of your pants. Like Jimmy Durante." "Silence, Mahoney! Listen, Hildyf I assure you- that I'm no common photographer." Jonah patted the Terrible Eye affection ately. "This little gadget is a kind lot camera, of course. But what a camera I why, this neat fawn. colored housing conceals a ma chine that could knock the whole darn world on its beam ends." TJILDY gave a little shriek. "Oh, Lord. It's a bomb. And you're subversive. Go away." "Relax," . said Jonah. "The mechanism, though colossal, is harmless." : "All right," said Hildy. Til Hake your word for it Why do you want to see my er Mr. Channing?" "So," said Jonah, who had quick ears, "Mr. Channing is something to you?" "Well, you could say that we're f elated. He's my father." "Gosh, he's playing In hick, Isn't he? I mean, having a daugh ter like you." Hildy Channing kicked at a nest of pine needles. Her blue eyes were clouded. "Listen," she said surprisingly, "I don't understand all this. But if you're trying to sell my father a bill of goods or take him for a ride or something, I'm with you. Heart and souL" Jonah stared at her. "You ac tually mean that?" he asked in credulously. "I certainly do. I might as well tell you, Mr. Logan . . ; "Jonah." "Okay, Jonah. The plain fact lis that Father and I are having a feud. Compared to us, the Hat fields and the McCoys were chums." Jonah grinned. "You don't say. Tell me about it." : "Not yet," said Hildy. "The floor's yours. I'm simply dying Ho know about this Infernal ma Icliine you have." I "Well," Jonah's brows wrinkled, 'lt's a little Involved. But I'll try to explain without getting too technical. You see on that card !the words, 'Historical Panoramas'? Well, believe it or not, this inven tion of mine which, for lack of a better name, I call the 'Terrible Eye' can reproduce past events." I Hildy shook her head. "I don't .igetit." "To grasp what I'm talking about," Jonah said, "you have to realize that everything that hap pens on earth, or ever has hap pened, makes an impression on the light rays current at the time of the event Do you follow?" TJILDY CHANNING sighed. "This must be a special brand of double talk." "Okay. Don't believe me. But I'm telling you facts." "Well, go on. It's fascinating." "Dam it," said Jonah. "I can prove it. Look, the light rays that have passed off into this lim bo aren't necessarily lost And they still retain the Impressions that events have made on them. Now, by means of this invention" he tapped the Terrible Eye fcouolcd with some aDDaratus that Mahoney carries, I can recall cer tain of these light rays. Stacks of 'em, in fact They undergo a kind of refining process in my machine and I'm able to project them onto a screen just as you do the pictures on an ordinary movie film. Catch?" Hildy looked at him narrowly. He seemed sober. "For the benefit of my back ward feminine mind." she said, "let's take a concrete example. Not that I'm falling for this utter tripe. But suppose I wanted to see oh, say the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Could you go into this limbo place and get it for me with your your what-do-you-call-it here?" ; "Certainly," said Jonah. "How far back into history can you go?" Hildy asked, in the tone one adopts when humoring a luna tic. "Pretty far," Jonah told her. "I picked up a shot of Cleopatra the other day. Incidentally, she wasn't so hot Black as the ace of spades." "You are telling me that you did that with this Innocent-looking little gadget?" "No, no," said Jonah. "This is just a working model. I've got a larger machine in a place I've rented near here. That's the baby that brings in the real stuff." Hildy looked fearfully at the model of the Terrible Eye. "But what will this thing do?" "Well, this works pretty good," said Jonah. "It would pick up anything that's happened around here in the last few days." "Oh, my goodness," said Hildy. She gave him a searching look. "Listen, Jonah, this is pretty hard to swallow. But you seem awfully earnest about it So let's assume it's true. If so, you ought to smash your machines into little pieces and forget the whole idea. Why, it's just plain dynamite." (To Be Continued) Ultimate victory will be ours. And when the curse of Hitler Ism is wiped off the face of the earth, the United Nations can only effectively hasten the task of spiritual and material con struction by recognizing that the cause for which we arc fighting is the cause of all men everywhere. Undersecretary of Stale Sumner Welles. A hot tip on the. market has a habit of leaving people out in the cold. $1 iuy$ ONE INTRENCHING SHOVEL One intrenching shovel might get an American "dug in" just in time to dodge a bullet. War Stamps buy intrench ing shovelsl If you really believed that renting your spare room could dig trenches that save lives you'd get going, wouldn't you? I'm a Herald and News Want Ad, and I'm enlisted for the duration. Phone me at 3124 and I'll turn YOUR spare room into intrenching shovels! Herald and News Wanr-Ads Get Results Out Our Way By J. R. William. Our Boarding Homo . With Moor Hooplt - 'ENA YET--KIDS f I SAID I'D TAKE. MI 1 llffflM 1 A WICK CURE FO' HMD MISERIES COMMON COLD.'" T FEfcR 42 - g I RECUPERATE TDO l CARE OF THE if W MV I ; LAK SOU GOT, MlSTArA MAJOR.!--) I'V)& TRAINED MM FACULTIES - I J QUICK..' ONCE MORE V CHILDREN FOR . V I1 f K? ( DRINK A CUPPA LV30TH A TO THE BREAKlNS POINT WTH '-1 AMMhSSli J v -i-f . ) LKhr TO ' k MDE H0OT 0WL'4 scientific labors that, d?LZ,KAVE J hIM7HEM'f- fiffl $7 NECKLACE JJ PLUS MENTAL UUEASJES6 j piprrtFMV- pTrnsTTTn -iflM1-" ''( womb out of a goats fir about tax matters-- f TMbFV IMrV ' LJjZ-ii M 1 BEARD 'ROUND SOU J -f NO, WHAT I NEED IS REST rmXYC H n n i ! - rWN' . .M- ru .S, ;S I AND FOOD - IS THERE: h I ?$2L ' ' Vr--V rAORE OP THAT -.... --tWifi' " ' - "! , ' " ( CHEESE Iri THE ) " 1 ij WHY MOTHERS GET GRAY flym " J I- J .BilliL. PLU5 CHEE55 J HOLD EVERYTHING! THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson lkV:- 3 ' FRANCE, fl 4 -Traggi along about wei, a VVMy PERSON CONVICTED OF 1 !aSi7?Sslw SELLING jRAjOGtkS HI J5t A95Ns S1?53 was placed on the lllj !YfeJ fegk EGGS WERE GIVEN tj3 7 ttbTSr-C- y IzM TO CHILDREN TO 3 m iu y Monvcncz. inc. frffr , jM t. h. tm u. a. pat. ofF. yMBjo-P4MT ' ' iC ' vaave biro, -1 fjHSW) i OP AFRICA, ACTUALLY TS i V t2f I ; , AWT IN WEAVING IT5 . 1 " a ry k y curious nest. iERE DID GENERAL. I Sj PERSHING GET THE c ' NICKNAME, GtACKACKf 'tT Mm,! aai.i 1' fr-r-ar-aa-a-arT m ar "" .71 ANSWER: From bis long service as an offlcec In- theJTentb'' V. S, Cavalry, a famous Negro regiment.. , HORIZONTAL 1,7 Pictured movie actor. 15 Ascends. 16 Bearing cirri, 17 Rips. 20 Parent. 21 Symbol for tantalum. f.1 Electrified particle. 25 Liberate. 28 Snake. 29 Above. 31 Stutterers. 34 Nostrils. 35 Collect. 36 Deer track. 37 Senior (abbr. 38 Nova Scotia (abbr.). '39 Genus of maples. '43 Car. 45 Helmet omamentN 46 Condiment , vial. 4B Dry. 49 Native metals. MOVIE ACTOR Answer to Previous Puzzle IQiUIEIEINI IMMriv'I Ikiiims T N L Ell CMj I Ypa P A g NTT CEpHlE R O aBl ITlNpNO UUttN E-lMfiB QRAlLl T OlLlUI I 5LAM COga OPEN EkJAM hatII bfelAlTl lIeIpTeIr 51 Before. 52 Electrical term. 64 Sacred song. 66 Snaky fish. . 68 Crown. 61 Require. $2 Gazes fixedly. VERTICAL . 1 Shares, as determined by supplies. 2 Either. 3 Two (prefix). 4 East Fr.). 5 Ridge of sand near water's surface. , 6 Czars. 8 Out of . (prefix), 9 Clamp. 10 Desires , strongly. 11 Hour (abbr.). 12 Behold! 13 Compound ether. 14 12 months (pl.). 18 Makes slower. 19 Line of ; junction. 23 Elliptical. 24 Roman emperor. 27 Symbol for iridium. 28 Measure. 30 Soak hemp. . 32 Deportment. 33 Manuscript (abbr.). 37 Body of water 39 Winglike part, 40 Remedy. 41 Prince. 42 Recovers. 43 He is -" actor. 44 On top of.y 47 Peruses. 50 Slashed, i 53 Perceive. 55 Sheep's bleat (var.). 57 French article 69 Doctor (abbr.). 60 Ells English ' (abbr.). . , LX '?5t " lrr? 5 f-v.f ?Sf. 3T" 1 Mm Ml 3 : ZW-fir gvj -yi ' ' ' ' M , VT W?: 41 j &e mfc , w-X - - fir irmwr tL2sA a T " 1 1 11 1 7 L-4 ' K't imiiui Mnq. we. t a wc m. t e Red Rydor By Fred Harmon "Qit Ic Ihttrtt anv rhnnn fit me becoming an officer like you be fore I get to be an old fossil?" BIRD EMBROIDERY FOR CHEERFUL NOTE 7487 by Alice Brooks. First call to spring in charm ing bird motifs for your bed spread! The birds perch, fly, flutter their wings and look real enough to burst into song. Each has a different flower background a chance for colorl Pattern 7487 contains a trans fer pattern of eight S'bxS'A- inch motifs and eight smaller motifs; stitches; materials needed. To obtain this pattern send 11 tents in coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep It and the num ber for reference. Bo sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No. , to followed by your name and address. Dealer shortages put new value on used merchandise. Cash In on your "junk" through a classified ad. Phone 3124. o?a'S?-?.,Fr?SV- I I iP.LrVV E V5-V PIEWPAO I 1CANM t.MFJ TRf to ?U1-Uf I OM .1 WA AWT ???IS rSPl-.y tG 1 1 - le s go WJVS! hw. van 1 mcip Mvstir rnof cia I imimkw cot VJSWS.K'yI TSiw I 1 f PE-NP OP f A'PjT-' SIRGUH 1KAT HANiilN' r0 . HOR1t J MEe, UMHB , I rCLE UP l, THlSSTurrty I -METXJOgH VJE .lft.'rjfcC W.OU1 litHD5,I OUISiPS? WtUki IM INfcRY 1MI OANCAGC 1 p s Freckles and His Friondi By Blotter jEBRy, ... New GAL, MAS ALL OP TUB FELLOWS GOING 'COONO IM ORCLES BUT IT SEEMS LARD HAS -TUB SmjATTOM , WELL IN HAND Swe's A Honey, LAROJ WHO is SHBf wuy DONTM30 guys cur im AND TAKE HER OFF MY HANDS? SHeS A Terrible Men DAD IS A Fugitive From aucatraz amd hep. litre brother. MURDERED HER. I'M THE ONLf FELLOW HERE WITHOUT A CRIMINAL PBOltXI. i JERRV IF TH6y HOPS' I iky ra cur in-j ihev won r i iRr 1 i. i -J VAX )M r I Ml I VvW 00 AcrviATSJ WITH THBMf I WANT TO SET A GOOD EXAMPLI ,FOR TH6M AND WAIT U. VOU SS THB ONI I'M GOOKIMJ- UP vutv J I Wash Tubbt By Crane WHAT V 1 DO NOT KMOIN. IT V TSMElliT L6T MB 1 f C VES, WW WOaD A OrFICBROF THE ( THAT OKAKLIT 15 THAT l)TlaV. WA4 W1 TO MB J LIKE REAL SEE... THE . L UT& (SUARD BE SMOKIN6 AMEWCAU ) HEIMB . MM am. I SPH rf-nin.-iJT- M ",., VCI6AP-ETSfJ ff MUST 6e KNOW HOW I t 1 ' f llffll not uke wHYjrHws ,tJrrvzrtVTi " jp.v v tmwusTam. Boors and Her Buddies By V. T. Hamlin X il ukv won m iJ Uij W it ' I JJ s Allop Oop By Martin I WELL t,- L'WlVl T HYM. fKI, H V . A WT. ft, Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray SPOSE ITS ALL RIGHT FOR HANS HURT. OR ANY OTHER FRIEND a UNCLE MALCOLM. TO USE A SECRET WAV TO COMB AN GO"UNCLE" KNOWS. 71 C 'a COULD ASK "UNCLE" "BOLfT HOW ITS DONE-- WHERE TK SECRET PASSAGE IS AN' WHERE IT GOES --BUT SOMEHOW, fM SORTA SCARED TO ASK" AND I HAVENT MENTIONED THAT SECRET STWR I FOUND. LEADIN DOWN FROM MY ROOM" HM-M..RND 1 WyTi TllbM I ion IT 1 "UNCLE" MALCOLM MUST BB DO I FEEL Al l. RlfiHT" WHY SORTA LEERY ABOUT HIM? "DADDY" ALWAYS SAID MALCOLM MITT WAS A SWELL. GUY" HAS HE CHANGED SINCE DADDY" KNEW Him f dlmI 1 flf iim i ii mmmmm AND THAT BUTLER. RAITS--HeS A A COLD FISH-AND HAWKINS-SHE6 ALWAYS SNOOPIN' AROUND WELL" WHEN IN DOUBT, KEEP YER MOUTH SHUT AN' BOTH EYES OPEN" EH, SANDY? 1 rrn rm M 1 1 1 a I i ii -ym i i 1 1